Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Food and Beverage Outlets-A Study of Food and Beverage Outlets Between Amritsar and Jalandhar
Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Food and Beverage Outlets-A Study of Food and Beverage Outlets Between Amritsar and Jalandhar
Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Food and Beverage Outlets-A Study of Food and Beverage Outlets Between Amritsar and Jalandhar
Abstract: The study identifies the most important significant factors that affect the customer preference of
food and beverage outlets on Jalandhar to Amritsar National Highway. The data was collected using
questionnaire and distributed in the different food and beverage outlets which are situated on the National
Highway. In this study the factors has been identified for the satisfaction of customer on the basis of food
quality, service quality, physical environment of food outlets, hygiene and cleanliness. Methodology used in this
research paper Factor analysis, Correlation and Multiple regressions were applied to find out which factor has
strong impact on customer satisfaction. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS software version 20.0 for
this study. The respondents are from the region of Punjab who visited in food outlets which are situated on
the Jalandhar - Amritsar National Highway. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 150
are received form the respondents. The 5 points Likert Scale was used for measuring the performance of all
factors for customer satisfaction. In this research paper, quantitative methods were used. Ultimately, the
research sample consisted of 150 customers. Physical environment found one of the least factors on customer
satisfaction on food and beverage outlets in Amritsar and Jalandhar National Highway.
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, food quality, service quality, physical environment of food outlets, hygiene
and cleanliness, food and beverage outlets.
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Date of Submission: 24-08-2017 Date of acceptance: 13-09-2017
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Food and beverage department is one of the major revenue producing departments in hospitality
industry. Qualities of service and customer satisfaction are critical factors for success of any business. In order
to achieve customer satisfaction, it is very important to recognize and to anticipate customer needs and to be
able to satisfy them. Today’s scenario focus of hospitality industry is on developing of new technologies,
innovation and environment friendly services which will helpful for increase the customer satisfaction level.
Today’s hospitality industry facing one of the major challenges that to sustain the customer for longer time.
Food outlets are one of the most important needs while travelling. This is the reasons that most of highways are
full of Dhabas and now days branded restaurants, fast food outlet, coffee shop and take away outlets etc. This is
the reason that most of the customer who were earlier used to dine in Dhabas has shifted to branded restaurant,
fast food outlet, coffee shop as Dhabas failed to provide them with clean and hygienic washroom which is one
of the common ancillary area that is looked for by the travelers . This gives rooms for the fast food outlets and
branded F&B outlets to grow with their outlets on highways. Food is one the factor the forces the traveler to
look for F&B outlets on highways but now a days the ancillary area which are generally overlooked by the
management like clean and hygienic washroom which affects the repeated clientele. The demand for quality
product and service has increased in the recent years in terms of adding new innovative practices in Food
service Industry.
impact on customer satisfaction that are as follows: food safety, nutrition, value, and package. Marija Pecotić
(2014). Physical environment of the restaurant also has a great influence on image of the restaurant, physical
surrounding of the restaurant has to be change-according trend in the market, which carry positive impact on
customers. Chow Keng Yong (2013), mentioned in his study that the cleanliness and hygienic of restaurant is
one of the key factors which influence the choices of customer as make them loyal to particular food and
beverage out lets. Ali Dorosti (2012), discussed about the increasing competition between restaurant and food
outlets, attracting new customers can no longer guarantee profit and success, but retaining existing customers is
more important. In fact, a competitive environment provides customers more alternative option to choose the
new restaurant and food outlets as suggested by Young (2007), describes in his study the high quality of
products of food outlets is an essential tool for achieving guest satisfaction. Food quality has positive impact on
customer satisfaction, food quality have great influence on customer satisfaction than service quality which will
help to retention of customer for future. Saleha Anwer (2011) clearly stated in his article that service quality,
food quality, nutrition quality, entertainment quality and physical environment quality are the main ingredients
of perceived value. Ali Nasir et al., (2014), conducted a survey on blend of good taste, menu variety, nutritional
value, attractiveness of presentation, freshness, and flavor of food; so that every food outlets fulfill the basic
need of the customer and increase the retention percentage of customer in future visit. However, a nice and
favorable atmosphere, good service has an important impact on the perceived customer value of a restaurant.
Mohammad Haghighi et al., (2012), study identify that the food quality is major factors but apart from this
factor proper layout of the restaurant, physical environment of the restaurant, design and appropriate color of the
restaurant, furniture and fixture also shows their impact on customer satisfaction. Olise, M., Okoli, M., &
Ekeke, J. (2015), describes in study that service quality, atmospheric quality, perceived value, environment,
consumer demographics main factors influencing the behavior of consumers towards patronizing the fast food
restaurants. Every customer has their own different views on different food out lets but factors are same.
Research objectives
1. To study the preference of food & beverage outlet across different age and income group.
2. To find out the association between food qualities, service quality, physical environment, hygiene and
cleanliness of F&B outlets for customer satisfaction.
3. To find out most significant factors that has an impact on customer satisfaction on food and beverage
outlets on highways.
Points Likert scale was used to assess the statements in the scale where 01 represented to “Strongly disagree”
and 5 represented to “Strongly agree” In addition to these questions in the scale, 06 questions on demographic
like: gender, age group, marital status, education qualification, monthly income and occupation of the
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Male 88 58.7 58.7 58.7
Valid Female 62 41.3 41.3 100.0
Total 150 100.0 100.0
As it can be seen in Table 2, the male respondents are 88% and female respondents 62%. The
respondents were in the age group between 18-24 years (23.3%), 25-34 years (25.3%), 35-44 years (29.3%),
45-54 years (10%) and 55 above age group (12%). The result shows that the different age groups of
respondents choose their food outlets different according to their age group. The result proved that when
customers travelling on the national highway their preference towards choosing food outlet different, the result
shows that only 15.3% of respondent choose branded restaurant, 23.3% fast food outlets rather than branded
restaurant because traveler has no time to spend in food outlets, 27.3 % customers choose take away outlets
which they feel comfortable eating of food their own vehicle and only 19% of customer choose other categories
of food outlets like Dhabas.
4.2 Objective 02
The association between food qualities, service quality, physical environment, hygiene and cleanliness
of F&B outlets for customer satisfaction. To calculating the most significant factor that has significant impact
on customer satisfaction; in this study four factors are study (food quality, service quality, physical environment,
hygiene and cleanliness) to find out the association on customer satisfaction. Pearson Correlation between
food quality, service quality, physical environment, hygiene and cleanliness of F&B outlets for customer
`As the above Table shows the independent variable has strong relationship with each other but Food
Palatable has a positive correlation with customer satisfaction which signifies that food palatable with
recommend food outlets to their friends and relative. The value shows the relationship between (r=.694**and
.647**) which has strong correlation. The satisfied customers recommend the food outlets to their friend and
relative and choose the same outlets in the next visit. Other variables of food also have strong significant
association for satisfaction of customers. Customers also recommend the food outlets to other on the basis of
freshness of food and Crispiness & Flavor of food. The value shows the relationship between (r=.681**and
.616**) which has strong correlation. The overall dining performance of the outlets has a positive impact on the
customers. The independent variables of service quality have strong relationship with each other; willingness to
help guests, attitude & behavior of service staff have a positive correlation with customer satisfaction which
signifies that customers like the services offered by the food outlets and they will recommend the food outlets to
their friends and relative. The value shows the relationship between (r=.766**and .647**) which has strong
correlation. Customers are fully satisfied with the delivery of food time on time as the result proved that (r=.
698**) which has strong correlation. As the above Table 4.3 shows the independent variable i.e. layout of food
outlets and seating arrangement in food outlets shows the positive relationship with customer satisfaction. The
layout and seating arrangements have significance correlation with dependent variables. The value shows the
relationship between (r=.537**and .482**) which has strong correlation. On the basis of this relation customers
choose the food outlets once again in future. Study proved that the theme of outlets has strong correlation which
all customers are fully satisfied with the performance of the food outlets (r =.526**). The correlations between
grooming, personal hygiene, and cleanliness of food outlets, ancillary section and surrounding areas of food
outlets have positive relationship. Hence it can conclude that there is significance correlation between
independent variables and dependent variables. The maximum value represent (r=.703**and .684**) which shows
the overall performance of the food outlets.
4.3 Objective 03: The most significant factors that has an impact on customer satisfaction on food and beverage
outlets on highways.
Table 6 Model Summary
Model Summary
Mode R R Adjusted R Std. Error Change Statistics
l Square Square of the R Square F Change df1 df2 Sig. F
Estimate Change Change
1 .901a .812 .807 .31429 .812 156.862 4 145 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), hygienic, physical, food quality, service quality
b. Dependent Variable: customer satisfaction
Food outlets need to pay special attention for service quality, because of the high expectations of the
customers. Only branded food outlets (Coffee Café day, Mc Donald, Sub Way, KFC and other branded food
outlets) focus on service quality than other food outlets due high labor cost. But now a days traveler are more
conscious about the hygienic and cleanliness, healthy food rather than service quality. Service quality is regular
exercises to do the assessments on regular basis for achieve the customer expectation. So that this study proved
that the service quality is the third important factor for satisfaction of the customers. Thus, physical environment
is also considering the last important factor for satisfaction of customers. The proper layout of food outlets,
seating arrangement especially for family members, theme and interior also create the positive impact on
customer behavior. Food outlets should pay more attention to the physical environment.
DOI: 10.9790/0837-2209066571 www.iosrjournals.org 70 | Page
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IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) is UGC approved Journal with
Sl. No. 5070, Journal no. 49323.
Sanjeev Kumar. “Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Food and Beverage Outlets- A
Study of Food and Beverage Outlets between Amritsar and Jalandhar .” IOSR Journal Of
Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) , vol. 22, no. 9, 2017, pp. 65–71.