DLP How Do I Love The Thee
DLP How Do I Love The Thee
DLP How Do I Love The Thee
Students will be able to: a. Recognize the selection “How do I love thee?” and its author
b. Infer the message of the selection using Focusing Inquiry
c. Write a poetry for someone you love
A. Performance Standards The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using
effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following
criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body
Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
B. Learning Competencies EN9LT-IIa-15: Analyze literature as a means of valuing other
people and their various circumstances in life
N9WC-IIe-10: Distinguish the features present in poetry and in
EN9WC-IIf-9: Compose forms of literary writing.
a. Topic: “How do I love Thee?” by Elizabeth B. Browning
b. Reference: CO_Q2_English9_Module 1/ Houghton, Eve. "How do I
love thee? Let me count the ways (Sonnets from the Portuguese
43)." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 8 May 2019. Web. 22 Apr 2020.
c. Learning Materials Power point Presentation, Laptop, Chart
d. Valuing True love is depicted as long-lasting and even eternal. However,
the poem also reveals a tension between love as an attachment to
earthly life and the things of this world, and love as something that
transcends life on earth.
A. Motivation
Okay! So what can you think about our Ma’am I asked her to go out, and after that I confess
lesson today? my feelings to her
Yes, our lesson today has something to do Our lesson today is all about love.
about love.
E. Discussion
Who is the presumed speaker in the poem? The poetess Elizabeth Barett Browning herself.
Who is the presumed subject of the poem? Ma’am, Her husband, the famous poet Robert
Okay! You’re right. The poem is all about the love of Elizabeth Browning
And, What is the poem all about? to her husband.
How does the Elizabeth present her love in Ma’am, In Sonnet 43, Elizabeth Browning conveys
the poem? her love for her husband, Robert Browning by saying
that it is immeasurable and boundless; by suggesting
that the reach of her soul is limitless, so is her love for
Amazing answer! Thank you.
What else? Ma’am she was so in love with him that it transcends
reasons, both physical and spiritual.
Okay! Very good.
G. Valuing
Amazing answer!
Content 20%
Choice of words (vocabulary) 20%
Relevance to the topic 20%
Expressiveness 40%
Total: 100%
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Student Teacher
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