596.1226 - EN - 201209 Airtelligence - Provis - 2.0
596.1226 - EN - 201209 Airtelligence - Provis - 2.0
596.1226 - EN - 201209 Airtelligence - Provis - 2.0
Compressor Control
airtelligence provis 2.0
Operating Instructions
for the superordinate
compressor control
airtelligence provis 2.0
Postfach 10 07
33507 Bielefeld
Otto-Boge-Straße 1-7
33739 Bielefeld
Date: 09 / 2012
No. 596.1226 01
Nominal charge: € 5.00
Part 1: airtelligence provis 2.0 1.1 How to use these Operating Instructions
Who are these These Operating Instructions are for BOGE customers who wish to use the
instructions for? superordinate airtelligence provis 2.0 compressor control to control the com-
pressed air production of several compressors linked together to form a com-
pressed air station (combined compressor system).
The user is required to meet the following conditions and have the following
technical experience in order to professionally operate the control:
– Familiarity with the compressor system;
– Technical training in electrical engineering or mechanical engineering;
– Basic training given by BOGE in the use of the airtelligence provis 2.0 .
Contents of these These operating instructions cover only the parameter configuration and oper-
Operating Instructions ation of the control.
The following work on the compressor system is NOT covered by these in-
structions and must not be performed:
– Work such as electrical commissioning of the control, maintenance and
– Work on the control which requires the switch cabinet to be opened. This
includes, for example, switching the control on and off and installing up-
– Work on compressors and equipment, such as connecting them to the
superordinate control.
This work must be performed by authorized professionals only. Authorized
professionals include, for example, BOGE service personnel.
BOGE recommends that the airtelligence provis 2.0 control and the com-
pressors and equipment connected to it are set up and started up for the first
time by BOGE service personnel. Maintenance work, such as control unit up-
dates, are also carried out by BOGE service personnel.
Additional documents The following documents are required for work which is not covered by these
Operating Instructions:
– Operating instructions for the compressors connected to it;
– Operating instructions for the equipment connected to it;
– Operating instructions for the subordinate controls.
The safety instructions in particular given in these documents must be fol-
The following section includes information on reading these Operating Instruc-
tions as well as information on the types of warning notices used in these
Operating Instructions.
Reading these Operating The following table contains an overview of all design elements as an aid to
Instructions reading these Operating Instructions:
Symbol Meaning
Administrator mode
In this area, settings can only be made
in administrator mode after success-
fully logging in.
See section 1.8 Login, page 34
– Info 1 List
– Info 2 Important information is listed for easy
– Info 3 visualization.
(1) Illustrations
(2) Illustrations of the touch panel user
(3) interface are subdivided with frames
as necessary. Each frame is num-
Tab. 1.1: Overview of all design elements for reading these Operating Instruc-
Safety warnings Warning notices warn of dangers which exist while carrying out certain ac-
Signal words
The following signal words are used:
Warning signs
The following warning signs are used:
Warning Meaning
This is where the consequences are described if the warning notice is not
Î Hazards can be prevented in this way.
How it works
Each compressor (e.g. BOGE SF 150, C 30) within the combined compressor
system has its own control which is subordinated to the airtelligence provis
2.0 control (z.B. BOGE FOCUS). The sole function of this is to monitor and
regulate the settings and operation of the various compressors. The subordi-
nate control must be adjusted in such a way that it follows the lead given by
the superordinate control. For this reason, read the corresponding instructions
in the operating instructions for the subordinate compressor controls as well.
It is also possible to connect up additional equipment, such as sensors, and
have this equipment monitored by the control.
1.3 Safety
Read the airtelligence provis 2.0 Operating Instructions, and in particular the
following safety instructions, before starting up the control for the first time and
before performing any other work!
Switch cabinet The control is housed in a separate switch cabinet. The touch panel for the
control is integrated in the front panel of the switch cabinet. The control is oper-
ated with the switch cabinet closed using only the touch panel.
There are live parts inside the switch cabinet. There is a risk of electric
shock if the switch cabinet is opened by unauthorized persons.
Î NEVER open the switch cabinet during operation!
Î Only use the touch panel when the switch cabinet is closed!
Note that these Operating Instructions only cover settings which you can make
using the control's touch panel (see the Touch panel section on page 7).
Data storage Unsecured data from compressor or equipment configuration and configura-
tion of parameters for the control may be lost due to faults and/or necessary
resets to the control. airtelligence provis 2.0 provides options for saving data
which are described in the paragraphs which follow.
Settings that have not been saved on the SD card are deleted in the event
of a reset of the control.
Î Save the configuration of connected components and control parameter
configurations using the functions "Save" and "Save settings".
"Save" function
The control has an SD card which can be used to save configurations with the
aid of the "Save" button. Always use the option of saving data if this is present-
ed by the "Save" button. This permanently saves configurations (e.g. through
Profiles/Schedule) and ensures that they continue to be available after a fault
and/or a control reset.
Preventing damage to Do not use sharp objects to operate the touch panel or any other object that
touch panel may scratch it. BOGE does not accept liability for any damage resulting from
improper use.
Housing the touch panel The control is housed in a separate switch cabinet. The touch panel is
attached to the front panel of the switch cabinet.
Touch panel
for operating
the control
Using the touch panel The touch panel is operated by tapping with a finger or using a suitable stylus
with a plastic point. Just a light tap on the surface of the touch panel is suffi-
cient to activate the touch panel controls. Do not use sharp objects to operate
the touch panel or any other object that may scratch it.
Note the maintenance instructions for the touch panel in section 1.12 Main-
tenance on page 54.
View of operating inter- After the electrical startup of the control for the first time by BOGE service per-
face sonnel, the control automatically powers up into its operational state. It is not
necessary to additionally switch on the control. Once the control is operational,
the operating interface, or touch panel, of the control in the front panel of the
switch cabinet displays the standard view. The standard view corresponds to
the main view "State", sub-view "Station" (see also page 24).
► Main view "State" ► sub-view "Station"
Fig. 1.3: Standard view of operating interface
The header bar can be seen in every main view. Besides the BOGE logo
and the current date and time the following items are displayed:
– Station status
– "Login" button
– "Help" button
Since the header bar is always displayed, it is possible to see the current
station status and access the "Login" button (see also page 32) and "Help"
button (see also page 8) at any time.
The display and work area shows the currently active main view or its sub-
views. The control has a total of five main views which allow all parameter
configuring and control tasks to be performed.
Using the buttons in the navigation bar, it is possible to switch between the
five main views. The navigation bar can be seen in every main view. This
means that it is possible to switch from one main view to another at any
The currently active main view is highlighted in white.
The "State" button makes it possible to switch (see also page 22)
to the main view "State"
"Help" function A page-specific HTML help for airtelligence provis 2.0 is filed under the
"Help" button in the header bar. You can open the help documentation at any
time without logging in. The help topic to go with the view you are currently in
is shown automatically by the help function.
Structure of the control The control has five main views in addition to the standard view. In the main
views, it is possible to carry out all parameter configuration tasks and all oper-
ational control tasks (main view "Course").
The figure below shows an overview of the structure of the control and the ar-
rangement of the five main views and their sub-views.
Navigating to sub-views You can switch to the sub-views of the five main views in two ways:
– Using tabs (► main view "State“ and ► main view "Course"), which you
can switch between;
– Using buttons (► main view "Presettings), in which case the sub-views will
be opened in a separate window.
Overview of the views The table below shows a list of all main views and sub-views with a brief expla-
nation of each function:
View Functions
View Functions
Overview of operating By selecting the operating mode, you determine the form of operation of the
modes control and decide the criteria according to which compressed air should be
produced. To enable operating modes to be used, profiles must have been
created (see Set up profiles on page 53). Each profile can be assigned to a
different operating mode. The following table provides as overview of all oper-
ating modes:
"Runtime" The aim of "Runtime" mode is to offset and equal out the runt- – Uniform ageing of
imes of the various compressors. Compressors with low runt- the compressors is
imes, for instance, are switched in earlier than compressors with the aim.
higher runtimes.
Notice: Frequency controlled (FU) and fixed speed (S) compres-
sors are treated separately, as the running times of these two
groups cannot be aligned. This means that both frequency con-
trolled compressors as well as fixed speed compressors form a
group of their own.
"Priority and The operating mode "Priority and runtime" corresponds to "Runt- – Uniform ageing of
runtime" ime" mode, but in this case the running times of a certain priority the compressors of a
group are aligned and not the running times of all compressors. priority group is the
Frequency controlled (FU) and fixed speed (S) compressors are aim, e.g. a group of
therefore additionally divided into various priority groups (P1-P3). old and a group of
new compressors.
"Free air The "Free air delivery" operating mode is the standard operating – Energy efficient com-
delivery" mode. The control searches in each case for the most ideally pressed air produc-
suited compressor with respect to its free air delivery and switch- tion with the steadi-
es it in. At the same time, the most suitable compressor with re- est possible pressure
spect to its free air delivery is turned off in order to meet the is the aim.
current volume flow requirement. – A narrow pressure
If controlled compressors are available and the workload is at range for compres-
the lower or upper end of the current free air delivery range, sors of different size
compressors are proactively switched on or off in order to remain is required.
as close as possible to the middle of the pressure range. At the
same time, controlled compressors are prevented from running
close to their preset minimum frequency.
Notice: The learn mode must have been completed in order to
achieve the best possible results. Parameters for the free air de-
livery of the compressors and their minimum allowed frequency
(utilization) must also be correctly configured.
"Priority and This operating mode corresponds to the "Free air delivery" mode – Energy efficient com-
free air with the difference that only compressors of the currently suita- pressed air produc-
delivery" ble priority level are taken into account when selecting compres- tion with the steadi-
sors. est possible pressure
If, for instance, all priority 1 compressors are running (and prior- is the aim.
ity 2 compressors are not yet working), only priority 2 compres-
sors will be selected even if there is a more suitable compressor
in priority 3 as far as free air delivery is concerned. At the same
time, in this case only priority 2 compressors would be switched
off, even if there was a more suitable compressor for switching
off in priority 1.
"Next service" This operating mode is very similar to "Runtime" mode but the – The servicing of sev-
utilization of the compressors is measured according to the re- eral machines at the
maining time until the next service is due. same, to reduce
maintenance and
service costs, is the
aim of this mode.
"Priority and This operating mode is very similar to "Next service" mode but – For use where
next service" the compressors within a priority group are matched according groups of compres-
to the remaining time until the next service. sors require to be
serviced at the same
"Free air This operating mode is a hybrid of the operating modes de- – If there are several
delivery and scribed in the preceding paragraphs.. This mode requires runt- compressors and
runtime" ime groups of identically sized compressors to be created using you wish to produce
the boxes on the profile page. both energy-efficient
This mode works in the same way as "Free air delivery" mode in compressed air as
that a free air delivery which precisely matches the compressed well as ensure uni-
air requirement is sought among the compressors of a runtime form ageing of the
group. However, the compressor in the runtime group which has compressors of a
run up the least amount of runtime is selected. When selecting runtime group.
compressors for switching off, the compressor which has run up
the most runtime within the runtime group is switched off. Within
a runtime group, a distinction is also made between controlled
and non-controlled compressors, which means that these can
have different runtimes. This mode uses the parameters of min-
imum and maximum runtime difference, to enable compressors
to be replaced, if necessary, if their runtime difference is too
great. The runtimes of the compressors are therefore matched.
"Free air This operating mode works in exactly the same way as "Free air – If there are several
delivery and delivery and runtime" and has the same requirements, benefits pairs of compressors
next service" and restrictions. The difference is that in this case it is not the and you wish to pro-
operating time which is decisive but the remaining time until the duce both energy-
next service. The remaining time till the next service is therefore efficient compressed
matched. air as well as save
maintenance costs
by carrying out serv-
icing at the same
"All off" * This operating mode cancels the authorization of all compres- – You wish to decide
sors to supply compressed air and has the effect of stopping that compressed air
delivery from all compressors. The compressors are not author- production should be
ized to supply compressed air, but livebits continue to be sent. subject to certain
Notice: When adjusting settings on the compressors, make sure idling times (such as
that they do not switch to internal pressure control even at low at the weekend).
pressure. For this reason, follow the operating instructions for
the subordinated compressor controls as well as the operating
instructions for the compressors.
Note that this mode is NOT a safe disconnection state, such as
used for maintenance work! If there is a communications fault or
a cable is damaged, for instance, it would still be possible for the
compressor to start up due to the internal pressure control. In
such cases, always activate the mains isolator switch on the
Notice: This operating mode can be forcibly obtained using dig-
ital input 5 of the control, even if the currently active profile calls
for a different operating mode. Further details for connecting the
digital input are given in the circuit diagram provided for the con-
"Authorize all" This operating mode authorizes all compressors, and no further – Used if compressors
livebits will be sent. The compressors behave according to their should follow the
settings for internal pressure control and indicate a maintenance parameters of their
message if appropriate. own (subordinated)
This mode works analogously to deactivating a compressor un- controls.
der "Presettings" ► "Search compressors", but it applies for all
compressors. If a bus connection still exists, the compressor
data is read out and its runtime data is displayed. Compressors
are indicated greyed-out.
Notice: This operating mode can be forcibly obtained using dig-
ital input 6 of the control, even if the currently active profile calls
for a different operating mode. Further details for connecting the
digital input are given in the circuit diagram provided for the con-
WARNING Compressors may suddenly start up automatically in the "All off"
operating mode
Operational controls The table shown below provides an overview of the controls which you can
use to make all settings to the airtelligence provis 2.0 :
Number input Enter freely selected num- Tap the input field
window bers (see above)
Examples: Æ The number input win-
– Enter the user code for dow opens.
switching to administrator Enter the numbers by tap-
mode ping.
– Enter values and quanti- – Confirm with (1).
ties – Correct your input with
– Cancel the action with
(1) (2) (3)
Text input field Enter freely selected text Open by tapping the input
Example: field (see above)
– Enter name, Enter the numbers by tap-
e.g. of compressors or ping.
profile – Confirm with (1).
– Correct your input with
– Cancel the action with
(1) (2) (3) (3).
"Save" button To save the current configu- Tap the "Save" button.
ration of a view on the inter- Æ The setting is saved
nal SD card in the control; on the SD card.
N.B.: Not every change can
be saved! In this case, a
"Save" button is not dis-
played. Saving on the SD
card using the function
"Save" is optional but is rec-
ommended to prevent the
loss of any data.
"Back" button Reverts to the previous view. Tap the "Back" button to
revert to the previous view.
Display symbols The airtelligence provis 2.0 control has a number of recurring display sym-
bols. These show the current compressor operating state and the current sta-
tion, compressor and equipment state.
Symbol Meaning
Green dot
Orange Or
triangle, – The station utilization is
unfilled 100%.
The compressed air availa-
bility is not yet jeopardised
but could be if further prob-
lems arise.
Possible faults: All compressors have a fault All compressors have a fault
– A critical airtelligence pro- or communication fault and or communication fault.
vis 2.0 fault is pending and may not be able to deliver.
the control can no longer
Red cross
fulfil its task (e.g. after a
sensor cable break);
– All compressors have a
fault or communication
– The station efficiency is
100% and the pressure is
below the pressure range
and still falling.
Compressed air supply is
no longer assured.
- = symbol not used for these components of combined compressor system
Tab. 1.7: Current station state symbols
The following section contains an overview of the five main views of the air-
telligence provis 2.0 control with an overview of the most important display
and setting options.
(1) (2)
The "State" main view corresponds to the standard view which is displayed
after the control has powered up as well as during normal operation. All infor-
mation about the general operational state and the current state of the station
is displayed. This view has three sub-views which can be switched between
using tabs. In normal operation, the "Station" sub-view is shown automatically.
Steady pressure
Rising pressure
Falling pressure
"Compressor" sub-view
► Main view "State" ► sub-view "Compressor"
"Station" sub-view
► Main view "State" ► sub-view "Station"
The "Station" sub-view provides an overview of the state of the entire com-
bined compressor system. All important compressed air data is displayed.
The display is divided into three areas:
A further value (in this case the standard setting shown is the current output
of the combined compressor system) is shown. By clicking on this value,
the value switches to the current CO2 emission of combined compressor
system or, if available, to the values of the analogue inputs.
"Equipment" sub-view
► Main view "State" ► sub-view "Equipment"
Tab. 1.8: Equipment value symbols for analogue inputs and outputs
Only the state is displayed for the digital inputs and outputs, i.e. whether there
is a signal (Hi) or not (Lo):
Symbol Meaning
There is a signal.
There is no signal.
"Schedule" main view The use of profiles and digital outputs are controlled with the aid of the weekly
schedule (see also„"Profile" main view“, page 28).
The weekly schedule defines the days and times when certain profiles should
be active. This enables the compressed air production to be ideally adapted to
your operating processes. Besides the profiles, digital outputs can also be
switched in during the weekly schedule to activate equipment at a specific
► "Schedule" main view
The "Schedule" main view provides an overview of the profiles that are active
during the week. It is not possible to carry out any settings in this view but only
to change the timescale view. The weekly schedule is set up in the "Edit
schedule" sub-view (see also „Set up schedule“, page 57).
(1) (2)
"Analysis" sub-view
► Main view "Course" ► sub-view "Analysis"
Fig. 1.13: Main view "Course", sub-view "Analysis", example of hourly view
The "Analysis" sub-view displays the pressure history (both pressures if two
pressure sensors are connected to the control) and the volume flow rate (=
free air delivery development) for the preceding four weeks in the form of a
graph. The history can be shown as:
– A weekly view
– A daily view
– A six-hourly view
– An hourly view
A flash memory card must be inserted in the touch panel in order to use the
graph function.
Î Insert the flash memory card in the touch panel.
2. Tap the timescale window on the left (2) or on the right (2) to increase the
period displayed (e.g. from hourly to six-hourly view, and by tapping the
window again to the daily view, etc.).
To set the display and the scale of the "Analysis" view as required, both scales
on the left (3) or on the right (3) can be activated. In this case, the setting win-
dow opens:
Using "Autoscale", the control itself can determine display limits for the values.
Otherwise these can also be set manually if desired.
"Events" sub-view
► Main view "Course" ► sub-view "Events"
The "Events" sub-view contains the message memory. All alerts, fault and
event messages (= events) are displayed here. A maximum of 64 events can
be saved and displayed. If the memory is full, the earliest messages are over-
written. Five messages are displayed at a time, and it is possible to use the
scroll bar at the right-hand side of the display to switch between the entire list.
Additional information on each message can be displayed using the info but-
tons (1). Events can be acknowledged using the checkbox (2). Using the "Edit"
button, all fault messages can be acknowledged or deleted at the same time.
The "Presetting" main view provides access to all sub-views that are required
to set all general parameters. In addition, the "Search compressors" and
"Search equipment" sub-views can be accessed via Modbus (see also
„1.9Configuring control parameters“, page 32).
1.8 Login
Configuring control parameters (before using for the first time), defines all es-
sential parameters determining the compressed air production of the com-
bined compressor system. All values can be set in such a way that the control
is ideally adapted to the local compressor station and compressed air demand.
The configuration of parameters after the electrical startup of the control, the
connection of the compressors and the equipment and after powering the con-
trol up for the first time. The control is not ready for operation until the config-
uration of the parameters is fully completed.
Overview of work steps Keep to the following order of work when starting up the control for the first
1. Set language and units for Set language and unit (page 33)
2. Set date and time for control Set date and time (page 36)
Set languages and units Before the actual configuration of parameters, you must first set the basic set-
tings for the control. These include setting the control language and the units
in which the control displays measured values, as described in this section.
The procedure for setting the system time is also described in the section Set
date and time
The unit settings carried out here do not apply for the configuration of equip-
The following units can be selected for setting the units for the control:
Pressure [kg/cm²]
Volume [cf]
Temperature [K]
Set "Date/time" The control system time is set in the sub-view "Date/time". This must be set
correctly before the weekly schedule is set up and the maintenance counters
can be set.
Setting up In order to set up compressors, two work steps must be carried out:
compressors – Search for connected compressors
– Configuration of compressors found
These steps must be carried out before profiles or a weekly schedule can be
set up.
Search compressors
During the search (= scan), the control checks all existing bus addresses for
compressors that are connected and Modbus interface modules (= BUS par-
ticipants). Only compressors which are found can be activated and used for
compressed air production.
During the search, already active compressors do not receive any livebit
(regular signal which the airtelligence provis 2.0 sends to subordinate
controls). The subordinate controls may send fault messages to the air-
telligence provis 2.0.
Î To connect compressors subsequently, set the operating mode "Author-
ize all" (see section Operating modes on page 14).
Î In addition read the operating instructions for the subordinate compres-
sor controls.
After initial startup, compressors are not yet shown in this view.
To begin the search for compressors:
1. Tap the "Search" button.
Æ The Bus search for compressors begins.
A progress bar displays the search status. This process can take sev-
eral minutes. The types of controls found for any compressors that are
connected are displayed.
2. Activate the types of control found using the checkbox.
3. Tap "Save" to accept the selection.
4. Tap the "Cancel" button to revert to the main view "Presettings".
5. Next, configure any compressors that were found.
Configure compressors
After completing the search for compressors, all compressors must be config-
If the compressors connected to the control are not configured fully and cor-
rectly, smooth operation and efficient controlling are not possible.
Î During the configuring process, follow the instructions in the table below
and carried out all the settings required.
The compressor detail view has the following display and work
(2) (1)
To adopt the desired parameters for a compressor from the machine data-
1. Tap the desired type of compressor.
Æ The type of compressor selected is marked with a blue frame (1). The
parameters of the compressor selected are displayed (2).
2. Tap the checkbox "Adopt name", as necessary, in order to deactivate the
function if you do not wish to adopt the name.
3. Tap "Accept" to adopt the parameters for the compressor.
Æ The parameters from the database are adopted for the compressor se-
lected and are displayed in the detail view for the compressor.
If compressors are not listed in the machine database, their parameters must
be entered manually. This procedure is described below.
Set up equipment In order to set up equipment, two work steps must be carried out:
– Search for connected equipment
– Configuration of equipment found
Search equipment
During the search, the control monitors the Bus addresses in order to find
equipment (= BUS participants) which is connected to the control via a Mod-
bus interface module (Modbus I/O). Only equipment that is found can be acti-
vated and used.
► Main view "Presettings" ► Sub-view "Search equipment".
Configure equipment
To configure equipment that is connected, settings must be carried out in a to-
tal of four sub-views of the main view "Configure equipment". Tabs can be
used to switch to the sub-views. The sub-views are used to manage the ana-
logue and digital inputs and outputs. All equipment is connected to the control
through these.
AI Analogue inputs
AO Analogue outputs
DI Digital inputs
DO Digital outputs
– Equipment name
– Type of equipment
– Unit
– Minimum and maximum sensor signal value
– Activation or deactivation of the equipment
Pressure bar
Frequency Hz
RPM 1/min
Current rating A
Voltage V
Rated power kW
Dew point °C
Temp. °C
Percent %
Air humidity: %
6. Enter the maximum value of the sensor signal by tapping the "Max." input
field to open the number input window. Enter the value from the equipment
data sheet.
Æ The "Preview" window displays a preview of the converted values from
the values you entered (unit and minimum and maximum value). This
allows you to check whether the data you have entered is correct.
7. Use the "Active?" checkbox to verify whether the inputs are active or have
been deactivated.
Æ The settings are activated immediately and do not need to be saved.
8. Tap the "Save" button to store the configuration permanently on the SD
– Equipment name
– Type of equipment
– Unit
– Minimum and maximum sensor signal value
– Activation or deactivation of the equipment
AT Rated power kW
AT utilization %
AT efficiency %
Not specified -
Tab. 1.13: Overview of analogue output types
– Equipment name
– Activating or deactivating with the checkbox
In addition the current status (hi or lo) is displayed.
– Equipment name
– Activating or deactivating with the checkbox
In addition the current status (hi or lo) is displayed.
Configure control The sub-view "Configure control parameters" is used to set parameters for the
parameters general operating conditions of the combined compressor system. The sub-
view is divided into two pages which can be switched between using the scroll-
► Main view "Presettings" ► Sub-view "Configure control parameters" ►
Page 1
The table below provides an overview explaining the various settings which
need to be carried out.
Parameters Meaning
Minimum runtime difference [h]/ The specification of the runtime difference (in hours) regulates the
Maximum runtime difference [h]/ changeover of compressors during operation.
This parameter must be set for the operating modes which take
into account the operating time and time which remains until the
next service (see Overview of operating modes on page 11).
The minimum runtime difference determines a minimum interval
between a changeover in order to avoid changing over too fre-
The maximum runtime difference defines the maximum runtime
difference according to which a compressor that is in operation is
switched for a compressor with a lower runtime (depending on the
specifications for the operating mode selected, e.g. priorities).
Parameters Meaning
Maximum VSD compressors The specification of the maximum VSD compressors determines
the number of frequency controlled compressors that are author-
ized to control at any one time. Any compressors which may be
disregarded in this respect can still however be switched in as
fixed speed compressors if this is required to meet the air delivery
This function can be expedient on the grounds of efficiency, but
also in the event that pressure differences occur between the
frequency controlled compressors.
Starting value of net volume [m³] After the configuration of control parameters is completed, the net-
work size learn mode starts automatically. The purpose of this is
to determine the volume of the compressed air network. This value
is calculated iteratively.
To speed up the network size learn mode or obtain correct values
more quickly, an estimated network volume can be specified as
an initial magnitude for calculating the network size. This value
can be entered here.
A green dot beside the input field shows that the network size
learn mode has been completed and the actual value has been
calculated. The result in displayed in the input field in this case.
A recalculation can be started at any time by
entering and saving an initial magnitude (see also „Network size
learn mode“, page 63).
NOTICE Activating the parameter "Max. allowed rated power" can prevent
compressors from being switched in at critically low pressures!
The table below provides an overview explaining the various settings which
need to be carried out.
Parameters Meaning
Average out the Activate this function with the checkbox only if:
pressure – Two network pressure sensors are connected and
– An averaged out value for the pressure readings
from each of the two sensors is required to be dis-
played . If this function is not activated, both pres-
sures will be displayed separately in the standard
Regular network Activate this function if your network size changes reg-
size validation ularly and there are frequency controlled compressors
in the combined compressor system. The network size
learn mode will be started automatically in this case.
– Values beyond admissible limits are not accepted in the sub-view "Con-
figure control parameters" even while they are being entered (e.g. neg-
ative value).
– An acoustic signal draws attention in addition to the fact that the setting
being carried out will not be accepted.
– Settings carried out here must be confirmed by the "Save" function to
avoid input errors.
– Tap "Save" to adopt the settings.
Set up profiles This section describes how to set up profiles. New profiles can be set up or
existing profiles edited in the "Profiles" main view. Profiles must be set up
before a weekly schedule can be created. A maximum of 26 profiles can be
set up.
The full range of buttons for carrying out profile settings is only displayed in
administrator mode.
The following procedure applies both for "Create new profile" as well as
"Edit profile"
2. Tap the input field "P min" (2) to enter the lower pressure range limit.
3. Enter the desired value.
4. Tap the input field "P max" (3) to enter the upper pressure range limit.
5. Enter the desired value.
6. Tap the input field "Operating mode" (4) to select an operating mode.
Æ The selection list appears.
7. Select the required operating mode (see Overview of operating modes on
page 11).
The compressor priority only needs to be set if the previously selected oper-
ating mode functions in a priority-dependent way.
In the case of the operating modes "Free air delivery and runtime" and
"Free air delivery and next service", the symbols shown below are used to
create runtime groups. This works in the same way as for creating priorities
(see „Overview of operating modes“, page 11).
Display Meaning
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Priority 5
10. First of all, select a colour for the new profile. Use the arrow buttons to find
the desired colour (6).
Æ Profile settings are accepted immediately and do not need to be con-
– Profile 1 has a particular significance: If the control loses contact with the
touch panel and the status of the control can no longer be displayed, the
control always switches to profile 1 in order to establish a defined state.
Always ensure, therefore, that profile 1 is always able to cover your max-
imum compressed air demand. In addition, profile 1 can always be acti-
vated using the symbol for manual operation (located on the left-
hand side of the current profile) in the "Analysis" sub-view. This symbol
only appears, however, if you are in administrator mode.
– Profiles 1-4 are of special significance: They can be activated with the
digital inputs on the control and then, if necessary,
overwrite the profile which should actually be active according to the
schedule. Input 1 activates profile 1; input 2 activates profile 2 etc.
In this way a certain operating state can be established using a physical
switch. Further details for connecting the digital inputs are given in the
circuit diagram provided for the control.
Set up schedule This section describes how to set up the weekly schedule. The weekly sched-
ule is used to manage profiles. The weekly schedule has a fixed number of 30
listed items.
► "Schedule" main view
The following details must be entered in this sub-view too set up the schedule:
The following details are required for each item listed in the
Each profile is given only a starting time but not an end time. This prevents
overlaps in time with other items on the schedule list. Each profile is auto-
matically overwritten by another.
Set maintenance In the sub-view "Maintenance counters“ , the next service (hours until the next
counters service) is entered for system components which are not electronically con-
nected. This is necessary since these airtelligence provis 2.0 components
are unable to send maintenance messages. Maintenance counters can be set
up for a maximum of four electronically unconnected components (one receiv-
er maintenance counter, three general maintenance counters).
Please refer to the relevant information on next service and maintenance inter-
vals in the labels or operating instructions for the various components.
Altering the system time during operation has repercussions on the main-
tenance counters.
Î Set the date and time correctly during initial startup.
Î Avoid making subsequent changes to the system time.
Save settings After the configuration of control parameters has been completed, it is recom-
mended that settings are saved to prevent standard settings from being lost.
If this action is not taken, all parameters which have been configured will be
deleted if the control is reset unless they have previously been stored on the
SD card using the "Save" function.
Settings that have not been saved on the SD card are deleted in the event
of a reset of the control.
Î Save the configuration with the "Save settings" function.
The sub-view "Load/save settings“ enables the system-specific settings for the
airtelligence provis 2.0 to be saved in a file. The setting denotes the config-
uration of the system-specific settings at a particular point in time.
This includes:
– Compressor settings that are carried out in the compressor detail view,
e.g. details of rated power and free air delivery;
– Control parameter configurations, i.e. configurations carried out in the sub-
view " Configure control parameters".
– Other settings, e.g. station name.
The following settings are not filed under "Save settings". They are saved sep-
arately using the "Save" function to allow these (system-specific) settings to
be individually exported and replaced.
This includes:
– Profile settings
– Schedule
– Maintenance counters
– Equipment settings.
Carry out several settings and save these with the "Save settings" function
in order to have a variety of settings available. For instance, save a config-
uration with, and a configuration without, authorization of the VSD compres-
A total of five configurations (= settings) can be filed in five memories. The cur-
rent control configuration is saved in each case. The corresponding file names
on the SD card are "config1.mew" to "config5.mew".
To save settings:
If no settings have been saved, all five memories display "not available".
1. Tap the "Search" button.
Æ Any files found are displayed. Memories where settings have been
saved show the display "available", while memories which do not con-
tain any settings show "not available".
2. Select the desired memory with the checkbox. Memories that already con-
tain settings can also be selected and overwritten.
3. Tap the "Save" button.
Æ The current setting is stored in the memory selected and therefore also
on the SD card.
To load a setting:
1. Select the desired setting with the checkbox.
2. Tap the "Load" button.
Æ The setting that has been selected is loaded and the control adopts the
stored configuration.
Network size learn mode The network size learn mode function provides two different learn modes
which are automatically started depending on the composition of the com-
bined compressor system (fixed speed compressors only/fixed speed and at
least one authorized VSD compressor).
The purpose of both learn modes is essentially to determine the volume of the
compressed air network. Only if the network size is known is it possible for the
airtelligence provis 2.0 system to calculate and display a correct value for the
flow rate and to switch in compressors that exactly match this. This value is
calculated iteratively on the basis of certain status changes.
Provided that the automatically started learn mode has not yet ended, an or-
ange triangle is displayed next to the flow rate in the "Station" sub-view.
Since the learn mode has not yet ended, a rough estimate of the flow rate is
displayed. This can deviate or fluctuate significantly from the actual final value
depending on the network size specification and iteration status.
The steadier the compressed air demand is, the faster the learn mode is able
to deliver a quick final result. Conversely, this means that in extreme cases the
learn mode cannot be ended if the demand is constantly subject to high fluc-
tuation. In this case an estimated value which is as accurate as possible is se-
lected and entered in the "Configure control parameters" under "Starting value
of net volume" (see „Configure control parameters“, page 50). If the estimated
value is very close to the actual value, the learn mode will be ended faster and
the resulting flow rate correctly displayed.
Depending on the station concerned, the learn process is generally completed
within a few hours and at most within a few days.
If no data is available on the network size of the station, the following formula
can be taken as a guideline:
Network size specification = receiver size + (receiver size * 50%)
Depending on whether a large or small network is involved, the percentage
must be adapted accordingly. If no value at all is specified, a standard value
of 5 m³ is assumed.
The learn mode is often ended in periods with low consumption and an ac-
cordingly small amount of leakage (e.g. in breaks, at night or at the week-
The procedure for activating this learn mode despite frequency controlled
compressors should always be used if the station constellation allows tem-
porary operation without VSD compressors.
Communication The communications settings are relevant for connecting the airtelligence
settings provis 2.0 control to an existing ethernet network. This connection is essential
for the functionality of the browser-based web visualization that is enabled by
the superordinate airtelligence provis 2.0 control. If this functionality is not
required, it is not necessary to enter any data in this view.
Please refer to the separate documentation about this function for details of
the settings which must be carried out if the web visualization is used.
1.10 Troubleshooting
Acoustic alert If parameters are incorrectly entered when configuring control parameters,
then a short acoustic alert may sound. The purpose of this alert is to draw your
attention to an incorrect entry and to the fact that the setting made will not be
accepted. Check the entry and correct it in order to complete the procedure.
The acoustic alert sounds, for example, if an incorrect entry is made while con-
figuring the compressor.
Fault message when When the "Save" button is tapped to save data on the SD card, the following
saving data message is displayed:
"Saving failed"
This message draws attention to a fault in the SD card.
In this case, contact your BOGE dealer or BOGE's customer service depart-
Fault message when When the "Load" button is tapped to call up data from the SD card,
loading data the following message is displayed:
"Loading failed"
This message draws attention to a fault in the SD card.
In this case, contact your BOGE dealer or BOGE's customer service depart-
Warning, fault and event All warning, fault and event messages can be displayed in the "Course" main
messages view ► sub-view "Events" (see also „"Events" sub-view“, page 30).
Please refer to the operating instructions for the subordinate controls as well
as the operating instruction for the Modbus interface module for information on
faults in compressors or components connected via a Modbus interface mod-
ule. These faults have fault codes <500.
A list of warning and fault messages issued by the airtelligence provis 2.0
can be found in the control logbook in the main view "Course" ► sub-view
"Events" ► Info button (see also „"Events" sub-view“, page 30). These faults
have fault codes <=500.
In the event of repeated or continuously occurring messages, contact your
BOGE dealer or BOGE's customer service department.
1.11 Maintenance
Cleaning the display The airtelligence provis 2.0 comes with a cleaning cloth for the touch panel
display. Clean the display as necessary with the damp cleaning cloth using
light pressure to remove any dirt.
Updating software Updating of touch panel software and control software is carried out by BOGE
service personnel.
The sub-view "File services and updates ILC" reached from the "Presettings"
main view is therefore only required by BOGE service personnel. These Oper-
ating Instructions do not therefore include a description of this sub-view.
To have the software updated, contact your BOGE dealer or BOGE's custom-
er service department.