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05-6709A02 RevA Orbit ECR Setup Guide

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Setup Guide

1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.2 Installation Steps

TM Installation details for the product may vary, depending on
The MDS Orbit ECR (Edge Connect Router) Series is a flexible site-specific factors. The steps here provide the basic tasks needed
industrial router for critical applications. The Orbit ECR offers at most sites.
advanced networking capabilities including concurrent bridging and
routing, route failover, advanced QoS and GRE tunneling to enable 1. Mount the unit. Attach the supplied brackets to the bottom of
the transport of GOOSE, SCADA, and other critical automation the case (if not already attached), using the screws provided.
protocols over cellular and other RF uplinks reliably. The ECR’s Mounting bracket dimensions are shown in Figure 2: Mounting
advanced cyber security capabilities include IPSec VPNs, stateful Bracket Dimensions. If DIN Rail mounting brackets are to be
firewalling, MAC filtering, secure boot and tamper detection. used, consult the Technical Manual for details.
The Orbit ECR supports a single radio/modem uplink plus an
optional Wi-Fi. Its diverse portfolio includes 900MHz ISM, NOTE: To prevent moisture from entering the unit, do not
multi-carrier cellular modems, WiFi, 400MHz/900MHz licensed mount the case with the cable connectors pointing up. Also, dress
narrowband. It further packs a flexible Terminal Server to transport all cables to prevent moisture from running along the cables and
serial/SCADA protocols over IP efficiently. Its user-friendly GUI into the enclosure.
device manager uses configuration wizards to simplify provisioning.
The Orbit ECR series shares the same firmware with the Orbit MCR
as well as the same portfolio of radio modules for full compatibility.
Units are offered with of 1 Ethernet/1 Serial and USB interfaces.

Figure 2: Mounting Bracket Dimensions

Figure 1: ECR Sample Unit, Showing Connectors & Indicators

1.1 Technical Manual 2. Install the antennas and feedlines. The antennas used must
be designed to operate in the appropriate frequency band and
This Setup Guide covers basic installation and startup instructions be mounted in a location providing a clear path to the associ-
for the unit. A more detailed Technical Manual is also available ated station(s). Antennas should be mounted away from large
(05-6632A01). Refer to the Technical Manual for important warn- masses of metal and other obstructions.
ings, cautions and notes. GE MDS manuals, Setup guides, Firm-
ware, drivers and Application Notes are available free of charge at Often, at least one of the antennas will be connected directly to
www.gemds.com. one of the coaxial connectors on the unit’s front panel. When
GE MDS has produced a series of instructional remotely mounted antennas are used, coaxial feedlines should
videos for configuration and setup of the Orbit be low loss and be kept as short as possible.
products on YouTube. These are available free of
charge at: http://tinyurl.com/pey2ull Proper grounding techniques should be applied. As an added
convenience, there is a tapped 6-32 hole on the underside of
the unit that can be used an ¼” screw and braid or ground

2.1 Main Requirements 3. Connect the data equipment. Connection may be made
using any combination of Serial protocols (RS-232/RS-485),
WARNING: When the unit is to be installed in hazardous Ethernet signaling, or USB. Refer to the Technical Manual for
locations, use only the serial or Ethernet connections on the unit’s wiring details.
front panel. Do not use the USB port in hazardous locations. • Serial connection: Attach data equipment to the front panel
COM port. The unit is hardwired as a DCE device, thus a
There are three main requirements for installation: straight-through Ethernet cable can be used with an RJ45 to
DB9-F adapter (GE MDS part no. 73-2434A12).
• Adequate and stable primary power (10-60 VDC).
• Ethernet connection: Attach data equipment to the front
• Efficient and properly installed antennas for configured op-
panel ETH port. The auto-sensing MDIX feature allows either
a straight-through or crossover cable to be used.
• Correct interface connections between the unit and associ-
ated data equipment.
05-6709A02, Rev. A GE MDS ECR Setup Guide 1
• USB connection: Attach data equipment to the front panel
mini USB port. The unit supports USB 2.0 with proper drivers
installed. Drivers available at www.gemds.com.
4. Connect primary power. Input power must be 10.0 to 60 Vdc
and capable of providing at least 15 watts. A power connector
with screw-terminals is provided (Figure 3, DC Power Con-
nector). Strip the wire leads to 6 mm (1/4 inch) and insert them
into the wire ports. Be sure to observe proper polarity as
shown. Tighten the binding screws securely.

Key items that should be set/reviewed:

• Create one-time programmable passwords for device
• Change login passwords (to maintain security).
• Evaluate default factory configuration and lock it down to
required security level.
Figure 3, DC Power Connector
Refer to the Technical Manual for detailed information on the above
CAUTION: The unit is designed for negative-ground power
power systems only. The power supply should be equipped with 2.3.3 Connecting via Serial
NEC Class 2 overload protection, to guard against a short circuit
between its output terminals and the unit’s power connector. The configuration PC may be connected to the unit by hardwired
cable (USB, serial, or Ethernet), or by WiFi. The following steps
2.3 Unit Configuration describe a cabled serial cable connection, as illustrated in Figure 5.
Note that not all PCs have a serial port. If one is not available, a
2.3.1 Default Settings USB-to-Serial adapter and appropriate driver software may be used
As shipped from the factory, the unit is configured with a set of to provide serial connectivity
pre-defined defaults. For example, when equipped with Cell, the
unit is configured to operate as a WiFi hotspot. (3G requires
carrier-specific configuration.) For “4G WiFi hotspot” operation, the
unit normally contains the following settings:
• WiFi enabled as an Access Point (AP)
• SSID = GEMDS_SERNUM (SERNUM refers to the unit’s
serial number, printed on a chassis sticker.)
• SSID broadcast enabled
• Security = WPA2-PSK, CCMP with passphrase:
• Default Ethernet IP address
• Firewall/NAT/DNS proxy enabled
• DHCP enabled ( to Figure 4. Setup for PC Configuration—Serial Port
• If 900 MHz radio present (unlicensed), radio set to Remote (RJ-45 adapter is required)
This configuration allows connection of a PC to the unit via WiFi or
the LAN port and access to the Internet via cellular, if equipped and 1. Connect a PC to the unit’s COM port and establish a console
supported by a suitable service plan. terminal session, using HyperTerminal or a similar
communications program. The following parameters must be
2.3.2 Connecting via Ethernet/WiFi used: 115200 bps, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit (8N1), flow
control disabled, VT100 emulation.
The configuration PC may be connected to the unit by hardwired
NOTE: As an alternative, the unit may be configured via a
cable (USB, serial or Ethernet), or by WiFi. The following steps
Secure Shell (SSH) terminal. For enhanced security, the unit does
describe a WiFi or Ethernet connection to the built-in web server.
not support Telnet configuration. Refer to the Technical Manual for
This connection can be made using the WiFi or Ethernet infor-
further information.
mation above. The initial sign-in prompt appears as shown below:
2. Press the ENTER key to receive the login prompt. The COM
LED flashes to indicate data communications.
3. Enter the username (admin is the default) and press ENTER .
4. At the Password prompt, enter the password (admin is the
default). Press ENTER . Upon successful login, the connection
message appears.
5. Enter the configuration mode by typing configure followed by
the ENTER key.
1. Enter the username (default is admin). 6. Review and configure all key settings for the required applica-
tion. Built-in help is available by pressing the Tab key. A
2. Enter the Password (default is admin). Press . Upon
summary of all unit settings may be viewed by entering the
successful login, the Device Overview page appears.
% show | details command.
3. For initial configuration the Setup Wizard appears and provides
Tab-completion is a useful feature that presents CLI users
guidance in typical setups. This will be disabled after the initial
with assistance while typing commands. Depending on the text
setup, but may be re-run at any time from the Wizards page.
that was already entered, tab-completion will display different
possible completions. When the Tab key is pressed and no text
2 GE MDS ECR Setup Guide 05-6709A02, Rev. A
has been entered, the CLI shows all possible commands that
can be typed. 2.3.5 900 MHz Unlicensed Operation
Key items that should be set/reviewed for the unit are: An Orbit device configured as an ECR-900 provides
• Create one-time programmable passwords for device next-generation LAN extension operating in the FCC 900 MHz ISM
recovery. TM
band. Similar to the older MDS iNET-II 900 transceivers, it sup-
• Change login passwords (to maintain security). ports connection of Ethernet and/or Serial devices in the field in a
• Evaluate default factory configuration and lock it down to Point-to-Multipoint or Point-to-Point wireless network topology.
required security level.
Refer to the Technical Manual for detailed information on the In its simplest configuration, the Network Name (3rd item down)
above items. must be changed in all units. For the AP, you must change Device
7. When finished, log out of the console session and disconnect Mode to AP and change Network Name to a valid entry. All other
from the PC. parameters can remain at their default settings.

2.3.4 Cellular Setup and Connection

The MDS Orbit ECR is available with the following Cell options:
• 4G LTE, HSPA+,GSM/GPRS, CDMA (North America)
• 3G GSM/UMTS/HSPA+ (Global)
Insert the SIM card with the power OFF and then information re-
garding the cell—including IMEI and ICCID—can be found in the
Cell Status section. Navigate to:
Home / Interfaces State / Interface = Cell
or type the following at the CLI prompt:
> show interfaces-state interface Cell cell-status
NOTE: 3G Dual SIM functionality is a selective order-entry
feature. Default units are shipped with only SIM-A enabled; SIM-B
is not supported.
For most setups all that is needed is to set the Access Point Name
(APN). Use the Interface Setup Wizard Figure 6. Orbit ECR-900 -Remote Setup
Configure the remote to match the AP:
1. Set Device Mode to Remote.
2. Set Modem Mode - choices: 125kbps, 250kbps, 500kbps,
1000kbps, 1000Wkbps - 1250kbps, or auto.
3. Set Network Name - The name of the network.
4. Set Radio Mode to Mac 1.
5. Set Power - Valid values: 20 to 30 dBm.
6. Set Data Compression - LZO or none.
Review settings for the required application. Press the green Save
button at the top of the window.
NOTE: For ECR-900 MHz configurations, DHCP is typically
disabled to allow for configuration of a specific IP address. On the
Figure 5. Cell Basic Setup Info Web UI, navigate to Services / Dhcp Server / Basic Config /General
, click on the Enabled box and press the green Save button at the
On the Web UI navigate to: top of the window.
Interfaces / Cell / Basic Config / Cellular / Connection Profile
In the Bearer Config - enter the APN and press the Finish button 2.4 Initial Checkout
then the green Save button at the top of the window. (If Verizon 4G, In-service operation of the unit is completely automatic. The only
this field is pre-configured to vzwinternet.) operator actions required are to apply power and observe the LEDS
Or, use the following commands at CLI prompt: for proper indications Table 1 summarizes the unit’s LED functions.
4G LTE (Verizon Only): LED Functions
> configure
% set interfaces interface Cell cell-config connec-
tion-profile PROFILE-1 bearer-config apn <APN>
% commit and-quit
Figure 7. LED Status Indicators
3G GSM (Global) and 4G LTE (EMEA/APAC):
> configure Table 1: Description of LED Status Indicators
% set interfaces interface Cell enable true LED Name LED State Description
% set interfaces interface Cell cell-config connec-
tion-profile PROFILE-1 bearer-config apn <APN> PWR Off No power to unit
% commit and-quit (DC Power) Solid Green Unit is powered, no problems
Solid Amber Initializing-boot-up
Fast Blink/Red Alarm indication

05-6709A02, Rev. A GE MDS™ ECR Setup Guide 3

ETH Off No Ethernet link to network
The COM port (
(Ethernet) Solid Green Ethernet link present
Blinking Green Ethernet traffic in/out

COM Off No serial connection, or idle Figure 8) is commonly used to connect an external DTE telemetry
(Serial Blinking Green Serial traffic in/out device to the unit, supporting either the RS-232 or RS-485
Comm. Port)
(balanced) format, depending on how the device is configured. The
NOTE: As shown below, NIC1 and NIC2's operation will vary unit supports data rates of 300,1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
depending on the interfaces installed. Refer to the Technical 38400, 57600, 115200 and 230,000 bps (asynchronous data only).
Manual for further details. This connector mates with a standard RJ-45 plug available from
LED -WiFi State Description many electronics parts distributors.

WiFi Interface Off Interface disabled

Access Point Mode Solid Green Operating as AP and at

least one client connection
Solid Red Operating as an AP and no Figure 8. Com Connector (RJ-45)
client connection As viewed from outside the unit.
Station Mode Off No connection
Solid Green Wi-Fi connection
4.1 Pin Descriptions—RS-232 Mode
established. Table 2 provides pin descriptions for the COM connector when
operating in RS-232 mode. Refer to the Technical Manual for
RS-422/485 descriptions.
LED - NIC - Cell State Description

Cell Interface Off No cellular connection Table 2: COM1 Pin Descriptions—RS-232

Solid green Cell connection
Pin # Input/ Pin Description
LED – NIC -900 Output
State Description
MHz (NX915)
1 Reserved -- (Do not connect)
Off Interface disabled

Access Point Mode Blink Red NIC Initialization 2 OUT DCD (Data Carrier Detect)
Solid Red No Remotes connected
Solid Green Linked with at least 1 3 Reserved -- (Do not connect)

Remote Mode Blink Red NIC Initialization / Not linked 4 Ground Connects to ground (negative supply
to an Access Point potential) on chassis
Solid Green Linked with Access Point
5 OUT RXD (Received Data)—Supplies received
data to the connected device
NOTE: In addition to the LEDs above, the Ethernet
connector has two embedded LEDs. A flashing green indicates 6 IN TXD (Transmitted Data)—Accepts TX data
Ethernet data activity. A yellow indicates 100 Mbps operation. from the connected device

3.0 INSTALLATIONS 7 OUT CTS (Clear to Send)

For proper operation, all units must meet the basic requirements 8 IN RTS (Request to Send)
which follow. Check these items first when troubleshooting:
• Adequate and stable primary power NOTE: The unit is hardwired as a DCE device
• Secure connections (antennas, data and power)
• A clear transmission path between associated units
• An efficient, properly installed antenna system
• Proper configuration of unit settings
• Correct interface between the unit and other equipment
Technical Assistance
3.1 LEDs & Event Logging Technical assistance is available by contacting the Technology
The unit’s LED indicator panel can provide useful information when group GE MDS during business hours (8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Eastern
troubleshooting. Refer to Table 1 for LED status indicators. Time). Please use one of the following means to contact the factory:
An event (such as an alarm condition) is a notification that some- Telephone: (800) 474-0964 Option #3
thing significant occurred on the unit. Events can be stored locally E-mail: [email protected]
and/or transported to a remote server. Consult the Technical Web: www.gedigitalenergy.com/Communications
Manual for details on Event Logging, including Common Event FAX: (585) 242-
Expression (CEE™) syntax.

4 GE MDS ECR Setup Guide 05-6709A02, Rev. A

standards for live electrical work should be followed to ensure personal

INFORMATION—MDS ORBIT ECR Manual Revision and Accuracy

This manual was prepared to cover a specific version of firmware code.
Hazardous Locations Notice Accordingly, some screens and features may differ from the actual unit you
When installed in hazardous locations, use only are working with. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure
the serial and Ethernet connections on the unit’s the accuracy of this publication, product improvements may also result in
EXPLOSION front panel. Do not use the USB port in hazardous
HAZARD! minor differences between the manual and the product shipped to you. If
locations. you have additional questions or need an exact specification for a product,
RF Exposure Notice please contact GE MDS, using the information at the back of this guide.
To comply with RF exposure requirements, the antenna shall be installed to In addition, manual updates can be found on our web site at
ensure a minimum separation distance of 20 cm from persons. The antenna www.gemds.com.
may not be co-located or operated in conjunction with other transmitting Environmental Information
The manufacture of this equipment has required the extraction and use of
All RF modules contained within the Orbit ECR have a conducted RF power natural resources. Improper disposal may contaminate the environment and
maximum limit of 2W. present a health risk due to hazardous substances contained within. To
avoid dissemination of these substances into our environment and to limit
Approved Antennas the demand on natural resources, we encourage you to use the appropriate
Only approved antennas may be used on the unit's RF output connectors, recycling systems for disposal. These systems will reuse or recycle most of
the materials found in this equipment in a sound way. Please contact GE
examples are listed below. The use of non-approved antennas may result in
a violation of FCC rules and subject the user to FCC enforcement action. MDS or your supplier for more information on the proper disposal of this
Antenna Application GE MDS Product Test Data Sheets
Part Number
Test Data Sheets showing the original factory test results for this unit are
WiFi (indoor direct connect), RP SMA, 97-4278A34
available upon request from the GE MDS Quality Leader. Contact the
factory using the information at the back of this manual. Serial numbers
2.4-2.5 GHz Antenna, 3.2dBi Gain
must be provided for each product where a Test Data Sheet is required.
WiFi (Magnetic Mount) 5 ft./1.52 m Cable, RP 97-4278A78 CSA/US Notice
SMA Plug (accessory) use with above
This product is approved for use in Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C & D
WiFi (outdoor external mount), Omni Ant. N M 97-4278A48 Hazardous Locations. Such locations are defined in Article 500 of the Na-
Term., 2.4-2.5 GHz, 2 dBi Gain tional Fire Protection Association (NFPA) publication NFPA 70, otherwise
known as the National Electrical Code. The transceiver has been recog-
Cell (direct connect), 960/2170/2700MHz 2dBi - 97-2485A04 nized for use in these hazardous locations by the Canadian Standards
SMA Paddle antenna (indoor) Association (CSA) which also issues the US mark of approval (CSA/US).
The CSA Certification is in accordance with CSA STD C22.2 No.
3G/4G Cellular (outdoor external mount, ground 97-2485A05 213-M1987.
plane),960/2170/2700MHz 4.5 DBi, N-FEMALE
CSA Conditions of Approval: The transceiver is not acceptable as a
900 MHz NX915 - 5/8-wavelength Omni Ant. with 97-3194A17 stand-alone unit for use in the hazardous locations described above. It must
16" coax to N-Female connector either be mounted within another piece of equipment which is certified for
hazardous locations, or installed within guidelines, or conditions of approval,
Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
as set forth by the approving agencies. These conditions of approval are as
manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Class A Notice follows: The transceiver must be mounted within a separate enclosure
which is suitable for the intended application. The antenna feedline, DC
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to power cable and interface cable must be routed through conduit in ac-
the following two conditions: cordance with the National Electrical Code. Installation, operation and
1. This device may not cause harmful interference. maintenance of the transceiver should be in accordance with the trans-
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference ceiver's installation manual and the National Electrical Code. Tampering or
that may cause undesired operation. replacement with non-factory components may adversely affect the safe
use of the transceiver in hazardous locations and may void the approval. A
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for power connector with screw-type retaining screws, as supplied by GE MDS,
a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits must be used.
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This Do not disconnect equipment unless power has
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if it been switched off or the area is known to be
is not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may non-hazardous. Refer to Articles 500 through 502 of
cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this EXPLOSION
HAZARD! the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) for further
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in
information on hazardous locations and approved
which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own
expense. Division 2 wiring methods.
Grounding Requirements
Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved
by GE MDS LLC, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC To minimize the chance of damage to the unit and connected equipment, a
to operate this equipment. safety ground (NEC Class 2 compliant) is recommended which bonds the
Industry Canada Notice antenna system, chassis, power supply and connected data equipment to a
single-point ground, keeping all ground leads as short as possible.
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Normally, the unit is adequately grounded if the supplied flat mounting
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du brackets are used to mount it to a well-grounded metal surface. If the unit is
Canada. not mounted to a grounded surface, it is recommended that a safety ground
Servicing Precautions wire be attached to one of the mounting brackets or a screw on the enclo-
When servicing energized equipment, be sure to wear appropriate Personal sure.
Protective Equipment (PPE). During internal service, situations could arise The use of a lightning protector is recommended where the antenna cable
where objects accidentally contact or short circuit components and the enters the building. Bond the protector to the tower/support ground, if pos-
appropriate PPE would alleviate or decrease the severity of potential injury. sible. All grounds and cabling must comply with applicable codes and reg-
When servicing radios, all workplace regulations and other applicable ulations

05-6709A02, Rev. A GE MDS™ ECR Setup Guide 5

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