Guided Choral Reading Test

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STUDENT.ID. 13107727

Tarbiyah & Teacher Training Faculty

English Education Department


1439 H / 2017 M



Presented as a pertial fulfillment of requirement

for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

in English Education Department



STUDENT.ID. 13107727

Tarbiyah and Teaching Training Program Faculty

English Educatin Program

Sponsor : Drs. Kuryani Utih, M.Pd

Co-Sponsor : Syahreni Siregar, M.Hum


1439 H / 2017 M




BY :

Choral Reading Method is one of the method that can help the students to
comprehend the text easily. The objectives of this research were to know whether
Choral Reading Method influence the students’ reading comprehension ability at
the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari. To collect the data the reseacher used
test, observasion and documentation, to got the students’ score the researcher used
written test in essay form.
In this reaserch, the research used Quantitative research. It aimed to find
out whether by using Choral Reading Method could influence the students’
reading comprehension ability. This research involved students with given pre-
test, treatment and post-test. The researcher used Chi-square and T-test formula to
analyze the data.
Finally, the data indicated “X2observed” = 10,88 was higher than “X2table” =
5,991 (5%), and 9,210 (1%) that tobserved = 15,820 was higher than ttable = 1.729
(5%), and 2.860 (1%). It mean that Choral Reading Method can influence toward
students’ reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMPN 3

Key words: Reading, Reading Comprehension Ability, and Choral Reading





Oleh :

Choral reading adalah salah satu metode yang dapat membantu siswa
untuk memahami teks dengan mudah. Tujuan dari penelitian penelitian ini adalah
untuk mengetahui apakah metode Choral Reading mempengaruhi kemampuan
membaca pemahaman siswa kelas tujuh di SMPN 3 Batanghari. Untuk
mengumpulkan data, peneliti munggunakan tes, observasi dan dokumentasi, untuk
memperoleh data siswa peneliti menggunakan tes tertulis dalam bentuk essay.
Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dengan menggunkan metode
Choral Reading dapat berpengaruh dalam kemampuan membaca pemahaman
siswa. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa dalam pre-tets, treatment, dan post-test.
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan rumus Chi-Square dan T-test untuk
menganalisis data.
Akhirnya data menunjukkan bahwa X2hitung = 10,88 lebi besar daripada
ttable = 5,991 (5%), dan 9,210 (1%). Sedangkan thitung = 15,820 lebih besar dari ttable
= 1,729 (5%), dan 2,860 (1%). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode Choral
Reading mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kemampuan membaca pemahaman siswa
kelas 7 di DMPN 3 Batanghari.

Kata Kunci: Membaca, Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman, dan Metode Choral



The undersigned:

Name : Mugi Indah Lestari

NPM : 13107727

Study Program : English Education Study Program

Faculty : Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

States that this undergraduate thesis is originally the result of the writer’s
research, in exception of certain parts which are excerpted from the
bibliographies mentioned.

Metro, July 27th 2017

The writer,

Mugi Indah Lestari

St. Number 13107727


Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Mugi Indah Lestari

NPM : 13107727

Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI)

Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan

Menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini secara keseluruhan adalah asli hasil penelitian saya

kecuali bagian-bagian tertentu yang dirujuk dari sumbernya dan disebutkan dalam

daftar pustaka.

Metro, 27 Juli 2017


Mugi Indah Lestari

NPM: 13107727


...           ....
(QS. Al-Mujadalah: 11)

Allah will exalt the degree of faithful people among you and people
given knowledge (QS. Al-Mujadalah: 11)


I highly dedicate this undergraduate thesis to my beloved parents (Mr.

Nasikhan and Mrs. Juariyah, also my beloved brother (Muhammad Mansur and

Ikhsanudin). Then, to all of my friends thanks for your loving, caring, praying,

and greating support to finish this paper.


Praise to Allah SWT for mercy and blessing, the researcher can finally
accomplish this undergraduate thesis. Sholawat is also sent to prophet Muhammad
SAW who had delivered the truth to human being in general and muslim in
This undergraduate thesis is made by writer to present as a particular
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English
study progam. The writer deepest thanks to the sponsor Drs. Kuryani utih, M.Pd
as the first sponsor and Syahreni Siregar, M.Hum as the second sponsor who have
constantly given their endorsement, time, and guidance so that the researcher
could finish this undergraduate thesis. The writer also likes to thank the Chief of
IAIN Metro, who has given support and approval.
Last but not least, my greatest gratitude also goes to my family, my
classmate and all people in IAIN Metro who imvolved directly and indirectly in
making this writing. I hope that this writing will become source of good for

Metro, 27 Juli 2017

The writer

Mugi Indah Lestari

St. Number. 13107727


COVER ............................................................................................................ i
TITLE ............................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL PAGE ......................................................................................... iii
NOTA DINAS ................................................................................................. iv
RATIFICATION PAGE .................................................................................. vi
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... vii
STATMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... ix
MOTTO ........................................................................................................... xi
DEDICATION PAGE ...................................................................................... xii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... xiii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xvii
LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................ xviii
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1
A. Background of The Research ............................................................... 1
B. Problem Identification .......................................................................... 5
C. Problem Limitation .............................................................................. 5
D. Problem Formulation ........................................................................... 5
E. Objective and Benefit Of The Study .................................................... 5


A. The Concept of Reading Comprehension ............................................ 7
1. The Concept of Reading................................................................. 7
a. The Definition of Reading ....................................................... 7
b. The Models of Reading ............................................................ 8
c. The Methods of Learning Reading .......................................... 9
2. The Concept of Reading Comprehension ..................................... 13

a. The Definition of Reading Comprehension ............................. 13
b. The Purpose of Reading Comprehension ................................. 14
3. The Concept of Reading Comprehension Ability .......................... 15
a. Definition of Reading Comprehension Ability ........................ 15
b. Principle to Guide Reading Comprehension Ability ............... 16
c. The Measurment of Reading Comprehension Ability ............. 18
B. The Concept of Choral Reading Method ............................................. 18
1. Definition of Choral Reading Method ........................................... 18
2. The Benefit of Choral Reading Method ......................................... 20
3. The Procedure of Using Choral Reading Method .......................... 20
4. Common Elements in Choral Reading Method ............................. 21
5. The advantage and disadvantage of Choral Reading Method ........ 21
C. Thoretical Framework and Paradigm ................................................... 22
1. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 22
2. Paradigm ........................................................................................ 23
D. Hypothesis Formulation ....................................................................... 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................... 26

A. Research Design ................................................................................... 26
B. Operational definition of variable ........................................................ 27
1. Independent Variable ..................................................................... 27
2. Dependent Variable ........................................................................ 28
C. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique ..................................... 30
1. Population ...................................................................................... 30
2. Sample ............................................................................................ 30
3. Sample technique ........................................................................... 30
D. Data collecting technique ..................................................................... 31
1. Test ................................................................................................. 31
2. Observation .................................................................................... 32
3. Documentation ............................................................................... 32

E. Research Instrument ............................................................................. 32
1. Observation Guidance .................................................................... 32
2. Documentation Guidance ............................................................... 33
3. Instrument Blueprint ...................................................................... 33
4. Instrument Calibration ................................................................... 34
F. Data Analysis Technique ..................................................................... 35

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION............................................. 37

A. Description the data ....................................................................................... 37
1. The History of SMPN 3 Batanghari ........................................................ 37
2. The Data of The Teachers and Employees .............................................. 39
3. Data of The Students at SMPN 3 Btanghari ............................................ 41
4. Srtucture Organization of SMPN 3 Batanghari ....................................... 42
5. Facilities and Infrastructure of The School ............................................. 43
6. The Location Skecth of SMPN 3 Batanghari .......................................... 44
B. Reasearch Data Description ........................................................................... 45
C. Hypothesis Testing......................................................................................... 51
D. Interpretation .................................................................................................. 57
E. Discussion ...................................................................................................... 58
F. Limitations ..................................................................................................... 59

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 60

A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 60
B. Suggestion ...................................................................................................... 61



Table 1. the result of Pra-survey data for reading test ..................................... 3

Table 2. the criteria of learning result .............................................................. 4
Table 3. the instrument Blueprint..................................................................... 33
Table 4. data of the teacher and official employees ......................................... 39
Table 5. data of students of SMPN 3 Batanghari ............................................. 41
Table 6. pre-test score of students’ reading comprehension ............................ 45
Table 7. the table of frequency distribution of pre-test score .......................... 47
Table 8. the post-test score of students; reading comprehension ..................... 48
Table 9. the table of frequncy distribution of pre-test score ............................ 50
Table 10. the contingency table of the expected frequency at the result
of students’ reading comprehension ability in pre-test and post-test ............... 52
Table 11. the testing of data ............................................................................. 53
Table 12. table of critical valuue of Chi-square ............................................... 54
Table 13. the score pre-test and post-test result ............................................... 55
Table 14. the table of critical value of t-test..................................................... 57


Figure 1. Design of paradigm .......................................................................... 24

Figure 2. Graphic of pre-test ............................................................................ 47
Figure 3. Graphic of post-test........................................................................... 51


Appendix 1. Syllabus of Learning

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan in pre-test
Appendix 3. Lesson plan in post-test
Appendix 4. Instrument Pre-test
Appendix 5. Instrument Post-test
Appendix 6. Students score at Pre-Test
Appendix 7. Students Score at Post-test
Appendix 8. Pictures: Activities in Pre-test
Appendix 9. Pictures: Activities in post –test
Appendix 10. The Letter of the research from SMP N 3 Batanghari East Lampung
Appendix 11. Organization of SMP N 3 Batanghari in academic year of
Appendix 12. Location Sketch of SMP N 3 Batanghari East Lampung



A. Background of The Research

Languange is a symbol to communicate. It helps the people to

convey what they want to inform each other. Actually, we cannot

understand what the other people say if we do not know the language and

we need language not only for getting science and technology but also to

make our communication is getting better. There are so many language in

this world. The one of them is English. As we know that English is an

international language. So, in this era we have to know English well.

In Indonesia, English is as foreign language. It is one of subject

that is learnt since elementary school until university. The students have to

master it well. They must study hard to make themselve understand about

it. There are four basic skills in English. These are listening, speaking,

writing and reading. So, teacher should develop these four skills to make

their students can use the skills to communicate with each other and

express their feelings or opinions in English well.

Reading is one important skilss in learning English mainly in the

school. For beginner, reading is important to increase their knowledge.

Reading is a process interpreting the message. A good reader must have

good ability or comprehension in order to know the meaning and the main

point of the text.


Reading is skill that has to be mastered by students. The students

will know new knowledge and new information by reading. They are able

to have good comprehension in reading because it helps them understand

what the information that they want to get. If they have not, they will

difficult to get the message from the text. Reading is not only about

fluently but also how the students understand the information conveyed by

the researcher. They should know meaning of the text in order to make

them knowing the passage.

In the school, the students almost never read English text because

they feel difficult to understand the text. Because of it, their reading

comprehension still low. The students also less vocabulary and difficult to

pronounce the English text. In the other hand the teacher uses conventional

method in teaching reading so the students bored. It is one of problem in

the student. They should practice to read English text to make their reading

comprehension better. The other way to solve this problem is the teacher

using an interesting method to make the students interest to read English


There are many methods for teaching reading. The one is Choral

Reading (CR) method. In CR method, students read a passage in unison.

The leader is usually the teacher or another model reader. This method is

more interest for students. The students can practice to read together with

thier friend. So, the more students practice reading, the more they master

the vocabulary. When the students have many vocabularies, it will make

them easy to comprehend the text. So, Choral Reading method is the

method that can help students to influence their reading comprehension.

Based on pra survey have done on October, 26 2016, the

researcher found problems in English, such as the students do not interest

to learn reading subject more, the students feel difficult to understanding

their reading text, the students feel bored and lazy to learn reading subject.

Finally, some students have low score in reading subject.

English teacher of SMPN 3 Batanghari has decided 70,0 as the

completness standar minimum requirement. Below the data of pre test:

Table 1
The students score of the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari in
Academic year 2016/2017

No Name Score Category

1 ADL 40 Bad
2 AO 55 Bad
3 AA 40 Bad
4 AP 75 Fair
5 AA 55 Bad
6 AP 65 Bad
7 BO 65 Bad
8 DDS 80 Fair
9 DS 50 Bad
10 DS 50 Bad
11 DS 75 Fair
12 DK 40 Bad
13 EDC 65 Bad
14 FS 60 Bad
15 SA 65 Bad

16 IS 40 Bad
17 LA 50 Bad
18 NI 60 Bad
19 RDS 65 Bad
20 SWHD 75 Fair
N = 22
Source: the English teacher’s archive, score of the seventh graders of SMPN
3 Batangahari in academic year 2016/2017.

Table 2
The Criteria of Learning Result
No. Range Frequency Category

1 86-100 0 Good

2 70-85 4 Fair

3 0-69 16 Bad

Total 20

Based on background above, the researcher interested to

investigate about the effect of choral reading in students’ reading

comprehension entitle “THE INFLUENCE OF CHORAL READING




B. Problem Identification

Based on the background above, the researcher can identify:

1. The students did not interest to read the English text.

2. The students had low ability to comprehend the text.

3. The students have less vocabulary and difficult to pronounce it.

4. The teacher used conventional method to teach the students.

5. Most of students had the difficulties in reading comprehension ability.

C. Problem Limitation

Based on background and problem identification above, the

researcher limited the problem and focus only to the students’ difficulties

in reading comprehension ability.

D. Problem Formulation

The problem formulation of this research as follows:

“Is there any positive and significant influence of Choral Reading (CR)

Method toward students’ reading comprehension ability of the seventh

grade at SMPN 3 Batanghari?”

E. Objective and Benefit of The Research

1. Objective of the research

Generally, the objective of this research is to find out whether

there is the influence of Choral Reading (CR) Method toward

students’ reading comprehension ability.

2. Benefit of the research

a. For the teacher


1) As information for English teacher that CR method can be

used to facilitate the students’ reading comprehension ability.

2) As a recommendation for the teacher in solving problem that

possibly appears in teaching reading subject efficiently.

b. For the students

1) As a motivation for the students to be good readers and smart


2) As a contribution for the students to increase their reading

comprehension ability.

c. For the headmaster

1) As a consideration material to facilitate the English learning



A. The Concept of Reading Comperhension Ability

1. The Concept of Reading

a. The Definition of Reading

Based on Robert J. Marzano, reading is one of the most

straightforward ways to generate virtual experiences.1 When we read

about a camping trip, as opposed to directly experiencing one, our

sensory memory is filled with images of the words on the page.

Reading can be a powerful way to generate virtual experiences. Even

though these experiences might not be as robust as direct experiences,

they will suffice to significantly increase background knowledge.

Reading is as natural as recognizing and interpreting facial express.2

In other hand, Gerald G states that reading is important; reading

is useful; reading is power; reading is to develop students who do

read. That means motivating them to read.3 Furthermore, Geoffrey

and friends state that, there are some assumsed about reading such as:

Robert J. Marzano, Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement, (USA:
ASDC, 2004), P. 36
Frank Smith, Understanding Reading A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading and
Learning to Read Sixth Edition, (London: ELA, 2004), p. 11
Gerald G Duffy, Explaining Reading A Resources For Teaching Concept, Skill, And
Strategies Second Edition, (London: The Guilford Press, 2009), p. 3-5


1) reading is a complex skill 2) Reading is the ability to correlate the

black marks on the paper – the patterned shapes – with language.”4

Based on explanation from the expert above, the writer conclude

that reading the activity which is very useful for the reader. By

reading, the reader can know something new without knowing the real

things. They can imagine it in their mind. The more we read, the more

we get knowledge.

b. Models of Reading

Most models may be placed in one of three classes, as follows:

1) Top-down Model

According to J. Charles, “top-down model mean that

approaches emphasis the importance of these schemata, and the

reade’s contribution, over the incoming text.”5 In top-down model,

the reader’s prior knowledge and cognitive and linguistics

competence play key roles in the contracion of meaning.

The conclusion is in the top-down model, the reader plays

an active role in the process. Students tries to predict the point of

view of the text based on studens own prior knowledge to get the

information from the text.

Geoffrey Broughton,, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Second Edition,
(New York: Routledge Books, 2003), p.89-90.
J. Charles Alderson, Assesing Reading, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000),

2) Bottom-up Model

Bottom-up model, means that approaches are serial

models,where the reader begins with the printed word, recognises

graphic stimuli, decodes them to sound, recognises words and

decodes meanings.6

It means that when people are reading, they pick up the

graphic or symbol information from the text (letters, words,

phrases, sentences). Next syntactic and semantic processing will be

happened. As the result, the written texts are undertsood by the


3) Interactive Model

Interactive models are not merely a compromise between

bottom-up and top-down model. Neither the bottom-upnor the top-

down is an adequate characterisation of the reading process, and

more adequate models are known as interactivemodels.7 It means

that this model occurs when both of buttom-up and top-down

model processes accur when the reader read the text.

c. The Methods of Learning Reading

1) Paired or Assisted Reading

The teacher methodically (randomly) pairs two or more

students together for the purpose of reading aloud in unison.

Because the students are reading together, it lessens the likelihood

Ibid , p.16.
Ibid., p.18.

that other students will clamor to correct the errors of their peers.

The teacher may choose to read along to assist with the fluency if

deemed necessary. Students find this method satisfying because

they have a partner to rely on and they rarely have to o it alone.8

It can be concluded that paired or assisted reading is

reading with the partner. The students can work in pairs and correct

the wrong pronunciation each other.

2) Choral reading

Choral reading is an interpretive reading of text by a group

of voices. Students may read individual lines or stanzas alone, in

pairs or in unison. The teacher also reads to help set the pace, as

well as model proper pronunciation.9

So, in choral reading, the teacher leads the entire group

reading aloud in unison. The students are given a reading passage

and a model of fluent reading, students will read the text fluently

and with expression.

3) Echo reading

Echo reading is an easy way to introduce unison reading.

For this procedure, the teacher reads a sentence and the student

then reads it back.10 According to McCormark and Pasquarelli,

Karen D. Wood and Jnais M. Harmon. Strategies for Intregrating Reading and Writing
in Middle and High School Classroom, (NMSA: National Middle School Association, 2001), p. 37
Sharon Walpole and Michael C, Differentiated Reading Instruction Strategies For The
Primary Grades, (London: the Guilford press, 2007), p. 78
Barbara J. Wendling and Nancy Mather, Essentials of Evidence-Based Academic
Interventions, (Canada: John Willey 7 Sons, Inc, 2009), p. 61

Echo reading is similar to choral reading, but the students “echo”

what the teacher reads after he or she reads. In echo reading teacher

can control how the text is read for different purposes.11

In this method, the students are given a reading passage and

a model of fluent reading, then the students will read the text

fluently and with prosody.

4) Seesaw Reading

Seesaw reading is similar to echo and choral reading, but

the teacher and the students alternate reading sentences. That is, the

teacher reads a sentence, and then the students read a sentence. It

can also be practiced between two students. Each student reads

every other sentence.12

It can be concluded that Seesaw reading is reading with the

turns. It means that the teacher read the sentence first, after that the

students continue to read the next sentence.

5) Buddy Reading

Buddy reading is also referred to as paired reading. This

kind of reading allows a less able students to read alongside a more

able reading. The students take turns reading the selection, and the

more able reader gives assistance to the buddy. Student pairs

should be selected carefully by teachers and change periodically,

Rachel L. McCormack and Susan Lee Pasquarelli, Teaching Reading Strategies &
Recourses for Grade K-6, (London: The Guilford Press, 2010), p. 57

so that more able readers are able to work in turn with less able


So, buddy reading is reading by the partner with the same

comprehension. The student and the partner read one by one and

correct the sentence each other.

6) Mumble reading

The phenomenon of mumble reading (reading aloud softly,

but under your breath) was observed and advocated by

Cunningham when she witnessed her graduate students sub

vocalizing as they tried to make sense out of a strange alphabet. At

selected points in a story, students may be told to mumble read to

the end of the paragraph or page.14

7) Whisper Reading

Although mumble reading is somewhat intelligible, whisper

reading means carefully pronouncing the word but in a very soft

voice. Students may be told whisper read individually, with a

partner or in group.15

It can conclude that In whisper reading, each child reads

aloud (but not in unison) in a quiet voice. The students read the text

aloud by their self with slower voice.

Karen D. Wood and Jnais M. Harmon. Strategies for Intregrating, p. 38

8) Imitative reading

Sometimes imitative reading is necessary to assist one or

more struggling readers with their pacing and fluency. While

pronouncing each and every word with precision is it necessary for

comprehension, demonstrating an understanding of the prosodic

cues of written language is essential. The teacher may choose to

read a short section (usually dialogue) in an exaggerated tone and

then call on one or more students to “repeat after me” in same


Based on the explanation above, in imitative reading,

teacher asks one or more students to read in front of the class. The

students read after the teacher reading and saying “repeat after


2. The Concept of Reading Comprehension

a. The Definition of Reading Comprehension

Comprehension is particularly important with English language

learners (ELLs). Moreover, Janette and Sharon states that “reading

comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by coordinating

a number of complex processes that include word reading, word and

world knowledge, and fluency.”17 It means that reading

Janette K. Klinger and Sharon, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students With
Learning Difficulties, Series Editors’ by Karen R. Haris and Steve Graham, (New York: The
Guilford Press, 2007), p.2.

comprehension is the comprehend to find and understand new thing

the readers read by using their knowledge actively. Reading

comprehension is a skill to build throughout whole lifetime.18

According to Camille Blachowicz and Donna Ogle,

comprehension is an interest-driven process where the purpose for

reading can change over time.19 Reading comprehension is the one

question type that regulary asks three to four questions around one

block of content.20 Then, Wagner, states that reading

comprehension is a sole product of the ability to decode words.21

It can conclude that reading comprehension is skill to know how

far the reader knowledge of the text when he is reading. Good

comprehender have learned that they have control of the reading


b. The Purpose of Reading Comprehension

Reading is essential. It is the process by which people gain

information and ideas from books, newspapers, manuals, letters,

contracts, advertisements and a host of other materials. Using

strategies for constructing meaning before, during and after reading

will help students connect what they read well and widely build a

United State, Reading Comprehension Success In 20 Minutes A Day, (New York:
LearningExpress, LLC, 2005), p. 175
Camille Blachowicz and Donna Ogle, Reading Comprehension Strategies Second
Edition, (London: The Guilford Press, 2008), p. 27
Manhattan GMAT, Reading Comprehension, (London: GMAT Instructors), p. 4
Richard K. Wagner,, Vocabulary Acquisition Implications for Reading
Comprehension, (London: the Guilford press, 2007), p. 252

strong foundation for learning in all areas of life.22 The purpose of

reading is to have students answer the questions at the end of the text,

then the students need to preview the questions before they read the


Based on the statement above, the teacher hopes can do the steps

well. Because, reading comprehension is considered as the most

commonly used by the students when they are read either in thee

context of classroom to make students more understand what they

reading are.

3. The Concept of Reading Comprehension Ability

a. The Definition of Reading Comprehension Ability

Danielle S comprehension refers to the ability to go beyond the

words, to understand the ideas and the relationship between ideas

conveyed in a text. Comprehension is not always effortless and fast, of

course. When beginning readers struggle over individual words,

reading is slowed to a near halt and deeper levels of comprehension

are seriously compromised.24 Reading comprehension ability is a

highly interactive process that takes place between a reader and a text.

It means that the main point of reading comprehension ability is at the

interaction between readers and author. How readers’ understanding

Camille Blachowicz and Donna Olge, Comprehension Strategies, p. 15
Katherine Wiesolek Kuta, Reading and Writing to Learn, (London: Teacher Ideas
Press, 2008), p.23
Danielle S.McNamara, Reading Comprehension Strategies: Theories, Interventions, and
Technologies, (New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007), P. 4

can be constructed to catch the meaning of the author want to explain

on the text.

The purposes of reading comprehension ability can be achieved

if the readers have good interaction with the text. It is influenced by

many factors one of them is the background knowledge of readers

about the text that will be read, students who has known the

background knowledge about the text will be easier to understand the

text. Hence, giving information and background knowledge about the

text to the students is needed, so students can understand the meaning

of what they read and can comprehend the text well.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

reading comprehension ability is a process of deep interaction

between reader and author to communicate successfully in gaining

what the author means on the text. The students as the readers can

comprehend the text based on their ability to recognize the text.

b. Principles to Guide Reading Comprehension Ability

There are five principles to guide reading comprehension ability:25

1) Front-loading

This term refers to attempts to empower pupils before they

read. Such techniques tend to reduce potential vocabulary

obstacles to comprehension, activate relevant prior knowledge,

and provide specific information on the text structure and actual

Anthoni V.Manzo, Literacy Disorders: Holistic Diagnosis and Remediation,
(University of Missouri: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College, 1993), p. 319

facts covered in the text. It could be argued that such methods

enable students to engage a reading selection as if they had

elevated IQ’s, skill, and knowledge.

2) Transformations

Readers are made more alert, active, and engaged by a

requirement to transform the text from our ideas to those of the

reader. Reconstructive transformations, the focus of this chapter,

include tasks such as;26

a) Translating, or retelling what one has read with the text


b) Recalling and retelling, without looking back at the text;

c) Rewriting, or summarizing with the text available;

d) Summarizing without consulting the tex;

e) Outlining with and without available text;

f) Representing the text in a student-constructed graphic

overview or illustration, with the text available for reference.

3) Authentic text and tasks

There are many possible ways to achieve some level of

authenticity. However, is perfect, since schools are designed to

teach about and simulate life conditions in some systematic and

controlled manner.

4) Instructional conversations


Known by several other names, such as responsive

teaching, reciprocity, and cognitive apprenticeship, this notion

simply means that the teaching method is built on a relatively

authentic interactions between teacher and students, and students

with one another.

5) Teach strategies, not skills

Each lesson should be crafted so as to impart possible

strategies for dealing with reading and learning needs.

Accordingly, it is important to focus on teaching students to use

strategies such as self-monitoring and self-fixing, and to plan for

the gradual fading out of teacher direction with a corresponding

increase of student responsibility. Skill instruction is not a way of

teaching. It is an objective that comes from student commitment

and practice in effectively using personal learning strategies until

these become automatic, or habitual.27

So, to teach reading comprehension ability we must use the

principles of reading comprehension ability that includes front-

loading, transformations, authentic text and tasks, instructional

conversations, and teach strategies, not skills. Those principles are

very helpful to guide reading comprehension ability in classroom.

Those principles make the learning process more effective.


c. The Measurement of Reading Comprehension

There are some criteria commonly use in measuring students’

reading comprehension ability, these are:28

1) Main idea (topic)

2) Expression/idioms/phrases in context

3) Inference (implied detail)

4) Grammatical features

5) Detail (scanning for a specifically stated detail)

6) Excluding facts not written (unstated detail)

7) Supporting ideas

8) Vocabulary in context.

B. The Concept of Choral Reading Method

1. Definition of Choral Reading Method

Choral reading method is a method for concert reading.

According to Sylvia and Sharon, Choral reading is reading of text by

several students in unison.29 In choral reading, the students were asked

to retell the text and answer six questions. Teachers can also use

flexible grouping to encourage choral and duet reading. Students can

use choral reading to develop fluency and expression. This kind of

reading helps students develop confidence in their ability to speak and

H.Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom Practice,
(California: Longman, 2003), p. 206
Sylvia Linan-Thompson and Sharon Vaughn, Research-Based Methods of Reading
Instruction for English Language Learners grades K-4, (USA: ASCD, 2007), P. 152.

read English. In the other word, choral reading improves oral reading

fluency for the specific text being read. As a result, students

comperhend those pages more fully and gain deeper concepts from the


Choral reading is well suited for short story, poetry, rhymes,

and dialogues. Choral reading give students the opportunity to try out

language. This practice also helps students improve their sight

vocabulary and develop oral language skills.31 In the other hand, Wood

states that choral reading can be an enjoyable and engaging method to

employ. Having students read at significant point in a selection can

increase suspense or express an emotional reaction intended by the


Based on state above, the writer concludes that Choral reading is

reading together by a group of students. In this method there is a leader

that will be guided to read the text. The leader reads loudly and the

other students will follow the leader.

2. The Benefit of Choral Reading Method

The benefit of choral reading method According to McCormack

and Pasquarelli is when children are choral reading a 200-word

passage, every student gets the same a mouth of practice. The students

are not listening or scrutinizing each other. If the student makes an

Allan Wigfield, etc, Motivating Reading Comperhension Concept-Oriented Reading
Instruction, (London: LEA publisher) p. 201
Judie Haynes, Getting Started with English Language Learners, (USA: ASCD, 2007),
P. 83
Barbara J. Wendling and Nancy Mather, Essentials of Evidence, p. 38

error reading, no one really knows. Choral reading is also an excellent

method to build prosody. As students listen each other, those students

have natural expression and phrasing will model those characteristics

of the others.33

Based on statement above, it can be conclude that choral reading

can make the students more active in reading because they read aloud

with their friends. It can help students to practice their reading

comprehension with expression. By choral reading method, the

students will enjoy study English especially reading.

3. The Procedure of Using Choral Reading Method

In choral reading, students read a designated passage aloud. The

leader is usually the teacher or another model reader. First, the teacher

or model reader previews a passage for the students, and they all make

predictions about what the passage will be about. Then the teacher

reads the passage aloud—first by herself, then with the students joining

in. Next the teacher fades her voice and allows the students to take the

lead reading the passage aloud. The last, the students were asked to

retell the text and answer comperhension question.

During this exercise, students should read as quickly as possible

as a group without speed-reading. If there is time available, the teacher

should select pairs of students to read the passage again. Again, it is

important that teachers ensure that English language learners have

Rachel L. McCormack and Susan Lee Pasquarelli, Teaching Reading, p. 57

adequate background knowledge and vocabulary knowledge for the

passages they are reading. Also, many English language learners are

sensitive about reading aloud because of their pronunciation and

difficulties with English.34

4. Common Elements in Choral Reading Method

a. Students listen to text as they follow along with the book.

b. Students follow along with the print using their fi ngers as guides.

c. Reading materials can be used that students would be unable to read


d. Procedures are done 10 to 15 minutes daily.

e. More advanced readers provide feedback and assistance.

f. Comprehension activities can be added before and after reading.35

5. The advantage and disadvantage of Choral Reading Method

a. The Advantage of Choral Reading Method

1) Helping students learn to decode.

2) Developing effective and fluent read aloud skill.

3) Improving sight vocabulary.

4) Helping students learn to pronounce new word by hearing

others reading aloud at the same time.

5) Helping students understand rhythm, meter, patterns, rhymes

and characters.

6) Demonstrates the importance of oral tradition.36

Sylvia Linan-Thompson and Sharon Vaughn, Research-Based Methods of Reading, p.
Barbara J. Wendling and Nancy Mather, Essentials of Evidence, p.61

b. The disadvantage of Choral Reading Method

1) The teacher cannot observe the students one by one.

2) No one really knows if the student makes an error reading.37

C. Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

1. Theoretical Framework

Reading comprehension ability is ability to know how far the

knowledge about the text after reading. Comprehension is the key for

students to understanding the content of text. If they have good

comprehension, they will easier to know the meaning of the text.

Choral reading method can help students to develop the

students’ reading comprehension more effectively. Giving the

students text and asking them to read loudly together can attract the

students’ attention more than normal reading. Reading with

expression will help students more understanding the text. It is also

interesting for the students because they not read alone.

In the other word, choral reading method improves oral

reading fluency for the specific text being read. As a result, students

comperhend those pages more fully and gain deeper concepts from the

text.38 So that, with such advantages will give the positive influence


Rachel L. McCormack and Susan Lee Pasquarelli, Teaching Reading, p. 57
Allan Wigfield, etc, Motivating Reading p. 201

A researcher must have a theoretical framework as a concept

for basic in research. Theoretical framework is foundation concept

that support relationship two or more variable. Therefore, if the choral

reading method is applied perfectly, the students’ reading

comprehension ability will be good and if the choral reading method

is not applied perfectly, the students’ reading comprehension will be


2. Paradigm

Based on the theoretical framework above, the writer describes

the paradigm as follows:

Reading Good P
Choral O
Reading Comprehension T
Method Ability Fair H
Bad S

Based on paradigm above, A researcher must have a

theoretical framework as a concept for basic in research. Theoretical

framework is foundation concept that support relationship two or

more variable. Therefore, if the choral reading method is applied

perfectly, the students’ reading comprehension ability will be good


and if the choral reading method is not applied perfectly, the students’

reading comprehension will be bad.

D. Hypothesis Formulation

Based on theoretical framework and paradigm above, the writer formulates

the hypothesis as follows:

1. Hypothesis Formulation

a. Alternative hypothesis (Ha)

Ha: there is a positive and significant influence of choral reading

method toward students’ reading comprehension ability at the

seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari.

b. Null hypothesis (Ho)

Ho: there is no a positive and significant influence of choral

reading method toward students’ reading comprehension ability at

the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari.

2. Statistical Hypothesis

IF: Fo > Ft, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.

IF: Fo< Ft, Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted.



A. Research Design

In this research the researcher applied quantitative research. Creswell

states that “quantitative research is an approach for testing objective theories

by examining the relationship among variables. These variables, in turn, can

be measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed

using statistical procedur.”39 Then, according to Donald Ary quantitative

research is the process trough which observasions are translated into

numbers..40 One aim of quantitative research is to obtain greater

understanding of relationship among variables in population.41 So, it can

conclude that quantitative research is an approach for identifying the

relationship variables of research by using statistic procedure.

The researcher used one class in this research as an experimental

special treatment through Choral Reading Method. The researcher gave

assignment like a passage and then students used choral reading method to

know the information. So, it was to identify the influence of Choral reading

method through reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMPN

3 Batanghari. In this research the researcher used special treatment that is

teaching reading by using choral reading method. The researcher gave the test

John W. Creswell,Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and mixed Methods
Approaches,Second Edition, (London: SAGE Publications, 2003), p. 4.
Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research in Education, (Canada: Wadsworth,
2006),p. 101
Ibid, p. 199


two times. These were pre-test and post-test which was do before and after

treatment to compare the effect from giving the treatment.

This research conducted at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari

in academic year 2017/2018.

B. Operational Definition of Variables

Variable is the condition or characteristics when experiment can

manipulation, control or observation. Variable in this research are choral

reading method and reading comprehension ability. Based on the statement

above, the operational defines as follows:

1. Independent Variable

Independent variable is one or more group receive the experimental

manipulation, or treatment from the researcher. It is the variable which is

selected, manipulated and measured by the research. Independent of this

research is choral reading method.

By knowing independent variable, the measurements of

implementing Choral reading method in reading comprehension ability


a. Being able to find main idea and detail information from answering.

b. The students could read aloud the text correctly.

c. The students could apply choral reading method to the reading

comprehension ability the texts.


Moreover, based on the explanation above, the researcher use

indicator as follow:

a. The teacher or model reader previewed a passage for the students, and

they all make predictions about what the passage will be about.

b. The teacher read the passage aloud—first by herself, then with the

students joining in.

The teacher faded her voice and allows the students to take the lead

reading the passage aloud.

d. During this exercise, students could read as quickly as possible as a

group without speed-reading.

e. The teacher could select pairs of students to read the passage again.

In this research, the researcher used Choral Reading Method to

observe the students’ reading comprehension ability in the seventh grade

of SMPN 3 Batanghari. In addition, the researcher collected the data by

using essay test. This test is also to know as far as possible in students’

comprehending ability.

2. Dependent Variable

Dependent variable is the variable which is observed and measured

to determine the effect of independent variable. Dependent variable of this

research is reading comprehension ability. It is can be defined as

knowledge in identification the text that students have been read. This

variable was measured by giving written test. The criteria of measurement

the dependent variable are:


a. Be able to find the main idea from the text.

b. Be able to find the supporting idea.

c. Be able to know detail information.

Moreover, based on the explanation above that is indicator a good

category in reading comprehension are:

a. The students could find out the main idea of the reading

comprehension text well.

b. Students could comprehending and identify sentence by sentence of

the text.

c. The students cuold get the message from the text, includes main idea

and specific information.

C. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

1. Population

According to Donal Ary population is defined as all members

of any well-defined class of people, events or subject.42 Marczyk

defines population is “all individuals of interest to the researcher”.43 So,

populations is all members that will be observed. The population of this

research were the students of the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Batanghari

that consist 134 students who are devided into seven classes.

Ibid, p.148
Geoffrey Marczk,, Essensial of Research Design and Methodology, (New Jersey:
John Willey & Sons, Inc, 2005), p. 18

2. Sample

According to Marczyk, Sample is representative of

population.44 Then, Donal Ary states that sample is portion of

population.45 So, Sample is the small group of population that will be

researched. It means that the sample of this research was the part of

number of the seventh grader at SMPN 3 Batanghari. The sample of this

research as respondent was VII.5 that consists of 20 students.

3. Sampling technique

In getting the sample of the research, the researcher used purposive

cluster sampling technique. It means that the researcher had to purpose a

class depend on some goals. The researcher took one class from all of

seventh class to become respondent of this research. Then, VII.5 was


D. Data Collecting Technique

In collecting data, the researcher uses the following procedures

which can be described as follows:

1. Test

The test is using to know the score of the students reading

comprehension ability. In that test, the researcher did pre-test and post-

test. The researcher gave the text and the students can find out the

information by using choral reading method. The purpose of test of this

Ibid, p. 200
Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research, p. 148

research is to know the effect of using choral reading method toward

students’ reading comprehension ability. The type of this test was written

test that consist of 10 questions. The score of each number of the

questions is 10. So, If the students can answer all of the question

correctly, they will get 100 score. Then, if the students answer the

question incorrectly they will get 0 score. The time of the test is 45


a. Pre-test

The researcher gave pre-test to the students to get their reading

comprehension ability before treatment. The purpose of the pre-test

was to know how far the students’ reading comprehension ability.

b. Post-post

The post-test conducted after giving the treatment. It was to find

out whether there is significant different between pre-test and post-


2. Observation

The researcher applied the document to collect the data.

Documentation is a way to get the data from the written language,. That

was including the relevant book, the rules, report activity, photos, score of

students’ reading test at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari and the

data which was relevant to help observation.


3. Documentation

The researcher used observation method to get the complete data

about the profile of the school, the condition of the school, teachers and

the students, and the facilities in SMPN 3 Batanghari. Observation also

was used to get information from relatively source of the students at the

seventh grade of SMPN 1 Batanghari.

E. Research Instrument

Instrument is the tools used by the researcher to collect data. There were

4 kinds of instrument, these were observation guidance, documentation

guidance, instrument blueprint and instrument calibration. The research

instrument in this research was described as follow:

1. Observation Guidance

The implementation of Choral Reading Method

The instrument which was used in this research was giving the

descriptive text to the students. The researcher explained more about how

to understand the text by using choral reading method. The exercise

designed for the students is by giving the descriptive text then the students

read it by choral reading method. After that, the students answered the

question based on the text.

2. Documentation Guidance

a. The condition of the school.

b. The condition of teacher, employers, and students.


c. The history of the school.

d. The location of SMPN 3 Batanghari.

e. The pictures during the teaching learing.

3. Instrument Blueprint

Instrument blueprint is the way to get the data that will useful for the

researcher to collage information from the field. The instrument included

the test. The kind of the test was written test. The researcher used English

text to be research instrument. The instrument used to measure the

students’ reading comprehension ability as bellow:

Table 3

The Instrument Blueprint of Pre-Test and Post-Test

Test form Total

Indicators No items Score
1. Be able to find main idea 4, 5 10
from the text.
2. Be able to know inference 1, 9 10
the text.
3. Be able to know the 2,7 10
grammatical features of 10
the text.
4. Be able to find the 8,10 10
supporting idea.
5. Be able to know detail 3,6 10

4. Instrument Calibration

Instrument calibration is scale of measurement which will be used

to screening or examination of instrument items that made by researcher.

The researcher used objective test. The researcher composed the

instrument based on the subject matter content which will be researched.

The instrument that was composed represents the subject that has been

measured. The test which was given to the students was written test.

a. Validity

The researcher should know the validity of the test to know

whether the test have a good validity or not. Validity refers to “benefit

of the test not to test itself. Test in valid if the measure what it purpose

to measure.

b. Reliability

Reliability is the extent to which a test produces consistent result

when administered in the same conditions. In other word, whether it

consistent predictability and accuracy.

F. Data Analysis Technique

In applying experimental research to find out the differences

between two samples is utilized Chi-Square formulation. The formula of Chi-

Square was used to find out the differences of significant between the

frequencies which used to observe and the frequencies in hope. The

researcher analyzed the data by using Chi-Square.46

The formulation of Chi-Square:

𝐹𝑜 − 𝐹𝑒
𝑥 =


𝑥 2 = 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑖 𝑠𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒

Fo = observed frequency

Fe = expected frequency

The researcher analyzed data using t-test to investigate whether there

is influence of Choral reading method toward students reading

comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari. The

researcher analyzed the data by using t-test. According to Donald Ary the

formulation of t-test as follows:47

∑𝐷 2
∑𝐷 2 − 𝑁
t =
𝑁 𝑁−1

Notes :

t = t value for correlation sample

D = (differences), differences between pre-test score with post-test score.

D2= square of D

N = the number of sample

C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, (New Age International
(P) Limited, Publishers, 2004, p.233
Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research, p. 177


A. Description of the Data

1. The History of SMPN 3 Batanghari

SMP N 3 Batanghari was founded by the government in 2004.

SMP N 3 Batanghari is located in the village of Batang Bumiharjo 39

Polos East Lampung District SMP N 3 Batanghari was established by the

government by land area of 10.000 m2 , building area of 1.107 m2 , 3.000

m2 yards wide, extensive sports grounds 350 m2 and 5.543 m2 garden.

SMP N 3 Batanghari began to receive an operating permit on October 1 st

2003 and operational in 2004/2005.

Since it was established the leader headmaster of the school had

been changed as follow:

a. Drs. Sunardi (2005 until 2009).

b. Dra.R. Sunaryanti (2009 until 2011).

c. Hj. Ngatemi, S. Pd (2011 until 2014).

d. Mursidi, S.Pd (2014 until 2017).

e. Ahmad Saidi, S.Pd , M.M (2017 until now).

a. Vission and Mission of SMP N 3 Batanghari.

1) Vision School: “Be the ideal school” with indicators:

a) Excellent in academic.


b) Excellent in the field of nonacademic.

c) Excellent in performing.

b. Mission of SMP N 3 Batanghari.

Based on above vision, the mission determined to make it

happen as follows:

1) Supplying of school facilities and infrastructure to support the

effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning activities to

produce quality graduates.

2) The implementation of effective learning and guidance so that

every students’ can advance optimally appropriate with their


3) Giving the intensive achievement motivation through about the

school to students’.

4) Foster appreciation of the teaching of religion and culture of the

nationso that the source of wisdom in the act.

5) Implementing participatory management by involving the whole

school community and local community school.

6) Improving the welfare of teachers and employees.


2. Data of the Teachers and Official Employees SMP N 3 Batanghari

The number of teachers and official employees of SMP N number

3 Batanghari in academic year of 2017/2018 are 39 that can be identified

based on the educational background as follow:

Table 4
Data of teachers and official employees
No Name Sex Occupation
1 Ahmad Saidi, S.Pd, M.M Male Headmaster
Subandi, S.Pd Vice HM Student/Indonesia
2 Male
Language Teacher
Subadi, S.Pd Vice HM Curiccullum/IPS
3 Male
Samsul, S.Pd Vice HM infrastructure/
4 Male
Indonesia Language
5 Drs. Budiono Male Vice HM Social/IPS
6 Budi Utomo, S.Pd Male Mathematics/ Computer
7 Dra. Sri Hayati Female Mathematics teacher
8 Dra. Zuriati Female Counselor Teacher
9 Drs. Warsito Male Counselor Teacher
10 Dwi Haryani, S.Pd Female Computer Teacher
11 Dwi Wuryani S.Pd Female IPS Teacher
12 Esti Rahayu, S.Pd Female IPA Teacher
13 Habthin Masrijah, S.Pd Female IPA Teacher
14 Hernili, S.Pd Female Lampung Language
15 Maisyaroh, S.Pd Female IPS Teacher
16 Marhanah, S.Pd Female Civic Teacher
Maryanah Pradenta Ayu,
17 Female Computer Teacher
18 Media Eka Suswanti, Female Lampung Language Teacher

S.Pd, M.M
19 Nelly Septa Sari, S.Pd Female Computer Teacher
20 Paijan Winarto, S.Pd Male Penjas Teacher
21 Puji Susilo Pratomo, S.Pd Male Penjas Teacher
Ramijan, S.Pd Librarian/Indonesia
22 Male
Language Teacher
23 Ristri Fatimah, M.Pd. I Female Islamic Teacher
24 Rustinah, S.Pd Female Mathematics Teacher
25 Setiti Ernawati, S.Pd Female English Teacher
26 Sih Budiwati, S.Pd Female English Teacher
27 Siti Romlah, S.Pd Female Leader of lab/Science
28 Slamet Subarno, S.Pd Male Civic Teacher
29 Sri Sulistiyowati Female Indonesia Language
30 Sukamto, S.Pd Male English Teacher
31 Sumadewi, S.Pd Female Science Teacher
32 Sumyati, S.Pd Female Islamic Teacher
33 Wahyu Pramono Putra,
Male Art Teacher
34 Wiwik Sudarmiyati, S.Pd Female Sciene Teacher
35 Yeni Haryani, S.Pd Female Counselor
36 Agus Yulianto, S.Pd Male Leader of administration
37 Fitri Apriyani Female Staff of administration
38 Rahayu Herman Male Security
39 Dede Male Office Boy
Source by: Documentation of SMPN 3 Batanghari in the Academic year of

3. Data of Students at SMP N Batanghari

SMP N 3 Batanghari has 428 students, and about 20 students each

class, it divided into some classes that could identify as follow:

Table 5
Total of Students at SMP N 3 Batanghari
No Class Amount
Male Female
1 VII 62 90 152
2 VIII 72 75 147
3 IX 63 66 129
Total 197 231 428
Source by: Documentation of SMPN 3 Batanghari in academic year 2017/2018

4. Structure Organization of SMPN 3 Batanghari

Structure Organization of SMP N 3 Batanghari

in academic year of 2017/2018

Ahmad Saidi, S.Pd,M.M School
UR. TATA USAHA Iksanudin
Agus Yulianto, S.Pd

Vice HM Vice HM Vice HM Vice HM

Infrastructure Students Section uriculum Public
Samsul, S.Pd Subandi, S.Pd section Relation
Subadi, S.Pd Drs. Budiono
Laboratory Pembina OSIS Evaluation Social
Siti Romlah, Puji Susilo P, Section section
S.Pd S.Pd Budi Utomo, Dwi W, S.Pd
Librarian School
Ramijan, S.Pd Coorperation
Dra. Zuriati
UKS section Habthin M, S.Pd
Maesyaroh, S.Pd

7 K section
Dwi Wuryani,S.Pd



5. Facilities and Infrastructure of the School

SMP N 3 Batanghari has permanent facilities and infrastructure

that divided into several rooms for teaching purpose such as:

a. Class Room :16 Rooms

b. Laboratory

1) Laboratory Computer : 1 Room

c. Office and Staff Room:

1) Principal Room : 1 Room

2) Administration room : 1 Room

3) Kitchen room : 1 Room

d. The Library : 1 Room

e. UKS room : 1 Room

f. Mosque : 1 Room

g. The Counselor Room : 1 Room

h. Parking Bicycles/ Motorcycle: 1 Room

i. Basket ball field : 1 field

j. Badminton field : 1 field

k. Volley field : 1 field

l. Toilet : 6 Rooms

m. Canteen : 3 rooms

6. The Location Skecth of SMPN 3 Batanghari

location sketch of SMP Negeri 3 Batanghari








IX 6

IX 5


IX 4


B. Research Data Description

1. The students pre-test result

To measure the students’ reading comprehension ability the writer

used the pre-test before giving the treatment. The students was given 10

items of essay questions that must be answered. It was consist of reading

comprehension text. They were given 40 minutes to finish the test. The

result of pre-test can be shown as bellow:

Table 6
The Pre-test Score of Students’ Reading Comprehension
at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 3 Batanghari

No Name Score
1 ADL 65
2 AO 70
3 AA 45
4 AP 40
5 AA 55
6 AP 80
7 BO 30
8 DDS 35
9 DS 50
10 DS 40
11 DS 45
12 DK 50
13 EDC 60
14 FS 55
15 SA 55
16 IS 70
17 LA 65

18 NI 45
19 RDS 50
20 SWHD 55
Total (ƩX) 1065
Maximal Score 80
Minimal Score 30
Average 53,25
Taken on Juni 17th, 2017

Based on the data above, it can be found that the highest score was

80 and the lowest score was 30. Based on the data, the writer then the

class interval by using the formula as followed:

K = 1 + 3,3 log n

K = 1 + 3,3 log 20

K = 1 + 4,29

K = 5,29 = 5

R = highest score – lowest score + 12

R = 80-30+1

R = 51



P = 10,2 = 10

Note :

R = A distance fromm score maximum and score minimum

K = The number of interval class

P = The leght of interval class


The total of class interval of this result pre-test research was 11. After

knowing the class interval above was put on the table frequency

distribution, as followed:

Table 7
The table of frequency distribution of pre-test score

No Interval Frequency Percentage

1 70 – 80 3 15
2 60 – 69 3 15
3 50 – 59 7 35
4 40 – 49 5 25
5 30 – 39 2 20
Total 20 100 %

If the data was put into graphic, it can be seen as followed:

figure 2

30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 80
class interval

Based on the table frequency distribution above, it can be inferreed

that 20 students as the research sample can be devided:

a. For the class interval of 30-39, there were 2 students or 10%

b. For the class interval of 40-49, there were 5 students or 25%


c. For the class interval of 50-59, there were 7 students or 35%

d. For the class interval of 60-69, there were 3 students or 15%

e. For the class interval of 70-80, there were 3 students or 15%

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the students who passed

the test was the students got score more than 70. There were 3 students or

15% who got it. Then, the students who failed the test was the students got

score under 70 and there were 17 students got it.

2. The students post test result

A post-test was to measure the students’ reading comprehension

ability after being giving a treatment. The types of pre-test and post-test

were similar. This test was followed by 20 students. The result of post-test

can be shown as followed:

Table 8
The Post-test Score of Students’ Reading Comprehension
at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 3 Batanghari

No Name Score
1 ADL 85
2 AO 90
3 AA 75
4 AP 60
5 AA 75
6 AP 95
7 BO 55
8 DDS 60
9 DS 75
10 DS 55
11 DS 65

12 DK 70
13 EDC 75
14 FS 75
15 SA 85
16 IS 95
17 LA 75
18 NI 75
19 RDS 70
20 SWHD 70
Total (ƩX) 1475
Maximal Score 95
Minimal Score 55
Average 73,75
Taken on, Juli 18th 2017

Based on the data above, it can be found that the highest score was

80 and the lowest score was 30. Based on the data, the writer then the

class interval by using the formula as followed:

K = 1 + 3,3 log n

K = 1 + 3,3 log 20

K = 1 + 4,29

K = 5,29 = 5

R = highest score – lowest score + 12

R = 95-55+1

R = 41



P = 8,2 = 8

Note :

R = A distance fromm score maximum and score minimum

K = The number of interval class

P = The leght of interval class

The total of class interval of this result pre-test research was 9.

After knowing the class interval above was put on the table frequency

distribution, as followed:

Table 9
The table of frequency distribution of pre-test score

No Interval Frequency Percentage

1 87 – 95 3 15
2 79 – 86 2 10
3 71 – 78 7 35
4 63 – 70 4 20
5 55 – 62 4 20
Total 20 100 %

If the data was put into graphic, it can be seen as followed:

figure 2

30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 80
class interval

Based on the table frequency distribution above, it can be inferreed

that 20 students as the research sample can be devided:

a. For the class interval of 55-62, there were 3 students or 15%

b. For the class interval of 63-70, there were 2 students or 10%

c. For the class interval of 71-78, there were 7 students or 35%

d. For the class interval of 79-86, there were 2 students or 10%

e. For the class interval of 87-95, there were 3 students or 15%

Based on the table above, it can be seen that there are 16 students or

(80%) who passed the test and there were 4 students or 20% who failed

the test.

C. Hypothesis Testing

After applying the test and getting the documentation, the researcher

analyzed the data by using analysis chi-square and t-test in order to prove

whether there is the influence of Choral Reading Method toward students’

reading ablity at the seventh grade of SMP N 3 Batanghari, as followed:

1. Putting the data into the formula Chi-Square (X2)

After administering the written test method, the researcher

analyzed the data by using of Chi-Square (X2) with two variables in order

to prove whether there is a positive and significant influence of Choral

Reading Method toward students’ reading ablity at the seventh grade of

SMP N 3 Batanghari, as followed:48

C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, (New Age International
(P) Limited, Publishers, 2004, p.233

𝐹𝑜 − 𝐹𝑒 2
𝜒2 =

Table 10
The Contingency Table of the expected Frequency at the Result of Students’
Reading Comprehension Ability in Pretest and Posttest

Variables Total
Good Fair Bad

Pre-test 0 5 15 N = 20

Post-test 3 12 5 N = 20

Total Cn = 3 Cn = 17 Cn = 20 N = 40

Hypothesis testing by using Chi-square analyzed as followed:

Table 11
The Testing of Data

𝐶𝑛 𝑥 𝑅𝑛 (𝑓0 − 𝑓𝑒)2
Sel: f0 fe = f0-fe (f0-fe)2
𝑛 𝑓𝑒

3𝑥 20
1 0 = 1,5 -1,5 2,25 1,5
17 𝑥 20
2 5 = 8,5 -3,5 12,25 1,44
20 𝑥 22
3 15 = 10 5 25 2,5

3 𝑥 20
4 3 = 1,5 1,5 2,25 1,5

17𝑥 20
5 12 = 8,5 3,5 12,25 1,44

20 𝑥 22
6 5 = 10 -5 25 2,5

Total Fe = 40 0 - 10,88

From the data above, the value of Chi-square was 10,88. Then, know the

critical value of chi-square the reseacher firstly counted df, it was degree

of freedom. The formulation of df:

Df = (c-1) (r-1)

= (3-1) (2-1)


Note :

Df = degree of freedom

C = column

R = row

Table 12
The Table of Critical Value of Chi-square

Level of significant 5% 1%
Df 2 5,9914 9,2103

a. The critical value of X2 table for 5% level was 5,9914

b. The critical value of X2 for 1% level was 9,2103

From all data analysis above, it could be known that:

a. X2observed = 10,88

b. X2table of expectancy = 5% (5,9914) and 1% (9,2103)

The degrees of freedom is 2, so the values of X2table on degrees of

freedom are 5% = 5,9914) and 1% = 9,2103).


2. Putting the data into formula t-test

To find whether there is positive and significant influence of

Choral Reading Method toward students’ reading comprehension at the

seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari. The researcher used t-test formula.

Firstly, the researcher prepared the table and put the data into the t-test

formula as bellow to get tobservation.

a. Preparing the table in order to prove whether there is the influence of

of Choral Reading Method toward students’ reading comprehension at

the seventh grade of SMPN 3 Batanghari.

Table 13
The Score Pre-test and Post-test result
of the Students Reading Comprehension Ability
No Name Pre-test Post-test D D2
(X1) (X2) (X2-X1) (X2-X1)2
1 AJL 65 85 20 400
2 AO 75 90 15 225
3 AA 45 75 30 900
4 AP 40 60 20 400
5 AA 55 75 20 400
6 AP 80 95 15 225
7 BO 30 55 15 225
8 DDS 35 60 25 625
9 DS 50 75 25 625
10 DS 40 55 15 225
11 DS 45 65 20 400
12 DK 50 70 20 400
13 EDC 60 75 15 225
14 FS 55 75 20 400
15 SA 55 85 30 900
16 IS 70 95 25 625
17 LA 65 75 10 100

18 NI 45 75 30 900
19 RSD 50 70 20 400
20 SWH 55 70 15 225
∑D 405 ∑D2 8825
The average of D = (405:20) = 20,25

b. Putting the data above into the formula of t-test in order to get

( D ) 2
D 2

N ( N  1)
405 2
8825 −
20 20−1

8825 −
20 19

8825 − 8201 ,25

623 ,75


t = 15,820

To know the critical value of t-test (ttable), the researcher firstly counted df,
df is degree of freedom. The formulation of df = N-1.49 N is the number of
research population:
df = N-1

= 20-1

= 19

After considering the t-test table by using df 19, so it can be found that:

Table 14
The Table of Critical Value of t-test

Level of significant 5% 1%
Df 19 1.729 2.860

1) The critical value of t-test (ttable) for the 5% level is 1.729

2) The critical value of t-test (ttable) for the 1% level is 2.860

Based on the data analysis above, it can be found that:

1) “tobserved” = 15.820

2) “ttable” level of 5% = 1.729

3) “ttable” level of 1% = 2.860

It means that “tobserved” higher that “ttable” or it can be written as

1.729 < 15.820 > 2.860. From the value above, it can be inferred that

there is positive and significant influence of Choral Reading Method

toward students’ reading comprehension at the seventh grade of SMPN 3


Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research in Education, (Canada: Wadsworth, 2006),p.173

D. Interpretation

1. Interpretation of “X2observed”

If X2observed > X2table, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected

If X2observed < X2table, Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted

The critical value of “X2observed” was 10,88, in conclusion, Choral

Method can influence students’ reading comprehension ability at the

seventh grade of SMP N 3 Batanghari.

2. Interpretation of “tobserved”

The researcher formulated to “tobserved” to “ttable” as followed:

a. if tobserved > ttable, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected

b. If tobserved < ttable, Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted

The researcher has formulated the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) such as

: “there is a positive and significant influence of Choral Reading Method

toward students’ reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of

SMP N 3 Batanghari.

Finally, the data confirmed that “tobserved” = 10.88 is higher than “ttable”

1.729 in 5% and 2.860 in 1%. Therefore, it can be concluded that “ there is

a positive and significant influence of Choral Reading Method toward

students reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMP N 3


E. Discussion

In this research there are two variables, independent variable that is Choral

Reading Method (X) and dependent variable, that is Reading Comprehension

Ability (Y). The variables were tested by using formula of Chi-square and T-

test to investigate whether there is a positive and significant influence Choral

Reading Method toward students’ reading comprehension ability at the

seventh grade of SMP N 3 Batanghari.

During the research, the researcher found many problems. They not

interested to read the English text, they had low ability to comprehend the text,

the teacher used conventional method and the students had the difficulties in

reading comprehension ability. So, the researcher used Choral Reading

Method to solve the students’ problems.

The researcher also observed that choral reading method was an good

method to apply. The researcher recommanded this method because choral

reading method interested the students to read more. So, they were be more

active and easier in learning process. They were given much more

opportunities to explore all of their ability, especially in reading. So it has

proved that choral reading method can be used as an alternative method to

reading comprehension.

F. Limitation

This research was conducted at SMP N 3 Batanghari. The subjects of the

research were the seventh grade at the second semester in the Academic year

2017/2018. The research not discussed all of the problems that are faced by

the students, but focus on the students’ reading comprehension ability problem

in learning English as a foreign language. So, the result of it cannot be



A. Conclusion

After implementing Quantitative research at the seventh grade of SMP N 3

Batanghari and according to the result of pre-test and post-test, it could be

summarized that there was a positive and significant influence of

implementing Choral Reading Method in teaching descriptive text. It means

that using CR Method in teaching reading is helpful. It could be shown from

the result of pre-test and post-test.

There was a significant influence of CR Method toward students’ reading

comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SM P N 3 Batanghari. It could

be seen from the critical value “X2observed” = 10,88 and “X2table” in 5% =

5,9914, and 1% = 9,2103, the data confirmed that “X2observed” was higher than

“X2table”. Besides, the data confirmed that “tobserved” = 15.820 was higher than

“ttable” in 5% = 1.7291, and 1% = 2.8609.

Based on the analysis data above, the researcher concluded that “there was

a positive and significant influence of Choral Reading Method toward

students’ reading comprehension ability at the seventh grade of SMP N 3

Batanghari in academic year 2017/2018.”


B. Suggestion

1. For the teacher

a. The teachers are suggested to apply Choral Reading Method as a

variation in comprehending the reading text which can help them to

read well.

2. For the students

a. Students are suggested to expand the knowledge by comprehending

the reading text well.

3. For the headmaster

a. The headmaster is suggested to support the English learning process

by preparing the facilitation and instrument completely.

b. The headmaster is suggested to concedere the English syllabus based

on the real problems faced by the students.



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Kelas : VII
Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris
Semester :2

Standar Kompetensi : 11. Membaca

Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan
procedure yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

Alokasi Sumber
Materi Penilaian
Kompetensi Kegiatan Waktu Belajar
Pokok/ Indikator
Dasar Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Instrumen Instrumen
11.1. Merespon makna Teks - Tanya jawab yang  Mengidentifi Tes tulis Pertanyaan - write down the 2x40 menit Buku teks
yang terdapat fungsional berkaitan dengan kasi berbagai answers Yang relevan
dalam teks tulis pendek berupa materi informasi Esai completely
fungsional : - Membahas dalam teks - Choose the best
pendek sangat - Instruksi kosakata dan tata fungsional answer by
sederhana secara - Daftar bahasa: noun, pendek crossing a,b,c,d
akurat, lancar barang noun phrase, adj, berupa:
dan berterima - Ucapan verb, adverb - Instruksi Tes lisan Pertanyaan Teks otentik
yang berkaitan selamat - Mendengarkan - Daftar Esai Bacaan
dengan - pengumum contoh membaca barang - Answer the
lingkungan an nyaring yang - Ucapan Performan questions orally
terdekat dilakukan guru selamat ce
- Berdiskusi dengan - Pengumum

teman menjawab an - Read the text

pertanyaan bacaan . Merespon aloud.
- Menjawab berbagai
pertanyaan bacaan informasi
secara lisan dalam teks
individual fungsional
- Membaca nyaring pendek
bergiliran - Membaca
nyaring teks
fungsional /

11.2 Merespon Teks monolog 1. Mendengarkan Mengidentifikasi Tes lisan Daftar Read the text 4x40 Buku teks
makna dan berbentuk dan merespon berbagai pertanyaan carefully and then menit Yang relevan
langkah retorika deskriptive/pro introduction informasi dalam answer the
secara akurat, cedure tentang teks teks descriptive following
lancar dan deskriptif/prosedu dan procedure questions briefly! Teks otentik
berterima dalam Kosakata r dengan topik  Mengidentifi Tes tulis Uraian
esai sangat terkait tema / materi yang akan kasi langkah Alat peraga
sederhana yang jenis teks. dibaca. retorika Answer the
berkaitan dengan 2. Memperhatikan dalam teks questions based
lingkungan Ciri penjelasan descriptive on the text.
terdekat dalam kebahasaan tentang kosakata dan
teks berbentuk teks : dan tatabahasa procedure
descriptive/proce - procedure yang berkaitan  Mengidentifi
dure - descrptive dengan teks kasi fungsi
deskriptif/prosedu komunikatif
r yang akan teks

dibaca deskriptif /
3. Memperhatikan procedure.
penjelasan  Mengidentifi
tentang langkah kasi langkah
retorika teks retorika teks
deskriptif/prosedu deskriptif
r /prosedur
4. Mengidentifikasi  Menyebutkan
langkah retorika ciri
dalam kerja kebahasaan
kelompok teks
5. Mengidentifikasi descriptive /
berbagai procedure.
informasi dalam
kerja kelompok
6. Mengidentifikasi
langkah retorika
dan berbagai
informasi secara


Nama Sekolah : SMP N 3 Batanghari

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris
Kelas / Semester : VII / 2
Topik Pembelajaran : Membaca
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi
Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana
berbentuk descriptive yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat
B. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon Merespon makna dan langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam esai sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.
C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks descriptive.
2. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dalam teks descriptive.
3. Mengindentifikasi fungsi komunikasi teks descriptive.
4. Menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fugsional.
2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional.
3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional.
E. Karakter siswa yang diharapkan
1. Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthiness)
2. Rasa hormat dan perhatian (Respect)
3. Tekun (Diligence)

F. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Descriptive text is text to describe item, person or place.
2. The elements of descriptive text are:
a. Identification : identifies the item, person, or place described
b. Description : describes parts, qualities and characteristics or the item,
person, or place.
3. Descriptive text use simple present tense and many adjectives.

G. Metode Pembelajaran : Diskusi

H. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Kegiatan Awal
a. Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada seluruh siswa.
b. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.
c. Guru melakukan brainstrorming tentang materi yang akan dibahas.
2. Kegiatan Inti
a. Eksplorasi

1) Bertanya kepada siswa tentang pengertian descriptive text.

2) Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengkomunikasikan
mengenai descriptive text kepada teman-temanya.
b. Elaborasi

1) Bersama dengan siswa mendiskusikan tentang descriptive text.

2) Bersama dengan siswa mencari contoh descriptive text.
3) Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian evaluasi berupa soal tentang
descriptive text yang sudah di berikan oleh guru.
4) Saat siswa mengerjakan soal guru mengelilingi siswa untuk
memastikan dan mengecek bahwa siswa tersebut mengerjakan sendiri
tidak mencontek temanya.

c. Konfirmasi

1) Memberikan umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan

dalam bentuk lisan pada siswa yang telah dapat menyelesaikan
2) Memberi konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh
siswa melalui sumber buku lain.
3) Memberikan motivasi dan nasihat kepada siswa yang kurang dan
belum bisa mengikuti dalam materi descriptive text.
3. Kegiatan Penutup
Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah

I. Sumber / Bahan / Alat

1. Script descriptive text
2. LKS Bahasa Inggris semester genap
3. Hand out
4. Spidol
5. Whiteboard
J. Penilaian
1. Bentuk Tes : Essay
2. Tipe tes : Tes tertulis
3. Instrument
A. Read the text and answer the question correctly!
Belitung or Belitong is an island off the east coast of Sumatera,
flanked by the Gaspar Strait and Karimata Strait. The word “Belitung” is
taken from the local language meaning sea slug.

Belitung is very beautiful and well-known for its beautiful beaches.

One of them is Tanjung Tinggi beach. This beach is located about 30km
from Tanjung Pandan. This beach is very popular because it has many
types of granite rocks of various sizes and a natural carpet of white stand.
At Tanjung Tinggi beach, visitors spoil themselves under the warmthe
of the sun, enjoy the blue, clear sea and take picture on top of the rocks.
They can also do other activities such as swim, sun-bathe, surf, fish and
1. What is the text about?

2. We can find Belitung Island on the ............... of Sumatera mainland.

3. What are activities visitors doat Tanjung Tinggi beach?

Answer : ..........................................
4. “....enjoy the blue, clear sea and tahe pictures on top of the rocks.” (last

Answer : ..........................................
5. How far the located Tanjung Tinggi beach from Tanjung Pandan?
Answer : ..........................................

Read the following text to answer question 6-10

Utami’s School
Utami is a Junior high school students. Se is in the sevnth grade now and
she is a clever students. Her school is on Ronggowarsito street. The school
has fiveteen classroom and one library. It also has wide school yard. Utami
and her friends like to play in the school yard. It is fun to play there. Utami
likes English lesson very much. Her english teacher is Mr. Hartono. He is a
good teacger. Every Sunday all of the students join the scout.

6. What is the text about?

Answer : ..........................................
7. What grade is Utami in?
Answer : ..........................................
8. How many classroom does her school have?
Answer : ..........................................
9. Where do the students like to play?
Answer : ..........................................
10. What the subject does Utami like very much?
Answer : ..........................................

4. Orientasi Penilaian
- Setiap jawaban yang benar diberikan nilai 10
- Total nilai maksimal 100
- Jumlah soal 10
Nilai siswa
- Jumlah = Jumlah x 100

Batanghari, Juli 2017

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Setiti Ernawati, S.Pd Mugi Indah Lestari

NIP. 19810712 200801 2 019 NPM. 13107727


Nama Sekolah : SMP N 3 Batanghari

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Iggris
Kelas / Semester : VII / 2
Topik Pembelajaran : Membaca
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)

K. Standar Kompetensi
Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat
sederhana berbentuk descriptive yang berkaitan dengan
lingkungan terdekat
L. Kompetensi Dasar
Merespon Merespon makna dan langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam esai sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat
dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.
M. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
5. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks descriptive.
6. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dalam teks descriptive.
7. Mengindentifikasi fungsi komunikasi teks descriptive.
8. Menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive.
N. Tujuan Pembelajaran
4. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks fugsional.
5. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks fungsional.
6. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ciri kebahasaan teks fungsional.
O. Karakter siswa yang diharapkan
4. Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthiness)
5. Rasa hormat dan perhatian (Respect)

6. Tekun (Diligence)
P. Materi Pembelajaran
4. Descriptive text is text to describe item, person or place.
5. The elements of descriptive text are:
c. Identification : identifies the item, person, or place described
d. Description : describes parts, qualities and characteristics or the item,
person, or place.
6. Descriptive text use simple present tense and many adjectives.

Q. Metode Pembelajaran : Choral Reading Method

R. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran
4. Kegiatan Awal
d. Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada seluruh siswa.
e. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.
f. Guru melakukan brainstrorming tentang materi yang akan dibahas.
5. Kegiatan Inti
d. Eksplorasi

3) Bertanya kepada siswa tentang pengertian descriptive text.

4) Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengkomunikasikan
mengenai descriptive text kepada teman-temanya.
e. Elaborasi

5) Bersama dengan siswa mendiskusikan tentang descriptive text.

6) Bersama dengan siswa mencari contoh descriptive text.
7) Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian evaluasi berupa soal tentang
descriptive text yang sudah di berikan oleh guru.

8) Saat siswa mengerjakan soal guru mengelilingi siswa untuk

memastikan dan mengecek bahwa siswa tersebut mengerjakan sendiri
tidak mencontek temanya.
f. Konfirmasi

4) Memberikan umpan balik pada siswa dengan memberi penguatan

dalam bentuk lisan pada siswa yang telah dapat menyelesaikan
5) Memberi konfirmasi pada hasil pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh
siswa melalui sumber buku lain.
6) Memberikan motivasi dan nasihat kepada siswa yang kurang dan
belum bisa mengikuti dalam materi descriptive text.
6. Kegiatan Penutup
Siswa dan Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah

S. Sumber / Bahan / Alat

6. Script descriptive text
7. LKS Bahasa Inggris semester genap
8. Hand out
9. Spidol
10. Whiteboard
T. Penilaian
5. Bentuk Tes : Essay
6. Tipe tes : Tes tertulis
7. Instrument
B. Read the text and answer the question correctly!

My name is Rita Anggara. I was born on march 5, 2002. I go to SMP

Purnabaya in Palembang. My father is Mr. Harsono and my mother is
Mrs. Susilowati. I have two elder sisters, Dita and Dika, and younger
brother, Harry. I love hiking, listening to jazz music and playing
badminton. My blood type is A.
1. How many girls are there in Rita’s family?

2. Where is Rita’s school?

3. Who is Dika?

4. How old will Rita be in 2017?

5. Which is activity does not Rita like?

Read the following text to answer question 6-10

Located along the northern coast of Jakarta, Ancol dreamland is the
biggest and the most complete theme park in Indonesia. It has become the best
place to spend a holiday or weekend with families or friends. No wonder, it is
uasually crowded during the times.
Ancol Dreamland offers lots of exciting rides, such as a giant roller
coster, Tornado, a giant ferris wheel called Bianglala, a swing boat called
Kora-Kora and Hysteria. There are also Disney-like pavilions with rides, one
of which is the Palace of the dolls or Istana Boneka, and plenty more intire
family to spend a fun-filled wekend. At ancol, visitors can also spend time in
Atlantis Water adventure. Thus spot has eight big swimming pools which are
equipped with wave effects and sling arena. In Seaworld, visitors can walk

along a glass tunnel to see many kinds of sea creatures. In this place, visitors
can also wacth dolphons perform.

6. What is the text about?

7. Where is the place located?

8. When is the place usually visited by lots of people?

9. What is Kora-Kor like?

10. What attaction can visiors watch in Seaworld?

8. Orientasi Penilaian
- Setiap jawaban yang benar diberikan nilai 10
- Total nilai maksimal 100
- Jumlah soal 10
Nilai siswa
- Jumlah = Jumlah x 100

Batanghari, Juli 2017

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Setiti Ernawati, S.Pd Mugi Indah Lestari

NIP. 19810712 200801 2 019 NPM. 13107727


1. Write your name on your answer sheet.
2. Read the text, then answer the questions carefully.
3. You may not cheat with your friends.
4. Check your answer before submitting.
5. You may open your dictionary.

A. Read the text and answer the question correctly!

Belitung or Belitong is an island off the east coast of Sumatera, flanked by the
Gaspar Strait and Karimata Strait. The word “Belitung” is taken from the local
language meaning sea slug.
Belitung is very beautiful and well-known for its beautiful beaches. One of
them is Tanjung Tinggi beach. This beach is located about 30km from Tanjung
Pandan. This beach is very popular because it has many types of granite rocks of
various sizes and a natural carpet of white stand.
At Tanjung Tinggi beach, visitors spoil themselves under the warm the of the
sun, enjoy the blue, clear sea and take picture on top of the rocks. They can also
do other activities such as swim, sun-bathe, surf, fish and dive.
1. What is the text about?
Answer : ..........................................
2. We can find Belitung Island on the ............... of Sumatera mainland.
Answer : ..........................................
3. What are activities visitors do at Tanjung Tinggi beach?
Answer : ..........................................

4. “....enjoy the blue, clear sea and take pictures on top of the rocks.” (last
paragraph). what is the antonym of the underline word?
Answer : ..........................................
5. How far the located Tanjung Tinggi beach from Tanjung Pandan?
Answer : ..........................................

Read the following text to answer question 6-10

Utami’s School
Utami is a Junior high school students. Se is in the seventh grade now and
she is a clever students. Her school is on Ronggowarsito street. The school has
fiveteen classroom and one library. It also has wide school yard. Utami and her
friends like to play in the school yard. It is fun to play there. Utami likes English
lesson very much. Her english teacher is Mr. Hartono. He is a good teacher.
Every Sunday all of the students join the scout.
6. What is the text about?
Answer : ..........................................
7. What grade is Utami in?
Answer : ..........................................
8. How many classroom does her school have?
Answer : ..........................................
9. Where do the students like to play?
Answer : ..........................................
10. What the subject does Utami like very much?
Answer : ..........................................


1. Belitung island
2. East coast of sumatera
3. The visitors can do swimming, sun-bathe, surfing, fishing, and diving.
4. ..
5. It is about 30km
6. Utami’s school
7. She is seventh grade
8. Fiveteen classrooms
9. In the school yard
10. English lesson


The number item

No Name Jumlah
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 ADL 10 5 0 10 10 10 0 0 10 10 65

2 AO 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 10 10 70

3 AA 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 0 0 5 45

4 AP 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 40

5 AA 0 10 5 0 10 10 10 0 0 10 55
6 AP 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 10 10 80
7 BO 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 10 30

8 DDS 10 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 35

9 DS 0 10 0 10 10 0 0 10 10 0 50

10 DS 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 40

11 DS 10 0 10 0 0 0 10 5 10 0 45
12 DK 0 10 0 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 50
13 EDC 10 10 0 10 0 10 10 0 10 0 60

14 FS 10 0 5 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 55

15 SA 0 0 10 0 10 10 10 5 0 10 55

16 IS 10 10 0 5 10 5 10 0 10 10 70

17 LA 10 10 5 0 0 10 10 0 10 10 65

18 NI 0 0 5 0 10 10 10 0 0 10 45

19 RDS 10 10 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 50

20 SWHD 0 10 5 0 10 10 10 0 10 0 55


6. Write your name on your answer sheet.
7. Read the text, then answer the questions carefully.
8. You may not cheat with your friends.
9. Check your answer before submitting.
10. You may open your dictionary.

B. Read the text and answer the question based on text above!

My name is Rita Anggara. I was born on march 5, 2002. I go to SMP

Purnabaya in Palembang. My father is Mr. Harsono and my mother is Mrs.
Susilowati. I have two elder sisters, Dita and Dika, and younger brother,
Harry. I love hiking, listening to jazz music and playing badminton. My blood
type is A.

11. How many girls are there in Rita’s family?

Answer : .........................................
12. Where is Rita’s school?
Answer : .........................................
13. Who is Dika?
Answer : .........................................
14. How old will Rita be in 2017?
Answer : .........................................
15. What is activity does Rita like?
Answer : .........................................

Read the following text to answer question 6-10

Located along the northern coast of Jakarta, Ancol dreamland is the
biggest and the most complete theme park in Indonesia. It has become the best
place to spend a holiday or weekend with families or friends. No wonder, it is
uasually crowded during the times.
Ancol Dreamland offers lots of exciting rides, such as a giant roller
coster, Tornado, a giant ferris wheel called Bianglala, a swing boat called

Kora-Kora and Hysteria. There are also Disney-like pavilions with rides, one
of which is the Palace of the dolls or Istana Boneka, and plenty more intire
family to spend a fun-filled wekend. At ancol, visitors can also spend time in
Atlantis Water adventure. Thus spot has eight big swimming pools which are
equipped with wave effects and sling arena. In Seaworld, visitors can walk
along a glass tunnel to see many kinds of sea creatures. In this place, visitors
can also wacth dolphons perform.

16. What is the text about?

Answer : .....................................................
17. Where is the place located?
Answer : ....................................................
18. When is the place usually visited by lots of people?
Answer : ....................................................
19. What is Kora-Kor like?
Answer : ....................................................
20. What attaction can visiors watch in Seaworld?
Answer : ....................................................


1. 4 girls
2. SMP Purnabaya in Palembang
3. Dika is Rita’s sister
4. 15 years old
5. Hiking/listening music/playing badminton.
6. Ancol dreamland
7. The northen coast of Jakarta
8. Holiday and weekend
9. A swing boat
10. Visitors can watch dolphins perform


Nomor soal
No Name Jumlah
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 ADL 10 10 0 10 10 10 5 10 0 10 85

2 AO 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 90

3 AA 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 0 0 75

4 AP 0 0 10 10 5 0 10 10 10 0 60

5 AA 10 10 0 0 10 10 5 10 10 10 75
6 AP 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 95
7 BO 10 0 10 10 10 10 5 0 0 10 55

8 DDS 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 10 60

9 DS 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 5 75

10 DS 10 10 10 0 10 10 5 0 0 0 55

11 DS 10 0 10 5 0 0 10 10 10 10 65
12 DK 10 10 0 10 10 10 5 0 10 0 65
13 EDC 10 10 0 10 10 10 5 10 0 10 75

14 FS 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 0 85

15 SA 10 10 0 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 85

16 IS 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 95

17 LA 10 10 0 10 10 10 5 10 0 10 75

18 NI 10 10 10 10 10 0 5 10 10 0 75

19 RDS 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 0 10 10 70

20 SWHD 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 0 0 70


Giving greeting to the students. Cheking the attendance list.

Reading the question instruction. The sudents answer the question.



Greeting and cheking attendance list Asking the students about descriptive

Giving explanation about descriptive text Giving explanation about descriptive


Giving treatment CR Method Giving treatment CR Method


Giving the descriptive text Guiding the students read the text

The students follow reading together The students reading in unison

Pairs reading Answering post-test question

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