Daily 27 - 07 - 22 No 171
Daily 27 - 07 - 22 No 171
Daily 27 - 07 - 22 No 171
cover photo
From left) thalia, trevor and Kimberly King will, for the first
time be competing against each other on the calypso Monarch
stage. (photo contributed). See story on page 8
Page 2 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
July 30
St Phillip’s Anglican Church invites you to a Take-
Away Breakfast on Saturday 30th July on the Church’s
Grounds from 6:30am – 8:30am. Tickets are $20. Pro-
ceeds are in aid of the work of the Church. We thank OBITUARIES /ALMANAC Connecting with Dave
you for your support! 6 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Lester Payne
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
July 30 Birthday Club
TAKE-AWAY BREAKFAST & YARD SALE 6:30 a.m. – 6:45 a.m. Evolution Drivetime
Couples For Christ Ministries will host a Take-Away 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Breakfast and Yard Sale on Saturday 30th July from First Morning Edition of the
7:30am to 10:30am at the Holy Family Cathedral Big Stories Sessions in Steel
Church Grounds; cost $15. Proceeds are in aid of out- 6:45 a.m. – 7 a.m. 5 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
reach programmes. The fastest half hour on radio
Observer AM
July 30 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. Evening Edition of the Big
100% LOCAL News and Current Affairs Stories
Greenbay Moravian Church presents 100% Local on 5:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
the Church Grounds in Greenbay on Saturday 30th July Second Morning Edition of The most comprehensive
from 12 noon to 4pm. Menu includes pepperpot, fungi, the Big Stories round-up of the day’s news
dumpling, and ducana with mackerel, shad or salt fish; 7:45 a.m. – 8 a.m.
seasoned rice, BBQ chicken, goat water, fried or OBITUARIES /ALMANAC
steamed fish with local vegetables, and local drinks. Good Morning Jojo 6 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Tickets are $20; proceeds in aid of physical develop- 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
ment of the church. Masks are required. Weekend Sporting Healthy Habits
Highlights 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
August 1
WATER DAY Voice of the People Serpent in the Snakepit
Bolans Pentecostal Church Building Fund hosts a 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. 8:30 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Water Day on Monday, August 1 at Bolans Playground Focusing on Hot Button
from 12 to 5pm. Menu includes goat water, seafood Issues
water, bullfoot soup, mannish water, fish water with
green fig and okra, and barbecue. Price $20; drinks $5. Lunch Time Edition of the
Big Stories
August 1 11:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.
The Antigua and Barbuda Evangelical Alliance pres- Interact with Observer Radio by phone, text or email
ents its annual Prayer Cade at the gates of the parishes Local listeners (268) 462-2911
under the caption, “Lord Heal Our Land” on August 1, Text (268) 725-9111
at 5am. Come and join us as we pray for the deliver-
Email: [email protected]
ance of our nation from sin and immorality.
Skype ID: observer.radio.antigua Follow us on Twitter:
Send your notices to The Daily Observer: @antiguaOMG
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[email protected] For general information (not on-air), call 462-3911
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Page 3
THE DAILY Observer
Before and after photos of Mary’s New horizon Bar and restaurant before removal by DcA prior to demolition
(photos by Johnny Jno-Baptiste and Makeida Antonio)
By Makeida Antonio owner of a 28-year-old bar side the building with heavy demolish the building that
makeida.antonio@an- and restaurant to remove duty equipment, ready to housed a well-established
tiguaobserver.com valuable items after the De- begin the process of demol- bar and restaurant owned by
velopment and Control Au- ishing the building to make a Hispanic Mary Valdez and
It was an emotional thority (DCA) issued a way for the ongoing port ex- which has been in operation
scene on Lower Newgate notice for its removal. pansion project. since 1994.
Street yesterday as family Around 7am yesterday, A final notice was deliv- Mary’s New Horizon
and friends assisted the DCA officials converged out- ered by DCA on July 15 to Bar and Restaurant is one of
Page 4 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
gain more insight into the could build the kitchen and
situation, prior to the demo- he gave me permission to do
lition of the area. it. But [Browne] said I am a
“They gave me five days liar and the land doesn’t be-
to move. I didn’t move be- long to Fuller. I don’t know
cause I don’t have anywhere who the land belongs to. I
to go, I am waiting for the have been renting private.
key. After that, they said He has the preference, he is
they will come tomorrow to the Prime Minister, he can
break the building but [the do it, but I believe that re-
Prime Minister] said he is spect is important,” she
not going to give me any- added.
thing for me to move,” she Late yesterday after-
said in an interview. noon, one of Valdez’ family
While providing more members told Observer that
information, Valdez shared the owner had been given a
she was also disheartened new deadline of Friday July
about the exchange between 29 to remove the detached
herself and Prime Minister kitchen from the premises
Browne which she believed before the DCA proceeds
displayed a lack of respect with the demolition.
towards her. Observer also ap-
“In the back, I have a proached Town and Country
kitchen to move, but I Planner Clement Antonio for
haven’t found land to move comment, however, he de-
the kitchen. I asked Fuller if I clined to do so.
Page 6 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Page 7
THE DAILY Observer
Page 8 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
The judge somehow judge’s decision in the first said: “This is really ridicu- was remanded to prison
ended up at 14 years and instance. lous; they advantage me.” since his first court appear-
after it was pointed out to “I feel real real disap- Richards stabbed Og- ance that year.
him that the numbers did not pointed about that because wambi Marshall of Christian But a few days into his
add up, he called the convict no one can kill a man and get Valley 10 times during a fight trial in June 2022 he decided
back to court yesterday and them little bit of sentence. I which erupted from an argu- to plead guilty to
corrected the sentence. get no justice. No justice I ment over derogatory re- manslaughter by way of
Jocelyn Marshall, the get,” she said. marks made about his provocation.
mother of the victim, told And, reacting to the re- sexuality. That lesser charge carries
Observer that she was al- duction of the initial sen- He was subsequently a maximum prison sentence
ready dissatisfied with the tence, the emotional mother charged with murder and of 35 years.
risks can create severe up- become a shared responsibil- ices and improve basic ob- sources and increasing food
heaval, particularly when in- ity across sectors. Getting on serving systems. We have insecurity,” said ECLAC’s
tersecting with climate track to achieve the Sendai major gaps in island states, Subregional Office Chief
change impacts. Last year, the Framework for Disaster Risk Africa, and some parts of Diane Quarless.
fallout from hurricanes Eta Reduction and the Sustain- Latin America, and that needs Quarless added that for
and Iota collided with linger- able Development Goals re- to be improved,” the WMO small states in the region, the
ing Covid-19 impacts. The re- quires decision makers to Secretary-General said. post-disaster need to continu-
sult was that 7.7 million adopt comprehensive climate The report’s launch coin- ally source or reassign al-
people in Guatemala, El Sal- and disaster risk manage- cides with the impending ready scarce resources has
vador, and Nicaragua faced ment that puts people first, peak of the annual Atlantic eroded the ability of countries
high levels of food insecu- using current data and timely hurricane season. According to build back better. ECLAC
rity,” she said. information.” to officials of the United Na- is supporting the call to
While the report outlines The report also recom- tions Economic Commission strengthen and expand early
the dire impacts of extreme mends the expansion of ac- for Latin America and the warning systems to improve
weather and climate change cess to multi-hazard early Caribbean (UNECLAC), forecasting and planning for
on the region, it is also pre- warning systems (EWS). In- there is no question that multi-hazards.
scriptive in its calls for long- vestment in these systems has countries in the region, par- The State of the Climate
term regional and national been touted as one of the ticularly the small states of in Latin America and the
solutions. most powerful tools to adapt the Caribbean and Central Caribbean report provides
One of these is a ‘risk to to climate change, and UN America, remain highly vul- science-based, timely infor-
resilience’ goal. Secretary-General Antonio nerable to the impacts of a mation for policymakers on
The UNDRR head says Guterres has challenged the changing climate the realities of climate change
the Bali Agenda for Re- WMO to present an action “2021 was yet another and weather-related events
silience is a critical instrument plan that ensures all people very active season. Many and the best course of action.
in understanding the nature everywhere are covered by an countries experienced major The representatives of the
of risks and promoting miti- early warning system in the flooding and landslides that UN agencies involved in
gation and adaptation meas- next 5 years. The WMO is ex- were compounded by a vol- sourcing and compiling the
ures. The document promotes pected to present that plan to canic eruption in St. Vincent report says that the region has
policies to shield communi- the 2022 UN Climate Confer- and the Grenadines, causing the needed data. It is now
ties from climate and other ence in Egypt in November. major dislocation, damage, time to act.
disasters and thwart a pre- “Altogether, there is a and loss, and there was heavy Thoughts and views ex-
dicted global rate of 1.5 disas- need for a 1.5 billion US dol- rainfall and floods across pressed in guest opinions do not
ters a day by 2030. lar investment in the next 5 Guyana, Suriname, and re- necessarily reflect the opinion of
“First and foremost is the years to get 100 percent cov- gions of Central America, af- Observer Newsco, its manage-
need for risk management to erage of early warning serv- fecting housing, fresh water ment or staff.
Page 14 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
Page 16 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Page 17
THE DAILY Observer
Preparing for a
you have no prior work ex-
perience, but have been in-
volved in clubs, charities,
church, or community work,
winning interview
be prepared to discuss this.
Here are a few addi-
tional pointers which we
would like to share to assist
our readers. Speak in stan-
In our last article, we company would be benefi- example the online gaming dard English. We have been
shared advice on how to se- cial and speaking with some- companies, while others, seeing an increasing number
cure an interview through a one who held a similar such as in banking and in- of interviewees who cannot
carefully crafted resume. position in the company surance are more formal. maintain a conversation in
Now, that you have been in- would be even more useful. Don’t let your personal ap- standard English.
vited to the next phase, this Fluency about the company pearance rule you out of con- Be honest. Skilled inter-
publication will present and specifics of the role are sideration. viewers can tell when an in-
helpful tips to prepare you beneficial in the interview. Second is nervousness. terviewee is not being
for a successful interview. Self-knowledge is key. Body language betrays one’s truthful and when chal-
Many interviewees are Candidates must expect to ar- nerves to interviewers and lenged, this could lead to ad-
unsuccessful for three main ticulate their motivations, val- practice can help a nervous ditional nervousness. Avoid
reasons. They are either un- ues and personality traits and candidate. Clammy palms, speaking ill of current or for-
prepared, too nervous, or be able to apply them to the excessive sweating, shaky mer employers. Even if can-
unable to articulate why position for which they are in- voices, poor posture, restless didates have had genuinely
they are an excellent candi- terviewing. Online personal- hands, and failure to main- unpleasant experiences, re-
date. This article is designed ity tests can help with this. tain eye contact all indicate vealing this in an interview
to confront these challenges. Top recruiters are mov- nervousness. If you are for- is frowned upon.
First is preparation. Can- ing away from standard in- tunate to have someone do a At the end of the inter-
didates must know some- terview questions that mock interview with you, view, thank the inter-
thing about the organisation. candidates prepare formu- have them point out any ev- viewer(s) for selecting you.
Whether it’s from their web- laic answers for. However, idence of nervousness on Ask about the next steps and
site, annual reports, policy there are certain standard your part. timeframe for a hiring deci-
statements or employee questions that you should Prior to an interview re- sion. Ask for feedback on
newsletters. We recommend still be prepared to answer. peating positive affirmations how you did in the inter-
investigating the market, Interviewees must be in front of a mirror, breathing view. You are now in the po-
company culture and the able to answer questions techniques and other natural sition to learn about your
current financial situation of without hesitation, about calming aids help the overly chances of being selected
the company and its prod- their goals and aspirations, nervous candidate. Arriving from the body language of
ucts or services. reasons for applying, leader- late for an interview is one the interviewer when an-
If this is not possible, ship style, how they manage reason that can make an in- swering these questions.
then contact people with pressure or conflict and their terviewee flustered. Plan to The adage is true: “If
similar positions to gather salary expectations and be arrive for your interview 10 you fail to prepare, you must
knowledge about the career able to provide examples minutes early so that you prepare to fail.” Nothing
field. We are a small commu- where necessary. can sit quietly and compose beats preparation. Prepara-
nity so it is highly likely that Pay attention to the com- yourself. tion, practice, and the confi-
you will know someone pany’s dress code and dress Then poor articulation. dence of being
working at the company. accordingly for the inter- If you have prepared well for professionally qualified for
Firsthand knowledge view. Some company dress the interview, have good the position are the keys to a
from an employee of the codes are more relaxed, for self-knowledge, understand successful interview.
Page 18 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
Our Neighbours
HAITI: UN delivers aid
directly to Haitians caught
residents of cité Soleil in haiti queue for UN relief items (UN photo)
sure an open humanitarian tance Fund (FAES) and other
Ruffen told the Jamaican go missing by the numbers. Ruffen stressed that the parties that the investigation
Star that Donaldson’s case hit It is the same, this is some- reward would only be paid is being conducted according
close to home, as she grew thing that hits near for me,” to anyone whose information to the highest standards. In a
up in a country where inci- she added. leads to an arrest and that the release, the police say the in-
dents of kidnappings and She said she felt com- funds are made available vestigative team will this
women and children going pelled to offer a reward after through her own finances week hold a case review con-
missing, are rife. falling in love with Donald- and an overseas charity, ference with the director of
“In Trinidad, it is the son’s aura when she was a Helping Hands. public prosecutions and sen-
same thing. Women go miss- former host of reality TV Meanwhile, the police ior members of her staff.
ing by the numbers, children show 876 Roommates. have assured all concerned (Guardian Media)
exxonMobil Guyana vice president and production Manager Mike ryan engaging the media on tuesday from exxon’s Duke Street, Georgetown head-
quarters (photo: News room/July 26, 2022)
Intermittent periods of million for the excess Carbon it over the next couple of the FPSO were moving
flaring by ExxonMobil since Dioxide equivalent (CO2e) months and monitor every as- smoothly, so much so that
December 2019 have now emitted. pect… we will bring the old there has not been a recorded
been reduced to only back- The company’s Vice Pres- one back to Germany and injury in the last 1,000 days.
ground flaring on the Liza ident and Production Man- after we will use it as a full “We always look for ways
Destiny Floating Production ager Mike Ryan engaged the spare. to test it and get the true value
Storage and Offloading media on Tuesday from “As far as flaring we were within the design of the facil-
(FPSO) Vessel. Exxon’s Duke Street, George- always in full compliance ity,” Ryan added.
The US oil giant and its town Headquarters. with our permit and regula- In addition to work on the
partners earlier this month de- Beyond meeting the ex- tions,” Ryan said. compressor, the company has
livered, installed and safely pectation, he said this was a Ryan said the journey to also done some production
started the new flash gas com- remarkable accomplishment this point was “challenging”; optimising and is now pro-
pressor as promised. for which several persons in- a test that was countered with ducing 140 barrels of oil per
The new device replaces cluding the SBM offshore and relentless pursuit. day on the Liza Destiny FPSO,
the faulty one that will now be MAN Energy Solutions must The current background above its regional target.
fixed and used as a spare. take credit. flaring is minimal to ensure A similar experience is
ExxonMobil had been They bore the cost for re- stable and safe operations. being recorded on the coun-
heavily criticised for the sig- placing the compressor as the Soon the gas will be piped to try’s second FPSO – Liza Des-
nificant flaring that occurred contractors who fabricated the shore to support the govern- tiny.
in recent months but the com- FPSO and procured and in- ment’s energy aspirations. A third FPSO will arrive
pany also had to pay the En- stalled the gas compressor. Now with background in Guyana in 2023, further
vironmental Protection “So, we are doing an en- flaring only, the Exxon Vice ramping up oil production.
Agency fines totalling US$10 durance run and we will run President said operations on (News Room)
Page 20 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
Russia to pull out
of International
Space Station
“putin is determined to go it alone in space.” (photo courtesy BBc)
Putin. but the view of engineers is
It is not immediately that the modules can do a job
RUSSIA, Moscow (BBC) - has been in orbit around clear what the decision through to 2030.
- Russia says it will withdraw Earth since 1998 and has means for the future of the If Russia does leave,
from the International Space been used to conduct thou- ISS, with a senior Nasa offi- there’s no question it would
Station (ISS) after 2024 and sands of scientific experi- cial telling Reuters that the be problematic. The station is
build its own station instead. ments. US agency had not been offi- designed in a way that
The new head of Rus- It is approved to operate cially informed of Russia’s makes the partners depend-
sia’s space agency, Yuri until 2024, but the US wants plans. ent on each other.
Borisov, said Roskosmos to extend that for six more The Russians have been The US side of the ISS
would honour all its obliga- years with the agreement of making noises about with- provides the power; the
tions until then. all partners. drawal for some time but it’s Russian side provides the
The US and Russia, At a meeting with Rus- not clear how serious they propulsion and keeps the
along with other partners, sia’s President Vladimir are. platform from falling to
have successfully worked to- Putin, Mr Borisov said the They’ve talked about Earth.
gether on the ISS since 1998. decision had been taken to building their own outpost - If that propulsive capa-
But relations have quit the project after 2024. the Russian Orbital Service bility is withdrawn, the US
soured since Russia invaded “I think that by this time Station - but it would require and its other partners - Eu-
Ukraine, and Russia previ- we will start putting together a financial commitment the rope, Japan and Canada -
ously threatened to quit the a Russian orbital station,” Mr Russian government has not will need to devise other
project because of Western Borisov said, adding that the shown to the country’s exist- means of periodically boost-
sanctions against it. new station was his agency’s ing space exploits. ing the station higher in the
The ISS - a joint project top priority. Certainly, Russian ele- sky. It’s something American
involving five space agencies “Good,” replied Mr ments on the ISS are ageing robotic freighters could do.
JAPAN - Japan has exe- ported that they were shot by the
cuted a 39-year-old man who peacekeepers. The UN mission,
killed seven people in Tokyo in known as Monusco, has not re-
2008 during a stabbing rampage. sponded to these reports. There
Tomohiro Kato committed one has been a recent upsurge in vi-
of the most shocking mass mur- olence in the area. Locals accuse
ders in the country’s recent his- the UN of being ineffective as
tory. He was 25 when he drove a the region remains volatile with
truck into a lunch-time crowd of more than 100 active rebel
pedestrians at Akihabara shop- groups. This was the second day
ping district, killing three peo- of protests with people calling
ple. He then stabbed passers-by for the UN to withdraw its
with a dagger, killing four and peacekeepers from the area.
wounding eight. He was appre- (BBC)
hended by police at the scene TUNISIA - After dismiss-
and later admitted his crimes in ing parliament and largely rul-
his trial, saying he had been an- ing by decree a year ago,
gered by online bullying. (BBC) Tunisia’s President Kais Saied is
DEMOCRATIC REPUB- asking people to vote on Mon-
LIC OF CONGO - At least five day on a controversial constitu-
people have died during tional referendum that will
protests against a UN peace- increase his powers. While he
keeping force in Goma in the has some support, many
east of the Democratic Republic Tunisians see this is a betrayal of
of Congo. Local media have re- the Arab Spring. (BBC)
Page 22 Wednesday, July 27, 2022
THE DAILY Observer
1974: A then world- still living the dream of mak- first woman to run 10,000m 2003: 90th Tour de
record stand of 465 between ing West Indies grovel. In- in under 31 minutes; takes France: no winner (Lance
Rohan Kanhai and John stead it was England who world record down to Armstrong disqualified).
Jameson for Warwickshire were pleading for mercy, and 30:59.42 in Oslo, Norway. 2021: American gymnast
against Gloucestershire was they would not beat West In- 1990: Tom Moody scores and four-time Olympic gold
started and finished on the dies in a Test anywhere for 100 in 26 mins in county medallist Simone Biles with-
same day. another 14 years. cricket, world record. draws from the women’s
1976: West Indies re- 1984: West Indies cricket 1992: Japanese swimmer team final at the Tokyo
tained the Wisden Trophy opening batsman Gordon Kyoko Iwasaki wins the 200m Games citing need to focus
with a 55-run victory at Greenidge smashes 223 in in- breaststroke in Barcelona to on her mental health; also
Headingley. England needed nings & 64 run win over Eng- become the youngest to win misses individual finals.
260, but from 140 for 4 they land in 4th Test at an Olympic gold medal at 14 2021: Triathlete Flora
faded away. Still there at the Manchester; Windies lead se- years-6 days. Duffy claims historic first
bitter end, with 76 not out to ries, 4-0. 1996: Bomb explodes at ever Olympic gold medal for
add to his first-innings 116, 1985: Ingrid Kris- Atlanta Olympic Park, 1 Bermuda in the women’s
was their captain Tony Greig, tiansen of Norway becomes killed, 110 injured. event at the Tokyo Games.
Boxer Alston ryan (left) will fly the country’s flag at the common-
wealth Games.
protocols in terms of testing Jean and Taeco O’Garro will
to enter the UK. However, in join Greene and Lloyd at the
order to receive your accred- games as part of the track
itation for the games you and field contingent. They
Jadon Wuilliez is one of three swimmers selected to represent Antigua must do a Covid test but will be coached by Evans
and Barbuda at the commonwealth Games. these things change so often Jones.
By Neto Baptiste Games, unlike the Olympics, that sometimes you miss cer- Stefano Mitchell, Ethan
we are staying at Birming- tain things so when I arrived Stubbs-Green, Jadon Wuil-
Chef de Mission to the ham University and there is I didn’t have a pre-test be- liez and Olivia Fuller and
Commonwealth Games, Joel also Warwick but because of cause I didn’t realize we coach Wayne Mitchell will
Rayne, said team Antigua our team size as we are only needed one but I was al- represent in swimming while
and Barbuda should be fully 13 athletes and officials, we lowed to go through and Pan American bronze medal-
assembled in Birmingham, are all grouped in one area later on, did my Covid test. ist, Alston Ryan and Kagra
England by Thursday of this per sé. Boxing, they are up Had I perhaps travelled with Ryan will compete in the
week. basically the day after the the entire team and all of us men’s and women’s division
Speaking on the Good opening ceremony. The arrived without doing our of boxing. They will be
Morning Jojo Sports Show opening ceremony is the 28th pre-test then you could have coached by Ralston Ryan.
from the Birmingham vil- July,” he said. imagine what controversy Rounding off the selec-
lage, Rayne said one athlete The Commonwealth that would have caused,” he tions are cyclists Jyme
arrived earlier this week with Games Association (CGA) said. Bridges Jr and Conor Delan-
others expected to arrive named a 13-member squad Sprinters Cejhae banque, with the president
within days. last week for the July 28 to Greene and Joella of the cycling federation, St
“Swimmer Olivia Fuller August 8 games. Lloyd headlines the coun- Clair Williams, accompany-
arrived last evening [Mon- Rayne said that travel- try’s selections to the games. ing them. Keston Daley will
day] and within the last hour, ling ahead of the team af- Darion Skerritt, Kalique St travel as the physiotherapist.
Cejhae Greene, he landed in forded him the opportunity
London and will be making to iron out a few kinks ahead PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE OF THE
his way to Birmingham and of their arrival in Birming- EASTERN CARIBBEAN
the rest of the team arrives ham.
tomorrow [Wednesday]. In “Initially, as you know, PAN AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE OF THE EASTERN
terms of the Commonwealth the UK would have lifted the CARIBBEAN HAVING MADE SWORN DEPOSITION
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SPORTS Wednesday, July 27, 2022
The Daily Observer is published in St. John’s by Algernon Watts who resides at Mount Joy.
The Editor is Gemma Handy who resides at Bolans Village, St. Mary's Parish, Antigua. See classifieds
Contact: 156, Redcliffe Street, ABI Financial Building, 4th floor, St John’s, Antigua, WI,
(268) 462-3911. Newsroom: (268) 462-3920/21. E-mail: [email protected], on page 27
[email protected]. Advertising: [email protected]