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Tools and QUIZ

Have you ever ran out of
assessment strategies to
Here's a short quiz to help you review some of the
use in your own class? assessment methods and tools you can use.

As you go through this quiz, remember:

Always match your assessments with the
subject's learning goals.
Use varied assessment tools and methods as
much as possible.
Always put the learner's best interests at the heart
of your assessments.

Tips on creating
effective test questions

Which of the following statements is NOT a good practice

when creating multiple choice questions?

Use "all of the above" and "none of the Make sure that there is only one correct
above" frequently. answer.

Use common errors and misconceptions Create questions that test higher-order
as distractors. thinking skills.
It is not advisable to use "all of the above" and "none of the above" as options.
Learners might automatically choose those options without entirely analyzing
Answer Key both the question and the choices. Use plausible distractors instead to
effectively measure if they really understood the topic.

Use this test type in science to evaluate the learners' ability to apply scientific
concepts and theories they have learned. Questions that require students to
analyze graphs, solve problems, and scrutinize evidence will greatly help
develop their high-order thinking skills.

What type of test question can measure a learner's ability to know

the exact answer when creating multiple choice questions?
The correct answer is Fill-in-the-Blank.

Answer Key Fill-in-the-Blank easily measures whether the learners know the missing
information or not. It minimizes the learner's chance to guess the correct
answer. That's why it is commonly used to recall facts and information.

Use this question type to recall scientific terms and concepts. It can also be
used in problem-solving questions, where students need to fill in the missing
values in a given problem.

Why is it important to limit the scope of open-ended questions?

Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences only.
Q:3 Limiting the scope of an open-ended question benefits both you and the
students. It helps the learners focus on a specific topic and, at the same time,
makes it easier for you to check.

Answer Key Open-ended questions are effective ways to measure HOTS (higher-order
thinking skills) because they require students to organize their thoughts and
present their ideas effectively.

Comprehension and applications of scientific concepts are best assessed using

short answers or open-ended questions. This test type can be modified by
creating real-life scenarios where learners apply the scientific concepts they
have learned to answer the questions correctly.

True or False question type is effective in measuring

higher-order thinking skills.

True False

The correct answer is FALSE.

Answer Key
True or False question is best suited for recalling facts. Although it is easy to
construct and check, it also increases the chance of the learners to guess the
correct answer. However, it can be a fun and effective tool in opening a class
discussion about thought-provoking topics.

Tools for formative


Match the method with its corresponding description.

Column A Column B

Round Robin Allows the learners to think of their answer

first before sharing it to their seatmate and,
eventually, to the whole class.

Think-Pair-Share Enables the learners to visually organize and

connect important concepts from the

Concept Mapping Learners in a group take turns in sharing

their answers or opinions.

Answer Key

Column A Column B

Allows the learners to think of their answer

Round Robin first before sharing it to their seatmate and,
eventually, to the whole class.

Enables the learners to visually organize and

Think-Pair-Share connect important concepts from the

Learners in a group take turns in sharing

Concept Mapping
their answers or opinions.
Round Robin, Think-Pair-Share, and Concept Mapping are just some of the few
methods that you can use in an in-learning instruction to quickly assess the
students' comprehension. You can also swiftly correct any misconceptions or
Answer Key errors that may appear during the activity.

These formative assessments are also highly encouraged to use in science

class. Think-Pair-Share and Round Robin are effective in checking students'
comprehension as well as possible misconceptions. Concept mapping is best
used in assessing if the learners understand the interconnection of scientific
concepts discussed in class.

Tools for summative


It is a digital collection of the learner's output. It allows the

student to monitor their own progress. It helps the learners
assess how they learn and which areas they need to improve.

ePortfolio vlogs and podcasts final projects


It allows the students to apply what they've learned into a tangible

output. It develops student's problem solving and critical thinking
skills. It gives the students freedom to choose the topic they want
to focus on.

vlogs and podcasts final projects ePortfolio


Q7. An ePortfolio provides a virtual space for the students to assess their own
Answer Key
Q8. Final projects (e.g. investigative projects, presentations, etc.) provide an
in-depth exploration of the topic rather than simply memorizing it.

Vlogs and podcasts are also effective as summative assessment tools.

Students can summarize what they've learned in a fun and engaging way.
Don't get tired of asking
great questions!
Teaching different students with various learning
styles is already tough. But measuring what they know
while considering the limited time and assessment
tools is on a whole different level. There is no one
perfect test type or assessment method. That’s why it
is a must to diversify your assessment tools and
methods to create a more significant impact on the

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