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Centrifuge Control Philosophy

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Decanter UCD

UCD 346
Technical Data
Equipped with standard gear drive or 2-gear drive

All Advantages at a Glance

Frame, hood and drive Lowest power consumption Auxiliary equipment
The decanter UCD 346 from GEA Westfalia
UCD 345 of < 1 kW/m3 (at extra cost)
Separator is a continuously operating hori- Highest g-force for higher solids Control unit for automatic operation
zontal solid wall centrifuge for dewatering output Tools
requirements of industrial and municipal Adjustable bowl speed via VFD Bearing temperature monitoring
waste water sludge. The frame is of open (option) Vibration control
design with gravity discharge of the clari- Automatic adjustment of differential Automatic grease lubrication
fied phase. speed via VFD Set of spare parts
In-line secondary motor Liquid and solids chutes
Features Belts for main drive motor only Solids gate valve
All parts coming into contact with
the product are made of CrNiMo Advantages
stainless steel Easy installation
3-phase AC motor for controlled Easy operation and maintenance
torque starting in star-delta circuit Low space requirement (easy
or via frequency converter retrofitting)

Mechanical Separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

Operating Principles and Constructional

) ( ' &


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 Vjc^[dgb9HXdciZciYZhe^iZ[ajX" WZilZZci]ZhXgdaaVcYWdla#
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Decanter Control System with DCU 8
We automate – you separate

Mechanical Separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

Decanter Control System with DCU 8
The DCU 8 is a control unit for decanters from Westfalia Separator. It can be supplied
either in a stand-alone on-site cabinet with separate motor starter or in a compact
control cabinet with integrated motor starter (see figure below).

The DCU 8 ensures automatic program control and Decanter control system
the entire supervision of the decanter. Besides all the Visualization of the decanter
electrical components of the decanter, the peripheral Menu-driven user guidance
devices required for the specific customer application Starting / stopping of the decanter
can also be included in the control and supervision Possibility of monitoring all relevant decanter
system. data (bowl and differential speeds, torques, time
settings, limit values etc.)
Features of the DCU 8
Unit consisting of programmable logic control The control unit is configured to customer specifi-
and operator panel cations. All decanter parameters, time settings and
Fully graphic 6“ blue-mode display limit values are pre-set according to the specific
Operation via touch display machine configuration.
Central functions via separate keys
Profibus interface DP
Software updates via Micro Memory Card
Easily upgradeable due to modular concept

Example of a complete decanter

control system in a stainless steel
compact control cabinet with
integrated DCU 8
Unit of Decanter and Control System
Planning and production of the complete functional unit, comprising the decanter
and a complete control system from Westfalia Separator, offers all the benefits of the
Westfalia Separator quality standard ISO 9001:2000 (worldwide!) for our customers.

Our controls are designed in conformity with the Only the complete solution consisting of machine
IEC 60204-1 standard and the requirements of the and control system can comply with the safety
Machinery Directive. specifications and, at the customer’s request, this is
This is to ensure that the decanter and control system documented in the EC declaration of conformity.
are completely tested and that the unit comprising
the machine and control system fulfils the European Our customers are therefore always on the safe side:
CE rules and regulations. In addition, the safety in close proximity to the design department and total
requirements for the centrifuge according to EN quality management, we realize all safety functions
12547 standard and those specified by the employer’s in every control system on the basis of numerous
liability insurance association are fully met. Our directives and standards.
customers not only benefit from the safety aspects
but also from our process engineering know-how
gathered over decades.
Technical Data UCD
Operating principles and constructional features

1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

The information contained in this brochure merely serves as a non-binding description of our products and is without guarantee. Binding information, in particular relating to capacity data and suitability for specific applications, can only be provided within the framework of concrete
1 Secondary drive motor
2 Clutch
3 Scroll drive
4 Bowl drive
5 Bowl bearings
6 Bowl
7 Scroll
8 Housing
9 Separation chamber
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 Regulating ring
11 Feed
Technical data 12 Feed tube
Bowl 13 Bowl bearings
Diameter 340 mm 14 Gravity discharge of the
L / D ratio (angle) 4.0 (20°) clarified liquid
Speed max. 4500 rpm 15 Scroll bearings
g-force, (z) max. 3850 g 16 Distributor
Comparative capacity 34,000 l / h 17 Solids discharge
Bowl drive 18 Primary gear
Rating 18,5 kW / 22 kW 19 Secondary gear
Speed at 50 Hz 3000 rpm 20 Primary drive motor
Speed at 60 Hz 3600 rpm
Scroll drive Application
Rating at 50 Hz 2,2 kW Dewatering of municipal and
Shipping data industrial waste water sludge
Decanter weight 1875 kg
Case dimensions 3100 x850 x 1550 mm
Shipping weight gross 2150 kg

Dimensions in mm
Components Standard Option

inquiries. Printed on chlorine-free bleached paper · Printed in Germany · Subject to modification · www.papp.cc
Bowl and scroll Stainless steel CrNiMo — ' -(%

Liquid outlet Free Centripetal pump

Flight hard-facing Tungsten carbide Sintered tungsten carbide tiles

Solids outlet ports Exchangeable — 1.5


Seals, inner bearings NBR (Perbunan) P.T.F.E. / Viton
Drive 2-gear drive Fixed differential speed

Solids discharge — Slide valve



Solids chute — Upon request 00


Liquid chute — Upon request

The comparative capacity refers to various decanters from GEA Westfalia Separator and is below the max. throughput capacity. The
effective capacity depends on the extent to which the inflowing mixture can be clarified, the level of solids contained in the feed, the
dry matter content required in the discharged solids and the level of solids permissible in the clarified liquid. In general, the machine
can be adjusted to take account of the above requirements.
Min. lifting capacity of trolley hoist for service
and maintenance: 500 kg.

Mechanical Separation
GEA Westfalia Separator
Werner-Habig-Straße 1 · 59302 Oelde (Germany)
Phone +49 2522 77-0 · Fax +49 2522 77-2950
[email protected] · www.westfalia-separator.com
8185-9001-018 / 3108 33

3.4 Program runs

3.4.1 Decanter operation

Key Description

Starting the decanter (decanter with grease lubrication)

Press the 'Dec. Start" key.

x The message 'Decanter starting up! appears in the 'De-

canter menu!.
x The following functions are performed in the decanter
start-up phase:
! The bowl motor is switched on.
! The secondary motor is switched on.
! The !Decanter start-up" time starts.
x When the start-up phase is complete, the message
!Decanter ready for operation" appears in the !Decanter
! The bowl motor is now switched on.
! The secondary motor is now switched on.
Starting the decanter (decanter with oil circulation lubrication)

Press the #Decanter Start# key.

x When pressing the #Decanter Start# key, the lubricating oil

pump starts and the pre-lubrication time elapses. The
message #Dec. prelubrication# appears in the
#Decanter# menu.
x The following functions are performed during pre-
! The lubricating oil pump is switched on.
x The following functions are performed in the decanter
start-up phase:
! The bowl motor is switched on.
! The secondary motor is switched on.
! The !Decanter start-up" time starts.
x When the start-up phase is complete, the message
!Decanter ready for operation" appears in the !Decanter
! The bowl motor is now switched on.
! The secondary motor is now switched on.
! The lubricating oil pump is now activated.

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

34 8185-9001-018 / 3108

Key Description

Starting production

Press the 'Prod. Start" key.

x The message 'Decanter product! appears in the 'Decanter

! The bowl motor is now switched on.
! The secondary motor is now switched on.
! The feed pump is now activated.

Stopping production

Press the 'Prod. Stop" key.

x The message #Del. flushing# appears in the #Decanater

! The feed pump is now shut down.
x When the #Del. flushing# time has elapsed, #Decanter flus-
hing# appears in the decanter menu. The following func-
tions are running:
! The feed pump is now shut down.
! The flushing valve is open.
! The bowl motor is now switched on.
! The secondary motor is now switched on.
! The !Flush feed line" time starts.
x The flushing valve is closed after the flushing time has

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

8185-9001-018 / 3108 35

Key Description

Stopping the decanter (decanter with grease lubrication)

Press the #Dec. Stop# key.

x The message 'Decanter Off/Post running! appears in the

'Decanter menu!.
x The following functions are performed in the post running
! The !Decanter post running" time starts.
! The bowl motor is switched off.
! The secondary motor continues running.
x When the post running time has elapsed, the secondary
motor is shut down.
Stopping the decanter (decanter with oil circulation lubrication)

Press the #Dec. Stop# key.

x The message 'Decanter Off/Post running! appears in the

'Decanter menu!.
x The following functions are performed in the post running
! The !Decanter post running" time starts.
! The bowl motor is switched off.
! The secondary motor continues running.
! The lubricating oil pump continues running.
x When the post-running time has elapsed, the secondary
motor and the lubricating oil pump are switched off.

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

36 8185-9001-018 / 3108

3.4.2 Grease lubrication operation (option)

'Grease lubrication! is an option for decanters provided with grease lubrication.

Key Description

Lubricating cycle

When the start-up time is over, the lubricating cycle starts

after pressing the ACK/Grease pump On key.

Upon starting the grease pump, the following functions are

x The grease pump is switched on.
x The #delay grease distributor failure# time starts.
! The grease is pumped towards the grease distributor
until a grease distributor switches, then the grease is
pumped back in reverse direction until another grease
distributor switches.
x This process is identified by the digital 'Grease distributor!
input and the lubricating cycle is complete.
x The !Grease lubrication interval" time starts.
x The !Grease distributor failure delay" time stops.
! When the 'Grease distributor failure delay! time has
elapsed and the grease distributor has not switched
within that time, the 'Grease distributor! failure is indi-
cated and the grease pump is shut down.
x After expiry of the !Grease lubrication interval" time, the
lubricating cycle is started again.
x After expiry of the !Decanter post running" time, the lubri-
cating cycle is cancelled.

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

8185-9001-018 / 3108 37

3.5 Menu overview

1 8

2 7

3 6
4 5

Fig. 16

1 Main menu
2 Decanter menu
3 Project information
4 Service settings
5 Decanter configuration
6 Feed decanter
7 System settings
8 Language selection

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

38 8185-9001-018 / 3108

3.6 Main menu

The main menu appears after the control unit has been switched on.
x Date and time are displayed in the top line (changes are possible in the
#System settings# menu).
x The decanter type and the gear factor are displayed in the screen centre.

Fig. 17 =

From the main menu, the following submenus can be called up by touching the
respective function key on the touchscreen:

Key Key description see chapter

Calls up the #Decanter# menu 3.8

Calls up the !Project information" 3.9

Calls up the #Service settings# menu 3.10

Calls up the !Decanter configuration" menu 3.11

Calls up the #Feed decanter# menu 3.7.1

Calls up the #System settings# menu 3.12

Up to 5 languages are available.

The next language is selected each time the
key is pressed. The currently set language is
displayed on the screen above the soft key.

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

8185-9001-018 / 3108 39

3.6.1 Description of icons

Symbol Description
Valve closed in automatic mode
Valve open in automatic mode
Valve closed in manual mode
Valve open in manual mode
Valve fault
Constant-pressure valves
Valve not throttled

Valve throttled

Symbol Description
Pump OFF in automatic mode

Pump ON in automatic mode

Pump OFF in manual mode

Pump ON in manual mode

Pump fault

covered / activated
not covered / not activated

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

40 8185-9001-018 / 3108

3.6.2 Manual /Automatic mode

Call-up is from the individual menu and is opened by touching the valves / the
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 18 =

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

8185-9001-018 / 3108 41

The valves / drives are in normal automatic mode. For operation in manual
mode, proceed as follows:
x For manual operation touch desired valve or drive on the the touchscreen and
a window opens.
x By touching the #Man# button, the manual mode is activated and the state of
the valve/drive remains unchanged (an open valve remains open).
x Touching the #Man# key again toggles the state (an open valve closes).
x Touching the #auto# activates the automatic mode. In automatic mode, the
valve/drive takes on the state from the automatic program.
x After expiry of a delay time (see below the Manual/Auto field), the valve/drive
must show the correct state, otherwise a fault message appears.
x Switching between the following valve descriptions can be done in the field
next to the valve:
! NC (normally closed) means normally closed.
! NO (normally open) means normally open.
x Touching the #ESC# key closes the window.
x At the top is an empty field in which the valve/drive description can be en-

After manual operation of a valve / drive, ensure that the valve / drive is set back
to automatic mode again.

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

42 8185-9001-018 / 3108

3.7 Feed decanter

Call-up is from the #Main menu# or #Decanter# menu.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 19 =

1 Flow meter counter for the feed.

2 By touching the #0#, the flow meter counter is reset (Reset) to #0#.
3 Current flow display. The set value (output value) of the controller is
shown by the bar display.
By touching the flow display, the #Feed controller# window opens.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Main menu

Decanter Menu

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

8185-9001-018 / 3108 43

3.7.1 Feed controller

Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu or #Feed decanter# by touching the meas-
ured value.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.
The feed controller can be used both in automatic and in manual mode.

13 3

12 4

11 5

10 6


Fig. 20 =

Parameters Meaning
Setpoint ramp (1) Display of current setpoint of the ramp.
Start setpoint ramp Display and input of the start setpoint ramp. The con-
(2) troller runs with this setpoint for #Product start#.
Start-up time (3) Display and input of the start-up time. Using the #Prod-
uct start# key, #Start setpoint ramp# is started with the
setpoint and is raised to the setpoint #SP# in this time.
Limit value flow (4) Display and input of the limit value from the flow (FAL).
Delay limit value Display and input of the delay time. If the flow limit
flow (5) value is fallen below with switched on product pump,
the production is switched off after this delay time.
Gain Kp (6) Proportional coefficient (P portion of controller).
This value indicates the constant variable with which
the controller reacts upon a controller difference and
changes the control variable accordingly. A higher
proportional coefficient Kp makes the controller faster.

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

44 8185-9001-018 / 3108

Display Meaning
Integration time Tn Readjustment time (I portion of controller).
This value described the speed at which the set value
changes when a control difference occurs. This speed
is proportional to the control difference. A longer read-
justment time Tn makes the controller slower.
Set value range (8) The set value range of the variable speed drive can be
limited here.
CV (9) Set value display
Numerically and graphically as bars (0 $ 100 %). The
set value indicates the actual setting of the variable
speed drive independently from whether it is a #nor-
mally open# or a #normally closed# variable speed
x 0% = closed
x 100% = open
Manual and auto- Change between manual and automatic mode.
matic mode (10)
Manual on (blinking) (manual operation).
Measuring range Display and input of the measuring range limit value
limit value (11) of the flow sensor e.g. 0 $ 10 m³ corresponds to
4 $ 20 mA.
PV (12) Display of the actual value.
The display is numerical and graphical as bars.
SP (13) Display and input of the setpoint.
The display is numerical and graphical as bars.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Feed decanter

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

8185-9001-018 / 3108 45

3.8 Decanter menu

This is called up from the #Main menu#.
This menu shows the decanter and the associated valves, pumps and motors.
The figure below is an example. This figure may deviate for other decanter
types and applications.

1 2 3 4 5

9 8

Fig. 21 =

The individual menus are called up by touching the respective measured value.
1 Feed quantity / Feed controller
2 Bearing temperature on liquid side
3 Vibro
4 Bearing temperature on solids side
5 Torque
Speed control / Torque control
6 Bowl motor amperage
7 Setpoint bowl speed (setting in %)
! 0% = Half bowl speed
! 100% = max. bowl speed
8 Differential speed
9 Bowl speed

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

46 8185-9001-018 / 3108

Other functions:

Key Key description

Calls up the #Feed decanter# menu.

Calls up the #Curves# menu.

Calls up the #Timer# menu.

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

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3.8.1 Bearing temperature on liquid side

Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu by touching the measured value #Bearing
temperature on the liquid side#.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 22 =

Display Meaning
Liquid side Display of the bearing temperature on the liquid side.
Limit value stage 1 Entry of stage 1 limit value. When the current bearing
temperature exceeds this limit value, a failure is dis-
Limit value stage 2 Entry of stage 2 limit value. When the current bearing
temperature exceeds this limit value, a failure is dis-
played and the decanter is shut down.
Correction factor A correction factor may be entered here to compen-
sate line lengths, e.g. the correction factor 5 corre-
sponds to subtracting 5°C from the result.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Main menu

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3.8.2 Bearing temperature on solids side

Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu by touching the measured value #Bearing
temperature on the solids side#.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 23 =

Display Meaning
Solids side Display of the bearing temperature on the solids side.
Limit value stage 1 Entry of stage 1 limit value. When the current bearing
temperature exceeds this limit value, a failure is dis-
Limit value stage 2 Entry of stage 2 limit value. When the current bearing
temperature exceeds this limit value, a failure is dis-
played and the decanter is shut down.
Correction factor A correction factor may be entered here to compen-
sate line lengths, e.g. the correction factor 5 corre-
sponds to subtracting 5°C from the result.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Main menu

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3.8.3 Vibration
Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu by touching the measured value
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 24 =

Display Meaning
Vibration Display of decanter vibrations.
Vibration max. Input of the measuring range limit value of the
vibration sensor e.g. 0 $ 20 mm/s corresponds to
4 $ 20 mA.
Limit value stage 1 Entry of stage 1 limit value. When the current vibra-
tion exceeds this limit value, a failure is displayed.
Limit value stage 2 Entry of stage 2 limit value. When the current vibra-
tion exceeds this limit value, a failure is displayed
and the decanter is shut down.
Delay vibration on After 'Production On! and expiry of the time entered
here, the failures are enabled.
When setting the value $0- as the set time, the fail-
ures are always released.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Main menu

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3.8.4 Torque limit values

Call-up is from the #Speed control# menu.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 25 =

Display Meaning
Torque Display of current torque. The torque serves for auto-
matic control of the differential speed.
Limit value stage 1 Entry of torque stage 1 limit value. When the current
torque exceeds the limit value, production is stopped
after a delay time.
Limit value stage 2 Entry of torque stage 2 limit value. When the current
torque exceeds the limit value, the decanter is shut
down after a delay time.
Solids slide gate Entry of limit value for opening of the solids slide gate
open (useful only when using a solids slide gate in the solids
discharge). When the current torque exceeds the limit
value during production, the solids slide gate is ope-
Solids slide gate Entry of limit value for closing of the solids slide gate
close (useful only when using a solids slide gate in the solids
discharge). When the current torque falls below the
limit value, the solids slide gate is closed. A fault is
generated during production.

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Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Main menu

3.8.5 Bowl motor amperage

Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu by touching the measured value #Bowl mo-
tor amperage#.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 26 =

Display Meaning
Bowl motor amper- Display of current bowl motor amperage
Bowl motor amper- Input of the measuring range limit value of the current
age max. transformer e.g. 0 $ 40 A corresponds to 4 $ 20 mA.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Main menu

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3.8.6 Differential speed

Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu by touching the measured value #Differen-
tial speed#.
Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 27 =

Display Meaning
Differential speed Display of current differential speed.
Bowl speed Display of current bowl speed.
Gear input speed Display of current gear input speed.
Gear housing speed Display of current gear housing speed.
Differential speed low Entry of differential speed limit value. When the cur-
rent differential speed falls below the limit value, the
decanter is shut down after a delay time.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Main menu

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3.8.7 Bowl speed

Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu by touching the measured value #Bowl
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 28 =

Display Meaning
Bowl speed Display of current bowl speed.
Bowl overspeed Entry of overspeed limit value. When the current bowl
speed exceeds the limit value, the decanter is shut
Speed reached Entry of speed limit value. When the current bowl
speed falls below the limit value, production is stop-
ped after a delay time.
Solids slide gate Entry of limit value for closing of the solids slide gate
close / flush (useful only when using a solids slide gate in the
solids discharge). When the current bowl speed falls
below the limit value (e.g. during the post-running
time), the solids slide gate is closed and flushed.
The flushing valve is also opened if the solids slide
gate is closed during production.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Main menu

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3.8.8 Timer menu

This is called up from the 'Decanter menu!.
Correct timer setting are very important for flawless decanter function. If in
doubt, contact Westfalia Separator.

The menu comprises two screens.

The actual value of each timer is displayed and the associated target value can
be edited.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 29

Display Meaning
Pre-lubrication (Option) On decanters with oil circulation lubrication,
the lubricating pump is switched on.
Decanter start-up The bowl takes a certain start-up time to reach
its speed.
The #Differential speed# and #Bowl speed rea-
ched# failures are output only after the start-up
time is over.
Post running The bowl decelerates freely after the bowl
motor is deenergized.
When the post-running time is over, the bowl is
to stand still and the screw motor is switched
off. On decanters with oil circulation lubrica-
tion, the lubricating pump is switched off.
Delay torque stage 1 When the current torque exceeds the limit
value, production is shut down after this delay

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Display Meaning
Delay torque stage 2 When the current torque exceeds the limit
value, the decanter is shut down after this de-
lay time.
Delay decanter off / no feed When the decanter is operated without produc-
tion or flushing beyond the time set here, the
decanter is shut down.
Delay filter blocked If the decanter is equipped with a !Filter blo-
cked" sensor and if filter blocking is signalled,
the failure is displayed upon switching on the
lubricating oil pump and after this delay.
Delay filter blocked de- When a blocked filter is detected longer than
canter off this time, the decanter is shut down.
Delay oil level min. If the decanter is equipped with an #Oil level
min.# sensor and if oil level min. is signalled,
the decanter is shut down upon pre-lubrication
and upon start-up. When the decanter is off, it
cannot be switched on.
Delay oil level min. de- When 'Oil level min.! is detected during pro-
canter off duction or when the decanter is ready for op-
eration, this failure is displayed and the de-
canter is shut down after this delay.
Delay water detector off If the decanter is equipped with a !Water de-
tector" and if water in the oil is signalled, the
decanter is shut down after this delay.

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Fig. 30

Display Meaning
Delay decanter flushing After #Production off# and expiration of the delay
decanter flushing, the flushing valve is opened.
Decanter flushing After #Production Off! or when pressing the
'H2O start key#, the flushing program is started
together with this time. The flushing valve opens
during that period.
Grease cycle After expiry of the !Grease lubrication interval"
time, the lubricating cycle is started again. (see
grease lubrication)
Delay grease distributor When the grease distributor has not switched
failure after expiry of this time, the !Grease distributor"
failure is displayed and the grease pump is
stopped. (see grease lubrication).
Delay close solids slide A fault is generated if the torque falls below the
gate limit value #Close solids slide gate# for opened
solids slide gate and production. After this fault,
the slide gate still remains open for this delay.
Flushing solids slide gate If the bowl speed falls below the limit value #Sol-
ids slide gate close# or if the solids slide gate
closes, then the solids drain flush valve is
opened for this time.
The flushing valve is also opened if the solids
slide gate is closed during production.

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Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Previous menu

3.8.9 Decanter control mode

This is called up from the 'Decanter menu!. Depending on the control mode se-
lected (see chapter 3.11 #Configuration#), the screens are shown with different
contents. The following control modes can be selected:
x Speed control
x Torque control
The chapters 3.8.11 #Setting instructions for speed control# and 3.8.13 #Setting
instructions for torque control# provide detailed explanations on how to set the
basic decanter data.

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3.8.10 Speed control (2-gear control)

Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu by touching the measured value #2-gear
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.

Fig. 31 =

Display Meaning
Torque Display of current torque.

Basic differential Actual: Display of current differential speed.

Preset: Entry of the value for the basic differential
Control beginning Entry of control beginning value.
Control gradation Entry of control gradation value.
Delay time Entry of delay value.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Main menu

Calls up the #Limit values torque#

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3.8.11 Setting instructions for speed control

When conveying solids inside the decanter bowl from the separating zone to the
solids outlet, a more or less high torque occurs as a function of product, filling
level and throughput.
On decanters with 2-gear drive and differential drive, this torque is proportional
with the torque of the secondary motor with an upstream frequency converter.
The control unit DCU 8 is connected to a frequency converter. The current
torque occurring during conveyance of solids in the decanter is transmitted by a
4 $ 20 mA signal.
The control unit DCU 8 uses the torque for automatic control of the differential

Fig. 32

The control algorithm can be modified with the following control parameters.

A Control gradation (0 $ 100%)

B Control beginning (0 $ 99 %)
C Basic differential speed (rpm)

dn Differential speed (rpm)

! dn min. Minimum differential speed
! dn max. Maximum differential speed
M Torque (%)
! M1 Torque stage 1
! M2 Torque stage 2

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Basic differential speed:

The basic differential speed is the differential speed at which the decanter works
below the #Control beginning# threshold.
x Change of characteristic curve when
changing the basic differential
speed while keeping all other pa-
rameters constant.

Fig. 33

x The possible differential speed range depends on the decanter type, on the
combination of pulleys used and on the bowl speed.
x The speed table in the machine-related decanter spare parts list shows the
possible differential speeds.
x The minimum frequency of the secondary motor limits the differential speed
at the bottom end.
x The maximum frequency of the secondary motor limits the differential speed
at the top end.

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Control beginning:
Above the #Control beginning# threshold, a rising torque results in a differential
speed increase and a reduced torque in a differential speed decrease.
x Change of characteristic curve when
changing the control beginning while
keeping all other parameters con-

Fig. 34

Adjusting range: 0 to 99 % of max. allowed value

A control beginning which is set too low has the following effects:
x poor de-humidification
x good clarification values
x no plugging of screw

A control beginning which is set too high has the following effects:
x poor clarification values
x good de-humidification values
x danger of screw plugging

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Control gradation:
Slope of characteristic curve after exceeding the #Control beginning# threshold.
The bigger the control gradation value, the bigger the differential speed change
per torque unit and the more the control systems tends to override. The differen-
tial speed starts oscillating.
x Change of characteristic curve when
changing the control gradation while
keeping all other parameters con-

Fig. 35

Adjusting range: 0 to 100 %

x Control gradation = 0 % means that automatic control is shut down. Even
when changing the torque, the differential speed remains constant at the
basic differential speed (also above the #Control beginning# threshold).
x Control gradation = 100 % equals a programmed max. control gradation. This
max. control gradation does not correspond to any horizontal characteristic
x The bigger the control gradation
value, the more the control system
tends to override. The differential
speed starts oscillating.

The figure to the left shows an exam-

ple of how to stabilize operation by
reducing the control gradation.

x The bold line represents the varying

solids content in the machine feed,
the grey area shows the decanter

x When reducing the control gradation


value even further beyond the stabi-

lisation value, the filling level of the
machine increases as the solids
content rises. This means poorer
clarification values and danger of

Fig. 36

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Delay time:
The delay time delays the reaction time of the decanter. Decanter reaction be-
comes slow.
x A long delay time results in a slow

x A short delay time results in a quick

decanter reaction.

decanter reaction.

Fig. 37

Adjusting range: 1 to 100

Factory setting: 10

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Setting example:
In the following example, the control parameters for basic differential speed,
control beginning, control gradation and delay time are set so an optimum prod-
uct is obtained at maximum throughput.
The method described is not the shortest, but it is the safest method.
With all control parameter changes, be sure to observe the effects and wait for
the process to stabilize. The decanter reaction frequently is in the opposite di-
rection first before the desired change is obtained.

Caution: When raising the basic differential speed, the torque rises first of all.
After some time, a lower torque results.

The curve to the left represents a cha-
racteristic curve with an optimised
working point.

The working point is optimised be-

cause there is sufficient space both
upwards and downwards for adjusting
the differential speed.

Fig. 38

Step 1
Provide the following conditions:
x The decanter runs at nominal speed.
x The feed line is closed.
x Torque stage 1 = 80 %
x Torque stage 2 = 90 %
x Delay time = 10 seconds
x Control beginning = 99 % (shuts down automatic control)
x Control gradation = 100 %
x Basic differential speed = max. value (see speed table of decanter)

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Step 2
x Open feed line
! Constant feed conditions during the adjustment phase make work easier.
However, if the torque rises near #Torque step 1# due to this or if this step is
exceeded, the feed quantity is too high.

Step 3
x Slightly reduce the basic differential speed (10 $ 20 %), e.g. from 10 to 8.
x Observe effects and wait for stabilisation (depending on substance to be cen-
trifuged and decanter size, this may take 20 minutes).
! The torque will increase.
! Clarified phase and solid matter will change.

Step 4
x Clarified phase and solid matter now meet the requirements.
x The min. basic differential speed has been reached.
x When the min. basic differential speed is reached without increasing the tor-
que, the feed quantity can be increased.

Intermediate result 1
The working point has been deter-
mined. The values shown for torque
and differential speed represent the
working point.

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Step 5
x Adjust the control beginning (approx. 20 per cent below the working point)
x Adjust the basic differential speed.

x The working point is at 43%. The


x The working point is at 12 min$1.

control beginning is set to 23%.

The basic differential speed is set to

8 min$1.

Fig. 39

Intermediate result 2
The decanter goes back and forth
between basic differential speed and
differential speed. This is because of
the high control gradation
which corresponds to a 2-point control

Fig. 40

Step 6
x Reduce control gradation.
! The torque must remain relatively
! The variations of solid matter in
the feed line are sufficiently equal-

x When a constant torque cannot be


obtained using the control gradation,

the delay time must be changed.

Fig. 41

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Step 7
The torque achieved now may deviate from the torque with the best product
properties. It depends on the individual case which control parameter is the
most suitable for fine tuning.

Caution: With all control parameter changes, be sure to observe the effects and
wait for the process to stabilize. The decanter reaction frequently is in the oppo-
site direction first before the desired change is obtained.

Defect Remedy
Torque too low x Reduce basic differential speed
x Increase control beginning
x Reduce control gradation
Torque too high x Increase basic differential speed
x Reduce control beginning
x Increase control gradation
Heavy torque variations x Reduce control gradation
x Increase delay time
Reaction too slow x Increase control gradation
x Reduce delay time

In most applications, the function of the differential drive or the 2-gear drive is
used now since the decanter is optimally adjusted.
In applications where no satisfactory result can be obtained by this method,
please contact Westfalia Separator.

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3.8.12 Torque control

Call-up is from the #Decanter# menu by touching the measured value #Torque#.
Editing is performed as described in chapter 3.1.4 #Editing text/numerical values
/ fields#.
The torque control can be used both in automatic and manual mode.

10 4
9 5


Fig. 42 =

Parameters Meaning
Basic differential Display of current differential speed and entry of the
speed (1) basic differential speed.
Start delay upon Display and entry of delay time after which the control-
product start (2) ler starts working after pressing the 'Product start! key.
Controller on (3) Entry of the torque value for which the controller is to
go into operation although the time #Delay start upon
product on# has not yet elapsed.
Gain Kp (4) Proportional coefficient (P portion of controller).
This value indicates the constant variable with which
the controller reacts upon a controller difference and
changes the control variable accordingly. A higher
proportional coefficient Kp makes the controller faster.

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Display Meaning
Integration time Tn Readjustment time (I portion of controller).
This value described the speed at which the set value
changes when a control difference occurs. This speed
is proportional to the control difference. A longer read-
justment time Tn makes the controller slower.
CV+ basic differ- During the #Start after product On# delay, this value is
ence for product added to the frequency set value (at the basic differen-
start (6) tial speed).
Set value range (7) The set value range of the variable speed drive can be
limited here.
CV (8) Set value display
Numerically and graphically as bars (0 $ 100%). The
set value indicates the actual setting of the variable
speed drive independently from whether it is a #nor-
mally open# or a #normally closed# variable speed
x 0% = closed
x 100% = open
Manual and auto- Change between manual and automatic mode.
matic mode (9)
Manual on (blinking) (manual operation).
Measuring range Display of the Measured range limit value of the tor-
limit value (10) que.
PV (11) Display of the actual value.
The display is numerical and graphical as bars.
SP (12) Display and input of the setpoint.
The display is numerical and graphical as bars.

Other functions:

Key Key description

Decanter Menu

Calls up the #Limit values torque#

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3.8.13 Setting instructions for torque control

x Basic differential speed
! This is the smallest differential speed the decanter can use if the min. and
max. frequency limits of the frequency converter, the speed limitation and
the analogue output limit are respected.
x Set torque
! This is the set torque the controller is to use.
x KP
! This is the proportional coefficient. It indicates the controller gain.
! High values result in oscillating control response.
! Small values result in too-slow control system reaction.
x Tn
! This is the integration time. It determines the time behaviour of the integra-

Fig. 43

A Basic differential speed

M Torque
! M1 Torque stage 1
! M2 Torque stage 2
dn Differential speed
! dn min. Minimum differential speed
! dn max. Maximum differential speed

Mechanical separation / GEA Westfalia Separator

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