AIS Athletics & Activities Parent Student HANDBOOK 2023-24
AIS Athletics & Activities Parent Student HANDBOOK 2023-24
AIS Athletics & Activities Parent Student HANDBOOK 2023-24
The athletics program at AIS is divided into three seasons; fall, winter and spring. A try-out is held and the
coach is responsible for selecting the team. We encourage everyone to try out although it should be
remembered that it is a competitive program and therefore it is not possible to guarantee a place.
Click HERE for more details of Athletics and HERE for more details of Activities.
Fall season: Soccer (HS & MS), Volleyball (HS), Cross-Country (HS & MS), & Tennis (MS)
Winter season: Basketball & Swimming (HS & MS)
Spring season: Track & Field (HS & MS), Tennis (HS), Softball (HS & MS), Volleyball (MS) & Baseball (HS)
These programs are the responsibility of the Events Office team which is Andy Harrison; Karin Hackl, Claudia
Bonek, Lucija Kvaternik, Kevin Payton and Nick DeForest.
The Events Office team is responsible for administering the Athletics, Activities and ASA programs. In addition,
the Events Office Team organizes all travel arrangements, rentals, school busing, calendar management and
Table of Contents
A. General Principles & Purpose ………………………………..………3
B. Fundamental Principles …………………………………..…….………3
C. Participation Requirements ……………………………………….….4
D. Travel Probation System ……………………………………….……..5
E. Athletics Competition Eligibility ……………………………….……5
F. Substance Abuse-Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs ……….….6
G. Behavior Expectations ………………………………………….…..…7
H. Sports Physicals ………………………………………………….……...7
I. Social Media Guidelines……………………………………….………..8
J. Costs ………………………………………………………………….………….8
K. Transgender Policy………………………………………….……...…...9
L. Your child’s coach will…………………………………….….…....….10
M. Athletics Banquets……………………………………….……………...10
N. Boosters ……………..……………………………………….……….…….10
6. For more information on why we do, what we do. Please go to that section of our athletics
B. Fundamental Principles
To be of maximum effectiveness the AIS Athletics and Activities program at AIS will incorporate the AIS
Core Values, RESPECT ASPIRE & ACHIEVE for all participants. As such the programs will;
1. be coordinated with and understanding of the general instructional program and properly linked
with other departments of the school thereby challenging all members of the AIS community to
promote a well balanced, quality program which enables students to achieve their best.
2. be such that the number of students in the program and the educational aims achieved, justify and
respect the use of the budget.
3. confine the AIS Athletics and Activities program to events which are sponsored and supervised by
the proper school authorities so that all students may be nurtured and any exploitation or improper
use of prestige built up by school teams or members of such teams may be avoided. Thereby
allowing students to aspire to be the best they can be.
4. be planned in such a way as to include as many individuals as possible, within the restraints of a
competitive program, giving them the opportunity to explore a wide variety of sports and activities.
Reasonable, respectful, season limits for each listed sport or activity will be set.
5. engender fairness, respect for the rules and policies under which the school conducts its program.
6. challenge all athletes by giving playing opportunities to all athletes in all regular season games.
This will be a minimum of 10%-20% of the game. During end of season tournaments playing time
could be more limited. This gives students the opportunity to achieve their aspirations.
7. nurture athletes through tryouts by explaining the criteria for selection and the process of the
tryout. The selection will be announced by the coaches immediately at the end of tryouts. Athletes
should feel comfortable asking coaches for feedback throughout the tryouts.
8. respect that some athletes play a sport ‘year round’ in clubs. In such a case athletes must commit
to an agreed level of school practices and the end of season tournament as a minimum.
2. Students are expected to fulfill all requirements of the sport or activity including taking part in
events, meetings, practices and tournaments.
3. No student may participate in any game or practice if he/she has not attended school for at least
two periods during that school day. The relevant Principal and the Director of the Events will review
extenuating circumstances.
4. No student may participate in two sports in the same season. A student may choose to participate
in a sport and activity. However, it is important that conflicts with end of season events are
avoided. Generally, it is not possible to be on a sports team AND in a drama production at the same
5. Students must realize that their academic studies should be of primary concern, and the depth of
commitment in athletics or activities is often overlooked. Students must understand that when
they commit to a sport or activity it should be followed to its conclusion.
6. All students are responsible for maintaining their grades. This means that when a student is
scheduled to travel and miss school for any activity it is the students’ responsibility to:
7. Students must follow all health protocols and regulations provided by the Events Office.
Middle School
Grade level teachers will provide current information at their
Student Support Team (SST) meetings. This information and input
from the Middle School Principal, Counselors and the Director of
the Events Office will determine which students are placed on travel probation. The student and his/her
parents will be involved in a conversation that will result in a plan to improve the student's performance
and allow them to return to full participation.
High School
When students have one F or two D's or unsatisfactory effort grades they will be placed on travel
probation. The HS Principal, Counselors and the Director of the Events will treat each case individually
and ensure that students, teachers and parents are aware. A period of time will be set for grades to
ISST & DVAC tournaments are divided into high school and middle school, however in SOME cases a
middle school student may be selected for a varsity team. This is seen as an exception. Such cases will be
reviewed by the Director of the Events Office, the MS Principal and the parents concerned. Selection will
be based on ability, maturity and academic standing.
Smoking, drinking alcohol and the abuse of drugs is not permitted under any circumstances.
Participating students must be aware that participation in the athletics and activities program at AIS is a
privilege and carries with it a responsibility to promote a positive role model for our younger students.
Therefore smoking, drinking alcohol and the abuse of drugs is not permitted under any circumstances,
on or within 1km of the school campus.
If an administrator, faculty member, coach/sponsor or parent reports a student for any breach of the
above of the above then the following guidelines, with minimum penalties outlined below, will assist the
Principal and the Director of Athletics, Activities and Events in determining the appropriate response.
Self-Referral Protocol
From the AIS Procedure Manual (
A student who self-reports a problem with alcohol or drugs will be offered all means of support from
school employees to assist the student with prevention and recovery. Parents will be notified and
recommendations will be made concerning support options and next steps.
This is considered a non-disciplinary situation and confidentiality will be maintained. In the event that a
student reports behavior that suggests an imminent risk of personal harm or harm to others, additional
school employees may need to be informed.
In the event of certain serious cases, for instance, a threat to commit suicide, the parents will be
As such;
1.Participating students should not miss an activity except for the following reasons:
2. It is the responsibility of the participating students to inform the supervisor of regular or long-term
absences. Such absences may result in the temporary or permanent removal of that student from the
co-curricular activity.
3. Supervisors have the right to exclude a student from all or part of a sport or activity if behavior gives
the supervisor reason to doubt the student's ability to comply with the rules and expectations of the sport
or activity. Students will be warned if their behavior is raising this type of doubt.
4.Supervisors have the right to remove a student from the program should it be necessary. This will be
considered a disciplinary action and any such decision will involve the Student, the parents, the Director of
the Events Office and the appropriate Principal.
5. All students representing AIS on an away trip must conform to the curfew and further risk mitigation
steps communicated by the coach.
Should a violation of the rules occur on a trip then a coach or chaperone may have to return to Vienna
with the student at the expense of the student's family.
H. Sports Physicals
There are no specific sport physicals required at AIS.
However, all students are required to submit an updated medical history and physical exam before they
resume school as a grade 6 or grade 9 student as well as all new students.
Those who have not submitted the medical updates will not be permitted to practice or participate on sports
teams. For more information please go to our Family Handbook or contact the school nurse.
1. Be mindful of your online presence: a. Remember that anything you post online can be seen by a wide
audience, including friends, family, coaches, and college recruiters. b. Use privacy settings to control who
can see your posts and limit access to trusted individuals. c. Avoid sharing personal information, such as
your home address, phone number, or sensitive details about yourself or your teammates.
2.Think before you post: a. Consider the potential consequences of your posts before sharing them,
especially if they involve the school, your teammates, or upcoming games. b. Avoid posting content that
may reflect negatively on yourself, your team, or the school. c. Refrain from posting offensive,
discriminatory, or disrespectful material, including derogatory comments about others.
3.Promote positive sportsmanship: a. Encourage positive interactions and support for your teammates,
opponents, and other athletes on social media platforms. b. Celebrate achievements and successes of your
team and other athletes in a respectful manner. c. Avoid engaging in online arguments, conflicts, or
cyberbullying. Treat others with respect and kindness.
4.Respect copyright and intellectual property: a. Do not share copyrighted material, including images,
videos, or music, without proper permission or attribution. b. If you share content created by others,
ensure you give credit to the original source.
5.Seek guidance from your coaches and mentors: a. If you are unsure about what is appropriate to post
or have any concerns, seek advice from your coaches, mentors, or school administration. b. They can
provide guidance on maintaining a positive online presence and addressing any questions or issues that
may arise.
6.Consequences of policy violations: a. Failure to adhere to this social media policy may result in
disciplinary actions, including loss of playing time, suspension, or other consequences, as determined by
the school administration and athletic department.
Remember, your online presence can have a lasting impact on your personal and athletic journey. By
following this social media policy, you can help maintain a positive image for yourself, your team, and your
J. Costs
For travel by road, rail or air to competitions outside of Vienna each student will pay 120% of the cost.
(The extra 20% is used to help defray the trip expenses of coaches and chaperones.) Parents will receive
an invoice from the school via email for trips and/or tracksuits AFTER the trip has taken place.
At the start of the season parents will be made aware of their travel commitments with an estimated
cost for each trip. If a student cannot travel he/she must note this on the contract.
If a student has committed to travel on the contract and pulls out of the trip for ANY reason
there may be cancellation costs. This does not apply to students who have been placed on travel
probation. AIS will try to reduce or eliminate all cancellation costs with the transportation provider and
the hotel but that is not always possible. AIS does not take out travel cancellation or health insurance
for trips.
K. Transgender Policy
Guidelines to support transgender students, coaches, host families, Athletic Directors and the
general community.
AIS endorses the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, which recognize the equal entitlement to all rights and freedoms outlined,
“without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status” (Article 2).
This policy is aligned and in conjunction with the ISST Transgender policy which supports
goals of visibility, protection and inclusion.
For the full policy with includes information about housing please visit the ISST website;
2. prescribed professional development courses in, at least concussion in sport, child safety, sudden
cardiac arrest and fundamentals of coachings.
3. form a google hangout group at the start of each season. Players will be reminded of upcoming
practices, games, exchanges and tournaments through this connection as well as in person.
5. follow all of the AIS General and Fundamental Principles and Purposes
M. Athletics Banquets
After the completion of the spring season, the Booster Club honors all athletes at the HS Athletic
Banquet and the MS Awards Night. Each athlete will receive a certificate for each team they participate
Coaches will also select one MVP and one MIP from their teams to receive a special medal. Selected
athletes will also receive special awards. For more information about our special athletic awards,
please click HERE.
Awards presented with an emphasis on recognition of commitment to the team, coach, activity and
athletics program as a whole and not on achievement.
N.Booster Club
The Booster Club is made up of a group of
volunteer parents who work to support the AIS
athletic program. Volunteers are always welcomed
and encouraged to help work with the Booster
activities. Our primary fundraising activity is selling
food to athletes during sporting events.
For more information please contact Andy Harrison
or someone in the Events Office