B. Establishing a Engage: Let the students answer the question: What are the classifications of ACTIVITY: MATCH AND ACTIVITY: MATCH AND The teacher will play the folk song/
(The activities in this section What is the characteristic of musical instruments of Japan? CLASSIFY CLASSIFY ritual music of East Asia Music
purpose for the will stimulate their thinking their music ritual Then the teacher will play video of The teacher will present pictures The teacher will present pictures
lesson and help them access and
( 5 minutes )
connect prior knowledge as
a jumpstart to the present
musical instrument of Japan and names of different musical and names of different musical
C. Presenting lesson.) instruments of China then let the instruments of Korea then let the
watch?v=J_zUdw9F4cE&t=234s students identify the names and
classify it according to idiophones,
instances of the
students identify the names and aerophones, membranophones,
new lesson
classify it according to idiophones, and chordophones)
Explore: The teacher will discuss the folk The teacher will discuss the folk The teacher will discuss the folk
(In this section, students will music, ritual music and musical music, ritual music and musical music, ritual music and musical
D. Discussing new be given time to think, plan,
instruments and its classification instruments and its classification instruments and its classification
concepts & investigate, and organize
collected information; or the through PowerPoint presentation. through PowerPoint presentation. through PowerPoint presentation.
practicing new performance of the
planned/prepared activities
skills from the students’ manual
with data gathering with
Guide Questions)
Explain: Classify the musical The teacher will play ritual and folk The teacher will play video of ritual The teacher will play video of ritual
(In this section, students will instrument show as music of Japan. Let the students and folk music of China. Let the and folk music of Korea. Let the
be involved in an analysis of
their exploration. Their percussion instrument identify what classification of students identify what classification students identify what classification
F. Developing understanding is clarified ( membranophone), string instruments are used in the music. of instruments are used in the of instruments are used in the
and modified because of
mastery reflective activities)/Analysis instrument (chordophones), music. music.
of the gathered data and and wind instrument
results and be able to
answer the Guide Questions (aerophones)
leading to the focus concept
or topic for the day.)
G. Finding practical On a bond paper, draw and Ask students the following Ask students the following Ask students the following Practical Work Approach (PWA)
applications of color you’re the musical questions: questions: questions: The teacher will divide the class into
concepts and skills instrument posted on How musical How musical How musical five groups.
Elaborate: powerpoint
in daily living (This section will give instruments can instruments can instruments can Each group will use their
students the opportunity to Ask students : change one music? change one music? change one music? improvised instruments
expand and
solidify/concretize their How musical Why Japan used Why China used musical Why Korea used musical to produce sounds
H. Making understanding of the instruments can musical instrument in instrument in their music. instrument in their music depicting the music of
concept and/or apply it to a
generalizations real-world situation) change one music? their music. Japan, China, Korea
and abstraction Each group will be given
time to practice.
Evaluation: The teacher will play ritual and folk The teacher will play ritual and folk
(This section will provide
opportunities for concept Draw Musical Instrument music of Japan. Let the students music of China. Let the students
check test items and answer
of East Asia ( China, identify what classification of identify what classification of
key which are aligned to the
I. Evaluating learning objectives – content Japa, Korea) instruments are used in the music instruments are used in the music
and performance standards
Learning and address
and how can you evaluate and how can you evaluates
misconceptions- if any) Japanese music according to its Chinese music according to its
musical classification. musical elements and style
Extend: Fill in the table below: Each group will bring improvised
J. Additional activities