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 Introduction
 experiment
 Theory
 Diagram
 Observation
 Conclusion
 Advantages
 Uses
 Precautions
 Bibliography
 A photo resistor of light dependent resistor is a component that is
constrictive in light. when light fall upon it then the resistance changes.
 Values of the resistance of the L.D.R may change over many of the
resistor values the resistance falling as the level of resistance increases
 It is not uncommon for the values of the resistance of LDR or photo
resistor to be a several mega ohms in darkness and to fall to a few
hundredohms in bright it with wide variation in resistance, LDRs are easy
to use and there are many LDR circuit available.

 Incident photons drive electrons form valence hand into the conduction

 The process is progressive and as more light on the LDR.So more

electrons are released top conduct electricity and the resistance of the
LDR in the dark and in full light condition.
 Many materials can be used, but one popular material for this is
cadmium sulphide(Cds). A pigment, cu pthalocyanine can also be used in
 To study the effect of intensity of light by varying distance of the
source on the LDR (light dependent resistor).

 Light source, light dependent resistor of different variety, a
multimeter and a source of intense light (a lamp bulb with a battery


Light dependent resistor:-

 The waves. light dependent resistors are the devices for detecting
and measuring electromagnetic waves.
 Its working is based upon principle of variation of photo
conductivity when radiation in incident upon it and adsorbed by I.
 A light dependent resistor is prepared from cadmium sulphide. Its
resistance depends upon the resistance and duration of light
incident on it.

 A good quality LDR shows resistance variation from IM ohm

in complete darkness to about 10 ohm in full day light. The
intensity of light decreases inversely with increase in the
squareof distance.
1. Measuring resistance in terms of distance:-
 Turn the selector switch and set it on R for the measurement
of resistance in multimeter.Plug the metallic ends of black of
prode in terminal mark the common terminal marked of as P.
 Short the other metallic ends and adjust the °R adjusting to
get full scale deflection reading zero ohm in the meter. a
 Touch the metallic resistance where probes to the two metal
ends of the LDR and read the value of the source is kept at the
distance of 5cm, fixing the source of light and keeping in a
stand the LDR vertically below it. Moving the source to 10cm
distance from LDR.
 Moving the source to 12, 14, and 16cm-from LDR and more
repeating observation three times.

2. Measuring resistance in three times of time:-

 Turn the selectors switch and set it on R for the measurement

of resistance in multimeter.
 Plug the metallic ends of black probe in terminal marked in
multimeter and that of red in terminal marked as P. Short the
other metallic ends and adjust the R to get full scale deflection
reading at zero ohms at multimeter.
 Touch the metallic probes to ends of the LDR and read the
value of resistance when the source is kept at the distance of
two centimetres fixing the source of light in stand and keeping
the LDR vertically below it.Allowing the light from source to
fall on LDR for a minute .Allowing the light from the source to
fall on LDR for 2-3minutes.
 The most common type of LDR has a resistance that falls with
an increases in the lightintensity falling upon the device. The
resistance of an LDR may typically have the
 Day light =5000 ohms
 Dark light = 20000000 oh
 When the distance between light source and LDR
increase the resistance of LDR increases.
 When the time allowed for the lift to fall on LDR
increases the resistance increases.

 Collection of parts of the circuit is easily available
accuracy of this circuit is more than accuracy of
other circuits.
 By using laser, it can be used for the security
 It can be used to stop the wastage of purposes.
 It can be used to stop the wastage of electricity.
 The cost of circuit is low.
 This circuit saves man power.

 It can be used in street lights.
 It can be used in mining areas.
 It can be used in hilly areas.
 By using laser, it can be used for safety purposes.
 It can be used in frontier areas.
 It can be used in houses.

 No stay light should fall on LDR it is better to work at
the dark room.
 Connect LDR carefully to voltage storage.

15W 60W 100W

1 1 2800 675 460
2 2 3000 740 525

3 3 3240 820 585

Resistance Of LDR when Placed in

Light source (OHM)
Front of a

15W 60W 100W

1 10 1310 285 195
2 20 2800 675 460
3 30 4300 1000 660

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