Blockchain Technology, Bitcoin, and Ethereum: A Brief Overview
Blockchain Technology, Bitcoin, and Ethereum: A Brief Overview
Blockchain Technology, Bitcoin, and Ethereum: A Brief Overview
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Abstract—The blockchain technology is a relatively new authority and the correspondents could be anonymous. Law et
approach in the field of information technologies. As one of its al. presented with an idea of electronic cash also with public
first implementations, bitcoin as a cryptocurrency has gained a key cryptography, but their approach was intended for use with
lot of attention. Together with Ethereum, blockchain banks as central trust authorities [2].
implementation with focus on smart contracts, they represent the
very core of modern cryptocurrency development. This paper is Dwork and Naor [3] proposed a system for usage in combat
meant to give a brief introduction to these topics. against junk mail, by demanding the user to provide a
computation of a relatively hard pricing function. This was one
Keywords – Bitcoin; blockchain; cryptocurrency; Ethereum; of the first ideas of providing a proof-of-work as a system for
smart contracts exchanging digital commodities. In similar manners, authors of
b-money [4], reusable proof-of-work [5], and bit gold [6]
I. INTRODUCTION represented ideas of using computational power as an asset
with actual and usable value, comparing it with a precious
Bitcoin and blockchain technology have begun to shape metal or a minted coin [7].
and define new aspects in the computer science and
information technology. The need for a decentralized money Vishnumurthy et al. proposed a system for secure peer-to-
has been exploited more as a theoretical concept, but in the past peer (P2P) resource sharing, KARMA [8]. They dealt with the
decade, it became viable, all thanks to the famous paper of problem of having nodes in P2P networks that use more
Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, introducing Bitcoin and blockchain network resources than they contribute. With each
technology. contribution, a node’s karma is increased, and with each
consummation, it is decreased. A set of nodes is responsible for
While there are controversies about Nakamoto’s true keeping records of each node’s karma.
identity, one is for sure: he brought something revolutionary to
the world, and it is up to the users to decide what they want to However, these approaches either required a trusted party
do with it. Some will take this opportunity and develop their in the form of banks or didn’t quite solve the double-spending
own application for solving various problems in the society, problem. In the centralized solution, banks or other trusted
others will invest money in those ideas or simply trade with authorities can prevent the attempt of parallel issuance of two
ups and downs of the cryptocurrencies’ values at the market. transactions, but in decentralized system, as in cryptocurrency,
this problem carries great importance [7]. Also, since the
In this paper, we thought of bringing a small introduction to central authority doesn’t exist, the users have to maintain a
the matter of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. We begin with a consistent state of the P2P network, thus disabling the possible
quick retrospective of some of the most famous solutions for attackers to compromise the system with false data.
decentralized digital money before Bitcoin, and then we go into
the very core of its function, together with Ethereum. These One of the possible solutions to these problems was the
two cryptocurrencies hold majority of the cryptocurrency introduction of quorum systems [9], [10]. In these systems, the
market capitalization. Of course, as it happens with new possibility of having incorrect information and malicious
technologies, some limitations and problems emerged, and we entities in the network is assumed as true, but the concept of
described them as well. voting is supposed to surpass them [7]. If the majority of nodes
in the network is consent about some information, they have
II. SOME EARLY IDEAS ON DECENTRALIZED DIGITAL the control of the network. However, this approach is prone to
Sybil attack [11], where hostile node(s) could manipulate many
peers with incorrect information, thus overcoming the election
The idea of digital currency is not a relatively new one, but and injecting false information.
not until recently has it been successfully implemented. In his
paper, Chaum presented an idea of untraceable electronic mail,
return addresses, and digital pseudonyms, based on public key
cryptography [1]. His technique didn’t require a trusted
III. BITCOIN AND BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY send some amount of coins to another, he can do that by
publicly announcing this transaction and it is up to the network
A. Bitcoin essentials to verify its correctness. However, a user can try to manipulate
In his now famous work, Satoshi Nakamoto showed a the network and issue more than one transaction of the same
solution to the problems that the implementation and usability coin to the different users (double-spending problem).
of digital currency faced, especially the double-spending Moreover, the same user can set up several instances to
problem [12]. While the true identity of Nakamoto is a point of confirm his initial intent and thus perform a Sybil attack.
speculations, what is known is that until 2010 he remained
active on the Bitcoin project, and then he stepped back and C. Proof-of-work and blockchain
gave the project to the community for further development [7]. These situations are prevented (or at least minimized) in
He proposed a system with P2P distributed timestamp Bitcoin network by demanding a proof-of-work from each
server that serves as a generator of the computational proof of node that verifies the transaction. The nodes have to do some
the chronological orders of transactions [12]. An electronic heavy computations to prove that they are valid members of the
coin is defined as a chain of digital signatures. Each transaction network. As long as the total computational power of the
is defined as a set of digitally signed hash of the previous honest nodes is greater than the computational power of the
transaction and the public key of the next owner. The private attacker, the system will remain consistent and all legit
key is used for signing the transaction, and the public key is transactions will occur [7], [12].
used for verification of the transaction, as shown in Fig.1 [12]. A set of transactions, together with the hash of the previous
The public key is kept in the wallet, which can be implemented block and a nonce, declares a block. A timestamp server makes
in software, hardware, or online. a hash of a block and publicly announces it, thus proving that
the data inside the block must have existed at the time of
hashing. The timestamp server has to verify that the timestamp
of the block is greater than the timestamp of the previous block
in chain and less than two hours into the future. These hashes
are linked in a chain and this is called a blockchain, as shown
in Fig. 2 [12]. The important property of the blockchain is that
the transactions can be traced back at any time in history.