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Author Date Title of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI

Date Study
Publicatio of Title of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI
n Publication Study

Jalal 2016 Testing the Customer satisfaction is regarded The purpose of this study is to The primary goal of this study DOI:10.18
Hanays Effects of as a critical priority for business examine the effects of food was to examine the effects of 488/
ha Food Quality, success. As a result, determining quality, price fairness, and food quality, price fairness, and journal.100
Price the factors that influence customer physical environment on physical environment on 6/2016.6.2/
Fairness, and satisfaction is critical. The purpose customer satisfaction toward customer satisfaction in the fast 1006.2.31.
Physical of this paper was to investigate the international fast food restaurant food restaurant industry. 40
Environment effects of food quality, price brands in Malaysia's east coast According to the findings, food
on Customer fairness, and physical environment region. In this regard, a quality has a significant positive
Satisfaction in on customer satisfaction in the quantitative research approach effect on customer satisfaction.
Fast Food Malaysian fast food restaurant was used to collect relevant data. Previous studies (Al-Tit, 2015;
Restaurant industry. The information was A survey instrument was Nasir et al., 2014) found greater
Industry gathered from 242 customers of specifically used to collect support for food quality as one of
international fast food restaurants responses from customers of the key drivers of customer
on Malaysia's east coast. SPSS international fast food restaurants satisfaction. As a result,
and structural equation modeling on Malaysia's east coast. A total restaurant managers are advised
were used to analyze the collected of 384 questionnaires were to place significant emphasis on
data (SEM). According to the distributed to respondents using the key attributes of food quality
findings, food quality has a the convenience sampling that can stimulate customer
significant positive effect on technique. Because the satisfaction in the context of the
customer satisfaction. population of respondents restaurant industry. Customers,
Furthermore, the findings revealed exceeded one million, the sample for example, tend to evaluate
that price fairness and the physical size used in this study is food quality based on factors
environment have significant considered acceptable according such as proper freshness,
positive effects on customer to the recommendations of reasonable temperature, variety,
satisfaction. These findings Krejcie and Morgan (1970). taste quality, and appealing
provide useful recommendations Furthermore, the sample size presentation. According to Canny
and guidelines for policymakers in chosen meets the requirements (2014), the primary product of
the fast food restaurant industry. of AMOS, which is used for data restaurants is food quality. As a
analysis in this study. result of this,
Author Date of Title of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI
Publication Study
Tahir M. June Understanding The goal of this paper is to Primary data were collected in According to the findings of the https://
Nisar, dan 2018 customer investigate the impact of the form of 147 questionnaire analysis, tangibles,
knox guru satisfaction in the five service quality responses. responsiveness, and assurance 10.1108/
prakash the UK quick dimensions on gathered from a variety of quick play the most important roles. BFJ-08-
prabhakar, service customer satisfaction in the service fast food restaurants in reliability and quality play an 2017-
quang restaurant UK fast food market, as the United Kingdom Seven-point important role in driving customer 0449
nguyen industry well as which of the five Likert scales were used. satisfaction in the UK fast food
The influence of dimensions used to organize the industry.
the tangible have a significant impact questionnaire Data were empathy. The results of
attributes of on overall customer gathered from customers at two correlation and regression
perceived satisfaction KFC restaurants. analysis show that physical
service quality (tangible) service attributes

Quality is essential for customer

satisfaction. In a nutshell, the
most important factor is the
tangibles variable.
In the context of the UK fast food
market, driving customer

Author Date of Title of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI

Publication Study
Abdul M, 2018 A Review of The objectives of this The methodology of this study Despite many previous studies
Razid R, & Customer study are to see the included a preliminary study and highlighting this importance in /10.1166/asl.
Azman H. Service Quality importance of customer meta-analysis research. Despite the services sector, only a few 2018.12061?
in Malaysian service quality and find the many previous studies studies have been conducted fbclid=IwAR1
Homestay elements to improve highlighting this importance in that had focused on customer cT1IE2-Fil33
Operation as customer service in the the services sector, only a few service. pdJ8jOn_C8V-
the Strategies to Malaysian homestay studies have been conducted H8ZpNyDyVN
Enhance Rural that had focused on customer Av9K3HTmDt
Area Economic service. PwAiTAX3e9JI
Author Date of Title Of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI
Publication Study
. .

Author Date of Title of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI

Publication Study
Kelvin Roy R. 2014 Customer The primary goal of this This study's respondents This study describes
Hermosisima Service study was to look into the were the ND/HRM students at the the capability of the staff in
, John Paul Efficiency of customer service University of the Immaculate rendering services such as
C. Tan Penong’s efficiency of Penong's Conception's main campus. In both food amenities,food and
Restaurant in Resturant in Davao City.. sexes, the age range ranges from customer assistance
Davao City as sixteen (16) to twenty one (21)
Assessed by years.
Students of
University of the

Author Date of Title of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI

Publication Study
. .

Author Date of Title of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI

Publication Study
Mary 2020 Assessment The objective of The survey was modified by From the result of the 10.1109/ICIEA49774.2020.9101940
Christy O. of E-Service the study would the study's authors. demographic analysis, 64%
Mendoza, Quality be to determine E-S-QUAL or core scale and of the
Ronell Ray Dimensions (1) if e-service ERecsQUAL or recovery respondents are within the
C. Santos, and Its quality has a scale-based instrument [7]. age of 25-40, 62% are
Jeremiah Eli Influence on positive and The first section includes female, 64%
H. Customer significant demographic information have attained college
Magdaraog Satisfaction: influence on and user interaction data degree, 55% have a monthly
A Study on customer that results in household
the Online satisfaction and example of a descriptive income greater than
Banking (2) which among profile. The second section Php30,000. Based on these
Services in the includes the it can be said
the dimensions of e- a 22-item core scale drawn that online banking users are
Philippines service quality from four dimensions: (8), generally professionals and
(efficiency, can
fulfilment, System Availability (4), freely, easily and directly
system Fulfillment (7), and Privacy access the service. It also
availability and (3). shows
privacy) as that 74% of them have been
measured by the However, the third section using the online banking
E-SQUAL scale also includes the 11-item service
(independent recovery scale. longer than a year and 65%
variables) access it regularly, almost
greatly impacts After considering the every
the validity, the used dimension day of the week. These
customer’s was slightly modified. implies that the majority of
perceived value the
and loyalty based on the scale's correspondents have made
retention revision from Zarel [9] and online banking a part of their
(dependent Zavareh et al. [8]. lifestyle, transforming it as a
variables). necessity as part of their
Author Date of Title of the Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI
Publication Study
Baluyot M, 2021 Exploring This paper aimed to The study included 150 Based on the findings, personal https://doi.org10.25115/eea.
& the determine customer customers from attention and creating an v39i12.6024
Pampolina Relationship experiences in the Laguna's different emotional connection with
A. of Service pandemic situation at restaurants. The customers are essential in
Quality on a local restaurant in SERVQUAL Model and interacting with customers and
Customers Laguna, Philippines, Customer Delight Model delivering consistent service.
Delight in and to demonstrate serve as the foundation The findings revealed that the
Selected that there are now for this study endeavor. total customer delight
Restaurant beyond eating Pearson r was used to experience was moderately
of Laguna, experiences calculate the correlation delighted. Furthermore, the
Philippines available in that coefficient. The five findings have shown a
area. dimensions used in the correlation coefficient r of 0.720,
study are reliability, which indicates a high level of
assurance, tangibles, correlation. These findings
empathy, and demonstrated that high-quality
responsiveness. service always equates to high-
quality delight and happiness.
Findings revealed that
customers want value and the
whole experience rather than
just the quality of the food.
Customers are influenced by
how they are handled at all
stages of their dining
experience. The study's findings
serve as a foundation for future
growth, demonstrating that a
small restaurant can compete in
the fast-growing restaurant
industry by providing excellent
customer service.
Author Date of Publication Title of the Study Objective Methodology Salient Findings DOI

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