05-6709A02 RevA Orbit ECR Setup Guide
05-6709A02 RevA Orbit ECR Setup Guide
05-6709A02 RevA Orbit ECR Setup Guide
Setup Guide
1.1 Technical Manual 2. Install the antennas and feedlines. The antennas used must
be designed to operate in the appropriate frequency band and
This Setup Guide covers basic installation and startup instructions be mounted in a location providing a clear path to the associ-
for the unit. A more detailed Technical Manual is also available ated station(s). Antennas should be mounted away from large
(05-6632A01). Refer to the Technical Manual for important warn- masses of metal and other obstructions.
ings, cautions and notes. GE MDS manuals, Setup guides, Firm-
ware, drivers and Application Notes are available free of charge at Often, at least one of the antennas will be connected directly to
www.gemds.com. one of the coaxial connectors on the unit’s front panel. When
GE MDS has produced a series of instructional remotely mounted antennas are used, coaxial feedlines should
videos for configuration and setup of the Orbit be low loss and be kept as short as possible.
products on YouTube. These are available free of
charge at: http://tinyurl.com/pey2ull Proper grounding techniques should be applied. As an added
convenience, there is a tapped 6-32 hole on the underside of
the unit that can be used an ¼” screw and braid or ground
2.1 Main Requirements 3. Connect the data equipment. Connection may be made
using any combination of Serial protocols (RS-232/RS-485),
WARNING: When the unit is to be installed in hazardous Ethernet signaling, or USB. Refer to the Technical Manual for
locations, use only the serial or Ethernet connections on the unit’s wiring details.
front panel. Do not use the USB port in hazardous locations. • Serial connection: Attach data equipment to the front panel
COM port. The unit is hardwired as a DCE device, thus a
There are three main requirements for installation: straight-through Ethernet cable can be used with an RJ45 to
DB9-F adapter (GE MDS part no. 73-2434A12).
• Adequate and stable primary power (10-60 VDC).
• Ethernet connection: Attach data equipment to the front
• Efficient and properly installed antennas for configured op-
panel ETH port. The auto-sensing MDIX feature allows either
a straight-through or crossover cable to be used.
• Correct interface connections between the unit and associ-
ated data equipment.
05-6709A02, Rev. A GE MDS ECR Setup Guide 1
• USB connection: Attach data equipment to the front panel
mini USB port. The unit supports USB 2.0 with proper drivers
installed. Drivers available at www.gemds.com.
4. Connect primary power. Input power must be 10.0 to 60 Vdc
and capable of providing at least 15 watts. A power connector
with screw-terminals is provided (Figure 3, DC Power Con-
nector). Strip the wire leads to 6 mm (1/4 inch) and insert them
into the wire ports. Be sure to observe proper polarity as
shown. Tighten the binding screws securely.
COM Off No serial connection, or idle Figure 8) is commonly used to connect an external DTE telemetry
(Serial Blinking Green Serial traffic in/out device to the unit, supporting either the RS-232 or RS-485
Comm. Port)
(balanced) format, depending on how the device is configured. The
NOTE: As shown below, NIC1 and NIC2's operation will vary unit supports data rates of 300,1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
depending on the interfaces installed. Refer to the Technical 38400, 57600, 115200 and 230,000 bps (asynchronous data only).
Manual for further details. This connector mates with a standard RJ-45 plug available from
LED -WiFi State Description many electronics parts distributors.
Access Point Mode Blink Red NIC Initialization 2 OUT DCD (Data Carrier Detect)
Solid Red No Remotes connected
Solid Green Linked with at least 1 3 Reserved -- (Do not connect)
Remote Mode Blink Red NIC Initialization / Not linked 4 Ground Connects to ground (negative supply
to an Access Point potential) on chassis
Solid Green Linked with Access Point
5 OUT RXD (Received Data)—Supplies received
data to the connected device
NOTE: In addition to the LEDs above, the Ethernet
connector has two embedded LEDs. A flashing green indicates 6 IN TXD (Transmitted Data)—Accepts TX data
Ethernet data activity. A yellow indicates 100 Mbps operation. from the connected device
For proper operation, all units must meet the basic requirements 8 IN RTS (Request to Send)
which follow. Check these items first when troubleshooting:
• Adequate and stable primary power NOTE: The unit is hardwired as a DCE device
• Secure connections (antennas, data and power)
• A clear transmission path between associated units
• An efficient, properly installed antenna system
• Proper configuration of unit settings
• Correct interface between the unit and other equipment
Technical Assistance
3.1 LEDs & Event Logging Technical assistance is available by contacting the Technology
The unit’s LED indicator panel can provide useful information when group GE MDS during business hours (8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Eastern
troubleshooting. Refer to Table 1 for LED status indicators. Time). Please use one of the following means to contact the factory:
An event (such as an alarm condition) is a notification that some- Telephone: (800) 474-0964 Option #3
thing significant occurred on the unit. Events can be stored locally E-mail: [email protected]
and/or transported to a remote server. Consult the Technical Web: www.gedigitalenergy.com/Communications
Manual for details on Event Logging, including Common Event FAX: (585) 242-
Expression (CEE™) syntax.