Interpretación de Registros

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Log interpretation all-in-one

SP Compensated Neutron
mv Porosity Log
_ Resistivity
20 + Deep Compensated Formation Acoustic
Shallow Density Log ("Sonic")
Gamma Ray Caliper microsconds/meter
API Units Diam. in inches ohm-m (Limestone Matrix) %
0 150 5 10 15 20 1 10 100 1000 45 30 15 0 -15 500 100

Bit Caving SP & Res. collapse to Gas

Size of shale Shale cross-
center in shale: "Railroad Tracks" over

G Low density of H in gas

High res. due to

Mud cake gives low neutron porosity
on porous Porous O HC in pores Deep Shallow
zone Gas-oil
W Oil-water contact contact
Low res. with saltwater in pores φCFD

Non-porous sndstn yields some φ on φCFD log

Caving of shale

because it is less dense than limestone.

A gamma log is φCNP
Lmstn Lmstn Dolostn Lmstn
Porous Tight Tight Tight

more "jagged" and

an e-log more
curved because SP
the gamma log is
a series of one- High density of tight dolostone
point measure- gives negative φ on density φ log
ments, whereas
e-logs record
between two
O High res. due to HC
Mud cake in pores Shallow
on porous W
zone Oil-water
Deep contact
Argill. Increasingly argillaceous
Lmstn downwards
of shale Shale

Gamma response Density of

lower than that anhydrite =
of sandstones 2.96 gm/cc

Shale Shallow

Deep Shallow tool measures

Mud cake res. in zone flushed with
on porous mud filtrate; deep tool
zone measures zone with
saline formation water.

Caving Coal Coal: Low density; lots of H Coal is very slow.

of coal
and shale Shale

High U content gives strong Black Responses of shallow and deep

(off-scale) gamma response Shale resistivity tools overlap in non-
porous zones because there is no
annulus of filtrate-filled pores from
which formation waters have φCNP φCFD
been flushed.
Size Shale
Salt at the bottom
Log responses Wash-out of a log is not Relatively fast
in salt can be Salt unusual because (hence
due to washout can Halite: Low density
faulty because (Halite) "salt pull-ups"
dissolution lead to hole and no H on seismic
tool doesn't reach of salt in abandonment sections)
washed-out wall. drilling mud LBR 8/98

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