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The Virtuous Traits of

Sayyidun Ameer Hamzah

Manqib Sayyid al-Shuhad

Imm Jfar bin asan Barzanj

Translation by Mohammed Shakeel Qdir Riaw

First Edition Jumd al-Thni 1437 / April 2016


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Translated by Mohammed Shakeel Qdir Riaw (London, United Kingdom)
Typesetting & Formatting by TheSunniWay
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Blessed words by Qzi e Shara Nabrah Sadrush Sharah, Khalfah Huzr
Tjush Sharah wa Huzr Muaddith Kabr, Mahmd al Ulem arat
Allmah Muft Mahmd Akhtar al Qdir Shib (Mumbai).
Allh Almightys name we begin with, most Merciful most Kind.
All praise be to Allh Almighty and infinite salutations upon his most Beloved
Messenger b. The beloved uncle of the beloved Prophet b, Sayyidush
Shuhad Sayyidun Ameer Hamzahz has an extremely high status from
amongst the Sabah e Kirm. He was blessed with such a high maqm that
the Beloved Prophet b loved and respected him dearly. Sayyidush Shuhad
also had extreme love for the Beloved b. This Love became the reason for his
accepting Islm.
After accepting Islm, Sayyidun Ameer Hamzah said the following couplet:

And the Blessed of Allh, Amed Mustaf is our leader

O kuffr do not attempt to prevail with your false words.

Sayyidush Shuhad is an extremely Ba-karmat Sabi. His many Karmt have

been witnessed even after his passing away. arat Ftimah Khiziyyahx
states, one day I was passing through the valley of Uud, when I reached the
Blessed grave of Sayyidush Shuhad z I said, Assalmu Alaikum O Uncle of
The Beloved b, I heard a reply from the Blessed Grave, Wa Alaikum Salm
Wa Ramah Tullhi Wa Baraktuhu. (Madrij an Nubwwah)
In the same way, rif Billh Sheikh Mahmd Kurdi writes in his book Al
Bqiyt al Sliht that he made ziyrah of the Blessed grave of Sayyidun Ameer
Hamzah where he presented salm. He heard the reply to his salm from the
blessed grave. He was also told that when his wife gives birth to a baby boy to
name him Hamzah. Sheikh Mahmd Kurdi says that indeed my wife gave birth
to a boy and I named him Hamzah.
Even today the rays of Fuyz o Barakt and blessings are distributed from his
Blessed Grave, and this is witnessed by the people of sight.

The fadil and manqib of arat Sayyidush Shuhad have been collected in a
concise but exalted work of Hazrat Sayyidun Imm Jfar bin asan Barzanjz.
It is in the Arabic language and is named Manqib Sayyid al Shuhad
This book discusses the excellence and the Maqm of Sayyidush Shuhad Hazrat
Ameer Hamzahz. This is the highly acclaimed and world famous work of
Imm Barzanj r, from which many writers have benefitted.
To spread this benefit to the masses, who are unable to read the Arabic or Urdu
language. To spread the love of Sayyid al Shuhad, to make people aware of his
blessed status and to inform people of his great sacrifices this book has now been
translated into the English language.
arat Mawln Shakeel Riaw Shib has done a great service by translating
this. May Allh Almighty accept this for the sake of the Most Beloved b. May
this book be accepted far and wide, may he be rewarded immensely.
May he be Blessed with the fuyz o barakt of Sayyidun Ameer Hamzahz.
May all the Sunni Sahh al Aqdah Muslims be blessed with the blessings and
rays of light from arat Ameer Hamzahz. May Allh Almighty reward
Imm Barzanj for this great work.
May Allh Almighty grant great reward in Both Worlds to the Translator.
mn Bijhi an Naby Sayyid al Mursaln alaiyhis Salt wa al Taslm.
Mahmd Akhtar al Qdir
Razawi Amjad Dr al Ift


Blessed words by Nabrah Sadrush Sharah, Jiggar Goshae Huzr
Muaddith Kabr, arat Allm Muft At-ul-Mustafa Shib Qibla
Amjad (Karachi).
All praise to Allh Almighty and infinite Blessings and Salutations upon his
Beloved Messenger b.
My dear Beloved brother in Dn Mawln Shakeel Zdah Majduhu has translated
Imm Barzanjs acclaimed work Manqib Sayyid al Shuhad into the English
Sayyid al Shuhad the uncle and foster brother of the Messenger of Allh
Almighty, the one who was given ghusl by the Angels. Sayyidun Ameer
Hamzahz is the true reflection of the Qurnic verse of Shahdat, Sheikh
Mahmd Kurdi, arat Ftimah Khiziyyah xhave told of their experiences
regarding Sayyid al Shuhad,
And those who were bleeding 46 years after being exhumed are clear evidence
of the Awliy Allh being alive.
Mawln Shakeel has done a tremendous job and this is worthy of praise. He
is also translating Imm Busrs r world famous Qasdah Burdah Sharf. This
is sent out on a daily basis and this bodes well for future. I pray that Allh
Almighty accepts his efforts and grants him the strength to keep serving the
Dn in a greater capacity and may this effort be accepted far and wide. mn.
Bijhi Sayyid al Ambiy Wal Mursaln.


Blessed words by the Khalfah of Huzr Tjush Sharah and Huzr
Muaddith e Kabr, Hazrat Muft Afthab Cassim Shib Razvi, Founder of
Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre, South Africa
All Praise is due to Almighty Allh, who sent the Ambiy p as guidance unto
the people; Peace blessings and Salutations upon the leader of the Ambiy,
Sayyidun Raslullh b, and upon His illustrious Companions s, who are our
stars of guidance, and the best of all companions to have walked this earth; and
upon His Noble family who are like the Ark of Nuh n, carrying the believers
to the shores of salvation, and upon all the true Martyrs of Islm, who sacrificed
their lives to give strength to the great tree of Islm; especially upon him, who
is the Leader and the Imm of the martyrs, The Beloved Uncle of our Beloved
Nab b, The one resting in the shade of Mount Uud, Sayyidush Shuhad
Hazrat Sayyidun Ameer Hamzahz and upon the Ulam e Haq Ahle Sunnat
Wa Jamat who are the manifestation of the truth for which the true martyrs
sacrificed their sacred lives; and upon all those who follow and will continue to
follow Maslak e la Hazrat, the path of recognition of Haq in this era.
My dear brother in Dn Hazrat Mawln Muammad Shakeel Qdir Razvi
has translated into English Manqib Sayyidush Shuhad which is the concise
but exalted work of Hazrat Sayyidun Imm Jfar bin asan Barzanjz.This
book discusses the excellence and the Maqm of Sayyidush Shuhad Hazrat
Ameer Hamzaz. It also speaks about important issues pertaining to the Battle
of Uud, and lists the names of the Shuhad e Uud.
Hazrat Mawln Shakeel Sheb has done a tremendous job in translating the
Arabic stanzas written in praise of Sayyidush Shuhadz and he has presented
the translation of this document in a very simple and easy to understand
method. This has been the way of our predecessors. Whenever they wrote
for the general public, they did so in an easy and simple manner so that the
message is understood by those for whom it is intended. I must also thank him
for granting me the honour of writing something in this blessed book, and for
affording me the honour of reading through this valuable manuscript. May
Allh reward Mawln Shakeel Sheb and bless him with continuing this noble


O Sayyidush Shuhada, O Glowing Light of Uud!

O Beloved of Rasl e Khuda b,
O Fragrant Rose of Uud
The Star of Raza, The Light of Mustafa, The Sand of Truth, upon Uud
All seeking your blessings, and your Dua,
O Leader of the Martyrs of Uud
With Zaahid and Shakeel is Afthabs Dua,
O True Splendour of Uud
In your love may we be forever Fida,
O True Mountain of Uud
Sag e Muft e zam
Muammad Afthab Cassim Qaadiri Razvi Noori
Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre (Durban, South Africa)



Blessed words by Khalifah e Huzr Tjush Sharah and Huzr Muaddith
Kabr arat Muft Zahid Hussain Al-Qdir Shib Preston U.K.
With Allhs Name, the Rahmn, the Merciful.
The Master of all Martyrs and the eminent Leader Hamzahz, is the uncle
of the Greatest of Mankind and our Master Muammed b the Chosen One
b. Hez, changed the course of Islm through accepting faith and winning
Muslims the freedom of speech and the right to preach and propagate Islm
openly. His power, strength and bravery was renowned throughout the Arab
world and he spent it all protecting and loving the Most Beloved of Allh,
the Final Messenger Muammed b. The Saviour of Mankind Sayyidun
Muammed b loved him dearly and that can be known by reading this
booklet that you hold in your hands. His status can be understood by the titles
bestowed to him by Allh and His most Beloved Messenger b which are also
mentioned in this booklet. Undoubtedly he is the Lion of Allh and the Lion
of the Messenger of Allh and he is the Master of all Martyrs. Ibn Sad reported
that Sayyiduna Abd-Allh Ibn Abbsz said that after Hamzah was martyred,
the Malikah bathed him. Although it is agreed upon that the martyr is not
bathed before burial, it is the grand status of our Master Hamzahz, amongst all
other martyrs, that the Malikah descended and bathed him before his burial.
It is also renowned that our Master Hamzahz, often replies loudly to the
greetings of those who visit his blessed resting place. This has been recorded
by our pious predecessors. For example, in Bayhaqi, it is recorded that when
Sayyidah Ftimah Khiziyyah visited his blessed grave and greeted, Salm
upon you, O Uncle of the Messenger of Allh, she said that a loud voice replied
from inside the grave. A similar incident is recorded regarding Sheikh Mahmd
Kurdiz that he heard a voice reply aloud and he also heard the advice, O
Sheikh Mahmd, name your son Hamzah as is my name. Sheikh Mahmd at
that time did not have a son but later when Allh gave him a son, he named
the child Hamzah. These incidents clearly show the grand status of our Master
and Saviour Hamzahz. Today, many people visit the blessed resting place
of our Master Hamzahz and seek their needs from him and many seek his
intercession in the court of the Master of All and the Final Messenger of Allh
Muammed b and both are tried and tested by so many that it has become
a known fact amongst the Ahl Al-Sunnah Wa Al-Jamah that our Master

Hamzahz, is the fulfiller of needs and an accepted waslah in the court of the
Prophet Muammed b. For further understanding of his eminent status, this
booklet is authentic and concise and delivers enough for one to see how much
love there was between our Prophet Muammed b and his Uncle Hamzahz.
I have read this booklet and found that it is a must read and must have for all
Muslims who truly love the Beloved of Allh Muammed b, because to love
one is to love all that the one loves.
His eminence, Hazrat Mawln Muammed Shakeel Qdir has done a great
job in portraying the messages in the poetry of the great Imm Barzanj, Allh
is pleased with him, as he has been doing in the past few months with the
poetry of Imm Sharf Al-Dn Al-Busrz, May Allh accept this work from
him and may he be rewarded with the reward of all who read and recite this
booklet. Reciting the names of the Martyrs mentioned in this booklet carries a
lot of reward and to put it in simple words, whoever recites these names will be
granted anything he wishes for.
Hazrat Mawln Muammed Shakeel Al-Qdir is a reliable and authentic
scholar of the Maslak of Imm Amed Raza, Allh is pleased with him. He is
above me in age, knowledge, experience and wisdom. It is his generosity and
humility that he has given me the opportunity to add a comment on his work.
May Allh give us all the ability to benefit and learn from him.
Faqeer Zahid Hussain Al-Qdir
(Servant of Ifta at TheSunniWay)
21st Jamdi Al-Thni 1437 Hijri



Allh Almighty send blessings upon our Master our Saviour The Most Beloved
b, upon his family and his blessed Companions.
Alhamdu li Allh, you have before you the English translation of Manqib
e Sayyid al Shuhad which is the highly acclaimed work of Imm Barzanj
r. I have attempted to translate in a manner which will allow the reader to
understand with ease.
I would like to thank Huzr Tj ash Sharah Hazrat Allmah Muft Mohammed
Akhtar Raza Khan Qdir Qibla, Huzr Muhadith e Kabr Hazrat Allmah Zia
ul Mustafa Qdir Qibla, and Mujhid e Ahle Sunnat arat Allmah Sayyid
Shah Turab ul Haq Qdir Qibla for their special Duas and spiritual blessings,
without which, I am nothing. I would also like to thank arat Allmah Muft
Mahmd Akhter Shib Qazi e Maharahstra, Nabrah e Sadrush Sharah arat
Allma Muft Ata ul Mustafa Shib Qibla, arat Molana Muammad Afthab
Cassim Al Qdir Razvi Shib Qibla and arat Muft Zahid Hussain Al-Qdir
Shib for their continuous support and kind duas.
I would also like to thank my son, Mohammed Hasnain Qdir Riaw for
going over this translation and to everyone else who contributed, May Allh
Almighty reward all of them.
I pray that Almighty Allh accepts my humble efforts in His Majestic and
Divine Court.
I dedicate this translation to Al Mujaddid al Azam Imm Ahl al Sunnah
Alaarat Azeemulbarakat Imm Amad Ri Khanz
Faqr Mohammed Shakeel Qdir Riaw


Sayyid al Shuhad
The Minister of those who will intercede in the court of Allh Almighty, The
lion of Allh Almighty and his Most Beloved b, The blessed uncle of The Most
Beloved Prophet Muammad b, whose praises have been gathered like pearls
and collected to make a garland, the shining light which has been put into
words by the great scholar Imm Barzanj who wrote other famous works such
as Maulid e Barzanj and Jliyat al kadr f Nazm asm Shuhad Badr.
This blessed work has been gathered by arat Allmah Sayyid Jaffar bin asan
Barzanj r.
Having just returned from the Blessed court of Sayyid al Shuhad and sitting
opposite the Masjid Al Nabaw Sharf, I begin to attempt to translate the great
characteristics and praises of Sayyid al Shuhad Sayyidun Ameer Hamzahz.
The Sayyid al Shuhad, who whilst protecting the Most Beloved b, put his
life on the line, whose Shahdah in the battle of Uud caused sadness for the
Beloved Prophet b. The battle which shaped history; history which was shaped
by these great beacons of Islm. This book is a guide with many lessons and
nashah for those who read it with their hearts.
May Allh Almighty accept this and give me the towfq and strength to
complete this.
Faqr Mohammed Shakeel Qdir Riaw


All praise be to Allh Almighty who sent our Master the Holy Prophet
Muammad b as a witness, a warner and a shining light.
Allh Almighty blessed and honoured his Most Beloved b and through him
showed us the straight path.
He made his Most Beloved b the shining sun and the full moon of the skies.
He made the rays of his remembrance spread throughout the world and made
his remembrance enter the heart and minds.
The Most Beloved b was initially commanded to spread the message of Islm
in secret and then commanded to openly proclaim the message of Islm.
This message was made easy to accept for certain blessed individuals, who
fulfilled the right of struggle in the way of Allh and for them is a great reward
and glad tidings.
These warriors stood firm under the showering arrows on the battlefields, calm
with full faith, as lions stroll without fear in the jungle.
May Allh Almighty send Blessing and Salutations upon the Prophet b, his
family and his companions s.
I, Jfar bin asan bin Abdul Karm Barzanj, say, that this is a beautiful and
spiritually uplifting garden from which the fragrance and the showers of mercy
are spread due to Sayyid al Shuhad Ameer Hamzahz. This garden is watered
by the pearls, those who drank from the fountains of shahadat along with Sayyid
al Shuhad.
A thought entered my heart that I should write regarding these beautiful
flowers from amongst the garden and to let streams flow from these fountains
and to gather these pearls and string them together so that one can present
gifts and greetings upon the Muqaddas Mazr of Sayyid al Shuhad properly,
especially on that blessed night on which the shining moonlight never fades
into darkness.1
1It was the tradition of the people of Madinah Sharf to present themselves in the Court of
Sayyid al Shuhad on the 12th of Rajjab and sing his praises and speak about his blessed Srah
and hold gatherings there.

The aim is that through this remembrance of the pious friends of Allh
Almighty, we can attain blessings through the showers which pour down on
their remembrance.
I say, that Sayyidun Hamzah Bin Abdul Muttalib Bin Hshim, although he
was the Uncle of The Most Beloved b, he was also his foster brother due to
him having being nursed by the freed slave of abu lahb, Thuwaibah.
Sayyidun Hamzah was two years older in age than the Prophet b and
according to one narration he was four years older.2
arat Sayyid Al Shuhad and arat Saffiyahs xMother (The Aunt of the
Prophet), Hallah Bint Ahb Bin Abd e Munf Bin Zahrah were the paternal
cousins of the mother of The Most Beloved Prophet b, Sayyidah Aminahx.
He had five sons namely, Yal, Ummrah, Amr, mir, and two daughters;
Umm Al Fadl and Ammah.
He accepted Islm in the second year after the Messenger of Allh proclaimed
his Prophethood and according to other narrations it was in the sixth year.
The day he accepted Islm, he heard that abu jahl was speaking ill about the
Messenger of Allh and set out to find abu jahl.
abu jahl was near the Kabah when Sayyidun Hamzah came and struck him
with his bow and split open his head. arat Hamzah requested the Prophet,
Ya Rasl Allh, proclaim the Dn openly, by Allh, if I am given the wealth of
the whole world then I still wouldnt accept the dn of my people.
His accepting of Islm gave the Prophet b great happiness and the mushrikn
backed off a little in their hostilities, after this he made hijrah towards Madinah
al Munawarra. The first flag which was prepared by the Prophet b was for
Sayyid Al Shuhad when in the second year of hijrah, in 623, the Prophet b
sent him towards the tribes of Juhaynah.
Ibn e Hishm mentions the following Qasdah in praise of Sayyidun Ameer

2Al-Istiab fi marifat al-ashab Ibn Abd al-Barr said this is not accurate, however Ibn Athr
said this is accurate.

They persisted in their hostility towards Islm.
I attacked all their whereabouts, my goal was to feel the comfort of excellence.
I was the first to raise the sword at the command of the Prophet of Allh.
Upon my sword was the flag, I was the first to carry this flag,
before me it was never seen.

Battle of Badr
arat Sayyid Al Shuhad had a feather of an ostrich in his Immah as a sign,
in the battle of Badr. He fought protecting and defending the Most Beloved
with two swords. He fought like a warrior and he had such strength that when
he would strike his sword, it would cut through the bones until it would reach
the hips.
Battle of Uud
Sayyidun Ameer Hamzah fought like a ferocious lion and none could stand up
against his sword. Sayyidun Ameer Hamzah shattered the confidence of the
In the battle of Uud, he sent 31 mushriks to Hellfire. Imm Nawaw has
written that Sayyidun Hamzahs foot slipped and he fell on to his back, in the
valley close to the mountain of the archers.
His chainmail opened from the front, the slave of Jubbair Bin Mutim, Wahshi
Bin Harb threw his javelin towards him from a specific distance and Sayyid Al
Shuhad was thus blessed with Shahdah.
This incident took place on Saturday 15th of Shawwl in 3 Hijri or 4 Hijri.3
3Allmah Halabi writes in srat e Halabiyya that the battle of Uud took place in 3 hijri in
Shawwl,The majority of scholars agree on this. The narration of 4 Hijri is weak.

His age at the time of Shahdah was 57 years old and in some narrations it was
59 and 54 years respectively.
The mushrikn then cut open his abdomen, a woman from amongst them took
out the liver, chewed it and then spat it out.
When The Prophet of Allh b was informed he said:
If this liver would have entered the stomach then this woman would never
enter the fire.4 Hamzah has such a high status in the court of Allh Almighty,
that Allh Almighty will not enter any part of his body into the fire.5

When The Most Beloved b saw the body of Sayyidun Hamzahz, it had
a severe effect on his blessed heart, and this incident was such a painful one,
that nothing brought more sorrow to the Most Beloved b than the passing of
Sayyidun Hamzah.
With someone like you we will never be troubled, we have not set foot on a
place which has given us such sorrow and grief as this one.

The following verses were then revealed:

And if you give punishment then punish them to the extent they
had afflicted you, and if you be patient, then undoubtedly, patience is
best for those who are patient. And O Beloved! Be patient and
your patience is for Allh and grieve not for them and do not
be disheartened due to their deceits. Indeed, Allh is with
the pious and the virtuous.6

4Al Istib, Al Wqdi

5It is written in Al Tabaqt, Indeed without doubt, Allah Almighty has made it haram for
the fire to touch any part of Sayyidun Hamzah's body, also in Al Bidya wa al Nihyah.
6Surah al-Nahl Verse 126

The Most Beloved Prophet b said,

O Allh we will be patient.

He then said,
O Uncle May The Mercy and Blessings of Allh Almighty be upon you, you
were one who did good deeds in abundance and were extremely kind hearted.7

His blessed body was then placed towards the Qibla and the Most Beloved b
stood before him, he cried with such intensity that he was close to passing out.
He b stood saying :
O beloved Uncle of the Messenger of Allh Almighty!
O Hamzah! O lion of Allh Almighty and His Messenger!
O Hamzah! O doer of good deeds in abundance,
O Hamzah! The assister in hardships, the solver of hardships, the great helper,
O Hamzah! The defender of The Messenger Of Allh Almighty8

He b also said,
Jibrl n came to me and told me, it is written in the seven skies regarding
arat Hamzah:
Hamzah Ibn Abdul Muttalib is the lion of Allh Almighty and his Messenger

Hakim Nishapuri narrates in Mustadrak, from Sayyidun Jbirz that The

Prophet b said:
On the day of Qaymah, arat Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib will be the
leader of those who will intercede in the court of Allh Almighty.

The Prophet b covered him with a burial cloth, the covering was such that
if the face was covered the feet would show and if the feet would be covered
7Usud al Ghba fi marifah til Sahba, Siyar a'laam al Nubal, al Asabah fi tamyeez al Sahba,
al Istib fi Marifah al Ashb, al Tabaqt, al Tabari, al Mawhib al Ladunniyah, Dalil an
Nubuwwah, al Mustadrak.
8Al Mustadrak, al Asbah, al Srah al Halbiyyah.
9Ibn Hishm, Ibid.

the face would show. The cloth was used to cover the face and the feet were
covered with a type of fragrant grass.
The Beloved Prophet b did not read his Janzah prayer. This is the stronger
and more correct opinion10. Or maybe this is the speciality of Sayyidun Ameer
A great dome was erected over the Blessed Grave of Sayyidun Hamzahz by
the mother of Khalfah Nasir Amad al Absi in 590 Hijri (Allh Almighty be
pleased with them all).
It is said, buried along with Sayyidun Ameer Hamzahz is arat Musab Bin
Umair and arat Abdullh Ibn Jahsh.
Some Ulem have written arat Shamms ibn Uthmn (also written as shams)
is also buried there. At the head of the Blessed Mazr of Sayyid al Shuhad is
Sayyidun Aql, son of Sayyid asan bin Muammad bin abi Nam. In the
courtyard of the Masjid many other Blessed Sadt e Kirm are also buried.
arat Kaab Bin Mlik Ansri shares his pain in his Qasdah.

10There is a difference of opinion whether The Prophet b read the Janzah prayer of the
Shuhad Uud, some Muaddithn have said that the Prophet b read the Janzah whilst others
have written he didn't. For more information refer to Fathul Bri vol 3, Usud al Ghba fi
Marifah til Sahba, al Tabaqt.
11Muhib Tabari writes in Zakhair al Uqba in the chapter of Sayyidun Hamzah that The
Prophet b stepped forward and read the Janzah prayer ten times. The bodies were brought
forward one by one up to Sayyidun Hamzah whilst Sayyidun Hamzah's body was left
unmoved, A total of seventy Janzahs were performed. The number of Shuhad were seventy.

The passing of arat Hamzah has dealt me such a blow of sorrow and grief
My heart is grief stricken.
If such a calamity, such a blow, was dealt upon the mountain of Hir,
It would have shook its foundations from all sides.
He was the honourable leader of the Hshim family
In which there is Prophethood, generosity and leadership.
He was the slaughterer of the strongest animals,
Even when due to the cold winds, water would begin to ice over.
When arrows would rain down in battle
This warrior would slice his enemies with his sword.
If you would have seen him walk into battle,
You would have said he is the strong fisted one, The Lion.
The Uncle of The Messenger of Allh Almighty
From amongst the honourable Companions,

He jumped into the mouth of death.

So due to this, death has also become fragrant.
He met death in such a way,
His ostrich feather stood high and firm.
He was in the Blessed group of Mujhids
Who helped and defended The Beloved
And were granted Martyrdom.


The names of the

Blessed Companions
who were blessed with
Martyrdom in Uhud


Asadullh wa Asadu Raslih, Sayyidush Shuhad Sayyidun Ameer Hamzah
bin Abdul Muttalib al-Badr al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
1. Sayyidun Thaqqaf bin Amr al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
2. Sayyidun al-Hrith bin Uqbah bin Qbs al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu
3. Sayyidun Sd al-Badr, mawl Htib bin Ab Baltaah al-Badr alMuhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
4. Sayyidun shammas bin Uthmn al-Badr al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
5. Sayyidun AbdAllh bin Jahsh al-Badr al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
6. Sayyidun AbdAllh bin al Hubaib al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
7. Sayyidun Abdul Rahmn bin al Hubaib al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
8. Sayyidun Aqrabah al-Juhn, Ab Bashr al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
9. Sayyidun Mlik bin Khalaf al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
10. Sayyidun Musab bin Umayr al-Badr al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
11. Sayyidun Numn bin Khalaf al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
12. Sayyidun Wahb bin Qbs al-Muhjir, Radi Allhu Anhu
May Allh Almighty be pleased with all of them.

1. Sayyidun Unays bin Qatdah bin Rabah al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu
2. Sayyidun Iys bin Aws al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
3. Sayyidun Thbit bin al Dahdah al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
4. Sayyidun Thbit bin Amr bin Zaid al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
5. Sayyidun Thbit bin Waqsh al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
6. Sayyidun Hrith bin Anas bin Rfi al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu

7. Sayyidun Hrith bin Aws bin Mudh al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu
8. Sayyidun Hrith bin Adi bin Kharashah al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
9. Sayyidun Hubb bin Qayz al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
10. Sayyidun Habb bin Zayd bin Tamm al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
11. Sayyidun Husayl bin Jbir al-Aws, Ab Hudhayfa al-Yamn, Radi
Allhu Anhu
12. Sayyidun Hanzala bin Ab mir al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
13. Sayyidun Khidsh bin Qatdah al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
14. Sayyidun Khaythama bin al-Hrith al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
15. Sayyidun Rfi bin Yazid al-Aws Radi Allhu Anhu
16. Sayyidun Rifah bin Abdal al mundhir al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
17. Sayyidun Rifah bin Waqsh al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
18. Sayyidun Ziyd bin as-Sakan al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
19. Sayyidun Zayd bin Wadeeaa al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
20. Sayyidun Subay bin Htib al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
21. Sayyidun Salamah bin Thbit bin Waqsh al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu
22. Sayyidun Sahl bin Rm al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
23. Sayyidun Suhel bin Ad bin Zayd al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
24. Sayyidun Sayf bin Qayz al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
25. Sayyidun mir bin Yazd bin as-Sakan al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
26. Sayyidun Abbd bin Sahl al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
27. Sayyidun AbdAllh bin Jubayr al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
28. Sayyidun AbdAllh bin Salamah al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
29. Sayyidun Ubayd bin at-Tayyihn al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
30. Sayyidun Umrah bin Ziyd bin as-Sakan al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu
31. Sayyidun Amr bin Thbit bin Waqsh al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
32. Sayyidun Amr bin Mudh al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
33. Sayyidun Umair bin Ad al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu

34. Sayyidun Qurrah bin Uqba al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu

35. Sayyidun Qais bin al-Hrith al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
36. Sayyidun Mlik bin Numaylah al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
37. Sayyidun Mabad bin Makhramah al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
38. Sayyidun Yazd bin Htib al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
39. Sayyidun Yazd bin as-Sakan al-Badr al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
40. Sayyidun Yasr mawl Abil Haytham bin at-Tayyihn al-Aws, Radi
Allhu Anhu
41. Sayyidun Ab Habbah bin Amr bin Thbit al-Badr al-Aws, Radi
Allhu Anhu
42. Sayyidun Ab Hiram Amr bin Qais al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
43. Sayyidun Ab Sufyn bin al-Hrith al-Aws, Radi Allhu Anhu
May Allh Almighty be pleased with all of them.

1. Sayyidun Anas bin an-Nadr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
2. Sayyidun Aws bin al-Arqam al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
3. Sayyidun Aws bin Thbit bin al-Mundhir al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi
Allhu Anhu
4. Sayyidun Iys bin Adi al-Badr al-Khazraj Radi Allhu Anhu
5. Sayyidun Thalabah bin Sad al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
6. Sayyidun Thaqab bin Farwah al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
7. Sayyidun al-Hrith bin Thabit bin sufyan al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
8. Sayyidun al-Hrith bin Thabit bin Abdullh al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu
9. Sayyidun al-Hrith bin Amr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
10. Sayyidun Khrijah bin Zayd bin Ab Zuhayr al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi
Allhu Anhu

11. Sayyidun Khalld bin Amr bin al-Jamh al-Badr, al-Khazraj, Radi
Allhu Anhu
12. Sayyidun Dhakwn bin Abdi Qays al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu
13. Sayyidun Rfi mawl Ghaziyya bin Amr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
14. Sayyidun Rfi bin Mlik al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
15. Sayyidun Rifah bin Amr al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
16. Sayyidun Sad bin ar-Rab bin Amr al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu
17. Sayyidun Sad Ubayd al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
18. Sayyidun Sad bin Suwayd al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
19. Sayyidun Salamah bin Thbit bin Waqsh al-Badr al-Khazraj Radi
Allhu Anhu
20. Sayyidun Sulaym bin al-Hrith al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
21. Sayyidun Sulaym bin Amr al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
22. Sayyidun Sahl bin Qays bin Ab Kab al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu
23. Sayyidun Damrah bin Amr al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
24. Sayyidun mir bin Umayya al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
25. Sayyidun mir bin Mukhallad al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
26. Sayyidun Abbs bin Ubda al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
27. Sayyidun AbdAllh bin al Rabee al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu
28. Sayyidun AbdAllh bin Amr al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
29. Sayyidun AbdAllh bin Qais al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
30. Sayyidun Ubbdah bin al-Hashs al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
31. Sayyidun ibn al-Muall bin lowzn al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
32. Sayyidun Utbah bin Rab bin Rfi al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
33. Sayyidun Amr bin al-Jamh al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
34. Sayyidun Amr bin Qays bin Zayd al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu

35. Sayyidun Amr bin Mutarrif al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu

36. Sayyidun Qays bin Amr bin Zayd al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu
37. Sayyidun Qays bin Mukhallad al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
38. Sayyidun Kaysn, mawl Ban Ad bin an-Najjr al-Khazraj, Radi
Allhu Anhu
39. Sayyidun Mlik bin Iys al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
40. Sayyidun Mlik bin Sinn al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
41. Sayyidun al-Mujdhar bin Ziyd al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
42. Sayyidun Numn bin Abdi Amr al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu
43. Sayyidun Numn bin Mlik al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
44. Sayyidun Nawfal bin AbdAllh al-Badr al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
45. Sayyidun Ab Ayman, mawl Amr bin al-Jamh al-Khazraj, Radi
Allhu Anhu
46. Sayyidun Ab Hubayrah bin al-Hrith al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu
47. Sayyidun Ab Zaid al-Khazraj, Radi Allhu Anhu

It is generally agreed among the Muslim Scholars and historians that seventy
Muslims were martyred in the Battle of Uud.12
May Allh Almighty be pleased with all of them.
May Allh Almighty grant us victory for the sake of these victorious ones.

12It is generally agreed among Muslim Scholars and historians that seventy Muslims were
martyred in the Battle of Uud. Even so, Imm al-Barzanj has named 103 Companions whom
he considers to have been Blessed with Shahdah.

Imm Barzanj
collected all the Names of the
Shuhad e Uhud and put them
into a Poem in Arabic.




The virtues of the Shuhad


The virtues of the Shuhad are such, that listening or reading them gives
comfort, freshness and breathes new life into our Iman.
The Messenger of Allh b said:
Whoever is wounded in the way of Allh, will not come on the Day of
Judgement except in the form of when he was wounded, blood flowing, his
blood the colour of blood and its odour the odour of musk.13
Whoever is wounded in the way of Allh, they will come on the Day of
Judgement with their wounds flowing blood, whose colour is the colour of
blood and the odour is the odour of musk.14

The Messenger of Allh b said:

"When your brothers were martyred at the Battle of Uud, Allh Almighty
put their spirits in the crops of green birds, which go down the rivers of Jannah,
eat from its fruits, and rest in lamps of gold under the shade of the Arsh.
When they saw this grand welcome and experienced the sweetness of the
food, drink and rest, they said, "Who will tell our brothers about us that we
are alive in Jannah, provided with provision, in order that they might not be
disinterested in Jihd and turn away from battle?".

Allh Almighty said, "I shall inform them about you" so Allh Almighty revealed
upon his Beloved b the following verse.

And those who have been slain in the way of Allh
never think of them as dead; but they are alive with their Lord,
receiving sustenance. They are happy because of that which Allh has
bestowed upon them, From His Bounty and are rejoicing for their successors who
have not yet joined them, on them there is no fear, nor any grief.15

13Bukhari, Muslim, Dalil al Nubwwah.

14Bukhari, Muslim.
15Surah le Imrn Verse 170.

The Blessed Shuhad e Kirm perform Salh, Fast, perform Hajj, and also eat
and drink. Their eating and drinking is not for bodily needs but as a showing
of gratitude for these bounties from Allh Almighty.
They leave their Blessed graves, are aware of our conditions and are able to
inform the selected ones of certain happenings and can aid us.16
It is mentioned, the Blessed Graves of the Shuhad were opened after forty
years. The bodies of the Shuhad were fresh and their limbs would turn easily
whichever way was needed. The fragrance of musk and kastri emitted from
their graves.17
Imm Baihaqiz reports from Sayyidun Jbirz,
The spade hit the foot of Hazrat Hamzah and it began to bleed.18

The hand of Sayyidun Abdullh Ansriz, the father of Sayyidun Jbirz

was moved from a wound on the face. Blood started to flow again from the
wound, when the hand was placed back on to the facial wound, the blood
stopped flowing.19
Imm Mlik reported from Abdul Ramn, that the sacred graves of Amr ibn
Jamuh and Abdullh ibn Umar opened up due to floods. Both of them were
buried in one grave and were martyred in the Battle of Uud. Thereafter the
people dug open their graves so that they may move them to another place.
When the graves were opened it seemed as if they had just passed away. One
from amongst them had his hand kept on his wound. His blessed hand was
moved, but he placed his hand on that spot again, whereas this incident occurred
46 years after the Battle of Uud.20
The Messenger of Allh b said regarding the Shuhad of Uud :
Whoever, until The Day Of Qaymah, visits here and presents Salam in this
court, the Shuhad will reply to him.

16Sharh us Sudr.
17Dalil al Nubwwah.
18Srah al Halbiyya.
19Al Khasis al Kubr, Tafsr Kabr, Tafsr Khzin.
20Muatta Imm Mlik.

The Messenger of Allh Almighty b would visit the Blessed graves of the
Shuhad-e-Uud annually, and say:

Peace be upon you, for you have been patient in adversity, and the
outcome of the Dr Al khirah is better.


The Supplication
of Imm Barzanj through the
waslah of The Shuhad
e Uhud


O Allh Almighty, be pleased with all these Shuhad e Kirm.

Grant us a great victory for their sake.
Our pens of life are about to be lifted. The Blessed lives of The Shuhad e
Kirm and their aims in life have become apparent upon all.
We remember them, so that we can also be blessed with the showers of Mercy
which are bestowed upon them, so that we can also take Spiritual Blessing
from their Blessed personalities and that we also may be forgiven due to their
O Shuhad e Kirm, O Honoured ones, Noble Ones, you have attained
success, you have attained excellence.
You presented Your Lives To Allh Almighty under the shades of swords,
you were given glad tidings.
May this trade you honoured with your lives be Blessed. You were rewarded
with Jannah, you rested your swords on the heads of mushrikn, therefore
Allh Almighty is pleased with you and you are also pleased.
Your virtues are mentioned in The Holy Qurn, you are those people of love
who have been blessed with many kinds of honourable favours and bounties.
You are Alive!
Those who are given sustenance in Jannah, those whose names we supplicate
through for rain, in the court of Allh Almighty.
You are the shining suns from whom we receive rays of light.
You are the shining stars of blessings and peace.
You are the representatives of The Almighty and our means of obtaining his
pleasure and success.
You drank from the fountain of martyrdom from under the showering arrows
and under the shade of spears.
You are the leaders, distributers of Blessings.

In battle you only had one condition, "Come. Face me if you dare!"
You are the stars of guidance.
You are a piercing shooting star for the enemies.
You are an antidote for your friends and a poison for your enemies.
You are the assisters in extreme calamities.
You are the ones who give peace, contentment and shelter in times of
We are beggars standing in your Blessed court.
We are weak, here for shelter under your strong mountains.
We are those who hold firm to your undefeatable rope.
We are those who make you a wasla, which is the way to obtain our wishes
and reach our destination.
Please attend to our troubles, please rid us of our calamities and hardships
Grant us a Blessed glance, if only for one moment.
Grant us scent from your Blessed fragrance.
Aid us with your immense strength, in such a way that every attack from our
enemies fails miserably.
O Blessed Sadt e Kirm!
We acknowledge we are not worthy to ask from you, but you are renowned
for your kindness and generosity. Our paths are narrow, but your court is
vast, and accommodates many.
O Allh Almighty, O to whom all in the heavens and the earth calls upon, in
whose court, language barriers and repeatedly asking is no issue.


O who is the Master of all, all are Dependant on him.

Who knows what is in our hearts.
O Almighty, we ask from you for The Sake Of The Most Blessed, The Most
Beloved, The Most Beautiful, The Blessed Groom of Uniqueness. We beg
you for The Sake of your Habb, Sayyidun Rasl Allh b.
Whose true status is known only to you, the clear sign of Nr, the Imm of all
The Blessed speaker on the day of Judgement.
The one of unique qualities.
We request you Ya Rasl Allh b, in your Blessed court for the sake of your
Blessed family, whom you informed us about, regarding their high status.
Whom all men and women have been instructed to love and respect dearly.
We request in your court Ya Rasl Allh b for the sake of your Blessed
companions who strengthened Islm by following you.
Especially those companions who gave their lives in your love, and who
attained the Blessed martyrdom.
We request that you accept our pleas.
Fill our bowls with blessing, mercy and bounties.
Cover our sins and evil deeds.
Grant peace, calmness and tranquility to our disturbances.
Fulfil our aims and goals.
Grant us the towfq to do those deeds, which will benefit us after death.
Raise our ranks.
Grant us great reward.

Grant coolness to our eyes, by being pleased with us.

Grant us the towfq to fulfil our duties and responsibilities.
Grant us freedom from debt.
Keep our children on the straight path.
Change our badness into goodness.
Include us amongst those Blessed people of yours who are engulfed in your
remembrance, whose hearts are filled with joy due to your remembrance.
Those people who are forever thankful to you, whose tongues are always
thanking you.
Those who we follow to attain your pleasure.
Those who truly are fearing of you.
Who remember you in seclusion, and who are happy in this state.
Those whose hearts and minds are always obedient.
Those who see your remembrance as gardens of spring.
Those who see the recital of The Holy Qurn as a treasure of blessings.
O Allh Almighty for the sake of the bright sun, Sayyidun Ameer Hamzah
we ask of you;
Grant us freedom from the flames of Hellfire.
Take away our animosities.
Save us from destruction.
Grant us plentiful rains.
Grant peace around us.
Grant peace to our neighbours close and afar.

Grant hidayah to our governments.

Grant failure to your enemies and success to the Muslims.
O Lion of Allh Almighty and his Beloved Messenger b we are present in
your Blessed court, we have full faith that everyone will have their wishes
granted and accepted here.
We have presented our requests here, we are present in your Blessed court.
We are requesting showers from your clouds full of Blessings.
O Allh Almighty, we have sheltered under the shade of The Blessed uncle of
The Most Beloved b we are beseeching for his sake, through his wasla.
Pardon the sins of those who have sheltered under the shade of The Blessed
Uncle of The Most Beloved b.
Grant us ease in hardships.
When death grabs us, then grant us death upon Iman and good deeds.
O Allh send Salt o Salm upon Bani Hshim whose lineage is pure and
clean, And upon our Master b, and his helpers and upon his Blessed Family
and upon his Blessed Companions.

May Allh Almighty accept this translation and grant us the love for Sayyidush
Shuhad Sayyidun Ameer Hamzahz for the sake of the Most Beloved b.
Faqr Mohammed Shakeel Qdir Riaw. 22 Jamdi al Thni 1437
Yowm Sayyidun Abu Bakr Siddqz.



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