7 - 7005 - 10 - USE Sigma Control Basic
7 - 7005 - 10 - USE Sigma Control Basic
7 - 7005 - 10 - USE Sigma Control Basic
96410 Coburg • PO Box 2143 • GERMANY • Tel. +49-(0)9561-6400 • Fax +49-(0)9561-640130
/KKW/SSCB 2.10 en Z1 7_7005
20150209 100529
The nameplate on the controller will tell you if the alteration information applies to your machine.
■ KAESER material number: 7.8700E0 / 7.8701E0 / 7.8701E00010
■ Valid from product version: 14
1. Compare the material number and/or product version of this alteration information with the de‐
tails on the controller nameplate.
2. Please note the alteration information and the machine's service manual.
3. Insert the alteration information in the service manual.
Tab. 1 Keys
Tab. 2 Indicators
Tab. 3 Display
2.2.2 Parameter
The parameters for machines of the SXC series differ from all other series.
The first table lists parameters applicable to the series SX to ASK. The second table lists the pa‐
rameters for the SXC series.
Parameter Meaning
0 Operating hours counter
Displays the total time the drive motor was switched on.
Only an authorized KAESER service representative is permitted to change these pa‐
1 Load hours counter
Shows the total time the drive motor has run under LOAD.
Only an authorized KAESER service representative is permitted to change these pa‐
2 Maintenance interval counter
Displays the number of operating hours until the next scheduled maintenance is due.
SIGMA CONTROL BASIC counts down the operating hours from a default value. The
warning message “S” is displayed when the counter reaches zero.
The maintenance interval counter must be reset to its default value after the mainte‐
nance work has been carried out. The interval starts anew.
A password is required to change this parameter.
3 Relief valve test mode
This function switches the activating pressure check mode for the safety relief valve on
and off.
The warning message “I” is displayed when the check mode is switched on.
A password is required to change this parameter.
4 Temperature display unit
The airend outlet temperature can be displayed in either °C or °F.
5 Pressure display unit
The current working pressure can be displayed in bar, psi or MPa.
6 Control modes
Factory setting: OFF
Parameter Meaning
8 Switching the refrigeration dryer on/off
Factory setting: ON (Option T3)
Parameter Meaning
0 Operating hours counter
Displays the total time the drive motor was switched on.
Only an authorized KAESER service representative is permitted to change these pa‐
Parameter Meaning
2 Maintenance interval counter
Displays the number of operating hours until the next scheduled maintenance is due.
SIGMA CONTROL BASIC counts down the operating hours from a default value. The
warning message “S” is displayed when the counter reaches zero.
The maintenance interval counter must be reset to its default value after the mainte‐
nance work has been carried out. The interval starts anew.
A password is required to change this parameter.
3 Relief valve test mode
This function switches the activating pressure check mode for the safety relief valve on
and off.
The warning message i is displayed when the check mode is switched on.
A password is required to change this parameter.
➤ Have the relief valve function checked by an authorized KAESER service repre‐
sentative as, by nature of the design, both cannot be tested together.
4 Temperature display unit
The airend outlet temperature can be displayed in either °C or °F.
5 Pressure display unit
The current working pressure can be displayed in bar, psi or MPa.
8 Switching the refrigeration dryer on/off
Factory setting: ON (Option T3)
Parameter Meaning
E Maximum possible setpoint pressure setting
Only an authorized KAESER service representative is permitted to change these pa‐
F Maximum permitted number of switching cycles reached
This parameter (value: OFF) and the “S” warning message are displayed as soon as
the maximum permitted number of switching cycles is reached.
A password is required to change this parameter.
Further information Means of changing or adjusting parameters are given in chapter 5.3.
2.2.3 Messages
Alarm message
An alarm shuts the machine down automatically. The red LED 13 (Fig. 3) flashes.
Warning message
In addition, timing and/or remote control may affect the start of the compressor drive motor.
A small volume of air circulates through the bleed hole in the inlet valve, through the airend and
back to the inlet valve via the venting line.
The controller SIGMA CONTROL BASIC can operate in the following modes:
Option C1 ■ MODULATING control
■ START/STOP control mode (only SXC)
The SIGMA CONTROL BASIC controller is factory set to QUADRO control mode unless specifi‐
cally ordered otherwise.
In the DUAL control mode, the machine is switched back and forth between LOAD and IDLE to
maintain the machine working pressure between the preset minimum and maximum values. When
maximum pressure is reached, the machine switches to IDLE. When the preset idling time has
elapsed, the machine switches to READY.
The idling time is factory preset according to the maximum starting frequency of the compressor
motor. The shorter the idling time setting, the sooner (and more frequently) the drive motor is stop‐
In contrast to the DUAL regulating mode, the machine will switch from LOAD to READY in
QUADRO mode after periods with low compressed air consumption.
After periods with a high compressed air consumption, the machine will switch from LOAD to
READY after passing through IDLE.
In this control mode, the controller requires two specified times: The running time and the idle/
standstill time.
The shorter these times are set, the sooner (and more frequently) the motor is stopped.
The MODULATING control is an additional mechanical regulation. It continuously changes the de‐
livery volume within the machine's control range.
A control valve, the proportional controller, changes the degree of opening of the inlet valve when
the machine transports compressed air into the air network (LOAD)
The load and power consumption of the drive motor rises and falls with the air demand.
Using the selected control mode, the controller toggles the machine between the operating modes
LOAD and READY in order to compensate for air being drawn by consumers, and to maintain the
system pressure between the set minimum and maximum values.
The machine automatically continues to run under LOAD if the duty cycle is too low. This
event lasts a few minutes at maximum.
A sufficient duty cycle prevents harmful condensate.
Delivery condition
■ The connections in the controller are provided with a jumper.
■ With the jumper in place, the controller toggles the machine between LOAD and IDLE.
➤ Re-instate this delivery condition when the machine is not to be controlled remotely.
When the contact closes the machine switches to LOAD. When the contact opens the machine
switches to IDLE.
At the end of the idling period, the machine switches to READY and is in stand-by. The length of
the idling period depends on the control mode selected.
If the «ON» key is pressed while the remote contact is open, the machine remains in stand-by and
starts as soon as the remote contact closes.
3 Installation
3.1 Ensuring safety
Follow the instructions below for safe installation.
Warning instructions are located before a potentially dangerous task.
Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
➤ Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by authorized electricians.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is
➤ Check that there is no voltage on floating relay contacts.
Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury
or death. The following safety concerns relate to any work on components that could be under
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air network to en‐
sure that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ Depressurize all pressurized components and enclosures.
➤ Check all hose couplings in the compressed air system with a hand-held pressure gauge to en‐
sure that they all read 0 psig.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.
Touching voltage carrying components can result in electric shocks, burns or death.
Touching the fan wheel, the coupling or the belt drive while the machine is switched on can result
in serious injury.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is
➤ Do not open the cabinet while the machine is switched on.
1. Lay the cable in a manner that it is not stressed when the control cabinet door is opened.
2. Strip 8 mm of insulation from the ends of the conductors.
3. Use a screwdriver to open the spring-loaded terminals and insert the ends of the conductors in
the square openings above the corresponding terminals.
4. Secure the cable so there is no tension on the X2 plug.
5. Seal the cable gland against ingress of dirt or moisture.
➤ Verify that the program module is suitable for the controller. Only program modules with
the material number 7.7056.xxxxx may be used in controllers with the number 7.7005.4.
Contact an authorized KAESER service representative if this is not the case.
➤ Remove the program module from the defective controller and insert it in the rear-sided slot of
the new controller.
Result Controller exchange is complete. The closed machine can now be started.
If, upon switching on, the controller displays SYSTEM ERROR ⊸ CALL SERVICE.
The program module is incorrect. The controller has no usable program.
➤ Contact an authorized KAESER service representative.
4 Initial Start-up
4.1 Setting the network setpoint pressure
➤ Take you machine's design into account when setting the network setpoint pressure.
■ Machine without variable frequency drive: Chapter 4.1.1
■ Machine with SINAMICS variable frequency drive: Chapter 4.1.2
■ Machine with MICROMASTER variable frequency drive: Chapter 4.1.3
1. Scroll with the arrow keys until the parameter D "Network setpoint pressure: switching point" is
displayed in line 3.
2. Press and hold «enter» for at least 3 seconds until the cursor flashes.
3. Use the arrow keys to set the desired switching point and confirm with the «Enter» key.
This switching differential is factory set. Adjust this parameter if the motor starting frequency is too
1. Scroll with the arrow keys until the parameter C "Network setpoint pressure: switching differen‐
tial" is displayed in line 3.
2. Press and hold «enter» for at least 3 seconds until the cursor flashes.
3. Use the arrow keys to set the desired differential and confirm with «enter».
Result The frequency converter regulates the compressor motor speed in the LOAD operating point.
SIGMA CONTROL BASIC switches the machine to IDLE when the network pressure rises and to
LOAD when the network pressure drops.
The setpoint pressure is set with parameter 2255 on the frequency converter control panel.
The network setpoint pressure is entered as a percentage of the maximal measuring range of
the pressure transducer.
The range of measurement is printed on the pressure transducer. The standard range of
measurement of pressure transducers is 0-232 psi.
➤ Set the setpoint pressure on the frequency converter as in the table below.
Action Indication
➤ If required, unlock the keyboard:
Press both keys, «Enter» and «ESC» for more than 3 seconds.
➤ Use the «UP» and «DOWN» keys to select the < PARAMS > menu and con‐ PARAMS
firm with «Enter».
➤ Use the «UP» and «DOWN» keys to select the < ExPERT FILtEr > menu and ExPERT
confirm with «Enter». FILtEr
➤ Use the «UP» and «DOWN» keys to select the P2255 parameter. P2255
➤ Press «Enter». 75
The value of the parameter starts flashing.
(example: 75%; corresponds to 175 psi where the measurement range is 0–
232 psi)
➤ Use the «UP» and «DOWN» keys to change the parameter. 50
(example: 50%; corresponds to 116 psi where the measurement range is 0–
232 psi)
➤ Press the «Enter» key to confirm and save the setting. P2255
➤ If required, lock the keyboard:
Press both keys, «Enter» and «ESC» for more than 3 seconds. Setting the IDLE switching point in the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC.
Parameter D "Network setpoint pressure: switching point" is used to define the switching point for
➤ Set the IDLE switching point in the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC according to the table below.
Action Indication
➤ Scroll with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys until parameter D is displayed in line 3. D 165 psi
(example: old value 165 psi)
➤ Press and hold «enter» for at least 3 seconds until the cursor flashes. D 165 psi
➤ Select the required switching point with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys. (exam‐ D 120 psi
ple: 120 psi)
➤ Press «Enter» to confirm and save the value. Setting the LOAD switching point in the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC
Parameter C “Network setpoint pressure: switching differential” is used to set the LOAD switching
This switching differential is factory set. Adjust this parameter only if the motor starting frequency is
too high.
Condition: p1 > D – C
Factory setting: C = 6.0 psi
➤ Set the LOAD switching point in the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC according to the table below.
Action Indication
➤ Scroll with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys until parameter C is displayed in line 3. C 6.0 psi
(example: old value 6.0 psi)
➤ Press and hold «enter» for at least 3 seconds until the cursor flashes. C 6.0 psi
➤ Set the required switching differential with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys. (exam‐ C 7.0 psi
ple: 7.0 psi)
➤ Press «Enter» to confirm and save the value.
Result The frequency converter regulates the compressor motor speed in the LOAD operating point.
SIGMA CONTROL BASIC switches the machine to IDLE when the system pressure rises and to
LOAD when the system pressure falls.
The network setpoint pressure is set with parameter 2255 on the frequency converter control pan‐
The network setpoint pressure is entered as a percentage of the maximal measuring range of
the pressure transducer.
The range of measurement is printed on the pressure transducer. The standard range of
measurement of pressure transducers is 0-232 psi.
➤ Set the network setpoint pressure on the frequency converter as in the table below.
Action Indication
➤ Press the «parameter access» key. r0000
➤ Press the «Increase value» key until P2255 is displayed. P2255
➤ Press the «parameter access» key to enter the settings level. (example: old value 69.00
➤ Set the required network setpoint pressure with the «Increase value»/ 50.00
«Decrease value» keys. (example: 50%; corresponds to 116 psi where the meas‐
urement range is 0–232 psi)
➤ Press the «parameter access» key to confirm and save the value. P2255 Setting the IDLE switching point in the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC
Parameter D "Network setpoint pressure: switching point" is used to define the switching point for
Condition: Parameter D = p1 + 3.0...6.0 psi
Factory setting: Parameter D = p1 + 4.0 psi
➤ Set the IDLE switching point in the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC according to the table below.
Action Indication
➤ Scroll with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys until parameter D is displayed in line 3. D 165 psi
(example: old value 165 psi)
➤ Press and hold «enter» for at least 3 seconds until the cursor flashes. D 165 psi
Action Indication
➤ Select the required switching point with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys. (exam‐ D 120 psi
ple: 120 psi)
➤ Press «Enter» to confirm and save the value. Setting the LOAD switching point in the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC
Parameter C “Network setpoint pressure: switching differential” is used to set the LOAD switching
This switching differential is factory set. Adjust this parameter only if the motor starting frequency is
too high.
Condition: p1 > parameter D - parameter C
Factory setting: Parameter C = 6.0 psi
➤ Set the LOAD switching point in the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC according to the table below.
Action Indication
➤ Scroll with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys until parameter C is displayed in line 3. C 6.0 psi
(example: old value 6.0 psi)
➤ Press and hold «enter» for at least 3 seconds until the cursor flashes. C 6.0 psi
➤ Set the required switching differential with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys. (exam‐ C 7.0 psi
ple: 7.0 psi)
➤ Press «Enter» to confirm and save the value.
5 Operation
5.1 Switching on and off
Always switch the machine on with the «ON» key and off with the «OFF» key.
A power supply disconnecting device needs to be installed by the user.
5.1.1 Switching on
Precondition No personnel are working on the machine.
All access doors and panels are closed and secure.
Result The compressor motor starts as soon as system pressure is lower than the set point pressure (cut-
off pressure).
Alarm message
➤ Rectify the fault and acknowledge the message with the «acknowledge» key.
alarm LED extinguishes.
The machine is now ready to start again.
Warning message
1. Scroll with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys until the desired parameter appears in line 3.
2. Depress the «enter» key for at least 3 seconds.
Result Depending on the parameter, either the displayed value or the first character of the required pass‐
word flashes.
➤ Use the «UP»/«DOWN» keys to change the value of the parameter and confirm with «enter».
Some parameters can only be edited after a password has been entered.
Password: BASIC
This password will be automatically reset if no key is pressed within 5 minutes.
1. Select the first character with the «UP»/«DOWN» key and confirm with «enter».
The next character flashes.
2. Repeat until all characters have been entered.
When the correct password is entered the parameters are displayed.
3. Use the «UP»/«DOWN» keys to change the value of the parameter and confirm with «enter».
The messages valid for your machine are dependent on the controller and individual equipment.
1. Do not attempt fault rectification measures other than those given in this manual!
2. In all other cases:
Have the fault rectified by an authorized KAESER service representative.