Classroom Facilitation Plan Mattea Juengel
Classroom Facilitation Plan Mattea Juengel
Classroom Facilitation Plan Mattea Juengel
Mattea Juengel
Statement Purpose: I firmly believe that the best way to keep a classroom in order is to
have an engaging lesson plan. Students should be facilitated in meaningful mathematical
discussion and discovery that allows them to generate a genuine understanding of
underlying mathematical principals. In order for me to best facilitate these kinds of
discussions and activities, there are some rules and procedures that I feel will help things
run much smoother.
Classroom Rules:
1. All students in the classroom will conduct themselves in a *respectful and
professional manner during all times to all members of the learning community.
2. iPods/music players and cell phones are not permitted in class.
3. Students are not permitted to eat or sleep during class.
*On the first day of class, students will brainstorm a list of what it means to act in a
respectful and professional manner in order to clearly communicate expectations to be
followed by ALL members of the classroom, including the teacher.
Using the Restroom: Students who wish to use the restroom during class should wait to
ask during times that will not disrupt the lesson unless it is an EMERGENCY. No passes
will be given during the last 10 minutes of class. School policy will dictate the use of
Calling Class to Attention: I enjoy teaching very much and I want to keep it that way.
Yelling and talking over students is irritating and makes teaching less enjoyable for me.
Luckily, I have cultivated great patience over the years. In order to call class to attention,
I use the verbal cue, “I’m waiting for you to stop talking so I can (state what I want to do
next)”. I often accompany this with a wave or put my hand up in the air. Then, I simply
wait for students to stop talking and turn their attention to the front of the class. If
students still do not respond I restate, “I’m still waiting for you to stop talking so I can
(state what I want to do next)”. If I notice particular students are still talking or are the
primary source, I call on them specifically and ask them for their attention. Students who
are particularly disruptive will be asked to wait in the hall until I can get the class started
on something productive. I then address the student individually, as stated in the
consequences portion of my plan.
Obtaining a Writing Utensil: Students who do not have a writing utensil for class are
encouraged to ask fellow classmates to borrow one. Those students, who are unable to
locate one, may purchase one from Ms. Juengel or may borrow one in exchange for
collateral of significant value.
Class Assessments: On days where assessments are given, students should remain quiet
for the entire testing period. Once a student finishes their assessment, it should be turned
in to the designated area. If a student finishes early, they must find something to do that
will not distract those who are still finishing the assessment. Ms. Juengel reserves the
right to take away points from the assessment if a student is disruptive even after they
have turned it in.
Making up Class Assignments: If for some reason a student misses a day of class, they
are responsible for collecting and submitting work they miss from that day. Handouts
passes out on throughout the week will be kept at a central location and available for
student access. All homework assignments from that day must be turned in within the
number of days the student was absent for. For example, if a student was missing for two
consecutive days, they will have two days to turn in any assignments missing form those
days. Any assessments missed during that day must be re-scheduled at a time negotiated
with Ms. Juengel. Students will not be allowed to miss class in order to make up
Grade Inquiries: All students wishing to inquire about their grade should do so before or
after class, via email, or submitted in writing to be answered later. Questions about
grades made during class will not be answered.
**Ms. Juengel reserves the right to change any and all procedures in order to improve the
learning environment. This may be changed due to teacher observation or student
suggestion. Students will be encouraged to answer the question, “What can Ms. Juengel
do to help you succeed in her class?” in order to improve the learning environment.
Rewards and Consequences:
Although earning an excellent grade in a class is a great reward in and of itself, I do try to
keep students motivated to continue positive behavior through positive reinforcement. I
verbally thank the student and specifically state why I am thanking them. For example, if
a student is ready to take notes when asked I will say, “Thank you, (student name), for
having everything out and ready to take notes.” Students who share solutions or ideas
with the class on a voluntary basis may also receive a round of applause from everyone in
the class. When students score well on assessments or participate productively in class,
particularly those who are making improvements, I make calls home to their parent or
guardian to share the good news. For those parents who request it, I also like to
communicate via email on their student’s progress.
Many schools have a procedure to follow for student infractions; however, I do try to
handle as much as possible within my own classroom walls. For students who behave in
a manner unbecoming of a good student, I first give them a verbal warning. For those
who repeat negative behaviors, I chat with them individually after class briefly and ask
them if there is anything I can do to help them behave more productively in my
classroom. With many students who continue to struggle, I try to set up an individualized
plan to help them. For example, I had a student who repeatedly fell asleep in my class.
After talking with him, we made the agreement that if he started feeling tired, he could go
to the back of the classroom and stand at the back wall until he felt he could stay awake.
I like giving students choices with respect to consequences and encourage them to take an
active part in their education. For students who are uncooperative or seem to have great
difficulty, I make contact with a parent or guardian and ask about the possibility of
working together to help their student succeed in my class. This addresses most
problems within the classroom. For more serious offenses, I would work with the
corresponding administrator in order to get that student working towards being a
productive member of class.
Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity means that the student completes the academic to the best of their
ability. Any student who copies assignments from other student, or lets another student
copy his or her assignment will receive no credit for that assignment. Academic integrity
also means that students will not cheat on quizzes and exams. Plagiarism will not be
tolerated under any circumstances. When writing a paper, students should give credit
where credit is due by citing sources properly. Any student found being academically
dishonest, will receive NO CREDIT for the particular assignment and any further action
deemed necessary by Ms. Juengel and the administration staff.