Assignment 1, I-TO-I
Assignment 1, I-TO-I
Assignment 1, I-TO-I
Lesson Topic:
Objects in the Classroom
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to know, name and By the end of the lesson, students will have…
write the correct spelling of ten objects in the classroom.
1. Learned 10 Objects in the Classroom by 100% participation.
Target vocabulary: 2. Seen Flashcards of each Object, completed a Word Scramble and also
Discuss in groups, between each other about the Ten Classroom Objects.
Pencil, Desk, Rubber, Ruler, Blackboard, Shelf, Dictionary, Bookcase, Bin, 3. Plaid a game, identifying the names of each Classroom Object after the
Scissors Flashcards were shown to them.
1. Students might get to exited in the exercise where they must hit the 1. All students must stay seated, except for the Two at the board and
correct word on the board, because they are still young learners(11- the one whom is showing the Flashcards. Stop the activity if it gets
12 years old), although on level A2, Pre-Intermediate Level. out of control and use a back up activity.
2. The pronouncing of a word such as "Ruler" can be a problem for 2. Show the Students physically how to make the sounds and listen
Chinese Students, because of the letters, "R" and "L". how they make the sounds in order to train their ears.
Language analysis:
Language Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
Item item meaning Questions
4. Ruler A Ruler is used to draw 1. What do you use for Noun /ˈruːlə(r)/
straight lines with. drawing straight lines with?
5. Blackboard A Blackboard is a large 1. What am I writing on Noun /ˈblækbɔːd/
board with is black or when I want to show you
green that teachers something?
write on. 2. do you get this Item in
Flashcard different colours?
3. What is the colours?
6. Shelf A Shelf is a board, 1. What do you call the Noun /ʃelf/
made of wood and boards, fixed to the wall, we
fixed to the wall, for put things on?
things to be placed on.
10. Scissors A Scissor is something 1. What do we use to cut Noun /ˈsɪzəz/
you use to cut paper paper with?
with. 2. Do you think this tool is
Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…
Warmer To get the students 5 minutes T-S 1. Welcome the Students and thank 1. Students will discuss and name
engaging and them for attending the class. some classroom objects they think
thinking in English 2. Tell the Students to discuss that could be in the classroom.
about the topic by amongst each other on what Objects
involving all of them. there are in a Classroom.
4. Get feedback from the Class and
write it on a Flipchart.
Presentation To give the students 10 T-S 1. Class to be setup in rows. 1. Students answer.
meaning the chance to minutes OCFB 2. Write the ten objects on the board. 2. Students check against what they
understand the 3. Introduce the Flashcards, one by have mentioned in the Warmer
meaning of the one to introduce the ten objects, but stage.
vocabulary (NOUN), cover the description word on the
through visual Flashcard. (1. in Materials)
association. 4. Ask if anyone can identify and
name any of the objects on the
flashcards. (CCQ's to confirm
5. Show the description every time
one of the students answer.
6. Praise students on every correct
Presentation Establishing the 10 S-S 1. Hand students the "word 1. Students to complete the
form correct spelling of minutes T-S scramble" worksheet to complete. (2. worksheet.
the words in materials) 2. Students to check their answers to
2. Provide the correct spelling, the words written on the board.
showing the words of the Classroom
Objects which were written on the
board during the Presentation
Meaning Stage.
3. Praise the students for their
Presentation To enable the 5 minutes T-S 1. Making use of "Phonemic-Script" 1. Students to pronounce the
pronunciation students to correctly S-S the Teacher will correctly pronounce word/noun after the Teacher (Choral
pronounce the the word/noun. Drilling)
word/noun of the 2. Teacher let the students pronounce
classroom object the word/noun each time after
pronounced by the Teacher.
3. Praise the students.
Controlled To enable the 10 S-S 1. Teacher divide the class of 15 1. Each group nominate 1 student
practice students to minutes students into 2 groups of 7 students each to go to the board, whom will
accurately practise to in each group. receive a Fly Swatter each.
identify the new 2. Teacher writes the ten new 2. Each time a Flashcard is shown,
words/nouns Classroom Objects randomly on the the groups must identify the word of
(Vocabulary) in a board. the object on the board and each
controlled 3. Explain the "game" to be plaid to nominated student must "slap" the
environment the students. word on the board. The student who
4. Let the student whom is not in a "slaps" first get a point for his/her
group show the Flashcards randomly, group. The group with the most "first
with the description covered to the slaps" wins.
5. Monitor and assess the students
during the "game".
6. Praise the students at the end of
this session.
Production Developing student 15 Ss-Ss 1. Divide the class of 15 students in 3 1. Students to discuss in the group
confidence so that minutes T-S groups of 5 students per group. about the Classroom Objects, by
they can use the 2. Explain to the students that they talking freely to one another on,
newly learned Nouns must discuss in the group what What the object is,
more freely. Classroom Objects they have learned When and How it could be used,
about during the class. Why it would be used and
Tell the students to discuss, thinking What it would be used for.
about, 2. Students to feel comfortable while
What the object is, taking part in this phase.
When and How the object could be
Why the object would be used and
What the object would be used for.
3. Move around between the groups
and listen on what the students are
saying. Make notes on what they are
4. Give feedback on the task given to
the students by making use of the
notes and observations made, while
moving around between the groups
during this phase.
5. Praise the students for their effort.
Cooler To recap on the new 5 T-S 1. Teacher to show students some of 1. Students to answer on the Object
Vocabulary/Nouns minutes OCFB the real Classroom Objects and ask shown by the Teacher.
and lesson to the the students what it is. 2. Students to feel proud about the
Students on what 2. Teacher to praise and thank the new Vocabulary they have learned.
they have learned. students for their positive attitude 3. The students will depart after they
and participation on the Class have enjoyed the class.
attended. 4. Students can't wait to attend the
next meaningful class.
I have chosen the "Presentation, Practice and Production" (PPP) structure, because it have some benefits for me.
The PPP structure will help me to "stay on track", it is very Flexible, easy to plan for and it has a logical progression. It also works for most types of
classes and it will help my students to build new English skills more efficiently.
The Presentation stage help me to carry over Meaning, Form(spelling) and Pronunciation of the Classroom Objects to my students.
The Practice stage will help my students to Practice the new language.
The Production stage will help my students to "Produce" by means of the activities, the new language, using English they already know.
1.1 It indicates the "Target group", which is 15, 11-12 year old, Pre-Intermediate (A2) students from China.
1.2 The Aims and Outcomes are covered.
1.3 The timing for each part of the lesson is indicated.
1.4 The stages of the lesson are all indicated.
1.5 I've indicated all Activities for each stage.
1.6 There is a interaction pattern, showing who's involved in each activity.
1.7 All materials to be used in is also being indicated.
1.8 It also indicates who the Teacher is, When the Class will be and how long the whole class session will be, What the Lesson Type and Topic will be.
Thus, I am of the opinion that Who, What, When, Where, Why and How, is all covered in my "PPP" Lesson Plan.
2. What each activity will contribute towards the learning aims and how this will be achieved.
The activity will trigger "curiosity" and 100% participation amongst all students on what the upcoming Lesson would be about.
For the students to discuss and name some classroom objects they think that could be in the classroom can contribute to the Lesson Aim, by getting
them all involved and interested, by using the Warmer I did.
Presentation Meaning
The activity will contribute to the Lesson Aim through the participation of the Students by seeing and trying to Identify the Classroom Object by
means of the Flashcards, shown to them.
The Students will be able to know and understand the meaning of the Classroom Object, displayed on the Flashcard, in this stage.
Presentation Form
By making use of the "Word Scramble", the activity would contribute to the Lesson aim, in order for the Students to know the correct spelling of the
Classroom Objects they have learned in the lesson.
For the students to write the correct spelling from the Scrambled "Noun", the Aim of the Lesson would be achieved.
Presentation Pronunciation
By making use of the "Phonemic script" and using "Choral Drilling", the activity will contribute to the Lesson Aim, so that the correct
Pronunciation(Naming of the Object) will be achieved by the Students.
Controlled Practice
The activity I have chosen will contribute to the Lesson Aim, because the Students will be able to show that they can Name and Identify the Objects,
in a controlled manner, by means of the "Fly-Swatter-Game". This activity is involving All the Students in the Class.
The students thus understand the Meaning, Form and Pronunciation of the Classroom Objects they have learned in the Lesson.
The activity will give the Students the opportunity to "Practice" the newly learned Classroom Objects, in a Natural way. For the Students to do 90% of
the talking and for me to move around and "monitor" the activity.
The Lesson Aim would be achieved, because the Students would know What the Object is, When it would be used, How and Why it would be used
and What it would be used for.
The activity will identify if "Learning" and the Learning Aim was achieved.
This is also a recap on the Session or the Lesson, to see if all learning according to the Lesson Aim was achieved.
3. What I would do if any of my activities didn’t work in the way I have planned.
I will stop the activity and I will use another appropriate activity, for the stage, that could be suitable in achieving the Lesson Aim and learning to take
4. Other activities that I've considered including and why I chose not to use them.
I thought of using the real Classroom Objects in the "Presentation Meaning" stage, so that the Students could
familiarise themselves with the real Object, rather than the Flashcards.
On second thought I've came to the opinion that I will not be able to involve all the Students 100% and by having an Image of the Object, it
will get the students minds "going", such as, "don't I have a Ruler, Pencil, Scissors or Rubber in my bag"? By having the Flashcard, it will get the
Students to start to look around in the Classroom for the Objects such as the Bookcase, Shelf, Blackboard, Dictionary and the Bin.
Bibliography (if needed):
1. Pencil -
2. Desk -
3. Rubber -
4. Ruler -
5. Blackboard -
6. Shelf -
7. Dictionary -
8. Bookcase -
9. Bin -
2. Word Scramble