Chapter-2 Template

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This chapter presents a review of studies and literature related to the objectives of

the study of the effects of having a major subject of former SPA student on choosing a

strand in senior high school.

Personality as a factor on affecting an individual’s decision

As stated by Holland (1996) in his theory of vocational personalities and work

environment, “People tend to act on their dominant interests and seek occupation in

which their interests can be expressed.” According to Holland’s theory of career choice,

there are six types of personality of an individual and is represented by the six point of

hexagon which are, it was his theory of vocational course through the RIASEC code.

Holland explains that there are different types of job and personalities which are

Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional, which explains

the fact that the personality can affect an individual’s choice.

First, realistic individuals are called the ‘do-er’, they sees themselves as practical,

realistic and mechanical, they are individuals who often do physical task, typical realistic

careers include electrician, engineer, veterinarian and the military, in senior high the

strand that is most aligned in this is STEM, HUMSS, and EMI. Second, the

investigative, investigative individuals see themselves precise, scientific, and intellectual,

they involve on a task that requires an excessive amount of thinking, and hence they lack

on persuasiveness and do not enjoy leadership positions. Typical investigative careers

include medical technologist, biologist, chemist, and system analysis; these types of

career are aligned on STEM, a strand in shs. Third, the artistic, artistic individuals see

themselves expressive, independent, and original. They are involve working with form,

designs and patterns. Typical artistic careers include musician, theatre artist, and interior

decorator; these types of careers are usually inclined on a strand in shs- Arts and Design.

Forth, the social, socialistic individuals see themselves helping, training and providing

service to others, they would prefer working with a team. Typical social careers include

teacher, counselor and social worker; these types of career are usually aligned on a strand

HUMSS in shs. Fifth, enterprising, enterprising individuals see themselves as energetic,

ambitious and sociable and enjoys leadership role. Typical enterprising careers are

salesperson, business executive and manager; these types of career are most likely seen in

ABM, a strand in shs. Last, the conventional, conventional individuals see themselves

careful, organised and effective; they are responsible but hesitant to take any leadership

roles. Typical conventional careers are secretary, accountant and banker; these types of

career are usually aligned with ABM, a strand in shs.

Holland’s theory aims to categories people according to what type of work they

are most interested in and then categories occupations under the same scheme to measure

their congruence.

History of K-12 in the Philippines

According to Psychological Association of the Philippines, The K-12 program of

the Department of Education (2013), the Department of Education has in the past years

been working towards the implementation of the k-12 program that is designed to

“provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and

prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment,

and entrepreneurship.”

The extension of basic education, aims to boost the quality of the education in the

Philippines. The k-12 program is described to have six salient features: 1) strengthening

early childhood education through universal kindergarten, 2) making the curriculum

relevant to learners, 3) ensuring integrated and seamless learning, 4) building proficiency

through use of mother tongue based multilingual education, 5) provision of career tracks

and 6) nurturing holistically developed Filipino.

In 2011, the Department of Education (DepEd) administered a shift to afresh

learning scheme- the K to 12 basic education program. Many people were hesitant to this

new education system. Each student who is going to be a senior high student can choose

among four tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; Arts and Design; and

sports and arts. The academic track are composed of three strands: Accountancy and

Business Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS); and Science,

Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM). Students undergo immersion, which

may give them a new ideas and learning, it will also provide a relevant exposure and

actual experience in their chosen track.

Different strands offered in senior high school (SHS)

The K-12 track and strand aims to help every student to master their skills and

learning, after taking senior high school, they are prepared for some opportunities in

higher education and taking a job. Every student has different types and levels of

intelligence, abilities and passion.


According to (2019), K-12 has 4 tracks that indicate the suitable

strands for the ability and passion of each student. The academic track that is composed

of 4 strands: General Academic Strand (GAS); Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS); Accountancy and Business Management (ABM); and Science, Technology,

Mathematics (STEM). First, General Academic Strand (GAS), it is a strand for students

who are still undecided on what strand are they going to choose in shs, the subjects taken

by GAS students are: Humanities, Social Sciences, Applied economics and Organization

Management. Second strand is Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), this strand is

designed for students who are good at communication skills. There are various

professions that are inclined in this strand, such as teacher, psychologist, journalist,

lawyer, reporter and social worker. Third is Science, Technology, Engineering,

Mathematics (STEM) is a strand suitable for students that are interested in terms of

problem solving and discovering solutions on a specific problem. STEM is for building

prototypes and robots, crunching numbers, analysing the ways of life and all things that

are technologically related. Most common professions aligned in this strand are doctors,

scientists, engineers, and dentist. Last in Academic Track is Accountancy, Business

Management (ABM), this strand is fitted for students who are interested in managing

business, sales and solving accounts. Most common professions that are offered in this

strand are human resources, marketing director, project officer and accounting clerk.

The second track is the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL), this rack offers

being equip with job-ready skills in the future. This track is suitable for students who are

not yet sure if they are going to pursue a degree in college. TVL track is composed of 4

different strands namely the: Agri-Fishery, Home Economics, Industrial Art and

Information Communication Technology (ICT). First, the Agri-fishery strand, it is

designed for hands-on learning application of skills that are related to agriculture and

aquaculture. Second, Home Economics, it offers various specializations that can lead to

livelihood projects at home. Third, Industrial Arts, this strand provides knowledge on

carpentry, automotive servicing, driving, electronics repair, electrical installation,

welding, plumbing, and tile setting. Last is Information and Communications Technology

(ICT), this strand is for students who are interested in computers and technology. Under

this strand, they will be encouraged to utilize information and communication

technological tools to contextualize, collaborate, and create experiences for learning in

this professional strand.

The third track in senior high school is Sports Track; it aims to give understanding

of the basic principles and techniques in relation to physical education and recreation.

Professions that are related in this track are fitness trainers, game officials, tournament

manager, recreation attendant, and masseur or gym instructor.

The last track is Arts and Design; this track will prepare students as they wander

around the design, performative and creative industry. What this track aims is to get a

career in the creative field after they graduate. Breaking the stereotype that is there’s no

career offered in this industry. This strand will exposed the student on various form of

media such as architecture, interior design, industrial design, graphic design, animation,

painting, fashion design, photography and film.

Career Guidance and Counselling


Career guidance and counselling basically consists of four basic elements: 10

helping individuals to gain greater self-awareness in areas such as interests, values,

abilities, personality style, 2) connecting students to resources so that they can become

more knowledgeable about jobs and occupations, 3) engaging students in the decision-

making process in order to choose a career path that is well suited to their own interests,

values, abilities and personality style, and 4) assisting individuals to be active managers

of their career paths (including managing transitions and balancing various life roles) as

well as becoming a lifelong learners in the sense of professional development over the

lifespan (UNESCO, 2002).

As stated by Wiggins and McTighe (1998), the three major direct delivery

components of career guidance counselling are the guidance curriculum, individual

student planning, and responsive services. It provides students with needed knowledge,

skills and attitudes. Individual student planning focuses on ensuring that all students

develop and use personal plans for study. Career guidance and counselling is necessary

for today’s students who are more than ever ‘motivated but directionless’ (Schneider and

Stevenson, 1999). It is essential for students who are still having a hard time on deciding

what will be their chosen career in the future. It will help them boost their boost their

morale and confidence and give new directions to the students which will be beneficial

for the whole society.

Special Program in the Arts (SPA)

In 2020, Department of Education (DepEd) initiate a program named Special

Program in the Arts. It offers in every public elementary and secondary high school with

four (4) years in Junior High majoring their art subject. In secondary high school Special

Program in the Arts will be offered on the upcoming grade seven (7) students to be part

of the program. (DepEd of Batangas, 2017) Special Program in the arts gives talented

students a chance to enhance their talents in different fields.

Special Program in the Arts covers six (6) art fields that may suit to every art

related students based on their passion. The six (6) art fields are equally categorized by

Performing Arts and Arts Production. The first category is Performing Arts consists the

art fields of Music, Dance and Theatre Arts. The second is Arts Production that

composed of Visual Arts, Creative Writing and Media Arts. Those six (6) art fields were

engaged by chosen students that had been through a lot of process before they considered

as part of the program. Together with the day of enrolment for upcoming secondary

students the application for SPA is to and offers to the students what SPA program is up

to and how these promote and gain more artistic student. The students have to be in the

processed first had to take Fill up form to have an background information’s for the

applicants. Second, Examination for assessment followed by Checking of Form 138 to

see if they reach the said required grade and lastly the Audition for their chosen art fields

they write on the form.

Special Program in the Arts aims to promote art and trained skilled students with

talent to give them confidence to show what they have. Art Education and Programs are

very beneficial to every starting student to see the happiness in the world of art. This

aspiring student will promote and still continue the art and culture of its nation. Berliner

(2011) explained that the loss of art in the current high-stakes testing environment is

problematic (p. 291). Berliner (2011) argued that the arts provide an alternative means to

view reality, expand the way students perceive the world, and often has immediately

unobservable benefits for the workers in a market economy (p. 291).


As time goes by, an individual’s mind is changing, and every factor can affect an

individual’s decision. There are different factors that affect an individual’s decision such

as personality, interest and passion.

There are different types of personality of an individual; it was explained by the

representation of six different type of personality of a man through the RIASEC code.

According to Holland (1996), a man can work through his dominant interest and can

choose a job wherein an individual can expressed his passion and interest. Holland stated

that there are different types of job which are: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic,

Enterprising and Conventional.

Different strand choices can make a student confused, especially if a student has

a major subject on JHS and a passion which an individual would like to pursue, but there

are questions on an individual’s mind on what to choose between passion and

practicality. This study aims to give guidance on students who are still confuse on what

strand will they choose in shs.


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