BH5552 en
BH5552 en
BH5552 en
• For transmitting the status information from the control unit and the in-
put modules, e.g. input and error states, start button and safety output
assignments, to a control system or bus-capable display
• Electrical isolation
For connection to a Profibus DP network for visualizing the status of the
multi-function safety system SAFEMASTER M.
Red LED “err“: lights in the event of an error
Yellow LED “run”: lights if data is transmitted correctly
M8796 Green LED “rdy”: to indicate operational readiness
Red and green LED: flash if device address 0
is set (reserved for master).
The diagnostic module is simply connected via flatcable instead of the left
termination plug of the safety system. This connection is used for the power
Busabschlussstecker supply and for receiving the data to be evaluated.
The Profibus DP network is connected via the SubD connector on the device.
A BH5552 BG5913 BH5911 BG5912
The installation guidelines based on the PNO document “Installation Gui-
B deline for Profibus DP/FMS” must be followed.
Device Setting
The address (01 to 99) of the module in the Profibus DP system is set on
the rotary switches ADR 10 and ADR 1.
To configure the network, the device master file “EDS080F.gsd” is needed,
which is located on the DOLD-CD PN 5501, in directory Profibus/GSD.
A BH5552 BG5913 BH5911 BG5912 Order designation: PN 5501, item number: 0052860
Work on the device must be carried out by specialist
personnel when the device is in a deenergized state.
All information contained in this list is technically correct at the time of going to print. We reserve
the right to make technical improvements and modifications at any time. 1 02.09.15 en / 587
Technical Data Technical Data
Input Surge voltage
between supply lines: 1 kV IEC 61 000-4-5
Nominal voltage UN: DC 24 V (power is supplied - between supply line
by the safemaster M) and ground: 2 kV IEC 61 000-4-5
Voltage range: HF wire guided: 10 V IEC 61 000-4-6
at max. 5% residual ripple: 0.85 ... 1.15 UN Interference suppression: Limit value class B EN 55 011
Nominal consumption: max. 100 mA Degree of protection
Profibus DP interface Housing: IP 20 IEC/EN 60 529
Transmission medium: Twisted, shielded two-wire line Terminals: IP 20 IEC/EN 60 529
IEC 61 158 Housing: Thermoplastic with V0 behaviour
Protocol: Profibus DP-V0 according to UL subject 94
Maximum length: 1200 m at 9.6 Kbit/s...45.45 Kbit/s Vibration resistance: Amplitude 0.35 mm
1000 m at 93.75 Kbit/s...137.5 Kbits/s frequency 10 ... 55 Hz IEC/EN 60068-2-6
400 m at 500 Kbit/s Resistance to shock
200 m at 1500 Kbit/s Acceleration: 10 g
100 m at 3000 Kbit/s...12000 Kbit/s Impulse length: 16 ms
Number of shocks: 1000 per axis on 3 axes
The installation guidelines based on the PNO document “Installation Climate resistance: 0 / 050 / 04 IEC/EN 60 068-1
Guideline for Profibus DP/FMS” must be followed for the maximum linear Terminal designation: EN 50 005
expansion of a bus segment. The PE connector must be grounded. Wire connection: 1 x 2.5 mm2 stranded wire with sleeve or
1 x 4 mm2 solid or
General Data 2 x 1.5 mm2 stranded wire with sleeve
DIN 46 228-1/-2/-3/-4
Nominal mode of operation: Continuous operation Wire fixing: Terminal screws M3,5, box terminals
Temperature range: ± 0 ... + 50° C with wire protection
At an operating temperature of 50 °C Mounting: on DIN rail IEC/EN 60 715
the modules must be mounted with Weight: 240 g
a distance of 3 - 5 mm.
EMC Dimensions
HF irradiation: 10 V / m IEC 61 000-4-3
Fast transients Width x height x depth 45 x 84 x 121 mm
on supply line: 2 kV IEC 61 000-4-4
on signal and control lines: 2 kV IEC 61 000-4-4
Standard Type
BH 5552 DC 24 V
Article number: 0056874
diagnostic- monitoring-
safemaster M
module device
Information Structure
The diagnostic module delivers a packet of 28 information bytes. 7 bytes each for the control unit and the 3 connectable input modules. The assignment
of the individual bytes is given in the descriptions of the different control or input modules.
information from module 4 information from module 3 information from module 2 information from module 1
byte 22...28 byte 15...21 byte 8...14 byte 1...7
data block with
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 byte
28 bytes of information
with for each 8 bits
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 bit
2 02.09.15 en / 587
Structure of Diagnostic Information * Ct = Control Unit, I.Mod. = Input Module
of outputs Comment: These bits show the activation signal, which is transmitted to the modu- 0 output 48 output modules
LED run 1
les. In the case of delayed outputs, the progress of the delay time is not visible. (error code) released
(error code)
11 I.Mod1* (green LEDs left)
18 I.Mod2* 0 0 0 0
25 I.Mod3*
1 = error on a
5 Ct* 1 = waiting for activa-
safety output 1 = release of assi-
1 = control unit tion of assigned start
gned safety outputs 1 = short circuit
reports errors button Position of function switch (0000 to 1001 for function 0 to 9)
Status byte 1 enabled on the inputs
12 I.Mod1* (bit 4 or 7 of (error has been
19 I.Mod2* module status byte 1 eliminated)
26 I.Mod3* set)
see comments below
6 Ct*
13 I.Mod1* The assignment of this byte depends on the function of the control unit or the respective input module (see the following pages)
Status byte 2
20 I.Mod2*
27 I.Mod3*
7 Ct* 1 = activation
Start button and 1 = activation of 1 = activation of 1 = activation of
14 I.Mod1* 1 = start button T4 1 = start button T3 1 = start button T2 1 = start button T1 of safety outputs
safety output module 3 output module 2 output module 1
21 I.Mod2* activated activated activated activated of Ct*
outputs enabled enabled enabled
28 I.Mod3* enabled
Comment: Bit 7 and bit 4 of the bytes 5, 12, 19 or 26 (status byte 1) are saved from the time when the error appears until when the module is restarted. The fact that the fault was corrected is indicated by bit 5 in the
case of a manual start; and by bit 6 in the case of an automatic start. If these errors are detected in the control unit, the entire safemaster M system is locked. If the input modules are error-free in the „automatic start“
mode, their bits 7 and 6 flash in the status byte 1 (byte 12, 19 or 26) as well as their green LEDs until the error has been corrected in the control unit or in the safety outputs.
02.09.15 en / 587
Structure of Diagnostic Information
Assignment of “status byte 2“ in the different modules of safemaster M
Comment 1: All signals are saved from the time when the error is detected until the safety outputs are released for activation again. The fact that the error was corrected is indicated in status byte 1
(byte 5), bits 5 and 6.
Comment 2: In the case of a 2-channel emergency stop, bits 5 and 4 change together. For more precise diagnostics of the input signals, byte 3 (status of the inputs) must be evaluated.
Comments: Except for bit 6 and 5, all signals are saved from the time when the error is detected until the assigned safety outputs are released for activation again. The fact that the error was corrected is indicated in
status byte 1 (no. 19, 20 or 26), bits 5 and 6.
1) The numbers of the different function groups match the numbering of the safety functions in the application examples of the data sheet of input module BG 5913.08/_0_ _ _. If less than 4 functions are possible as a
result of the input module setting (e.g. max. 2 with two-hand control type IIIC), the surplus bits are set to 0.
2) Time error is detected if the start or simulation buttons (>3s) are activated for too long. A time error message is also generated if two sensors of a function are not activated in the required time window (e.g.
in the case of gates or two-hand controls).
Profibus DP
Contents Mod. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
byte no.
13 I.Mod1* 1 = one of the assi-
20 gned start buttons or 1 = function group 4 1 = function group 3 1 = function group 2 1 = function
or 27 simulation buttons 0 0 of module does not of module does not of module does not group 1 of modu-
Status byte 2 I.Mod3* 1 = time error2)
dep. on I.Mod. has been activated (unused) (unused) grant grant grant le does not grant
in safemaster M release1) release1) release1) release1)
Comments: Except for bit 6, all signals are saved from the time when the error is detected until the assigned safety outputs are released for activation again. The fact that the error was corrected is indicated in status
byte 1 (no. 19, 20 or 26), bits 5 and 6.
1) The numbers of the different function groups match the numbering of the safety functions in the applications examples of the data sheet from input module. If a function combination with two-hand type IIIC is set on
the input module, only 3 function groups are available and bit 3 is then always 0.
2) Time error is detected if the start or simulation buttons (>3s) are activated for too long. A time error message is also generated if two sensors of a function are not activated in the required time window (e.g.
in the case of gates or two-hand controls).
02.09.15 en / 587
Structure of Diagnostic Information
Input module BG 5914.08/_0_ _ _, BH 5914.08_0_ _ _, BG 5914.08_1_ _ _ and BH 5914.08/_1_ _ _
Profibus DP
Contents Mod. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
byte no.
13 I.Mod1*
20 1 = one of the assi- 1 = emergency stop 1 = emergency stop 1 = emergency stop 1 = emergency stop 1 = emergency
or 27 1 = start button gned start buttons on S14, S24, S34 or Double contact error on S42 or S44 on S32 or S34 on S22 or S24 stop on S12 or
Status byte 2 I.Mod3*
dep. on I.Mod. activated for too long has been activated S44 does not grant on S42 - S442) does not grant does not grant does not grant S14 does not
in safemaster M (>3s) release1) release1) release1) release1) grant release1)
Comments: Except for bit 6, all signals are saved from the time when the error is detected until the assigned safety outputs are released for activation again. The fact that the error was corrected is indicated in status
byte 1 (no. 12, 19 or 26), bits 5 and 6.
1) The emergency stop function which actually prevented the release can only be recognized from the combination of bit 5 with the bits 0 to 3. The current status of the inputs is always visible in byte 10, 17 or 24 (sta-
tus of the inputs).
2) Bit 4 is only set if S42 and S44 are set for 2-channels for the emergency stop function, and both signals do not match.
02.09.15 en / 587
Interpretation Example for Diagnostic Information
We have a safemaster M system with the following components:
- 1 control unit BH 5911.03/00MF0
- 1 output module BG 5912.04
- 1 diagnostic module BH 5552 for Profibus DP
The transmitted information from diagnostic module BH 5552 is to be used in order to observe how and why the outputs of output module
1 change.
The available diagnostic information of the control unit and its changes are shown here:
1. Normal state: Safety outputs are activated, all EMERGENCY STOP buttons are released
Bit no. 76543210
Byte 1: Module number: Hex: 01 Bin: 00000001
Byte 2: Assignments: Hex: 13 Bin: 00010011
Byte 3: Status of inputs: Hex: 00 Bin: 00000000
Byte 4: Status of outputs: Hex: 00 Bin: 00000000
Byte 5: Status byte 1: Hex: 45 Bin: 01000101
Byte 6: Status byte 2: Hex: 00 Bin: 00000000
Byte 7: Start button and safety outputs: Hex: 0B Bin: 00000011
Module number 01 with deleted bit 4 shows that the entire safemaster M system is working properly.
The set bits 0 to 3 of status byte 1 show that the function switch of the control unit (module1) is set to position “5”. That means that the following mode
of operation is set:
The set assignments in byte 2 shows you that the control unit is started by the start button 1 (bit 4), and it has an effect on its own outputs (bit 0) and
the outputs of output module 1 (bit 1). Since no input module is available, the outputs of both modules must always have the same status.
The set bit 6 in status byte 1 means the control unit grants the release for setting the safety outputs which are assigned to it. The fact that the outputs
are actually set can be seen in byte 4.
Bit 6 in status byte 1 shows that the control unit does not release the safety outputs which are assigned to it.
The reason for this is indicatedby bit 0 in byte 3 (input S12 inactive) and by bit 4 in status byte 2 (emergency stop activated). The set bit 4 in byte 6 is
saved until the release is granted again.
Byte 4 signals that the outputs have actually dropped out (bit 4 and 5) and the output 48 (bit 2) as well as the LED run 1 (bit 0) flash.
Since all inputs are in quiescent state again, only the status bytes 1 and 2 as well as byte 4 (status of outputs) still indicate that safemaster M was
switched off. However, the saved bit 4 in status byte 2 still shows the reason for switch-off.
If the start button was activated properly (< 3 s), the system returns to the normal state described under section 1. If the start button is activated for
too long (> 3 s), bit 7 would signal in byte 6.
If a system was already put into operation, it is often sufficient just to evaluate status bytes 1 and 2.
Depending on the depth and degree of detail of the diagnostics, e.g. in the case of troubleshooting when placing the system into operation, the other
bytes can also be included if required.
E. DOLD & SÖHNE KG • D-78114 Furtwangen • PO Box 1251 • Telephone (+49) 77 23 / 654-0 • Telefax (+49) 77 23 / 654-356
e-mail: [email protected] • internet: 6 02.09.15 en / 587