Anwaarul Bashaarah

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The document discusses the etiquettes and laws pertaining to Hajj and visiting Madinah based on the teachings of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan.

The main sections covered include the etiquettes of travel, laws of Ihram, Tawaf and Safa Marwah, Wuquf in Arafat and Muzdalifah, offenses and penalties, and visiting Madinah.

Some of the etiquettes mentioned include sending salams to the Green Dome whenever in sight of Madinah, avoiding facing your back towards the Prophet's grave, and standing in prayer such that your back does not face the grave.


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By Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan

Translated through the Blessings of
Ghaus-ul-Waqt Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind

by a humble servant of ALLAH
Muhammad Afthab Cassim al-Qaadiri Razvi Noori

Published for


Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre
Durban (South Africa)

No part of this publication may be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying or otherwise without the prior
permission of the Copyright Owner.

Number of Copies : 5000 copies
Islamic Date : Jamaadil Aakhir 1432
English Date : June 2011

Author: Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan
Translator: Muhammad Afthab Cassim al- Qaadiri

ISBN 978-0-9870100-0-1

The Publishers
Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre
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Ummat. Knowledge is Power!


Dua 4

Foreword 5

Translators Note

Original Introduction 7

SECTION 1: The Etiquettes of travelling & an
Introduction to Hajj 9

SECTION 2: The Laws of Ehraam &
Entrance into Haram-e-Makkah 23

SECTION 3: Tawaaf & Safa, Marwah 42

SECTION 4: Departure to Mina & Wuqoof-e-Arafat 66

SECTION 5: Departure to Mina and Muzdalifa &
all other Actions of Hajj 79

SECTION 6: Offences & Penalties 97

SECTION 7: The Blessed Visit to Madinatul Munawwara, 113
The City of Rasoolullah


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It is indeed a pleasure to know that the superb
knowledgeable work of my great grandfather Imam
Ahmed Raza Barelvi with the name of Anwar ul
Bashara fi Masael e Hajj Wal Ziarah has been
translated into English by Maulana Aftab Qasim.

It was also told to me that Asif Patel and Shiraz Abdul
Majid are publishing this book and distributing it
among Ahl e Sunnah.

I commend this effort and pray that May Allah
Tabarak wa Taala accept this endeavour by them.


By: Muhadith-e-Kabeer Hazrat Allama Maulana
Zia-ul-Mustapha Saahib Al Qaadiri Razvi Noori

Alhumdulillah, in the present time, due to an excess of wealth, and
the comforts of travelling, many people travel regularly to
Haramain Sharifain for Hajj and Umrah, but due to their limited
knowledge concerning Hajj, Umrah and Ziyaarat-e-Tayyibah, they
are forced to face many unforeseen difficulties. Not only do they
face numerous difficulties, but more so, many of the so called
guides, make the Hajj and Umrah of so many people either
Makruh or invalid, due to their ignorance

Initially, Respected Janaab Alhaj Muhammad Saleh Peerji (alaihir
rahma) of Noori Book Depot drew my attention to the fact, that
there are many authentic books such as Bahaar e Shariat and
Anwaarul Bashaarah to assist the Urdu speaking public in fulfilling
their needs of Hajj , but nothing is properly available to those who
read English, and thus there is a need for a simple book on this
topic. It was thus decided that Anwaarul Bashaarah which is the
well explained handbook by Mujad'did-e-Deen-o-Millat A'la Hazrat
Imam Ahmed Raza Khan , should be translated into the English
language to benefit the English speaking Muslims. The book deals
with the laws and etiquettes etc. of Hajj and Ziyaarah.

This idea was still fresh in our minds, that it was our destiny, in
Ramadan 1415 - February 1995, when both Peerji and I visited
South Africa for service of Deen. It was through our good fortune
that we met with the young Faadil, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad

Afthab Qaadiri Razvi who has compiled numerous books in the
English language. Thus, the both of us requested Maulana Afthab
to translate Anwaarul Bashaarah into English. Alhumdulillah, he
immediately commenced this assignment, and within seven to
eight days, he translated the book into the English language.

Observing the dedicated effort of Maulana Afthab, it can be
ascertained that he is a hard working, and dedicated person,
aligned to knowledge. He also has full authority of the conduct of
language and writing. May Almighty Allah shower him with His
Mercy, and may he be rewarded immensely, when all others will
read and gain benefit from this book. Aameen

Allama Zia ul Mustapha Qaadiri

Translators Note

All praise is due to Almighty Allah. Peace and Salutations upon
the most Exalted and Glorified of Allahs creation, Hazrat
Muhammad .

I was initially requested to translate the distinguished book,
Anwaarul Bashaarah of Mujad'did-e-Azam Sayyidi Aala Hazrat
Imam Ahmed Raza Khan into English, by His Eminence, The
Great Sea of Knowledge and Wisdom, The Great Teacher of
Hadith, Muhadith-e-Kabeer Allama Zia-ul-Mustapha Al Qaadiri
and Haji Mohammed Saleh (alias) Peerji (alaihir rahma) in 1995.
Not taking the words of Muhadith-e-Kabeer as a mere request, but
as a command (since the request of the elders is equal to their
command), I placed my trust in Almighty Allah and in the Mercy of
the Holy Prophet , and with my limited knowledge, I commenced
the translation of Anwaarul Bashaarah. By the Grace of Almighty
Allah, the Karam of the Holy Prophet , and the blessings of
Sarkaar-e-Ghaus-e-Azam, Sayyiduna A'la Hazrat and Sarkaar
Mufti-e-Azam Hind , I completed the translation of
this book within 8 days. This I believe is also the blessing of
commencing the translation in the Holy month of Ramadan-ul-

The first edition was first published in 2003. The second Edition is
now before you. This translation has been revised to remove any
earlier weaknesses or shortcomings, and the actual Arabic text
has also been added in for the benefit of those who wish to read
the Duas in the actual Arabic text.


I pray that Almighty Allah through the Waseela of the Prophet
accepts this humble effort, in His Most High Court, and I hope that
it will benefit all those who read it. I would also like to request all of
you who read this book and get the opportunity to visit Madina
Tayyibah, to convey my humble salutations to the Holy Prophet
in Madinatul Munawwara. If any errors or shortcomings are found
in the translation, please inform me of this, so that changes can
be made. It must also be noted what where ever in the book there
is mention of Namaaz behind the Imam etc. it refers to an Imam
being Sunni Sahihul Aqida.

I would finally like to thank all those who have assisted in any way
possible in making this publication a success.

Muhammad Afthab Cassim al-Qaadiri Razvi Noori
Jamaadil Aakhir 1432/June 2011


The Etiquettes of Travelling & an
Introduction to Hajj

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.-. .. Below we are presenting a few words of
guidance to the Hujjaaj. Most of the information
being presented below has been extracted from the
distinguished book Jawaahirul Bayaan Shareef by
Khaatim-ul-Muhaqqiqeen, Our Leader, Maulana
Maulvi Muhammad Naqi Ali Khan Saheb Qaadiri

On the 3rd of Shawwal 1329 Hijri Janaab Sayyid
Muhammad Ahsan Saheb Barelvi mentioned to this
humble servant, Ahmed Raza Qaadiri .`, that he
intended journeying for Hajj on the 10th of Shawwal.
He further mentioned that many people are going for
Hajj, and he requested that the laws and etiquettes
pertaining to Hajj should be written and published. On

the command of the respected Sayyid Saheb, I have
very speedily written these few lines. I am hopeful
that Almighty Allah will accept this humble effort
through the blessing of the Sadaat-e-Kiraam
(Sayyids), and afford the Muslims the opportunity to
benefit from this. Aameen

1. If you owe someone (money etc.) or if you have in
your possession any of their possessions which have
been entrusted to you, be sure to return them. If you
have unjustly taken any wealth (etc) belonging to
someone else, then return it to them or have it
pardoned. If (the person) cannot be located, then give
the same amount to a poor person.

2. Be sure to discharge all the Namaaz, Fasts and
Zakaat etc; (Those Ibaadat which are obligatory upon
you) and repent sincerely for omitting them.

3. Acquire permission from those without whose
permission to travel is Makruh (disliked), such as ones
mother, father and husband. If you are in debt to
someone and you are not presently able to pay him,
then attain his permission as well. However, even if
permission is not granted, one is still allowed to make
Hajj. It will not hinder one from performing Hajj if
someone refuses him permission. One should try to

the best of ones ability to attain permission, but if it is
not attained, one should still go ahead and perform the

4. The intention for this journey should be solely for
the sake of Allah and His Rasool .

5. If a females husband or another reliable adult
Mahram, with whom Nikah is forbidden forever, is
not present, then it is haraam for her to journey
without the Mahram. If she still goes for Hajj then
(the Obligation) of Hajj will be discharged, but sin
will be recorded for every step she has taken.

6. Provisions for Hajj should be made from Halaal
wealth; if not there is no prospect of the Hajj being
accepted, even though the obligation of Hajj will be

7. Extra provisions should be carried with, to assist
friends, and to distribute amongst the poor and needy.
This is a sign Hajj-e-Mabroor (An accepted Hajj).

8. Carry a basic book on Fiqh which will suffice in
regards to ones needs. If this is not available, one
should go in the company of an Aalim. If even this is
not possible then at least carry this booklet with you.

9. Keep a mirror, surmah, comb and Miswak with
you, as to keep these items on a journey is Sunnah.

10. Do not travel alone as this is disallowed. Your
travelling companion should be a Religious person.
However, it is better to travel alone than to travel in
the company of an irreligious person.

11. It has been mentioned in the Hadith that if 3
people go on a journey, one from amongst them
should be appointed as a leader (ref: Mishkaat). By
doing this, everything will be done systematically.
The person appointed as the leader should be of good
character, able and Religious (pious). He should give
preference to the comfort of his companions over his
own comfort.

12. When departing on your journey, meet with family
and friends and request them to forgive your
shortcomings. It is necessary for them to forgive you
with their hearts. It is mentioned in the Hadith that it
is compulsory to forgive and accept the apology of a
Muslim brother who asks for forgiveness. If one does
not forgive him, he will not be permitted to go near

13. When departing, take the Duas of all those around
you, as you will attain blessing by doing this.

14. When departing, entrust their Deen, lives,
children, wealth and health with Almighty Allah. In
other words, leave them totally in the care of Allah.
15. Before departing, wear the clothing which you
intend to use on this journey. Thereafter perform 4
Rakaats of Nafil Namaaz in your home before
leaving. Recite Surah Faateha and Surah Ikhlas
(Alhumdu and Qulhuwallah) in each Rakaat. These 4
Rakaats will protect your family and belongings until
your return.

16. Always try to travel on a Thursday, Saturday or a
Monday, and it is more virtuous to travel in the
morning. For those upon whom there is Jummah
Salaah, it is not preferable for them to travel on a
Friday before Jummah Salaah.

17. When leaving your home first read:









Bismillahi Wa Aamantu Billahi Wa Tawakaltu alal
laahi Wa La Hawla Wa La Quwwata iI'la Billahi.
Allahumma In'na Naoozubika Min An Nazil'la Aw
Nadilla Aw Nudalla Aw Nazlima Aw Nuzlama Aw
Najhala Aw Yajhila Alaina Ahadun (Also recite
Durood Shareef in Abundance)

18. After departing from everyone, finally depart from
your local Musjid, and if time permits, then perform 2
Rakaats Nafil Namaaz there.

19. When finally departing, read:




Allahuma In'na Naoozubika miw Wa'shaa'is Safari
Wa Kaabatil Munqalabi Wa Soo'il Manzari Fil Maali
wal Ahli wal waladi - By reciting this, your relatives,
children, friends and belongings will be safe until
your return.

20. At this time also recite from Surah Qul Ya Ayuhal
Kaafiroon upto Surah Naas, (i.e. 5 Surahs) excluding
Surah Tabat Yada. Read Bismillah before each, and

finally end by reciting one Bismillah Shareef. Insha
Allah the entire journey will go smoothly.

21. Also at this time recite:


Innal lazee Farada alaikal Quraana larad'duka ila
Maadin. (This should be recited once. The reciter
will return home safely)

22. When boarding a train etc; say Bismillah; Allahu
Akbar and SubhaanAllah, thrice each. Thereafter say;
La ilaaha ilal laa once. After this, say;


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Subhanal lazi Sakharalana haaza wa maa kun'na lahu
Muqrineen. Wa in'na ila Rab'bina Munqaliboon (The
reciter will be protected from all calamities and
dangers therein)

23. When ascending any height, say Allahu Akbar and
when descending say, SubhaanAllah.

24. When disembarking at any stop or station (airport
etc), read:



Aoozu bi kalimaatillahit Taam'maati Kulliha min
Shar'ri Ma Khalaq (This will serve as a protection
against any misfortune)

25. When you are able to see that town or city wherein
you are about to stopover or to visit, recite

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Allahumma in'na Nas'aluka Khaira Haazihil Qaryati
wa Khaira Ahliha Wa Khaira Ma fi haa wa
Naoozubika min Shar'ri Haazihil Qaryati Wa Shar'ri
Ahliha Wa Shar'ri ma fi haa. (This will serve as
protection against all evil)

26. When visiting any city, sit with respect before the
Sunni Ulama and true Faqeers of that city. Visit the
Mazaars there, and do not waste any time walking
around aimlessly.

27. When visiting any Aalim there, do not call him out
of his house but wait for him to come out (of his
home). Do not speak without reason in his presence.
Do not ask any question without permission. If you
feel that one of his actions seems not to be in
accordance with the Shariat, then do not object. Think
positively. This is applicable when visiting a Sunni
Aalim. This does not apply to an Aalim who is misled
and a deviant. You should even flee the shadow of
such people.

28. Provide tranquillity to the heart through the
remembrance of Allah, for an Angel will be with you.
Do not pass time singing songs and saying poetry
which is baseless, for then shaitaan will be with you.
Travel more at night, since the journey is covered

29. When disembarking anywhere, always disembark
away from the road, with caution, so as to avoid any
harm from snakes and other dangerous creatures
which pass there.

30. Urinating on a pathway or road is an accursed act.

31. Do not disembark separately at ones destination.
Try to disembark together (i.e. in a group).

32. On every journey, more significantly during Hajj,
do not be heedless in regards to making Dua for your
elders and friends since the Dua of a Musafir
(traveller) is accepted

33. When journeying by sea, one should read:


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Bismillahi Majriha Wa Mursaaha in'na Rab'bi la
Ghafoorur Rahim. Wa Ma Qadarullaaha Haqqa
Qadrihi Wal Arda Jami'an Qabdatuhu Yaumal
Qiyaamati Was Samawaati Matwiy'yaatun
Biyameenihi Subhaanahu wa ta'aala Am'ma
Yushrikoon. (The reciter will be protected from

When faced with any difficulty or unforeseen
circumstance wherein you require assistance, say the
following thrice:




Ya Ibaadallaahi A'inooni
O Allah's servants assist me.
(Insha Allah! One will receive assistance from the
unseen. This is the directive of the Hadith)

34. Ya Samadu should be read 134 times daily. One
who reads this will be protected from hunger and

35. If one fears being harmed by enemies or looters,
one should recite Surah Quraish li' ilaaf The reciter
will be protected from all calamities.

36. Always recite Ayatul Kursi once before sleeping.
This protects one from shaitaan and thieves.

37. If you lose something (on your journey), read:

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Yaa Jaami'an Naasi li Yaumil laa raiba Fihi. Innal
laaha laa Yukhliful mi'aad. Ijma Baini wa Baina
Dal'lati (Insha Allah the lost item will be found)

38. When hiring a camel etc. to travel on, show the
owner your possessions before loading it on. Do not
load more than the prescribed limit without his

39. Be kind to the animals. Do not work them more
than their ability. Do not hit the animal without reason
and do not hit it on its face, and try not to sleep on it.
The reason for this is that when sleeping, the weight is
doubled. When stopping to make conversation with
anyone, dismount the animal.

40. To dismount and go on foot in the morning and
afternoon for a short while is good and beneficial to
ones Deen and Duniya.

41. Be gentle (i.e. pleasant) to the Bedouins and all
Arabs. If they are harsh, oblige with respect.
Intercession has been promised for this. This,
especially refers to the Ahle Haramain and Ahle
Madina. Do not object to the actions of the Ahle Arab.
Do not keep any ill-feeling in the heart in regards to
them. This will be beneficial to one in both worlds.

42. The camel bearers should not be treated like the
(taxi drivers) etc. in your own country. Treat them as
your elders and do not be miserly with them in regards

to food etc. as this annoys them. Any little good
gesture pleases them immensely. They can be of more
help than one would think.

43. When journeying to Madina Tayyibah, due to the
caravan not stopping, one is compelled to sometimes
combine Zuhr and Asr Salaah. When doing this, it is
necessary before completing the Fard of Zuhr, to
make intention that I will read my Asr Namaaz
immediately after the Zuhr. Asr should thus be read
immediately after the Fard of Zuhr. Actually, even the
Sunnats of Zuhr should not be read between both (the

Similarly, the combining of Maghrib and Esha with
the same conditions is also permissible. If one is faced
with a situation whereby he needs to read Asr in the
time of Zuhr, or Maghrib in the time of Esha then the
condition is only this, that the Niyyat must be made
before the time of Zuhr ends, or the time of Maghrib
ends, and one must make intention that I am
combining it (Zuhr) with Asr, and (Maghrib) with

44. On ones return journey, one may also use the same
method which has been explained above.

45. Always inform those at home of your arrival in
advance. Never return home without informing your
family, especially at night.

46. On returning, first go to your local Musjid and
perform 2 Rakaats of Nafil Namaaz.

47. Read another 2 Rakaats of Nafil at home and
meet with everybody in a pleasant and loving manner.

48. Be sure to at least bring some gifts for your friends
and what better gift can a Haji bring, than the
Tabarukaat of Haramain Sharifain. Another gift is
Dua, which you should make for all well-wishers and
friends before entering your home, as the Dua at this
time is accepted.


The Laws of Ehraam & Entrance into

1. The Meekat for those journeying from India is the
area of Kooe Yalamlam. This place is found when
travelling by sea, as you come out of Kamraan. When
2 or 3 miles are remaining to enter Jeddah, the ships
crew announce its arrival. You should thus have your
Ehraam ready before reaching (the Meekat).

2. When you are close to the Meekat, then bathe
thoroughly and perform wudu. If bathing is not
possible, then perform only wudu before the Meekat.

3. If the men desire, they may remove their hair as it
will avoid taking care of it whilst in Ehraam. If it is
not removed, then it should be well oiled with fragrant
oil, and then neatly combed.

1. The Meekat is a place from where Ehraam is tied before
entering the boundaries of the Holy City. It must be noted that
there are numerous Meekats, depending on where you are
journeying from. The Meekat being explained above is in regards
to those travelling by sea from India. Ask your local Aalim
regarding the Meekat when travelling from your country.

4. Trim the nails and make ones Khat (i.e. neaten the
face line). Underarm hair and pubic hair should be

5. Use fragrance (Ittar) as it is Sunnah.

6. Men should remove all sewn clothing and cover
themself with only one sheet, either new or washed.
Also tie a Tahband (waist cloth). It is preferable for
the Ehraam to be of white fabric.

7. On reaching the Meekat, perform 2 Rakaats of
Namaaz with the Niyyah (intention) of Ehraam.
Recite Qul Yaa Ayuhal Kaafiroon after Surah Faateha
in the first Rakaat, and in the second Rakaat recite
Qul Huwallah.

8.1. There are 3 types of Hajj. The first type is to
simply perform Hajj only. This is known as Ifraad
In this type, after Salaam one should say,

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1. One who is performing Ifraad is known as a Mufrid

(Allahumma) In'ni Ureedul Haj'jah Fayas'sir hoo li
Wa Taqabalhu min'ni. Nawaytul Haj'jah mukhlisan
lillaahi ta'aala

8.2. The second type is to simply make Niyyah of
Umrah from the Meekat and tie Ehraam for Hajj in
Makkatul Muazzamah. This type is known as
. In this, after the salaam, one should say,

,.-':. .._....x.:._'.:,..:,.-'.. ..x'


(Allahuma) Ureedul Umrata Fayas'sir haa li Wa
Taqabalha Min'ni Nawaytul Umrata Mukhlisan lil
laahi ta'aala

8.3. The third type is to make Niyyah for both Hajj
and Umrah from the Meekat; and this is the most
excellent type and is known as Qiraan
. In this, after
Salaam, one should say

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1. One performing Tamuttu is called a Mutamatti
2. One performing Qiraan is call a Qaarin

Allahumma inni Ureedul Haj'jah wal Umrata Fa
yas'sir huma li Wa taqabal huma min'ni Nuwaytul
Haj'jah wal Umrata lil laahi ta'aala

In all 3 types, after Niyyah Labaik should be said out
aloud. The Labaik (or Talbiya) is as follows:


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Labaika Allahumma Labaik! Labaika laa Shareeka
laka Labaik! Innal Hamda Wan Ne'mata laka Wal
Mulk. laa Shareeka laka


All which was discussed above was in regards to the
Ehraam. The moment one adorns the Ehraam, all the
following are regarded as being Haraam (Forbidden):

(9.1). Intimacy with ones wife

(9.2). to kiss (in the state of arousal)

(9.3). to rub against one another (in arousal)

(9.4). to embrace (in the state of arousal)

(9.5). to look at her private parts (in arousal)

(9.6). to speak of these lustful things in her presence

(9.7). to be obscene. This was always haraam and is
now even more haraam

(9.8). to argue and fight with someone over worldly

(9.9). Hunting of animals in the wild

(9.10). to encourage someone to hunt an animal by
pointing it out etc

(9.11). to provide a knife, gun or any other weapon to
kill it

(9.12). to use any device to kill it

(9.13). to even pass a knife to make the hunted animal

(9.14). to break its eggs

(9.15). to pluck its feathers

(9.16). to break its leg or wings

(9.17). to milk it

(9.18). to cook its meat or eggs

(9.19). to roast (i.e. cook) the animal

(9.20). to sell the hunted animal

(9.21). to purchase it

(9.22). to eat it

(9.23). to clip your nails

(9.24). to separate hair from anywhere on the body

(9.25). to cover the head or face with any cloth etc

(9.26). to keep bedding (linen) or a bundle of clothing
etc (belongings) on the head

(9.27). to tie a turban

(9.28). to wear a veil or gloves

(9.29). to wear socks etc. that cover the joint of the
shin and feet.

(9.28). to wear sewn clothing

(9.29). to apply fragrance to the hair, body or clothing

(9.30). to wear fabric from any type of fragrance (i.e.
that which has been dyed with fragrant coloured dye),
on condition that the fragrance is still obvious.

(9.31). to eat or use only Musk, Amber, Saffron,
nutmeg, cloves, cardamon, cinnamon or dry ginger etc

(9.32). to tie such a fragrance in the corner of the cloth
that is prevalent, such as musk, Amber, or Saffron etc

(9.33). to wash the hair or beard with Khitmi (marsh
mallow fibre used as medicine) or some other fragrant
solution which will kill lice (if there is)

(9.34). to use dye from woad or Mehndi

(9.35). to gather the hair together with gum etc

(9.36). to use sesame or olive oil on the body and hair
even though it has no fragrance

(9.37). to remove another persons hair even if he is
not in Ehraam

(9.38). to kill or throw lice, or to direct someone else
to do it

(9.39). to wash clothing or leave it out in the sun with
the intention of killing the lice

(9.40). to apply any medication etc to the hair in order
to kill lice. In other words, to attempt anything to kill
even a single louse.


(10.1). to remove any dirt or grime from the body

(10.2). to wash the body with soap or any unscented

(10.3). to comb the hair

(10.4). to scratch the head in such a manner that the
hair breaks or lice falls off the head

(10.5). to throw anything over the shoulders, like a
kurta or long coat etc. whereby it seems like it is being

(10.6). to wear or cover oneself with clothing which
has been effected by fragrance of incense, which you
have just burnt

(10.7). To intentionally smell (or inhale) any fragrant
item, even though it may be a fragrant fruit or leaf
such as lime, orange or mint, or any perfumed
essence etc.

(10.9). to tie a bandage over the head or face

(10.10). to enter the Kaaba (Makkah Muazzamah) in
such a way, that the face and the head is covered by
the Sacred Ghilaaf (covering) of the Kaaba.

(10.11). to cover the nose or any part of the face with
a cloth etc

(10.12). to eat or drink anything with strong fragrance
which has neither been cooked nor diminished

(10.13). to wear un-sewn clothing that has been
patched etc. (which is similar to sewing)

(10.14). to sleep on a pillow by pressing the face
against the pillow (i.e. sleeping on the stomach)

(10.15). to handle strong fragrant perfume with the
hand. This is in the case where it does not come onto
the hand. Otherwise, it will be regarded as Haraam.

(10.16). to fasten a Taweez on the arm or around the
neck, which is wrapped in a cloth, even though it is
not sewn

(10.17). to tie bandages on the body without any valid

(10.18). to adorn and beautify ones self

(10.19). to cover oneself with a shawl and tie a knot in
its corners (to serve as a memory tag etc)

(10.20). to tie a Tahband (waist-cloth) and make it
tighter with a waist-string


(11.1). to fold and drape a Juba or Kurta etc on top, in
a manner whereby that the face and head is not

(11.2). to tie the above mentioned and a pant etc. in
the form of a Tahband (over the Ehraam - also in cold
weather etc.)]

(11.3). to use a pouch or belt (for keeping money etc)

(11.4). to bath without removing any dirt and grime

(11.5). to sit in the shade of anything

(11.6). to use an Umbrella

(11.7). to wear a ring (which is permissible - gold is
haraam for men)

(11.8). to apply Surmah which is not fragrant

(11.9). to do cupping without removing hair (In other
words if one does cupping, the hair in that area cannot
be removed for cupping)

(11.10) to have scarification

(11.11). to remove hair that comes into the eyes

(11.12). to scratch the head and body in a manner
whereby neither any hair breaks nor any lice falls off

(11.13). to leave on the perfume, which was applied
before tying Ehraam

(11.14). to make Zibah of livestock such as; camels,
cows, goats and chickens etc

(11.15). to cook its meat, to eat it, to milk it, to break
its eggs, to cook and to eat it etc

(11.16). to catch fish for the purpose of eating (and
not sport)

(11.17). To kill any sea creature merely for fun and
sport, just as it is commonly done nowadays, and not
for medicinal use or for eating is Haraam at all times,
and during Ehraam it is Haraam to a greater extent.
This applies to hunting land creatures for the sake of
sport as well.

(11.18). to bandage any wound on the body, with the
exception of a wound on the head and face

(11.19). to keep a pillow under the head or cheek

(11.20). to keep yours or any other persons hand on
your head and nose

(11.21). to cover the ears with a cloth

(11.22). to allow a cloth to fall over the beard, below
the chin

(11.23). to carry sacks or bags etc. on the head

(11.24). To eat that food in which musk was put in
during cooking, even if it does not give off any
fragrance; or to eat that food into which some fragrant
ingredient was put in before it was cooked, on
condition that it does not give off any fragrance

(11.25). Ghee, fat, mustard oil, coconut oil, almond
oil, calabash oil or lettuce oil which has no foul odour
can be used on the body and hair

(11.26). to wear clothing dyed with fragrant dye, if the
scent is fading away. However safflower red is totally
prohibited for males on any occasion.

(11.27). to fight and argue for the sake of Religion,
which according to need is sometimes even
compulsory and sometimes obligatory

(11.28). to wear shoes that do not hide the joint of the

(11.29) to wrap a Taweez in an un-sewn cloth and
hang it on the neck

(11.30). to look in a mirror

(11.31). To touch such a fragrance which at present
has no scent evident, such as Incense, Lobaan, sandal
etc; and to tie it in the corner of the Ehraam is also

(11.32) to make Nikah

12. The ruling in regards to men and women is the
same in all the above mentioned laws. However, there
are certain actions which are only permissible for
women. They are:

12.1. To cover the head, which is Fard in Namaaz and
in the presence of a na Mahram, so to carry bedding or
luggage on the head is better.

12.2. To gather the hair firmly with gum

12.3. To fasten a taweez and strap it on the neck or
arm even if it is sewn.

12.4. To enter the Ghilaaf-e-Kaaba in a manner
whereby it falls over the head and not on the face.

12.5. To wear socks, gloves and sewn clothing

12.6. Women should not say Labaik so loudly that it is
heard by a Na Mahram. However, everyone should
read audibly enough so that one is able to hear ones
own voice.

Note: It is even Haraam for a female to cover her face
in Ehraam. She should hide her face with a fan etc in
front of a Na Mahram male.

13. If those factors which are not permitted in Ehraam
occur by error or forgetfully, then it is not regarded as
a sin. However, one will be liable to pay the penalty
for committing this act. This must be paid, whether it

has occurred intentionally, unintentionally, under
duress, or whilst asleep.

14. From the time of wearing the Ehraam right upto
the time of Rami Jamrah (which will be explained
later on), it is better to recite the Labaik as often as
possible, especially when climbing and descending
mountains or hills, when meeting with other groups,
during the morning and the evening, in the latter parts
of the night, and after all five Salaahs. Men should
read Labaik aloud but it should not be so loudly that it
causes discomfort to you or to others.

15. When close to the Haram (Makkah), then bow the
head and lower your gaze in humility, ashamed of
your sins. Then, with complete devotion and sincerity,
enter the Kaaba reciting the Labaik and making Dua
abundantly. It is more virtuous if you are barefoot. It
is better to enter the Haram during the day, after
taking a bath.

16. To break branches, uproot trees, cut fresh grass,
kill animals and birds, or to cause any discomfort to
them within the boundaries of the Haram is Haraam.
The ruling is that if it is a hot day and there is only
one tree in that area, and a deer etc. is seated under
that tree, which is giving shade to it, one is not

permitted to chase it away so that you may sit in its
shade. If a person had with him any wild animal,
which he brought with him from outside the
boundaries of the Haram, then it is Fard for him to
now release it immediately, since the animal is now in
the sanctified Haram and therefore belongs there. In
Makkah Muazzamah there are many wild pigeons.
Beware! Never chase them away, frighten them or
cause any harm to them. In Makkah some people from
other places who are now residing there, do not bother
about the pigeons (and harm them). Do not follow this
practice. More importantly, do not criticise these
people as well, because if the respect for the animals
there is so great, then what can be said regarding the
respect of the Muslim human beings.

17. On seeing the Holy city of Almighty Allah, pause
and make Dua and recite Durood Shareef in
abundance. It is more virtuous to take a bath and wash
before entering. Also offer Faateha for those buried in
Jannat-ul-Mualla (The Blessed Cemetery of

18. On reaching the area from where the Holy Kaaba
is clearly visible, Allahu Akbar! This is a time of great
acceptance and acknowledgement. Ask Dua with a
true and sincere heart, for the wellbeing and

forgiveness of all your relatives, elders, families and
friends. This humble servant (Aala Hazrat) is quoting
below one such Dua. Durood should be read in
abundance and this Dua thrice:




,. ,c,..,...

Allahuma Haaza Baituka wa Ana Abduka As'alukal
Afwa wal Aafiyata fid Deeni Wad Duniya Wal
Aakhirati li Wa li waliday'ya Wa lil Mu'mineena Wal
Mu'minaati Wa Li Abdika Ahmad Raza ibni Naqi Ali.
Allahumagh firhuma Warhamhuma Wansurhu Nasran
Azeeza (After this, again recite Durood Shareef)

19. In this manner, continue making the Zikr of
Almighty Allah and His Rasool and whilst making
Dua for the success and salvation of the Muslims,
proceed towards Baabus Salaam. Kiss this blessed
and Holy place and enter with the right foot by saying,






......_'~.:_. ..

Bismillahi wal Humdu lillahi was Salaamu Ala
Rasoolil laahi. Allahumma salli Alaa Sayyidina
Muhammadin Wa Ala Aali Sayyidina Muhammadiw,
Wa Azwaaji Sayyidina Muhammadin. Allahummagh
firli zunoobi Waf tahli Abwaaba Rahmatika

20. The above mentioned Dua should be well
memorised. Whenever going to the Haram or to any
other Musjid, do so in the prescribed manner and
recite the above mentioned Dua. When exiting a
Musjid, always do so with the left foot and read the
same Dua, and in the end instead of Rahmatika say
Fadlika and also add:


Wa Sahhil Abwaaba Rizqika
The blessings of this in the worldly and Deeni life will
be in abundance


Tawaaf & Safa, Marwah

Now that you have entered the Musjid-ul-Haraam, and
Jamaat is not in progress and if there is no risk of
missing the Sunnah or the Fard or Witr, then first
perform Tawaaf, as the Kaaba is the powerful light
and you are like a moth attracted to this light. Have
you not seen how the moth sacrifices itself going
around the flame, likewise, you should also be
prepared to sacrifice yourself (in worship). First let us
present a diagram of the Sanctified Haram, so all that
which is being explained may be well understood.

Musjid-ul-Haraam is an extensive circular
surrounding. Along its sides are numerous openings
and entry and exit doors. In the centre, is the Mataaf,
which is a circular area on which are placed marbled
tiles. In the centre of this, is the Holy Kaaba. In the
time of the Holy Prophet , it was the same. On the
eastern end of the Musjid-ul-Haram is the Baabus
Salaam which is an ancient door. The corner pillar of
the building, where the two walls meet is known as

Similarly, AD and BD are joined at a common point
D. This is knows as Rukn-e-Zaawia

There are 4 pillars of the Holy Kaaba:

Rukn-e-Aswad: is the pillar situated in the South
Eastern corner. In it is placed the Sang-e-Aswad
(The Black Stone), which is above ground level.

Rukn-e-Iraqi: is the pillar situated on one side,
almost in the North Eastern corner. The door of the

Holy Kaaba, is situated in the centre of both the pillars
on the Eastern wall, and is raised above ground level.

Multazam: is a portion of the very same Eastern wall,
which extends from the Rukn-e-Aswad to the door of
the Kaaba.

Rukn-e-Shaami: is the pillar situated in the North
Western corner. In it, is the Mezaab-e-Rahmat which
is a gold drain (situated on the Kaaba). This is fixed
onto the roof of the Northern wall, between Rukn-e-
Shaami and Rukn-e-Iraqi.

The Hateem: is also in the direction of the same
Northern wall. This piece of ground (Hateem) was
part of the Holy Kaaba. During the days of Ignorance,
the Quraish renovated the Holy Kaaba. Due to a
shortage of finance, they left out this portion of the
Kaaba Muazzamah. They instead built a small wall in
the shape of a bow around it, and one entry and exit
door on either side. The Muslims are fortunate that
they are able to enter the Hateem, because to enter the
Hateem is to enter the Holy Kaaba, and Alhumdulillah
the opportunity of entering into the Hateem is possible
and it is accessible.

Rukn-e-Yamaani: is situated in the South Western
direction of the Musjid.

Mustahjar: is that portion of the western wall, which
is opposite the Multazam and between Rukn-e-
Yamaani and Rukn-e-Iraqi.

Mustahjaab: is the southern wall which is between
Rukn-e-Aswad and Rukn-e-Yamaani. Here 70 000
Angels are appointed to say Aameen to ones Duas.
This humble servant has named it Mustahjaab.

Maqaam-e-Ebrahim: In front of the Door of the
Holy Kaaba, this stone is placed in a dome like glass
casing. Hazrat Ebrahim stood on this stone and
constructed the Holy Kaaba. On it is embedded the
footprint of Hazrat Ebrahim which is present even
up to this day, and which Almighty Allah has
proclaimed as being one of His Signs. The Well of
Zam Zam is South of it in the Musjid Shareef.

Baabus Safa: From amongst the Doors of the Musjid
Shareef, there is one Door which when exiting from
leads to the Mount Safa. Safa was a mountain
which was South of the Holy Kaaba, and has been
hidden in the ground. Now, in the direction of the
Qibla, a terrace has been constructed there, with stairs

for climbing, and Mount Marwah, the other
mountain for which also a terrace which faces the
Qibla has been built, with stairs to climb. The area
between Safa and Marwah now has a marketplace.
When walking from Safa, there are shops on the right
hand side, and on the left hand side, is the area of the
Musjid-e-Haraam. (Nowadays, the area to the right of
Safa is enclosed. Actually the entire Safa and Marwah
is now inside an almost enclosed area. That which has
been mentioned above was in the time of Aala Hazrat)

Milain Akhdarain: refers to two green stones fixed
onto the wall in the centre of the distance (of Safa
Marwah), just as stones are placed in the beginning of
a mile. (Nowadays, there are two green lights there to
symbolise the Milain Akhdarain)

Masa: is that distance which is between these two
pillars. (It is Sunnah to run in this area)

All these settings and facts should be well memorised
from this booklet, so that there will be no need to go
there and continuously query (concerning these
important facts).

A person unaware of these facts is like a blind person,
and a person with knowledge of this is like a person

who can see clearly. Now that you are aware of all
these facts, take the name of your Creator and
commence with your Tawaaf.

1. Before commencing with the Tawaaf, the men
should make Iztiba in other words they should take
the upper sheet of the Ehraam under the right arm and
bring it over the left shoulder. Leave the right
shoulder bare, and put both ends of the upper sheet on
the left shoulder.

2. Now facing the Holy Kaaba, standing on the right
of the Hajr-e-Aswad, on the side of Rukn-e-Yamaani,
stand close to the Hajr-e-Aswad in this manner, that
the entire stone is on your right hand side, then make
the Niyyah of Tawaaf:

_',..:,.'.....u.. _...x' _..<x.:.

Allahuma Ureedu Tawaafa Baitikal Muhar'rama
Fayas'sir hu li Wa Taqab'balhu min'ni

3. After this Niyyah, facing the Kaaba, walk towards
your right side. When in line with the Black Stone
(And this can be done in a short movement) raise your

hands up to you ears, in this manner that the palms of
the hands face the Hajr-e-Aswad and then say:


Bismillahi Wal Hamdu lillahi Wal laahu Akbar, Was
Salaatu was Salaamu Ala Rasoolillaahi

4. If one gets the opportunity, then place both palms
on the Hajr-e-Aswad, and place the face between the
hands, and kiss it in such a manner, that no sound is
made. Do this 3 times. If this opportunity is obtained,
then this is a great blessing. Undoubtedly, your Nabi
Muhammad kissed it (the Black Stone) and kept his
blessed face on it. It is very blessed and a good
fortune if your face touches this place. If the crowd of
people is too massive, then neither should you cause
any discomfort or injury to anyone else, nor allow
yourself to be hurt and trampled. Alternatively, touch
it with the hands only, and if this not possible then
touch it with a stick, and if even this is not possible
then gesture by raising the hands towards it, and kiss
the hands. Is it not sufficient that you are seeing the
place that was touched by the Blessed face of the
Prophet ?

5. Recite:

.........'.c.......... ..x'

Allahuma Imaanan bika Wat Tibaa'an lis sunnata bi
Nabiyyika Muhammadin sallal laahu ta'aala alaihi
was salama

Now, whilst reading this, go forth towards the Kaaba.
When passing in front of the Hajr-e-Aswad, straighten
yourself in this manner that you walk with the Kaaba
on your left hand side, not causing discomfort to
anyone else.

6. Men should walk making Ramal, in other words
walk briskly taking short steps and holding out the
shoulders, like the way strong wrestlers usually walk.
They should neither jump nor run. If the crowd is too
much and there is fear of hurting yourself or another
person, then discontinue Ramal for that moment.

7. When performing Tawaaf, the closer to the Kaaba
you get, the better it is. However, one should not get
so close that the clothes start to rub against the edge of

the walls. If due to the crowds, Ramal is not possible,
then in this case it is better to do so from a distance.

8. One should make Dua, when passing in front of
Multazam, Rukn-e-Iraqi, Mezaab-e-Rahmat and
Rukn-e-Shaami. For each one, there are special Duas
prescribed which have been quoted in Jawaahirul
Bayaan Shareef. All these Duas are difficult to read,
thus recite that which has been promised acceptance
and greatness by Rasoolullah . Here and on all
occasions, in place of the Dua, read that which is the
best, and that is to send Durood and Salaams upon the
Beloved Rasool . The Holy Prophet has stated,

. ..:_:x. ....',:-

If you do this, then Allah will fulfil all your needs and
forgive all your sins

9. In Tawaaf, do not stop reciting any Dua or Durood.
Even while walking, one should recite Dua and

10. Do not scream loudly when reciting Duas and
Durood like the Matoofs (Guides that help people

there) read. Recite softly in a manner whereby the
sound reaches your own ears.

11. When reaching Rukn-e-Yamaani, then reach out
and touch it with both hands or with the right hand,
and not only with the left hand and if you wish, you
may also kiss it. If this is not possible here, you
should not touch it with a stick or point towards it and
kiss the hands.

12. As you pass here, you will approach Mustahjaab,
where 70 000 Angels are saying Aameen on your
Duas. Here you should read all your Duas and you
should make Duas with the intention of sawaab for all
your families and friends and for this humble servant
(Aala Hazrat) as well, recitation of Durood is

13. Now, when you when you return to Hajr-e-Aswad,
then you have completed one circuit. In this very
manner, complete 7 circuits, and there is no need for
Niyyah in the other circuits as this has already been
made in the first circuit. Ramal should only be done in
the first 3 circuits and the others should be done
calmly, without stretching out the arms etc.

14. When the 7 circuits have been completed, then
kiss the Hajr-e-Aswad, or point towards it with a stick
or hands as it has been explained earlier on.

15. After the Tawaaf, approach the Maqaam-e-
Ebrahim and recite the verse:


After this perform 2 Rakaats of Salaah for Tawaaf,
which is Waajib. Read from Qul Yaa to Qulhuwallah.
If the time is in the disallowed period, i.e. the exact
time of dawn, time of Zawaal and after Asr till setting
of the sun, then it should be read after this time
expires. After these Rakaats, recite Dua. Here is a
Dua which has been mentioned in the Hadith, and
which has great benefits attributed to it:



.x.._...x'_. .._',:c.:_.:._:...x-._'.._.Lc.:

:..:.._.....<..xc_........:. _.x,:........


Allahumma In'naka Ta'lamu Sir'ri wa Alaaniyati
Faqbal Ma'zirati Wa Ta'lamu Haajati Fa'tini Su'ali

wa Ta'lamu Ma fi Nafsi Fagh firli Zunoobi.
Allahumma In'ni As'aluka Imaanan Yubaashiru Qalbi
wa Yaqeenan Saadiqan Hata A'lama An'nahu La
Yuseebuni il'la Ma Katabta li Wa Arda minal
Ma'eeshat Bima Qasamta li Ya Arhamar Raahimeen.
In the Hadith it has been stated that Almighty Allah
says, Whosoever makes this Dua, I will forgive his
sins, take away his sorrows, take him out of his
dependency, give him more prosperity in his business
than all other business people, and the world will be
forced to come to him, to such an extent that he will
not desire it.

16. Now return to the Multazam and put your arms
across it close to the stone and touch it with your chest
and stomach and even touch it with the right side of
your face, and sometimes with the left side of your
face. Then raise both your hands high and spread them
on the wall or touch it in a manner whereby the right
hand faces its door and the left hand faces the Sang-e-
Aswad. The following Dua should then be recited at
this point:


Ya Waajidu Ya Maajidu La Tazil An'ni Ne'matan
An'amta bihaa Alay'ya

It has been stated in the Hadith, Whenever I desire I
see Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) hugging the Multazam
making this Dua.

17. Then approach the Well of Zam Zam and if
possible, pull up one bucket. If this is not possible,
then take it from those distributing it. Then face the
Kaaba and in 3 breaths drink as much as you can
drink. Every time, commence with Bismillah and end
with Alhumdulillah. The remaining water should be
rubbed on the body, and when drinking Zam Zam,
make Dua since Dua is accepted during this time.
Rasoolullah has stated, For whatever intention one
drinks Zam Zam, it is for that.

Over here, recite Dua-e-Jaame. You should drink Zam
Zam as often as possible whilst you are in Makkah
Muazzamah. Drink to be protected from the thirst of
Qiyaamah, drink with the intention of being spared
from the punishment of the grave, for increasing the
love of the Prophet , for abundance in sustenance,
for the cure of illnesses, for gaining knowledge and
for all good needs etc.

18. When drinking there (i.e. when drinking Zam
Zam), drink a full stomach. It has been mentioned in
the Hadith that, The difference between us and the

Munafiqs is that they do not drink a full stomach of
Zam Zam.

19. Also try to look into the well of Zam Zam as it has
been stated in the Hadith that it is a means of getting
rid of Hypocrisy. (Unfortunately nowadays, the well
of Zam Zam has been sealed off to the general public
and to look inside or draw water from it by your self is
not possible)

20. If there is no difficulty such as tiredness etc, then
either commence immediately, or take a little rest, and
then proceed to Safa Marwah to perform the Saee. In
doing so, return to Hajr-e-Aswad and like you did
before, read Takbeer etc. and kiss it or perform the
routine explained earlier. From Baabus Safa,
immediately proceed towards Safa. When exiting the
door, take the left foot out first and then place the
right foot into the shoe. This is the manner for exiting
any Musjid.

21. Engrossed in Durood, climb the stairs of Safa at a
height from where the Kaaba is visible, and this is
visible from the first stair. Then facing the Kaaba, like
in Dua, raise both hands up to the shoulders and make
Tasbeeh and Tahleel, and recite Durood and Dua for
an extended period as it is a place of acceptance. You

should also recite Dua-e-Jaame here. Whilst reciting
Zikr and Durood Shareef, proceed towards Marwah.

22. When approaching the first column (green light),
the men should begin to run (They should not run so
fast that they cause harm to anyone else) until the
second green column (green light) and all Duas should
be made between these two columns (lights).

The Dua here is:


Rabbigh Firli War Ham Wa Antal Aazzul Akram

23. After passing the second column, slow down again
until you reach Marwah. Stand on the first step or
close to it in Marwah and due to the Kaaba being
blocked by any buildings etc. turn towards the Kaaba
and do as you did at Safa. This is now one circuit. (In
other words one will go from Safa to Marwah, then
back to Safa. Every time you go back to Safa you have
completed 2 Circuits. The Last will be from Safa and
will end at Marwah)

24. Continue going back and forth from Safa to
Marwah till you have done 7 circuits. The 7th circuit
should end at Marwah. Every circuit should be done
in this manner. This is known as Saee. It should be
known that Umrah is only the name of the actions of
Tawaaf and Saee, even for those doing Tamuttu and
Qiraan. For those doing Ifraad, this is Tawaaf-e-
Qudoom. This is for the respect of the Haram.

25. Qaarin, The person who intended Qiraan should
make a further Tawaaf and Saee with the intention of

26. The Qaarin as well as the Mufrid, meaning the one
who intended Ifraad, should remain in Makkah with
Ehraam, by saying Labaik. Their Labaik stops on the
, at time of pelting the Jamraat (shaitaan). Only
then will they come out of the Ehraam. This will be
explained in detail further in the book. The Mutamatti
meaning, the person performing Tamuttu and the
Mutamir, meaning the one who is performing simply
Umrah should discontinue Labaik immediately after
the first Tawaaf of the Kaaba Muazzamah is
completed, upto the kissing of Sang-e-Aswad. After
Tawaaf and Saee, as explained, they should perform
Halaq (men should remove the hair and women
should trim the hair slightly, i.e. equal to a finger

joint) and then come out of Ehraam. If the one
performing Tamuttu desires, then he may stay
without Ehraam until the 8
of Zil Hijjah, but it is
better to tie the Ehraam of Hajj early. If one does
not consider this, that the days are many, these
restrictions will not be constant.

Note: In Tawaaf-e-Qudoom, Iztiba, Ramal, and Saee
of Safa Marwah is not necessary, but if it is not done
now, then it must be done in Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah, as
the Tawaaf of Hajj is Fard, and this will be explained
later on Insha Allah. In Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah all these
actions must be completed, but during this time the
crowd will be massive. It will not be surprising if one
does not get the opportunity to make Ramal, or run at
Masa. If these were already completed in the
beginning, then there is no need for it in this Tawaaf.
Thus, I have kept them absolute when explaining the

27. Those performing Ifraad and Qiraan have
completed the Tawaaf and Saee of Hajj in the
Tawaaf-e-Qudoom. Those performing Tamuttu have
actually only completed the Tawaaf and Saee of
Umrah. The Ramal and Saee of Hajj will not be
fulfilled by this, as there is no Tawaaf-e-Qudoom for
them, as is in the case of the Qaarin, whereby he may

perform these actions and in doing so, he is released
from this, as he has completed what is upon him.
However, if the Mutamatti also wishes to perform
these actions early and be relieved of it, then when he
ties the Ehraam or Hajj, he should perform a Nafil
Tawaaf, and in it, he should perform Ramal and Saee.
Now he does not have to fulfil these in Tawaaf-e-

28. Now all Hujaaj (be he a Qaarin, Mutamatti or
Mufrid) will be in waiting in Makkah Muazzamah, for
the 8th of Zil Hijjah to go to Mina. Whilst waiting,
make as many Tawaaf as possible, without Iztiba,
Ramal and Saee. This is the best Ibaadat for those
who come from outside (i.e. foreign Hujaaj). After
every 7 circuits, 2 Rakaats Namaaz should be read at

29. Now, when returning from Mina, no matter how
many times your sight falls upon the Holy Kaaba, you
say thrice:



La ilaaha il'lal laahu Allahu Akbar

Thereafter, send Durood in abundance upon Nabi
Muhammad and make Dua, as this is a time of

30. Even if one is making Nafil Tawaaf, the following
actions are Haraam (prohibited):

30.1. To make Tawaaf without wudu

30.2. For one quarter of any of the satr (hidden portion
of the body) to be exposed e.g. the thigh (of a male),
or the ear of a female etc.

30.3. To make Tawaaf whilst riding, or whilst being
carried by someone, or whilst on some ones shoulders,
without a valid reason.

30.4. To drag yourself whilst sitting, or to walk on the
knees, without a valid reason.

30.5. To make Tawaaf in the opposite direction, with
the Kaaba being on your right.

30.6. To pass from inside the Hateem during the

30.7. To perform less than 7 circuits.

31. The following actions are Makruh
(defective) in Tawaaf:

31.1. To talk unnecessarily

31.2. To sell

31.3. To buy

31.4. To read any poetry besides Humd, Naat and

31.5. To make Zikr, Dua, Tilaawat, or any other thing
in a very loud voice.

31.6. To make Tawaaf in Na Paak (Impure, unclean)

31.7. Not to kiss the Hajr-e-Aswad and not to make
Iztiba, or Ramal at the places where they have been

31.8. To delay the circuits too much; in other words,
to do a few circuits and then wait a while, or to
become engrossed in something else and then do the
rest thereafter.

31.9. If all 7 circuits have not been completed but
wudu has broken, then perform wudu and return. If
Jamaat is in procession and he has not performed his
Namaaz as yet, then he should join the
Jamaat, and continue after Jamaat from where he left
off. One is even permitted to leave Tawaaf to join
Janaazah Salaah and after it has been completed, one
may continue Tawaaf from where he left off.

31.10. If there is a need to answer the call of nature
(visit the toilet) then it should be done, and thereafter
fresh wudu should be made and one should continue
from the point where he left off.

31.11. If the 2 Rakaats are not read after every
Tawaaf (7 circuits), the next Tawaaf is not allowed. If
it is an objectionable time, such as in the time between
Subh-o-Saadiq and Sunrise; or after performing Asr
Namaaz until the time of sunset, because in this time,
performing numerous Tawaafs are permitted, but
after this objectionable time has passed, the 2
Rakaats should be read.

31.12. To make Tawaaf when the Imam is delivering
the Khutbah.

31.13. If you have completed Namaaz in the first
Jamaat, it is allowed to make Tawaaf during the other
Jamaats, and you are permitted walk in front of the
Namaazis since Namaaz is similar to Tawaaf (i.e. it is

31.14. To eat during Tawaaf

31.15. To make Tawaaf hurriedly whilst having the
need to answer the call of nature or pass air.

32. The following are Mubah (lawful) in
Tawaaf and Saee:

32.1. To convey Salaam

32.2. To reply to Salaam

32.3. To drink water

32.4. To read Humd, Naat and Manqabat softly

32.5. To eat during Saee

32.6. To speak out of necessity

32.7. To ask any Fatawa (Islamic Verdicts -

32.8. To give a Fatawa (i.e. to decree a Religious

33. Like in the case of Tawaaf, it is not permissible
and sinful to sit and perform Saee, or to be on a mode
of transport (i.e. to sit on an animal etc.) and perform
Saee without a valid reason.

34. The following actions are Makruh
(defective) in Saee:

34.1. To unnecessarily delay between circuits of Saee
without need. However one may do so to join Jamaat
or Janaazah Salaah. One may break the circuit to
answer the call of nature, or to make fresh wudu even
though it is not necessary in Saee.

34.2. To buy anything

34.3. To sell anything

34.4. Unnecessary conversation

34.5. Not to climb on Safa Marwah

34.6. For men not to run in Masa without a valid

34.7. To have a lengthy delay after Tawaaf and then
perform Saee.

34.8. Not to hide the private ornaments of the body

34.9. To look around frantically as if worried in Saee
is Makruh, and in Tawaaf, it is even more Makruh.

Law: To perform Saee without wudu is permissible
but to have wudu is Mustahab (Desirable).

35. In the laws of Tawaaf and Saee, the command for
men and women is the same, but for woman there is
no Ramal, Iztiba and running in Saee (Safa &

In case of hindrance, women should not try to kiss the
Black Stone, touch the Kaaba, and embrace the Rukn-
e-Yamaani, to look inside the Well of Zam Zam or to
fill water by herself. If these actions can be done
without touching the bodies of other men, then it is
allowed; if not she should abstain as far as possible
from these actions.


Departure to Mina &

1. On the 7
of Zil Hijjah, after Zuhr Salaah, the
Imam will read the Khutbah in Musjid-e-Haraam.
Listen to it.

2. Yaum-ut-Tarweeya refers to the 8
of Zil Hijjah.
One, who has not as yet put on the Ehraam, should
wear it and make one Nafil Tawaaf, Ramal & Saee
just as it has been explained earlier on.

3. When the sun rises, depart for Mina, and if possible
do this by foot, for as long as you return to Makkah
Muazzamah, you will receive 700 good deeds for
every step. After a complete calculation (of the
distance by foot), the approximate amount of sawaab
estimated was 78 billion 40 million good deeds. The
Grace of Almighty Allah upon the Ummah of Our
Nabi is unlimited.

4. Recite Labaik, Dua and Durood Shareef and
Glorification in abundance throughout this journey.

5. When Mina is in sight say,


Allahumma Haazihi Mina Famnun Alayya Fa
mananta bihi Ala Awliya'ika

6. Stay over here at night and from the Zuhr of today
day upto the morning of the 9
, read 5 Namaaz in the
Musjid-e-Khaif. Nowadays, some Matoofs have
started a new practice whereby they say that you
should not stay in Mina on the 8
, but you should
leave to Arafat immediately (at night). Do not listen to
them and leave out this very virtuous Sunnah. If the
group insists, then the Matoofs too will be compelled
to stay over with the group.

7. The eve of Arafat should be spent in Mina,
engrossed in Zikr and other Ibaadaat until morning.
There are many days ahead for sleeping. If one cannot
stay awake for the entire night, then at least read the
Esha and the Fajr Salaah with the first Jamaat, so that
you may attain the reward of being awake for the
entire night; and sleep with wudu, for the soul will be
elevated up to the Arsh.

8. After reading the Fajr Salaah in the desired time,
engross yourself in Labaik, Zikr and Durood until the
sun is upon Mount Thabeer, which is in front of
Musjid-e-Khaif Shareef. Now proceed to Arafat.
Remove the thought of all other obstacles from the
heart and mind, as today is the day when the Hajj of
certain people will be accepted, whilst others will be
forgiven on their behalf. Deprived is one, who is
deprived today. When disturbed by waswasa
(shaitaani distraction), do not tussle with it, since the
intention of the enemy is accomplished in this. (In
other words ignore all such distractions)

He (shaitaan) wants this, that you must be embroiled
in other things such as fighting distractions etc. to
divert your mind. Even then, do not think about this,
and just think that there is some other existing thing
that is causing these thoughts. You should think that, I
only have intention to please my Creator Allah.
Insha Allah, the accursed one will flee without
causing anymore distress to you.

9. Spend the entire journey in Zikr and Durood
Shareef. Do not make unnecessary conversation.
Recite Labaik in abundance.

10. When your sight falls upon Jabl-e-Rahmat, then
increase these actions (Zikr and Durood etc.) even
more, since Insha Allah, this is a time of acceptance.

11. In Arafat, carefully disembark near the blessed
Mountain, or anywhere you get space, away from the

12. During this time, there are hundreds of thousands
of people setting up tents on the Plains of Arafat and
after going out and returning, it becomes difficult to
find your camp. Thus it would be preferable to place a
marker there, so that you will remember where your
tent is and it will be visible even from a distance.

13. If you are being accompanied by veiled women,
then attach a brightly coloured piece of material to
their Burqa (Head Gear), so that they can be seen from
a distance and so that you may be relieved due to this.

14. Until noon, spend your time in the remembrance
of Almighty Allah, with total concentration, reverence
and dedication. Engross yourself in the Zikr of
Almighty Allah, the recitation of Labaik, recitation of
Durood Shareef, Dua, Istighfar (repentance),
recitation of the Kalima Tauheed, and in distributing
Khairaat (optional charity) as per your resources. It

has been mentioned in the Hadith Shareef, that Nabi
Muhammad has stated that the best of all things
which I and all the other Ambia before me have said
on this day is:


:... _...'<'.x.'<'.. ,:..




La ilaaha Ilal laahu Wahdahu La Shareeka lahu
Lahul Mulku Walahul Hamdu Yuhyi Wa Yumeetu. Wa
Huwa Hay'yun La Yamootu Biyadihil Khair Wa Huwa
Alaa Qul'li Shai'in Qadeer

15. Before noon, relieve yourself from eating and
drinking etc, so that the heart may be at ease, and not
wonder towards these things. On this day it is not
preferable for a Haji to keep fast, as it will cause
weakness during Dua. Likewise, one should not eat a
full stomach or over eat, as this is like poison and will
cause you to become lethargic and oblivious. A
person, who usually eats 3 rotis, should eat only 1 roti.
The Holy Prophet always commanded this until he
himself left this world, in a the condition whereby he
never ate a full stomach of Roti (i.e. food) even
though Almighty Allah had granted him the power
over everything, and to have whatever he wished.

If you wish to reap the blessings and the Noor, then
not just on this day, but for as long as you live in the
Haramain Sharifain, never fill more than one third of
the stomach. It you accept this advice, you will see the
benefits, and if you do not follow this advice, you will
see the harmful effects with your own eyes. Try this
for a week, and if it does not make a difference to
your condition, then you have the right to say
something! There are many other days in your life for
eating and drinking. Here, you should keep your self
empty, so that you may fill your self with Noor and
blessings. What will an already full body be able to

16. When the time of Noon is near, take a bath as it is
Sunnat-e-Muakkadah to do so. If this is not possible,
then perform Wudu.

17. At Noon, or just before this, enter Musjid-e-
Namarah and find a place next to the Imam. Read the
Sunnats and listen to the Khutbah and then read Zuhr
with the Imam. Between these, there should be no
Salaam and Qiyaam; even no Sunnah should be read
thereafter, and there is no Nafil (allowed) after Asr as
well. The only time that Zuhr and Asr can be
combined here is if the Sultan personally performs the
Namaaz or if someone appointed as his deputy in Hajj

performs it. It is not Halaal for one who has
performed his Zuhr alone or with his own special
Jamaat, to perform Asr before the appointed time of
Asr, and the reason for which Shariat has
commanded that the Asr and Zuhr be combined in this
condition, (in other words) to give one sufficient time
upto the time of sunset for the purpose of Dua, will no
longer be applicable. (In other words, the law of
combining Zuhr and Asr will not be valid if the
conditions as stipulated are not met, so one should
thus read the Zuhr in its appointed time and then Asr
in its appointed time).

18. Think about how wrong and disrespectful it would
be to do anything else in this time which the Shariah
has prescribed and set aside for making Dua. I have
seen certain disrespectful persons that when the Imam
is in Namaaz or when he has completed his Namaaz
and gone to Muaqif, they are wasting their time
eating, drinking, smoking Huqqa and making tea.
Beware! never behave in this manner. After
performing Namaaz behind the Imam, immediately go
to the Muaqif (This is the place where one should
stand-up and make Dua from after Namaaz, right upto
the time of sunset). If possible do so, whilst sitting on
a camel, since it is Sunnah, and it is one way of being

safe from the stampeding and trampling of the huge

19. Certain Matoofs prevent people from going into
these congregations, by putting fear into them in
different ways. Do not listen to them. This is a place
where special Mercy is descending in abundance.
Definitely! The womenfolk and the weak men should
stand where they are, and continue with their Dua,
with the exception of Batan Arafa (This is one of the
drains from the Haram, in Arafat which is to the west
of Musjid-e-Namarah, in the direction of Makkah
Muazzamah). To make Wuqoof there is not
permissible. With the exception of this, the entire area
is Arafat. These people, (women and the weak) should
visualise that they are also in the crowd of people on
the Plains of Arafat and they should not think of
themselves as separate. In that congregation, there are
definitely many Awliyah and not only them; but
Ambia such as Hazrat Ilyas and Khidr (alaihimus
salaam) are present there. You should visualise that
the Noor and Rahmat which is descending on this
congregation of people more importantly the (Ambia)
is being bestowed upon us beggars, in their Sadqa. In
this way, even though you are separate from them, but
you will still be with them, and for those who can be
present there, this is not something to be missed.

20. Here, it is better to stand near the Imam, close to
Jabl-e-Rahmat where there is a floor of black stone,
facing the Qibla; Stand in this manner, if there is no
risk of causing harm or discomfort to anyone. If not,
make Wuqoof (stand in Dua) wherever and however
possible. Stand on either the right or the left of the
Imam, as it is better than standing in front of him. It is
the Wuqoof-e-Arafat which is the essence and a great
pillar of the Hajj.

21. Certain ignorant people behave in a manner
whereby they climb onto the mountain and wave their
handkerchiefs etc. Avoid this action and to not pay
attention to them. However, do not think ill of those
who do this as well. This is not a time to look for the
faults of others, but it is the time to look for your own
faults and weaknesses, and to cleanse your self of
your shortcomings and faults, by being ashamed of
them and weeping (in repentance).

22. And now those that are here and in the thousands,
altogether, should turn towards the Most Merciful
Creator sincerely from their hearts and think about
how they are going to answer to Him on the Maidaan-
e- Hashr (Plains of Resurrection) for all their deeds.
With total dedication, respect and submission, fearing,
trembling and hoping, close your eyes, bow your head

and raise your hands in Dua towards the sky, high
above your head. Drown and engross yourself in
Takbeer, Tahleel, Dua, Tasbeeh, Labaik, Humd, Zikr,
Dua and sincere repentance. Try to shed at least one
tear as this is a sign of acceptance and approval. If this
is not possible, then keep a sad face, since the good
appearance of a person is also sign of good. When
making Dua, continuously repeat the Labaik. There
have been many Duas prescribed for this day, but the
Dua-e-Jaame which has been quoted earlier is enough
for this day. This should be recited a few times, and it
is better that you spend your time in Durood, Zikr and
recitation of the Holy Quran, since according to the
promise of the Hadith, you will gain more than those
who are asking Dua. Firmly grasp the Daaman of the
Prophet . Use the mediation of Hazrat Ghaus-e-
Azam . Regarding your sins, think of the Wrath of
Allah and tremble in this thought. Let it be known that
from His Wrath, only with Him is there protection,
and you cannot run from Almighty Allah. With the
exception of His Divine Court, there is no other place.
Thus, taking the Daaman of the intercessors (Ambia
and Awliyah) in your hand, ask protection in Him
from His punishment, and remain in the condition,
that sometimes, due to his Ghazab (Fear), you tremble
and sometimes through his Mercy, your disillusioned
heart blooms again. Remain in this condition until the

sun sets and one magnificent portion of the night
appears. To depart from Arafat before this is not
allowed. Certain people hastily depart during the day.
Do not follow them. If it were meant to leave before
the time of sunset, then why would it be commanded
to combine the Zuhr and Asr Salaah? Who knows
when the Mercy of Almighty Allah will be directed
towards you. If (Allah forbid) this Mercy descended
after your early departure, it will be such a great loss.
If one leaves the boundaries of Arafat before Maghrib,
then this is an offence and as a penalty for this
offence, one will have to sacrifice an animal (i.e.
make a Qurbani). The guides usually tell the people
not to stay overnight since it is not safe. This would
only be the case if there were one or two people
staying. Here you find groups upon groups staying, so
Insha Allah, there is no risk of danger.

23. There is an etiquette on this day which is essential
to commit to memory. It is to think and have complete
faith in the promise of Allah Almighty, believing that
today I have become so pure from sins, like the
moment I was born from the womb of my mother.
After this, you should try not to sin any more and
think that the stain which Almighty Allah has washed
out from my forehead through His Mercy should
never appear again.

24. The following actions are Makruh at Arafat:

(a). To suspend the Wuqoof before sunset, that is if
you did not leave the boundary of Arafat before
sunset, as it is Haraam to leave the boundaries before

(b). to delay going towards the area of Wuqoof after
reading Zuhr and Asr Salaah.

(c). to be engrossed in eating, drinking and anything
else rather than the remembrance of Allah, up to

(d). to engage oneself in worldly conversation

(e). after confirming the sunset, to delay in departing
from Arafat.

(f). to read Maghrib or Esha in Arafat.

Important Note: Try to avoid erecting umbrellas or
anything for shade when making Wuqoof. However,
those who are helpless in this regard are excused.

An Extremely Important Note: To look at a female
unnecessarily with improper intention is totally
Haraam (Forbidden) at any given time. Neither is this
permissible in Ehraam and in Muaqif, nor in front of
the Kaaba, or whilst making Tawaaf of the Bait-ul-
Haraam. This is a time of great test for you. Here, the
women have been commanded not to cover their faces
and you have been commanded not to look towards
them. You should strongly believe that they are the
slaves of the Greatest King, and both you and they are
present in His Court. An example without comparison
is this, that if a cub is beside a lion, who will dare look
towards it. The servants (female) of Almighty Allah
Qahaar are in His Court. How severe and serious is to
look at them with evil intention!


Wisely, protect your Imaan and watch your heart and
sight. The Haram is a place where even the intention
of committing a sin holds accountability, and one sin
is equivalent to one hundred thousand sins. O Allah!
Give us the Taufeeq to do good! Aameen


Departure to Mina and Muzdalifa &
all other Actions of Hajj

1. As soon as the sun sets, immediately depart to
Muzdalifa, and it is better to do so with the Imam.
However, if the Imam is delayed, then do not wait for

2. On this entire journey, engross yourself in Dua,
Labaik, Durood and weeping (in the Court of Allah).

3. On the journey, wherever you find the opportunity,
try to go a little faster, either on foot or on conveyance
etc. However, when doing this you should try not to
cause discomfort to others.

4. When Muzdalifa is in sight, it is better to go on foot
according to your ability to do so. It is more virtuous
to take a bath before entering Muzdalifa.

5. When arriving there, try your best to avoid
dismounting near the main pathway of the mountains,
if not dismount wherever you find place.

6. Most probably, you will reach Muzdalifa when the
sun has set completely and the time of Maghrib would
have expired. Before unloading your luggage etc. read
Maghrib and Esha with the Imam and if there is still
time for Maghrib Salaah when you reach, do not read
your Maghrib. Even on the journey (to Muzdalifa), do
not read Maghrib Salaah in the time of Maghrib. On
this day, it is a sin to read Namaaz-e-Maghrib in the
time of Maghrib. If you have already read it, then it
will have to be repeated in the time of Esha.

Thus, after reaching Muzdalifa, read Maghrib in the
time of Esha with the Niyyat of Ada Salaah and not
with the Niyyat of Qaza. Try your utmost to read with
the Imam. The Imam will perform the Fard of
Maghrib first in Jamaat. After he turns Salaam, it will
immediately be followed with the Jamaat of Esha.
After you read the Fard of Esha, you should read the
Sunnats of Maghrib and Esha. The Witr should be
read thereafter. If you were not able to get the Jamaat
with the Imam, then make your own Jamaat. If this
too is not possible, read your Salaah individually.

7. The rest of the night should be spent in Zikr,
Labaik, Durood and Dua, as this is a very exalted
place and this night is a very excellent night. If we are
blessed with life, we will have many other nights to

sleep in. Allah knows who will get this night again
and who will not! Remain in complete Tahaarat
(cleanliness). It is however better to sleep, rather than
to engross yourself in unnecessary conversation. You
should rise before first light and complete all natural
needs and perform Tahaarat (purification). Today the
Namaaz of Fajr will be read in a great deal of
darkness. Try to join the Jamaat with the Imam and
try not to miss even the first Takbeer. The person who
reads the Namaaz of Esha and Fajr here with Jamaat,
attains the Sawaab of staying awake in Ibaadat for the
entire night.

8. Now the time for the second Haaziri (presence) at
the Exalted Court has come. The Doors of Mercy and
blessings have are opened. In the entire Arafat,
Huqooqullah has been forgiven and here, He has
promised the forgiving of Huqooqul Ibaad. Perform
Wuqoof on Masharul Haraam, in other words the
special mountain, if not, close to this and if not,
anywhere else except Waadi-e-Mahsar (This is a
drainpipe between Mina and Muzdalifa and is outside
both the boundaries. It starts on the mountain on the
right, when going towards Mina and is almost 545
hand lengths. The Ashaab-e-Feel stopped here. Here
the punishment of the Ababeel descended. One should
pass here swiftly and ask protection from the

Punishment of Almighty Allah). When performing
Wuqoof here, follow all that which was mentioned in
regards to Wuqoof-e-Arafat.

9. When the time remaining before sunrise is that
which is needed to perform 2 Rakaats, then depart
with the Imam to Mina. Here you should pick 7 little
stones equivalent to Daana-e-Khurma (Type of Date)
from a clean place. Wash each one thrice. Do not
break any large stones to acquire these pebbles.

10. Throughout this trip, engross yourself in Zikr,
Durood and Labaik etc.

11. When reaching Waadi-e-Mahsar, go swiftly across
the 545 hand lengths. However do not speed to an
extent that you cause harm to anyone else. Whilst
passing through, read the following Dua:





Allahumma La Taqtulna Bi Ghadabika Wa la Tuh
likna Bi Azaabika wa Aafina Qablaz Zaalika

12. When Mina is in sight, read the same Dua that you
read on seeing Mina when arriving from Makkah.

13. On arrival in Mina, before doing anything else,
proceed to the Jamraat-ul-Uqba (one of the 3 pillars
between Mina and Makkah) which from this direction,
is the latter Jamrah and from Makkah, the first, and in
the centre of the gorge. Stand 5 hand lengths away
from the Jamrah in a manner whereby Mina is on your
right and Kaaba is on your left, and you are facing the
Jamrah. Take the 7 pebbles, each separately. Lift up
the right hand completely and allow the under arm to
be visible, then say

Bismillahi Allahu Akbar (once)

and throw the stones one at a time. It is preferable that
the stone reaches the Jamrah. If not, it should fall
within the distance of 3 hand lengths. If the stones fall
further away than this, they will not count. On
throwing the first stone, discontinue the Labaik.

14. When the 7 stones have been thrown, do not
delay. Return immediately with Dua and Zikr.

15. Now, continue with the Qurbani. This is not that
Qurbani which is made during Eid, because in reality,
that is not for Musafirs (travellers), but is waajib
(compulsory) upon a Muqeem (resident). Even though

the Qurbani is done in Hajj, it is a token of
appreciation for Hajj. For those performing Qiraan
and Tamuttu, this is Waajib, even if they are Faqeer.
(A faqeer who does not have in his possession an
animal which he may sacrifice, or if he does not have
the money to sacrifice an animal, then he may
compensate with ten fast which will be waajib upon
him. The first 3 should be kept between the 1
Shawwaal and the 9
of Zilhajj after tying Ehraam,
preferably the 7th, 8th and 9th and the other 7 should
be kept whenever he wishes, after the thirteenth,
preferably after reaching home). For the one
performing Ifraad, it is Mustahab (desirable), even if
he may be wealthy. The conditions in regards to the
age and the body of the animals are the same as the
conditions prescribed for the animal in Qurbani (Eid).

16. If you know how to make Zibah (slaughter) then it
is Sunnah to do it yourself, if not you should be
present during the Zibah.

17. The animal should be laid down towards the Qibla
and you should also face the Qibla, and with a sharp
knife, whilst saying the Takbeer, you should slaughter
it so swiftly that the 4 vessels must be severed. Do not
use excessive force, as this causes unnecessary pain.

18. It is preferable to tie both the forelegs and one
hind leg of the Qurbani animal during Zibah and untie
it after the Zibah.

19. If the animal is a camel, the Sunnah method is to
make it stand, and to strike it with a spear close to the
chest, on the throat by proclaiming the Takbeer; and
to slaughter it with a knife is Makruh. However even
with Zibah, it will be Halaal. It should be slaughtered
only on one part of the throat and not in three different
places like many ignorant people say. This method is
incorrect and contrary to the Sunnah; and to cause
unnecessary pain is Makruh.

20. If the animal is not cold (completely dead), do not
remove the skin or any parts of the body.

21. After making this Qurbani, make Dua for your
Hajj and the Hajj of all the Muslims to be accepted.

22. After making this Qurbani, men should sit facing
the Qibla and have their hair removed. This is called
Halaq. This is of great excellence. If not removed,
have the hair trimmed. To remove the hair of women
is Haraam. All they need to do is to trim the hair one
equal to one finger joint.

23. Whether removing the hair or trimming it, one
should start from the right side and say








Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaaha illal laahu
Wallahu Akbar - Allahu Akbar Wa lil laahil Humd

Also say this after you have completed removing the
hair. Thereafter make Dua for the forgiveness of all
the Muslims.

24. Bury all the hair that has been trimmed or
removed. Make a habit to always bury the hair, nails
etc. which you remove from your body.

25. Here, do not trim your nails or shape the beard
line (i.e. to clean the cheek area of the face) before
removing your hair.

26. Now, to have sexual intimacy with your wife, to
touch her with desire, to embrace her and to kiss her is
etc. is permitted. In other words, in Ehraam, you were
only allowed to look at her, but now all that which
was haraam in Ehraam, has become Halaal.

27. It is more virtuous on this date (the 10th), to
proceed for the Fard Tawaaf to Makkah, which is
known as Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah. It is preferable to go by
foot with complete Tahaarat and properly covered. In
this Tawaaf however, there is no Iztiba.

28. If those performing Ifraad and Qiraan, have
already made Ramal and Saee in the Tawaaf-e-
Qudoom and if the one performing Tamuttu has
already made Ramal and Saee in any Nafil Tawaaf
after wearing the Ehraam of Hajj, or if they made only
Saee, then they should not make Ramal and Saee in
this Tawaaf, but if Ramal and Saee was not made, or
if only Ramal was made or the Tawaaf in which this
was done was that of Umrah, like the first Tawaaf of
the Qaarin and Mutamatti, or if the Tawaaf was made
without Tahaarat (ablution), then in these 4 situations,
Ramal and Saee must be made in this Fard Tawaaf.

29. If the old and the weak women are not able to
proceed for Tawaaf on the 10
, they should do so on
the 11
as this is next most virtuous day, and the
benefit on this day is that the Mataaf is usually not
very crowded. The women would be able to make
Tawaaf comfortably and possibly even get to kiss the
Hajr-e-Aswad without difficulty.

30. Those that cannot make it on the 11
should go on
the 12
, and delay without reason after this is a sin. In
penalty for this, one must slaughter an animal.
However, if a women is in Haiz or Nifaas
(Menstruation or postnatal bleeding), then she may
make Tawaaf after this.

31. After Tawaaf, 2 Rakaats Namaaz must be
performed. After this Tawaaf, your wives also become
Halaal upon you. Hajj has been completed, as its
second pillar was this Tawaaf.

32. To spend the 10
, 11
and 12
nights in Mina is
Sunnah. Neither should it be spent in Muzdalifa, in
Makkah or on the way. Thus, those who have made
Tawaaf on the 10
or 11
, should return to Mina after
the completion of Tawaaf, and spend the night in

33. On the 11
, after listening to the Khutbah of the
Imam, once again go for Rami (pelting of Jamrah).
During these days commence with Rami from the
Jamrah-e-Ula, which is close to Musjid-e-Khaif and in
the direction of Muzdalifa. For this Rami, approach
from the direction of Makkah, stand on a hill since
this place is higher compared to Jamrah-e-Uqba. Face
the Kaaba, and throw 7 stones at the Jamrah in the

prescribed manner which has been explained earlier,
and make Dua. In Dua, raise the hands in a manner,
whereby the palms are facing the Qibla, and read Dua,
Durood and Zikr etc. In doing this, spend at least the
amount of time it would take to complete 20 Ayats
(verses of the Quran), or the amount of time in which
quarter Para, or Surah Baqara can be recited.

34. Then proceed to the Jamrah-e-Wusta and follow
the same procedure.

35. Then proceed to Jamrah-e-Uqba, but here do not
wait after Rami. Depart immediately after Rami. On
your return from here, make Dua.

36. Follow the very same procedure and perform
Rami at all 3 Jamrahs on the 12
as well. This should
be done after Zawaal. On this date, some people
perform the Rami before noon and then depart from
there. This is contrary to our actual Madhab and is a
weak narration.

37. After completion of Rami on the 12
, one has the
option of departing to Makkatul Mukarramah before
sunset. However, to leave after sunset is regarded as
being flawed (i.e. incorrect). In the latter condition,
meaning if one stays after Maghrib, then one will have

to stay one more day. In other words, one must make
Rami accordingly on the 13
just after noon, and then
depart to Makkah. This is more virtuous. Most people
however, depart on the 12
, so there is only a small
group of people that remain here for a night and day.

38. Halaq refers to the removing of the hair. This is
not permissible before making Rami.

39. In accordance with the actual ruling, the Rami on
the 11
and 12
before noon is not the proper

40. The following are Makruh (defective) in Rami:

(a). to make Rami on the 10
, after noon
(b). to make Rami on the 13
, before noon
(c). to throw huge stones in Rami
(d). to break big stones and use its pebbles for Rami
(e). to use the stones lying under the Jamrah for Rami,
as these are cursed stones. Those that are accepted are
lifted away to be kept on the scale of good deeds on
the day of Qiyaamah, if not a mountain would be
formed around the Jamraats.
(f). to throw Na Paak (impure) stones
(g). to throw more than 7 stones
(h). to go against the prescribed direction for Rami

(i). to stand closer than 5 hand lengths from the
Jamrah. There is no harm in standing further.
(j). to pelt the Jamrahs in the wrong sequence.
(k). to keep the stones near the Jamrah, instead of
throwing them at it.

41. On the final day, in other words on either the 12

or 13
day, when departing from Mina to Makkatul
Mukarramah, stop at Waadi-e-Mahsab which is
close to Jannat-ul-Mualla. Here, either disembark or
while seated on your transportation, spend some time
in making Dua and Durood etc. It is more virtuous for
you to read your Salaahs right up to Esha over here.
Thereafter, take a short nap, and then enter Makkah

42. Now, after the 13
, for as long as you remain in
Makkah, perform Umrah for your Peer, Ustaaz, and
Parents and more especially for Huzoor-e-Anwar ,
his Companions, his Noble Family, and Huzoor
Ghaus-e-Azam . Perform as many
Umrah as possible. To do this, go to Taneem which is
North of Makkatul Mukarramah, in other words, it is
3 miles away, in the direction of Madinah Tayyibah.
There, you may tie the Ehraam of Umrah as explained
earlier. Then return to Makkah, perform Tawaaf and

Saee accordingly; thereafter remove the hair or have
a trim. This will complete an Umrah. The person, who
has already performed Umrah and wishes to perform a
second Umrah on the same day, should just run the
blade on the head. This also applies with regards to a
person who does not have any hair naturally.

43. Do not be deprived of completing recitation of the
Holy Quran at least once in Makkatul Mukarramah.

44. Make Haaziri at Jannat-ul-Mualla and make
Ziyaarat of Umm-ul-Momineen Hazrat Khadijatul
Kubra and all those resting in this Holy

45. Also try to attaining the blessing of visiting the
sacred place where the Beloved Prophet was born.

46. Make Ziyaarah of Hazrat Abdul Mutallib and do
not visit the grave of Abu Taalib. Also in Jeddah, do
not visit the lengthy grave which people have made of
Hazrat Hawa as there is no evidence of this
being her grave.

47. Remain in the service of the true Ulama, and more
importantly, remain in the service of the Learned and

Pious Scholars of Deen. Amongst the learned scholars
present there are, Hazrat Maulana Abdul Haq Saheb
Muhajir Allahabadi who resides close to the Hamidia
Mahal and who is full of compassion especially
towards the Muslims who come from India; Hazrat
Sheik-ul-Ulama Maulana Muhammad Saeed
Baabseel; Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Aima Maulana Ahmad
Abul Khair Marwaw who resides close to Safa; and
Hazrat Imaad-us-Sunnah, Maulana Sheikh Saleh
Kamaal who resides close to Baab-us-Salaam; and
Hazrat Sayyid Ismaeel Afandi who is the Curator of
the Haram Library in Musjid-ul-Haraam Shareef and
all other such personalities . (All the
personalities mentioned in this list have already
passed from this world)

48. To be blessed with the opportunity to enter inside
the Holy Kaaba is a great blessing. If one obtains this
opportunity in a permissible way, then enter the
Haram-e-Aam. However, this is not something for the
weak and nervous. It is also not allowed for women to
try to enter the Kaaba in such a massive crowd. Even
if you are safe from any discomfort, it may cause
discomfort to others. This is not permissible and there
is no feeling in this kind of Haaziri (Presence).
(Nowadays), it is very difficult to enter without giving

or taking something, and in this circumstance, to give
or take is both haraam (i.e. to give a bribe or receive
the same for being allowed entrance), even though one
may receive the opportunity (of a lifetime) to fulfil a
desirable act by way of this. It is still regarded as
being Haraam. If you do not obtain the opportunity for
this, then be satisfied with the opportunity of entering
into the Hateem, for this is sufficient. We have
mentioned earlier that the Hateem is part of the sacred
ground of the Kaaba. Thus entrance into the Hateem is
to enter the Kaaba. If however, you do obtain the
opportunity in a permissible manner to enter the
Kaaba, then with total submission, bow your head,
and in the fear of Almighty Allah, say Bismillah and
enter with the right foot. Go close to the front wall and
stand 3 hand lengths away from it. There you should
perform 2 Rakaats of Nafil Salaah in the non-Makruh
time, since that is the Musalla of Rasoolullah . You
should then place your face against the walls and be
engrossed in Dua, Durood and Zikr etc. Similarly,
with total humility and submission, go to the 4 corners
and make Dua, and embrace the pillars and beg for the
acceptance of your Hajj. In this same manner lowering
your gaze, come back and do not look around
aimlessly. Hope for immense blessings whilst there,
and as you exit, for Allah says, He who has entered

this house has received safety (Protection from Allah).
And Praise be to Allah

49. The leftover candles that the Khudaam (those
serving the people in Haramain Sharifain) give here
and in Madina should not be taken. You should rather
take your own candles, light them there and then take
with you what is remaining.

50. When you intend to depart, perform Tawaaf-e-
Wida (The Farewell Tawaaf), without Ramal, Saee
and Iztiba, as this is Waajib upon all those who live
outside (the boundaries of Makkah). Then perform 2
Rakaats Namaaz at Maqaam-e-Ebrahim. However,
there is no Tawaaf-e-Wida for women who are in
Haiz (menstruation) or Nifaas (postnatal bleeding).

51. Then in the prescribed manner, proceed to the
Well of Zam Zam where you should again drink the
Zam Zam and rub it onto the body.

52. Then stand at the door of the Kaaba and kiss this
Holy Place. Continuously make Dua for acceptance of
your Hajj and recite Dua-e-Jaame.

53. Then proceed to the Multazam and hold the
Ghilaaf (Covering) of the Kaaba. Here make Dua,
Zikr and Durood in abundance.

54. Then go to Hajr-e-Aswad and kiss it. If you are
able to, then shed tears when kissing the Hajr-e-
Aswad. (In other words, cry to Almighty Allah).

55. Then depart from the Kaaba, walking backwards,
in other words facing the Kaaba. If not, continuously
turn and look at the Kaaba with hope. On departing
from the Kaaba, weep or show a sad face, and then
approach the Door (of Musjid-ul-Haraam). First exit
with the left foot, by reciting the prescribed Dua, and
the best Door to exit from is the Baab-ul-Hazura.

56. Women who are in Haiz and Nifaas should stand
at the Door of the Haram, make Dua and look with
hope at the Kaaba.

57. As per your means, spend on the Faqeers
(mendicants) of Makkah Muazzamah and direct your
thoughts towards the Holy Prophet . ,- ..



Offences & Penalties

The explanation in regards to this topic is very
extensive and this booklet is very brief and the time is
limited. If the manner of Hajj which has been
explained in this book is adhered to correctly, then
Insha Allah, Almighty Allah will protect you from
any offences or penalty.

Note: In this section, the term Dum will refer to
either one sheep (i.e. ram) or goat. The term
Budnah will refer to one camel or cow. All these
animals should conform to the same conditions as
required for a normal Qurbani animal. In some
instances, only a Sadqa becomes due. (The Sadqa is
equal to 1.6kg of wheat or 3.2kg of barley or dates, or
its equivalent in price)

Law: An act for which Dum is owed, and if this
offence occurs due to some illness, intense heat,
intense cold, an injury, a wound, or due to injury or
harm by lice etc, then these offences are known as
Ghair Ikhtiyari (i.e. involuntary or unintentional
offences). In this case, the offender has the option of

either giving Dum, or instead of this, to give 6
orphans a single Sadqa each; or to keep 3 fasts. If
Sadqa is commanded because of an action that was
done involuntarily under duress, then he has the
option to keep one fast in lieu of the Sadqa.

These are the Rules Pertaining to Offences and

1. If sewn clothing or clothes dyed with a fragrant dye
was worn for one full day and night, or if it was worn
continuously, then Dum is waajib (compulsory). If it
was worn for less than one day and night, or even for
one moment, then Sadqa should be given.

2. If he wore it during the day and then removed it at
night because of the intense heat; or if he wore it at
night, because of the cold, and then removed it during
the day, with the intention of not wearing it again, but
then still wore it again on the next day, it will be
regarded as a second offence. The same ruling will
apply depending on the amount of times he wears it.

3. If he wore it (sewn clothing) due to an illness, then
for as long as the illness remains, it will be regarded
as a single offence. If this illness has definitely
subsided, and another illness appeared, and there is a

need for him to wear it during this illness as well,
then, in t his case, it will still be regarded as a second
offence, but it will be Ghair Ikhtiyari (i.e.

4. If during an illness, there is a need to wear clothing
from head to toe (i.e. to cover the entire body), it is
only counted as one Ghair Ikhtiyari offence. However,
in a case where one only needed to wear a single item,
such as, if one only needed to wear a turban and he
wore a Kurta as well; then in this case there are 2
offences. The penalty for the turban is Ghair Ikhtiyari
and the one for the kurta is Ikhtiyari.

5. If a man covers his entire head or quarter of his
head, or if a man or women covers the entire face or
quarter of the face for one day and one night or more
than that continuously, there is one Dum. If less than a
quarter was covered for one day and one night or for
longer than this continuously, then there is one Dum.
If a quarter or less than a quarter of the face or head
was covered for one day one night, or less, then there
is Sadqa. If less than a quarter was covered for less
than one day, it is a sin and there is no Kafarah
(penalty) for it.

6. If one used such a substantial amount of fragrance,
that when people notice it, they regard it as being
substantial, even though it was put on a small portion
of the body or even if a little was rubbed onto a large
portion of the body (like the head or the face etc.) then
there is Dum. If a little fragrance was used on a small
portion of the body, then the penalty is Sadqa.

Law: Fragrance is usually applied on the Holy Hajr-e-
Aswad and if whilst kissing it in the condition of
Ehraam, a substantial amount rubs onto the mouth (or
face), then there is Dum. If only little rubs on, then
there is Sadqa.

7. If thin mehndi (henna) was used to dye the hair, and
the hair was not hidden (i.e. covered by it), then there
is one Dum. If it was applied thick and more than one
day and one night passed, then for men there are 2
Dum (i.e. one for applying this fragrant item on an
entire area of the body and the second is for leaving it
on for longer than one day and night), and if was kept
on for less than one day and a night, then for a male
there is one Sadqa and one Dum (The Dum is for
applying the fragrant item and the Sadqa is for leaving
the head covered for less than a day and night). For
women, in both cases there is only one Dum (The
Dum is simply because of applying the fragrant item.

There is no Dum for covering the hair as this is
essential for her)

8. No matter how much fragrance is used on the body
in one sitting, it is regarded as a single offence. If it is
applied in different sittings, then each will be regarded
as a new offence.

9. If small amounts of fragrance were applied to
different portions of the body, but if gathered, it will
be sufficient to cover an entire part (limb) of the body,
then there is Dum, otherwise only Sadqa.


This restriction has been stipulated because in the
case of substantial fragrance being used, it is not
restricted to the just the entire part. So pay attention
(in this regard).

10. If scented Surmah was used thrice or more than
thrice, then there is Dum, if not Sadqa.

11. If one ate some fragrant item (i.e. something that
is itself a perfume), and it touched (i.e. affected) most
of the mouth; there is Dum, if not Sadqa.


12. If a fragrant item (as mentioned above) was put
into food during cooking (and the fragrant item) then
disappeared, there is no problem. If however, the bits
and pieces of the fragrant item are more, then it is in
the same ruling as that which applies to eating a
fragrant item (as mentioned above). However, if the
food portion is more, then the general books (of Fiqh)
have mentioned absolutely, that there is no penalty.
However, if the smell is overwhelming, then it is an
abomination (i.e. it is objectionable).

13. If a fragrant item was mixed into some drinking
item, then if the portion of the fragrant item is
stronger, or if one drank from it thrice or more than
thrice, there is Dum, if not Sadqa.

Law: To smoke a blend of tobacco is undesirable, but
it is neither disallowed nor is there any penalty for

14. If one removed quarter or more of the hair on the
head or beard in any way, then there is Dum, if not

15. If the hair is very thin, or the hair of the beard is
very light (i.e. there is only a light growth of hair),

then it will be seen if the hair is equal to quarter of
that area or not.

16. Similarly, if hair was removed from different
parts, it will be combined to see if it makes up quarter.

17. If all the hair on the body was removed in one
sitting, it is only regarded as a single offence. If it is
done in different sittings, then each one is an
individual offence.

18. If the moustache is removed, even though it is the
entire moustache, there is only Sadqa.

19. If the neck hair and hair from under one armpit is
removed, there is Dum and if it is less, and it amounts
to half, or more than half, then there is Sadqa. This
rule applies to the pubic hair as well. The rule of
quarter being equal to all is only applicable in the case
of the hair of the head and the beard.

20. Even if the hair of both armpits is removed, there
is only one Dum.

21. With the exception of the hair on the head, the
beard, the armpits and pubic hair, the penalty for
removing any other hair on the body is Sadqa.


22. The ruling in regards to shaving off the hair,
trimming it, pulling it with tweezers and or to use hair
removers etc. is the same. In other words, the same
ruling applies to all.

23. If a woman trims from the entire head or from
quarter head, hair equal to even one finger joint, there
is Dum, and for less than this, there is Sadqa.

24. Hair that falls of whilst performing wudu,
combing, or whilst scratching, will cause the full
Sadqa to be due (Even in this case, the ruling is
regarding one sitting. In other words, if one or all the
hair breaks off in one sitting, there is only one Sadqa,
and if it occurs in different sittings, then there will be
separate Sadqa for each sitting in which it occurs).
Some (jurists) have mentioned that one handful of
grain, or one piece of Roti or one prune must be given
as Sadqa for every hair that breaks if it is upto 2 or 3
strands of hair.

25. If hair falls off without you touching it, or if due to
any illness even all the hair falls off, there is no

26. If all the nails of one hand and one foot are
clipped, or if all 20 are clipped at once, then there is
one Dum. If all five nails of any hand or feet are not
clipped, there is one Sadqa for every nail that has been
clipped. This means that if only 4 nails each were
clipped for each of both hands and each of both feet,
then one should give 16 Sadqa, except in the case
where the Sadqa becomes equal to the value of one
Dum. In this case, you should give slightly less than
that amount.

27. If in one sitting, the nails of one hand and one foot
were clipped, and in another sitting, the nails of the
other hand and foot were clipped, then there is 2 Dum.
Similarly if the 4 were clipped separately in 4 sittings,
then there will be 4 Dum.

28. If a nail had broken, and it does not have the
ability to grow, and one removed the rest of it, then
there is no penalty.

29. To kiss, touch, and embrace (your wife) in a state
of arousal will cause one Dum, even if there was no
seminal discharge. If it was not done in a state of
arousal, there is no penalty.

30. There is no penalty in looking at the private
ornaments of the body, even though it may cause
seminal discharge. However, this is Makruh

31. If seminal discharge occurs due to masturbation,
there is Dum. Otherwise it is Makruh. (It must be
noted that masturbation is not permitted at any time,
be it in Ehraam or out of Ehraam)

32. If the entire or most of the Tawaaf-e-Fard was
performed in the state of Janaabat, Haidh or Nifaas,
there is Budnah and if it was performed without
wudu, there is Dum. In the first case, it is waajib
(compulsory) to repeat this Tawaaf with Tahaarat; and
in the second case, to repeat it is Mustahab.

33. If more than half the circuits were done without
Tahaarat, there is one Sadqa, for every circuit.

34. (a) If the complete Tawaaf-e-Fard or part of it was
not done by foot, but was done sitting, or whilst riding
or whilst being carried by someone without a valid
reason; (b) or if it was performed without the proper
Satr-e-Awrat, in other words without covering the
prescribed parts of the body, for example if quarter of
a females wrist or quarter of the hair on her head was

left uncovered; (c) or if one performed Tawaaf in the
incorrect direction by walking with the Kaaba to your
right; (d) or whilst in Tawaaf if he passed through the
Hateem; (e) or if he performed it after the 12
, then in
all 5 cases Dum must be given.
35. If less than 4 circuits of a Tawaaf were not done at
all, then there is Dum, and if it was done after the 12
then there is Sadqa for every circuit.

36. With the exception of Tawaaf-e-Fard, if any other
Tawaaf was done in the state of Janaabat Dum will be
due, and if it was done without wudu, there is Sadqa.

37. If any Fard or other Tawaaf etc. was done in an
improper manner, which caused Kafarah to become
necessary, then once it has been fulfilled correctly,
one will be absolved of the Kafarah (penalty). After
the 12
, with the exception of the Tawaaf-e-Fard, any
shortcoming in any other circuit cannot be repeated as
this is not possible. The 12
has already passed.

38. To make Tawaaf in impure clothes is Makruh, but
there is no penalty.

39. If 4 or more circuits of Saee were completely
omitted without a valid reason; or it was done sitting
on an animal etc. then there is Dum, but the Hajj is

valid. If less than 4 were omitted, then Sadqa must be
given for every circuit missed.

41. If one performed Saee before performing Tawaaf,
he should repeat the Saee. If he does not repeat it,
Dum will become necessary.

42. If on the morning of the 10
, one did not make
Wuqoof at Muzdalifa without a valid reason, then
there is Dum. However, if a weak person or a female
does not do so due to fear of facing difficulty, there is
no penalty.

43. If Halaq was not done in the Haram, or if it was
done outside the boundaries of the Haram, or if it was
done after the 12
, then there is Dum.

44. If Halaq was done before Rami, there is Dum.

45. If those doing Qiraan or Tamuttu make Qurbani
before Rami, or Halaq before Qurbani, there is Dum.

46. If Rami was not made at all on any of the days
without a valid reason, or if the Rami of one day was
completely left out or most of it was not done, for
example if one threw upto 3 stones on the 10
or if
one threw upto 10 stones on the 11
; or if the Rami of

one day was completely left our or most of it was not
done, and it was then done on the next day, then in
these cases, there is Dum due. If the Rami of a
particular day was done on the night that follows, then
there is no penalty.

47. If less than half the Rami of any day was done, for
example, 3 were thrown on the 10
and on another
day, 10 were completely left out, or if a person threw
them on the another day, then there is a Sadqa for
every stone (pebble). If the value of the (combined)
Sadqa is equal to that of a Dum, then a bit less should
be given.

48. If a person in Ehraam removed the hair or
trimmed the nails of another person who is also in
Ehraam, he should give Sadqa, and that Sadqa or Dum
will be based on the explanation that we have already
given earlier. If he is not in Ehraam, then he should
give some khairaat (optional charity), even if it is a
handful of something, and that is really nothing.

49. If you dressed someone in sewn clothing, or
applied fragrance to him, in a manner where it did not
touch you, then there is no penalty for this. It will
however be regarded as a sin. If he was in Ehraam as

well, then as per our explanation, he will either give
Dum or Sadqa.

50. If one had sexual intercourse before Wuqoof-e-
Arafat, the Hajj is not valid. He must complete the
entire rituals of Hajj and then give a Dum, and the
very next year he must return and repeat the Hajj. If
the female was in Ehraam as well, then the same
applies to her. It is more appropriate that from the
time of tying the Ehraam of Hajj, upto the final days,
they should both stay separately whereby they do not
see each other, if there is the risk of them falling into
this bad situation. By being intimate after the Wuqoof,
the Hajj will not be rendered invalid. However, if this
was done before Halaq and Tawaaf, then one must
give Budnah. If they were intimate between both
(i.e. between Tawaaf and removing the hair), then
Dum should be given, but even in this case it is better
to give Budnah. If intimacy takes place after both
(Tawaaf and removing hair), then there is no penalty.

51. In Umrah, if one had sexual intercourse before 4
circuits of Tawaaf, the Umrah will become invalid and
Dum must be given. The Umrah must then be
repeated. If it is done after 4 circuits, then one must
still give Dum, but the Umrah will be valid.

52. If you killed a louse on your body or clothing, or
you threw it off, then for 1 louse, give a piece of
bread. For 2, you should give a handful of grain and if
they were more than 2, then you should give Sadqa.

53. If you washed your hair or clothing, or left your
clothing out in the sun with the intention of killing
lice, the ruling regarding the penalty is the same
which applies to killing it.

54. Similarly, there is a penalty if another person
killed a louse on him because he pointed it out to him
or gestured towards him (to kill it), even though the
other person may not have been in Ehraam.

55. To kill a louse which has fallen on the floor, or to
kill it on the clothing or body of someone else, does
not require a penalty, even though the other person
may be in Ehraam as well.

Law: Where one Dum or Sadqa has been instructed,
in the case of one performing Qiraan, it is doubled
(i.e. the Qaarin will give 2).

Law: The Qurbani of Kafarah or the Shukrana of the
persons in Qiraan and Tamuttu cannot be made
outside the Haram. One is permitted to partake from

the Qurbani which he has offered for Shukrana and a
wealthy person may partake in it as well. However,
the Qurbani for Kafarah is only the right of the needy.

Advice: Penalty is for an offence that occurs
forgetfully, or while asleep, or under duress. He will
be absolved after the penalty is paid. This is not in the
case when one commits any offence intentionally
without any valid reason, and then says that he will
just pay the penalty to compensate for it. The penalty
will have to be paid, but it is a severe sin to
intentionally act contrary to the Command of
Almighty Allah.

Allah bless us with the Taufeeq to be obedient,
affording us the opportunity to make the Ziyaarah of
Madinah. Aameen


The Blessed Visit to
Madinatul Munawwara,
The City of Rasoolullah

1. Haaziri at the Sacred Court of the Holy Prophet
is close to Waajib. Some people behave like friends
and try to frighten you away from going there, saying
there is danger on the way and illness there. Beware!
Never listen to any of their comments and do not
return with the blemish of being deprived from
visiting Madina Munawwara. One has to die one day,
why not die travelling to the Holy Prophet . I
personally experienced that if you hold firm to the
Daaman of the Prophet , he guides you in his
protection and nothing can harm you.

2. When visiting Madina make special intention for
visiting the Prophet . Imam Ibn Al Humaam states,
On this occasion, do not even make the Niyyah of
visiting the Musjid (but make Niyyah of visiting the
Prophet )

3. Throughout the journey, engross yourself in
recitation of Durood and Zikr.

4. When the Haram of Madina is visible, it is better to
go on foot. Walk towards it crying, with your head
bowed and eyes low; and if possible do so bare feet.

... ..



5. When the Holy Green Dome is in sight, recite
Durood and Salaam in abundance.

6. When you reach the Blessed City, drown yourself
in the thought of the Jalaal and Jamaal of the Beloved
Prophet .

7. Before presenting yourself in Musjid-un-Nabawi ,
clear your heart of all thoughts and relieve yourself of
all needs that will cause disturbance during Haaziri;
and avoid unnecessary conversation. Immediately
perform wudu and miswak. To perform Ghusl is more
virtuous. It is preferable to wear clean white clothing,
and if possible wear new clothes. Use fragrance and
Surmah. The preferred fragrance is Musk.

8. Now with total love and reverence, turn towards the
Roza-e-Aqdas. If you cannot cry, make a sad face and

force the heart to weep and ask Rasoolullah from
your stone heart.

9. When present at the Entrance of the Musjid, send
Durood and Salaams, then wait for a little while as
one would wait, in seeking permission to enter from
Sarkaar . Say Bismillah and enter with the right foot,
entering with complete respect and reverence.

10. Every Muslim knows in his heart the respect and
obligations that are demanded of him at this moment.
The eyes, heart, hands and feet etc. should be free of
all other thoughts. Do not be engrossed in the
calligraphy and inscriptions of the Musjid. (i.e. all
your attention should be focused to Rasoolullah )

11. When anyone appears before you with the
intention to speak to you, then only speak according to
necessity. Do not exceed the need of conversation;
still focus your heart to the Prophet .

12. Never ever yell or shout out a single thing in the
Holy Musjid.

13. Believe with complete conviction, that the Holy
Prophet is physically alive and present like he was
before passing from the world. He and all the other

Ambia (alaihimus salaam) only taste death for a split
second, to fulfil the promise of Allah. Their passing
away was just to be hidden from the eyes of the
general public. Imam Muhammad ibn Al Haaj Makki
in Mudkhil and Imam Ahmad Qastalaani in
Mawaahibul Laduniyah state as follows:






There is no difference in the life and passing away of
the Prophet as he is seeing his Ummat, he is aware
of them, he is aware of their intentions, He
understands the thoughts of their hearts and all this is
before the Prophet in a way, whereby nothing is
actually hidden.

Imam Rahmatullah the student of Imam Muhaqqiq
Ibn Al Humaam in Al Mansak Al Mutawasit and Ali
Qaari Makki in Sharah Maslak al Mutaqasit states:




Verily Rasoolullah is aware of your presence, your
standing, your salaam, all your actions, your doings
and your position.

14. Now, if the Jamaat is in progress, then join in
since Tahiyat-ul-Musjid will also been fulfilled in this.
If you obtain the opportunity, then perform 2 Rakaat
Tahiyat-ul-Musjid for Shukrana (in showing
gratefulness) for being blessed with Haaziri of the
Musjid. Read Qul Yaa Ayuhal Kaafiroon in the first
Rakaat and Qul Huwallah in the second Rakaat.
Then try to perform Namaaz at the place where
Rasoolullah used to perform his Namaaz. If you
cannot get this place, try to read as close to it as
possible. After this, perform Sajda-e-Shukr and Dua,
by saying; O Allah! Afford us the opportunity to truly
respect Your Beloved and bless us with his and
Your acceptance Aameen

15. Now at the height of respect, bowing your head,
lowering your gaze, trembling in the fear of Allah,
perspiring in the shame of your sins, hoping and
having faith in the Mercy and Blessing of the Prophet
, present yourself at the feet of the Beloved Prophet
. In other words, present yourself before the Holy
Prophet from the eastern part of the Musjid, for the
Prophet is present in His Mazaar-e-Anwar, facing

the Holy Qibla. Enter from this direction, so that the
Holy Sight of the Prophet may be upon you, and
this is sufficient for you in both the worlds.

16. Now with complete respect, reverence, fear and
hope, stand under the chandelier, close to the silver
peg which is embedded on the southern door of the
Hujra-e-Mutahira, and is in line with the Blessed Face
of Rasoolullah . Stand at least 4 hand lengths away
with your back towards the Qibla and your face
towards the Mazaar-e-Anwar and fold your hands like
in Salaah. It has been stated in Lubaab, Sharah
Lubaab, Ikhtiyar Sharah Mukhtar, Fatawa-e-Alamgiri
and other authentic Kitaabs etc. in regards to the
etiquette as follows:


Stand before Huzoor just as you stand in Salaah
(This has been stated in Alamgiri and Ikhtiyar)

It is mentioned in Lubaab as follows:


Stand respectably, with the hands folded, by placing
the right hand on the left hand

17. Avoid kissing and touching the Jaali Mubaarak as
this is contrary to the ethics of respect. However, it is
better to be more than 4 hand lengths away from the
Rauza-e-Anwar. Is it not enough Mercy upon you,
that he invited you to his Holy Court and allowed you
to stand before him! Even though his sight was always
upon you everywhere, but now the Mercy and Special
Blessing is directed specially towards you and this
closeness has been bestowed upon you.

18. Alhumdulillah! Now like your heart, your face is
also directed towards the Jaali Mubaarak of
Rasoolullah which is the resting place of the
Beloved of Allah . Stand with total respect and
honour, with a medium tone, low gaze and with
humility, neither with a harsh or loud voice (since to
speak aloud in this Court is disrespect and cause of
destruction) nor too soft since it is against the Sunnah
(even though the Prophet is aware of the condition of
your heart, just as it was evident from the sayings of
the A'ima mentioned above), say the following:







As Salaamu Alaika Ayuhan Nabiyu wa Rahmatullahi
Wa Barkatuhu. As Salaanu Alaika Ya RasoolAllah.
As Salaamu Alaika Ya Khaira Khalaqillah. Asalaamu
Alaika Ya Shafi Al Muznibeen. As Salaamu Alaika Wa
Ala Aalika Wa As Ashaabika Wa Um'matika Ajmaeen

O Beloved Nabi of Allah. Salutations be upon you,
and the Mercy and the Blessings of Allah. O Allahs
Rasool, Salutations be upon you. O the Best amongst
Allahs creation! Salutations be upon you. O
Intercessor of the sinners! Salutations be upon you.
Salutations upon you, your noble family, your
companions and upon the entire Ummah

19. Wherever possible, send Salaat-us-Salaam in
abundance upon Rasoolullah . Seek Shafaat from
Huzoor for your Parents, Ustaads, Peer-o-Murshid,
respected ones, friends, relatives and all Muslims.

Continuously say


As Alukash Shafa'ata Ya Rasoolallah
O Allahs Rasool! I beg of you for your intercession

20. If someone requested you to pass their salaams,
then do so. This is the command of the Shariat. This
humble servant is advising and requesting all those
who read this booklet to say these words at least thrice
when visiting Madina, during my life or after my
demise and assist me with this kind favour. Allah will
bless you and reward you for it in both worlds:


_:_:... .'_xc



As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaika Ya RasoolAllah Wa
Alaa Aalika Wa Zurriyatika Fi Qul'li Aanin wa
lahzatin adada qulli zarraatin, alfa alfa maratin min
Ubaidika Ahmad Razabni Naqi Ali, Yas Alukash
Shafaata Fash Fi lahu wa lil Muslimeen

O Allahs Rasool! Blessings and Salutations upon
you, even upon your noble family and companions,
equivalent to every atom, hundreds of thousands of
times from your humble servant Ahmed Raza, the son
of Naqi Ali, and he seeks of you, your intercession.
Bless him and all Muslims with your intercession.

21. Then turn towards your right, in other words
towards the East, just a little, and stand before the
glowing face of Hazrat Siddique-e-Akbar and say






As Salaamu Alaika Ya Khalifata Rasoolillaahi. As
Salaamu Alaika Ya Saahiba Rasoolillaahi fil Ghaari
Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

O Khalifa of Allahs Rasool! Salaam upon you. O
Companion of the cave of Rasoolullah! Salaam upon
you, may the Mercy the Blessings of Allah descend
upon you.

22. Then move a little more, and stand before Hazrat
Umar-e-Farooq and say



.-. .....



As Salaamu Alaika Ya Ameeral Mo'mineen. As
Salaamu Alaika Ya Mutam'mimal Arbaeen. As
Salaamu Alaika Ya Izzal Islami Wal Muslimeena Wa
Rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh

O Ameer ul Momineen! Salaam upon you. O you who
completed the counting of 40 Muslims! Salaam upon
you. O Honour of Islam and the Muslims! Salaam
upon you, and may the Mercy and Blessings of Allah
descend upon you.

23. Now move a span more to the west and stand
between Hazrat Siddique and Farooq and say


..,. ....x.xc.'








As Salaamu Alaikuma Ya Khalifatay Rasoolillahi. As
Salaamu Alaikuma Ya Wazeeray Rasoolillahi. As
Salaamu Alaikuma Ya Daji'ay Rasoolillahi wa

Rahmatul laahi Wa Barakatuhu. As Alukumash
Shafa'ata inda Rasoolillahi sall Allahu ta'aala alaihi
wa alaikuma wa baraka wa salam

O both Khalifas of Rasoolullah! Salaams upon you, O
both Viceroys of Rasoolullah! Salaams upon you, O
both of you who are resting beside Rasoolullah!
Salaam upon you, and may the Mercy and Blessings
of Allah descend upon you. I request the both of you to
be a Wasila for me and request intercession for me
from the Beloved Rasool

24. All these Haaziris are places and moments of great
acceptance, thus strive in Dua. It is better to recite
Dua-e-Jaame and to engross yourself in recitation of
Durood Shareef.

25. Then approach the Blessed Mimbar (Pulpit) and
make Dua near it.

26. Then proceed to Rauza-e-Jannat (In other words,
that area which is between the Mimbar and the
Blessed Hujra Mubaarak and which has been
mentioned as a piece of the Garden of Jannat in the
Hadith). Here you should perform 2 Rakaats of Nafil
Salaah in the non-Makruh time and then make Dua.

27. Likewise, try to read Namaaz near every pillar of
the Respected Musjid and ask for Dua since these are
places of blessings, and certain of them have special
uniqueness over others.

28. For as long as you are present in Madina
Tayyibah, do not waste a single breath. With the
exception of the two (main) necessities, spend the rest
of your time with Tahaarat in Musjid-e-Nabawi.
Spend your time there in Namaaz, Tilaawat and
Durood. Worldly affairs should not be discussed in
the Musjid, either there or anywhere else.

29. Whenever you enter any Musjid, make the Niyyah
of Itekaaf. The Niyyat is usually written on the door
for your benefit:

.x.c..:. ..

Nawaytu Sunnatal Itekaaf
I make intention for Sunnat Itekaaf

30. If you have the opportunity of fasting (spending
Ramadan) in Madina especially in the heat, then what
a beautiful distinction this is, for it holds a guarantee
of intercession.

31. Here for every one good deed, 50 000 (fifty
thousand) deeds are recorded, so strive even more in
Ibaadat. You should definitely limit your eating and

32. Try to make at least one Khatam of the Quran
here and in the Hateem-e-Kaaba.

33. To look at the Rauza-e-Anwar is Ibaadat, just as it
is Ibaadat to look at the Kaaba Muazzamah and the
Holy Quran; so do this with utmost respect. Also
send Durood and Salaam in abundance.

34. Send Salaam five times daily or at least in the
morning and in the evening, at the Muwajaha Shareef
(Holy Rauza Mubaarak).

35. Whenever you are in the City of Madina or
outside the City, and your sight falls upon the Sacred
Green Dome, immediately turn in its direction, and
with hands tied, send Salaams with respect. Never
pass by without doing this, as it is contrary to the
principles of respect.

36. To miss the congregation (Jamaat) without valid
reason, anywhere is a sin and to do so continuously, is
a serious major sin and Haraam, and here, with the

exception of it being a sinful act, it is to be seriously
deprived . It has been stated in the Sahih
Hadith that Rasoolullah said, Whoever does not
miss 40 Namaaz in my Musjid; protection from hell
and protection from hypocrisy has been written for

37. Never ever face your back to the Rauza Shareef.
Even in Namaaz, you should stand in such a place that
you avoid facing your back towards the Rauza

38. Do not make Tawaaf or Sajdah of the Rauza-e-
Anwar and do not bow to such an extent that it is
equivalent to the position in Ruku. The respect of
Rasoolullah is in his obedience.

39. To visit Jannat-ul-Baqi, The Plains of Uhud and
Musjid-e-Quba is Sunnat. The sawaab of 2 Rakaats
in Musjid-e-Quba is equivalent to the sawaab of one
Umrah. If you wish, you may also remain here. When
Sayyidi ibn Abi Jamra would present himself, he
would remain standing in the blessed Court for 2 days
continuously. Once he thought of the Ziyaarah of Baqi
etc; he then said; This Door of Allah has been opened
for the beggars. Where can I leave it and go to.

When the time of departing approaches, present
yourself in the Sacred Court, and request Huzoor to
bless you time and over again with this blessing of
Haaziri. The etiquettes which were followed when
departing Makkah should also be applied here. Make
dua with a sincere heart by saying: O Allah! Afford
me death in Madina Tayyibah with Imaan and on
Sunnat, and allow me to be buried in the Holy Baqi.



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