Atypical Grading Update Feb 2022

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Scenario Procedure

Score as Repeat, with a clear message in the feedback

as to why. 'I am sorry you had to leave the class early
Student leaves an Encounter early/suddenly without and could not complete all activities. Please contact
1 any visible/confirmed tech issues and doesn't return. your center to rebook the Encounter.'
Student leaves OCC or OSC early/suddenly without any
2 visible/confirmed tech issues and doesn't return. Score as attended
Student enters class and informs the teacher they have
already completed the Encounter. Student decides to
3 leave the class. No-show
Student enters class and informs the teacher they have
already completed the OCC/OSC. Student decides to
4 leave the class. Attended: no
Student enters class and informs the teacher they have
already completed the Encounter/OSC/OCC. Student Score the Encounter according to their actual
5 decides to stay in the class. performance. CC/SC: Attended: Yes
Repeat: The Student should be informed that as the
class is already underway, they are welcome to stay
but will need to repeat the Encounter where they will
Student enters an Encounter late and misses some receive the grades for the unit. Same scoring
6 activities. procedure as a Student who did not complete MM
Student enters an OSC/OCC late and misses some Mark as attended. The student should be encouraged
7 activities. to participate as normal from arrival.
If Encounter: Tech: Student. The Student should be
informed that as they have missed some activities,
they are welcome to stay but will need to repeat the
Student misses a few activities due to tech issues, but Encounter where they will receive the grades for the
decides to stay in the class and completes the unit. Same scoring procedure as a Student who did not
8 subsequent activities. complete MM. If CC/SC, mark as attended
The Teacher should wait 55 minutes, in case a Student
got the time wrong or had tech issues. However (for
Encounter), if a Student joins the class more than 15
minutes late the Teacher should explain they can do
the class, but as they will not be able to complete it all,
they will need to repeat (same scoring procedure as 6
above). If they decide to leave, no-show. If CC/SC and
No students arrive for the lesson (how long should student is alone, the Teacher should start the class
9 teacher wait?) when the Student joined and mark as attended.
Repeat, with a clear message in the feedback as to
Student tells the teacher that they are leaving an why. I am sorry you had to leave the class early and
Encounter/OSC/OCC due to a personal could not complete all activities. Please contact your
10 appointment/commitment/emergency. center to rebook the Encounter.
Teacher to politely request that the Student not be
assisted by anybody else. If the help is causing
disruption to any other Students, a firm warning can be
given, and if severely disruptive, with no change of
behaviour once requested, the expel function can be
used. If the help is not causing disruption to other
Students, score the Student according to what they
say, and then report the issue to us. Encouraging
A student has someone audibly helping them with Students to turn on their video should reduce the
11 answers. number of these cases.
Ask them to join on separate devices. If that is not
possible, only the Student whose account they have
accessed from should stay in the class. Ask the other
Two students join from the same device (they are both Student to rebook and contact the center if they have
booked for the lesson and have separate profiles on issues with joining from their own device. Please infirm
12 dashboard) us.
Ask them to leave the class as they do not have a
booking for that class, and cannot join from another
13 A student attends using an account that is not theirs. Student's account.
Only if the attendee has confirmed they are not the
Student, ask them to leave the class as only Students
can take classes. If they refuse, the expel button can be
used. Important note: some territories sell courses to
children so please be sure that they tell you they are
14 A child attends on a family member's account. not the Student before taking this action
Student enters lesson and does not communicate at all.
Stays for entire lesson without speaking or replying to
15 messages. Repeat and please report the issue to us.
If Encounter and not enough of the activity was
completed to assess section 4 effectively, the class
should be marked as Technology: Students. If some of
Student leaves the class/experiences tech issues at the section 4 was assessed but assessment was not
end of the lesson (only misses a section of the 4.0 completed, the Teacher should use their discretion in
16 activity) grading.
The Teacher should ask the Student why they do not
want to take part. If the Student says they are a WSE
Staff member, please advise them that they only
Students can attend classes, and ask them to contact
their Service Manager. We must be informed of this. If
it is a Student, s/he should be told they need to take
part if they stay in the class and that they have a choice
Student informs teacher they will only be listening to whether to stay and participate, or leave and rebook. If
17 the Encounter/OSC/OCC. no response is given, pass to no. 15 above.
Student enters Encounter and informs the teacher that
they are meant to be in another unit (for example they
thought they had booked unit 9, but are in a unit 10 They should leave the class and rebook. Score is no-
18 class). Chooses to leave vs chooses to stay? show.

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