Cs-B.tech (Ice) - Sem-8-Ic-801c-2013

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TECH (ICE)/SEM-8/IC-801C/2013
Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
( Multiple Choice Type Questions )
1. Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following :
10 × 1 = 10

i) Which one of the following is not a fuel for nuclear

poneer plant
a) 92U233 b) Coal

c) 92U235 d) 94Pu239

ii) Which one of the following is a component of nuclear

reactor ?

a) Moderator b) Boiler

c) Turbine d) Superheater.

iii) Temperature of the fireball is of the

a) 540°C b) 460°C

c) 1500°C d) 150°C.

iv) Furnace draft pressure is regulated by

a) Radial control of FD fan

b) Axial control of FD fan

c) Radial vane control of ID fan

d) Axial vane control of ID fan.

v) Maximum heat loss in a thermal power plant occurs in

a) condenser b) superheater

c) turbine d) none of these.

vi) Which one of the following is a low head and high

discharge turbine ?

a) Kaplan turbine b) Pelton turbine

c) Deriaz turbine d) Francis turbine.

vii) The fanction of superheater is

a) heating water to produce steam

b) removing water droplets from steam and thereby

producing superheated steam.

c) to reheat feed water

d) none of these.

viii) The extraction turbine is useful

a) when only one output of steam is needed

b) when two or more outlets are provided to use the

steam for different uses.

c) when steam at very low pressure is needed

d) all of these.

ix) The power of a wind turbine generator is proportional to

a) V b) V 2
c) V 3 d) V 4.
[ V is the wind velocity ]

x) The function of a deaerator is

a) to reheat feed water

b) to eliminate dissolved O2 & CO2 from feed water

c) to heat steam

d) all of these.

xi) Which one of the following can be used as a pollution

monitoring device ?

a) Gas chromatograph

b) RTD

c) Thermocouple

d) None of these.

xii) In a multiple burner system which one is best flame

detector ?
a) Flame Ionization Rod
b) IR detectors

c) UV detectors

d) All of these
( Short Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 5 = 15

2. State the different components of a nuclear power plant ?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of CANDU
(Canadium deuterium uranuim) reactor ? 2+3

3. How pH and dissolved oxygen can be measured from feed

water in a thermal power plant ?

4. What are the process parameters that must be measured for

a turbine ? Why is vibration measurement essential for
turbine ? Describe the process of vibration measurement in a
turbine. 1+2+2

5. Theoretically calculate the power that can be obtained from a

windmill having the following specifications :
( Assume the density of air is 1.2 kg/m3 )

A = Swept Area = 10 m2
V = Velocity of wind = 200 km/hr.
Calculate the rate of make up water to a boiler plant if the
average feed water rate is 100T/hr, the water loss in the
baler system including blow down is 3% of the input and the
steam loss in the turbine is 2% of its input. 2+3

6. What is blow down ? Name the three different drafts in case

of boiler ? Describe the process of controlling of any nuclear
reactor. 1+1+3

( Long Answer Type Questions )
Answer any three of the following. 3 × 15 = 45

7. a) Explain the B-T-C-P cycle of a steam power plant. 3

b) How are the shrinking and swelling problems taken care

of in a steam power plant by using 3-element boiler
drum level control. 6

c) Describe the process of steam flow measurement in a

boiler. 6

8. a) Describe the process of feed forward plus feedback

steam temperature control. 7
b) Describe the different processes used for the
measurement of dissolved oxygen in a boiler. 8

9. a) Explain the method of measuring dust particle in flue

gas. 2

b) Explain with a neat sketch the alarm annunciation

system of a boiler in a thermal power plant. 7

c) With a neat sketch describe the role of attemperator in

the water side steam temperature control in a thermal
power plant. 6

10. a) Name the classification of turbines based on process

conditions. 2

b) What are the basic differences between the safety

control systems and process control system in a
turbine ? 3

c) Name the four critical parameters which are to be

monitored and controlled in a turbine. 2

d) Describe the method of conductivity measurement of

feed water in a thermal power plant. 5

e) What are the main auxiliary system of a thermal power

plant ? 3

11. Write short notes on any three of the following : 3×5

a) Electrostatic Precipitator

b) Fast breed reactor

c) Infrared flue gas Analyzers

d) Measurement of CO2 in flue gas.

e) Advantages of three-element drum level control over

two-element drum level control.

f) Mechanical type dust collectors.

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