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School Putlod-San Jose NHS Learning Area & Level MAPEH 8 - HEALTH

Teacher Menchie A. Paynor Section/s Acacia / Molave / Narra / Yakal / Canva

Daily Quarter I Teaching Time 7:30-8:20 / 9:30-10:20 / 10:20-11:10 / 1:00-1:50 / 2:40-3:30
Lesson Log Monday|Date: 10/10/2022 Tuesday|Date: 10/11/2022 Wed|Date: 10/12/2022 Thurs|Date: 10/13/2022 Fri|Date: 10/14/2022
I. Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives
A. Content Standards  The learners demonstrates understanding of human sexuality and managing sexuality related issues for a healthy life.

B. Performance Standards  The learner appropriately manages sexuality-related issues through responsible and informed decisions.
The learner…..
 Identify basic terms in sexuality (sex, sexuality, gender, etc.) H8FH-Ia-16
 Discuss sexuality as an important component of one`s personality. H8FH-Ia-17
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies
 Explain the dimensions of human sexuality. H8FH-Ia-18
 Analyze the factors that affect one`s attitudes and sexual behaviors H8FH-Ib-19
 Assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behavior. H8FH-Ic-d20
Identify the difference of each Identify the difference of each term. Identify the factors that influence Identify the factors that influence Identify the factors that influence
Specific (Daily) Objective/s term. one`s personality one`s personality one`s personality
II. Learning Content Gender and Human Sexuality Gender and Human Sexuality Sexuality Related Issues Sexuality Related Issues Sexuality Related Issues
III. Learning Resources
A. References
TM 7-10
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages LM pp. 8-15 LM pp. 8-15 LM pp. 16-26 LM pp. 16-26 LM pp. 35
Reproductive Health. A&E. NFE Reproductive Health. A&E. NFE Reproductive Health. A&E. NFE Reproductive Health. A&E. NFE Reproductive Health. A&E. NFE
Accreditation and Equivalency Accreditation and Equivalency Accreditation and Equivalency Accreditation and Equivalency Accreditation and Equivalency
3. Textbook Pp.
Learning Material. DepED. Learning Material. DepED. Learning Material. DepED. Learning Material. DepED. Learning Material. DepED.
2001. pp.4-8. 2001. pp.4-8. 2001. pp.4-8. 2001. pp.4-8. 2001. pp.4-8.
4. Additional Materials from LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Downloaded Video/Audio Downloaded Video/Audio Downloaded Video/Audio
A. Reviewing Elicit: Ask the students to read and analyze The teacher will post the following Ask the students to do the activity Show video entitled “Children on Show video entitled “Children on
the poem entitled “ The wonder of Me” words: entitled “Male vs Female”and post Gender Role” Gender Role”
previous lesson (The activities in this section
will evoke or draw out prior and ask the questions. a. sex d. gender equality questions  Post questions to answer  Post questions to answer
or presenting the concepts or prior
(powerpoint presentation) b. sexuality e. gender
experiences from the
new lesson students) c. Gender Role
B. Establishing a Show a video clip entitled “Identity”. Show a video clip entitled “Identity”. Show a video entitle Show a video entitle Show a video entitle
purpose for the This will show how society affects This will show how society affects “Understanding Gender Variant “Understanding Gender Variant “Understanding Gender Variant
Engage: someone’s personal identity someone’s personal identity Behavior”. This will show how the Behavior”. This will show how the Behavior”. This will show how the
lesson (The activities in this section
will stimulate their thinking through different factors. Ask through different factors. Ask gender of a person affects his/her gender of a person affects his/her gender of a person affects his/her
and help them access and
C. Presenting connect prior knowledge as questions posted questions posted personality. This also affects their personality. This also affects their personality. This also affects their
examples/ a jumpstart to the present
health prerogatives as they relate it health prerogatives as they relate it health prerogatives as they relate it
instances of the to their gender. to their gender. to their gender.
new lesson
Explore: Discussion on Gender and Human Discussion on Gender and Human Discussion on Gender and Human Discuss the factors that affect one`s Discuss the factors that affect one`s
(In this section, students will Sexuality Sexuality Sexuality attitudes and practices related to attitudes and practices related to
D. Discussing new be given time to think, plan, ( powerpoint presentation) ( powerpoint presentation) ( powerpoint presentation) sexuality and sexual behaviors. sexuality and sexual behaviors.
concepts & investigate, and organize
collected information; or the ( powerpoint presentation) ( powerpoint presentation)
practicing new performance of the
planned/prepared activities
skills from the students’ manual
with data gathering with
Guide Questions)

Explain: Role Play. Ask the students to group Role Play. Ask the students to group Role Play. Ask the students to group Analysis. Ask the students to visualize a Analysis. Ask the students to visualize a
(In this section, students will into five. Each group will perform the into five. Each group will perform the into five. Each group will perform the scenario of a typical classroom setup. scenario of a typical classroom setup.
be involved in an analysis of
their exploration. Their assigned situation. assigned situation. assigned situation. Analyze and enumerate the roles being Analyze and enumerate the roles being
understanding is clarified played by the male students and female played by the male students and female
F. Developing and modified because of
students. students.
reflective activities)/Analysis
mastery of the gathered data and
results and be able to
answer the Guide Questions
leading to the focus concept
or topic for the day.)

G. Finding practical The teacher will as the students to The teacher will as the students to The teacher will as the students to The teacher will as the students to List down atleast 5 ways on how
applications of Elaborate: provide examples of how these factor provide examples of how these factor provide examples of how these factor provide examples of how these factor toprotect gender of one`s personality in
(This section will give affect your sexual attitudes and affect your sexual attitudes and affect your sexual attitudes and affect your sexual attitudes and school and society.
concepts and skills students the opportunity to behaviors. behaviors. behaviors. behaviors.
in daily living expand and
a. Family a. Family a. Family
solidify/concretize their
H. Making understanding of the b. Culture b. Culture b. Culture
concept and/or apply it to a
generalizations real-world situation) c. Peers c. Peers c. Peers
and abstraction d. Media d. Media d. Media
Evaluation: Short Quiz Short Quiz Short Quiz Short Quiz Short Quiz
(This section will provide
opportunities for concept
check test items and answer
I. Evaluating key which are aligned to the
learning objectives – content
Learning and performance standards
and address
misconceptions- if any)

Extend: We all encounter people in our We all encounter people in our Analysis. Ask the students to
(This section gives situation
that explains the topic in a
lives. Here are some descriptions lives. Here are some descriptions of read and analyze the given
new context, or integrate it to of people. Jot down some positive people. Jot down some positive situation. ( powerpoint
another discipline/societal
J. Additional activities concern) ways of dealing with each type of ways of dealing with each type of presentation)
for application and personality ( powerpoint personality. ( powerpoint
remediation presentation) presentation)

VI. REFLECTION  Most of the students are actively  Most of the students are actively Most of the students are actively
participate to the discussion participate to the discussion participate to the discussion and
share their opinion.

Prepared by: Checked: Noted:

HEAD TEACHER III School Principal IV

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