How Is An Appendectomy Performed

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How Is an Appendectomy Performed?

There are two types of appendectomy: open and laparoscopic. The type of surgery your
doctor chooses depends on several factors, including the severity of your appendicitis
and your medical history.

Open Appendectomy

During an open appendectomy, a surgeon makes one incision in the lower right side of
your abdomen. Your appendix is removed and the wound is closed with stiches. This
procedure allows your doctor to clean the abdominal cavity if your appendix has burst.

Your doctor may choose an open appendectomy if your appendix has ruptured and the
infection has spread to other organs. It’s also the preferred option for people who have
had abdominal surgery in the past.

Laparoscopic Appendectomy

During a laparoscopic appendectomy, a surgeon accesses the appendix through a few

small incisions in your abdomen. A small, narrow tube called a cannula will then be
inserted. The cannula is used to inflate your abdomen with carbon dioxide gas. This gas
allows the surgeon to see your appendix more clearly.

Once the abdomen is inflated, an instrument called a laparoscope will be inserted

through the incision. The laparoscope is a long, thin tube with a high-intensity light and a
high-resolution camera at the front. The camera will display the images on a screen,
allowing the surgeon to see inside your abdomen and guide the instruments. When the
appendix is found, it will be tied off with stiches and removed. The small incisions are
then cleaned, closed, and dressed.

Laparoscopic surgery is usually the best option for older adults and people who are
overweight. It has fewer risks than an open appendectomy procedure, and generally has
a shorter recovery time.

Why Is an Appendectomy Performed?

An appendectomy is often done to remove the appendix when an infection has made it
inflamed and swollen. This condition is known as appendicitis. The infection may occur
when the opening of the appendix becomes clogged with bacteria and stool. This causes
your appendix to become swollen and inflamed.
The easiest and quickest way to treat appendicitis is to remove the appendix. Your
appendix could burst if appendicitis isn’t treated immediately and effectively. If the
appendix ruptures, the bacteria and fecal particles within the organ can spread into your
abdomen. This may lead to a serious infection called peritonitis. You can also develop an
abscess if your appendix ruptures. Both are life-threatening situations that require
immediate surgery.

Symptoms of appendicitis include:

stomach pain that starts suddenly near the belly button and spreads to the lower right
side of the abdomen
abdominal swelling
rigid abdominal muscles
constipation or diarrhea
loss of appetite
low-grade fever

Although pain from appendicitis typically occurs in the lower right side of the abdomen,
pregnant women may have pain in the upper right side of the abdomen. This is because
the appendix is higher during pregnancy.

What Are the Risks of an Appendectomy?

An appendectomy is a fairly simple and common procedure. However, there are some
risks associated with the surgery, including:

injury to nearby organs
blocked bowels

It’s important to note that the risks of an appendectomy are much less severe than the
risks associated with untreated appendicitis. An appendectomy needs to be done
immediately to prevent abscesses and peritonitis from developing.

What Happens After an Appendectomy?

When the appendectomy is over, you’ll be observed for several hours before you’re
released from the hospital. Your vital signs, such your breathing and heart rate, will be
monitored closely. Hospital staff will also check for any adverse reactions to the
anesthesia or the procedure.

The timing of your release will depend on:

your overall physical condition

the type of appendectomy performed
your body’s reaction to the surgery

In some cases, you may have to remain in the hospital overnight.

You may be able to go home the same day as the surgery if your appendicitis wasn’t
severe. A family member or friend will need to drive you home if you received general
anesthesia. The effects of general anesthesia usually take several hours to wear off, so it
can be unsafe to drive after the procedure.

In the days following the appendectomy, you may feel moderate pain in the areas where
incisions were made. Any pain or discomfort should improve within a few days. Your
doctor may prescribe medication to relieve the pain. They might also prescribe
antibiotics to prevent an infection after surgery. You can further reduce your risk for
infection by keeping the incisions clean. You should also watch for signs of infection,
which include:

redness and swelling around the incision

fever above 101°F
loss of appetite
stomach cramps
diarrhea or constipation that lasts for more than two days

Although there’s a small risk of infection, most people recover from appendicitis and an
appendectomy with little difficulty. Full recovery from an appendectomy takes about four
to six weeks. During this time, your doctor will probably recommend that you limit
physical activity so your body can heal. You’ll need to attend a follow-up appointment
with your doctor within two to three weeks after the appendectomy.

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