Me 126
Me 126
Me 126
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Programmable calculator is not permissible.
Q.1 (a) Select the most appropriate option: (Each of one mark) 06
1. Dryness fraction is defined
a. Ratio of mass of dry steam to mass of wet steam
b. Ratio of mass of wet steam to mass of dry steam
c. Mass of wet steam + mass of dry steam
d. Mass of wet steam * mass of dry steam
2. Which of the sign convention is correct for “heat supplied to a
system and work done by the system”.
a. –Q, +W
b. –Q, –W
c. +Q, – W
d. +Q, +W
3. Enthalpy (h) =
a. U + PV
b. U – PV
c. U/PV
d. U*PV
4. On continuous supply of heat to water density of ___________
a. Increases
b. Remains constant
c. Decreases
d. There is no change
5. Otto cycle is also called as
a. Constant volume cycle
b. Constant pressure cycle
c. Diesel cycle
d. None of the above
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6. Vapor bubbles are formed in centrifugal pump when _________
a. Pvapour * P = 1
b. P > Pvapour
c. P = Pvapour
d. P < Pvapour
Q.3 (a) Define accessory. Sketch and explain about any three accessories of 06
a boiler.
(b) Compare SI and CI engine. 06
(c) Draw a neat diagram of single cylinder reciprocating engine and 06
label the parts.
Q.3 (a) Sketch and explain the working of an axial air compressor. 06
(b) State and plot the graph of thermodynamic processes. 06
(c) Justify with suitable examples that mechanical engineering is a 06
core branch and serving the society.
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