Tropical Design 1-Research - 2104
Tropical Design 1-Research - 2104
Tropical Design 1-Research - 2104
Presented to
Ar. Amirah Krisha C. Casas
Research no. 1 in
Submitted by:
Roxas, Sheila Marie E.
September 2020
and comfort to the user. But it can only be achieved when climatic factors are put on
considerations during the planning process. An energy efficient house lessens the user’s
expenses for its maintenance. In that case, what is climatic design factors?
Climatic design factors are what needed to be analyzed in the site, location or place
where the building will be erected. As climate and weather condition varies on regions and
countries the design of structures depends on it. The height, width, materials, shape and
orientation of the building will also be based on the climatic factors such as: seasons, weather
temperature, soil temperature angle and intensity of sunlight, relative humidity, wind direction
and speed and as well as rainfall. Considering the said factors will help an Architect plan a
green building which provides the comfort and needs of the user. Set for example, during
planning the sun path is considered, because of this, bedroom is placed on east side so that
the user will be able to receive morning sunlight that will wake them up in the morning. But why
not place it on the west side? In a tropical country like Philippines, the sun sets on the west,
making the western side of the house the warmest part or the part that receives much more
heat, in that case if you put the bedrooms on it the user will be uncomfortable because the
afternoon sun was directly headed to it, also because materials such as concrete absorbs heat
island effect. If these factors are overlooked different problems may arise.
In conclusion, climatic design factors guide us to what we should design and build. That’s
why site analysis comes first before the actual plan. It gives us explanations on problems and
how can we have a better design solution to make a climate-responsive building for an efficient,
▪ Climates
▪ Weather Temperature
▪ Relative Humidity
▪ Wind Direction
▪ Wind Speed
▪ Soil Temperature
▪ Sunshine/Sun Path
▪ Rainfall
Climate is defined as the condition of the atmosphere, the average condition over
time. Climate is always associated with weather and these two brings a lot of confusion.
Climate are long-term while weather last for a short period of time. Weather varies on
places and change from time to time while it took years or series f years for climate to
atmospheric pressure and wind direction as well as its speed. There are different kinds
which includes the ocean and ice on Earth.[1] The climate of a location is affected by
its latitude, terrain, and altitude, as well as nearby water bodies and their currents.
More generally, the "climate" of a region is the general state of the climate system at that
Climates can be classified according to the average and the typical ranges of
Climate is one of the most important factors that affect both architectural design
and urban planning. The identification, understanding and control of the climatic
effects at the location of the building are crucial even before design decisions are
above sea level, topography and flora. As a result of all these conditions, different climate
the requirements, selection of equipment and building method, and accordingly the
Planning and forming the building in accordance with the regional climatic data.
Climate of the Philippines
relatively high temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall. It is similar in many
respects to the climate of the countries of Central America. Temperature, humidity, and
rainfall, which are discussed hereunder, are the most important elements of the country's
weather and climate. Because of this climate, designing a house or structure needs
proper analysisis. The said climate conditions are the reason why designs in the tropical
the mean annual temperature is 26.6o C. The coolest months fall in January with a mean
temperature of 25.5oC while the warmest month occurs in May with a mean temperature
adapted and styles are made. In regions where there are too hot temperature methods
such as Vegetation cover to avoid heat island effect and provide shades used to lessen
heat. Use of sun shaders, pergolas and louvers for windows and also high ceilings with
wide eaves. These solutions arise due to the influence of temperature condition.
temperature and the surrounding bodies of water, the Philippines has a high relative
humidity. The average monthly relative humidity varies between 71 percent in March and
85 percent in September. The combination of warm temperature and high relative and
absolute humidity give rise to high sensible temperature throughout the archipelago. It is
especially uncomfortable during March to May, when temperature and humidity attain
distribution throughout the country varies from one region to another, depending upon the
direction of the moisture-bearing winds and the location of the mountain systems.
Because of this a traditional house has a steeper roof for raindrops be able to fall
easily on surface. This also affects the choice of materials used in roofing.
The Seasons
Using temperature and rainfall as bases, the climate of the country can be divided
into two major seasons: (1) the rainy season, from June to November; and (2) the dry
season, from December to May. The dry season may be subdivided further into (a) the
cool dry season, from December to February; and (b) the hot dry season, from March to
Climate Types
Based on the distribution of rainfall, four climate types are recognized, which are
described as follows:
Typhoons have a great influence on the climate and weather conditions of the
Philippines. A great portion of the rainfall, humidity and cloudiness are due to the influence
of typhoons. They generally originate in the region of the Marianas and Caroline Islands
of the Pacific Ocean which have the same latitudinal location as Mindanao. Their
movements follow a northwesterly direction, sparing Mindanao from being directly hit by
Tropical climates are generally characterized by hot, wet summers, high levels of
humidity and little change between day and night temperatures. The use of lightweight
materials for the walls and roof is recommended because they do not store much heat
and shed heat quickly, even with small changes in temperatures. Building design in urban
areas is marked by the increasing popularity of multistoried apartment blocks, where the
choice of wall thickness and exposure to radiation can make significant contribution to
indoor comfort.
Passive cooling system has become an attractive option to design and modify
homes to achieve thermal comfort. The system provides cooling through the use of
passive processes, which often use heat flow paths that do not exist in conventional or
bioclimatic buildings.
Average temperatures in the Philippines usually range between 21 °C (70 °F) and
32 °C (90 °F) with the average yearly temperature coming in at around 26.6 °C (79.9 °F).
Temperatures can fluctuate between regions and depending on the season, however generally
Because of this proper orientation of the building is necessary for the comfort of the
user. Buildings ends shall face on north to south and bedrooms should be on the east side, while
Kitchen And service are should be facing west side to be sanitary, for sunlight heat kills germs.
With building opening facing north and south proper ventilation will also be provided. The layout
Air will generally include moisture in the form of water vapour. Absolute humidity is the
mass of water vapor in a volume of air divided by the mass of dry air.
Relative humidity (RH) is a measure of the water vapour density of air compared to
the water vapour density for saturated air at the same temperature and pressure (that is,
the maximum amount of moisture that air can 'hold' at that temperature and pressure). It
is expressed as a percentage.
When air cools, it is less able to “hold” moisture, that is, the saturation water
vapour density falls, and so relative humidity rises. When the relative humidity reaches
100%, the air will be saturated. This is described as the dew point. If the air continues to
cool, moisture will begin to condense.Humidity influences thermal comfort. The higher
the relative humidity, the less heat a person is able to lose heat through
the evaporation of moisture on the skin, and so the hotter they will feel. Conversely, air
that is too dry can cause problems such as dry eyes, nose, ears and throat. Typically,
growth, mildew, staining, slip hazards, damage to equipment and the corrosion and
decay of the building fabric as well as poor performance of insulation. Humidity can be
improving glazing).
Materials swell and shrink as they take on and lose water. Humidity therefore affects the
dimensions and weight of materials. Wood, leather, paper, cloth, carpet, and rugs all
contain water in quantities that vary with the surrounding humidity. The effects of this
constantly changing moisture content can shrink joists and studs, crack plaster, separate
Air inside a building tends to be dry during cold weather because the RH drops as the air
is heated.
Wind direction comes from northeast and South west part, this this the area
where you should locate openings to allow cross ventilation. Wind speed, or wind flow
speed, is a fundamental atmospheric quantity caused by air moving from high to low
pressure, usually due to changes in temperature. Note that wind direction is usually
almost parallel to isobars (and not perpendicular, as one might expect), due to Earth's
Since warm air rises, a building can be cooled by designing for stack ventilation by
drawing cooler air from openings low in the building, while carrying heat away through
openings in the top of the space. Provide larger windows for ventilation or fenestration.
In the Philippines the usual window type is Jalousie and louver for it allows 90% of air
little examined field of civil engineering physics, even though it is closely related to
accurate calculations of heat technology. Despite being different from air temperature,
soil temperature reflects long-term trends in air temperature, and the temperature
differences on the surface are then transferred deeper. Soil has relatively low heat
conductivity, reacts slower to climatic conditions, and its underground reaction to changes
Soil type affects what building materials to use and how the building should
be erected, its base, the footings, foundations and walls. With the traditional bahay-kubo
it is elevated, floor not touching the ground which allows cool air to pass through even
Knowing the sun path is important to determine the orientation, placement and layout of
a building. The use of overhangs for penetration of sunlight. Sun and therefore heat is
one of the most important climate components. Solar orientation is the positioning of a
site, building, or space in relation to cardinal directions and, more importantly, the sun’s
path. Whether it’s your site, your home, or even a specific room in your home, everything
has a specific orientation and relationship to the sun’s movement across the sky
The azimuth angle is the horizontal angle measured from due south. The greatest angle
would be on the horizon at sunrise/sunset.
The altitude is the vertical angle above the horizon. The highest angle would be due
south at midday.
The generally used indicator of climatic comfort is air temperature and relative
Humidity. Sun is the most important energy source in lighting and heating forms
And surfaces in architecture. The sun is not only a heat source but also a significant light
source whose quality varies during the day and according to the seasons. While applying
architectural solutions in order to utilize the sun at the maximum level in winter, refraction
Passive solar design is about collecting, storing, distributing, and/or controlling solar
energy (both heat and light) so that you can reduce your demand on fossil fuels.
This passive approach means that through the basic elements of the house–its walls,
windows, floors, and roof–and through its relationship with the surrounding site, the house
is able to inherently respond and optimize solar energy, whereby increasing the energy
efficiency of your home, making it more comfortable to live in, and being cheaper to run.
2. Indirect gain systems: heat a part of a building like a thick wall or concrete floor then
rely on conduction to slowly transfer heat to space over time, aka thermal mass
3. Isolated indirect gain systems: heat an adjacent space then rely on convection to
transfer heat to other spaces, aka sunrooms
The amount, direction and intensity of rainfall on a site will affect aspects of a
building design, such as roof form, flashings, stormwater drainage, rainwater harvesting
and cladding type. Obtaining rainfall data for the region should be part of the preliminary
design brief. Heavy rainfall at periods of the year and high temperatures increased the
relative humidity. The concern of the openings design in tropical climate is also to avoid
the penetration of rain and strong wind. Heavy and frequent rainfall in urban areas would
Rainfall intensity varies throughout the year and from season to season, so
average rainfall figures can be misleading. Some parts of the country get periods of
intense rainfall that can be far higher than the average (taken over a longer period of time)
would suggest. Building design should be able to cope with the maximum expected
When assessing a site or designing a building, check the degree and frequency of
past extreme weather events. Consider also flood risk and climate change forecasts for
the region. In some regions, more rainfall or more extreme events are projected.
The climatic design factors show that there are really a lot of things we need to
should be put on the first considerations during the analysis and the design process.
Climatic design factors greatly influence almost everything the building should be
designed. But because of climate change another challenge is set for architects for the
years to come. This also means that designs and solutions will always be developed no