DLP BeautyCare Jojie

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Detailed Lesson Plan


Home Economics - Beauty Care (Nail Care Services)
Grade 9
I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson 80% of students are expected to;
A. Define and comprehend the meaning of Nail Art
B. Identify the different types of fancy nail design and nail designing
C. Apply creativity in nail art designs
II. Subject Matter
Code: TLE _HEBC9-12PMP-III/IVa-r-6
1. TLE Beauty Care Quarter 4 Wk.1-8 - Module 4 Create Fancy Nail
A. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, cut-out pictures
B. Method: Lecture- Discussion
C. Values and Integration: Participation, Collaboration and

Student’s Activity
Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings

“Good Day and a pleasant morning to “Good Morning Ma’am Jojie, Good
everyone!” Morning classmates!”

“How are you today?” “We’re fine ma’am.”

“Good to hear that.”

2. Prayer
“First of all let’s start with a short prayer. (students will pay attention to the video
Please stand and Let us put ourselves in the presented)
holy presence of God, for those who are
catholic please make the sign of the cross… “ Amen.”

“So before you take your seats, please align “Okay ma’am”
your chairs properly“ (students arranged their chairs)

3. Checking of Attendance “All are present ma’am”

Now is the time to check your attendance.
“Very good. Please give yourselves a round (students doing a round of applause)
of applause”

B. Presentation

1. Motivation
“So before we proceed on our discussion we
will have a short activity first and I will give
plus points to those students who can
participate and can answer correctly. I have
here a paper ball with a picture or a
questions written inside it, the mechanics of
the game is, you will pass the ball in a
clockwise rotation while the music is Students: Yes Ma’am
playing, when the music stops and the
person who holds the ball will read and
answer the question, continue it until the last
(students participate in the game)
(the game start)

“Yes ma’am”
So that ends our knowledge game. Did you
all enjoy in our jumble words activity?

2. Lesson Proper

Based on the game that we played earlier,

what do you think is our lesson for today? (students raise hand)
It is all about the nail design ma’am.
“Yes please stand up _______”

“Very Good, thank you. So let’s begin our (students will answer)
discussion. Our topic for today is all about Some will say no, some will say yes.
fancy nail designs. Are you familiar with the
nail designs?
(students listening)
“Okay that’s good hear” Some students will say yes, some will say
Are you familiar with the nail design?

"Okay, we have here the nail art design" (Student will read)
(call somebody to ready) Nail art is the practice of painting decorative
designs on the nails. It is a creative activity
that draws pictures or design to your nail, it
is also a type of fashion activity, related to
the manicure and pedicure services.
"okay very good, thank you" “Free hand designing is also considered as
nail art since you will create your own
"next is the free hand design" (call some design by just using an ordinary nail polish
student to read) and common household tools. Creativity and
resourcefulness are the keys in making nail
art designs.

“Is there any question?

“Okay so let’s proceed"

(student will answer)
“Is anybody here know the different nail Nail art is decorating the nails, with nail
designs? Or are you familiar with nail polishes.

“Okay, very well. thank you for that”

“Okay, so we have four different types of

nail designs, it is the the nail sticker, nail
stamping, nail art and water marbling. But
we will focus only with 1 design that you
will be performing and that is the nail art
(call a student)
(Student will read)
“Kindly read the first nail design” Nail Art Stickers, Nail Art Stickers include
(call somebody to read) black and white, glitters and metall

“Okay thank you very good"

Student: Nail File, Cuticle Pusher, Small
scissors, Set of nail stickers.
“Please read the thing needed in making the
nail art stickers. (call a student)

“Very Good, Thank you. Next we have the

procedure in making a nail art sticker”

“There are steps that we need to follow in

making the nail art using the stickers.
First, start with a clean, dry nails. They
should be completely bare of polish. Push
Back cuticles gently, too.
“Kindly read the second procedure” (call a Student: Second, most nail stickers on the
student) market are pre-cut to match common nail
shapes, but it’s always good to have small
scissors handy just in case any decal is too
large or slightly off shape

Third is for a perfect match, before you

remove the backing, pre-measure the nail
stickers on top of your nail.
Fourth, press on your nails sticker close to
the cuticle and smooth it out toward the end.

(call a student to read) (Student will read)

"Please read the fifth step" Fifth, in case of the extra sticker beyond
the free edge of the nail, use your file
downward along tip of the nail to remove
the extra, taking care not to file on top of the
sticker. If you accidentally file too much
you will see your nail showing through at
the tip, do not take sticker, right along the
edge as needed.

Six, the final trick to keeping stickers put is

to push and pull your thumb down onto each
nail, from cuticle to tip. The heat generated
from the “ironing” effect will help them last
longer and no needed for top coat. And the Student: seventh or last procedure is
depending on the directions listed on your
“Kindly read the next procedure” (call a stickers, you’ll either peel them off or
student) remove with the regular polish remover

" and i will show you a video on how to put (students watch the video)
a sticker on the nails"
(teacher present the video)
(students will answer)
Yes maam
“Do you get it?

“Is their any question or clarifications before Students: None ma’am

we will proceed to our next type of fancy
nail design?

“Okay let’s proceed.

“the next is the nail art stamping, kindly

read" (call somebody to read)
(student will read)
a nail art stamping is a new nail-imprinting
kit that let's you put designs by stamping
pre-design images on your nails in minute.
The things needed are the image plate,
stamper and scrap.”

(students will watch the video)

"Okay thank you, so i will show you a video
how to do the nail art stamping
(the teacher will play the video)

" that is nail art stamping, it is one of the

easiest fancy nail design"

“The third fancy nail design is nail

accessories, who has an idea what is the nail
accessories? (student raise her hand)
“it is a nail art items such as stones, glitters
“okay miss _____ please stand up” and beads ma'am"

“Very good, it is correct, Nail accessories

are nail art items such as glitters, beads,
rhinestones and gems, even dried flowers
and etc. which can be used to decorate the

"this is an example of nail accessories"

(teacher will show the examples of nail

“The last fancy nail design is the water

marbling, water marble means nail
decorations created by the method of water
marble technique” (student will read)
“The things needed in making the water
“kindly read the things needed in water marble are the orange wood stick or
marbling” (call a student) toothpick, shot glass or cup water, nail
polish, baby oil and tape"

"Thank you, so now i will be showing you

the procedure or how to do the water
(teacher will play the video)
“okay, so that is water marbling"
Student: None ma'am

“Any question? Clarification on our fancy

nail designs topic? Student: Nail art stickers. Nail art stamping,
nail accessories and last is the water
“Okay (call a student) can you please tell me marbling.
what the types of fancy nail designs?

“Okay, very good, thank you”

“Those are the different fancy nail designs,

but how we can make a fancy nail designs
without the tools and material? So before we
can perform the nail designs it is best to
know the tools and material needed. (student will answer)
"top coat"
"First we have the?"
(teacher will show a picture)

" Top coat apply last over liquid nail polish,

can protect the polish against chipping or
cracking and apple to ensure that a manicure
will last"
(student will answer)
"Base coat"
"Second is the?
(call a student to answer)

Base coat—a liquid product applied to the

nail plate before the colored nail polish to
prevent discoloration.

" Third tool is nail polish or color enamel"

Nail polish or color enamel- apply to give

color to the nail and apply it twice over the
base coat. (students answer)
Nail dotters,
“Please read the next tool (call a student)
(student will read)
“Next is the nail dotters, This is used to create dot and circle patterns
(call a student to read) (example is a simple polka dots) and they
come in a variety of sizes to choose from
depending on the size of the dots you want
to create.
“Very good, let’s proceed to the next which
is the nail strippers”

Nail strippers these are nail polishes that

come with a long, thin brush rather than the
usual flat and board, it also used for painting
lines and adding random flicks and color.

“Next one is the stationery tape”

"Kindly read"
Student: nail art brushes, a good set of nail
art brushes are very essential tools when
doing a nail art. The main types of brushes
“And the last one is nail art brushes, kindly for nail art: fan-shaped brushes, flat brushes,
read (call a student) angle brushes, thin brushes (for detail) and
long stripers.

“Very good, thank you for that, those are the

different nail designing tools that we need in
making the different fancy nail designs to (students will answer)
our nails" Nome maam

“Is their any question? Or clarification in

our discussion for today?

3. Activity
“Alright so for now, you are going to apply
what you have learn for today’s discussion.
Each one of you will perform a nail art
design using nail sticker, reminder only in
your one hand, I have here the materials
needed, the nail file, pusher, base coat, top
coat and the nail sticker. Student: Yes Ma’am

“Okay so are you now ready for our


“Okay so I will give you 5 minutes each to

perform your task. Time starts now.”

General Apperance-15
Overall=50 points

“Your time is up already. I will check your

work and rate your performance. (student will make a round of applause)

“Okay so good job everyone. Please make a

round of applause for your job well done.”

4. Generalization
“Alright so I guess you really understand (student raise hand)
our discussion for today” “Create fancy nail design”

“So, let’s have a short review. What is our (student raise hand)
topic all about? “Using of nail art stickers, using of nail art
(Call a student) stamping, using the nail accessories and
water marbling”
“That’s right. So next what are the 4 types
fancy nail design?” (student raise hand)
(call a student) “Nail art sticker"

“What is the name of the nail design thay (students raise hand)
you had performed today?”
(call a student) “nail accessories”

“Okay so the last question is, Glitters, beads,

rhinestones and gems are the example of?”
(call a student)

“Okay very good, thank you. It s very

important that we learn on how to make a
different fancy nail designs. Because it will
realease your stress, enchance the beauty of
your nails and lastly is that ypu can make it
as your business in the near future.

“I can see that all of you really understand

our lesson, I really appreciate for listening
and participating in my class.

“And now we will be having our quiz, I

have here your answer sheets upon receiving
it you can start. I will give you 5 minutes to

Direction: Read the following and write the answer to the space provided.


________________1. It is a practice of painting decorative designs on the nails.

________________2. It is also considered as nail art since you will create your own
design by just using an ordinary nail polish and common household tools.

________________3. It is a new imprinting kit that let’s you put designs by stamping
pre-design images on your nails in a minute.

________________4. It is a nail art items such as glitters, beads and rhinestones.

________________5. It is a liquid product applied to a nail plate before the colored

nail polish to prevent discoloration.


1-3. Give at least 3 examples of fancy nail designs.

4-5. Give at least 2 examples of Nail accessories.

Prepared by:

Paalam, Jojie Delle S.

Student Teacher

Checked by:

Mrs. Doreen R. Galacio

Cooperating Teacher
Monitored by:

Mr. Rex M. Roxas

TLE Head, Teacher III

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