MASSES ARE ALSO ONLINE 1520 East Delavan Avenue Buffalo, New York 14215 Watch on our YouTube channel StLawrenceBuffalo [email protected] Saturday: 4:30 PASTORAL STAFF Sunday: Noon Fr. Robert Gebhard………………………….Pastoral Administrator Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. Dcn. Paul Weisenburger……………………….Permanent Deacon PHONES Luke Dyer…………………………………....Food Pantry Coordinator Rectory………………………………………716-892-2471 Joe Strusienski...………..……………………………...….Maintenance Faith Formation…….……………………716-892-2471 Debbie Obstarczyk…………...………………….....Parish Secretary Parish Hall………………………………….716-896-9796 LITURGY AT ST. LAWRENCE Franciscan Guest House (FGH)……716-893-8853 Saturday, June 8—Vigil: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Food Pantry………….……………………716-896-0047 4:30 p.m. Dcn. & Mrs. Matthew Podniesinski—Hansen Family RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Sunday, June 9—Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. Noon Fassel & Janisch Families—Family Wednesday, June 12 3:30 p.m. All Souls Day Intentions MASS ATTENDANCE Saturday, June 15—Vigil: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Saturday 6/1 4:30 p.m.—33 Time Sunday 6/2 Noon —31 4:30 p.m. Larry Farrell—Sister, Pat Sunday, June 16—Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time JUNE WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP Noon Alfonso & Teresa Paolini—Pachla & Paolini Families ALL COLLECTION MONEY WAS PUT IN THE LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER REGULAR COLLECTION Please pray for Bruce Austin, Roseann Barthele- Regular Sunday Collection.........................................$1,462.50 my, Larry Bartos, Twila Berst, Eleonore Clark, Total month to date...……………..……..…..……..$1,462.50 Steve Clark, Mike Ellis, Maria Feliciano, Paul We are grateful for the prayers and financial support of our Gentile, Joe Giancarlo, Linda Hammer, Celeste parishioners and friends of St. Lawrence Church. ornaments Hartman, Mike Hartman, Jason Kent, Carol LaBelle, Judy Maurino, Nick Parini, Christina Reyes, Aida Rivera, Maggie CLOSING RECEPTION Stevenson, Tiana Valentin, Nancy Vogt, and all of our parish- We will be having a closing reception following ioners and their families. Please contact the rectory, 892-2471, our closing Mass on Saturday, August 10th. to have a person placed on the List. We are looking for monetary donations to pay for it. Please place your donations in the collec- READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 9, 2024 tion basket in an envelope labeled “CLOSING Sunday: Gn 3:9-15/2 Cor 4:13—5:1/Mk 3:20-35 RECEPTION” Together we can make it a Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6/Mt 5:1-12 memorable event that we can all enjoy. Tuesday: Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3/Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39/Mt 5:17-19 GET TO KNOW OUR NEIGHBORS Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46/Mt 5:20-26 A panel discussion entitled “Get to Know Our New Neigh- Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9, 11-16/Mt 5:27-32 bors” will be presented by the Network of Religious Commu- nities on Monday, June 24, 6:30 PM at Blessed Trinity. The Saturday: 1 Kgs 19:19-21/Mt 5:33-37 panel will discuss the cultures and religious highlights of the people moving into our neighborhoods. Join us and learn what GRIEVING OUR LOSS you need to know to be a good neighbor. Light refreshments If you would like to share how you are feeling will be served. Free-will offering. about the upcoming loss of St. Lawrence, therapist Lisa Antczak will be here to listen to us after the Masses on the weekend of June 22-23. Lisa will St. Lawrence Pray meet with us in the back of Church in our Hospital- ity area. Light refreshments will be served. for Us ST. LAWRENCE CHURCH BUFFALO, NEW YORK THIS WEEK IN OUR FOOD PANTRY FAMILY OF PARISHES The Vineyard Ministries food pantry workday is scheduled for Sunday 6/9: Columba Rumba following 11 Saturday June 15th from 9 am until noon. We are located at 25 AM Mass Dinner & entertainment $25 Roma Avenue. We deliver food to about 50 families unable to Monday 6/10: 10AM—Noon Pantry STL pick up themselves. We need people to sort, pack, load and deliv- Zoom Rosary Get the link from CB Facebook Page er food to those in need. We hope you will join us! Wednesday 6/12: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM Food Pantry BT We also work Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am until 12:30 PM BINGO STL Doors open 11 AM noon if you are interested in helping out. If you have skills in Thursday 6/13:10 AM-Noon Food Pantry STL Excel or Access we would love to have your help as well. 8PM BINGO CB Doors open at 6:30PM Questions? Please call 716-896-0047, thank you! Friday 6/14: Rosary Group follows 11AM Mass BT 6-9PM Meet & Greet BT Saturday 6/15: 2-6PM Chicken Dinner BT Tickets availa- CHICKEN BBQ ble $15 Blessed Trinity will sponsor its fourth annual Chicken Barbecue dinner on Saturday, June 15th from 2 to 6 pm. Take Out on- ly. Dinner includes 1/2 Weidner chicken, homemade macaroni Our regular weekday Mass schedule: salad and coleslaw, cornbread, and brownie. The price is $15.00. BT Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 11 AM Contact Blessed Trinity’s parish office for tickets or Pat Dyer for STL Wednesday 3:30 PM tickets. Our weekend Mass schedule: BT Saturdays 4:30PM & Sundays 10AM YOUTH BOWLING RALLY CB Saturdays 4PM and Sundays 9AM (Spanish) &11AM Family 21 is sponsoring a Youth Bowling Ral- Last Sunday of the month: Bi-Lingual 10AM ly! Youth ages 13-18 are invited to join us on Sunday, June 23 at Kerns Avenue Bowling Center SMdP Sundays 8AM and 9:30AM for an afternoon of bowling and conversation. For STL Saturdays 4:30PM and Sundays Noon $20 you get three hours of bowling, food, friends, and a chance to Confessions By appointment or prior to the Saturday tell us what concerns you in today’s world. Fliers with parent Vigil Masses consent forms are available today. Please return your completed forms to your parish office by June 16. BT—Blessed Trinity, CB—Columba Brigid, SMdP—St. Martin de Porres, STL—St. Lawrence SLVMI -St. Law- rence Vineyard Ministries Inc FP – Family Promise BIBLICAL STATIONS OF THE EUCHARIST Biblical Stations of the Holy Eucharist Exhibit, inspired by Fr. Save the Dates: Father’s Day Gala Tickets available now for $50 - June 15 Jonathan Meyer, National Eucharistic Revival Preacher. Experi- Youth Bowling 1- 4 PM on Sunday, June 22 at Kerns Bowl- ence this unique, faith-fun, educational, reverent and interactive ing Center $20/person Ages 13-18 welcome - See flyer/ exhibit on Sundays from June 2024-June 2025 after 10 am Mass consent and every Thursday from 4:30-8 pm through September 2024 at Franciscan Appreciation Day Sunday, July 7 at Ss. Colum- the Church of St. Casimir, 160 Cable St., Buffalo. Bring your ba-Brigid bibles and your loved ones along to greet Jesus, the Bread of Life Fall Confirmation classes Six sessions starting Sunday, and Lamb of God foretold by centuries of Sacred Scripture. September 29 at 12:30 PM at Ss. Columba-Brigid HEALING MASS A Mass for the healing of body, mind and spirit will be celebrated on Thursday, June 13 at 7 pm at St. Thomas Aquinas, 450 Abbott GRANT MONEY RECEIVED Rd., Buffalo. June 13 is the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. A first Family 21 is excited to have received -class relic of the saint and the sacrament of the anointing of the approval for a grant from the Founda- sick will be available. The church is handicapped accessible. All tion of the Roman Catholic Diocese of are invited to come and experience the healing presence of the Buffalo for $5,400! This money will Lord. Any questions, call 716-822-1250. help us purchase books, videos, and large-screen televisions for Blessed Trinity and Ss. Columba- GARDEN PARTY FUNDRAISER Brigid halls, hire guest speakers and initiate a safety improve- Garden Party & Flower Show Fundraiser on Saturday, June 15 ment project in the classroom at Blessed Trinity - and from 3-7:30 pm at Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, 1023 Swann Rd. more. As soon as the grant money is received you will see (off Rt. 18), Lewiston. This outdoor event will feature appetizers things happening. This money supplements the Fr. George served from 4-5:30 PM, gourmet buffet served at 6 PM, basket Reger Faith Formation Fund. raffle, floral basket raffle and sale, “Ladies’ & Men’s Hat Con- test,” and a cash wine and beer tent. Proceeds benefit the contin- ued efforts to beautify the Shrine. Garden Party tickets must be purchased on or before June 13th no ticket sales at the door. For more information, call the Shrine Office at 716-754-7489, ext. 0.