Heigene Final LP

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Gen. Segundo Ave, Laoag City, 2900
Ilocos Norte, Philippines


Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Batch 2025
Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. identify various types of poetry through a game;
b. appreciate the importance of poetry in expressing ideas and emotions;
c. practice writing their own poems based on types of poetry.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Types of Poetry

Time Allotment: 1 Hour
References: Serrano,. Josephine B. et, Al. English Communication Arts and Skills
7. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, 2024 Learning Resources.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Prayer (3 Minutes)

Let us all stand for a prayer. May I request,

Sam, to please lead the prayer?

Yes Sam.

Good afternoon class!

I will lead the prayer maam.
Before you seat down, kindly arrange your
chairs properly and pick up some pieces of Good afternoon maam.
papers of around you.

Thank you for keeping our room neat and

clean. You may now take your seats. By the
way class, who is not here today?

Wow! That is good to hear class.

B. Motivation

(Teachers shows a sample picture for

students to describe it orally.)

Going to the museum!

I will serve as the curator for today we will be

having a field trip.

I have here a picture of famous painting

called “Starry Night” which is painted by
Vincent Van Gogh. Also I have here a
Spolarium which painted by our own Juan
Lun. And we also have Mona Lisa which
painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. Give your
description on how it appears to you.
1.The picture is beautiful.
2.It looks expresses an intense degree of
emotion and feelings.
3.It looks colorful because of its striking use
of bold hues.
4.It is majestic and artistically done.

Excellent class!

Based on our activity, what do you think is

our lesson for today? Anyone?
It is bout POETRY maam.
Okay very good Ira! So our lesson for today
will be all about various types of poetry. But
before we proceed, let us first read our
learning objectives.

Can anyone read what is being flash on the

screen? Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students
expected to:
a. identify the various types of poetry.

b. appreciate the importance of poetry

in expressing ideas and emotions

c. practice writing their own poems

based on various types of poetry.

C. Presentation (1 Minute)

So we will now define what is poetry?

Anyone in the class what can you say about
poetry? Or are you still familiar with poetry?

Yes Thea?
1.It is all about poems maam.
2.About stories maam.
3.It talks about feelings and emotions

Absolutely right Thea!

Poetry is a type of literature that conveys a

thought, describes a scene or tells a story in a
concentrated, lyrical arrangement of words.

D. Lesson Proper (20 Minutes)

Now let us move to the various types of

poetry. But before that I prepared an activity
here called “HUMAN WORD GAME”!

I will be dividing you into groups of three

with these designated members:
Group 1 with seven members, Group 2 nine
members and lastly, Group three with eight
members. .

I have 3 boxes in here which contain jumbled

letters that you need to arrange.

The first group to finish should shout the

arranged word for them be considered as
winners. I will be giving you three minutes to
do the task.
Ma’am do we still need to give our answer
even if we are not the first one to shout our
Yes, of course each group will still be
presenting in the class, the word that they
would be able to arranged.

(After 3 minutes)

Alright class! I think you are now ready. You

can now present your work. Group one what
is your answer? 1.Lyric ma’am.
Yes very good group one. It is a Lyric! How
about group two?
2.Narrative ma’am.
Correct group two! What about the last
group what is your answer?
3. Dramatic ma’am.
Very good class. Do you have any idea are
these words?
Not really ma’am.

Anybody else?
Ma’am, I think these are poetries.
Very good angel!

Speaking of poetry, we have three types of

poetry namely lyric, narrative and dramatic.

At this junctions we would be knowing more

about these poetries. However, instead of
the usual reading of the poems, we will be
giving a bit of twist to our lesson.

So let us now define the Lyric Poetry it is

poems that talk about feelings and emotions.
They’re short and express what someone
thinks or feel.

I prepared a cut outs heart shape related to

the theme of the Sonnet poem. And
disseminate it to the students to read it.


Sonnet: short poems with 14 lines. They're

like a little song that talks about love or


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, I love thee with the
Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God
I shall but love thee better after death.


Haiku: short poems from Japan with three

lines and a specific number of syllables in
each line. They're like little pictures made
with words, often about nature.


Amidst falling leaves,

Whispers dance in the cool breeze,
Nature's silent song.

So next is the Narrative Poetry it is like a

story, but it's written in a poem instead of
regular sentences.


The lost locket

Lily Found a locket,
A face from the past
Through woods she searched
Her heart beating fast,
At sunset,s glow,
By a willow,s sway
She found him waiting
Love found its way.

And the last is Dramatic Poetry it is written

to be spoken or acted in public, in front of an

In the dim-lit hall, a voic6e breaks the night,
“Why did you leave?” echoes take flight.
With trembling words, the heart reveals,
Love’s bitter ache,and broken seals.
As the curtain falls, silence reigns,
The weight of dreams, the pulse of pains.

Okay before we move on, let’s recap our

discussion. Again, what are the various types Lyric poetry, Narrative poetry, Dramatic
of poetry? Anyone? Poetry maam.

All right very good. Ashton!

E. Evaluation (5 Minutes)

I think you are now ready0 for our short

activity that will serve as your quiz.
Just answer it for 5 minutes. Okay class?
Yes maam.

Activity 1: Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read each question carefully and

encircle the best answer.

1.What is the main

characteristic of narrative

a. It talks about feelings and emotions

b. It's like a story but written in prose.

c. It has a specific rhyme scheme.

d. Its written in free verse.

2. What type 0of poetry has 14 lines?

a. Sonnet

b. Haiku

c. Epic Po0etry

d. Ode
3. What is the main feature of a haiku?

a. It has 4 li0nes.

b. It originat0es from France.

c. It often talk0s about love or feelings.

d. It has three l0ines with a specific syllable


40. It’s like a story but it’s written in a poem

ins0tead of regular sentences.

A. Rhyme

B. Figurative Language

c. Symbol

d. Imagery

5. In which type of poetry do the written to

be sp0oken or acted in public, in front of an

A. Free verse

B. Concrete poetry

C. Dramatic poetry


Activity 2: True or False Direction: For each

statement, determine whether it is true or
false0. Encircle your answer.

10.Narrative poetry tells a story.


2.Sonnet poems has 14 lines.

3. Haikus are long.

4.Sonnet is a lyric poetry.


5.Haikus originated from China.


3.False (Haikus have 3 lines only)
5.False (Haikus originated from Japan.)

Class times up! Please pass your papers in


Yes maam.
F. Application

For your last activity I would like you to make

digital poetry. You have to pick one type of
poetry that we discussed. You have to submit
it on Friday.

This ends our class. May we all stand for a

prayer. Thank you for your active
participation. And I hope you learn
something about our lesson for today.
See you next meeting. Good bye grade 7!

Good bye and thank you maam!

Appendices A

Lyric Poetry



Narrative Poetry

Dramatic Poetry

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