Track Code
Track Code
Track Code
CONGRATULATIONS! You have earned a spot on the MJHS Track and Field Team. It is
important to remember that being a part of the team is a privilege, not a right. With that privilege comes a
high level of responsibility and expectations from the coaches. As a member of the team, you will be
expected to meet high levels of conduct on and off the track. Participants will follow all school rules as
outlined in the student-parent handbook. This paper outlines the expectations of the MJHS Track and
Field Team for this season. All information for the team will be communicated verbally to students, as
well as be available on Microsoft Teams 2022 Memorial Track page
GRADES: Per the Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA), any student with the grade of “F” in
any class is unable to participate in practices and meets. If a student has an academic grade of “F”, they
may not attend practices and/or track meets for one week. When grades are checked again, if the student
is passing, they may return to practices/meets the following week. Grades will be checked each week.
Remember you are STUDENT athlete, which means academics take precedence.
BEHAVIOR: As a member of the MJHS track and field team, you are a representative of our school. As
a team member, you must maintain good behavioral standing as a student at Memorial Junior High
School. Any student involved in a fight, or who receives an in or out of school suspension will be
removed from the team with no exceptions. You may not attend practice or a meet if you are supposed to
serve a detention that day. After your third detention you will be removed from the track team.
ATTENDANCE: As a member of the MJHS track and field team, you are expected to attend and be on
time to all scheduled practices AND track meets. Buses will be provided for away meets; however, the
bus will only take you back to school. Practices end at 4:30 p.m. At track meets, students are permitted to
leave once they have finished their events. Students MUST check in with one of the coaches so that we
know who you went home with. Ride must be present to pick student athletes up no later than 10 minutes
after a track meet or practice. If a student is not being picked up within those 10 minutes, they will be
removed from the team the third time it occurs. It is the responsibility of each track team member to
inform their parents of track meet times and practice times. Three unexcused absences to practices will
result in a dismissal from the team.
MEETS: While at meets you will be responsible for your actions, trash, and reporting to your events
when called. Coaches will be running the meets and/or assisting with timing/measuring events. This
means each student athlete is in charge of paying attention to when events are called and where they need
to report. Also, students are responsible for making sure the area cleaner than when they arrived. Finally,
make sure you are prepared with appropriate attire, a water bottle, shoes, uniform, and possibly a snack.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Thank you for supporting your student athlete on the track and field team.
Please know that during track meets coaches are coaching, timing, and measuring for events. We ask that
all spectators remain in the bleachers (if available). If it is a home meet, we ask that all spectators remain
off of the infield and along the sides of the track.