Dip Module11
Dip Module11
Dip Module11
Module 11
Professional development
International TEFL
and TESOL Training
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Where the world is your classroom Dip 011 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
Module 11
Equipment requirements for the course
Things to consider:
n Professional development is not limited to teaching in a school or language centre, or merely moving up the
management ladder.
n Teachers, by the nature of their occupation gain many transferable skills that are of use in many professions.
n Teachers often move onto work in areas such as, the setting and marking of examinations, working as language
travel agents/guides, publishing materials and teacher training to name but a few.
n One of the most rewarding opportunities (potentially) could be setting up your own business.
Further qualifications
Briefly outline an example program for each of the following types of course. Try to include course location, course
length, price, units etc.
n MA in Applied Linguistics
n MEd in TEFL
n MSc in TESOL
n Advanced Diploma in TEFL
Specialist programs
a) ESP b) BE c) YL d) EAP
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and TESOL Training
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Where the world is your classroom Dip 011 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
Module 11
Research study sheet
1. Quite often when we consider our professional development we tend to think immediately of 'training courses'.
There are however many other options available for career enhancement. Give three examples of other 'options',
listing their advantages and disadvantages.
2. A popular acronym used in target and objective setting is SMART. What are SMART objectives? In your description
you should go beyond merely stating what each letter stands for.
3. Look at some websites for CV/resume writing, then create a single-page A4 document (with 10 point type) CV for
4. Draw up a table to show five countries from at least three different continents. For each country have columns for:
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Where the world is your classroom Dip 011 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
Module 11
5.Outline the processes involved in teaching a 'straight arrow ESA' lesson as described by Jeremy Harmer's
6. In the task sheet section later in this module you will watch a lesson given by a TESOL teacher to Thai students of
English at an unknown level. The teaching point is modal verbs of ability. Imagine you are a trainer, who is going to
assess this lesson and give feedback upon it.
Draw up an assessment form for what you are going to look out for, assuming that the lesson is going to be of 45
minutes duration and taught using a 'straight arrow ESA' lesson methodology.
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Module 11
Task sheet
1. For the next two questions you will need to access the 'videos' page of the online training system. You will watch the
lessons presented in the videos as a teacher-trainer, and assuming that the person delivering the lesson is a trainee
on a TEFL certificate course.
For 'ESA demonstration class 1', your task is to complete the feedback sheet that you created in task 6 of the
research study sheet in order to present feedback to the trainee. You should follow this procedure:
2. Now watch the second video titled 'ESA demonstration class 2', again watching the lesson presented in the video
as a teacher-trainer and assuming that the person delivering the lesson is a trainee on a TEFL certificate course.
Complete the second feedback form, following the same process as task one above, i.e. watching the lesson a total
of three times.
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Module 11
3.Briefly outline 3 different teaching with management roles that are currently being advertised on a teaching
vacancies website jobs board. Give the contact details for each of the vacancies outlined.
4.Imagine you were a trainer of TEFL/TESOL student teachers. How would you answer the following trainees'
b. I did a PADI diving course 25 years ago, should I put down my certification on my CV/resumé?
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Module 11
5. Here are some sample questions you might ask an applicant in an interview for a teaching position:
a. What does the expression 'a good lesson' mean to you?
b. What would you do if a student asked you an extremely difficult grammar question and you didn't have any idea
how to answer it?
c. What's the difference between 'I'll see you on Sunday'; and 'I'm going to see you on Sunday'?
d. When you address a beginner level class for the very first time, what is it important to keep in mind?
e. What's the difference between teaching a class of adults and a class of young learners?
What is the purpose of these types of questions? Is the accuracy of the responses important? Explain your answer.
You should now be ready to access the final test, before you move on to the summative task.
Make sure you have copied and saved a file of your guided study and research answers, so that you can refer to them
during the test.
Good luck.
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