Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
• Fluid mechanics is that branch of engineering science, which deals with the
behaviour of fluids (liquids and gases) at rest or in motion.
• The study of fluids in motion where the pressure forces are ignored (i.e. deals with
velocities, accelerations and patterns of flow only) is termed fluid kinematics,
• If the pressure forces (i.e. velocities, accelerations with the forces or energy causing
them) are considered it is called fluid dynamics.
Properties of fluids
• Among the fluids water will mostly be dealt with (in this course) , and has the following
major properties: -
(vi) Viscosity
Mass density (ρ)
• Mass density (or density), (ρ) of a substance is defined as the mass per unit
volume (Kg/m3 : ML-3).
• The density of gases changes with the variation of pressure and temperature
Specific weight (w)
• Specific weight (or weight density), (w) of a liquid may be defined as the weight per
unit volume (N/m3 : ML-2T-2) and is influenced by the gravitational pull of the earth.
∴ w = ρg
Specific Gravity (s)
• Specific gravity (or relative density), (s) of a liquid may be defined as the
ratio of its specific weight to that of a standard substance at a standard
• Volume of a fluid 1 = 1 V
mass of fluid
Mass of fluid =
volume ρ m
• Determine the Specific Weight, Mass density, Specific volume and
Specific gravity of 1 litre of a liquid which weighs 7N.
Given: Volume = 1 litre = 1/1000 m3 Weight = 7N
= 713.5/1000 = 0.7135
Dynamic viscosity (or viscosity) (μ)
• Is defined as the property of a fluid which offers
resistance to the movement of one layer of fluid
over another adjacent layer of fluid.
N s / m2
• Fluids which obey the above equation are known as Newtonian
fluids, and those which do not obey it Non-Newtonian fluids.
• This is defined as the ratio between the dynamic viscosity and density of
fluid i.e. μ
• All fluids are compressible under the application of an external force, and
when the force is removed, they expand back to their original volume
exhibiting the property that stress is proportional to volumetric strain.
Bulk Modulus
• Let V = volume of a gas enclosed in the cylinder
• P = Pressure of gas when volume is V
• Let the pressure be increased to p + dp, the volume
of the gas decreasing from V to V- dV.
• Hence, increase in pressure (or change in pressure)
= dp, and decrease in volume = dV.
∴ Volumetric strain = -(dV/V)
• (Negative sign indicates decrease in volume with
increase of pressure
increase of pressure (dp)
Bulk modulus of elasticity, K =
volumetric strain (- )
Bulk Modulus
Bulk modulus, K =
• Units and dimensions of bulk modulus: (N/m2 : ML-1T-2)
• Water with a bulk modulus of 2.1×109 Nm-2 at 20oC is 100 times more
compressible than steel, but it is ordinarily considered incompressible.
dp 75
K= = = 9.45 × 103 N/cm 2
-dV/V 0.0001/0.0126
Surface Tension (σ: N/m : MT-2)
• Is defined as the tensile force acting on the surface of a
liquid such that the surface behaves like a membrane.
• Let:
• d = diameter of capillary tube,
• σ = surface tension of liquid,
• h = rise of liquid in glass tube
• θ = angle of contact between liquid and glass tube,
• w = weight density (g).
4 σ c o sθ
• Pressure is the force exerted by a fluid on the surfaces with which it is in
contact .
• If the total force P acts uniformly over the entire area A, then, p = P/A
• The intensity of pressure, ‘p’ (or simply pressure) at any point is the
force exerted on a unit area at that point and is measured in N/m2.
p δA - p + × δz × δA + w δA × δz 0
p δA - p δA - × δz × δA + w δA × δz 0
× δz × δA = w δA × δz
Hydrostatic law
• The equation p = w shows that rate of increase of pressure in a
p p
z =
ρg w
• When it is
measured above the
pressure it is
referred to as gauge
• Absolute pressure: This is defined as the pressure which is measured with
reference to absolute vacuum pressure as the datum point.
• Gauge pressure: This is defined as the pressure which is measured with reference
to the atmospheric pressure as the datum point.
• Atmospheric pressure: This is the pressure due to atmosphere at the surface of the
earth, depending upon the head of air above the surface, and at sea level it is about
101.325 kN/m2, equivalent to a head of 10.35 m of water or 760 mm of mercury,
and decreases with altitude.
Mechanical Gauges
• These are used for measuring high fluid pressure and the commonly used ones are
(i) Bourdon tube pressure gauge,
(ii) Diaphragm pressure gauge,
(iii) Dead weight pressure gauge, and
(iv) Bellows pressure gauge.
• These gauges measure the magnitude of pressure relative to atmospheric pressure i.e.
gauge pressures.
• These are defined as devices used for measuring the pressure at a point in a
fluid by balancing the column of a fluid by the same or another column of
• Simple manometers
• A simple manometer consists of a glass tube whose one end is connected to a point
where pressure is to be measured and the other end remains open to the atmosphere.
(i) Large pressures require long tubes which cannot be handled conveniently
(ii) If the fluid is a gas, a piezometer cannot be used as the gas would escape
through the open end.
• ∴ PA = ρmgh2 -ρlgh1
The right limb of a simple U-tube manometer contains mercury and is open
to the atmosphere, while the left limb is connected to a pipe in which a
fluid of specific gravity 0.9 is flowing.
The centre of the pipe is 120 mm below the level of mercury in the right
limb. Find the pressure of fluid in the pipe if the difference of mercury
level in the two limbs is 200 mm.
• Or (h+x)ρlg+PA = ρmgh+ρ2gy+pB
• If A and B are at the same level, and contain the same liquid,
of density ρ then
PA A g 3 2 man gh PB Bg h 2