Project - Aids and Cancer

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AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a disease caused by the HIV virus. In this
condition, a person’s immune system becomes too weak to fight any kind of infection or disease.
AIDS is usually the last stage of HIV infection; a stage where the body can no longer defend itself
and thus spawns various diseases. AIDS, when untreated, leads to death.

AIDS is an advanced HIV infection or late-stage HIV. Someone with AIDS may develop a wide
range of health conditions like – pneumonia, thrush, fungal infections, TB, toxoplasmosis.
There is also an increased risk of developing a medical illness like cancer and brain illnesses.
CD4 count refers to the number of T-lymphocytes in a cubic millimetre of blood. A person may be
referred to as “AIDS-affected” when the CD4 count drops below 200 cells per cubic millimetre of
Also Read: Difference between AIDS and HIV

Symptoms of AIDS
As AIDS is a virus infection, the symptoms related to acute HIV infection can be similar to flu or
other viral illnesses, like –

• Fever
• Muscle & Joint Pain
• Chilis
• Headaches
• Sore throat
• Night Sweats
• Red rashes
• Mouth sores
• Tiredness
• Swollen lymph glands
• Weakness
• Weight Loss
• Diarrhoea
Symptoms of late-stage HIV infection may include –

• Blurred vision
• Persistent or Chronic Diarrhea
• Dry cough
• Fever of above 37 degrees Centigrade (100 degrees Fahrenheit)
• Night Sweats
• Permanent tiredness
• Shortness of breath
• Swollen glands lasting for weeks
• Weight loss
• White spots on the tongue or mouth

Cure for AIDS

There is no specific or perfect cure for AIDS, but with proper diagnosis, treatment and support,
one can fight it and live a relatively healthy and happy life. One needs to take treatment correctly
and deal with any possible side-effects.
Medicines are used to stop the virus from multiplying. One major treatment for HIV/AIDS is
called antiretroviral therapy (ART).

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases of human beings and is a major cause of
death all over the world. Normal cells show a property called contact inhibition by
virtue of which contact with other cells inhibit their uncontrolled growth. Cancer cells
lost this property.

Normal Cells Cancer Cells

Cancer cells have a large

variety of sizes and shapes
Normal cells have The nucleuses have irregular
uniform shapes and sizes structure and have relatively
small cytoplasm.

Cells stop dividing when too

much of its kind are present.
These cells grow and divide
in a controlled manner and
follow a predictable life
Cancer cells don’t stop
Reproduction growing resulting to
and Cell Death appearance of a tumor ( a
Normal cells undergo the
cluster of mutant cells)
process of apoptosis – self
destruction if they detect
abnormalities and damage
in their organelles.

Normal cells communicate

Cancer cells do not
Communication with each other for proper
communicate with each other

Cancer cells lose the

molecules that keep cells
These cells have external bonded together.
Adhesion and
membranes that allow them These cells have the ability to
to bond with other cells. invade or spread to other
parts of the body by
travelling through the blood
stream or the lymphatic
system – metastasis.

Cancer cells do not mature,

and undergo apoptosis.
Normal cells start out as Instead these cells become
immature cells and mature immature overtime.
with certain specialized Cancer cells are primitive and
functions. they don’t have specialized

Normal cells recognize Cancer cells don’t recognize

Signal signals. They know when signals. Hence these cells
Recognition there are enough new cells erratically reproduce mutated
and stops dividing. cells.

Cancerous cells continue to divide giving rise to masses of cells called tumors. There
are two kind so tumors-

(a) Benign tumors

(b) Malignant tumors

Benign Tumor Malignant Tumor

1. It remains confined to the 1. It also spreads to other organs of

affected organ. the body.

2. Rate of growth is usually slow. 2. Rate of growth is usually rapid.

3. There is no latent stage. 3. There is latent stage.

4. It causes limited damage to 4. The cancer cells migrate to other

the body. sites of the body.

5. There is no metastasis. 5. There is metastasis.

6. It is non-cancerous. 6. It is cancerous.
Causes of cancer – cancerous neoplastic cell may be induced by physical, chemical
and biological agents called carcinogens. Cancer causing viruses called oncogenic
virus have gene called viral oncogenes. Several genes called cellular oncogenes (c-
onc) or proto oncogenes have been identified in normal cells which, when activated
under certain conditions, could lead to oncogenic transformation of the cells.

Cancer detection and diagnosis-cancer detection is based on biopsy and

histopathological study of the tissues, blood and bone marrow test for increased cell
counts. Radiography, CT (computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance
imaging) are very useful to cancers of internal organs.

Treatment of Cancer-

1. Surgical – cancerous tissues are surgically removed.

2. Radiotherapy – tumor cells are irradiated lethally by radiation.
3. Chemotherapy – drugs are used to kill cancerous cells, but shows side effects
like hair loss, anemia, etc.
4. Immunotherapy – patients are given with alpha-interferon which activate their
immune system and help in destroying the tumor

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