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School Putlod-San Jose NHS Learning Area & Level MAPEH 8 - ARTS

Teacher Menchie A. Paynor Section/s Acacia / Molave / Narra / Yakal / Canva

Daily Quarter I Teaching Time 7:30-8:20 / 9:40-10:30 / 10:30-11:20 / 1:00-1:50 / 2:40-3:30
Lesson Log Monday|Date: 10/3/2022 Tuesday|Date: 10/4/2022 Wed|Date: 10/5/2022 Thurs|Date: 10/6/2022 Fri|Date: 10/7/2022
I. Learning Targets/ Specific Objectives
 Arts elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
A. Content Standards
 Southeast Asian countries as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from prehistoric to present times
 The features of the arts of Southeast Asia by showing the relationship of the elements of arts and processes among culturally diverse communities in the region
The learner …
B. Performance Standards  Creates artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Southeast Asia
 Exhibits completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
The learner…..

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies

Create own design for Batik Create own design for Batik Create own design for Batik Create own design for Batik Create own design for Batik
Specific (Daily) Objective/s Cloth(Using available materials Cloth(Using available materials Cloth(Using available materials Cloth(Using available materials Cloth(Using available materials
Fabric/Fabric Design Fabric/Fabric Design Fabric/Fabric Design Fabric/Fabric Design Fabric/Fabric Design
II. Learning Content *Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and *Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and *Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and *Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore *Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam and Brunei and Brunei
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages pp. 170-173 pp. 170-173 pp. 170-173 pp. 174-177 pp. 174-177
3. Textbook Pp.
4. Additional Materials from LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Downloaded Video/Audio Downloaded Video/Audio Downloaded Video/Audio
A. Reviewing Elicit: Show pictures of different work of arts. Show pictures of different work of arts. Show pictures of different work of arts. Show pictures of different work of arts. Show pictures of different work of arts.
previous lesson (The activities in this section (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore
will evoke or draw out prior
or presenting the concepts or prior Vietnam) Vietnam) Vietnam) and Brunei) and Brunei)
experiences from the
new lesson students)

B. Establishing a Engage: Let the students answer the question: Let the students answer the question: Let the students answer the question: Batik Making Batik Making
(The activities in this section  What is Fabric?  What is Fabric?  What is Fabric?
purpose for the will stimulate their thinking
 Showing Pictures of  Showing Pictures of different  Showing Pictures of different
and help them access and
lesson connect prior knowledge as different kinds of fabrics kinds of fabrics using kinds of fabrics using
a jumpstart to the present
C. Presenting lesson.) using powerpoint powerpoint presentation, powerpoint presentation,
presentation, Let the students observe the pictures. Let the students observe the pictures.
examples/ Let the students observe the pictures.
instances of the
new lesson
Explore: The teacher will discuss the following: The teacher will discuss the following: The teacher will discuss the following: Explain the procedure in Batik Making Explain the procedure in Batik Making
(In this section, students will a. Silk fabric( Thai) a. Silk fabric( Laos) a. Silk fabric( Singapore) using own design using own design
D. Discussing new be given time to think, plan, b. Silk weaving in Cambodia b. Silk weaving in Vietnam b. Silk weaving in Brunei
concepts & investigate, and organize
collected information; or the c. Types of Cambodian Weaving c. Types of Cambodian Weaving c. Types of Cambodian Weaving
practicing new performance of the ( powerpoint presentation) ( powerpoint presentation) ( powerpoint presentation)
planned/prepared activities
skills from the students’ manual
with data gathering with
Guide Questions)

Explain: Activity : Showing different Batik design Activity : Showing different Batik design Activity : Showing different Batik design Activity : Showing different Batik design Picture identification whether it is:
(In this section, students will a. Batik Making applying design of a. Batik Making applying design of a. Batik Making using the elements and a. Batik Making using the elements and a. Malaysia Batik
be involved in an analysis of
their exploration. Their Southeast Asian Arts Southeast Asian Arts principles of design, the students will principles of design, the students will b. Indonesia Batik
understanding is clarified create an example of Laos women`s create an example of Laos women`s c. Singapore Batik
F. Developing and modified because of
Sihn using indigenous materials such Sihn using indigenous materials such
mastery reflective activities)/Analysis *The students` output will be graded
of the gathered data and
based on the rubric provided. as paper, magazine, plastics, old as paper, magazine, plastics, old ( 10 pictures will be presented to the
results and be able to
answer the Guide Questions clothes. clothes. class)
leading to the focus concept
or topic for the day.)

G. Finding practical The teacher will as the students how The teacher will as the students how The teacher will as the students how The teacher will as the students how The teacher will as the students how
applications of Elaborate: can they help in the preservation in this can they help in the preservation in this can they help in the preservation in this can they help in the preservation in this can they help in the preservation in this
(This section will give kind of art? kind of art? kind of art? kind of art? kind of art?
concepts and skills students the opportunity to
in daily living expand and
solidify/concretize their Question posted: Question posted: Question posted: Question posted:
H. Making understanding of the
What is the importance of arts in our What is the importance of arts in our What is the importance of arts in our What is the importance of arts in our
concept and/or apply it to a
generalizations real-world situation) daily life? daily life? daily life? daily life?
and abstraction
Evaluation: Short Quiz Short Quiz Batik Design Presentation Batik Design Presentation Short Quiz
(This section will provide
opportunities for concept
check test items and answer
I. Evaluating key which are aligned to the
learning objectives – content
Learning and performance standards
and address
misconceptions- if any)

Extend: Bring the art materials for batik making. Study the Southeast Asian Arts of
J. Additional activities
(This section gives situation Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos,
that explains the topic in a
Singapore, Brunei
for application and new context, or integrate it to
another discipline/societal
remediation concern)

VI. REFLECTION  189 out of 211 students are  191 out of 211 students are  Almost all of the students are
actively participate to the activity, actively participate to the activity, actively participate to the activity
12 students are absent and 10 15 students are absent and 5
shows unattentively. shows unattentively.
Prepared by: Checked: Noted:
HEAD TEACHER III School Principal IV

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