Airtelligence 2.0 Modbus Anbindung en
Airtelligence 2.0 Modbus Anbindung en
Airtelligence 2.0 Modbus Anbindung en
provis 2.0
Issue 26.08.2020
Software Release V01.04.00.02
Document version V1.04
SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Modbus can be used to connect a master (for example a PC) and multiple slaves (for example
measurement systems or machines). The airtelligence provis 2.0 with the additional option
“RS485/422-terminal” supports the mode of operation “Modbus RTU” via serial port (EIA-485 (former
RS485) in half duplex mode).
Each bus participant must have a unique address. The address 0 is reserved for broadcasts. Each
participant may send messages via the bus. Usually though the master initiates communication and an
addressed slave answers.
The only required setting for the airtelligence provis 2.0 is the device address. It can be found under
“Presettings”, screen “Visualizations settings”:
The login required for adjusting parameters is 17391. Please consult the provis 2.0 manual.
The baud rate is fixed on “19200” and data bits – parity – stop bit is “8 even 1”.
A maximum of 61 registers can be fetched at once. If more are required this must be done
with multiple read requests.
Function codes
The following functions are supported by the airtelligence provis 2.0:
Code Function
04 (0x04) Read Input Registers
Meaning of symbols/labels according to the manual of the airtelligence provis 2.0
32-bit values must be read in the following order: High word first - low word last! This guarantees that the
correct value can be calculated: Value = (High word * 65536) + low word
Low words are to be read after high words (see 2).
Only for controls which actually supply those values, i.e. not available for connection via Modbus interface
When connecting controls of type “PRIME” to the provis 2.0, the following has to be considered: The PRIME
uses identical numbers for faults and warnings of a different type. To solve this all warning messages will get a
numerical offset of 84 towards a higher number. For Example: The message 101 “Battery” will be shown as
message 185 “Battery” on the provis 2.0 and will also be sent this way when using the external bus of the provis