Senior Project Rubric

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Capstone Project Scoring Rubric

Standard Effectively Adequately Does Not Meet

Meets Meets Standard
Standard Standard

5 pts 3 pts 1 pt

Report and Portfolio

Topic (What?) You clearly state what your project’s topic. It is understandable 5
(completed before to someone who is not familiar with your area of exploration.

Purpose (Why?) You clearly state why you chose this project and how it extends 5
(completed before your learning beyond the SSHS classroom and your personal
project) interests.

Hypothesis You clearly predict what you will learn (intellectually and 5
(completed before emotionally) from the experience of completing this project?

Investigation You clearly explain how you gained the knowledge and skill to 3
(How?) complete this project. You explain what steps you took to
(completed during complete the project.

Conclusion You clearly explain, at the conclusion of your project, what you 5
(completed after learned from the experience of doing this project. You articulate
project) how what you actually learned differed from your hypothesis, or
what you thought you were going to learn. What would you do
differently if you did the same project again?

Contract You submitted a fully completed and signed contract with your 10
x2 project. For full credit, all due dates must be observed.

Portfolio You include photos of your work (with captions), a time log, 5
Artifacts ongoing working notes, and any other documentation.

Portfolio Your portfolio is professional (appropriate for the area of 5

Professionalism interest you plan to pursue). There are no spelling or grammar
errors. The portfolio is attractive, yet easy to read and

Self-Evaluation You submit your project with a self-evaluation by filling out the 3
(completed after top half of this rubric. Did you complete the project? If not,
project) justify that outcome.

Subtotal ____46___ / 50 points

35 points or more are required to present.

Digital and In-Person Presence

In-Person You precisely summarize your project sharing all necessary

Presentation key components. You are able to answer all questions about
Content x2 your project in a thoughtful manner.

In-Person You introduce yourself to panelists, shake everyone’s hand,

Interactions look everyone in the eyes when speaking. During your
x2 presentation, your voice is an appropriate volume and you
speak with enthusiasm and authority. You thank your panelists
and shake their hand at completion. You are dressed

Subtotal _________ / 20 points

Eliel Camarillo Project Title: Revolutionary Choir concert

Grand Total _________ / 70 points
40 points are required to complete certification.

Eliel Camarillo Project Title: Revolutionary Choir concert

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