Skripsi Hetiya Meisari Ayuwanjani

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By :

Hetiya Meisari Ayuwanjani


Submitted as the partial fulfillment of the Requirements of Research

Proposal in English Language Department



“Every sunset is proof that everything has an end”

I dedication this thesis to myself, thank you for surviving so far to finish
this thesis and to my beloved parents Fathma Juherli and Ruhil Hayati and also
my sister Isfi and Ulya thank you for always loving, praying and supporting me.

First of all, all praises to ALLAH SWT for the blessings and mercies, so
that the thesis entitled “The Use of Storytelling Technique in Teaching English to
Improve Students Vocabulary: A Case Study at Second Grade Students of SMPN
2 Keruak Academic Year 2022/2023” can be completed. Secondly, Salawat and
salam are always upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW.

This thesis is submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) degree in English Education Program Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education. However, without the assistance of the following
number of people who have great contribution and influence on writing this thesis,
it would be very difficult to finish this study. Additionally, I would like to extend
a big thanks to:

1. Prof. Dr. Lalu Husni, SH., M.hum. as the rector of the University of
2. Prof. Dr. H. A. Wahab Jufri, M.Sc. as dean of faculty of teacher training
and education University of Mataram for his sincere appreciation,
3. Dr.Amrullah. M.Pd. as the head of department of language and art,
4. Santi Farmasari, S.Pd., M.Ed.TESOL. as the head of English education
5. Yuni Budi Lestari, M.A., Ph.D. the first advisor who had given his
guidance, precious advices, suggestions, and best encouragement for the
completion of this thesis,
6. Drs. H. Lalu Nurtaat, M.A. the second advisor who had given his
guidance, precious advices, suggestions, and inspiring supports the
completion of this thesis,
7. All lectures in English department, faculty of teacher training and
education, University of Mataram, for their dedication.
8. My lovely parents Bapak Fathma Juherli and Mama Ruhil Hayati who
always pray, love, and support me. I love you.
9. My beloved sisters Isfi and Ulya who always be my best patner in
everywhere. You are annoying butI love you.
10. My best friends Umi Sartika and Nurhayati, thank you for always
supporting and motivating me to finish this thesis.
11. Allmy best friends Solat, ayu, Risma, Lin, Halida, Widya, Devi, Nindi,
Ami. Thank you
12. My support system Icha, Ika, Eva, Resya, Titak, Aci, Imy, joni, and ihsan.
Thank you guys and I love you
13. My best friend since high school Ila Rosita. Thank you for always helping
to edit this thesis
14. My classmates in B afternoon class who had accompanied me throughout
these years,
COVER .......................................................................................................... i
THESIS APPROVAL .................................................................................. ii
RATIFICATION ......................................................................................... iii
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALTY ............................................................ iv
MOTTO AND DEDICATION .................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................ vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... x
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xi
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ xii

1.1 Background of Research .......................................................................... 1

1.2 The Statement of Problem........................................................................ 3

1.3 Objective and Significance of Research ................................................. 3

1.3.1 Objectives of Research ................................................................. 3

1.3.2 Significance of Research................................................................ 3

1.4 Definition Of Key Terms ......................................................................... 4

1.4.1 Vocabulary .................................................................................... 4

1.4.2 Storytelling ..................................................................................... 4


2.1 Theoretical Bases ..................................................................................... 6

2.2 Review of Previous Research ............................................................... 19


3.1 Approach and Type of Research ............................................................ 23

3.1.1 Approach ..................................................................................... 23

3.1.2 Type of Research ......................................................................... 23

3.2 Population and Sample .......................................................................... 24

3.2.1 Population ................................................................................... 24

3.2.2 Sample ........................................................................................ 24

3.3 Setting and Time of Research ................................................................ 25

3.4 Variable of Research .............................................................................. 26

3.5 Instrument of Research .......................................................................... 26

3.6 Procedure of Data Collection ................................................................. 27

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................... 28

3.8 Validity and Reliability .......................................................................... 31


4.1 Research Finding .................................................................................. 33

4.1.1 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test ............................................. 33

4.1.2 Treatment ..................................................................................... 37

4.1.3 The Analysis of Tests .................................................................. 38

4.2 Discussion ............................................................................................. 42


5.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................... 44

5.2 Suggestions ........................................................................................... 44

REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 47

APPENDIX ................................................................................................. 49

Table 2.1 Applying Storytelling In The Classroom ..................................... 17

Table 4.1 Students’ Score in Pre-Test .......................................................... 35

Table 4.2 Students’ Score in Post Test ........................................................ 36

Table 4.3 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test ..................................... 40

Table 4.4 Homobeneity Test ........................................................................ 41

Table 4.5 Paired Samples Statistics ............................................................. 41

Table 4.6 Paired Sample Test ...................................................................... 42


Appendix I Instrument

Appendix II Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

YEAR 2022/2023

Hetiya Meisari Ayuwanjani



The purpose of this research was to find out whether the storytelling technique is
effective in improving students’ vocabulary achievement in SMPN 2 Keruak. The
research used quantitative approach. The presentation of data was in the form of
numeric and the analysis of data use statistics. In this research, the researcher used
pre-experimental research with one group pretest post-test. The sample of this
research were students from second grade consistly of 28 students. In selecting the
sample, the researcher used total sampling technique. This research used test as
the instrument of research. The test included both a pre- and post-test. The results
of this research show that using the storytelling technique has a good impact on
the students' vocabulary achievement. The data show that the mean of post-test
scores was greater than the mean of pre-test scores. As a result, the significant
two-tailed value of the paired sample t-test was 0.000, which was less than 0.05,
indicating that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
scores. The calculation of paired sample t-test showed that there was a significant
difference between the pre-test and posttest scores. As a result, the null hypothesis
was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted, it means that storytelling
technique is effective in improving students’ vocabulary achievement in SMPN 2

Keywords: Storytelling, Vocabulary, Effect



1.1 Background of Research

Vocabulary is one of the important elements in developing English.

The mastery of vocabulary becomes essential for the students to learn a

language, whether as a second language or as a foreign language. Pekka (2015)

suggests that improving vocabulary has a direct and positive impact to build up

students’ capacity for language proficiency as a whole.

Dakhi and Fitria (2019) emphasized the importance of vocabulary in

language learning and that it is plausible that vocabulary plays an important

role in language use. It is the heart of language skills. More importantly, it

appears to function as a basis for communication, the reflection of social

reality, an emotion booster, and academic ability predictor.

It means that vocabulary is the basis of language and must be

mastered first. The size of vocabulary that the students need is about 2000

words (Thornbury in Dakhi & Fitria, 2019). It means that after several years of

learning English language, the students need to master about 2000 words to be

able to communicate with people. Particularly in the context of vocabulary

mastery, especially for EFL students, teachers should seek out methods,

techniques, and media that can assist students in learning vocabulary

Although English is considered a foreign language in Indonesia, the

Ministry of Education and Culture has undertaken many efforts to familiarize

students with the language. English is required in Junior High School,

particularly in the early grade. Students must be able to comprehend English

text, whether it is written or spoken. The students' difficulties in learning

English start from a lack of vocabulary. Many students devote time to learn

new vocabulary, yet they still claim that remembering English words is

difficult and that there is no way to improve. It means that students will be

unable to communicate, read, write, or even listen in English (Shin, 2017).

Therefore, the teacher should be creative to decide an appropriate strategy or

method that helps students to develop their vocabulary knowledge. One of

technique that can improve students’ vocabulary ability is storytelling.

According to Mu`tashim and Syafi’i (2018), storytelling is one of

methods in teaching vocabulary that students can briefly summarize a tale or

story they heard from somebody or they may create their own stories to tell

their classmates. So, the students can share their ideas in storytelling.

Barwasser et al. (2020) and Knaak et al. (2021) investigated a combined

storytelling intervention consisting of implicit and explicit components on

vocabulary acquisition in English language learning of students with and

without learning disabilities showing that this combination is effective in the

context of vocabulary acquisition.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to confirm

whether the Storytelling technique may help students to improve their

vocabulary achievement or not and also would like to investigate the effect of

storytelling on students’ vocabulary achievements at second grade students of

SMPN 2 Keruak in Academic Year 2022/2023.

1.2 The Statement of Problem

Based on the background of the study, the research question is “Does

Storytelling technique have any significant effect in improving students’

vocabulary achievement in SMPN 2 Keruak?

1.3 Objective and Significance of Research

1.3.1 Objectives of Research

The objective of this research is to find out whether the storytelling

technique is effective in improving students’ vocabulary achievement in

SMPN 2 Keruak.

1.3.2 Significance of Research

The significance of this research is as follows:

a. Theoretical Significance

The researcher hopes that the results of this study can be used as

a solution to learning English vocabulary mastery. The researcher hopes

that the outcomes of this research can be a new reference for teaching

English vocabulary.

b. Practical Significance

1) Teachers

For the English teachers, the result of this research is

expected to provide them with an alternative technique to teach

vocabulary. It is also expected to motivate the teachers to be more

creative so the students will be more enthusiastic in learning English

in the class.

2) Students

It is useful for students to know how important storytelling is

to improve their vocabulary achievement. So, this research can be one

of the ways that is more useful for students to learn vocabulary and

have an interest and enthusiasm in learning English.

3) Other Researchers

The researcher hopes this research will be useful for other

researchers as a recent data to conduct further research on the same

aspects of research.

1.4 Definition Of Key Terms

1.4.1 Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a set of words as a fundamental component of

language proficiency that has a form or expression and consists of aspects

such as meaning, word use, and form (pronunciation and spelling)

(Rohmatillah, 2014). In this study, what is meant by vocabulary was the

ability of the students at SMPN 2 Keruak in having English words.

1.4.2 Storytelling

According to Barwasser et al. (2020), Storytelling is an oral activity

to take audience attention by stirring their emotion of an event in a story; it

involves improvisation in telling story, body movement and facial gestures.

In this study, Storytelling was designed as an activity that enables

the students to understand the story and be able to tell the story in their own

language. Moreover, what is meant by Storytelling in this study was a

technique for improving students’ vocabulary achievement of students at

SMPN2 Keruak.



This section is the description of the review of related literature as the

references in conducting the research. The references discussed in this section are:

Theoretical Bases, Review of Previous Research

2.1 Theoretical Bases

The theories discussed in this section are those which support the

understanding of the problem of this research. The review is presented in five

subheadings. The first part discusses vocabulary. The second part discusses

Storytelling. The third part explains Storytelling as Learning Activity and the

last part describes Steps in Teaching Vocabulary Using Storytelling.

a. The Definition of Vocabulary

According to Thornbury in Dakhi and Fitria (2019), vocabulary

can be defined as all the words that a person knows or uses or all the

words in a particular language; the words that people use when they are

talking, writing and listening about a particular subject. As one of the

language elements, vocabulary can help someone to understand clearly in

communication. Through the process of recognizing the words in

English, the students gain the information easily based on their own

words. When students build vocabulary mastery, they can more

effectively communicate their ideas, knowledge, and voice (Thornbury in

Dakhi & Fitria, 2019). because they learn vocabulary with a practice that

is useful to the individual needs and English developmental skills.

Vocabulary is one of the most obvious components of language

and one of the first things applied linguists turned their attention to know

their meanings of the English words, one has to know also how in

English sentence the words work together. Words represent complex and,

often, multiple meanings (Thornbury in Dakhi & Fitria, 2019). Therefore,

the teachers have to give attention to support students to learn

vocabulary. Before the student master English vocabulary, the teachers

ought to teach them many words until students have already known all

the words that they need without help.

If the students have mastered of vocabulary, it will help the

students to communicate with everyone, make the students understand all

information from other country, and vocabulary also help the students to

can speak and listen English clearly with native speaker, and then the

students understand when they read the English words from newspaper,

book, and magazine. It can be said that the vocabulary as one of facilities

to provide and receive the oral or written information in English is


Based on the definition described above, it can be concluded

that vocabulary is part of language learning and it is very important in a

second and foreign language acquisition. Without knowing a lot of

vocabulary, student will not be able to convey their idea. Moreover,

vocabulary should be taught since young students who learn English first.

The other word that vocabulary is a key which the students can

understand all about English subject such as the students can speak

English fluently and can listen or writing or reading the English easily.

b. Vocabulary Knowledge

Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for

second language learners because of a limited amount of vocabulary in a

second language impedes successful communication (Alqahtani, 2015). It

means that without knowing the vocabulary, the students cannot express

their ideas and will face some obstacles in developing the four language

skills of English. Additionally, vocabulary is one indicator of a learner’s

background knowledge (Kabilan & Zahar, 2016). It is also contributed to

the understanding of written and spoken text. The students are not master

their vocabulary in English learning, but also misunderstanding about

comprehension of the concepts related to the word.

Vocabulary knowledge has the most impact on the capability to

understand what is learnt in the language. It is needed to show one’s

ideas and to be able to understand other people’s saying. Their influence

might be secondary, including the opportunity to manage issues when

meanings would be lost, or direct, such as topic knowledge. When kids

can enjoy the impact of learning words through experience, vocabulary

can be successful.

In the other hand, if the students have mastered vocabulary, it

can help the students to know the concept of communication and increase

their confidence to express their ideas. However, without having the

vocabulary, the students will face obstacles to understand a text and

speech. It is the reason why vocabulary knowledge is important. Thus,

mastering vocabulary an develop another skill such as speaking, writing,

and reading.

Furthermore, mastering vocabulary means completely

understand the knowledge of the words. The students are expected to

understand about part of speech of the word like a noun, verb, pronoun,

etc. as their knowledge. Therefore, the students are required to

understand how the words are used in a sentence appropriately with the

context. It can be said that the vocabulary knowledge is a significant

factor in students’ learning process.

c. Teaching Vocabulary

In English language teaching the teaching of vocabulary is

obviously important, because vocabulary is the main part to support the

communicative goals. Once the students do not master vocabulary well,

the goal cannot be reached. To assist students in learning English,

vocabulary should first be educated. It is also known that they cannot

speak, read, or write English unless they have a strong command of the

language's vocabulary. As a result, teachers should assist students in

acquiring vocabulary during the learning process by employing appealing

media, techniques, and strategies in teaching English in order to improve

students' overall performance in the classroom. According to Agnes,

Lucy, and Donohue (2015), there are varied ways to implement mobile

pedagogy in language teaching, as follows:

1) Incorporate tasks relating to learners’ communicative needs within

and beyond the classroom.

2) Expose learners to language as a dynamic system.

3) Integrate the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

4) Provide learners with timely feedback and scaffolding.

5) Give opportunities for learners to interact socially, negotiate meaning

and produce varied and creative communication with peers and with

English language users beyond classroom across boundaries of time

and place.

6) Enable learners to rehearse speech and writing, which can be

particularly challenging in a classroom setting.

7) Encourage learners to develop skills in learning how to learn and

attend mindfully to the learning process.

8) Allow learners choices in what and how to learn.

9) Contribute to learners’ sense of progress and achievement (Hulme et

al, 2015).

10) Teaching is the process of facilitating and guiding students through

the learning process. The function of vocabulary teaching is to provide

feedback to students. The teacher should motivate students to

concentrate on something they want to concentrate on. Without

motivation, students will struggle to learn English vocabulary.

d. Vocabulary Learning

Learning seems to be something in which students get a grasp

already and have taken part (Kabilan & Zahar, 2016). Students frequently

devote their time to improving their understanding and skills in formal

situations of school institutions, such as schools. Learning should have an

impact on each individual's strengths. Students who participate in the

classroom activities are more likely to succeed. Based on Brown and

Payne, five essential steps in learning vocabulary, those are:

1) Encountering Fresh Words

The first, and most important, the step in vocabulary learning

is encountering English vocabulary, or creating a supply for words.

Learning vocabulary by finishing the textbook, trying to listen to

Radio and TV, and having read books and magazines were among the

student techniques.

2) Getting the Word Form

The importance of getting clear image of the form of a word

become appears when students asked to give definitions for words.

Beginning students are particularly likely to make mistakes that are

obviously related to confusions of the form of the one word with the

form of other words.

3) Getting The Word Meaning

The third essential step in the learner’s reported strategies is

the one which is most often associated with the idea of vocabulary

learning: having the word meaning.

4) Consolidating Word Form and Meaning in Memory

In this step, the students do the exercises in order to make

strong memory connection between the form and the meaning of the

words. Many kinds of vocabulary learning drills such us flashcards,

matching exercises, crossword puzzles, strengthen the form-meaning


5) Using the Word

The final step in learning words is using the words. It has

goal to provide a mild guarantee that words and meanings will not

fade from memory once they are learned.

e. The Kinds of Vocabulary

Dakhi and Fitria (2019) classify the vocabulary into active and

passive vocabulary:

1) Active vocabulary refers to items which the learner can use

appropriately in speaking or writing and it is also called as productive


2) Passive vocabulary refers to language item that can be recognized and

understood in the context of reading or listening, and it is also called

as receptive vocabulary.

f. Vocabulary Achievement

Bahleuwi (2007) says that vocabulary is one of the important

language components in mastering English language besides speaking,

reading, writing, and listening. It is supported by Davis in Hiebert and

Kamil (2005), who says that vocabulary is seen to be an integral part

comprehension of each student’s life that affects his thought, action,

aspiration and success. Thus, it can be concluded that vocabulary, as one

of the component of language skills, is a very essential component in

learning a foreign language.

Sudjana (2017) stated that achievement is study process by

students in a teaching process in increasing a result of study. Achieving

vocabulary knowledge is a goal that may never be reached even by

intelligent adults (Hiebert & Kamil 2005). Children are generally

intelligent and inquisitive, making them naturally curious and receptive

to learning new and interesting word.

Based on the statement above, vocabulary achievement in this

research means the quality and quantity of a students’ total number of

word that he know after attending the English class where the teaching

learning process is conducted using the flannel board as media. It is

showed by the student’s scores of vocabulary test covering the materials

of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

g. Storytelling

Storytelling is an oral activity to take audience attention by

stirring their emotion of an event in a story; it involves improvisation in

telling story, body movement and facial gestures. In the other theory,

Lenhart et al (2018) stated that storytelling is a verbal activity where the

language and gestures are used in a creatively way to create scenes in

another. However, storytelling involves more than just telling a story.

Barwasser et al. (2020) claimed that the use of storytelling

technique in languageclassroomsm will give some positive benefits to the

students’ achievement in acquiring new language. Moreover, Barwasser

et al. (2020) explained that learning English through stories permit the

teacher to present, review, and recycling (new) vocabulary, teach the

structure of the language, and above all give the students the initial step

to the language which will refine their thinking and slowly get into their

own speech.

Storytelling is built students’ confidence, promotes their

speaking and listening fluency, develops language skills, and raise their

motivation and interaction in class. By storytelling technique, the student

will be more enjoyable during the learning process. There are eight forms

of storytelling, those are:

1) Cave Painting

A long time ago, before there are languages and writing,

paintings on cave walls told stories of times long ago, be their

warnings, describing moments that happened in the past, or simple

stories made for the entertainment or education for children.

2) Oral Tradition

People start to evolve and live in a larger group as

languages came around; people began talking to each other. Oral or

speaking traditions were a part of the earliest forms of storytelling and

it uses widely nowadays.

3) Fable

A fable is a simple story, typically including animals as the

characters, that has some sort of moral value, often told to children.

For example in Indonesia, a fable that is most popular and well known

is probably “Si Kancil”.

4) Myth

Myth is a story of folklore genre consisting of narratives that

play an important role in a society, such as basis tales or origin myths.

The main characters in myths are usually gods, demigods or

supernatural humans.

5) Legend

A Legend can be called a historical story that is being told to

show human nature, such as courage, honesty, and bravery. For

example, Stories such as King Arthur show a historical figure that

represents such characteristics as power, bravery, and Betrayal. This

story is based on real people and not fantasy, but may very often be

exaggerated or changed to show some hero or significant event to

represent something.

6) Theatre

Theatre was an audience based form of storytelling. It was

the changing from just telling the story orally to perform it out, to

show off a much better interpretation of the story. Theatre started in

Ancient Greece, and the Greeks performed stories in giant

amphitheaters which is good for the voice of the actress as the bowl

shape allowed the sound of the voices to carry out through to massive

audiences. Theatre is so much more of an interactive types of


7) Text

Storytelling through text has evolved and adapted long time

ago since it first started. Back from when languages were made and

developed things were being written, but it was not an ideal form of

storytelling as it was very time consuming, and only one person could

read the story at a time. Not to mention many could not read and

write. Text became a popular use for storytelling when the printing

press was created. This meant that multiple copies of the book could

be made, and over time ways were found to cross them over from

different places as transport developed.

8) Film/TV

Film and TV is the most recent form for storytelling used due

to technology. Its audiovisual form of storytelling, and film was first

come around the 1880’s when it was first made and showed a series of

images using a projector. It allowed things to be filmed, to create a

story and shown later to a large audience.

According to that, storytelling technique is useful for learning

and achieving the speaking skill, and it is certainly an enjoyable

teaching technique. In this case, the learners will have a sense of

achievement that will promote their motivation for further learning.

So, this research will conducted storytelling technique and expect

worth contributions to develop speaking students in learning process

for students in EFL classes.

h. Steps in Teaching Vocabulary Using Storytelling

Part of the uniqueness of storytelling is its amazing ability to

stoke the fires on the imagination. This is because it is an interactive

medium whereby one exercise leads to another and so on. Furthermore,

Knaak et al. (2021) mentioned the activities to apply storytelling

technique in teaching and learning process as following table below:

Table 2.1
Applying Storytelling in the classroom

No Activities

1 Stage 1

 A paragraph or a story is read out, for example. The Three

Little Pigs. If the story is read then the pictures have to be

shown or if preferred a PowerPoint presentation can be

structured with dialogues.

 Story mapping by the children: characters, plot, etc.

(discussion/use of board for writing thoughts while mind-

mapping). Individual activity leading to the understanding

of the components of the story.

 Students take turns to be on the hot seat to be one of the

characters from the story, for example, the wolf.

 The other students ask them questions related to the


2 Stage 2

 Police interview with the big bad wolf. The students think

of two questions and work in pairs in a role play.

 A child is shown a character/object from a book to enact

(miming it). The other children have to guess who this

character is, and explain their reasoning as to why they

thought it was a particular character or a particular object.

It could even be the straw house. How does it feel when it

is blown away?

 Each student gets a chance. Accept, reject or modify the

statement for example. The three pigs made a mistake by

making three different houses. Do you agree? Why? For

higher classes this can be followed by a debate.

3 Stage 3

 The children narrate the story from the point of view of the


 Then they do a group activity, where two groups are


 Students are then asked to write a paragraph/story.

 They can then write about a time when they were brave

and displayed courage.

4 Stage 4

 Choral recitation related to the animals/courage.

 The story will be given to the students to learn from home.

 Picture dictation by the teacher, restructuring the

characters/plot of the story. The students will draw while

the teacher speaks and repeats twice.

 About six instructions in all, for example, in the field on

the right hand top corner of a sheet of paper draw a wolf

hiding behind a tree.

5 Stage 5

 Work in groups and each group prepares a story. Each

member of the group tells two to three sentences and the

next one continues until the end of the story.

 The length of the story could gradually increase from two

or three minutes to four or five minutes.

 They could also be given a few minutes to practice in class

the whole story if necessary.

 The teacher moves among the groups and chooses two or

three groups to present their stories before the class.

 Because the students have enough time to prepare and they

are working together, this helps them build confidence and

create a lively and brisk atmosphere.

6 Stage 6

 The teacher gives the first sentence to the class.

 Then each student adds one more sentence to make a

whole story impromptu.

 Because there is no preparation and nobody has any idea

about what the next person will say and where the story is

going, there are often lots of fun and surprises in the game.

2.2 Review of Previous Research

Conducting Storytelling technique in class is not a new case anymore.

There are several recent studies related to this technique, the first relevant

research is by Rezzeki Ikrammudin (2017) entitled “Using Story Telling

Technique to Improve Speaking Ability” he tried to know how the students can

improve their speaking ability through storytelling technique in MTs

Assyafi’iyah Gondang Tulungagung. He used the purposive sampling in

choosing the sample of his research. In his study, he was applying three

techniques, namely: experimental teaching (Pre experimental), test, and

questionnaire. In this research, researcher used test and questionnaire as the

instrument of this research. The result of his research was applying Storytelling

technique in teaching speaking could enhance students’ skill. It was established

by the enhancement of the mean score which was display higher (72.6 to 84).

From the research above, the researcher knows the similarity and

diffrences between previous research and current research. The similarities of

provious research and present research are both of previous research and

present research apply storytelling techinque in improving students’ skill and

use experimental research. In addition, the diffrence between previous research

and present research is the objective of research. The objective of previous

research is to know how the students can improve their speaking ability

through storytelling technique, meanwhile the objective of present research is

to find out to find out whether the storytelling technique is effective in

improving students’ vocabulary achievement.

The second previous research is from Siti Hartinah (2019) entitled

“Meningkatkan Perilaku Empati Anak Melalui ‘Story Telling’ dengan

Menggunakan Boneka Tangan di SD”. In her research, she found the

effectiveness of using storytelling as media through hand puppets in

elementary school children. The researcher used a group of pretest and posttest

design. The researcher used empathy test as the instrument of this research.

The data was collected through an empathy scale by Davis which was modified

by the researcher. From the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analysis

in the experimental group the significance value was 0.002 (p ˂0.05). This

means that there is a difference between the pretest value and the posttest value

in the experimental group before and after the treatment is given. Story telling

can help children to improve their empathic behavior such as helping,

apologizing, and forgiving.

From the study above, the researcher concludes both studies have a

similarity. Both employed storytelling as a technique in improving students’

learning activity. The difference between previous research and present

research is in focus of the research. The previous research focused on using

Storytelling to improve students’ empathic behavior, meanwhile the present

research focuses on using Storytelling to improve students’ vocabulary


The third previous research comes from Achmad Husni Norrozaqi

(2015) entitled “Improve Student the Students Storytelling Skill by Make A

Match Strategy at The Students of VII C Class of Junior High School Piri

Ngaglik Sleman Regency”. The objective of his research was to improve

students’ storytelling skills class 7TH C in Junior High School of Piri Ngaglik

Sleman Regency. This research used Classroom Action Research with two

cycles consisting of four components of each cycle, including planning,

implementation action, observation, and reflection The researcher used

storytelling skill tests, field notes, questionnaires, interviews, and

observation/observation sheets as the instrument of this research. The data

were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results showed an increase in

students’ ability to speak in express ideas, improve students’ self-confidence

when speaking in front of others, and can storytelling in front of others.

Related to the previous research above, the researcher finds similarity

and difference of the research conducted by Siti Hartinah and the researcher.

The similarity between the previous research and present research is on using

storytelling as the technique in teaching. The difference between the previous

research above and the researcher is on the methodology of the research. The

previous research used Classroom Action Research, while the researcher will

use experimental research as the research method.



3.1 Approach and Type of Research

3.1.1 Approach

The research used quantitative approach. The presentation of

data was in the form of numeric and the analysis of data use statistics.

According to Sugiyono (2018), quantitative approach is as a scientific

method because the scientific principles those are concrete or empirical,

objective, measurable, rational, and systematic. This method was called

the quantitative approach because the research data were in the form of

numbers and analysis using statistics.

3.1.2 Type of Research

In this research, the researcher used pre-experimental research.

According to Sugiyono (2018), Pre-experiment has pre-test and posttest

without control group. In this design there were pre-test and posttest

before applying Storytelling as the method in teaching vocabulary, thus

the treatment result could be known more accurately because it compared

with the condition before being treatment. Researcher used one grup pre-

test and post-test because it was only one class in second grade of SMPN

2 Keruak. Thus, it was impossible to split the class because of the

school’s regulation. Furthermore, in this research, the researcher just

wanted to know the effect of the storytelling technique in applying. The

researcher used pre-experiment one group pre-test and post-test design in

order to examine the effect of Storytelling technique on students’

vocabulary achievement at second grade of SMPN 2 Keruak. In this

research, the researcher took second grade with 28 students.

Based on the group, the researcher used one-group pre-test and

post-test, where the researcher gave pre-test to the students to find out the

respond or ability of the student before getting the treatment, and then the

researcher gave the treatment to the student, based on the technique.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

According to Arikunto (2006), population is the total subject of

the research. Population is the whole things of the object that will be

researched. It could be any things, people, events or values that

happened. In this research, the population were the students from second

grade of SMPN 2 Keruak which consists of 280 students. According to

Arikunto (2006: 139), if the populations are less than a hundred then it is

better to take the whole of the population, then the research becomes a

population study. But if the populations are large or more than a hundred

then simply to take the sample only, it is for 10-15% or 20-35% of the

population. Moreover, researcher took 10% or 28 students from the

second grade.

3.2.2 Sample

Sample is a sub group of the population that the researcher is

going to research. The purpose was for making generalization on the

target population. The sample of this research were students from second

grade. The second grade consisted of 28 students. In selecting the

sample, the researcher used total sampling technique.

3.3 Setting and Time of Research

This research took place at SMPN 2 Keruak. The researcher

focused on the second grade students of SMPN 2 Keruak. This study took

six meetings: pre-test (1 meeting), treatment (4 meetings), and posttest (1

meetings). The pre-test and posttest was form of vocabulary achievement

test. The pre-test was given at the beginning of the meeting before the


In the treatment, the researcher used Storytelling technique in

teaching speaking in the class. This research was carried out four meetings.

In the class, the researcher started the class by praying together then

checked the students’ attendance. Before giving material, the researcher

introduced and explained the roles of Storytelling. Also, researcher gave an

example the way to learn in using Storytelling technique in the classroom.

The students paid attention to the researcher and the researcher gave some

questions to confirm their understanding of teachers’ explanation. After that,

the researcher gave the material about narrative text which was used to

practice the Storytelling technique. Then, researcher wrote some vocabulary

related to material.

The posttest was given to the students after four-time treatments

have done. Furthermore, the score of the pre-test was compared with the

score of the posttest. Then, those two scores was used to measure the effect

of using storytelling technique in improving vocabulary achievement.

3.4 Variable of Research

Variable In this study, there were two variables, namely:

4.1.1 Independent Variable is “Storytelling Technique”.

According to Barwasser et al. (2020), Storytelling is an oral

activity to take audience attention by stirring their emotion of an event in

a story; it involves improvisation in telling story, body movement and

facial gestures.

In this study, Storytelling was designed as an activity that

enabled the students to understand the story and enabled to tell the story

with their own language. Moreover, what was meant by Storytelling in

this study was a technique in improving students’ vocabulary

achievement of students at SMPN2 Keruak.

4.1.2 Dependent Variable is “Students’ Vocabulary Achievement”.

Vocabulary is a set of words as a fundamental component of

language proficiency that have a form or expression and consist aspects

such as meaning, word use, and form (pronunciation and spelling)

(Rohmatillah, 2014). In this study, what was meant by vocabulary was an

ability of the students at SMPN 2 Keruak in having English words.

3.5 Instrument of Research

This research used test as the instrument of research. The test

included both a pre- and post-test. Prior to implementing Storytelling, a pre-

test was conducted. Prior to treatment, the students were asked 35 questions

based on a discrete vocabulary evaluation (See Appendix I).

The purpose of the test was to determine the basic vocabulary score

of the students. The researcher completed another test after treatment. The

goal of this examination was to find out how well students' vocabulary had

improved after implementing Storytelling. In addition, the researcher

provided the students a post-test with 35 questions. This score was

examined along with the results of the pre-test in order to determine the

efficiency of Storytelling in enhancing students' vocabulary.

The tests used in this study include matching words with words,

translating words from the learner's native language to the target language,

multiple-choice questions, and gap filling. (See Appendix 1)

3.6 Procedure of Data Collection

There are some steps in collecting the data for this research. Which

include pretest and post-test. The pre-test and posttest was form of

vocabulary achievement test. The pre-test was given at the beginning of the

meeting before the treatment.

In the treatment, teacher used Storytelling technique in teaching

vocabulary in the class. This research was carried out four meetings. In the

class, researcher started the class by praying together then checked the

students’ attendance. Before giving material, researcher introduced and

explained the roles of storytelling. Also, researcher gave an example the

way to learn in using storytelling technique in the classroom. The students

paid attention to the teacher and gave some questions to confirm their

understanding of teachers’ explanation. After that, the teacher gave the

material about narrative text which was used to practice the storytelling

technique. Then, researcher wrote some vocabulary related to material.

The posttest was given to the students after four-time treatments

have done. Furthermore, the score of the pre-test was compared with the

score of the posttest. Then, those two scores was used to measure the effect

of using storytelling technique in improving vocabulary achievement.

3.7 Technique of Data Analysis

This research used quantitative approach. The researcher did a test

to students before and after implementing the Storytelling as technique in

teaching vocabulary to get the data of quantitative. In this case, researcher

collected the entire data which was gained. In analyzing the numerical data,

first researcher tried to get the average of students' vocabulary achievement

score among pre-test and posttest. It was used to know how well students’

score as a whole on vocabulary which was taught and given by reseacher. It

used the formulas which suggested in Sudjana (2017).

̅= ∑x
X n

̅ : Mean

x : Individual Score

n : Number of Students

After getting the result of pre-test, the researcher identified whether

or not there might have students' increase score on vocabulary achievement

from pre-test up to posttest score. In analyzing that, researcher used the

formula :

P= y

P : percentage of students' improvement

y : pre-test result

y l : post test

1. Analyzing pre-requirement testing

Before doing the analysis to know the effect of Storytelling, it was

needed to do an analysis pre-requirement test consisted of normality test and

homogenity test.

a. Normality Testing

Normality test is used to know if data got from each variable

distributes normally or not. In this research, researcher used Kolmogorov

Smirnov formula through SPSS version 25 on Windows 10. There were

two kinds of the testing of normality data in this research. They were

normality pre-test and normality of posttest. The formula as explain


D = Maximum|Fo(X)−Fr(X)|

- Fo(X) : Observed cumulative frequency distribution of a random

sample of n observations and Fo(X)=k/n = (No.of observations ≤

X)/(Total number of observations).

- Fr(X) = The theoretical frequency distribution.

1) If calculated value was less than critical value, it means that the data

was distributed normally.

2) If calculated value was greater than table value, it means that the data

was not distributed normally.

Therefore, the steps of normality test using SPPS Version 25

as describe below:

1) Click Analyze -> Descriptive Statistics -> Explore…

2) Move the variable of interest from the left box into the Dependent List

box on the right.

3) Click the Plots button, and tick the Normality plots with tests option.

4) Click Continue, and then click OK.

Test by the value of significance (α) = 0.050. Basic decisions

making in normality testing are as follows:

1) If the significance value > 0.050, then the data had normal


2) If the significance value < 0.050, then the data did not have normal


b. Homogeneity Test

The function of the homogeneity of variances test was to find

out whether or not the data in the pre-test and post-test came from

homogenous variance. In this research, the IBM SPSS Statistics version

25 was used to do this test. The data of the two classes were considered

as homogenous if the test result is higher than 0.05 since the confidence

interval is 95%.

2. Paired Sample t-test

The researcher used t-test to know whether the result of pre-test

and post test has no statistically significant. According to Hartono (2016), t-

test is one of the statistic tests used to know whether or not there is

significant difference of the two samples of mean in two variables. The data

were analyzed by using statistical analysis. The different mean was analyzed

by using paired sample t-test on SPSS v.25.

Further, the researcher used t-test to know whether or not the result

of research has statistically significant. The data were analyzed by using

statistical analysis. The different mean was analyzed by using paired sample

t-test on SPSS v.25. Next, gave interpretation to the t value in which the

formula for degress of significant two tailed was <0.05 (Abdullah, 2016).

The analysis of t-test formula was describe whether the hypothesis

was accepted or rejected. If the significant two tailed was >0.05, it means

the null hypothesis was accepted. However, if the value of significant two

tailed was <0.05, it meant the alternative hypothesis was accepted.

3.8 Validity and Reliability

Validity is one of the essential requirements of good educational

testing which can represent an acceptable on research. Validity should be

determined by the purpose of the research will be reached by using test. In

this research the researcher used two kinds of validity, those were outcome

validity and process validity. First, outcome validity required that the action

emerging from particular research leads to successful resolution of the

problem with using new media in teaching vocabulary. Second, process

validity was “the validity that requires a research has been conducted in a

“dependable” and competent “manner”. It can be concluded from the

explanation above that we could be seen the outcome validity from the

students’ result of the test. Moreover, in process validity the researcher

noted all events happening during implementing Storytelling in the




4.1 Research Finding

In this section, the researcher presents research findings based on the

focus of research stated in the first chapter, namely the effect of the storytelling

technique in improving students’ vocabulary achievement in SMPN 2 Keruak.

The data were obtained by using a test. The tests were provided to the students

to see how the use of storytelling in teaching English affected their vocabulary

abilities. The analysis was done to see if there was a difference between the

first meeting's score test (pre-test) and the last meeting's score test (post-test)

before and after giving the treatment.

4.1.1 The Result of Pre-test and Post-test

The pre-test was used as the first investigation or before treatment

to determine the students' vocabulary mastery. The test was in the form of

the vocabulary test in which students were asked 35 questions based on a

discrete vocabulary evaluation. The researcher also collaborated with the

teacher in scoring the test. The formula of students’ scores is as follows:

𝑓 = (𝑦 + 𝑛) x 2

f: Total Score

y: Score by Teacher

n: Score by Researcher
After implementing storytelling as a technique in teaching

vocabulary, the researchers also did a post-test to measure students’ scores

after the treatment. In post-test, the students were also assigned to answer

some questions based on their skill in vocabulary achievement. The kind of

questions related to the topic of the student's daily activities and experience.

The results of the pre-test and post-test are as follows:

Table 4.1 Students’ Score in Pre-Test

No Student Pre-test
1 S1 74
2 S2 74
3 S3 74
4 S4 76
5 S5 70
6 S6 68
7 S7 68
8 S8 76
9 S9 68
10 S10 78
11 S11 78
12 S12 64
13 S13 74
14 S14 64
15 S15 64
16 S16 72
17 S17 80
18 S18 68
19 S19 74
20 S20 78
21 S21 72
22 S22 76
23 S23 72
24 S24 72
25 S25 70
26 S26 66

27 S27 80
28 S28 80
Total 2030
The Highest Score 80
The Lowest Score 64

Based on the table above, the highest score for pre-test is 80 and

the lowest score is 64. To get the result of pre-test, the writer calculated

the mean score by using the following formula:

̅ = x 100
𝑋 𝑛

̅= 2030
𝑋 28
X 100
̅ = 72.5

Based on the pre-test result, the data indicated that the pre-test

mean score is 72.5. It could be showed that almost all of the students’

scores were still low. It based on standard of minimum completeness of

mastery learning for English (KKM) in SMPN 2 Keruak which is up to


Table 4.2 Students’ Score in Post Test

No Student Post-test
1 S1 82
2 S2 84
3 S3 82
4 S4 86
5 S5 82
6 S6 78
7 S7 80
8 S8 82
9 S9 78
10 S10 86

11 S11 84
12 S12 78
13 S13 86
14 S14 76
15 S15 78
16 S16 76
17 S17 88
18 S18 76
19 S19 86
20 S20 88
21 S21 82
22 S22 84
23 S23 78
24 S24 76
25 S25 78
26 S26 74
27 S27 86
28 S28 88
Total 2282
The Highest Score 88
The Lowest Score 74

According to the table above, the highest post-test score is 88

and the lowest is 74. The increase in students' posttest scores occurred

after the researcher taught them to understand and memorize vocabulary

using storytelling. To obtain the posttest result, the researcher used the

following formula to calculate the mean score:

̅ = x 100
𝑋 𝑛

̅= 2282
𝑋 28
X 100
̅ = 81.5
Based on the result of post-test, the data showed that the mean
score of the post-test is 81.5. It showed that after implementing the

treatment, their scores were increased. Finally, the calculation of the
improvement percentage was gained from the following formula:

P= 𝑦

P= 72.5
X 100%

P =72.5 X 100%

P = 12%

According to the results of students' scores, there was an

improvement in students' average scores from vocabulary achievement.

The pre-test mean score was 72.5, and the post-test mean score was 81.5.

Their improvement score represents 12% of their total score in

vocabulary achievement.

4.1.2 Treatment

In the treatment, the researcher used storytelling techniques in

teaching vocabulary in the class. The researcher carried out four meetings in

this research. In the class, the researcher started the class by praying

together and then checking the students’ attendance then the researcher

divided the class based on the attendance into 4 groups consisting of 4-5

students. Before giving material, the researcher introduced and explained

the roles of storytelling. Also, the researcher gave an example of the way to

learn by using storytelling techniques in the classroom based on the lesson

plan. The students paid attention to the teacher and gave some questions to

confirm their understanding of the teacher’s explanation. After that, the

teacher gave the material about narrative text which was used to practice the

storytelling technique. Then, the teacher wrote some material related to

narrative text.

In the learning process, almost students listened carefully to the

material thought by a researcher, and all the students were very interested

and motivated in learning vocabulary and using storytelling. The researcher

also asked students to practice speaking in front of the class which made

them understand and know how to practice speaking.

4.1.3 The Analysis of Tests

The tests were administered to the students to identify the effects of

employing storytelling in the classroom on their ability to master

vocabulary. The analysis was done to see if there was a difference between

the first meeting's score test and the last meeting's score test (before and

after giving the treatment).

1. Normality Test

The normality test is used to determine if the data being

evaluated is normal or not. In this research, the researcher proposed to

test the normality of the data by using IBM SPSS version 25 with One-

Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test. The criterion of the hypothesis is:

1. H0: Significant Score > 0.05 means the data is normally distributed.

2. H1: Significant Score < 0.05 means the data is not normally


Tabel 4.3 One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 28
Normal Parameters Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation 2.34178284
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .084
Positive .073
Negative -.084
Test Statistic .084
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

From the table above, One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

was used to calculate the normality test because the sample of research

was 28 students. The result of table 4.3 showed that the normality both

pre-test and post-test was 0.200, it means that the data was higher than

significant value 0.05. So, it can be deduced that the data distribution of

the students’ score in pre-test and post-test were normal.

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is done to see what both sample groups have

homogeneous variance or not. In this study, homogeneity test used IBM

SPSS version 25. The hypotheses for testing the normality as follow:

Ha = the variance of data is homogeneous

H0 = the variance of data is not homogeneous

The criteria of the test:

Ha is accepted if Sig (P value) was > α = 0.05

H0 is accepted if Sig (Pvalue) was < α = 0.05

Table 4.4 Homogeneity Test

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 469.533 12 39.128 3.065 .022
Within Groups 191.467 15 12.764
Total 661.000 27

Based on the table 4.4, the variance data both pretest and post-

test were 0.22 which was higher than significant value 0.05. So, it can be

concluded that the variance data was homogeneous.

3. Paired Sample T-test

A paired t-test was conducted to discover the differences

between pre-test and post-test scores before and after the students were

given the treatment. The calculation of paired t-test was used to analyze

the score of pre-test and post-test.

Tabel 4.5 Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 Pre_Test 72.50 28 4.948 .935
Post_Test 81.50 28 4.878 .922

Tabel 4.6 Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Std. Difference
Deviatio Error Sig. (2-
Mean n Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)
Pair Pre_Test - - 3.088 .584 -4.054 -1.660 - 27 .000
1 Post_Test 2.857 4.896

According to the findings, the students' post-test scores were

better, with a mean of 81.5, which was higher than their pre-test mean of

72.5. Furthermore, the Sig. two-tailed value was 0.000, which was less

than 0,05.

4. Analysis of Paired Sample T-test

The calculation of paired t-test in table 4.6 showed that the Sig.

two-tailed value of p was 0.000 which was <0,05 was or lower than 0,05.

It indicates that the pre-test and post-test results were significantly

different. As a result, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative

hypothesis was accepted because a substantial effect of storytelling in

improving students’ vocabulary achievement in SMPN 2 Keruak. It can

be concluded that the implementation of storytelling as treatment in

teaching vocabulary achievement was effective. The calculations were

done to see how effective the treatment was in terms of pre- and post-test


4.2 Discussion

Barwasser et al. (2020) claimed that the use of storytelling

techniques in language classrooms has given some positive benefits to the

student’s achievement in acquiring a new language. Moreover, Barwasser et

al. (2020) explained that learning English through stories permits the teacher

to present, review, and recycle (new) vocabulary, teach the structure of the

language, and above all give the students the initial step to the language

which refined their thinking and slowly get into their own speech.

Storytelling builds students’ confidence, promotes their speaking and

listening fluency, develops language skills, and raises their motivation and

interaction in class. By storytelling technique, the student was more enjoyable

during the learning process.

In this study, the researcher used storytelling to teach vocabulary

achievement to students in SMPN 2 Keruak. In order to address the study

questions, the researcher effectively collected data using tests. The goal of

this study is to determine the impact of employing storytelling in the

classroom to improve students' vocabulary achievement. Hopefully, this

strategy would push them to memorize more vocabulary and develop a better

understanding. They appreciated the class and were able to put their

vocabulary achievement to use in everyday situations.

In this study, it was found that students’ score on the post-test was

higher than the pre-test. The data of post-test scores indicated that there was

an improvement in students’ scores. The mean of the post-test is higher than

the pre-test (72.5>81.5) which means that students’ vocabulary achievement

has improved. The percentage of improvement is 12%. From that result, it

showed that there was a significant improvement in students’ scores before

and after getting the treatment. Based on the finding, the Sig. two-tailed value

in the t-test was 0.000 which was lower than 0.05.

This result was in line with a previous study by Ikrammudin (2017).

He found that Students who were taught speaking using the storytelling

technique performed better than students who were not taught speaking using

the storytelling technique, indicating that teaching speaking using the

storytelling technique can have a positive effect over teaching speaking

without it. This study also confirms Barwasser et al. (2020), who claimed that

using storytelling in a language classroom give some positive benefits to the

students’ achievement in acquiring new language. Finally, the paired t-test

calculation revealed that there was a significant difference between the pre-

and post-test scores. Because there was a substantial difference between pre-

test and post-test, the null hypothesis was rejected. It can be concluded that

the implementation of storytelling as as treatment in teaching vocabulary

achievement was effective.

It may be stated that storytelling had a positive effect on students’

vocabulary achievement. Storytelling was chosen because it is an engaging

strategy that can be used to teach vocabulary achievement.



5.1 Conclusions

The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of applying

storytelling on students' vocabulary abilities. On the basis of the findings. It is

concluded that using the storytelling technique has a good impact on the

students' vocabulary achievement. The data show that the mean of post-test

scores was greater than the mean of pre-test scores. As a result, the significant

two-tailed value of the paired sample t-test was 0.000, which was less than

0.05, indicating that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and

post-test scores. The calculation of paired sample t-test showed that there was

a significant difference between the pre-test and posttest scores. As a result, the

null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted, it means

that storytelling technique is effective in improving students’ vocabulary

achievement in SMPN 2 Keruak.

5.2 Suggestions

After performing pre-test and post-test design research and analyzing

the tests, the researcher offers some recommendations for students, teachers,

and other researchers interested in using the storytelling technique to improve

students’ vocabulary achievement. The research suggestions are for:

1. Students

Students' ability to tell stories will improve not just their

vocabulary achievement, but also their understanding of how to use them

and their capacity to apply them in their daily lives.

2. Teachers

Teachers should use appropriate medium such as LCD to give an

interesting learning process to make the learning process more enjoyable.

Teachers can use audiovisual material such as storytelling in addition to text

books to teach. It assists students in improving their vocabulary

achievement, understanding content, and practicing their speaking.

3. Other Researchers

The results of this study can be used as a starting point for further

research. Storytelling can be used in the classroom or for other language

learning activities in addition to autodidact learning.


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Appendix I

Lembar Soal Bahasa Inggris

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VIII
Sekolah : SMPN 2 KERUAK

1. Tulislah nama, kelas, dan sekolah anda pada lembar jawaban yang
2. Bacalah soal yang diberikan dengan teliti sebelum mengerjakannya.
3. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat.
4. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum di serahkan ke guru.

 Pre-test
Once upon a time there was a beautiful place called Neverland
where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell lived. Not so far from this place was the city of
London where John, Wendy, and Michael Darling lived. They really loved the
story of Peter.
One day Peter Pan appeared and asked the children to fly to Neverland.
They were excited to see the scenery and beauty of Neverland. They were
suprised to know the existence of a cruel pirate called Captain Hook.
One day Captain Hook captured Tinker Bell and forced her to show Peter
Pan's place. In doing so, all Peter's friends, the Darlings were captured and taken
to the pirate ship. Captain Hook frightened the children by putting them on the
Suddenly, Peter Pan appeared and stopped everything. In a fierce duel, he
threw Hook and all the pirates overboard. Hook was chased away by the
crocodile, and nobody cared to save him.
The Darlings were so happy and thankful to Peter Pan. They told Peter
their intention to go home. With the sprinkle of Tinker Bells Pixie Dust, Captain
Hook's pirate ship was sailing through the skies of Neverland, heading back to the
Darling's home in London.

I. Choose the best answer and mark A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet!

1. “Once upon a time there was a beautiful place called Neverland.” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined word has similar meaning to….

a. confuse b. charm c. pretty d. good

2. “Not so far from this place”. (Paragraph 1) The underlined word means….

a. used to indicate the extent to which one thing is distant from another

b. of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity

c. not far away from in distance, time, or relationship

d. measuring a great distance from end to end

3. “Not so far from this place”. (Paragraph 1) the opposite of the underlined word


a. Long b. Little c. Near d. Short

4. “and asked the children to fly to Neverland”. (Paragraph 2) The underlined

word means….

a. A person who is fully grown or developed

b. Someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old.

c. A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age

of majority.

d. A very young child, especially one newly or recently born.

5. “and asked the children to fly to Neverland”. (Paragraph 2) the singular of the

underlined word is…..

a. Childhood b. Child c. Sweety d. Chill

6. “They were excited to see the scenery”. (Paragraph 2) The underlined word


a. Feeling or showing sorrow

b. Very enthusiastic and eager

c. Being in a state of fear, fright, or panic

d. Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility

7. “They were excited to see the scenery”. (Paragraph 2) The underlined word has

similar meaning to….

a. Mad b. Happy c. Nervous d. Sad

8. “They were suprised to know”. (Paragraph 2) The underlined word means…

a. An unexpected or astonishing event, fact, or thing.

b. Tending to be anxious

c. Very enthusiastic and eager

d. Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility

9. “the existence of a cruel pirate called Captain Hook”. (Paragraph 2) The

underlined word means…

a. A vessel larger than a boat for transporting people or goods by sea.

b. A person who drives a vehicle

c. A person who operates or works on a boat or ship

d. A person who attacks and robs ships at sea

10. “the existence of a cruel pirate called Captain Hook”. (Paragraph 2) the

opposite of the underlined word is…..

a. Good b. Honest c. Kind d. Angry

11. “One day Captain Hook captured Tinker Bell.” (Paragraph 3) The underlined

word means…..

a. To put something such as a tool, skill, or building to a particular purpose

b. Take into one's possession or control by force

c. A mechanism for keeping a door, lid, etc

d. Move at a speed faster than a walk

12. “One day Captain Hook captured Tinker Bell.”. (Paragraph 3) The underlined

word has similar meaning to….

a. Take b. Bring c. Show d. Run

13. “by putting them on the plank”. (Paragraph 3) The underlined word means…..

a. the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or

branches of a tree or shrub

b. Flat piece of wood or other hard material

c. A mechanism for keeping a door, lid, etc

d. Hard magnetic silvery-gray metal

14. “Suddenly, Peter Pan appeared and stopped everything”. (Paragraph 4) The

underlined word means….

a. Come into sight

b. Come or go into (a place)

c. At or to a short distance away

d. Move away from a particular placed

15. “he threw Hook and all the pirates overboard”. (Paragraph 4) The underlined

word means…..

a. Capture (a person or animal that tries or would try to escape)

b. Move to or place in a particular position

c. Propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm

and hand

d. Move away from a particular placed

16. “he threw Hook and all the pirates overboard”. (Paragraph 4) The underlined

word has similar meaning to….

a. Catch b. Kick c. take d. Deliver

17. “The Darlings were so happy and thankful to Peter Pan”. (Paragraph 5) The

underlined word has similar meaning to….

a. Displeased b. grateful c. Dissatisfied d. Joyless

18. “The Darlings were so happy and thankful to Peter Pan”. (Paragraph 5) the

opposite of the underlined word is…..

a. Displeased b. grateful c. Satisfied d. Appreciative

19. “They told Peter their intention to go home”. (Paragraph 5) The underlined

word has similar meaning to….

a. Come b. Find c. Purpose d. Dream

20. “With the sprinkle of Tinker Bells Pixie Dust.” (Paragraph 5) The underlined

word means….

a. Scatter or pour small drops or particles of a substance over (an object or


b. Dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on

the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air

c. Items worn to cover the body

d. The faculty or power of perceiving odors or scents by means of the

organs in the nose

II. Match the words in the Blue box with Antonim in the red box.

Clever Safe

Dark Bright

Soft Full

Dangerous Foolish
Empty Hard

III. Complete the following text with the correct words below:

In the last (……..) I had this season is, when I went to Bandung. In

Bandung, you can (……..) a lot of things. And in this time, I was going there

with my family, my big family. I have my sister comes, I have my mom, my

brother and my father. We were really (……..) fun at that moment. Especially

on 23rd June is my father's (……..). He was very happy, cause his family gave

a great (……..) to him.

 Surprise
 Having
 Holiday
 Birthday
 Find

 Post-test

Once upon a time there was a beautiful place called Neverland
where Peter Pan and Tinker Bell lived. Not so far from this place was the city of
London where John, Wendy, and Michael Darling lived. They really loved the
story of Peter.
One day Peter Pan appeared and asked the children to fly to Neverland.
They were excited to see the scenery and beauty of Neverland. They were
suprised to know the existence of a cruel pirate called Captain Hook.
One day Captain Hook captured Tinker Bell and forced her to show Peter
Pan's place. In doing so, all Peter's friends, the Darlings were captured and taken
to the pirate ship. Captain Hook frightened the children by putting them on the
Suddenly, Peter Pan appeared and stopped everything. In a fierce duel, he
threw Hook and all the pirates overboard. Hook was chased away by the
crocodile, and nobody cared to save him.
The Darlings were so happy and thankful to Peter Pan. They told Peter
their intention to go home. With the sprinkle of Tinker Bells Pixie Dust, Captain
Hook's pirate ship was sailing through the skies of Neverland, heading back to the
Darling's home in London.

I. Choose the best answer and mark A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet!

1. “Once upon a time there was a beautiful place called Neverland.” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined word has similar meaning to….

a. confuse b. charm c. pretty d. good

2. “Not so far from this place”. (Paragraph 1) The underlined word means….

a. used to indicate the extent to which one thing is distant from another

b. of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity

c. not far away from in distance, time, or relationship

d. measuring a great distance from end to end

3. “Not so far from this place”. (Paragraph 1) the opposite of the underlined word


a. Long b. Little c. Near d. Short

4. “and asked the children to fly to Neverland”. (Paragraph 2) The underlined

word means….

a. A person who is fully grown or developed

b. Someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old.

c. A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age

of majority.

d. A very young child, especially one newly or recently born.

5. “and asked the children to fly to Neverland”. (Paragraph 2) the singular of the

underlined word is…..

a. Childhood b. Child c. Sweety d. Chill

6. “They were excited to see the scenery”. (Paragraph 2) The underlined word


a. Feeling or showing sorrow

b. Very enthusiastic and eager

c. Being in a state of fear, fright, or panic

d. Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility

7. “They were excited to see the scenery”. (Paragraph 2) The underlined word has

similar meaning to….

a. Mad b. Happy c. Nervous d. Sad

8. “They were suprised to know”. (Paragraph 2) The underlined word means…

a. An unexpected or astonishing event, fact, or thing.

b. Tending to be anxious

c. Very enthusiastic and eager

d. Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility

9. “the existence of a cruel pirate called Captain Hook”. (Paragraph 2) The

underlined word means…

a. A vessel larger than a boat for transporting people or goods by sea.

b. A person who drives a vehicle

c. A person who operates or works on a boat or ship

d. A person who attacks and robs ships at sea

10. “the existence of a cruel pirate called Captain Hook”. (Paragraph 2) the

opposite of the underlined word is…..

a. Good b. Honest c. Kind d. Angry

11. “One day Captain Hook captured Tinker Bell.” (Paragraph 3) The underlined

word means…..

a. To put something such as a tool, skill, or building to a particular purpose

b. Take into one's possession or control by force

c. A mechanism for keeping a door, lid, etc

d. Move at a speed faster than a walk

12. “One day Captain Hook captured Tinker Bell.”. (Paragraph 3) The underlined

word has similar meaning to….

a. Take b. Bring c. Show d. Run

13. “by putting them on the plank”. (Paragraph 3) The underlined word means…..

a. the hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or

branches of a tree or shrub

b. Flat piece of wood or other hard material

c. A mechanism for keeping a door, lid, etc

d. Hard magnetic silvery-gray metal

14. “Suddenly, Peter Pan appeared and stopped everything”. (Paragraph 4) The

underlined word means….

a. Come into sight

b. Come or go into (a place)

c. At or to a short distance away

d. Move away from a particular placed

15. “he threw Hook and all the pirates overboard”. (Paragraph 4) The underlined

word means…..

a. Capture (a person or animal that tries or would try to escape)

b. Move to or place in a particular position

c. Propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm

and hand

d. Move away from a particular placed

16. “he threw Hook and all the pirates overboard”. (Paragraph 4) The underlined

word has similar meaning to….

a. Catch b. Kick c. take d. Deliver

17. “The Darlings were so happy and thankful to Peter Pan”. (Paragraph 5) The

underlined word has similar meaning to….

a. Displeased b. grateful c. Dissatisfied d. Joyless

18. “The Darlings were so happy and thankful to Peter Pan”. (Paragraph 5) the

opposite of the underlined word is…..

a. Displeased b. grateful c. Satisfied d. Appreciative

19. “They told Peter their intention to go home”. (Paragraph 5) The underlined

word has similar meaning to….

a. Come b. Find c. Purpose d. Dream

20. “With the sprinkle of Tinker Bells Pixie Dust.” (Paragraph 5) The underlined

word means….

a. Scatter or pour small drops or particles of a substance over (an object or


b. Dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on

the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air

c. Items worn to cover the body

d. The faculty or power of perceiving odors or scents by means of the

organs in the nose

II. Match the words in the Blue box with Antonim in the red box.

Clever Safe

Dark Bright

Soft Full

Dangerous Foolish

Empty Hard

III. Complete the following text with the correct words below:

In the last (……..) I had this season is, when I went to Bandung. In

Bandung, you can (……..) a lot of things. And in this time, I was going there

with my family, my big family. I have my sister comes, I have my mom, my

brother and my father. We were really (……..) fun at that moment. Especially

on 23rd June is my father's (……..). He was very happy, cause his family gave

a great (……..) to him.

 Surprise
 Having
 Holiday
 Birthday
 Find

Appendix II



Sekolah : SMPN 2 KERUAK

Kelas / Semester : 2/1
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi : Experience (Pengalaman)
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit ( 2 x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya diri, peduli,

dan bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan

anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar,

bangsa, negara, dan kawasan regional

KI 3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan

metakognitif pada tingkat teknis dan spesifik sederhana berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4 : Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara kreatif,

produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam

sudut pandang teori.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat:

Pertemuan pertama:
Melalui kegiatan diskusi, tanya jawab dan kelompok siswa dapat membandingkan,

mengidentifikasi dan menemukan makna kegiatan atau pengalaman dalam bahasa Inggris

terkait fungsi sosial, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

Pertemuan kedua:

Melalui kegiatan diskusi, tanya jawab dan kelompok siswa dapat memahami pengalaman

terkait unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks dalam bahasa Inggris.

Pertemuan ketiga:

Melalui kegiatan diskusi, tanya jawab dan kelompok siswa dapat mengidentifikasi dan

menyempurnakan penggunaan bahasa Inggris dalam menceritakan pengalamannya secara

benar dan sesuai konteks.

Pertemuan keempat:

Melalui kegiatan diskusi, tanya jawab dan kelompok siswa dapat menceritakan ide

pokok/penjelas, membuat dan menceritakan kembali secara benar dan sesuaikonteks.

C. Materi Pembelajaran

Expereience (Terlampir)

D. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan : Saintifik
2. Model Pembelajaran : Storytelling
3. Metode : Tanya jawab, diskusi, dan grouping
E. Media Pembelajaran

1. Media
a. Gambar dan video
b. Work group guidance
c. Worksheet/lembar kerja (siswa)
d. Dictionary
2. Alat/Bahan
a. Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis
b. Laptop & infocus
F. Sumber Belajar

10. ast-

G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Ke-1 (2 x 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru Siswa Waktu
1. Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam 1. Menjawab salam guru dan
pembuka, memanjatkan syukur kepada mengucapkan syukur
Tuhan YME dan berdoa untuk memulai
pembelajaran Menit
2. Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik 2. Memberikan respon kehadiran

sebagai sikap disiplin

3. Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik 3. Berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan
dalam mengawali kegiatan pembelajaran. psikis/fisik yang diberikan guru
4. Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan 4. Menyimak dan merespon guru
pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan dalam proses mengaitkan materi
pengalaman peserta didik dengan
materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya
5. Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada 5. Merespon pertanyaan-pertanyaan
keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang akan yang diberikan oleh guru yang
dilakukan. ada keterkaitannya dengan
pelajaran yang akan dilakukan.
6. Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang 6. Menyimak penjelasan guru
akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu. mengenai materi yang akan
7. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada 7. Menyimak penjelasan guru
pertemuan yang berlangsung mengenai tujuan pembelajaran
yang akan dicapai
8. Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan 8. Menyimak penjelasan guru
pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan mengenai mekanisme
langkah-langkah pembelajaran pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar
yang akan dilakukan
Kegiatan Inti
Sintak Model
Guru Siswa Waktu

Stimulation Kegiatan Literasi
(stimullasi/ Guru menyampaikan Siswa mengamati penyampaian
pemberian materi tentang experience yang dipaparkan oleh guru
rangsangan) menggunakan Storytelling (observing)
Problem Berpikir Kritik
statemen Guru memberikan Siswa memberikan pertanyaan yang
(pertanyaan/ kesempatan kepada siswa berkaitan materi experience
identifikasi untuk mengidentifikasi (questioning)
masalah) sebanyak mungkin
pertanyaan yang berkaitan
dengan penyampaian
materi experience

Data Kegiatan Literasi & Kerja

collection Sama 65
(pengumpulan Guru membagi siswa Siswa membentuk kelompok Menit
data) kedalam beberapa berdasarkan instruksi guru
Guru membagikan topik Setiap anggota mengumpulkan
permasalahan yang berbeda informasi sebanyak mungkin terkait
disetiap kelompok meliput pengalaman di masa lampau
a. Mengidentifikasi (collecting information)
pengalaman di masa
b. Mengidentifikasi
penggunaan simpel past
pada penyampaian
materi experience
c. Mengidentifikasi

Ejaan (Pronunciation) Siswa mempraktekkan bersama teman

dalam penyampaian kelompoknya.
pengalaman di masa
Data Kerja Sama dan Berpikir
processing Kritik
(pengolahan Guru menginstruksikan Siswa di setiap kelompok
Data) setiap kelompok untuk mendiskusikan masalah yang telah
mendiskusikan didapatkan
permasalahan yang telah (associating)

Verification Guru menginstruksikan Siswa mempersentasikan hasil
(pembuktian) setiap perwakilan kelompok diskusi kelompoknya
untuk mempersentasikan (communicating)
hasil diskusi kelompoknya.

Guru memberikan Siswa mengemukakan pendapat atau

kesempatan kepada setiap bertanya sehubungan dengan materi
siswa untuk mengemukan presentasi dari setiap kelompok
pendapat atau bertanya (associating)
sehubungan dengan materi
presentasi dari setiap

Guru memberikan Siswa menyimak penjelasan

pembenaran dan penjelasan pelengkap mengenai pengalaman
pelengkap mengenai materi di masa lampau (collecting
experience information)

Guru menginstruksikan
kepada siswa untuk Siswa menyampaikan
menyampaikan kembali pengalaman di masa lampau
pengalaman di masa

Generalization Berkomunikasi
(menarik Guru memberikan Siswa menerima teks masa lampau
kesimpulan) contoh teks masa (communicating)
lampau sebagai
penguatan materi Siswa menyampaikan teks masa
lampau di depan kelas
Guru meminta untuk (communicating)
menyampaikan teks masa
lampau di depan kelas Siswa menyimpulkan point-point
penting dalam kegiatan
Guru memberikan pembelajaran
kesempatan kepada siswa (communicating)
untuk menyimpulkan point-
point penting dalam
kegiatan pembelajaran
Kegiatan Penutup
Guru Siswa Waktu
1. Guru menginstruksikan pengumpulan 1. Siswa mengumpulkan tugas yang
tugas siswa telah diselesaikan 5 Menit
2. Guru menanyakan kesulitan yang dialami 2. Siswa mengemukakan kesulitan

siswa dalam proses belajar yang dialami dalam proses belajar
3. Guru mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah 3. Siswa mencatat pekerjaan rumah
dan pembuatan rangkuman pelajaran dan pembuatan rangkuman yang
akan dikerjakan
4. Guru menginformasikan tentang materi 4. Siswa mencatat materi yang akan
yang akan dipelajari pada pertemuan dipelajari pada pertemuan
selanjutnya selanjutnya
5. Guru memanjatkan syukur kepada Tuhan 5. Siswa berdoa untuk menutup
YME dan berdoa untuk menutup pembelajaran

Pertemuan Ke-2 (2 x 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru Siswa Waktu
1. Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam 1. Menjawab salam guru dan
pembuka, memanjatkan syukur kepada mengucapkan syukur
Tuhan YME dan berdoa untuk memulai
2. Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik 2. Memberikan respon kehadiran
sebagai sikap disiplin
3. Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta 3. Berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan
didik dalam mengawali kegiatan psikis/fisik yang diberikan guru
4. Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan 4. Menyimak dan merespon guru
pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dalam proses mengaitkan materi
dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan
materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya
5. Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada 5. Merespon pertanyaan-pertanyaan 10
keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang yang diberikan oleh guru yang Menit
akan dilakukan. ada keterkaitannya dengan
pelajaran yang akan dilakukan.
6. Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang 6. Menyimak penjelasan guru
akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu. mengenai materi yang akan
7. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran 7. Menyimak penjelasan guru
pada pertemuan yang berlangsung mengenai tujuan pembelajaran
yang akan dicapai
8. Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan 8. Menyimak penjelasan guru
pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan mengenai mekanisme
langkah-langkah pembelajaran pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar
yang akan dilakukan
Kegiatan Inti
Sintak Model
Guru Siswa Waktu

Stimulation Kegiatan Literasi
(stimullasi/ Guru memberikan materi Siswa mengamati materi
pemberian video,gambar, dan teks terkait video,gambar, dan teks terkait
rangsangan) pengalaman pribadi di waktu pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau
lampau. (observing)
Problem Berpikir Kritik 65
statemen Guru memberikan Siswa memberikan pertanyaan yang Menit
(pertanyaan/ kesempatan kepada siswa berkaitan dengan video,gambar, dan
identifikasi untuk mengidentifikasi teks pengalaman pribadi di waktu
masalah) sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan lampau
yang berkaitan dengan (questioning)
video, gambar, dan teks
pengalaman pribadi di waktu
Data Kegiatan Literasi & Kerja
collection Sama
(pengumpulan Guru membagi siswa kedalam Siswa membentuk kelompok
data) beberapa kelompok berdasarkan instruksi guru

Guru membagikan topik Setiap anggota mengumpulkan

permasalahan kepada setiap informasi sebanyak mungkin terkait
kelompok berupa penentuan main idea dan supporting detail dari
main idea dan supporting teks pengalaman pribadi di waktu
detail dari teks pengalaman lampau
pribadi di waktu lampau (collecting information)
Data Kerja Sama dan Berpikir
processing Kritik
(pengolahan Guru menginstruksikan setiap Siswa di setiap kelompok
Data) kelompok untuk mendiskusikan masalah yang telah
mendiskusikan permasalahan didapatkan terkait main idea dan
yang telah didapatkan supporting detail dari teks pengalaman
pribadi di waktu lampau

Verification Guru menginstruksikan setiap Siswa mempersentasikan hasil diskusi
(pembuktian) perwakilan kelompok untuk kelompoknya terkait main idea dan
mempersentasikan hasil supporting detail dari teks pengalaman
diskusi kelompoknya. pribadi di waktu lampau

Guru memberikan Siswa mengemukakan pendapat atau

kesempatan kepada setiap bertanya sehubungan dengan materi
siswa untuk mengemukan presentasi dari setiap kelompok
pendapat atau bertanya (associating)
sehubungan dengan materi
presentasi dari setiap
Generalization Berkomunikasi
(menarik Guru menugaskan kepada Siswa membuat teks pengalaman
kesimpulan) siswa untuk membuat teks pribadi di waktu lampau
pengalaman pribadi di waktu (communicating)

Guru menugaskan kepada Siswa mempersentasikan teks

siswa untuk pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau
mempersentasikan teks (personal recount) secara lisan
pengalaman pribadi di waktu (communicating)
Kegiatan Penutup
Guru Siswa Waktu
1. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa 1. Siswa menyimpulkan point-point
untuk menyimpulkan point-point penting penting dalam kegiatan
dalam kegiatan pembelajaran pembelajaran
5 Menit
2. Guru menanyakan kesulitan yang dialami 2. Siswa mengemukakan kesulitan
siswa dalam proses belajar yang dialami dalam proses belajar
3. Guru mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah 3. Siswa mencatat pekerjaan rumah
yang akan dikerjakan
4. Guru menginformasikan tentang materi 4. Siswa mencatat materi yang akan
yang akan dipelajari pada pertemuan dipelajari pada pertemuan
selanjutnya selanjutnya
5. Guru memanjatkan syukur kepada Tuhan 5. Siswa berdoa untuk menutup
YME dan berdoa untuk menutup pembelajaran



Sekolah : SMPN 2 KERUAK

Kelas / Semester : 2/1
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Materi : Daily Activities / Routines
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 40 menit ( 2 x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya diri, peduli, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di

lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, dan

kawasan regional

KI 3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan

metakognitif pada tingkat teknis dan spesifik sederhana berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya

tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI 4 : Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara kreatif, produktif,

kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang teori.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Peserta didik dapat menentukan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan secara rutin, sesuai dengan konteks

2. Peserta didik dapat menjodohkan gambar yang sesuai dengan pernyataan terkait
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang terjadi secara rutin dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
3. Peserta didik dapat menulis teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang terjadi secara rutin dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
C. Materi Pembelajaran

Daily Activity/ Daily Routine (Terlampir)

D. Metode Pembelajaran

4. Pendekatan : Saintifik
5. Model Pembelajaran : Strorytelling
6. Metode : Tanya jawab, diskusi, dan grouping
E. Media Pembelajaran

1. Media
a. Gambar dan video
b. Work group guidance
c. Worksheet/lembar kerja (siswa)
d. Dictionary
2. Alat/Bahan
a. Penggaris, spidol, papan tulis
b. Laptop & infocus
F. Sumber Belajar

1. Wachidah, Siti. Dkk. 2017. Bahasa Inggris, When English Rings a Bell VIII. Edisi Revisi
2. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
3. Nur Zaida, 2018. Buku Penilaian BUPENA ENGLISH for SMP/MTs Grade VII. Jakarta:
4. Schrampher, Betty Azar. 1992. Fundamental of English Grammar. United Stated of America:
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data.
G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Ke-1 (2 x 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru Siswa Waktu
1. Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam 1. Menjawab salam guru dan
pembuka, memanjatkan syukur kepada mengucapkan syukur
Tuhan YME dan berdoa untuk memulai
pembelajaran Menit
2. Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik 2. Memberikan respon kehadiran
sebagai sikap disiplin
3. Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta didik 3. Berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan
dalam mengawali kegiatan pembelajaran. psikis/fisik yang diberikan guru

4. Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan 4. Menyimak dan merespon guru
pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan dalam proses mengaitkan materi
pengalaman peserta didik dengan
materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya
5. Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada 5. Merespon pertanyaan-pertanyaan
keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang akan yang diberikan oleh guru yang
dilakukan. ada keterkaitannya dengan
pelajaran yang akan dilakukan.
6. Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang 6. Menyimak penjelasan guru
akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu. mengenai materi yang akan
7. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada 7. Menyimak penjelasan guru
pertemuan yang berlangsung mengenai tujuan pembelajaran
yang akan dicapai
8. Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan 8. Menyimak penjelasan guru
pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan mengenai mekanisme
langkah-langkah pembelajaran pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar
yang akan dilakukan
Kegiatan Inti
Sintak Model
Guru Siswa Waktu
Stimulation Kegiatan Literasi
(stimullasi/ Guru menyampaikan Siswa mengamati penyampaian
pemberian materi tentang daily yang dipaparkan oleh guru
rangsangan) activity menggunakan (observing)
Storytelling tehnique
Problem Berpikir Kritik
statemen Guru memberikan Siswa memberikan pertanyaan yang
(pertanyaan/ kesempatan kepada siswa berkaitan materi daily activity
identifikasi untuk mengidentifikasi (questioning) 65
masalah) sebanyak mungkin Menit
pertanyaan yang berkaitan
dengan penyampaian
materi daily activity

Data Kegiatan Literasi & Kerja
collection Sama
(pengumpulan Guru membagi siswa Siswa membentuk kelompok
data) kedalam beberapa berdasarkan instruksi guru
Guru membagikan topik Setiap anggota mengumpulkan
permasalahan yang berbeda informasi sebanyak mungkin terkait
disetiap kelompok meliput kegiatan sehari-hari dalam bahasa
d. Mengidentifikasi inggris
kegiatan sehari-hari (collecting information)
dalam bahasa inggris
e. Mengidentifikasi
penggunaan simple
present pada
penyampaian materi
daily activity
f. Mengidentifikasi
Ejaan (Pronunciation)
dalam penyampaian
pengalaman di masa
Data Kerja Sama dan Berpikir
processing Kritik
(pengolahan Guru menginstruksikan Siswa di setiap kelompok
Data) setiap kelompok untuk mendiskusikan masalah yang telah
mendiskusikan didapatkan
permasalahan yang telah (associating)

Verification Guru menginstruksikan Siswa mempersentasikan hasil
(pembuktian) setiap perwakilan kelompok diskusi kelompoknya
untuk mempersentasikan (communicating)
hasil diskusi kelompoknya.

Guru memberikan Siswa mengemukakan pendapat atau

kesempatan kepada setiap bertanya sehubungan dengan materi
siswa untuk mengemukan presentasi dari setiap kelompok
pendapat atau bertanya (associating)
sehubungan dengan materi
presentasi dari setiap

Guru memberikan Siswa menyimak penjelasan

pembenaran dan penjelasan pelengkap mengenai kegiatan
pelengkap mengenai materi sehari-hari (collecting
daily activity information)

Guru menginstruksikan
kepada siswa untuk Siswa menyampaikan kegiatan
menyampaikan kembali sehari-hari
kegiatan sehari-hari

Generalization Berkomunikasi
(menarik Guru memberikan contoh Siswa menerima teks kegiatan sehari-
kesimpulan) teks kegiatan sehari-hari hari (communicating)
Guru meminta untuk
menyampaikan teks masa Siswa menyampaikan kegiatan
lampau di depan kelas sehari-hari (communicating)

Guru memberikan Siswa menyimpulkan point-point

kesempatan kepada siswa penting dalam kegiatan
untuk menyimpulkan point- pembelajaran
point penting dalam (communicating)
kegiatan pembelajaran

Kegiatan Penutup
Guru Siswa Waktu
1. Guru menginstruksikan pengumpulan 1. Siswa mengumpulkan tugas yang
tugas siswa telah diselesaikan 5 Menit
2. Guru menanyakan kesulitan yang dialami 2. Siswa mengemukakan kesulitan

siswa dalam proses belajar yang dialami dalam proses belajar
3. Guru mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah 3. Siswa mencatat pekerjaan rumah
dan pembuatan rangkuman pelajaran dan pembuatan rangkuman yang
akan dikerjakan
4. Guru menginformasikan tentang materi 4. Siswa mencatat materi yang akan
yang akan dipelajari pada pertemuan dipelajari pada pertemuan
selanjutnya selanjutnya
5. Guru memanjatkan syukur kepada Tuhan 5. Siswa berdoa untuk menutup
YME dan berdoa untuk menutup pembelajaran

Pertemuan Ke-2 (2 x 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Guru Siswa Waktu
1. Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam 1. Menjawab salam guru dan
pembuka, memanjatkan syukur kepada mengucapkan syukur
Tuhan YME dan berdoa untuk memulai
2. Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik 2. Memberikan respon kehadiran
sebagai sikap disiplin
3. Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis peserta 3. Berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan
didik dalam mengawali kegiatan psikis/fisik yang diberikan guru
4. Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan 4. Menyimak dan merespon guru
pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dalam proses mengaitkan materi
dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan
materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya
5. Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada 5. Merespon pertanyaan-pertanyaan 10
keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang yang diberikan oleh guru yang Menit
akan dilakukan. ada keterkaitannya dengan
pelajaran yang akan dilakukan.
6. Memberitahukan materi pelajaran yang 6. Menyimak penjelasan guru
akan dibahas pada pertemuan saat itu. mengenai materi yang akan
7. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran 7. Menyimak penjelasan guru
pada pertemuan yang berlangsung mengenai tujuan pembelajaran
yang akan dicapai
8. Menjelaskan mekanisme pelaksanaan 8. Menyimak penjelasan guru
pengalaman belajar sesuai dengan mengenai mekanisme
langkah-langkah pembelajaran pelaksanaan pengalaman belajar
yang akan dilakukan
Kegiatan Inti
Sintak Model
Guru Siswa Waktu

Stimulation Kegiatan Literasi
(stimullasi/ Guru memberikan materi Siswa mengamati materi
pemberian video,gambar, dan teks terkait video,gambar, dan teks terkait
rangsangan) kegiatan sehari-hari kegiatan sehari-hari dalam bahasa
(observing) 65
Problem Berpikir Kritik Menit
statemen Guru memberikan Siswa memberikan pertanyaan yang
(pertanyaan/ kesempatan kepada siswa berkaitan dengan video,gambar, dan
identifikasi untuk mengidentifikasi teks kegiatan sehari-hari dalam bahasa
masalah) sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan inggris (questioning)
yang berkaitan dengan video,
gambar, dan teks kegiatan
sehari-hari dalam bahasa
Data Kegiatan Literasi & Kerja
collection Sama
(pengumpulan Guru membagi siswa kedalam Siswa membentuk kelompok
data) beberapa kelompok berdasarkan instruksi guru

Guru membagikan topik Setiap anggota mengumpulkan

permasalahan kepada setiap informasi sebanyak mungkin terkait
kelompok berupa penentuan main idea dan supporting detail dariteks
main idea dan supporting detail kegiatan sehari-hari dalam bahasa
dari teks kegiatan sehari-hari inggris (collecting information)
dalam bahasa inggris

Data Kerja Sama dan Berpikir

processing Kritik
(pengolahan Guru menginstruksikan setiap Siswa di setiap kelompok
Data) kelompok untuk mendiskusikan masalah yang telah
mendiskusikan permasalahan didapatkan terkait main idea dan
yang telah didapatkan supporting detail dari teks kegiatan
sehari-hari dalam bahasa inggris

Verification Guru menginstruksikan setiap Siswa mempersentasikan hasil diskusi
(pembuktian) perwakilan kelompok untuk kelompoknya terkait main idea dan
mempersentasikan hasil supporting detail dari teks kegiatan
diskusi kelompoknya. sehari-hari dalam bahasa inggris

Guru memberikan Siswa mengemukakan pendapat atau

kesempatan kepada setiap bertanya sehubungan dengan materi
siswa untuk mengemukan presentasi dari setiap kelompok
pendapat atau bertanya (associating)
sehubungan dengan materi
presentasi dari setiap
Generalization Berkomunikasi
(menarik Guru menugaskan kepada Siswa membuat teks kegiatan
kesimpulan) siswa untuk membuat teks sehari-hari dalam bahasa inggris
kegiatan sehari-hari dalam (communicating)
bahasa inggris

Guru menugaskan kepada Siswa mempersentasikan teks

siswa untuk mempersentasikan kegiatan sehari-hari dalam bahasa
teks kegiatan sehari-hari dalam inggris (personal recount) secara
bahasa inggris lisan (communicating)

Kegiatan Penutup
Guru Siswa Waktu
1. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa 1. Siswa menyimpulkan point-point
untuk menyimpulkan point-point penting penting dalam kegiatan
dalam kegiatan pembelajaran pembelajaran
5 Menit
4. Guru menanyakan kesulitan yang dialami 4. Siswa mengemukakan kesulitan
siswa dalam proses belajar yang dialami dalam proses belajar
5. Guru mengagendakan pekerjaan rumah 5. Siswa mencatat pekerjaan rumah
yang akan dikerjakan

4. Guru menginformasikan tentang materi 4. Siswa mencatat materi yang akan

yang akan dipelajari pada pertemuan dipelajari pada pertemuan
selanjutnya selanjutnya
5. Guru memanjatkan syukur kepada Tuhan 5. Siswa berdoa untuk menutup
YME dan berdoa untuk menutup pembelajaran


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