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MDS Master Station: Typical Application

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MDS Master Station

Setup Guide

INTRODUCTION Typical Application

The MDS Master Station serves as a central station in a multiple ad- Figure 3 on the following page shows a common arrangement of the
dress system (MAS) wireless network. It provides long range, duplex MDS Master Station as used in a licensed narrowband network. The
(or simplex) communication between a control point and associated re- system shows both MCR and ECR transceivers in use.
motes. It is fully redundant for mission-critical applications, and is a Depending on order options, the MDS Master Station can communi-
compatible replacement for older MDS x790 Master Stations when or- cate with remotes employing Ethernet signaling, serial signaling, or a
dered with the appropriate network interface modules. mix of both.
The MDS Master Station works with a wide array of wireless equip-
ment, including MDS SD Transceivers, legacy MDS x710 radios, MDS
LN radios, and additional wireless options, depending on the modules
installed in the chassis.

Figure 1: MDS Master Station

All modules are installed on slide-in assemblies, accessible from the
front of the unit. A protective cover on the unit’s face slides off, allowing
access to the modules and all interface connectors. In addition to com-
munication modules, up to two power supply units may be installed
and are available to suit a wide range of AC and DC power require-
Each module is secured to the chassis with knurled fasteners for easy
changes, when required. Figure 2 shows a common configuration of in-
stalled modules.
IMPORTANT: To ensure proper heat-sink engagement, the knurled
fasteners must be tightened with a screw driver to at least 10 inch-
pounds (approximately ¼ turn past hand tight).
Platform Manager
Supply 1 (DC) Radio A
Supply 2 (AC) Radio B
Alarm/Relay Duplexer Figure 3: Licensed Narrowband Application Example

Additional Resources
This Setup Guide covers the essential installation and startup for the
MDS Master Station. Alternate information is available in English, (see
05-6399A01Technical Manual). GE MDS manuals, Setup guides, Firm-
Figure 2: Front Panel Connectors & Indicators ware, drivers and Application Notes are available free of charge at
(Front cover removed) www.gemds.com.
Master Station modules are factory installed and cabled. Table 1 de- GE MDS has produced a series of instructional videos
scribes each module installed in a redundant configuration, from left to for configuration and setup of the Orbit products on
right. For a non-redundant configuration, blank plates are used in place YouTube. These are available in English, free of charge
of the redundant power supply and radio modules and a non-redun- at: http://tinyurl.com/pey2ull
dant version of the Alarm/Relay module is installed.
The MDS Master Station supports Ethernet or serial polling depending
on order options. A host computer may be connected to the appropri-
ate port on the chassis (LAN for Ethernet; COM1/2 for serial signaling).
Configuration of the unit is performed through a web interface. This re-
quires a LAN connection to one of the Ethernet ports on the Platform
Manager module. In addition, a command line interface (CLI) is availa-
ble through the mini USB port using the proper USB drivers available
at www.gemds.com.

05-6398A01, Rev. I MDS Master Station Setup Guide 1

Options and Accessories
The MDS Master Station may be equipped with optional battery Connector 1:
backup and a variety of duplexer and module options. Contact your TX/RX Antenna Port
factory representative for information on any of these options.
In addition, GE MDS offers an Accessories Selection Guide listing ad-
ditional items that may be used with many of our products. Contact
your factory representative or visit www.gemds.com for the latest Knockout covers
copy. installed on unused
Table 1: Module Descriptions - Redundant Station
Module ID Function
Power Supply 1, Varies Input power supply. In a redundant Figure 5: Internal Duplexer (or internal T/R switch),
Power Supply 2 configuration, both supplies work in
tandem and are independent of which
Single N connector
radio is active.
Platform Manager 6834 Provides management and data interface
functions. Connector 1:
Radio A, 6846 Single or redundant SD Master radios TX Output Port
Radio B (SDM9, SDM4), or LN radio modules
6847 Redundant—Active radio relay and
Alarm/Relay alarm/audio interface.
6848 Non-redundant—Alarm and audio
Connector 2:
RX Input Port
Duplexer 6837 Internal RF duplexer (if equipped)

Refer to the figures which follow for these steps, as required: Figure 6: External duplexer or dual antennas
(TX and RX ports pass directly through)
1. Mount the unit. The unit may be rack-mounted (2U high) in a 19-
inch rack cabinet or may be placed on any sturdy tabletop or other 3. Install the Data Interface Cabling. Interface connections are
flat surface. The installation site should be free of excessive dust, made to the front of the Platform Manager module. Typical connec-
and should have adequate ventilation. The chassis should be posi- tions for most sites include:
tioned so that all interface cabling will reach the required connect-
• Serial Data—Attach data equipment to the front panel COM1 or
COM2 port. By default, the COM2 port is set for management
and must be configured for data before connecting data equip-
When rack mounting, the rack ears can be installed in one of three
ment. The unit is hardwired as a DCE device; a straight-through
positions to allow flexibility in the mounted depth of the chassis.
Ethernet cable may be used in most cases (DB9-F to RJ-45
The unit should be mounted so as to maximize airflow around the
connector, GE MDS part no. 73-2434A12).
rear heat sink.
• Ethernet LAN—Attach data equipment to the ETH1 and/or
2. Connect Antenna Feed-lines. All coaxial antenna connections ETH2 port. The auto-sensing MDIX feature allows either a
are made to the Type-N connectors on the rear of the unit. Figure straight-through or crossover cable to be used.
4, Figure 5, and Figure 6 illustrate the antenna options available;
Where applicable in the steps that follow, secure all cable connections
with the locking screws provided.
Connector 1:
TX/RX Antenna Port 4. Connect Primary Power—The Master Station is powered using
one or two power supply modules that work in tandem. The mod-
ules may be AC, DC, or a combination of both. The following tables
list each type and key operating parameters.
Connector 2:
RX Output to external Table 2: AC Power Supply Module
notch filter
Module Input Power Current Rating
6755 100-264 VAC, 50/60 Hz 120W Max.
Connector 3:
RX Input from external
All DC power supply modules have chassis isolated inputs and a
notch filter diode bridge for floating ground, positive ground, or negative
ground installations. These modules include a keyed power con-
nector with screw-terminals. Power supply connections must be
less than 3 meters from the source to the terminals. Strip the wire
Figure 4: Internal Duplexer, Triple N connectors
leads to 6mm (1/4 inch) and insert them into the wire ports pro-
vided. Be sure to observe the polarity shown below. Tighten the
binding screws securely and insert the connector into the module.

2 MDS Master Station Setup Guide 05-6398A01, Rev. I

Table 3: DC Power Supply Modules
Module Input Power Current Rating
In the following steps, you will log into the unit’s configuration system
6843 +/- 12-36 VDC 10 A Max
and set the basic operating parameters for the unit.
6844 +/- 36-75 VDC 3.5 A Max
6845 +/- 75-140 VDC 2 A Max
NOTE Consult your System Administrator if you are unsure
of the proper configuration settings for your network.

+/- VDC Input

Configuration via Web Device Manager
The configuration PC may be connected to the unit by WiFi (future fea-
ture), USB, or Ethernet. The following steps describe a configuration
using the GE MDS Device Manager running on the unit. The Device
Center Terminal; Manager is accessible through ETH1 or ETH2 using a web browser.
Chassis ground Minimum browser requirements: IE10 or later, Chrome, Firefox, or Sa-
1. Open a web browser and navigate to the IP address of the unit
(default Ethernet IP address is The initial sign-in
+/- VDC Input prompt appears.
2. Enter the username and password (admin is the default entry for
Figure 7: DC Power Connector both fields). Click Sign In Upon successful login, the Device
Overview page appears.
5. Connect a PC for Configuration (LAN or USB port). This pre- 3. For general configuration, the Initial Setup Wizard will appear and
pares the Master Station for programming of desired operating pa- provide guidance in typical setups. This is disabled after the initial
rameters. Configuration is further described in Section 0 SOFT- setup but may be re-run at any time by accessing the Wizards
WARE CONFIGURATION. link on the left side of the screen, and clicking Initial Setup.
Key items that should be reviewed and/or set for the radio are:
NOTE If serial-based cabling is used for configuration, an adapter • Create one-time programmable passwords for unit recovery
may be required at the PC, as many PCs do not offer a se- • Change login passwords (to maintain security)
rial port. In such cases, a USB-to-Serial adapter (with appro-
priate driver software) may be used. These adapters are • Evaluate default factory configuration and lock the unit down to
available from a number of manufacturers. the required security level
4. If your MDS master station was ordered with SD network inter-
6. Redundant Units—The Alarm/Relay module includes a manual faces, select the SD Configuration Wizard, which steps you
override toggle switch, which can be set into one of three positions through initial SD Radio Module configuration. Key items that
to associate it with a particular radio. The toggle switch is locking, should be reviewed and/or set include:
and must be pulled out to change positions. Switch functions are
as follows: • Frequency plan
• Modem selection
Up—Radio A; Down—Radio B; Center—Automatic • Keying mode
• Serial data interface configuration
When the switch is set to Automatic, the active radio is determined
by radio module presence and alarm status. If only one radio mod- • Encryption settings
ule is installed (A or B) it is recommended that the switch be set to 5. For additional SD radio configuration and status options, navigate
A or B, as appropriate. to SDMS Configuration as follows:
7. Radio, Alarm/Relay, and Duplexer Connections—The
Alarm/Relay module provides two alarm outputs, one for major and  Expand Interfaces on the left hand menu, and select SD
one for minor alarms. This module also provides TX/RX audio, PTT Master Station interface named ‘sdms’:
(TX keying), and analog RSSI connections when used in conjunc-
tion with compatible radio interfaces. See Section 0 ALARM/AU-
DIO PINOUT for pin-out connections.

All other required connections on the front of the unit are cabled at
the factory per ordered options.

05-6398A01, Rev. I MDS Master Station Setup Guide 3

unit settings may be viewed by entering the % show | details com-
Tab-completion is a powerful feature that provides assistance when
typing commands in the CLI. Depending on the text that was already
entered, tab-completion displays different possible completions. When
the Tab key is pressed and no text has been entered, the CLI shows
all possible commands that can be typed.
Key items that should be reviewed or set for the unit are as follows:
• Create one-time programmable passwords for unit recovery
• Change login passwords (to maintain security)
• Evaluate default factory configuration and lock the unit down to
the required security level
• Radio configuration, including TX/RX frequency plan, modem
 Redundant radios share a common configuration and are selection, keying mode, encryption, and serial data interface
managed simultaneously through the Basic Config, Ad- configuration.
vanced Config, or Actions tabs. Refer to the Technical Manual for details on the above items.
6. If your MDS master station was ordered with LN interfaces, LN
7. When finished, log out of the console session and disconnect the
configuration can be located under the LN Master Station inter-
PC from the Master Station.
face named ‘lnms’, which by default, is a member of the ‘bridge’

In-service operation of the MDS Master Station is completely auto-
matic. The only operator actions required are to apply power and
check the module LEDs for proper indications as shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Module LED Descriptions

Module LED Name Function

On — Power applied
Platform Manager PWR
Flash — System bootup
Platform Manager System Initialization (pre-bootup)
Platform Manager ALARM Flashing — Alarmed (SD Master)
On — Power applied
Flashing — Alarmed radio
 Redundant radios share a common configuration and are
managed simultaneously through the Basic Config, Ad- SD Radio ACTIVE
On — Active
vanced Config, or Actions tabs. Off — Standby
On — Transmitting
SD Radio TX
Configuration via Command Line (CLI) Off — No Data
On — Receiving
A scriptable command-line interface is accessible through the Ethernet SD Radio RX
Off — No Data
port using Secure Shell (SSH) terminal, COM2 Serial Port, or through
the unit’s USB interface. For enhanced security, the unit does not sup- On (Green) — Power applied
Flashing (Red) — Alarmed radio
port Telnet configuration. The steps below describe a cabled USB con-
nection and assume the proper drivers have been installed. Drivers for On (Green) — Active – link
Microsoft Windows are located free of charge at www.gemds.com in LN Radio ACTIVE On (Red) — Active – no link
the ‘Support Items’ folder under the Software/Firmware Download sec- Off — Standby
tion of the MDS Master Station product page. Drivers are not needed On — Transmitting
LN Radio TX
for Mac OSX or Linux. Off — No Data

1. Connect a PC to the unit's USB port and establish a console On — Receiving

LN Radio RX
terminal session using a serial communications program. Off — No Data
Alarm/Relay ALARM MAJ On — Major Alarm
2. Press the ENTER key to receive the login prompt; the USB inter-
face will auto-baud. The COM LED flashes to indicate data com- Alarm/Relay ALARM MIN On — Minor Alarm
munications. On — Radio A Active
Alarm/Relay ACT A
Off — Radio A Standby
3. Enter the Username (admin is the default username) and press
ENTER. Alarm/Relay ACT B
On — Radio B Active
Off — Radio B Standby
4. At the Password prompt, enter the password (admin is the default
password). Press ENTER. Upon successful login, the connection
message appears.
5. Enter the configuration mode by typing configure followed by the
ENTER key.
6. Review and configure all key settings for the required application. COM1/COM2 REFERENCE
Built-in help is available by pressing the Tab key. A summary of all The COM port is commonly used to connect an external DTE telemetry
device to the unit, supporting either the RS-232 or RS-485 (balanced)

4 MDS Master Station Setup Guide 05-6398A01, Rev. I

format, depending on how the device is configured. The unit supports
data rates of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and ALARM/AUDIO PINOUT
115200 bps (asynchronous data only).
This connector mates with a standard RJ-45 plug (see Figure 8) availa- The ALARM/AUDIO Interface on the Alarm/Relay module provides au-
ble from many electronics parts distributors. dio signaling and alarm outputs as shown in Figure 9. Note: PTT, Ana-
log RSSI, and Audio connections are only available when used with
SD interfaces.
Pin Descriptions—RS-232 Mode
Pin descriptions for the COM connector in RS-232 mode are shown in +12v 6
  12
Analog RSSI
Table 5 and Table 6Table 6 on the following page. Note that the unit PTT 5
  11
Major Alarm Contact
is hardwired as a DCE device. Refer to the Technical Manual for RS- Rx Audio - 4
  10
Major Alarm Contact
422/485 descriptions. (Note: RS-485 supported on COM2 only.)
Rx Audio + 3
  9
Minor Alarm Contact
Tx Audio - 2
  8
Minor Alarm Contact
Tx Audio + 1
  7
Invisible place ho
Figure 9: Alarm/Audio Connections
(As viewed from front of the Alarm/Relay module)
Figure 8: COM Connector (RJ-45)
As viewed from outside the unit

Table 5: COM1 Pin-out - Default Data Port If trouble occurs with the unit, verify that it meets the basic require-
ments listed below. These items should be checked prior to starting
Pin Input/ Pin Description any detailed troubleshooting or calling for assistance. All units must
# Output have:

1 OUT DSR (Data Set Ready)

• Adequate and stable primary power
2 OUT DCD (Data Carrier Detect) • Secure cable and wiring connections
• Proper configuration for the application
3 IN DTR (Data Terminal Ready)

4 Ground Connects to chassis ground (negative supply) LEDs

5 OUT RXD (Received Data)—Supplies received data The LEDs on the front of installed modules (Table 4) provide useful in-
to the connected device formation when troubleshooting. Power and alarm indicators are pro-
vided on Platform Manager, Radio, and Alarm/Relay modules. Radio
6 IN TXD (Transmitted Data)—Accepts TX data Modules also have TX/RX LEDs to show wireless activity.
from the connected device

7 OUT CTS (Clear to Send)

Redundant Units
The active radio can be identified by the corresponding LED on the
8 IN RTS (Request to Send) alarm/relay module as well as the active LED on the radio module. The
active unit is normally selected automatically. For troubleshooting, the
toggle switch can be used to manually set the active radio. Alterna-
Table 6: COM2 Pin-out - Default Console Port tively, the switch can remain in the automatic position and the active
radio can be selected via the Device Manger UI.
Pin Input/ Pin Description
# Output Technical Assistance
1 Reserved -- (Do not connect) Factory technical assistance is available by contacting GE MDS during
business hours (8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Eastern Time). For telephone as-
2 Reserved -- (Do not connect) sistance, call (585) 241-5510, or visit our website at www.gemds.com
for additional contact options.
3 Reserved -- (Do not connect)

4 Ground Connects to chassis ground (negative supply)

5 OUT RXD (Received Data)—Supplies received data

to the connected device

6 IN TXD (Transmitted Data)—Accepts TX data

from the connected device

7 OUT CTS (Clear to Send)

8 IN RTS (Request to Send)

05-6398A01, Rev. I MDS Master Station Setup Guide 5

Regulatory & Product Information Sheet— Grounding Requirements
To minimize the chance of damage to the unit and connected equip-
MDS Master Station ment, a safety ground (NEC Class 2 compliant) is recommended which
RF Exposure Notice bonds the antenna system, chassis, power supply and connected data
equipment to a single-point ground, keeping all ground leads as short
To comply with RF exposure requirements, the antenna shall be in-
as possible.
stalled to ensure a minimum separation distance shown below from
persons. The antenna may not be collocated or operated in conjunc- Normally, the unit is adequately grounded if the supplied mounting
tion with other transmitting devices. To reduce potential radio interfer- brackets are used to mount it to a well-grounded metal surface. If the
ence to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen unit is not mounted to a grounded surface, it is recommended that a
that the Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) is not more safety ground wire be attached to one of the mounting brackets or a
than that permitted for successful communication. screw on the enclosure.
Only approved antennas may be used on the unit's RF output The use of a lightning protector is recommended where the antenna
connectors, as listed below. The use of non-approved antennas cable enters the building. Bond the protector to the tower/support
may result in a violation of FCC rules, and subject the user to FCC ground, if possible. All grounds and cabling must comply with applica-
enforcement action. ble codes and regulations.
Product Test Data Sheets
Table - Antenna Gain vs. Minimum RF Safety Distance Test Data Sheets showing the original factory test results for this unit
Antenna Gain are available upon request from the GE MDS Quality Leader. Contact
5–10 the factory using the information at the back of this manual. Serial
0–5 dBi 10–16.5 dBi
dBi numbers must be provided for each product where a Test Data Sheet
Safety Distance 1.09 1.95 4.11 is required.
400 MHz variant – FCC meters meters meters
Safety Distance 1.43 2.54 5.37 FCC Part 15 Notice
400 MHz variant – IC meters meters meters This Equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
Safety Distance 0.99 1.76 3.73 a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
900 MHz variant – FCC meters meters meters limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful in-
Safety Distance 1.29 2.30 4.87 terference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environ-
900 MHz variant - IC meters meters meters ment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio fre-
Safety Distance (other quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the in-
Consult factory prior to operation. struction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
Antennas with gain greater than 16dBi have not been authorized for
harmful interference in which case users will be required to correct the
use with the EUT; and (b) installation of the EUT into portable applica-
interference at their own expense.
tions with respect to RF compliance will require SAR testing and Regu-
latory approval. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub-
ject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment
received; including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Servicing Precautions
When servicing energized equipment, be sure to wear appropriate Per- Canada, IC ERP Limits
sonal Protective Equipment (PPE). During internal service, situations IC SRSP-501, 6.3.2. Limits the ERP to 125W for fixed point-to-point
could arise where objects accidentally contact or short circuit compo- operation. For IC use the antenna gain and Transmit power must be
nents and the appropriate PPE would alleviate or decrease the severity set to meet the ERP limit of 125W. This can be accomplished by us-
of potential injury. When servicing radios, all workplace regulations and ing the appropriate at antenna gain in combination with the RF power
other applicable standards for live electrical work should be followed to settings.
ensure personal safety.
CE Mark and Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Notice (applies to
Manual Revision and Accuracy select product variants only)
This manual was prepared to cover a specific version of firmware
code. Accordingly, some screens and features may differ from the ac-
tual unit you are working with. While every reasonable effort has been
made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, product improvements
may also result in minor differences between the manual and the prod-
uct shipped to you. If you have additional questions or need an exact
specification for a product, please contact GE MDS, using the infor-
mation at the back of this guide.
In addition, manual updates can be found on our web site at
Product that is CE marked is compliant with European Union Radio
Environmental Information Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU.
The manufacture of this equipment has required the extraction and use
of natural resources. Improper disposal may contaminate the environ- GEMDS products employ a variety of wireless technologies and fre-
ment and present a health risk due to hazardous substances contained quencies. These can include, cellular M2M, WIFI, and licensed narrow-
within. To avoid dissemination of these substances into our environ- band radio frequencies. The user is responsible to ensure that proper
ment and to limit the demand on natural resources, we encourage you spectrum licenses are obtained for all licensed uses, carrier SIMs are
to use the appropriate recycling systems for disposal. These systems authorized for M2M cellular, and proper antenna gain is used to main-
tain local regulatory compliance.
will reuse or recycle most of the materials found in this equipment in a
sound way. Please contact GE MDS or your supplier for more infor-
mation on the proper disposal of this equipment.

6 MDS Master Station Setup Guide 05-6398A01, Rev. I

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