Airtelligence 2.0 Modbus Anbindung en

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Modbus RTU Interface airtelligence

provis 2.0
Issue 26.08.2020
Software Release V01.04.00.02
Document version V1.04

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History of changes:

Index Date Chapter Description

1 22.11.2012 Initial Version
2 09.12.2013 Added max. nbr. of fetchable registers
3 23.02.2015 Updated to current software version
4 14.12.2017 Additional info for PRIME controls
5 01.08.2018 Added new compressor states
6 26.08.2020 Footnote Compressor temperature / pressure

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Table of content:
COMMON ............................................................................................................................................................. 4

SETTINGS ............................................................................................................................................................. 4

FUNCTION CODES ............................................................................................................................................. 4

INPUT REGISTER (READ ONLY) ............................................................................................................................. 5
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR MESSAGES WHEN USING PRIME CONTROLS....................................................... 9

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The Modbus protocol is a communication protocol based on a master - / slave – architecture. It is
widely used in industrial applications since it is an open protocol.

Modbus can be used to connect a master (for example a PC) and multiple slaves (for example
measurement systems or machines). The airtelligence provis 2.0 with the additional option
“RS485/422-terminal” supports the mode of operation “Modbus RTU” via serial port (EIA-485 (former
RS485) in half duplex mode).

Each bus participant must have a unique address. The address 0 is reserved for broadcasts. Each
participant may send messages via the bus. Usually though the master initiates communication and an
addressed slave answers.

A description of the specifications and protocols can be found here:

The only required setting for the airtelligence provis 2.0 is the device address. It can be found under
“Presettings”, screen “Visualizations settings”:

Parameter Meaning Range

Bus address Device address 1…248: Device address (Slave)
RS485 Slave

 The login required for adjusting parameters is 17391. Please consult the provis 2.0 manual.

 The baud rate is fixed on “19200” and data bits – parity – stop bit is “8 even 1”.

 A maximum of 61 registers can be fetched at once. If more are required this must be done
with multiple read requests.

Function codes
The following functions are supported by the airtelligence provis 2.0:

Code Function
04 (0x04) Read Input Registers

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Input Register (read only)

Modbus Name Description

1 Identification Identification
16718 (414Ehex) = airtelligence provis 2.0
2 Pressure sensor 1 In 1/100 bar
3 Pressure sensor 2 In 1/100 bar
4 Flow rate In 1/10 m³/min
5 Reserved
6 Station efficiency 0-100 %
7 Station utilization 0-100 %
8 Current power rating In 1/10 kW
9 Current CO2 emission In 1/10 kg/h
10 Station state 0: (not scanned yet)
11 Compressor state 0: (no compressor scanned)
12 Equipment state 0: (no equipment scanned)
13 Active operating mode 1: All released
2: All off
3: Free air delivery
4: Prio + Flow
5: Flow + Runtime
6: Flow + Service
7: Runtime
8: Prio + Runtime
9: Service period
10: Prio + Service period
14 Active profile Nr. of active Profile
15 Current upper pressure border In 1/100 bar
16 Current lower pressure border In 1/100 bar
17 Manual profile override from panel 0: off 1: on
18 Manual profile override from key switch 0: off 1: on

19 Learning mode completed? 0: no 1: yes

2: could not be completed 3: deactivated
20…26 Reserved
27 Learned net volume In 1/10 m³/min
28 Minimum runtime difference In h
29 maximum runtime difference In h
30 Allowed rated power In 1/10 kW
31 Max. VSD compressors In pcs.
32 Number of pressure sensors In pcs.
33 Sensor type 0: 16 bar 1: 50 bar
34 Use average pressure? 1: yes 2: no
35 Net size validation active? 0: no 1: yes

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Modbus Name Description
36 Utilization upper threshold (VSD- In %
37 Pro-VSD-module p-factor 1 – 999 %
38 Pro-VSD-module i-factor s
39 Pro-VSD-module control mode 0: tiered 1: all equal
40 Number of connected compressors In pcs.
41 Number of active analog-in-/outputs In pcs.
42 Number of active digital-in-/outputs In pcs.
43…56 Reserved
57 Panel IP Byte 1 and Byte 2 Example:  49320 (C0A8hex)
58 Panel IP Byte 3 and Byte 4 Example (cont.): 31495 (7B07hex)
59 ILC IP Byte 1 and Byte 2
60 ILC IP Byte 3 and Byte 4
61 Subnet mask Byte 1 and Byte 2
62 Subnet mask Byte 3 and Byte 4
63 Standard gateway Byte 1 and Byte 2
64 Standard gateway Byte 3 and Byte 4
65 Database IP Byte 1 and Byte 2
66 Database IP Byte 3 and Byte 4
67 Station ID For visualization
68 Database entry active? 0: no 1: yes
69…76 Reserved
77 ILC time year Time base of the ILC
78 ILC time month
79 ILC time day
80 ILC time hour
81 ILC time minute
82 ILC time second
83 Reserved
84 Version ILC part 1 Example: V01.00.00.03  0100
85 Version ILC part 2 Example (cont.): 0003
86 Version Panel part 1
87 Version Panel part 2
88 Current panel language Language chosen for the touch panel
89 Current unit pressure 1: [bar]
2: [psi]
3: [kg/cm²]
90 Current unit temperature 1: [°C]
2: [°F]
3: [K]
91 Current unit volume 1: [m³]
2: [cf]
92 Current unit flow 1: [m³/min]
2: [m³/h]
3: [l/s]
4: [cfs]
5: [cfm]
93…100 Reserve
101 Compressor 1 identification Identification (Example):
18003 (4653hex) = FOCUS screw compressor
18000 (4650hex) = FOCUS piston compressor
102 Compressor 1 compressor efficiency Compressor efficiency [%]
103 Compressor 1 reserved
104 Compressor 1 compressor utilization Compressor utilization [%]
-1 = no VSD compressor

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105 Compressor 1 compressor state Compressor state
0: off
1: ready
2: start-up
3: start-up
4: load-run
5: idle-run
6: idle-run
7: fault
8: auto-restart
9: emergency stop
10: FC parameter
11: test of digital outputs
12: waiting for catalyzer ready for operation
13: no communication with compressor
14: switch on blocked
15: inspection idle-run
16: service run
106 Compressor 1 temperature4 Temperature value
107 Compressor 1 net pressure4 Net pressure
108 Compressor 1 system pressure4 System pressure
109 Compressor 1 fault identification code Fault identification number according to compressor-
110 Compressor 1 service identification code Service/Warning identification number according to
111 Compressor 1 operating time high word 2 Motor runtime of Compressor [s]:
Bits 31 … 16
112 Compressor 1 operating time low word 3 Motor runtime of Compressor [s]:
Bits 15 … 0
113 Compressor 1 idling time high word 2 Idle runtime of Compressor [s]:
Bits 31 … 16
114 Compressor 1 idling time low word 3 Idle runtime of Compressor [s]:
Bits 15 … 0
115 Compressor 1 compressor servicing Operating hours till next service (compressor) [h]
116 Compressor 1 motor servicing period Operating hours till next service (motor) [h]
117 Compressor 1 reserved
118 Compressor 1 pressure unit ‚B‘ (66;42h): Pressure values in 1/10 bar
‚P‘ (80;50h): Pressure values in psi
119 Compressor 1 reserved
120 Compressor 1 P_MaxRange1 Switch-off threshold (Pmax)
121 Compressor 1 P_MinRange1 Switch-on threshold (Pmin)
122 Compressor 1 allowed minimum In %
123 Compressor 1 maximum FAD In 1/10 m³/min
124 Compressor 1 minimum FAD In 1/10 m³/min
125 Compressor 1 current FAD In 1/10 m³/min
126 Compressor 1 current rated power In 1/10 kW
127 Compressor 1 reserved
128 Compressor 1 current priority Compressor priority specified by active profile
129 Compressor 1 bus address Bus address of this compressor
130 Compressor 1 reserved
131 Compressor 1 external release 0: Internal 1: Contact 2: Contact and bus
132 Compressor 1 start-up time In s
133 Compressor 1 is deactivated? Compressor has been deactivated in the airtelligence
provis 2.0 and is read-only:
0: no 1: yes
134 Compressor 1 pressure sensor Assigned pressure sensor for this compressor?
0: only 1 sensor installed 1: Sensor 1 2: Sensor 2

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135 Compressor 1 has VSD? 0: no 1: yes
136 Compressor 1 last specified Last provided VSD set value for pressure:
VSD pressure 0…1000 ‰ from sensor range
137 Compressor 1 allowed motor switching’s In nbr./h
138 Compressor 1 current motor switching’s In nbr./h
139 Compressor 1 pro-VSD target value 0…1000 ‰ from sensor range
140 Compressor 1 IO-module sensor offset Only available for Modbus-IO-module: Sensor offset
compared with compressor pressure sensor
141…740 Compressor 2-16 Same as compressor 1
741 Equipment 1 bus address Bus address of this IO-Module
742 Equipment 1 module sub address XX = Bus address of this module
XX1-XX2 = AI 1-2
XX3 = AO 1
XX4-XX7 = DI 1-4
XX8-XX9 = DO 1-2
743 Equipment 1 class 0: AI 1: AO 2: DI 3: DO
744 Equipment 1 state word 0: (no equipment scanned)
1: (no equipment scanned)
745 Equipment 1 current value Based on scaling or 0/1 for digital in- and outputs
746 Equipment 1 maximum value Scaling value for analog in- and outputs
747 Equipment 1 minimum value
748 Equipment 1 type 0: Unspecified
1: Pressure
2: Humidity
3: Percent
4: Temperature
5: Dew point
6: Flow
7: Power
8: Voltage
9: Current
10: Revolution speed
11: Frequency
12: Heat quantity
100: no output
101: AT pressure p1
102: AT pressure p2
103: AT flow
104: AT power
105: AT utilization
106: AT efficiency
749 Equipment 1 unit 0: (no unit)
1: [Pa]
2: [bar]
3: [mbar]
4: [N/m²]
5: [psi]
6: [kg/cm²]
7: [%]
8: [°C]
9: [°F]
10: [K]
11: [m³/s]

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12: [m³/min]
13: [m³/h]
14: [l/s]
15: [l/min]
16: [l/h]
17: [cfs]
18: [cfm]
19: [cfh]
20: [W]
21: [kW]
22: [mW]
23: [MW]
24: [1/s]
25: [1/min]
26: [1/h]
27: [Hz]
28: [V]
29: [kV]
30: [mV]
31: [A]
32: [mA]
33: [kWh]
34: [MWh]
35: [kg/h]
750 Equipment 1 is deactivated? In-/output was deactivated under “Configure
0: no 1: yes
751 Equipment 1 identification Identification (example):
18765 (494D hex) = Modbus IO Interface
752…755 Equipment 1 reserved
756..1985 Equipment 2-83 Same as equipment 1

Meaning of symbols/labels according to the manual of the airtelligence provis 2.0
32-bit values must be read in the following order: High word first - low word last! This guarantees that the
correct value can be calculated: Value = (High word * 65536) + low word
Low words are to be read after high words (see 2).
Only for controls which actually supply those values, i.e. not available for connection via Modbus interface

Additional information for messages when using PRIME controls

When connecting controls of type “PRIME” to the provis 2.0, the following has to be considered: The PRIME
uses identical numbers for faults and warnings of a different type. To solve this all warning messages will get a
numerical offset of 84 towards a higher number. For Example: The message 101 “Battery” will be shown as
message 185 “Battery” on the provis 2.0 and will also be sent this way when using the external bus of the provis

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