This document contains a daily lesson plan for a Year 5 English language class. The 60-minute lesson focuses on the theme of the world of self, family and friends. The main skills are listening and writing, with a focus on understanding daily routines and spelling high-frequency words accurately. Learning objectives include understanding longer simple texts and spelling common words correctly. The lesson involves students listening to passages about daily routines, discussing adverbs of frequency, and completing sentences using these adverbs. Post-lesson tasks reinforce the content through additional exercises.
This document contains a daily lesson plan for a Year 5 English language class. The 60-minute lesson focuses on the theme of the world of self, family and friends. The main skills are listening and writing, with a focus on understanding daily routines and spelling high-frequency words accurately. Learning objectives include understanding longer simple texts and spelling common words correctly. The lesson involves students listening to passages about daily routines, discussing adverbs of frequency, and completing sentences using these adverbs. Post-lesson tasks reinforce the content through additional exercises.
This document contains a daily lesson plan for a Year 5 English language class. The 60-minute lesson focuses on the theme of the world of self, family and friends. The main skills are listening and writing, with a focus on understanding daily routines and spelling high-frequency words accurately. Learning objectives include understanding longer simple texts and spelling common words correctly. The lesson involves students listening to passages about daily routines, discussing adverbs of frequency, and completing sentences using these adverbs. Post-lesson tasks reinforce the content through additional exercises.
This document contains a daily lesson plan for a Year 5 English language class. The 60-minute lesson focuses on the theme of the world of self, family and friends. The main skills are listening and writing, with a focus on understanding daily routines and spelling high-frequency words accurately. Learning objectives include understanding longer simple texts and spelling common words correctly. The lesson involves students listening to passages about daily routines, discussing adverbs of frequency, and completing sentences using these adverbs. Post-lesson tasks reinforce the content through additional exercises.
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SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5
Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 35 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Listening FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Writing Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media Main: 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts on a range of familiar LEARNING STANDARDS topics. Complementary: 4.3.2 Spell a range of high-frequency words accurately in independent writing By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Understand with support the main idea of longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics. 2. Spell a range of high-frequency words accurately in independent writing SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can talk about their daily routine. LANGUAGE / Adverbs of frequency: GRAMMAR FOCUS always, usually, normally, often, sometimes, never Pre-lesson 1. Elicit days of week and choose pupils to write on board. Find out pupils’ favourite day with a show of hands. Write numbers on board below each day. Lesson delivery 2. Write ‘Daily Routines’ on board. Pupils do p.22, Activity 1 (CD 1.21). Give handout to each pupil. They look at the five table headings and read words in blue in Days and Nights Quiz. Explain words in blue are daily routines. They write them in columns 1–5 in table. Pupils compare with a partner. They listen to CD1.21 and check answers. Explain that we will come back to the Days and ACTIVITIES Nights Quiz next lesson. (21st CA) 3. Pupils listen to Activity 3 (CD1.22). 4. Draw a horizontal line on board. Write ‘never’ on left of line, ‘always’ on right. Pupils read adverbs in box in Activity 4. Explain ‘normally’ means most of the time and give a personal example e.g. I normally have breakfast at 7.30am. Elicit where to write the other four adverbs on board. (HOTS) 5. Pupils listen to CD1.22 again and complete sentences with an adverb. (CBA) Post-lesson 7. Do Post-lesson Task 6: Make a Word Ladder, to review frequency adverbs. TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1, 3, 4 p.22 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Language HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Teamwork PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 36 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Speaking FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Reading Main: 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Main: 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and other known words By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions 2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and other known words SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can talk about their daily routine. LANGUAGE / Adverbs of frequency: usually; Verbs: brush, study, watch, help, relax, chat GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson 1. Write on board: ‘Daily Routines’, ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘evening’ and ‘night’. Pupils brainstorm blue words in quiz they remember from previous lesson. Lesson delivery 2. Pupils do Activity 2. Teacher reads Key Phrases aloud and pupils repeat. In pairs, pupils use the phrases to compare true/false answers to the 12 statements in Days and Nights text. 3. Hand out a True and a False card to each pair. Read the 12 quiz facts aloud to whole class. After each fact, pairs hold up a True or a False card, and teacher gives the answer. At end, check how many each pair got right. ACTIVITIES 4. Pupils choose 3 quiz facts they think are surprising. In small groups, compare ideas using Key Phrases: What do you think? What about you? Write 1–12 on board. Ask: Which facts are surprising? Pupils put up hands for each number. Record numbers on board. Which three numbers have most votes? (21st CA) 5. Write on board: ‘Between 7.30 and 8.30 in the morning’; ‘Between 7.30 and 8.30 in the evening’. Teacher models language: e.g. I think you get up, have breakfast and go to school between 7.30 and 8.30 in the morning. In pairs, they take turns to guess what their partner does. How many guesses are correct? (HOTS) Post-lesson 6. Do Post-lesson Task 1: Spot the Differences. Change 5–6 words in the quiz. (CBA) TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 2 p.22 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Language HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Quiz PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 37 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Reading FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Writing Main: 3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media Main: 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of interest LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 4.3.2 Spell a range of high-frequency words accurately in independent writing By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of interest 2. Spell a range of high-frequency words accurately in independent writing SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can talk about their daily routine. LANGUAGE / Adverbs of frequency: usually; Verbs: brush, study, watch, help, relax, chat GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson 1. Elicit from individual pupils what their favourite day is and why. Lesson delivery 2. Copy on board the chart with adverbs (never, usually) and numbers (1 - 4) from p.23, Activity 5. Pupils look again at adverbs in box on p.22, Activity 4. They tell you adverbs to write in numbers 1 - 4 in chart. Ask: Why is normally above usually in the chart? (The meaning is similar) Elicit percentages to put in chart for sometimes, often, usually e.g. 25%, 60%, 75%. (HOTS) 3. Model sentences with verb to be and an adverb; with another verb and adverb e.g. I’m always / usually at school before 8am. I sometimes / never go to school by car. Pupils read Rules about place of adverbs and choose answers. ACTIVITIES 4. Pupils read My daily routine on p.23. In pairs, they take turns to say a sentence that is true for them. Find out if any pupils have no true sentences. Pupils then do Activity 6. Pupils compare adverbs they wrote with a partner. Are any the same? Choose pupils to read a sentence aloud. 5. Pupils in pairs choose five facts each from Days and Nights Quiz. They take turns to say a sentence about themselves with the verb or phrase in blue and a frequency adverb e.g. I never help with the housework. Choose different pupils from Step 4 to read sentence aloud. (CBA) Post-lesson 6. Ask pupils to write three times on a sheet of paper, with the things they usually do at those times. Put pupils into pairs to read out the times to each other. Their partner must guess whick activity their partner does at each time. (21st CA) TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 2 p.22 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Make Predictions CCE Language HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED Class Participant ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 38 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Writing FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Speaking Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in CONTENT STANDARDS print and digital media Complementary: 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group Main: 4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories and events By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements 2. Narrate short basic stories and events SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can talk about their daily routine. LANGUAGE / Adverbs of frequency: always, usually, normally, often, sometimes, never GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson 1. Pre-lesson Task 6: Finger Writing. Pupils use six frequency adverbs from previous lesson. Hold up a flashcard for each finger writing action: never, sometimes, often, usually, normally, always. Lesson delivery 2. Stick the six flashcards on the board. Pupils do p.23, Activity 7 using one of the adverbs on the board. (HOTS) 3. Write on board: sports stars, music stars, film stars, artists, other stars. Tell pupils some people are celebrities because they are famous. Pupils brainstorm favourite celebrities from the different groups on board. Add names pupils say on board. (21st CA) ACTIVITIES 4. Pupils in small groups do Finished?. Hand out worksheet to each group. They agree on a celebrity and imagine her/his daily routines. They think of what she/he never, sometimes, often, usually and always does and make notes in fact file: Name of celebrity… Famous for… (sport, music etc.) Always… (e.g. swims before breakfast) Usually… Often… Sometimes… Never…. 5. Pupils agree on who will narrate the imagined life of their celebrity to whole class. The group’s representative uses notes from fact file to narrate the daily routine. (CBA) Post-lesson 6. Pupils in same groups draw routines of their celebrity to cut and stick on fact file. They write a caption below drawing to describe what celebrity is doing. TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 7 and Finished? p.23 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Brainstorming CCE Language HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Presentation PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 39 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes THEME World of Stories TOPIC Watching a Bumble Bee Main: Language Art FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Reading Main: 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Main: 5.2.1 Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event, description or character LEARNING STANDARDS in a text Complementary: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event, description or character in a text 2. Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more Pupils can make a mind-map about themselves and the bumble bees based on the sentence strip SUCCESS CRITERIA used before and provide simple reasons LANGUAGE / True/false sentences GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson 1.Teacher provides a letter and pupils have to come up with a word that starts with that letter related to a topic (animals/insects e.g. g – giraffe, …, b - bee). Lesson delivery 2. Pupils read the poem silently and teacher assists in pupils’ understanding (Q&A). 3. Teacher distributes True or False sentence strips to each pupil and asks them to stick the statement at the provided True or False sections in the class using a blue tack. 4. Pupils walk around the class to check each other’ answers and make corrections the answer if ACTIVITIES there are mistake. (HOTS) 5. Pupils make a mind-map about themselves and the bumble bees based on the sentence strip used before and provide simple reasons. (21st CA) 6. Upon completion, pupils exchange their mind maps and rate each other’s works by giving some good remarks. (CBA) Post-lesson 6. Pupils put their hands up each time they hear something different from the poem (e.g. out in the sea – hands up as the statement is different from the poem). Anthology of Poems Page 21 Contemporary Children’s Literature Teaching Guidebook (BPK) TEACHING AIDS – Poetry Activity 1 Page 73 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Mind Map CCE Creativity and Innovation HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Simple Project PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 40 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Listening FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Speaking Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly Main: 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts on a LEARNING STANDARDS range of familiar topics Complementary: 2.1.4 Ask about and describe future plans By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics 2. Ask about and describe future plans SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can talk about their daily routine using time expressions LANGUAGE / Time expressions: o’clock quarter past, half past, quarter to; at (time) on (day) a.m. p.m. GRAMMAR FOCUS ACTIVITIES Pre-lesson 1. Write on board ‘in the morning’, ‘in the afternoon’, ‘in the evening’, ‘at night’. Pupils brainstorm things they do at these times e.g. I have a snack at 11 in the morning. Elicit two ways to write this time (11am or 11.00). (21st CA) Lesson delivery 2. With a large clock, review quarter past, half past and quarter to. Put clock hands in several positions and pupils say time. Ask: What’s the digital time? Pupils do p.93, Activity 1. Ask: Do you always use a digital clock? 3. Pupils do Activity 2, CD3.05. Check answers and write on board. (HOTS) 4. Read instructions for Activity 3 aloud. Ask: What do you need to find out? Play CD3.06. Check answers. Play CD again. Ask: Which sport has the same word in English and Malay? (judo). Tell pupils table tennis is sometimes called the same word in English and Malay (ping-pong). 5. Pupils do Activity 4. When checking, pupils say both time expressions for questions 1, 2 and 4. For example: At 5.45 p.m. At 5.45 in the afternoon. 6. Pupils do Activity 5, CD3.07. Pupils write the four times in the dialogue digitally (09.45, 20.00,15.45, 5.15). Post-lesson 7.Pupils in pairs say dialogue in Activity 5 but change the days, times and sports. (CBA) TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1–5 p.93 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Brainstorming CCE Language and Technology HOTS Evaluation MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Role Play PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 41 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Listening FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Reading Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Main: 1.2.4 Understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and other known words By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions 2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and other known words SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can understand the general idea of a text by reading and listening to the text given. LANGUAGE / Present simple tense affirmative and negative (to state facts and routines GRAMMAR FOCUS ACTIVITIES Pre-lesson 1. Write ‘family’ on board. Pupils brainstorm vocabulary for family members (from Y3 and 4). Write words on board as pupils say them. How many can they remember? Lesson delivery 2. Pupils answer Think! question top of p.24 in pairs, then give pupils a set of four instructions: Look at the family photo. Read the three text titles (a, b, c) in Activity 1. Choose one title and write it down. Compare with a partner. (21st CA) 3. Find out which text title pupils chose with show of hands. They listen to and read text for the general meaning (CD1.23). Ask: Which title do you think it is? (c) 4. Pupils do Activity 2. They listen and read the text again to find specific information. Check answers. (HOTS) 5. Pupils do Activity 3. Check they understand the meaning of all words in blue. Draw a Venn diagram with two circles on board. Pupils in pairs sort words into two groups: male or female. Choose pupils to say words and write in diagram. Ask: What two family words go between the two circles? (parent, cousin) Why? (They are names for male and female family members). Pupils write all words in worksheet. (CBA) Post-lesson 7. Teacher reads out questions. Pupils listen to questions and in pairs agree on answers. Teacher writes questions on board. Pupils then quickly read text to check if they are correct. TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1–3 p.24 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Values HOTS Evaluation MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Worksheet PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 42 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Speaking FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Listening Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds Main: 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with little or no support a wide range of target language phonemes By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.Give detailed information about themselves 2.Recognise and reproduce with little or no support a wide range of target language phonemes SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can talk about facts and routines using the present simple. LANGUAGE / Present simple tense affirmative and negative (to state facts and routines) GRAMMAR FOCUS ACTIVITIES Pre-lesson 1. Pre-lesson Task 10: Say What’s Missing. Write eight names of family members on separate flash cards to put under a cloth. Lesson delivery 2. Pupils in pairs do p.24, Activity 4. First give an example and write model on board e.g. ‘The Radford family has breakfast at 6.46 but I have breakfast at 7.15’. Ask: What’s the conjunction in the sentence? Remind pupils to use ‘but’ for differences. They take turns to say three or four differences. Choose pairs to say differences to whole class. (21st CA) 3. Write on board ‘Present simple’. Pupils do Activity 1. 4. Pupils do Activity 2. Check answers. (HOTS) 5. Pupils do Activity 3, CD1.24. Read aloud both verbs in 1–6. Pupils listen and repeat chorally then individually. Explain they need to listen to the verb endings. Play CD1.24 again. Ask: Which verbs end with /iz/ sound? Which verbs end with /s/ sound? (e.g. speaks) Post-lesson 6. Pupils in small groups take turns to say the daily routines of two members of their family. (CBA) TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1–3 p.25 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Values HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Class Participant PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 43 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Reading FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Listening Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by CONTENT STANDARDS using appropriate reading strategies Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts Main: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and other LEARNING STANDARDS known words Complementary: 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and other known words 2. Understand a sequence of supported questions SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can understand the main ideas in an interview about a celebration. LANGUAGE / Present simple tense: interrogatives GRAMMAR FOCUS ACTIVITIES Pre-lesson 1. Write ‘Special days’ on board. Pupils say their special day e.g. birthdays, family birthdays, anniversaries. Ask: What are the special days/celebrations in Malaysia? Why do you like them? Lesson delivery 2. Pupils read p.26, Happy days!, and words in box in Activity 1. See if pupils can guess the meaning of: ‘crazy’, ‘costumes’, ‘invite’, then do Activity 1. Pupils compare their answers with a partner. Check answers. (HOTS) 3. Read Study Strategy in Activity 2 aloud. Pupils look at Activity 3. They read the heading, ‘Chinese New Year’, the sentence below and look at photographs A–D. Write on board ‘dragon’, ‘fireworks’, ‘food’. Pupils say the photos that show these items. Explain what an envelope is while pupils look at photo D. Ask: What do you think the radio programme is about? Pupils in pairs share ideas about what they will hear. (21st CA) 4. Pupils do Activity 3, CD1.25. They listen to Zoe and a woman talking in the introduction to the radio programme. They look at the photos again and write the order of objects mentioned. (CBA) 5. Pupils read questions in Activity 4. Play CD1.25 again. Post-lesson 6. Post-lesson Task 8: Test your Memory. Use the four photos at foot of p.26 to make true and false sentences. TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1–4 p.26 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Patriotism HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Politeness/ Saying please CLASSROOM BASED Class Participant PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 44 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Writing FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Speaking Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in CONTENT STANDARDS print and digital media Complementary: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly Main: 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Give detailed information about themselves 2. Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can understand the main ideas in an interview about a celebration. LANGUAGE / Present simple tense: interrogatives GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson ACTIVITIES 1. Put pupils into six groups. Hand out a set of words to each group. Explain the words make a question. Pupils order the words. They check order by looking at questions in Happy Days, p.26. A pupil from each group reads aloud their question. Lesson delivery 2. In small groups, elicit three special days e.g. New Year, Eid-al-Fitr, Diwali. Pupils choose one special day to answer questions about. (HOTS) 3. Pupils do Activity 5, Use it! They read the 6 questions in Happy Days! again. Pupils write answers about the special day they chose using always, usually, sometimes, never. In pairs, they take turns to ask and answer the questions about partner’s special day. Find out which pairs have similar answers. (21st CA) 4. Pupils with a different partner ask and answer questions from Step 4 but change pronouns and one verb: 1. What kind of present do you prefer? 2. When is the big meal with your family? 3. Do you like fireworks? Why/Why not? (CBA) Post-lesson 5. Post-lesson Task 8: Test your Memory. Review new vocabulary. TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 5 p.26 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Patriotism HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Politeness/ Saying please CLASSROOM BASED Class Participant PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 45 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes THEME World of Stories TOPIC Watching a Bumble Bee Main: Language Art FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Speaking Main: 5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly Main: 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple roleplays and simple LEARNING STANDARDS Poems. Complementary: 2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple roleplays and simple Poems. 2. Find out about and describe experiences up to now SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can create their own stanza in group. LANGUAGE / Vocabulary (Insects) GRAMMAR FOCUS ACTIVITIES Pre-lesson 1. Teacher pastes each stanza randomly around the class. 2. Pupils walk around and read the randomly ordered stanzas. 3. Pupils need to distinguish the sequence of the stanzas Lesson delivery 4. Pupils revise the poem. 5. Teacher asks pupils to think about other insects that are suitable to replace the bumble bee (e.g. wasp, hummingbird, etc.) in the poem. (HOTS) 6. In group, pupils underline the words and change the words ( i.e. name of the insect, characteristic (e.g the oh – so – busy butterfly) to create their own stanza (or stanzas if they can do more than one stanza). (HOTS) 7. Upon completion, pupils put up their product and teachers conduct a gallery walk where groups display and describe their adapted stanza/stanzas. A pupil from the pair/group will describe their adapted stanza/stanzas while the rest of the members provide feedback on the other groups’ stanza/stanzas. (21st CA) Post-lesson 7. Prepare an illustration for their newly adapted poem. Anthology of Poems Page 21 Contemporary Children’s Literature Teaching Guidebook (BPK) TEACHING AIDS – Poetry Activity 1 Page 73 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Gallery Tour CCE Creativity and Innovation HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Simple Project PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 46 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Speaking FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Writing Main: 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital media Main: 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements 2. Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can ask and answer questions about routine and free time. LANGUAGE / Present simple tense: GRAMMAR FOCUS interrogatives and time expressions Pre-lesson 1. With the book closed, ask pupils about a popular celebration in this country. Write some questions on the board and elicit that they are in the present simple. (HOTS) Lesson delivery 2. Pupils do p.27, Activity 1. They answer the questions then check with a partner. Pupils read the rules then teacher reads them aloud. Pause after each rule and choose pupils to say the correct word in each. If pupils are unsure, tell them to look at the five questions in Activity 1 again. 3. Pupils in pairs do Activity 2. Check answers. They take turns to ask and answer questions. ACTIVITIES Choose pairs to ask and answer aloud. Find out if any answers are the same as others in the class. 4. With a different partner, pupils do Activities 3 and 4. Write on board ‘5 minutes’. Explain they have 5 minutes to write questions with words from the grid. Pupils look at grid. Ask: What are the five question words you can use? (When, Where, How often, Do, Does). Check questions after 5 minutes. Pupils take turns to ask and answer questions they wrote. (21st CA) 5. Pupils do Activities 5 and 6. (CBA) Post-lesson 5. Post-lesson Task 8: Test your Memory. Review new vocabulary. TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1–6 p.27 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Patriotism HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Politeness/ Saying please CLASSROOM BASED Class Participant PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 47 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Listening FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Reading Main: 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Main: 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2.4 Use with support familiar print and digital resources to check meaning By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words 2. Use with support familiar print and digital resources to check meaning SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can practice making plans and suggestions LANGUAGE / What’s on? What do you GRAMMAR FOCUS want to do? Let’s go to (the)…, What about (the)…? Pre-lesson 1. Write ‘Weekend’ on board. In pairs, pupils answer Think! question at top of p.28. Choose some pupils to say what they do at the weekend. Lesson delivery 2. Pupils do Activity 1. When checking new words, pupils say words which look or sound similar to those in Malay. Write on board: ‘disco – disko’; ‘concert-konsert’; ‘barbecue-barbeku’, ‘quizkuiz’, ‘mini-mini’. Ask: What is different – spelling, sound or both? (HOTS) 3. Pupils do Activity 2, CD1.26. 4. Write on board in three columns: A. When you agree; B. When you’re thinking; C. When you’re ACTIVITIES surprised. Pupils read the dialogue again and find: ‘Right’, ‘Mmm’, ‘OK’, ‘No?’ ‘Well’, ‘Yes’. In pairs they decide which words go in the three columns. (A = Right, Yes, OK; B = Mmm; Well C = No?) 5. Play CD1.26 again. Pupils listen for pronunciation of disco, concert, barbecue, quiz and mini again. Ask: Which words have the same pronunciation in English? Which words sound almost the same? Practise pronunciation together. Pupils then practise the dialogue with Daisy and Gareth in pairs. (21st CA) Post-lesson 6. In pairs, pupils read the programme and agree on morning and afternoon activities they’d like to do. They say why they’d like to do them. (CBA) TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1–3 p.28 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Values HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Politeness/ Saying please CLASSROOM BASED Class Participant PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 48 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Speaking FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Writing CONTENT STANDARDS Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly Complementary: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital media Main: 2.1.4 Ask about and describe future plans LEARNING STANDARDS Complementary: 4.2.2 Ask for, give and respond to simple advice By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Ask about and describe future plans 2. Ask for, give and respond to simple advice SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can practice making plans and suggestions LANGUAGE / What do you want to do? GRAMMAR FOCUS What about (the)…? Let’s go to (the)… in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at lunch Pre-lesson 1. Write on board: Do you remember? Pupils think about what their partner said in previous lesson about what her/ his family does at the weekend. Lesson delivery 2. Write on board: plans and suggestions. Pupils look at p.28, Key Phrases. Read them aloud to class. Ask: Which phrases are for making plans? Which are for making suggestions? How many questions are there for plans? How many questions for suggestions? Which phrase is negative? 3. Pupils do Activity 4. Explain that ‘What about…’ and ‘Let’s…’ can also give advice. Ask the advice they wrote in the last two lines of the dialogue. (HOTS) ACTIVITIES 4. Pupils in pairs do Activity 5. They focus on their intonation. Teacher says phrases from the mini- dialogue with exaggerated intonation patterns. Pupils listen and repeat. Choose pairs to read dialogue. Ask: Is their intonation good? Which key phrases are not in the mini-dialogue? (What’s on? I’m not really interested in…) (CBA) 5. Elicit names of two or three films which pupils could see in local cinemas and write on board. Also write the day and times the films start. With a different partner, pupils prepare and practise a dialogue using films on the board and Key Phrases. (21st CA) Post-lesson 6. In small groups, pupils write a cinema programme with: a name and date; two or three films and times they start. Pupils can draw a cinema ticket if time permits. (CBA) TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1–3 p.28 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Pair / Group Discussion CCE Values HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Role Play PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 49 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Reading FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Speaking Main: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by CONTENT STANDARDS using appropriate reading strategies Complementary: 2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group Main: 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and other LEARNING STANDARDS known words Complementary: 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories and events By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and other known words 2. Narrate short basic stories and events SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can write a description of a celebration or special day. LANGUAGE / also, and, but GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson 1. Put map of Caribbean on board or show in an atlas. Elicit information about the Caribbean islands e.g. near which countries, in which sea, food etc. Lesson delivery 2. Pupils do p.29, Activity 1. 3. Write on board: A. personal description of carnival; B. when the carnival happens; C. what happens at the carnival. Pupils guess order of paragraphs. Don’t check yet. 4. Pupils do Activity 2. After reading the text and before answering the questions, check order of paragraphs (1B, 2C, 3A). Ask: Are your guesses correct? Pupils answer questions. Check answers. ACTIVITIES 5. Ask: Which word is in blue? (also) Which words come after also? (play, friendly, dance). Give other examples: I can sing and I can also play the piano. Elicit sentences from pupils. Ask pupils to find two conjunctions in the text. (and, but) Ask: Are there more ‘ands’ or ‘buts’? (3 ands, 2 buts) 6. Pupils read Key Phrases and do Activity 3. Check answers. Pupils memorise the sentences and with a partner take turns to repeat them from memory. (21st CA) (CBA) Post-lesson 7. Pupils look at photo of dancer on p.29 for 30 seconds. Pupils close books and think about what happens at the carnival. With a partner they say things they remember about the London carnival. How many things can they remember? (HOTS) TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1–3 p.29 st 21 CENTURY ACTIVITY Recap Group CCE Values HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Teamwork PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 50 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Writing FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Reading Main: 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Main: 4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify this LEARNING STANDARDS appropriately in response to feedback Complementary: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify this appropriately in response to feedback 2. Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can write a description of a celebration or special day. LANGUAGE / Adverb: also GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson 1. Pupils brainstorm words they remember about the Notting Hill carnival. Elicit ‘celebration’, ‘parade’ and ‘costume’ if they don’t say them. (21st CA) Lesson delivery 2. Write ‘also’ on board then say and write on board: ‘I have a brother and I also have a sister. I’m happy and I’m also funny.’ Help pupils to notice word order. Pupils do p.29, Activity 4. They compare answers with a partner. Check with whole class. 3. Pupils do Activity 5, Use it! Remind pupils they used a plan to write a description of a town or city in Unit 1. Explain they’re going to write a description of a celebration or special day. ACTIVITIES 4. Pupils in pairs swap descriptions and read them. Hand out worksheet. Pupils check if the description meets the criteria on the worksheet and draw a smiley face next to each if it does. Pupils return descriptions and worksheet. 5. Choose pupils to read descriptions aloud. Praise their efforts then point out two things they can improve. (CBA) Post-lesson 6. Write on board: ‘Do you think your description of a celebration is better than your description of a town or city? Why or why not?’ Pupils in small groups think about the questions then say what they think. (HOTS) TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 4-5 p.29 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Brainstorming CCE Values HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Teamwork PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________
SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 51 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes THEME World of Stories TOPIC And Something Weird Happened Main: Language Art FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Reading Main: 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Main: 5.2.1 Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event, description or character LEARNING STANDARDS in a text Complementary: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event, description or character in a text 2. Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event in a text LANGUAGE / Providing reasons (because) GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson 1. Talk about what is going to happen tomorrow. Every pupil provides his/her prediction (e.g. It is going to rain tomorrow. My mother is going to the market tomorrow). Lesson delivery 2. Teacher goes through with the cover and the blurb with the pupils and teacher brainstorm pupils’ ideas about the book. (21st CA) 3. Put pupils into smaller group and each group do a group reading from page 5 to page 8. 4. Teacher uses word cards from the guidebook (page 17) and provides each group with the word cards. ACTIVITIES 5. Pupils have to match the word cards (containing activities that carried out by the characters) with the corresponding characters in the short story (e.g. Yuki – flying in the plane). 6. Check the answer as a class. (CBA) 7. Then, groups reuse the word cards and divide them into the activities that they like and dislike. 8. Each pupil in the group has to choose the activity that he/she likes the most and the reasons why he/she wants to choose it. (HOTS) 9. Upon completion, they share their reasons among the group members. Post-lesson 7. Prepare an illustration for their newly adapted poem. And Something Weird Happened by Pamela Rushby Contemporary Children’s Literature Teaching TEACHING AIDS Guidebook (BPK)– Short Stories (page 17) 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Brainstorming CCE Creativity and Innovation HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Class Participant PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). REFLECTION / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN YEAR 5 SUBJECT English Language YEAR 5 Choose DAY / DATE Sunday WEEK / LESSON 52 an item. TIME DURATION 60 minutes World of Self, Family and THEME TOPIC 2: DAYS Friends Main: Writing FOKUS SKILLS Complimentary: Reading Main: 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital media CONTENT STANDARDS Complementary: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies Main: 4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify this LEARNING STANDARDS appropriately in response to feedback Complementary: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 3. Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify this appropriately in response to feedback 4. Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more SUCCESS CRITERIA Pupils can write a description of a celebration or special day. LANGUAGE / Review of language from Unit 2 GRAMMAR FOCUS Pre-lesson 1. Review language from Unit 2 with an activity from list of pre-lesson tasks. Lesson delivery 2. Pupils do p.30, Activities 3, 4 and 5 individually. After each activity they compare answers with a different partner. Check answers after each activity. Ask: Which activity was easy and which was hard? Why was Activity 3/4/5 easy/hard? (CBA) ACTIVITIES 3. Pupils in pairs do Activity 6 then take turns to ask the questions and say answers. (21st CA) 4. Pupils do p.31, Activity 3. (HOTS) Post-lesson 5. Pupils think about their learning and performance in this unit. They complete self-assessment worksheet. 6. Collect worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ responses. If there are any areas of concern, prepare a review of these in future lessons. TEACHING AIDS English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 3–6 p.30 Activity 3 p.31 21st CENTURY ACTIVITY Think– Pair– Share CCE Values HOTS Analysis MORAL VALUE Friendship CLASSROOM BASED Teamwork PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT (CBA) REFLECTION Attendance: / / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). / pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s). Lesson is postponed due to: _______________________________________________________