AVI3M Rubrics

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AVI3M | Grade 11 Visual Arts

Unit 1: Surrealist Art

Humankind vs. Nature

Criteria Level 1 | 50-59%

Knowledge and Understanding

Creative Process

Student's use of the Student demonstrates

Creative Process, as well limited understanding of the
as the elements of art and Creative Process, elements
the principles of design to of art, and principles of
produce artwork(s). design.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5



Student's ability to create Concept is unclear.

artwork(s) based on the
overall idea laid out for this Meaning or ideas conveyed
project: are not on par with student
grade level.
• Blending-focused
• Collage has 3-5 images Student shows limited
• Collage-derived artwork success creating artwork
• Humankind vs. Nature based on a collage of 3-5
• Oil-based pencil crayons images.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5
Time Management, Organization, and Process

Student’s use of class time, Student demonstrated

organization skills, and limited effective use of class
thought put into artwork. time, and put very little
thought into artwork
Both in-class and online creation.
learning are accounted for,
with special attention given Student was disorganized.
to use of Jamboard.
Student did not participate
Work in process journal in Jamboard sessions very
and/or Personal Jamboard much, if at all.
will also be taken into
account. Process journal and/or
Jamboard shows limited
detail, brainstorming,
planning and

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5



Student answers series of 1. Student explains use of

questions based on techniques, elements of art,
techniques, elements of and principles of design
art, and principles of with limited clarity.
design - used to create
artwork. 2. More than 3 spelling
and/or grammar errors.
Enter answers or artist's
statement in section at
bottom of rubric.
5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Student answers series of Student’s answers are

questions based on overall limited or incomplete.
thoughts about creating
artwork. There are more than 3
spelling and/or grammar
Enter answers in section at errors.
bottom of rubric.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Skill & Technique

Student's level of success Student shows limited

in demonstration of skills ability when demonstrating
and techniques using art applicable skills &
medium(s): techniques from list.

• Blending Student is able to

• Collaging demonstrate the synergistic
• Composition interconnectedness of key
• Thumbnailing art skills and techniques to
• Transferring a limited degree.

Student is strongly advised

to connect with teacher to
discuss ways to improve.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5

Unit-Specific Task

Student’s ability to Student captures the theme

demonstrate that they have of surrealism and
met the additional Humankind vs. Nature to a
requirements, specific to limited degree.
this unit:
The artwork does not evoke
• Surrealist-themed art any meaningful response
• Humankind vs. Nature from the viewer.
• Art evokes a response

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Effort, Following Instructions, and Cleanup

Student’s level of focus and Student did not follow

commitment to learning and submission instructions.
applying themselves in
class, including: Student shows a limited
level of focus and
• Following instructions commitment, and does not
• All images are JPEG clean up their work station
• Naming files correctly and supplies.
• Cleanup
Artwork is messy and not
Work will not be graded if well cared for.
images are not in the
correct format, or if files are
named incorrectly.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5
Totals & Comments

50 ▼ Enter your comment below using blue text only.

Begin here.

50 ▼ Teacher's comment is found below. Don't forget to read this sec

Communication | Written Componen

Explanation - Techniques

1. Briefly analyze your Enter your answer here.

artwork using any 2 of the
principles of design.

• Balance
• Contrast
• Emphasis
• Harmony
• Pattern
• Proportion & scale
• Rhythm & movement

2. Describe the mediums Enter your answer here.

and techniques used in
your work from the initial
planning phase to the
finished product.

• Coloured pencils
• Blending
3. Create your own Enter your answer here.
question below and answer
it to the right:

<Replace this text with your


• Must be insightful
• Evokes a response


1. What part of your Enter your answer here.

finished piece(s) do you
think is most successful?

• Be specific

2. What part of your Enter your answer here.

finished piece(s) do you
think is least successful?

• Be constructive
3. If you had to do this Enter your answer here.
project again, what would
you improve on or change?

• Consider entire process

Self = 50 100% Final = 50 100%

Level 2 | 60-69% Level 3 | 70-79% Level 4 | 80-100%

Knowledge and Understanding

Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a high

some understanding of the considerable understanding degree of understanding of
Creative Process, elements of the Creative Process, the Creative Process,
of art, and principles of elements of art, and elements of art, and
design. principles of design. principles of design.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10


Concept is slightly unclear. Concept is clear. Concept is strong.

Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed

are below expectations for are on par with student grade are above expectations for
student grade level. level. student grade level.

Student shows some Student shows considerable Student shows a high degree
success creating artwork success creating artwork of success creating artwork
based on a collage of 3-5 based on a collage of 3-5 based on a collage of 3-5
images. images. images.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student demonstrated Student demonstrated Student demonstrated a high

somewhat effective use of considerable effective use of degree of effective use of
class time, and put some class time, and put class time, and put a lot of
thought into artwork considerable thought into thought into artwork.
creation. artwork creation.
Student was very well-
Student was somewhat Student was organized for organized.
organized. the most part.
Student participated in
Student participated in Student participated in most Jamboard sessions.
Jamboard sessions Jamboard sessions.
sometimes, but could have Process journal and/or
invested more effort. Process journal and/or Jamboard shows limited
Jamboard shows limited detail, brainstorming,
Process journal and/or detail, brainstorming, planning and
Jamboard shows limited planning and experimentation.
detail, brainstorming, experimentation.
planning and

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5


1. Student explains use of 1. Student explains use of 1. Student explains use of

techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art,
and principles of design and principles of design with and principles of design with
with some clarity. considerable clarity. a high degree of clarity.

2. Thre are 3 spelling 2. There are 2 spelling and/or 2. Only 1 spelling and/or
and/or grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar error, or none at all.
evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student’s answers are Student’s answers are mostly Student's answers are of a
somewhat coherant and clear and substantial. high level and very insightful.
somewhat complete.
There are 2 spelling and/or There is only 1 spelling
Thre are 3 spelling and/or grammar errors. and/or grammar error, or
grammar errors. none at all.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5


Student shows some ability Student shows considerable Student shows excellent
when demonstrating ability when demonstrating ability when demonstrating
applicable skills & applicable skills & techniques applicable skills & techniques
techniques from list. from list. from list.

Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to

demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic
interconnectedness of key interconnectedness of key art interconnectedness of key art
art skills and techniques skills and techniques to a skills and techniques to a
only somewhat. considerable degree. very high degree.

Student is advised to Student is advised to practise Student's level of skill and

connect with teacher to these skills and techniques to technique is quite high,
discuss ways to improve. see improvement. however, she should still aim
to practise in order to hone
her craft.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10

Student captures the theme Student captures the theme Student captures the theme
of surrealism and of surrealism and Humankind of surrealism and Humankind
Humankind vs. Nature only vs. Nature to a considerable vs. Nature adequately.
somewhat. degree.
The artwork evokes a
The artwork evokes only a The artwork evokes a response from the viewer.
slight response from the considerable response from
viewer. the viewer.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student followed some of Student followed almost all of Student followed all of the
the submission instructions. the submission instructions. submission instructions to a
Student shows a limited Student is focused and
level of focus and committed, and cleans up Student goes beyond
commitment, and cleans up their work station and expectations in their focus
their work station and supplies. and commitment, and always
supplies most of the time – ensure their station and
but not always. Artwork is considerably tidy supplies are clean and ready
and well cared for. for the next person.
Artwork is somewhat tidy,
but greater care needs to Artwork is very tidy and well
be taken. cared for.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Totals & Comments

ment below using blue text only.

ment is found below. Don't forget to read this section.

Communication | Written Component




AVI3M | Grade 11 Visual Arts
Unit 2: Visual Voice
Making a Statement Through Art

Criteria Level 1 | 50-59%

Knowledge and Understanding

Creative Process

Student's use of the Student demonstrates

Creative Process, as well limited understanding of the
as the elements of art and Creative Process, elements
the principles of design to of art, and principles of
produce artwork(s). design.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5



Student's ability to create Concept is unclear.

artwork(s) based on the
overall idea laid out for this Meaning or ideas conveyed
project: are not on par with student
grade level.
• 25 words and/or ideas
• 5 sentences Student shows limited
• Art based on 1 sentence success brainstorming
• Mixed media ideas and integrating core
• Work connects to artist idea(s) into artwork.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5
Time Management, Organization, and Process

Student’s use of class time, Student demonstrated

organization skills, and limited effective use of class
thought put into artwork. time, and put very little
thought into artwork
Both in-class and online creation.
learning are accounted for,
with special attention given Student was disorganized.
to use of Jamboard.
Student did not participate
Work in process journal in Jamboard sessions very
and/or Personal Jamboard much, if at all.
will also be taken into
account. Process journal and/or
Jamboard shows limited
detail, brainstorming,
planning and

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Student completes either of 1. Statement has less than
the following: 50 words.

1. Completes an artist's 1. Student explains how,

statement that describes: what, and why with limited
• 150-200 words
• How you created the art 1. There is no clear
• What art you like to make connection to the artist.
• Why you make this art
• Clear, concise, 1. More than 3 spelling
consistent and/or grammar errors.

*OR* *OR*

2. Answers series of 2. Student explains use of

questions based on techniques, elements of art,
techniques, elements of and principles of design
art, and principles of with limited clarity.
design - used to create
artwork. 2. More than 3 spelling
and/or grammar errors.
Enter answers or artist's
statement in section at
bottom of rubric.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Student answers series of Student’s answers are

questions based on overall limited or incomplete.
thoughts about creating
artwork. There are more than 3
spelling and/or grammar
Enter answers in section at errors.
bottom of rubric.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Skill & Technique

Student's level of success Student shows limited

in demonstration of skills ability when demonstrating
and techniques using art applicable skills &
medium(s): techniques from list.

• Composition Student is able to

• Gesso application demonstrate the synergistic
• Layering mediums interconnectedness of key
• Raising surfaces art skills and techniques to
• Thumbnailing a limited degree.

Student is strongly advised

to connect with teacher to
discuss ways to improve.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5

Unit-Specific Task

Student’s ability to Student's voice does not

demonstrate that they have really speak through her
met the additional artwork.
requirements, specific to
this unit: Mediums used do not mix
well together. There is no
• Voice speaks through art sense of cohesiveness.
• Medium cohesiveness

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5
Effort, Following Instructions, and Cleanup

Student’s level of focus and Student did not follow

commitment to learning and submission instructions.
applying themselves in
class, including: Student shows a limited
level of focus and
• Following instructions commitment, and does not
• All images are JPEG clean up their work station
• Naming files correctly and supplies.
• Cleanup
Artwork is messy and not
Work will not be graded if well cared for.
images are not in the
correct format, or if files are
named incorrectly.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Totals & Comments

50 ▼ Enter your comment below using blue text only.

Begin here.

50 ▼ Teacher's comment is found below. Don't forget to read this sec

Communication | Written Componen

For the "Explanation" portion, choose either "Artist's Stateme

Explanation - Artist's Statement

Complete an artist's Enter your artist's statement here.
statement that contains:

• 150-200 words
• How, What, and Why

• Unit-specific

Explanation - Techniques

1. Briefly analyze your Enter your answer here.

artwork using any 2 of the
principles of design.

• Balance
• Contrast
• Emphasis
• Harmony
• Pattern
• Proportion & scale
• Rhythm & movement

2. Describe the mediums Enter your answer here.

and techniques used in
your work from the initial
planning phase to the
finished product.

• Mixed media
• Collage
3. Create your own Enter your answer here.
question below and answer
it to the right:

<Replace this text with your


• Must be insightful
• Evokes a response


1. What part of your Enter your answer here.

finished piece(s) do you
think is most successful?

• Be specific

2. What part of your Enter your answer here.

finished piece(s) do you
think is least successful?

• Be constructive
3. If you had to do this Enter your answer here.
project again, what would
you improve on or change?

• Consider entire process

Self = 50 100% Final = 50 100%

Level 2 | 60-69% Level 3 | 70-79% Level 4 | 80-100%

Knowledge and Understanding

Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a high

some understanding of the considerable understanding degree of understanding of
Creative Process, elements of the Creative Process, the Creative Process,
of art, and principles of elements of art, and elements of art, and
design. principles of design. principles of design.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10


Concept is slightly unclear. Concept is clear. Concept is strong.

Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed

are below expectations for are on par with student grade are above expectations for
student grade level. level. student grade level.

Student shows some Student shows considerable Student shows a high degree
success brainstorming success brainstorming ideas of success brainstorming
ideas and integrating core and integrating core idea(s) ideas and integrating core
idea(s) into artwork. into artwork. idea(s) into artwork.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student demonstrated Student demonstrated Student demonstrated a high

somewhat effective use of considerable effective use of degree of effective use of
class time, and put some class time, and put class time, and put a lot of
thought into artwork considerable thought into thought into artwork.
creation. artwork creation.
Student was very well-
Student was somewhat Student was organized for organized.
organized. the most part.
Student participated in
Student participated in Student participated in most Jamboard sessions.
Jamboard sessions Jamboard sessions.
sometimes, but could have Process journal and/or
invested more effort. Process journal and/or Jamboard shows limited
Jamboard shows limited detail, brainstorming,
Process journal and/or detail, brainstorming, planning and
Jamboard shows limited planning and experimentation.
detail, brainstorming, experimentation.
planning and

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

1. Statement has 50-100 1. Statement has 100-150 1. Statement has 150-200
words. words. words.

1. Student explains how, 1. Student explains how, 1. Student explains how,

what, and why with some what, and why with what, and why with a high
clarity. considerable clarity. degree of clarity.

1. There is some 1. There is a considerable 1. There is a clear connection

connection to the artist. connection to the artist. to the artist.

1. Thre are 3 spelling 1. There are 2 spelling and/or 1. Only 1 spelling and/or
and/or grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar error, or none at all.

*OR* *OR* *OR*

2. Student explains use of 2. Student explains use of 2. Student explains use of

techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art,
and principles of design and principles of design with and principles of design with
with some clarity. considerable clarity. a high degree of clarity.

2. Thre are 3 spelling 2. There are 2 spelling and/or 2. Only 1 spelling and/or
and/or grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar error, or none at all.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student’s answers are Student’s answers are mostly Student's answers are of a
somewhat coherant and clear and substantial. high level and very insightful.
somewhat complete.
There are 2 spelling and/or There is only 1 spelling
Thre are 3 spelling and/or grammar errors. and/or grammar error, or
grammar errors. none at all.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student shows some ability Student shows considerable Student shows excellent
when demonstrating ability when demonstrating ability when demonstrating
applicable skills & applicable skills & techniques applicable skills & techniques
techniques from list. from list. from list.

Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to

demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic
interconnectedness of key interconnectedness of key art interconnectedness of key art
art skills and techniques skills and techniques to a skills and techniques to a
only somewhat. considerable degree. very high degree.

Student is advised to Student is advised to practise Student's level of skill and

connect with teacher to these skills and techniques to technique is quite high,
discuss ways to improve. see improvement. however, she should still aim
to practise in order to hone
her craft.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10

Student's voice somewhat Student's voice speaks Student's voice speaks

speaks through her artwork. through her artwork through her artwork
considerably. immensely.
Mediums used mix together
somewhat. There is some Mediums used work well There is a strong sense of
sense of cohesiveness. together, however, there cohesiveness.
could be a stronger sense of

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Student followed some of Student followed almost all of Student followed all of the
the submission instructions. the submission instructions. submission instructions to a
Student shows a limited Student is focused and
level of focus and committed, and cleans up Student goes beyond
commitment, and cleans up their work station and expectations in their focus
their work station and supplies. and commitment, and always
supplies most of the time – ensure their station and
but not always. Artwork is considerably tidy supplies are clean and ready
and well cared for. for the next person.
Artwork is somewhat tidy,
but greater care needs to Artwork is very tidy and well
be taken. cared for.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Totals & Comments

ment below using blue text only.

ment is found below. Don't forget to read this section.

Communication | Written Component

ation" portion, choose either "Artist's Statement" or "Techniques".

statement here.




AVI3M | Grade 11 Visual Arts
Unit 3: Animation & Concept Art
Traditional Drawing & Digital Art

Criteria Level 1 | 50-59%

Knowledge and Understanding

Creative Process

Student's use of the Student demonstrates

Creative Process, as well limited understanding of the
as the elements of art and Creative Process, elements
the principles of design to of art, and principles of
produce artwork(s). design.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5



Student's ability to create Concept is unclear.

artwork(s) based on the
overall idea laid out for this Meaning or ideas conveyed
project: are not on par with student
grade level.
• Blue sky sketches
• Animated turnaround Student shows limited
• Action pose success when developing
• Coloured digital artwork an original and believable
• Front, 3/4 and side views character design.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5
Time Management, Organization, and Process

Student’s use of class time, Student demonstrated

organization skills, and limited effective use of class
thought put into artwork. time, and put very little
thought into artwork
Both in-class and online creation.
learning are accounted for,
with special attention given Student was disorganized.
to use of Jamboard.
Student did not participate
Work in process journal in Jamboard sessions very
and/or Personal Jamboard much, if at all.
will also be taken into
account. Process journal and/or
Jamboard shows limited
detail, brainstorming,
planning and

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5



Student answers series of 1. Student explains use of

questions based on techniques, elements of art,
techniques, elements of and principles of design
art, and principles of with limited clarity.
design - used to create
artwork. 2. More than 3 spelling
and/or grammar errors.
Enter answers or artist's
statement in section at
bottom of rubric.
5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Student answers series of Student’s answers are

questions based on overall limited or incomplete.
thoughts about creating
artwork. There are more than 3
spelling and/or grammar
Enter answers in section at errors.
bottom of rubric.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Skill & Technique

Student's level of success Student shows limited

in demonstration of skills ability when demonstrating
and techniques using art applicable skills &
medium(s): techniques from list.

• Blue sky sketching Student is able to

• Line quality demonstrate the synergistic
• Structure & proportion interconnectedness of key
• Tracking of drawings art skills and techniques to
• Working digitally a limited degree.

Student is strongly advised

to connect with teacher to
discuss ways to improve.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5

Unit-Specific Task

Student’s ability to Final images are not the

demonstrate that they have correct size.
met the additional
requirements, specific to Final resolution is incorrect.
this unit:
Background is ineffective or
• 2550 x 3300 pixels non-existant.
• 300 dpi
• Background & effect Only 1 or no layers were
• 3 layers used..
• Lightsource present
There is no indication of a

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Effort, Following Instructions, and Cleanup

Student’s level of focus and Student did not follow

commitment to learning and submission instructions.
applying themselves in
class, including: Student shows a limited
level of focus and
• Following instructions commitment, and does not
• All images are JPEG clean up their work station
• Naming files correctly and supplies.
• Cleanup
Artwork is messy and not
Work will not be graded if well cared for.
images are not in the
correct format, or if files are
named incorrectly.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Totals & Comments

50 ▼ Enter your comment below using blue text only.

Begin here.

50 ▼ Teacher's comment is found below. Don't forget to read this sec

Communication | Written Componen

Explanation - Artist's Statement

Complete an artist's Enter your artist's statement here.

statement that contains:

• 150-200 words
• How, What, and Why

• Unit-specific

Explanation - Techniques

1. Briefly analyze your Enter your answer here.

artwork using any 2 of the
principles of design.

• Balance
• Contrast
• Emphasis
• Harmony
• Pattern
• Proportion & scale
• Rhythm & movement
2. Describe the mediums Enter your answer here.
and techniques used in
your work from the initial
planning phase to the
finished product.

• Animation pencils
• Animation

3. Create your own Enter your answer here.

question below and answer
it to the right:

<Replace this text with your


• Must be insightful
• Evokes a response


1. What part of your Enter your answer here.

finished piece(s) do you
think is most successful?

• Be specific
2. What part of your Enter your answer here.
finished piece(s) do you
think is least successful?

• Be constructive

3. If you had to do this Enter your answer here.

project again, what would
you improve on or change?

• Consider entire process

Self = 50 100% Final = 50 100%

Level 2 | 60-69% Level 3 | 70-79% Level 4 | 80-100%

Knowledge and Understanding

Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a high

some understanding of the considerable understanding degree of understanding of
Creative Process, elements of the Creative Process, the Creative Process,
of art, and principles of elements of art, and elements of art, and
design. principles of design. principles of design.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10


Concept is slightly unclear. Concept is clear. Concept is strong.

Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed

are below expectations for are on par with student grade are above expectations for
student grade level. level. student grade level.

Student shows some Student shows considerable Student shows a high degree
success when developing success when developing an of success when developing
an original and believable original and believable an original and believable
character design. character design. character design.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student demonstrated Student demonstrated Student demonstrated a high

somewhat effective use of considerable effective use of degree of effective use of
class time, and put some class time, and put class time, and put a lot of
thought into artwork considerable thought into thought into artwork.
creation. artwork creation.
Student was very well-
Student was somewhat Student was organized for organized.
organized. the most part.
Student participated in
Student participated in Student participated in most Jamboard sessions.
Jamboard sessions Jamboard sessions.
sometimes, but could have Process journal and/or
invested more effort. Process journal and/or Jamboard shows limited
Jamboard shows limited detail, brainstorming,
Process journal and/or detail, brainstorming, planning and
Jamboard shows limited planning and experimentation.
detail, brainstorming, experimentation.
planning and

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5


1. Student explains use of 1. Student explains use of 1. Student explains use of

techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art,
and principles of design and principles of design with and principles of design with
with some clarity. considerable clarity. a high degree of clarity.

2. Thre are 3 spelling 2. There are 2 spelling and/or 2. Only 1 spelling and/or
and/or grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar error, or none at all.
evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student’s answers are Student’s answers are mostly Student's answers are of a
somewhat coherant and clear and substantial. high level and very insightful.
somewhat complete.
There are 2 spelling and/or There is only 1 spelling
Thre are 3 spelling and/or grammar errors. and/or grammar error, or
grammar errors. none at all.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5


Student shows some ability Student shows considerable Student shows excellent
when demonstrating ability when demonstrating ability when demonstrating
applicable skills & applicable skills & techniques applicable skills & techniques
techniques from list. from list. from list.

Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to

demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic
interconnectedness of key interconnectedness of key art interconnectedness of key art
art skills and techniques skills and techniques to a skills and techniques to a
only somewhat. considerable degree. very high degree.

Student is advised to Student is advised to practise Student's level of skill and

connect with teacher to these skills and techniques to technique is quite high,
discuss ways to improve. see improvement. however, she should still aim
to practise in order to hone
her craft.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10

Final images are not the Final images are the correct Final images are the correct
correct size. size. size.

Final resolution is incorrect. Final resolution is correct. Final resolution is incorrect.

Background somewhat Background and effect(s) Background and effect(s) are

effective, same with work considerably, but need very well implemented.
effect(s). to be improved.
3 layers used.
Only 2 layers used. 3 layers used.
Lightsources offers strong
There is some indication of Lightsource is present, but sense of depth and
a lightsource. needs to be developed believability.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student followed some of Student followed almost all of Student followed all of the
the submission instructions. the submission instructions. submission instructions to a
Student shows a limited Student is focused and
level of focus and committed, and cleans up Student goes beyond
commitment, and cleans up their work station and expectations in their focus
their work station and supplies. and commitment, and always
supplies most of the time – ensure their station and
but not always. Artwork is considerably tidy supplies are clean and ready
and well cared for. for the next person.
Artwork is somewhat tidy,
but greater care needs to Artwork is very tidy and well
be taken. cared for.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Totals & Comments

ment below using blue text only.

ment is found below. Don't forget to read this section.

Communication | Written Component

statement here.




AVI3M | Grade 11 Visual Arts
Unit 4: 3D Landscape
Silhouette, Value, and Depth

Criteria Level 1 | 50-59%

Knowledge and Understanding

Creative Process

Student's use of the Student demonstrates

Creative Process, as well limited understanding of the
as the elements of art and Creative Process, elements
the principles of design to of art, and principles of
produce artwork(s). design.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5



Student's ability to create Concept is unclear.

artwork(s) based on the
overall idea laid out for this Meaning or ideas conveyed
project: are not on par with student
grade level.
• 3 distinct layers
• Landscape with subject Final piece reveals only
• Strong sense of depth limited thinking as values in
artwork are not consistent
with values in greyscale.
5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Time Management, Organization, and Process

Student’s use of class time, Student demonstrated

organization skills, and limited effective use of class
thought put into artwork. time, and put very little
thought into artwork
Both in-class and online creation.
learning are accounted for,
with special attention given Student was disorganized.
to use of Jamboard.
Student did not participate
Work in process journal in Jamboard sessions very
and/or Personal Jamboard much, if at all.
will also be taken into
account. Process journal and/or
Jamboard shows limited
detail, brainstorming,
planning and

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Student completes either of 1. Statement has less than
the following: 50 words.

1. Completes an artist's 1. Student explains how,

statement that describes: what, and why with limited
• 150-200 words
• How you created the art 1. There is no clear
• What art you like to make connection to the artist.
• Why you make this art
• Clear, concise, 1. More than 3 spelling
consistent and/or grammar errors.

*OR* *OR*

2. Answers series of 2. Student explains use of

questions based on techniques, elements of art,
techniques, elements of and principles of design
art, and principles of with limited clarity.
design - used to create
artwork. 2. More than 3 spelling
and/or grammar errors.
Enter answers or artist's
statement in section at
bottom of rubric.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Student answers series of Student’s answers are

questions based on overall limited or incomplete.
thoughts about creating
artwork. There are more than 3
spelling and/or grammar
Enter answers in section at errors.
bottom of rubric.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Skill & Technique

Student's level of success Student shows limited

in demonstration of skills ability when demonstrating
and techniques using art applicable skills &
medium(s): techniques from list.

• Colouring Student is able to

• Composition demonstrate the synergistic
• Shading & Blending interconnectedness of key
• Thumbnailing art skills and techniques to
• Value scale a limited degree.

Student is strongly advised

to connect with teacher to
discuss ways to improve.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5

Unit-Specific Task

Student’s ability to Contrast is weak or non-

demonstrate that they have existent.
met the additional
requirements, specific to There's no real sense of
this unit: depth.

• High contrast Foreground, mid-ground,

• Depth and believability and background are not
• FG, MG, BG easy to discern.
• Clear narrative
The narrative is weak or
5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Effort, Following Instructions, and Cleanup

Student’s level of focus and Student did not follow

commitment to learning and submission instructions.
applying themselves in
class, including: Student shows a limited
level of focus and
• Following instructions commitment, and does not
• All images are JPEG clean up their work station
• Naming files correctly and supplies.
• Cleanup
Artwork is messy and not
Work will not be graded if well cared for.
images are not in the
correct format, or if files are
named incorrectly.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Totals & Comments

50 ▼ Enter your comment below using blue text only.

Begin here.

50 ▼ Teacher's comment is found below. Don't forget to read this sec

Communication | Written Componen

For the "Explanation" portion, choose either "Artist's Stateme

Explanation - Artist's Statement

Complete an artist's Enter your artist's statement here.
statement that contains:

• 150-200 words
• How, What, and Why

• Unit-specific

Explanation - Techniques

1. Briefly analyze your Enter your answer here.

artwork using any 2 of the
principles of design.

• Balance
• Contrast
• Emphasis
• Harmony
• Pattern
• Proportion & scale
• Rhythm & movement

2. Describe the mediums Enter your answer here.

and techniques used in
your work from the initial
planning phase to the
finished product.

• Traditional/digital paint
• Greyscale
3. Create your own Enter your answer here.
question below and answer
it to the right:

<Replace this text with your


• Must be insightful
• Evokes a response


1. What part of your Enter your answer here.

finished piece(s) do you
think is most successful?

• Be specific

2. What part of your Enter your answer here.

finished piece(s) do you
think is least successful?

• Be constructive
3. If you had to do this Enter your answer here.
project again, what would
you improve on or change?

• Consider entire process

Self = 50 100% Final = 50 100%

Level 2 | 60-69% Level 3 | 70-79% Level 4 | 80-100%

Knowledge and Understanding

Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a high

some understanding of the considerable understanding degree of understanding of
Creative Process, elements of the Creative Process, the Creative Process,
of art, and principles of elements of art, and elements of art, and
design. principles of design. principles of design.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10


Concept is slightly unclear. Concept is clear. Concept is strong.

Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed

are below expectations for are on par with student grade are above expectations for
student grade level. level. student grade level.

Final piece reveals some Final piece reveals Final piece reveals a high
thinking as values in considerable thinking as degree of thinking as values
artwork are somewhat values in artwork are for the in artwork are consistent with
consistent with values in most part consistent with values in greyscale.
greyscale. values in greyscale.
evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student demonstrated Student demonstrated Student demonstrated a high

somewhat effective use of considerable effective use of degree of effective use of
class time, and put some class time, and put class time, and put a lot of
thought into artwork considerable thought into thought into artwork.
creation. artwork creation.
Student was very well-
Student was somewhat Student was organized for organized.
organized. the most part.
Student participated in
Student participated in Student participated in most Jamboard sessions.
Jamboard sessions Jamboard sessions.
sometimes, but could have Process journal and/or
invested more effort. Process journal and/or Jamboard shows limited
Jamboard shows limited detail, brainstorming,
Process journal and/or detail, brainstorming, planning and
Jamboard shows limited planning and experimentation.
detail, brainstorming, experimentation.
planning and

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

1. Statement has 50-100 1. Statement has 100-150 1. Statement has 150-200
words. words. words.

1. Student explains how, 1. Student explains how, 1. Student explains how,

what, and why with some what, and why with what, and why with a high
clarity. considerable clarity. degree of clarity.

1. There is some 1. There is a considerable 1. There is a clear connection

connection to the artist. connection to the artist. to the artist.

1. Thre are 3 spelling 1. There are 2 spelling and/or 1. Only 1 spelling and/or
and/or grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar error, or none at all.

*OR* *OR* *OR*

2. Student explains use of 2. Student explains use of 2. Student explains use of

techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art,
and principles of design and principles of design with and principles of design with
with some clarity. considerable clarity. a high degree of clarity.

2. Thre are 3 spelling 2. There are 2 spelling and/or 2. Only 1 spelling and/or
and/or grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar error, or none at all.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student’s answers are Student’s answers are mostly Student's answers are of a
somewhat coherant and clear and substantial. high level and very insightful.
somewhat complete.
There are 2 spelling and/or There is only 1 spelling
Thre are 3 spelling and/or grammar errors. and/or grammar error, or
grammar errors. none at all.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student shows some ability Student shows considerable Student shows excellent
when demonstrating ability when demonstrating ability when demonstrating
applicable skills & applicable skills & techniques applicable skills & techniques
techniques from list. from list. from list.

Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to

demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic
interconnectedness of key interconnectedness of key art interconnectedness of key art
art skills and techniques skills and techniques to a skills and techniques to a
only somewhat. considerable degree. very high degree.

Student is advised to Student is advised to practise Student's level of skill and

connect with teacher to these skills and techniques to technique is quite high,
discuss ways to improve. see improvement. however, she should still aim
to practise in order to hone
her craft.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10

Contrast is somewhat Contrast is considerably Contrast is clear and

evident. evident. effective.

There is a slight sense of There is a considerable Strong sense of depth.

depth. sense of depth.
Foreground, mid-ground, and
Foreground, mid-ground, Foreground, mid-ground, and background are easy to
and background are background are visible. discern.
somewhat discernable.
The narrative is of The narrative is clear and
The narrative is somewhat considerable effectiveness. strong.
evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student followed some of Student followed almost all of Student followed all of the
the submission instructions. the submission instructions. submission instructions to a
Student shows a limited Student is focused and
level of focus and committed, and cleans up Student goes beyond
commitment, and cleans up their work station and expectations in their focus
their work station and supplies. and commitment, and always
supplies most of the time – ensure their station and
but not always. Artwork is considerably tidy supplies are clean and ready
and well cared for. for the next person.
Artwork is somewhat tidy,
but greater care needs to Artwork is very tidy and well
be taken. cared for.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Totals & Comments

ment below using blue text only.

ment is found below. Don't forget to read this section.

Communication | Written Component

ation" portion, choose either "Artist's Statement" or "Techniques".

statement here.




AVI3M | Grade 11 Visual Arts
Unit 5: Mini Concentration
Theme-Based Artwork

Criteria Level 1 | 50-59%

Knowledge and Understanding

Creative Process

Student's use of the Student demonstrates

Creative Process, as well limited understanding of the
as the elements of art and Creative Process, elements
the principles of design to of art, and principles of
produce artwork(s). design.

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5



Student's ability to create Concept is unclear.

artwork(s) based on the
overall idea laid out for this Meaning or ideas conveyed
project: are not on par with student
grade level.
• 2 pieces of artwork
• Comparative-based Student's work reveals
• Interconnected ideas limited success in creating
• Theme 2 pieces of art, each
• Work connects to theme connected to a single,
central theme.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Time Management, Organization, and Process

Student’s use of class time, Student demonstrated

organization skills, and limited effective use of class
thought put into artwork. time, and put very little
thought into artwork
Both in-class and online creation.
learning are accounted for,
with special attention given Student was disorganized.
to use of Jamboard.
Student did not participate
Work in process journal in Jamboard sessions very
and/or Personal Jamboard much, if at all.
will also be taken into
account. Process journal and/or
Jamboard shows limited
detail, brainstorming,
planning and

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Student answers series of 1. Student explains use of
questions based on techniques, elements of art,
techniques, elements of and principles of design
art, and principles of with limited clarity.
design - used to create
artwork. 2. More than 3 spelling
and/or grammar errors.
Enter answers or artist's
statement in section at
bottom of rubric.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Student answers series of Student’s answers are

questions based on overall limited or incomplete.
thoughts about creating
artwork. There are more than 3
spelling and/or grammar
Enter answers in section at errors.
bottom of rubric.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5


Skill & Technique

Student's level of success Student shows limited
in demonstration of skills ability when demonstrating
and techniques using art applicable skills &
medium(s): techniques from list.

• +/- space Student is able to

• Blending & shading demonstrate the synergistic
• Brainstorming interconnectedness of key
• Composition art skills and techniques to
• Drawing accuracy a limited degree.
• FG, MG, and BG
• Focal point Student is strongly advised
• Light source to connect with teacher to
• Line/brushstroke quality discuss ways to improve.
• Perspective
• Referencing
• Structure, form,
• Surface quality
• Thumbnailing

10 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

10 5 5.5

Unit-Specific Task

Student’s ability to 1-5 process photos or more

demonstrate that they have are taken to track progress
met the additional and inquiry over time.
requirements, specific to
this unit: Student demonstrates very
little experimentation, both
• At least 10 process in process journal and in
photos actual artwork.
• Experimentation
• Revision Student makes very little or
no revisions to artwork over
*SS11 students leaving for the course of creating 3
co-op provide 5 photos inquiry-based pieces.
5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Effort, Following Instructions, and Cleanup

Student’s level of focus and Student did not follow

commitment to learning and submission instructions.
applying themselves in
class, including: Student shows a limited
level of focus and
• Following instructions commitment, and does not
• All images are JPEG clean up their work station
• Naming files correctly and supplies.
• Cleanup
Artwork is messy and not
Work will not be graded if well cared for.
images are not in the
correct format, or if files are
named incorrectly.

5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

5 2.5

Totals & Comments

50 ▼ Enter your comment below using blue text only.

Begin here.

50 ▼ Teacher's comment is found below. Don't forget to read this sec

Communication | Written Componen

Explanation - Techniques
1. Briefly analyze your Enter your answer here.
artwork using any 2 of the
principles of design.

• Balance
• Contrast
• Emphasis
• Harmony
• Pattern
• Proportion & scale
• Rhythm & movement

2. Describe the mediums Enter your answer here.

and techniques used in
your work from the initial
planning phase to the
finished product.

• Open

3. Create your own Enter your answer here.

question below and answer
it to the right:

<Replace this text with your


• Must be insightful
• Evokes a response

1. What part of your Enter your answer here.
finished piece(s) do you
think is most successful?

• Be specific

2. What part of your Enter your answer here.

finished piece(s) do you
think is least successful?

• Be constructive

3. If you had to do this Enter your answer here.

project again, what would
you improve on or change?

• Consider entire process

Self = 50 100% Final = 50 100%

Level 2 | 60-69% Level 3 | 70-79% Level 4 | 80-100%

Knowledge and Understanding

Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a high

some understanding of the considerable understanding degree of understanding of
Creative Process, elements of the Creative Process, the Creative Process,
of art, and principles of elements of art, and elements of art, and
design. principles of design. principles of design.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10


Concept is slightly unclear. Concept is clear. Concept is strong.

Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed Meaning or ideas conveyed

are below expectations for are on par with student grade are above expectations for
student grade level. level. student grade level.

Student's work reveals Student's work reveals Student's work reveals a high
some success in creating 2 considerable success in degree of success in creating
pieces of art, each creating 2 pieces of art, each 2 pieces of art, each
connected to a single, connected to a single, central connected to a single, central
central theme. theme. theme.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student demonstrated Student demonstrated Student demonstrated a high

somewhat effective use of considerable effective use of degree of effective use of
class time, and put some class time, and put class time, and put a lot of
thought into artwork considerable thought into thought into artwork.
creation. artwork creation.
Student was very well-
Student was somewhat Student was organized for organized.
organized. the most part.
Student participated in
Student participated in Student participated in most Jamboard sessions.
Jamboard sessions Jamboard sessions.
sometimes, but could have Process journal and/or
invested more effort. Process journal and/or Jamboard shows limited
Jamboard shows limited detail, brainstorming,
Process journal and/or detail, brainstorming, planning and
Jamboard shows limited planning and experimentation.
detail, brainstorming, experimentation.
planning and

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

1. Student explains use of 1. Student explains use of 1. Student explains use of
techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art, techniques, elements of art,
and principles of design and principles of design with and principles of design with
with some clarity. considerable clarity. a high degree of clarity.

2. Thre are 3 spelling 2. There are 2 spelling and/or 2. Only 1 spelling and/or
and/or grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar error, or none at all.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student’s answers are Student’s answers are mostly Student's answers are of a
somewhat coherant and clear and substantial. high level and very insightful.
somewhat complete.
There are 2 spelling and/or There is only 1 spelling
Thre are 3 spelling and/or grammar errors. and/or grammar error, or
grammar errors. none at all.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student shows some ability Student shows considerable Student shows excellent
when demonstrating ability when demonstrating ability when demonstrating
applicable skills & applicable skills & techniques applicable skills & techniques
techniques from list. from list. from list.

Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to

demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic demonstrate the synergistic
interconnectedness of key interconnectedness of key art interconnectedness of key art
art skills and techniques skills and techniques to a skills and techniques to a
only somewhat. considerable degree. very high degree.

Student is advised to Student is advised to practise Student's level of skill and

connect with teacher to these skills and techniques to technique is quite high,
discuss ways to improve. see improvement. however, she should still aim
to practise in order to hone
her craft.

evaluation score in the blue box.

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10

6-10 process photos or 11-14 process photos or 15 process photos or more

more are taken to track more are taken to track are taken to track progress
progress and inquiry over progress and inquiry over and inquiry over time.
time. time.
Student demonstrates
Student demonstrates Student demonstrates excellent experimentation,
some experimentation, both considerable both in process journal and in
in process journal and in experimentation, both in actual artwork.
actual artwork. process journal and in actual
artwork. Student makes clear
Student makes some revisions to artwork over the
revisions to artwork over Student makes appreciable course of creating 3 inquiry-
the course of creating 3 revisions to artwork over the based pieces.
inquiry-based pieces. course of creating 3 inquiry-
based pieces.
evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Student followed some of Student followed almost all of Student followed all of the
the submission instructions. the submission instructions. submission instructions to a
Student shows a limited Student is focused and
level of focus and committed, and cleans up Student goes beyond
commitment, and cleans up their work station and expectations in their focus
their work station and supplies. and commitment, and always
supplies most of the time – ensure their station and
but not always. Artwork is considerably tidy supplies are clean and ready
and well cared for. for the next person.
Artwork is somewhat tidy,
but greater care needs to Artwork is very tidy and well
be taken. cared for.

evaluation score in the blue box.

3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Totals & Comments

ment below using blue text only.

ment is found below. Don't forget to read this section.

Communication | Written Component




AVI3M | Grade 11 Visual Arts
Final Project
Culminating Activity

Criteria Level 1 | 50-59%



Student's ability to create Artwork in student's

an art portfolio based on the portfolio demonstrates
following requirements: limited originality.

• Originality Artwork in student's

• Quality of artwork portfolio is of limited quality.
• Student initiative
• Variety of artwork Artwork in student's
portfolio reveals that only a
limited effort was put forth.

Artwork in student's
portfolio reveals limited

2.5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

2.5 1.25

Student's ability to Student's name is missing.
document each piece of
artwork, based on the Course name is missing.
following requirements:
Student's grade is missing.
• Student's full name
• Course name Medium(s) is/are not listed.
• Student's grade (SS9,
GY) Size in inches is not
• Medium(s) indicated.
• Size (inches)
There is limited
• Blurb (description, quote) thoroughness in
• Website platform is used documentation.
• Professional layout
• Easy to navigate Blurb is non-existent or

Website format was not

used. Some other format
was used instead.

2.5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

2.5 1.25

Number of Pieces
Student's ability to meet the More than two unit pieces
criteria for amount of are missing.
artworks required:
Personal work is missing.
• 5 unit pieces
• 1 personal piece Creative process
• 2 creative process pieces example(s) was/were not

2.5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

2.5 1.25

Artist's Statement

Student completes an More than two unit pieces

artist's statement that are missing.
Personal work is missing.
• 250-350 words
• How you created the art Creative process
• Why you made this art example(s) was/were not
• What art you like to make submitted.
• Why you make art
• Clear, concise,

Enter answers or artist's

statement in section at
bottom of rubric.

2.5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

2.5 1.25

Visual Journal

Student's ability to present Presentation shows limited
artwork, based on the clarity and insightfulness.
following requirements:
Presentation is of limited
• Contained in sketchbook professionalism.
• No loose pieces
• Quick and easy to locate Entries are not in the visual
• Best 6 of 8 entries
More than two pieces are
*SS11 students in co-op missing.
submit only 5 entries.
Jamboard was utilized to a
*If deemed necessary by limited degree.
teacher, students must:
Images of artwork, titles,
• Use Jamboard notes, and extras were not
• Start from frame #1 added as instructed.
• Each image on a frame
• # of frames = # of pieces
• Each piece has a title
• Notes to support works
• Extras to help aesthetic

2.5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

2.5 1.25

Artistic Mindset
Student's ability to Student's artwork reveals
demonstrate the following limited creativity and
attributes in artwork: exploration with different
mediums and techniques.
• Creativity
• Exploration There's not sense of
• Passion passion.
• Quality and effort
The artwork is of low
• Experimentation quality, with very little effort
• Theme put forth.
• Tools and software
There doesn't seem to be a
sense of purpose in
creating the art.

Student shows limited

ability in demonstrating the
additonal point(s) listed.

2.5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

2.5 1.25

Artist Interview

1. Describe yourself as an Student has a dfficult time
artist. answering most or all of the
questions that were asked.
2. What do you aim to
convey through your There is very little clarity
artwork? and/or understanding -
based on the answers
3. How does your work given.
comment on (a) social
and/or policital (or other) Student's answers are not
issue(s)? very professional, nor are
they very insightful.
4. Who/what are your
biggest influencers? Video was either not
Explain. submitted or was
completely off-target from
5. How have you developed the 2-3 minute time limit.
your skillset, and how do
you intend to improve?

*If deemed necessary by

teacher, students must:

• Create a video recording

• 2-3 minutes in length

2.5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

2.5 1.25

Student's ability to ensure Student did not have
the following: artwork on hand during
interview, making it difficult
1. Have colour copies of all to completey understand
artwork on hand for in- points being made.
person interview.
Student did not upload her
*AND* work to Jamboard, or it was
done in such a way that it
2. Upload colour images of was difficult to understand
all artwork to personal what she was talking about.
Jamboard to be used as
visual aids during video

• Starts after Visual


2.5 ◄ Enter your self-evaluation score in the blue box.

2.5 1.25

Totals & Comments

20 ▼ Enter your comment below using blue text only.

Begin here.

20 ▼ Teacher's comment is found below. Don't forget to read this sec


Artist's Statement
Complete an artist's Enter your artist's statement here.
statement that contains:

• 250-300 words
• How you created the art
• Why you made this art
• What art you like to make
• Why you make art
• Clear, concise,

• Significance?
• Inspiration?
Self = 20 100% Final = 20 100%

Level 2 | 60-69% Level 3 | 70-79% Level 4 | 80-100%


Artwork in student's Artwork in student's portfolio Artwork in student's portfolio

portfolio demonstrates demonstrates limited demonstrates limited
some originality. originality. originality.

Artwork in student's Artwork in student's portfolio Artwork in student's portfolio

portfolio is of somewhat is of limited quality. is of limited quality.
Artwork in student's portfolio Artwork in student's portfolio
Artwork in student's reveals that only a limited reveals that only a limited
portfolio reveals that a little effort was put forth. effort was put forth.
effort was put forth.
Artwork in student's portfolio Artwork in student's portfolio
Artwork in student's reveals limited variety. reveals limited variety.
portfolio reveals limited

evaluation score in the blue box.

1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5

Student's name is spelled Student's name is not in the Student's name is entered
incorrectly. correct format (Firstname correctly.
Course name is spelled Course name is entered
incorrectly. Course name is not in the correctly.
correct format (Grade #
Student's grade is typed Visual/Media Arts). Student's grade is entered
incorrectly. correctly.
Student's grade is missing.
Only one medium is listed, Medium(s) is/are listed.
yet others were used. Most mediums were entered,
still - one is missing. Size in inches is not indicated
Size is indicated, but in the correctly.
wrong unit of measurement. Size is indicated, but in the
wrong format (18 x 24"). There is limited thoroughness
There is limited in documentation.
thoroughness in There is limited thoroughness
documentation. in documentation. Blurb is present, has
meaning, and is highly
Blurb is present, but Blurb is present, but could be creative and original.
reaveals a lack of effort. improved.
Website looks professional
Website lacks in Website is fairly well done. and is easy to navigate.

evaluation score in the blue box.

1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5

Two unit pieces are One unit piece is missing. The correct amount of unit
missing. pieces are present in
Personal work is complete, portfolio.
Personal work is clearly but not to student's skill level.
rushed and messy. Personal work is on par with
Creative process example(s) student's artistic ability.
Creative process is/are present but not to
example(s) is/are rused and student's skill level. Creative process example(s)
messy. reveal(s) the student's careful
thought process.

evaluation score in the blue box.

1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5

Two unit pieces are One unit piece is missing. The correct amount of unit
missing. pieces are present in
Personal work is complete, portfolio.
Personal work is clearly but not to student's skill level.
rushed and messy. Personal work is on par with
Creative process example(s) student's artistic ability.
Creative process is/are present but not to
example(s) is/are rused and student's skill level. Creative process example(s)
messy. reveal(s) the student's careful
thought process.

evaluation score in the blue box.

1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5

Visual Journal
Presentation shows some Presentation shows Presentation shows high
clarity and insightfulness. considerable clarity and level of clarity and
insightfulness. insightfulness.
Presentation shows some
professionalism. Presentation shows Presentation shows a high
considerable professionalism. degree of professionalism.
Entries are mostly in the
visual journal, but some are Entries are in the visual Entries are in the visual
loose. journal, but 1 is loose. journal.

Two pieces are missing. One piece is missing. All pieces are included.

Jamboard was utilized Jamboard was utilized Jamboard was utilized very
somewhat. considerably. well.

Images of artwork, titles, Images of artwork, titles, Images of artwork, titles,

notes, and extras were notes, and extras were not notes, and extras were added
added, but only somewhat added, however something as instructed.
as instructed. was done incorrectly.

evaluation score in the blue box.

1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5

Student's artwork reveals Student's artwork reveals Student's artwork reveals a
some creativity, considerable creativity, high degree of creativity,
experimentation, and experimentation, and experimentation, and
exploration with different exploration with different exploration with different
mediums and techniques. mediums and techniques. mediums and techniques.

There's some sense of There's a considerable sense There's a clear sense of

passion. of passion. passion.

The artwork shows some The artwork is of The artwork is of very high
degree of quality, and only considerable quality, with a quality with a tremendous
a little effort. decent effort put forth. effort put forth.

There's seems to be some There's a considerable sense There's a clear reason behind
purpose behind the artwork. of purpose for creating the creating the artwork.
Student shows some ability Student shows a high degree
in demonstrating the Student shows considerable of ability in demonstrating the
additonal point(s) listed. ability in demonstrating the additonal point(s) listed.
additonal point(s) listed.

evaluation score in the blue box.

1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5

Artist Interview
Student answers 4 Student answers 4 questions, Student answers all
questions, but has difficult but has difficult answering 1. questions.
answering 2 of them.
Student answers questions Student answers questions
Student answers questions with considerable clarity. with great clarity.
with some clarity.
Student answers questions Student answers questions
Student answers questions with considerable with professionalism and
with some professionalism professionalism and insightfulness.
and insightfulness. insightfulness.
Video was submitted.
Video was submitted. Video was submitted.
Recording was 2-3 mintues in
Recording was far below or Recording was slightly under length.
far above the time limit of 2- 2 mintues or slightly over 3
3 minutes in length. minutes in length.

evaluation score in the blue box.

1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5

Student had her artwork on Student had her artwork on Student's work was all on
hand, however, it was no in hand. The work could have hand, and it was very easy
colour, or not all accounted been presented better for for her to access it while
for. more quick and easy access talking.
when talking.
Student uploaded her work All of the student's work was
to Jamboard, however, the Student uploaded her work to uploaded to Jamboard, each
images were either not in Jamboard, however she piece on a separate frame -
colour or were not clear. could have improved the way making it easy for the student
her work was presented. to speak to it, and for the
teacher to better understand
the points she was making.

evaluation score in the blue box.

1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5

Totals & Comments

ment below using blue text only.

ment is found below. Don't forget to read this section.

statement here.
U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 FP
50 50 50 50 50 20

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