Untitled Design
Untitled Design
Untitled Design
Have you ever ran out of
assessment strategies to
Here's a short quiz to help you review some of the
use in your own class? assessment methods and tools you can use.
Tips on creating
effective test questions
Use "all of the above" and "none of the Make sure that there is only one correct
above" frequently. answer.
Use common errors and misconceptions Create questions that test higher-order
as distractors. thinking skills.
It is not advisable to use "all of the above" and "none of the above" as options.
Learners might automatically choose those options without entirely analyzing
Answer Key both the question and the choices. Use plausible distractors instead to
effectively measure if they really understood the topic.
Use this test type in science to evaluate the learners' ability to apply scientific
concepts and theories they have learned. Questions that require students to
analyze graphs, solve problems, and scrutinize evidence will greatly help
develop their high-order thinking skills.
Answer Key Fill-in-the-Blank easily measures whether the learners know the missing
information or not. It minimizes the learner's chance to guess the correct
answer. That's why it is commonly used to recall facts and information.
Use this question type to recall scientific terms and concepts. It can also be
used in problem-solving questions, where students need to fill in the missing
values in a given problem.
Answer Key Open-ended questions are effective ways to measure HOTS (higher-order
thinking skills) because they require students to organize their thoughts and
present their ideas effectively.
True False
Column A Column B
Answer Key
Column A Column B
Q7. An ePortfolio provides a virtual space for the students to assess their own
Answer Key
Q8. Final projects (e.g. investigative projects, presentations, etc.) provide an
in-depth exploration of the topic rather than simply memorizing it.