DLP Cookery-10 Omongos-Theoretical
DLP Cookery-10 Omongos-Theoretical
DLP Cookery-10 Omongos-Theoretical
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
“Good Day and a pleasant morning to “Good Morning Ma’am Paula, Good
everyone!” Morning classmates!”
2. Prayer
“First of all let’s start with a short prayer. (students will pay attention to the video
Please stand and Let us put ourselves in the presented)
holy presence of God, for those who are
catholic please make the sign of the cross… “Amen.”
3. Checking of Attendance
Now is the time to check your attendance. “All are present ma’am”
“Very good. Please give yourselves a round (students doing a round of applause)
of applause”
B. Presentation
1. Motivation
“So before we proceed on our discussion
let’s do pecha kucha. In this game I will
show 20 pictures and you share your
thoughts in 20 seconds of each photo.”
2. Lesson Proper
“For today’s discussion we will tackle about
the methods of cooking meat”
“Any idea about our topic for today?” (students raise hand)
(call a student)
“Please read the first example of dry-heat Student:
cooking” “ROASTING AND BAKING - It is of dry-
heat cooking that use hot, dry air to cook
food roasting and baking. Like other dry
heat cooking methods, roasting and baking
brown the surface of the food, which in turn
“Thank you for that_____. Next here is develop complex flavors and aromas.”
cooking methods that rely on heat being
conducted through the air from an open
flame are grilling and broiling. This type of
cooking produces browning reactions on the
surface of the food, thus encouraging the
development of complex flavor and aromas.
Grilling cooks hot and fast, because air is
poor conductor of heat. Broiling and grilling
require the food to be quite close to the heat
source, which in this case, is likely to be an
open flame.”
Time management-10
Overall=40 points
4. Generalization
“Alright so I guess you really understand
our discussion for today”
________1. This can be done on a stove pot, with a pot containing a small amount
of liquid that is brought to a simmer.
________2. It is a form of dry heat cooking that uses a very hot pan and a small
amount of fat to cook the food very quickly.
________3. This refers to any cooking technique where the heat is transferred to
the food item without using any moisture.
________4. Here we will see bubbles forming and gently rising to the surface of
the water, but the water still isn’t at a full rolling boil.
________5. This is a dry heat cooking methods that rely on heat being conducted
through the air from an open flame
1-2. Give the 2 methods of cooking meat.
3-5. Give at least 3 example of dry heat cooking.
6-8. Give at least 3 example of moist heat cooking.
V. Assignment
Directions: Strictly follow the task.
1. Make a video of you cooking either dry heat or moist heat dishes. (Use PPE)
2. Send it through messenger.