Hanna Yo Tecno
Hanna Yo Tecno
Hanna Yo Tecno
- Internet
20215626 3H 05/09/22
Competence: U n d e r s t a n d s t h e I n t e r n e t b a c k g r o u n d a n d
knows its main concepts.
Timelines: Are graphic representations from the past and time; its elaboration within
the class allows the student to learn the meaning of historical time.
Depending on its purpose and content, notions that allow understanding historical time can be identified, for
example: changes, continuity, duration, succession, simultaneity, stages or periods.
a) Before starting the elaboration of timelines, is important for the students to identify and
apply historical notions about conventional time measurements: year, century, millennium;
representation and meaning of terms A.C and B.C.; representation of centuries with roman
b) Once you identify the historical notions about the Internet History, draw your timeline,
using the appropriate resources.
c) Investigate on the Internet the following concepts
Topic Definition
HTTP: (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules for transferring files.
URL: Is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address
or link)
DNS: Turns domain names into IP addresses, which browsers use to load internet
Client and client’s program: Any of CLIENT'S product or technology development programs.
Later, share your table and write a conclusion about the basic concepts.
Well, every concept is different, they could use for similar things but they are different.
d) Identify the internet connection forms: RTB, RDSI, ADSL, wire, Wi-fi, Bluetooth, GSM, G3,
via satellite.
Write the bibliographical sources consulted
Author: Vladislav Herchykau
via satellite.