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Submited as a Partical Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd

(Bachelor’s Degree)

By :

NIM. 1903021008



Fitria Dina. 2023. The Effectiveness of Using Short Story on Students’

Reading Comprehension at MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo. English Education
Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Dharmas

The aimed of this research was to determine the effect of using short story on
students’ reading comprehension at MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo. There were some
problems in this research. First, they they did not have comprehending in reading
and were unable to understand the content of the text. Second, they had difficulty
getting information from the English text. Last, they still have inadequate
vocabulary. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of
using short story in teaching reading. The population of this research were 14
students. The sampling technique in this research used total sampling. The sample
of this research X IPS consists of 14 students. The method used in this study is a
quantitative method using pre-experimental design, one group pretest-posttest The
data collection technique was taken by giving pre-test and post-test in the form of
a multiple choice of 25 questions. Data analysis technique to improve reading
comprehension used normality test and paired sample t-test. The result of paired
sample t-test showed that the significance level was 0.000<0.05, wich mean H o is
rejected and Ha is accepted. So, it concluded the Short Story was effective to
improve students reading comprehension at MAS Radlatul Asror Tebo.

Keywords : reading, reading comprehension, short story


Fitria Dina. 2023. Keefektifan Penggunaan Cerita pendek terahadap

Pemahaman Membaca Siswa di MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo. Program
Pendidkan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,
Universitas Dharmas Indonesia.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan cerita pendek

terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa di MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo. Ada
beberapa masalah dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, mereka tidak memiliki
pemahaman dalam membaca dan tidak dapat memahami isi teks. Kedua, mereka
kesulitan mendapatkan informasi dari teks berbahasa Inggris. Terakhir, mereka
masih memiliki kosa kata yang kurang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan cerita pendek dalam pengajaran
membaca. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 14 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel
penelitian ini X IPS terdiri dari 14 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain pre-
eksperimental, one group pretest- posttest dalam bentuk pilihan ganda sebanyak
25 soal. Teknik analisis data untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca
menggunakan uji normalitas dan paired sample t-test. Hasil uji paired sample t test
menunjukkan tingkat signifikansi 0.000<0.05 yang berarti H o ditolak dan Ha
diterima. Jadi disimpulkan bahwa cerita pendek efektif untuk meningkatkan
pemahaman membaca siswa di MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo.

Kata Kunci : membaca, pemahaman membaca, cerita pendek


Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiin praise to be Allah SWT for all the bessing, prayer

and greeting send to prophet Muhammad SAW, with gratitude I can completed
this thesis and gained knowledge that is useful for me and for everyone, good
willing, aamiin. I dedicate this paper to my dearest people always prayed and
motivated me.
Especially My beloved Dad (Ibnuter) and Mom (Fitri Yeni)
Both of them made everything possible so I can get to where this thesis is finally
finished. Life becomes so easy and smooth when we have parents who understand
us. Thank you for all support, sacrifice, hard work, advice and good prayers that
you never stop giving me. I am forever grateful for your existance as my parents.
For My Dear Sister (Azalia Marwah)
Thank you for being a sister who always supports me even though sometimes it is
very annoying, but still a support in my life.
For My Supervisor
Thanks for my advisors and examiners who has provided guidance and direct me
in completed this thesis. Thanks for headmaster and teachers in MAS Raudlatul
Asror Tebo who have provided helped a lot in writing this thesis.
For My friends
Thank you for friends who have provided motivation and help me in completed
this thesis. Thanks for my friends in class English Department 2019 we have tried
and fouhgt together in completing respective thesis.
Finally Proud of My Self
Thank you for being able to control oneself from various pressures outside of
circumstances and never give up no matter how difficult the process of writing
this thesis is by completing it as well as possible, this is a proud achievement for


You are you and I am me!

“stop comparing yourself to other people”


Praise and gratitude the writer say to Allah SWT who has given his mercy
and guidance to us all, sholawat and greetings the writer sends the prophet Mu-
hammad SAW who has brought us from the era of ignorance to the scientific era.
That is bright as it is today, so that writer can complete the writing of the proposal
entitiled “the effectiveness of using short story on student’s reading
comprehension at MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo.
In completing this proposal, the writer received a lot of helps,supports, and
motivations from various parties. Therefore, the researcher would like to thanks:
1. Mrs. Dra Hj. Elviana, M.Si, as the Builder of the Amanah Ampang Kuranji
2. Mr. Dr. Gunawan Ali, M.Kom, as the Chancellor 1 of the University
Dharmas Indonesia.
3. Mrs. Wulan Andang Purnomo, M.Kom., As the vice Chancellor 1 of the
University Dharmas Indonesia.
4. Mrs. Ita Dwi Aini, S.Farm, Apt, Msc., as the vice Chancellor 2 of Uni-
versity Dharmas Indonesia.
5. Mr. Dr. Amar Salahudin, M.Pd, as the vice Chancellor 3 of the University
Dharmas Indonesia.
6. Mr. Moh. Rosyid Mahmudi M,Si, as the Dean of Faculty of TeacherTrain-
ing and Education of University Dharmas Indonesia.
7. Mr. Riyadi Saputra, M.Pd, as the head of English Education.
8. Mrs. Zumrotun Lutfiah,M.A, as the Advisor 1 has taken the time to pro-
vide input and provide motivation for the completing the proposal.
9. Mr. Dodi Widia Nanda,M.TESOL, as the Advisor 2 who has provided crit-
icsm and suggestions for the researcher for the research in complementing
the proposal.
10. All lecturers of FKIP University Dharmas Indonesia, who have given a lot
of knowledge and guidance to the authors.

11. All English students who always give encouragement and prayers that
never stop, so that the author gets to this stage.
12. All my friends in arms class 2019, and English friends at the university
dharmas indonesia class 2019 who always give encouragement and pray-
ers, and support to the suthor in completing this proposal.

Dharmasraya, June 2023

Dina Fitria


ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................i
ABSTRAK ................................................................................................ ii
LETTER OF RATIFICATION ............................................................ iii
DECLARATION ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
MOTTO.................................................................................................. vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................... viii
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................... xii
LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................ xiii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 1
A. Background of the Problem ............................................................. 1
B. Identification of the Problem ........................................................... 4
C. Limitation of the problem ................................................................ 4
D. Formulation of the Problem ............................................................. 5
E. Purpose of the Research................................................................... 5
F. The Significant of the Research....................................................... 5
G. Definition of the Key Terms ............................................................ 5
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE................................ 7
A. Theoretical Framework .................................................................... 7
B. Relevant Research ......................................................................... 19
C. Conceptual Framework.................................................................. 22
D. Hypothesis of the Research ........................................................... 22
CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH ............................... 24
A. Research Design ............................................................................ 24
B. The Time and Place of the Research ............................................. 25
C. Definition of Variable Operation ................................................... 26
D. Instrument Development ............................................................... 26
E. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................ 28
F. Techiques of the Data Analysis ..................................................... 29

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ................................... 31
A. Findings ......................................................................................... 31
B. Discussion ...................................................................................... 37
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................... 40
A. Conclussion ................................................................................... 40
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................... 40
REFERENCESS ..................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX ............................................................................................. 44


Table 2. 1 Indicator of Reading Comprehension ................................................... 14

Table 3. 1 Sudents of MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo ................................................ 25
Table 3. 2 Definition Operations............................................................................ 26
Table 3. 3 The Criteria of Validity ......................................................................... 27
Table 3. 4 The Classification of Reliability Test.................................................... 27
Table 3. 5 The Criteria of Difficulty ...................................................................... 28
Table 3. 6 The Criteria of Distinguishing Power ................................................... 28
Table 3. 7 criteria of N-gain score........................................................................ 30
Table 4. 1 The Result Pre-test and Post-test of Students ...................................... 31
Table 4. 2 descriptive statistics ........................................................................................ 32
Table 4. 3 The Result of Validity Test ............................................................................. 32
Table 4. 4 The Result of Reliability Test.......................................................................... 33
Table 4. 5 The Result of Level of Difficulty .................................................................... 34
Table 4. 6 The Result of Distinguishing Power ................................................................ 35
Table 4. 7 Normality test .................................................................................................. 36
Table 4. 8 paired sample .................................................................................................. 36
Table 4. 9 result of N-Gain Score..................................................................................... 37


Figure 2. 1 Conceptual framework......................................................................... 22


A. Background of the Problem

English is also a language that is often used by some people in Indone-
sia in terms of communication with foreigners. English is used in various ac-
tivities, such as tourism, communication, social life and one of them is educa-
tion. English is a foreign language in indonesia (Lauder, 2008). There are
several reasons for study a foreign language in indonesia, such as
immigration, trade and the need for knowledge as well as education.
Therefore, Indonesian students find difficulties in really willing to study
English. They want to improve their English, but they are not really willing
to study English.
English is one of the subjects in the world of education. Education is a
process about learning skills and knowledge. It also means helping all to learn
how to do things and support them to think about what they learn. In the
world of knowledge, educational procedures require methods that are interest-
ing, enjoyable, and motivating for students in order to ensure that the material
is properly finished being thought (M. Ilyas & Abdul, 2018). English is a sub-
ject that is seen as a boring and difficult subject. Therefore, they are not inter-
ested learning English. In fact, English will be fun if we use interesting meth-
ods for students. In learning process the students need a material that are easy,
simple, educational, interested, and enjoyable.
In order to facilitate the achievement of learning in English, there are
four skills that has to be understood by students namely speaking, listening,
writing and reading. These four skills are usually considered as integral
system because they support each others. The average students can under-
stand something by reading. For example reading an interested writing like
magazines, newspaper, short story, or novels. All of that give a lot advantages
to the reader in increasing the knowledge.


According to Harmer (2003), Reading skill is an ability to increase the

quality of reading process . Reading is the process comprehending written
material. Reading provides us with knowledge and information. Reading is
a requirement for all students who are taking language because reading
will increase knowledge, increase vocabulary, and help understand the
ideas and purposes of the text. Reading is indispensable and something
crucial for the students because the success of their study depends on the
greater part their ability to read. Good or bad of students’ education will be
determined by their reading skills. Lack of reading skills will make it
difficult for students to achieve their learning, and vice versa, if students’
skills are good, it will make it easier for students to achieve learning.
According to Nanda & Azmy (2020) the causes consist of students’ lack
of motivation, low prior knowledge and poor vocabulary, where as the
negative effects comprise decreasing students’ learning achievement,
hindering students’ problem-solving abilities and inhibiting their future
study and career.
Students should find reading materials enjoyable. Students who are
not interested in reading will be less focused on the reading learning
process. When someone is really passionate about a topic or subject, they
are more likely to benefit from what is presented to them. Students should
be able to accept reading text content for their own interests as well.
Reading text and comprehending the language it containts are both crucial
for understanding.
However some students were having problems in reading such as
they hesitate and cannot understand about the text, they are not confident
to read aloud because they are used to read fluently in Indonesian texts. To
solves this problem, the writer try to find a suitable and innovative
technique. In addition, the writer also have to be able to create a fun
situation in the classroom to motivate students in reading English texts.
Based on the observation, which is found by the writer in MAS
Raudlatul Asror Tebo, some students’ problem in the learning process can

be seen as follows. First, they they did not have comprehending in reading
and were unable to understand the content of the text. Second, they had
difficulty getting information from the English text. Last, they still have
inadequate vocabulary.
So that they have been bored and uninterested in reading. This is
also proven by the results of their daily quizzes, mid test and final test. Alt-
hough there were some students who can do tests with good results, the oth-
er students had difficulty in working on the questions. So that students’ mo-
tivation to read texts decreases due to a lack of interest in reading English
texts. There are several factors that cause student difficulties, namely, stu-
dent background, where the lack of knowledge of English from learning at
home, the environment is minimal in English, the lack of English books in
the library.
After discovering what are the problems and obstacles students have
in reading, of course, solutions are needed for these problems to create a
pleasant classroom atmosphere and increase students’ motivation and
understanding in reading. The writer chose the Short Story technique to
attract students’ willingness to read. One of the material that has idea
features and interesting for reading material is a short story.
Short story makes students interest and have willingness to read
English text (Frimasary, 2015). According to Ghasemi cited in (Fransiska,
2018) he said short stories have the unique characteristics thus making the
learners especially suitable to be used in reading. Short story is an invented
prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters
and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of
mood rather than plot.
short story is a works of fiction or imaginative creations expresses a
problem that is written briefly and conciasely by having structural
components or elements in the form of plot, background, characteritions,
angles point of view, language style, and theme and madate.Short story can
be developed of teaching material so that the reading learning will become

enjoy learning. Short Story is interesting media for the students to read, and
then the students understand the story the plot is not complicated and not
very long story. The story should be in accordance with premises age and
level of students’ language ability.
Reading short stories is an engaging activity for students, and once
they have done so, they can comprehend the narrative’s straightforward plot
as a result, the story should be appropiate for the reader’s age and students’
linguistic proficiency (Yuliana, 2016). In order for students to become better
readers, short stories can help. They do not find it difficult to understand
English, and they are interested in reading English.
Based on the background of the problem above, the author aims to
find out the effect of short story on the students’ reading comprehension.
The reading level and learning strategy, regarding students’ difficulties in
reading skill to achieve the base competence. Therefore, the writer interest-
ed in conducting a research on the tittle “The Effectiveness of Using Short
Story on Students’ Reading Comprehension at MAS Raudlatul Asror
Tebo in Academic Year 2022/2023”
B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background above, the identification of study can be
identified as follows are:
1. The students did not have comprehending in reading and were unable to
understand the content of the text..
2. The students had difficulty getting information from the English text.
3. The students still have inadequate vocabulary.
4. The students uninterested all about English.
C. Limitation of the problem
Based on the identification above, in this research the researcher finds
there are many problems in this study focusing on the effectiveness of using
short story on the students’ reading comprehension on students at MAS Raud-
latul Asror Tebo.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The problem of this research is formulated in such a question :is there
significant effectiveness of using short story on students’ reading
comprehension on students at MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo years 2022-2023
E. Purpose of the Research
The purpose in this research is to find out the effect of short story on
students’ reading comprehension at MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo.
F. The Significant of the Research
The result of this study offer theoretical and practical significance.
1. Theoretically significance
a. The writer offers suggestion for ways to teach reading learning
b. The writer informs the reader on the benefits of using short story to
develop students’ reading skill.
2. Practically significance
a. The English teachers, they can use short story to develop the stu-
dents’ reading skill at MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo.
b. The students of MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo, they can develop
their readingskill using short story.
c. The school, have reading sources about short story media in reading
G. Definition of the Key Terms
There are several definition of terms related to this thesis. The defini-
tion of key terms as below:
1. Effect is change, result, or direct consequence caused by an action or phe-
2. Reading is seeing and understanding the contents of what is written (oral-
ly or only in the heart)
3. Reading comprehension is an active process which engages the interac-
tion between the reader’s construct the meaning and the information of
the text itself.
4. Short story is literature or less than 10 thousand words which gives a

dominant single impression. In a sense, focusing one character in one sit-


A. Theoretical Framework
1. The Definiton of Reading
Emerland (1932) in Ramlan (2002) says that reading is more than a
symbols of words. Its progressive comprehension of the meaning and ideas
are represented by a sequence of words. It includes seeing the word, rec-
ognizing the word to its context. From the description we could say the
reading is not simply thing, calling out the name of the words, but com-
plex intellectual process,knowing the meaning of the words and message
of the text.
Reading is about understanding written texts (Pang & Bernhardt,
2003). Reading is one of manner the leader to get some information. It is
supported by the definition of reading. Nunan (2003) said that reading is a
set of skills that involves making sense and deriving meaning from the
printed word. In this case, the students know the meaning of the word, and
it can make inference of word. Reading is useful to make the students un-
derstand about texts in English. It means that reading has many advantages
for students, not only help the students to increase their understanding
about the text, but also can add their vocabularies, and help the students to
increase their understanding about the text.
By reading students can get information and knowledge to broaden
their insight. By reading, students can improve their vocabulary and fluen-
cy. It can build their knowledge, skill and speeling word. With their in-
creasing knowledge, their insights will increase also. Fun reading activities
are also able make them comportable and glad in learning English. Read-
ing is a tool of communication in written language through the text form. It
is the most effecient way to gain information about many aspects of life,
including science and technology.
One of the focused skills in English is reading. The four basic


abilities also are related (Harmer, 2003). Reading comprehension in Eng-

lish is crucial for understanding textbook subject. If students continue their
studies to the senior high school and university, they are requiered to un-
derstand many books written in English.
Considering with the statement above, it can be concluded that read-
ing is activity done by the readers to get ideas of the writer. It can involves
comprehension, understanding, meaning, and constructs new knowledge
from interaction between the text and their background knowledge.
2. The Definition of Teaching Reading
Teaching reading is a process to make the students understand what
they read and comprehend the text (Harmer, 2003). It means that in teach-
ing reading process, the teachers have to be able to make the students able
to read correcctly and get the meaning of the reading. If they can read well
but they cannot get the meaning of their reading, it means they cannot
comprehend what they had read. Jeremy Harmer said in his book there are
many reasons why getting students to read English text is an important part
of the teacher’s job. First, many of students want to be able to read text in
English either for their careers, for study purposes or simply for pleasure.
Anything we can do to make reading easier for them must be a good idea.
In teaching English reading part of the lesson can take different
forms according to needs and learners. In most cases the purpose of read-
ing is usually to get information; therefore, the extraction of information
from the text should be of primary importance and language focus work
comes secondary (Dildora & Miravaz, 2020).
Teaching reading in the classroom is needed a pleasent process to
students and teachers. In this case, the teacher is expected to teach by using
metdhods, techniques, or strategies nor instruments that can increase the
students’ interest in learning reading English text. by reading, students will
get many advantages. According to Andrew P. Johnson,(2008) as the
teacher we can create the conditions whereby students can learn to read
and develop their reading skills. Below are some tips to keep in mind as

create good reading conditions.

a. Help the student interesting with the text book.
Ussualy students really like to read writing that simple and interesting.
Such as novels, magazine, or short story.
b. Allow students to make choice about their reading material
Choice is important in helping readers grow. A teacher allow students
to choose what topic they prefer.
c. Connect reading pleasure to read practice
This tips can practice if we find something to be boring or meaning-
d. Make a reading like a real life
The kind of reading we have students do in school should be very
much like kind that adults do in real life situation.
Considering with the statement above, it can be concluded that
teaching reading is about help students to learn how to do something all
about reading. It can be done by giving the learners instructions by
providing reading tips to get information from the text and understand the
content of the writing.
3. Types of Reading
According to Grabe and Fredricka (2002) there are two different
kinds of reading. They are extensive reading and intensive reading :
1. Extensive reading.
Extensive reading is a skimming and scanning activities, that ex-
posing learners to large quantities of meaningful and fascinating ma-
terials and activities will have a significant impact on the learners’
knowledge of second language.
2. Intensive reading.
Intensive reading deals with the study of those features of lan-
guage, syntactical and lexical, which the readers drws on in order to
decode the message. Intensive reading is also concerned with related
skills, such as developing strategies of expectation and guessing

meaning from context, as well as with using dictionaries. The major

objective of intensive reading is developing the ability.
Patel and Praveen (2008) stated there are some types of reading such
as Intensive reading, extensive reading, aloud reading and silent reading.
1. Intensive reading is types of reading that focus on idiom and
vocabulary that taught by the teacher in the classroom and that
idiom and vocabulary is exist in poem, poetry, novel or short story.
2. Extensive reading is types of reading involves learners reading
texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills.
3. Aloud reading is types of reading by using loud voice and clearly.
4. Silent reading is meant to train the students to read without voice in
order that the students can concentrate their attention or though to
comprehend the texts.
Considering with the statement above, it can be concluded that
there are several types of reading in language that students must
understand in reading there are intensive reading, extensive reading,
aloud reading, and silent reading.
4. The Definition of Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by
coordinating a number of complex process that include word reading,
word and word knowledge, and fluency (Klinger et al., 2007). Reading
activities are inseparable from comprehension. Reading comprehension is
considered one of the reading skills that must be effectively mastered by
learners ( Nanda,2019). If learners can comprehend what the they are
reading, they will be able to identify the texts contents as they read. Read-
ing is done with the intention of discovering the texts purpose, and the
reader searches for the author’s intended mwaning. It might be stated that
the reader still does not understand the text if they are still unable to under-
stand the meaning of the text.
According to Collins English Learner’s Dictionary, reading compre-
hension is a text that students use to help them improve their reading skills

by it and answering question relating to the text. sometimes used as a test

or examination of reading skills. Comprehension is the ability to under-
stand something with full knowledge and meaning. Perceiving a written
text in order to understand its contents is called comprehension (Longman
Dictionary,1968). Its means that reading comprehension is an activity to
extract the meaning of written materials with fully understanding.
On the other hand, (Valerozo & Aggabao, n.d.) states that reading
comprehension is the process of collectively sending and receiving infor-
mation from and constructing something from written language. It means
that the process of reading comprehension is one in which the learners may
combine knowledge, citation, and conceptual understanding of the written
language material. The reader will comprehend the texts information as a
result of the interaction of these processes. As a result, readers will im-
prove their comprehension abillities.
Based on the statement above, it can be inferred that reading
comprehension is the understanding the content of written text to get
information by activating the reader’s prior knowledge. The readers are not
reading a set of words in a sentence but also should be able to comprehend
the text in order to get information from what they have read.
5. Strategy For Reading Comprehension
There are some strategies in reading comprehension that can be use
to help the readers comprehending the text (Brown, 2004). Those strate-
gies can be explained as follows:
a. Skimming
Skimming is quickly running one’s eyes across a whole text (such as
an essay, article or chapter) for its gist.
b. Scanning
Scanning is quickly searching for some particular piece or pieces of
information in a text. Scanning exercises may ask student to look for
names or dates, to find a definition of a key concept.
c. Analyzing vocabulary

One way for learners to make guessing pay off when they do not im-
medietely recognize a word is to analyze it in terms of what they know
about it.
Then the following strategy is cited by Bounchard (2005) states,
strategies in reading comprehension are:
1. Previewing texts
Previewing text is a way to set a framework for understanding the
content of a text and helps them distinguish between important and
irrelevant information.
2. Coding text
Coding text is helpul tool to aid students to identify unknow
language or concepts in reading English textbooks.
3. Highlighting and note taking
Selective highlight and note taking is a way that can be used by
students to differentiate between important information and less
significant details from a text that they read.
4. Mikulecky and Jeffries (2003) state that skimming is high- speed
reading that can save the reader’s time.
5. Mikulecky and jeffries (2003) state scanning is a very high- speed
reading to identfy the initial idea of the text.
There are some strategies which can be used by the readers cited by
Danielle (2007) are:
1. Activating prior Knowledge
The good readers are connected ideas about the information relate to
the texts structure topics before reading.
2. Prediction
Prediction is process to make expectation about what will happen in
the text based on what is discovered from reading the text.
3. Skimming
Skimming is a kind of swiftreading to find the geeral content or idea
of the text

4. Scanning
Brown defines the readers activity to look for some specific
information of the text .
5. Guessing meaning of unknow word using contextual clues
The readers need to guess the meaning of word when yheydo not
know about the content of the text because they have dictionary.
6. Identify topics and main ideas
It means that knowing the topic and main idea is extremely importsnt
in reading comprehension.
7. Use of questions
Questioning refers to students make questions of writing self –
initiated about the passage before and during reading to help them
comprehend the text.
Considering with the statement above, it can be concluded that there
are some strategies in reading comprehension that can be use to help the
readers to comprehend the text for example skimming, scanning, analyzing
vocabulary. Previewing texts, coding texts, highlighting and note taking,
6. Assessment of Reading Comprehension
Regarding the definition of assessment, Lasonas and James (2009)
define it as the process of collecting and organising information from pur-
poseful activities (test on perfomance or learning) with a view to drawing
inferences about teaching and learning, as well as about persons, often
making comparesons againts stablished criteria. In addition, assessment
can be understood as the process of knowing about how students are pro-
gressing in their learning to make the right decision in designing and
planning classroom instruction.
According to Brown there are some criteria commonly used in indi-
cating students’ reading comprehension, those are.
1. Main idea (topic)
2. Expressions/idiom/ phrases in context

3. Inference (implied detail)

4. Grammatical features
5. Detail (scanning for a specifically stated detail)
6. Excluding facts not written ( unstated details)
7. Supporting ideas
8. Vocabulary in context
Brown (2004) explain that there are some indicators with determine
whether the reader comprehend the text. those indicators are explain as
Table 2. 1 Indicator of Reading Comprehension
No Aspect indicators
1 Main Idea The students are able to identify topic, main idea
and purpose in the text accurately.
2 Expression The students are able to identify expression, idi-
om and phrases in the text.
3 Grammatical The students are able to identify gereric stucture
Features or rhetorical structures in the text.
4 Detail The students are able to identify the correct in-
formation that states in the text.
5 Excluding Facts The students are able to identify information
which not written in the text. Next, the students
are able to identify correct opinion about text.

6 Supporting De- The students are able to identify supporting de-

tails tail in the text accurately.
7 Vocabulary of The students are able to identify of using
Context vocabulary based on context accurately.

Based on indicator above, the preparation process of reading compre-

hension test must considered completeness of the indicators of reading com-

7. Short Story
a. Definition of Short Story
According to MacMillan (1985), short story is brief work of prose
narrative. It means short story is a short written that usually can be read
in short time. In other word, the reader does not need much time to
comprehend what the short story tells about. Lazar (1933) said that
short story is a work of fiction. It tells one event in very concentrated
way, describes something at moment of crisis, introduces people who
are told do not really exist, has plot and characters who are somehow
connected with each other.
Al-Dersi (2013) states that reading short stories gives the chance to
evaluate reading skill learnt as well as understand and use them in real-
life situations. Reading short stories can increase readers’ vocabulary
with each reading of the short stories they read, improving their com-
prehension, enhancing their general knowledge, and adding new stories
from the short stories. According to Ceylan (2016), short story as a
media for motivating students improvement in reading .
According to Sandya & Krishna (2015) listening and reading short
stoies motivate students not only to develop their reading skills but also
their imaginative skills. It further enhances student vocabulary by
changing words from one form to another, for example, changing words
from verbs to nouns, nouns to adjectives and verbs to verbs. The use of
short story as a media can posibly makes the students exchange the
knowledge in learning process (rahayu, 2016)
According to Gallets (2005), a short story is told to a single person
or group of people from memory. Short story is a kind of fiction that
can be presented in a few pages (between 7,500 and 20,000 words) and
can be read in one session. As any kind of fiction, it contains ; theme
(what is the main idea?) plot ( what happens?), characters (who acts?)
narrative perspective (who sees what?) and setting (where and when do
the events take place?). Concision is everything in a short story in

which it is more pointed and more detailed as to character, situation,

and plot than novel (Morley, 2007).
Here are some characteristics that make a short story interestingfor
1. Use clear language
2. Unique tittle
3. Intriguing opening paragraph
4. A tense conflict
5. A surprising ending
Considering the statement above, short story is defined as a short fic-
tional narrative in prose that can be read in short time. Beside that, it also has
somedistinctive features that will make the reader be more enjoyed in
reading it than others.
b. The Importance Elements of Short Story
According to book by Klarer (2007), here are the most important el-
ements in short stories and other fiction :
a. Plot
Plot is the logical interaction of the various thematic elements
of a text which lead to a change of the original situation as
presented at the outsetof narrative.
b. Character
Character is figure presented in literary text, including main
character or protagonist and minor character.
c. Narrative perspective or point of view
The term point of view, or narrative perspective, characterizes
the way in which a text presents persons, events, and settings.
d. Setting
Setting is another aspect traditionally included in analyzes of
prose fiction, and it is relevant to disscusions of other genres,
too. The term setting denotes the location, historical period,
and social surroundings in which the action of a text develops.

e. Theme
Theme is an author’s insight or general observation about hu-
man nature or the human condition that is delivered by charac-
ters, plot, and imagery. There is rule to put theme in the story.
f. Style
Style is an author’s characteristic way to say things in the sto-
ry. It is devided into three components : diction, imagery, and
symbols, and syntax.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that short story
has six basic elements. They are plot, character, point of view, setting,
theme and style. It relates each other to make complete story. The read-
ers should identify these basic elements to help them comprehend over-
all the story.
c. The Criteria for Selecting Short Stories
According to Pathan and Al-Desri (2013) there are six criteria that
should be more paid attention by teachers for selecting short-stories be-
fore using them for developing their students’ reading comprehension
of narrative text :
a. The short stories selected should be simple one for the beginners,
and not so complex, that will suit their level and will not discourge
them while attempting to read.
b. The short stories should be rich in language, providing maximum
examples of various grammatical stucture and useful vocabulary.
c. The short stories should be in line with the norms of the Indonesian
traditions, culture, faith.
d. The stories selected, preferably, should be the one that are made in-
to films to provide the students visual representation of them as
well as to give the students much require foreign language expo-
sure that will help them in overcoming pronounciation relates prob-
e. The stories selected should be linguistically ideal that will guaran-

tee opportunities for integrating the four language skills in effective

way not only for developing reading comprehension skill but all
other related skill as listening, speaking, and writing as well.
f. The stories selected should be such that would motive the students’
to read and arouse love and liking for reading in them, thus, incul-
cating the habit of reading in English.
Based on the definiton above, to reach successful of using short sto-
ry towards students’ reading comprehension, the teachers should more
pay attention the criteria above. While each criterion is followed well,
the successful will be easy to be reached. And, the obstacles of using
short story can be minimized well.
d. Language of Short Story
According to Benjamin A Heydrick (2008) in the short story, lan-
nguage has a multitude of other roles, beyond simple achieving the nar-
ration. Fo intance, in any description of the setting, whether it be
lonenly room or crowded city, will be choosen carefully for its connec-
tions with the theme as well as the action the language will have the
theme implicit in it. And language will also create style, will imply the
author’s tone, will be used for atmosohere or mood, may be a foreshad-
owing device of the plot, will certainly depend on the point of view
from which the storyis told ( for language and stye and tone are entirely
interpendent with the angle of narration, the point of view chosen), and
may contribute to the characterization of the point-of-view figure.
According to keraf (2005) language style is a way of expressing
thoughts through language in a special way that shows the soul and
personality writer (language user). From these two opinions, it can be
said that language style is a typical way of expressing an author’s style
different language.
e. Procedure of Teaching Reading by Using Short Story
David (2010) said, generaly the step for presenting the short sto-

1. The writer explains the characteristic of short story that usually be-
ginswith the words like “once upon a time..” or “ one day..”
2. The writer introduces the characters of the story by mentioning
thenames of characters.
3. The writer and students discussion the setting of short story that in-
cludethe place and time.
4. The writer pronounces the name of characters and the key words
thenstudents follow him/her.
5. The writer and students discussion the main event of short story
part bypart by asking the question in the student.
6. The writer gives the conclusion of short story.
7. The writer closes the learning process by asking the students about
the content of story or asking for the story according to their opinion.
f. Benefits of Short Story
According to Joyce (2007) the short story rather the more common
short story comes closer to the classic etude, and for this reason is better
suited to some of the initial needs of the creative writing students,.
There are several benefit of short story, as follow:
a. Short story enrich learners’ vocabulary.
b. Short story are motivating and can help develop positive attitudes
towardsthe foreign language.
c. Short story can develop imagination of students.
d. Short story can also improve students’ reading and speaking skill.
e. Short story helps studnts to write more creatively
B. Relevant Research
Some researchers have report to expose that using Short Story in read-
ing comprehesion is effective in process teaching learning in the classroom,
the writer chooses three reseaches that have related, and three researcher’s
findings are consisely below:
First previous study by Prahesti (2020) entitled “The Effect of Using

Short Story on Reading Learning at the Ninth Grade of MTSN 5 Batola Aca-
demic Year 2019/2020” she said that read short story are readings that create
imagination in the mind. The population in this study were ninth grade stu-
dents at MTsN 5 Batola the researcher chose class 9 A which consisted of 22
students. Here using descriptive research design. Researchers use complete
short stories as a type of test. Student asked to read 1 sentence in 8 minutes.
Researchers found that students’ abilities in reading short stories in class 9
Batola is still low.
Based on the research above, there are similarity between this research
and the writer reseach that is the same as using short stories tosee the effect
of students’ reading comprehension.besides that, it also increases students’
vocabulary and pronunciation.
As for difference between this research and the writer’s research, there
a. The school are different, the writer decided to do research at MAS
Raudlatul Asror Tebo. while the reserch choose MTSN 5 batola to do
her research.
b. The students are different, the writer chooses MAS Raudlatul Asror Te-
bo’s students to be subject of research. Students level is also different
from the research, the writer chooses grade 10 students to be the sub-
ject, while the research choose grade 9 to be subject of research.
c. The writer chooses different short story that is different from the re-
The writer’s reseach is research that is new and can be accounted for.
Because this research there are differences and similarities that stand out.
The second previous study is conducted by Frimasary (2015) entitled “
Using Short Story to Improve Studennt’s reading Comprehension A Study at
The Second Year Student of SMPN 2 Kota bengkulu” in her research was
found that short story can improve reading comprehension of the students.
Short story made students interest and have willingness to eager to read the
text of English. In addition, after researcher used this way for the students.

Theresult was successfull to increase the score of the students.

Based on the reseach above, there are similarity between this reseach
and the writer research that is the same as using short story to see the effect of
students’ reading comprehension. Besides that it also to make a students in-
terest to read the short story.
As for difference between this research and the writer’s research, there
a. The school are different, the writer decided to do research at MAS Raud-
latul Asror Tebo. while the reserch choose SMPN 2 Kota Bengkulu to do
her research.
b. The students are different, the writer chooses MAS Raudlatul Asror Te-
bo’s students to be subject of research. Students level is also different from
the reseach, the writer chooses grade 10 students to be the subject, while
the reserch choose grade 8 to be subject of reseach.
c. The writer chooses different short story that is different from the research.
The writer’s reseach is reseach that is new and can be accounted for.
Because this research there are differences and similarities that stand
The last previous study is conducted by Yuliana (2016) entitled “Im-
proving Students’ Reading Skill Through Short Story at the Eleventh Grade
of SMA PMDS Palopo” in her research was found that short story can im-
prove reading skill of students. Short story can increase reading skill of the
students. It was proven by result of the research show that significant im-
provement between the students’score of pretest and posttest.
Based on the reseach above, there are similarity between this reseach
and the writer reseach that is the same as using short story to see the effect of
students’ reading. The students level this research and the writer research is
eleventh grade. Besides that it also increase students’ reading skill.
As for difference between this research and the writer’s research, there
a. The school are different, the writer decided to do reseach at MAS Raud-

latul Asror Tebo. while the research choose SMA PMDS Palopo to do
her research.
b. The students are different, the writer chooses MAS RAudlatul Asror
Tebo’s students to be subject of research. While the research choose
SMA PMDS Palopo’s students to be subject of research.
c. The writer chooses different short story that is different from the re-
The writer’s research is research that is new and can be accounted for.
Because this research there are differences and similarities that stand out.
C. Conceptual Framework
In an experiment there are compare of two class. the class that receives
a treatment by using short story is called as the experiment class. on other
hand, the class does not receive a treatment by using short story is called as the
control class. after teaching reading, the writer continue to analyze the result
short story give significant effect or not. The figure of conceptual framework
can be seen asfollows:

Problem of Teaching Reading

Short Story

Pre test Post test


Figure 2. 1 Conceptual framework

D. Hypothesis of the Research
According to Sugiyono (2019), the hypothesis is temporary answer to-

wards the formulation research problem, where the formulation of the research
problem has been stated in form of a question sentence. Through hypothesis re-
seacher will know that by using Short Story, whether there is an effect or not
on the students reading comprehension.
This research consists of two hypothesis:
a. Null Hypothesis (Ho) there is no significant effect of using short story to
comprehend students reading comprehension on students at MAS Raud-
latul Asror Tebo.
b. Alternative Hypothesis ( Ha) there is a significant effect of using short
story to comprehend students reading comprehension on students at
MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo.

A. Research Design
This research was a kind of experiment research because this research
has purpose to find out the effect of using short story on students’ reading
comprehension at MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo. Experimental research is only
type of research that can test hypothesis to find cause effect relations (Gay et
al, 2012).
This method uses in this research is Pre-Experimental method.
According to Sugiyono (2019), pre experimental results is depend variable
not solely influenced by the variable independent. This can happen, because
there is no control variable, and the sample was no selected randomly.
Research deign is a design of how research is carried out. The research
design used in this study is a one group pretest posttest design. This design is
used in accordance with the subjectives to be achieved, namely wanting to
know the improvement of results student learning after applying the process
approach. In this design, before the treatment is given first the sample was a
given a pretest and the end of the study the sample was a given a posttest.
Here is the design one group pre-test post-test research:
O1 X O2

Sumber : Jakni (2016)

O1 = Pretest
X = Treatment
O2= Posttest
In this study, before giving treatment to the experimental class, a
pretest was given with several multiple choice that have validate, to
determine the students’ initial abilitis. After that, they were given treatment
with a process approach. After the treatment is given, all students will be


given a posttest to see the final ability of students with several validated
items. To get the results of the study, the author will compare the results of
the pretest and posttest of students.
Based on the research procedure above, basically experimental
research is research conducted to find out how effect of short story on
students’ reading comprehension at tenth grade MAS Raudlatul Asror.
B. The Time and Place of the Research
The researcher have been conducted the research in MAS Raudlatul
Asror Tebo. It is located on Jl. Kelapa Sawit, Sumber Agung Kec. Rimbo
Ilir. Kab. Tebo, Prov. Jambi. Temi of research will conducted at second
semester 2022/2023 academic year.
.Population and Sample
1) Population
According to Sugiyono (2019) population is a generalization area
consisting of object that have certain quentities and characteristics, which
are determined by the writer to be studied and then conclusion are down.
Based on definition the population of this research was tenth grade MAS
Raudlatul Asror Tebo consists of IPS class. The population of tenth grade
were 14 students.
Table 3. 1 Sudents of MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo
No Class Number of Students

1 X IPS 14 students

2) Sample
Sample is part of number and characteristics have the population
(Sugiyono, 2019). Besides that, Creswell states that sample is a small
group of the population to be sampled from research to be perfomed. The
sample selection is based on simple total sampling.
The samples of this research was class X IPS of MAS raudlatul
Asror Tebo 2022/2023 academic years, total of sample were 14 students.
The writer use short story to take the sample. Here, the writer use total

sampling or saturation sampling technique, in order to get relevant infor-

mation with research purpose. saturation sampling is determation of the
sample when all members of population relatively small less than 30
C. Definition of Variable Operation
There are two points in this research the first is short story as inde-
pendent variable. It was designed to see the effect of short story on read-
ing comprehension of students. Second, are students reading comprehension
as dependent variable. The result these variables are categorized based on Su-
kardi (2007), divided by several categorized rating scala like; poor (0-40),
good (41-74), and pass (75-100). The table of defenition operation can be
seen as follows:
Table 3. 2 Definition Operations
No variable Operational Measurement How to
Definiton Measure
1 Independent The ways how to Pre test and post Give the
variable short implement short test treatment by
story story short story
2 Dependent var- Students reading Pre test and post Reading test
iable students comprehension be- test
reading com- fore treatment and
prehension after treatment

Source by Sukardi (2007)

D. Instrument Development
According to Sugiyono (2019) instrument of the research is a tool
used to measure the data. To measure the students reading comprehension the
test used as an instrument. The type of test was multiple choice will make by
researcher. The researcher was make 35 questions. Before the questions will
give to students, the questions will test and analyze first. The criteria of a

good test are valid, reliable, level of difficulties and distinguishing power.
1. Validity
Before implementing the tests, the instrument must try tests previous-
ly by concept the test in different samples to see the validity of tests. Ac-
cording to Sugiyono (2019), valid means the instrument can be used to
measure what it supposed to measure. The validity of the instruments was
tested used SPSS 20.
Table 3. 3 The Criteria of Validity
Validity product moment Criteria
Sig,<0,05 valid
Sig>0,05 invalid
Source by: Jakni (2016)
2. Reliability
According to Jakni (2016), reability is consistent results from an in-
strument. An instruments is said to be reliable, if the measurement results
repeatedly on the same subject always showed the same score. Even if the
test is done repeatedly there was no change in the result, even though the
test is tested different sample.
Table 3. 4 The Classification of Reliability Test
Reliability Index Classification
0,0─≤0,20 Very low
O,21─ 0,40 low
0,41─0,70 medium
0,71─0,90 high
0,91─1,00 Very high
Source by : Jakni (2016)
3. Level of Difficulty
According to Jakni (2016), the test is said to be good if the test is not
difficult and not very easy. It is mean a good test is a medium test. This lev-
el of difficulty aimed to measure whether an instrument is classified as dif-
ficullt or easy.

Table 3. 5 The Criteria of Difficulty

Level of Difficulty Criteria
0,00 – 0,30 Difficult
0,30 – 0,70 Medium
0,71 – 100 Easy
Source by: Jakni (2016)
4. Distinguishing Power
According to Jakni (2016), distinguishing power aimed to determine
the ability of students to answer questions, in distinguishing students who
are able to master the material and students who are lowest in master the
Table 3. 6 The Criteria of Distinguishing Power
Distinguishing Power Criteria
Negative value (minus) Very bad
0,00 – 0,09 Bad
0,20 – 0,29 Enough
0, 30 – 0,39 Good
0,40 – 100 Very good
Source by : Jakni (2016)
E. Technique of Data Collection
The researcher collect the data by giving reading test, in order to the
better data. Technique of the data collection use in this research was a test.
The test aimed to determine students learning outcomes. Correct data col-
lection techniques will result in high credibility. The test consists of twenty
questions multiple choice for individual students.
According to jakni (2016), the test is a series of questions or exer-
cises used to collect the data about students abilities before and after learn-
ing process. The aims to see the results of the effect of using short story in
reading comprehension. The test was carried out twice, namely pre-test and
a. Pre test

Pre test is a test carried out before the leaning process using the
short story. The purpose of the pre test to find out the students initial
ability about the material presented by teacher.
b. Post test
Post test is a test carried out in learning processafter being given
short story. The final test given to see the changes in students reading
comprehension after using short story.
F. Techiques of the Data Analysis
In quantitative research, data analysis is an activity carried out after
data from all sources has been collected. Activities in data analysis are
grouping data based on variables and perfoming calculation to test the pur-
posed hypothesis. Techniques of the data analysis in quantitative research
using statistics.
1. Normality Test
According to Jakni (2016), normality test is use to find out whether
the data are normally distributed or not. The analysis of normality test in
this research will use SPSS statistic application. The criteria for the nor-
mality test that is, if the normality score less than 0,05 that the data not
normally distributed.
2. Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis test used to analyze data in experimental research. Data
analysis proved whatever the proposed hypothesis is accepted or rejected.
Hypothesis test used SPSS 23, so that the tst results can be declared sta-
tistically significant.
Ho: there is not significant effect of short story to comprehend stu-
dents reading comprehension on students reading comprehension at MAS
Raudlatul Asror Tebo.
Ha: there is a significant effect of using short story to comprehend
students reading comprehension on students at SMAN 20 Tebo.
3. N-Gain score

The N-Gain score aims to determine the effect of using a treatment

in research. N-Gain score test was done by calculated the difference be-
tween the pre-test nd post-test score.
Formulation of N-Gain scores:
Score posttest-score pretest
N-Gain = Score ideal-score pretest
Table 3. 7 criteria of N-gain score
N- Score % Criteria
g<0.7 high
0.3≤ g ≤ 0.7 medium

g>0.3 low

Source : melzer in syahfitri (2008)

A. Findings
1. Data Description
This chapter presents the results of the test that has been given to the
sample of the research. The result of the test was used to get empirical
evidence on the effect of using Short Story on students’ reading
comprehension at the tenth grade students of MAS Raudlatul Asror in
academic year 2022/2023. The following description would show the
research finding based on the score of pretest and posttest that has been
given to the participant of the research.
Table 4. 1 The Result Pre-test and Post-test of Students
students Pre-test Post-test
ASH 52 68
DW 68 68
HISM 88 96
LAY 68 76
MA 84 96
MI 64 72
NE 64 76
NA 92 92
NS 80 92
NHA 76 80
T 88 92
WF 44 52
WM 84 96
Z 84 96
Sum 1036 1152
mean 74 82,3
Max 92 96
Min 44 52

Based on the table, the minimum score obtained is 4 and the

maximum score obtained is 16. The mean pre-test is 74 and the average
posttest is 82,3.


Table 4. 2 descriptive statistics

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maximu Mean Std.
m m Deviation
pretest reading
14 44,00 92,00 74,0000 14,44352
posttest reading
14 52,00 96,00 82,2857 14,00785
Valid N (listwise) 14

Based on the table, the minimum score of pre test was 44 and post
test was 52. The maximum score of pre test was 92 and post test was 96 the
standard deviation of pre test was 14,44352 and post test was 14,00785.
a. Validity
In this rsearch instrument there is a validity test of multiple choice
questions. The test was carried out at SMAN 20 Tebo. The questions given
are 35 questions, and there are 25 valid questions. This question has been
tested on spss 20. The result of validity test as follows:
Table 4. 3 The Result of Validity Test

Test score category

1 0,006 Valid
2 0,011 Valid
3 0,011 Valid
4 0,009 Valid
5 0,003 Valid
6 0,007 Valid
7 0,011 Valid
18 0,011 Valid
9 0,011 Valid
10 0,000 Valid
11 0,050 Valid
12 0,000 Valid
13 0,000 Valid
14 0,000 Valid

15 0,003 Valid
16 0,016 Valid
17 0,011 Valid
18 0,032 Valid
19 0,011 Valid
20 0,022 Valid
21 0,023 Valid
22 0,016 Valid
23 0,022 Valid
24 0,006 Valid
25 0,011 Valid

b. Reliability
After the collected data is calulated using the validity test, the next
step is to test the reliability by using SPSS. Reliability test in this study
was used Alpha Cronbach formula. The instrument can crusted to be used
as a data collecting tool. The reliability test in this study was carried out
using Alpha Cronbach.
Table 4. 4 The Result of Reliability Test

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,886 35

0,71-0,90 = high
0,91-1,00 = very high

c. Level of Difficulty
After the collected data is calulated using the reliability test, the
next step is to test the level of dificulty. The purpose of this test is to see
level of the question. The result of this test as follows:

Table 4. 5 The Result of Level of Difficulty

Number of item Score Category

1 0,86 Easy
2 0,79 Easy
3 0,70 Medium
4 0,64 Medium
5 0,86 Easy
6 0,79 Easy
7 0,79 Easy
8 0,79 Easy
9 0,79 Easy
10 0,93 Easy
11 0,86 Easy
12 0,93 Easy
13 0,93 Easy
14 0,93 Easy
15 0,86 Easy
16 0,79 Easy
17 0,79 Easy
18 0,79 Easy
19 0,70 Medium
20 0,79 Easy
21 0,86 Easy
22 0,70 Medium
23 0,86 Easy
24 0,70 Medium
25 0,79 Easy

d. Distinguising Power
After the collected data is calulated using level of difficulty, the
next step is to test the distinguishing powerThe result of this test as

Table 4. 6 The Result of Distinguishing Power

Number of Item Score Category

1 0, 29 Enough
2 0,43 Very Good
3 0,57 Very Good
4 0,71 Very good
5 0,29 Enough
6 0,43 Very Good
7 0,43 Very Good
8 0,43 Very Good
9 0,43 Very Good
10 0,14 Bad
11 0,00 Bad
12 0,14 Bad
13 0,14 Bad
14 0,14 Bad
15 0,29 Enough
16 0,29 Enough
17 0,43 Very Good
18 0,43 Very Good
19 0,43 Very Good
20 0,57 Very Good
21 0,43 Very Good
22 0,29 Enough
23 0,57 Very Good
24 0,29 Enough
25 0,57 Very Good

2. Data Analysis
a. Normality Test
The purpose of the normality test is to find out whether the data
is normally distributed or not. In this study, the Shapiro Wilk test was
used to test for normality. In addition, SPSS 20 program was used to
analyze the data. The results of data analysis will be presented as

Table 4. 7 Normality test

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
pretest reading
,184 14 ,200* ,918 14 ,207
posttest reading
,256 14 ,013 ,868 14 ,039
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Based on the table above shows that, the significance of pre-test
is 0.207 and post-test is 0.039. so this shows that the data has normally
distribution and it can see from the significance value>0.05.
b. Hypothesis Test
After the collected data is calulated using the normality test, the
next step is to test the hypothesis by using t-test to answer research
question about the Effectiveness of short story in this study. The results
will be presented as follows:
Table 4. 8 paired sample

Paired Differences t df Sig.

Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence (2-
Deviatio Error Interval of the tailed)
n Mean Difference
Lower Upper

Pair 1 - -8,286 4,827 1,290 -11,073 -5,499 13 ,000

Based on the table, the results of the paired sample test show
that the p-value or sig (2-tailed)= 0,000. This means that the null
hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H a) is
accepted because the p-value (0,000) is smaller than sig a= 0.05
(0.000<0.05). therefore, it can be concluded that there is a statistical
significance of the use of Short Story on the reading comprehension
(narrative text) of class X IPS MAS Raudlatul Asror’ students.
c. N-Gain Score
After the collected data is calulated using the hypothesis test, the
next step is to test the N-gain score by using spss 20 The results will be
presented as follows:
Table 4. 9 result of N-Gain Score
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
gain_score 14 ,00 ,75 ,3785 ,27458
gain_persent 14 ,00 75,00 37,8458 27,45793
Valid N (listwise) 14
Based on the table the mean of N-gain score was 0,3785. This
means that the data is medium because the mean (0,3785) is higher than sig
a=0,3 (0,3785>0,3).
B. Discussion
The main purpose of this research is to know the effect of using Short
Story to comprehend reading comprehension at tenth grade MAS Raudlatul
Asror Tebo. Based on the research, this research proved that statistically there
is an increase in students’ reading with Short Story strategy. Short story can
apply in learning process to make the students easy to comprehend the text in
reading comprehension. Based on the research, this research was divided into
three phases. There are the preparation phase, the lesson plan was designed by
the researcher. In the application phases, the researcher implemented Short
Story as the treatment. In the final phase, the post-test gave after four
meetings by reseacher. This study proved that there was significance

difference in score between the students reading comprehension with short

Based on the results of data analysis, it can be explained that after the
researcher teaching reading by using short story, the researcher found that the
post-test scores of students were higher than the pre-test score after being
taught using the short story and gave positive effect on studentsreading
comprehension. It is because short story hepls students comprehend the text.
according to Frimasary (2015), the students who lack prior knowledge in
understanding the reading text, during using short story made students interest
and have willingness to eager to read the text of English and comprehend
about the text. that means Short story is effective to improve students reading
comprehension because the students interested to read the text.
In this research, the researcher gave pre-test to the students in. The test
was multiple choice questions that is consist 25 items with four options that
are a, b, c and d. in the class, the researcher asks question to relate the
background knowledge of students to the material and present the material
about narrative text. the students listen the explanation important point in
reading. The rsearcher give the students a text of short story. The students
read and analyze the text in group based on the previous researcher direction.
Then the researcher asks the students to discuss in small group about the
material to present the results of their reading. The researcher asks students if
they understand or not, if students already understand, the researcher will
have asks question and provide assigment.
After the treatments were given, the researcher gave post-test to
students. Based on the result of students post-test the mean score was 82,3.
The score of post-test higher than pre-test because the researcher applies the
short story to help the students comprehension in reading text. Reading short
stories can increase readers’ vocabulary with each reading of the short stories
they read, improving their comprehension, enhancing their general
knowledge, and adding new stories from the short stories.
The results of the post-test show that there is an effect of using short

story. The result of the hypothesis analysis was that sig.(2-tailed)= 0.000 was
smaller that sig.a=0.05. According to Prahesti (2020) short story is effective
with low ability readers. The students comprehend abot the text. the students
will have active to find information and express their opinions about the text.
the mean score of N-Gain score was 0,38 included in the medium category . It
means that Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected. So the Short Story is
effective to improve students reading comprehension at tenth grade of MAS
Raudlatul Asror 2022/2023 academic year.

A. Conclussion
Based on the results of the research in chapter IV, the author
concludes that the Short Story quite effective on the students’ reading
comprehension. This evidence by the results of the paired sample test wich
show (2-tailed)= 0.000 in the post test value. The amount of p-value (2-
tailed) in this study is smaller than the intendend significance level,
namely sig a = 0.05 (5%). Furthermore, because the p-value obtained in
this study is lower than sig a = 0.05 (5%), it can be concluded that there is
significance or effectiveness. In other words, when the p-value is smaller
than sig a = 0.05 (5%), it means that the alternative hyphothesis (H a) is
accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.
In conclusion, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the
null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In other words, it proves that the Short
Story is effective on students’ reading comprehension at tenth grade at
MAS Raudlatul Asror 2022/2023 academic year.

B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggested
recommendations for an English teacher in MAS Raudlatul Asror Tebo.
First short story can be applied at senior high school level, especially at
tenth grade to comprehend the students’ rading comprehension in narrative
text. Short story can make enjoyable in learning for students, they never
felt bored when they learning with short story learning. Therefore, short
story can be one of the choice for English teachers to help students in
comprehend their reading comprehension. Teacher must creative in
learning process by using short story. Second this was one of the way in
comprehend students’ reading comprehension.


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Appendix 1. Research Recomendatation


Appendix 2. Research Recomendation Letter


Appendix 3 research reply letter


Total Score
soal_1 Pearson Correlation -,212
Sig. (2-tailed) ,467
N 14
soal_2 Pearson Correlation -,297
Sig. (2-tailed) ,302
N 14
soal_3 Pearson Correlation ,693**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,006
N 14
soal_4 Pearson Correlation ,655*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_5 Pearson Correlation ,653*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14

soal_6 Pearson Correlation ,671**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,009
N 14
soal_7 Pearson Correlation ,725**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,003
N 14
soal_8 Pearson Correlation ,682**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,007
N 14
soal_9 Pearson Correlation ,655**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_10 Pearson Correlation ,655**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_12 Pearson Correlation ,655**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_13 Pearson Correlation ,882**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 14

soal_14 Pearson Correlation ,533*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,050
N 14
soal_15 Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
N ,882**
soal_16 Pearson Correlation ,882**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 14
soal_17 Pearson Correlation ,882**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 14
soal_18 Pearson Correlation ,725**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,003
N 14
soal_19 Pearson Correlation ,629*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,016
N 14
soal_20 Pearson Correlation ,655*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_21 Pearson Correlation ,573*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,032
N 14
soal_22 Pearson Correlation ,655*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_23 Pearson Correlation ,604*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,022
N 14
soal_24 Pearson Correlation ,600*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,023
N 14
soal_25 Pearson Correlation ,629*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,016
N 14

soal_26 Pearson Correlation ,604*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,022
N 14
soal_27 Pearson Correlation ,693**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,006
N 14
soal_28 Pearson Correlation ,653*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_29 Pearson Correlation ,002
Sig. (2-tailed) ,995
N 14
soal_30 Pearson Correlation -,297
Sig. (2-tailed) ,302
N 14
soal_31 Pearson Correlation ,391
Sig. (2-tailed) ,167
N 14
soal_32 Pearson Correlation ,655*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_33 Pearson Correlation ,505
Sig. (2-tailed) ,011
N 14
soal_34 Pearson Correlation -,088
Sig. (2-tailed) ,764
N 14
soal_35 Pearson Correlation -,222
Sig. (2-tailed) ,445
N 14

Test score category

1 0, 467 Invalid
2 0,302 Invalid
3 0,006 Valid
4 0,011 Valid
5 0,011 Valid
6 0,009 Valid
7 0,003 Valid
8 0,007 Valid
9 0,011 Valid
10 0,011 Valid
11 0,011 Valid
12 0,000 Valid
13 0,050 Valid
14 0,000 Valid
15 0,000 Valid
16 0,000 Valid
17 0,003 Valid
18 0,016 Valid
19 0,011 Valid
20 0,032 Valid
21 0,011 Valid
22 0,022 Valid
23 0,023 Valid
24 0,016 Valid
25 0,022 Valid
26 0,006 Valid
27 0,011 Valid
28 0,995 Invalid
29 0,302 Invalid
30 0,167 Invalid
31 0,011 Valid
32 0,011 Invalid
33 0,066 Invalid
34 0,764 Invalid
35 0,445 Invalid

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
0,66-0,85 = tinggi
0,86-0,85 = sangat tinggi
,886 35

Appendix 4 Level of Difficulty of the Insrument

Number of item Score Category

1 0,86 Easy
2 0,79 Easy
3 0,70 Medium
4 0,64 Medium
5 0,86 Easy
6 0,79 Easy
7 0,79 Easy
8 0,79 Easy
9 0,79 Easy
10 0,93 Easy
11 0,86 Easy
12 0,93 Easy
13 0,93 Easy
14 0,93 Easy
15 0,86 Easy
16 0,79 Easy
17 0,79 Easy
18 0,79 Easy
19 0,70 Medium
20 0,79 Easy
21 0,86 Easy
22 0,70 Medium
23 0,86 Easy
24 0,70 Medium
25 0,79 Easy

0,00 - 0,20 = Difficult
0,21 – 0,70 = Medium
0,71 – 0, 100 = Easy

Appendix 5 Distinguishing Power of the Instrumen

Number of Item Score Category

1 0, 29 Enough
2 0,43 Very Good
3 0,57 Very Good
4 0,71 Very good
5 0,29 Enough
6 0,43 Very Good
7 0,43 Very Good
8 0,43 Very Good
9 0,43 Very Good
10 0,14 Bad
11 0,00 Bad
12 0,14 Bad
13 0,14 Bad
14 0,14 Bad
15 0,29 Enough
16 0,29 Enough
17 0,43 Very Good
18 0,43 Very Good
19 0,43 Very Good
20 0,57 Very Good
21 0,43 Very Good
22 0,29 Enough
23 0,57 Very Good
24 0,29 Enough
25 0,57 Very Good

Appendix 6. Pre-test, Post-test, and N-Gain Score

No students Pre-test Post-test Post- Ideal N-

pre pre Gain
1 ASH 52 68 16 48 0.33
2 DW 68 68 0 32 0.00
3 HISM 88 96 8 12 0.67
4 LAY 68 76 8 32 0.25
5 MA 84 96 12 16 0.75
6 MI 64 72 8 36 0.22
7 NE 64 76 12 36 0.33
8 NA 92 92 0 8 0.00
9 NS 80 92 12 20 0.60
10 NHA 76 80 4 24 0.17
11 T 88 92 4 12 0.33
12 WF 44 52 8 56 0.14
13 WM 84 96 12 16 0.75
14 Z 84 96 12 16 0.75
Mean 74.00 82.29 8.29 26.00 0.38

Appendix 7 . Result of data statistic

a. Data descriptive
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimu Maximu Mean Std.
m m Deviation
pretest reading
14 44,00 92,00 74,0000 14,44352
posttest reading
14 52,00 96,00 82,2857 14,00785
Valid N (listwise) 14

b. result of Ngain Score

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
gain_score 14 ,00 ,75 ,3785 ,27458
gain_persent 14 ,00 75,00 37,8458 27,45793
Valid N (listwise) 14

c.Result of normality test

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
pretest reading
,184 14 ,200* ,918 14 ,207
posttest reading
,256 14 ,013 ,868 14 ,039
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

d. Hypothesis test

Paired Differences t df Sig.

Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence (2-
Deviatio Error Interval of the tailed)
n Mean Difference
Lower Upper

Pair 1 - -8,286 4,827 1,290 -11,073 -5,499 13 ,000

Appendix 8 Lesson Plan


Nama Sekolah : MA PONPES Rudlatul Asror Tebo

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Topic : Narrative Text
Kelas/ semester :X/2
Alokasi Waktu :

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 :Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan
pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai
permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial
dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam
pergaulan dunia.
KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya dan humoniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan an peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan
kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian
yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan ma-
KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak
terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya disekolah secara
mandiri dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.8.1. mengidentifikasi

struktur teks, dan unsur main idea dan tujuan
kebahasaan beberapa teks dalam teks naratif

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan

3.8.2. mengidentifikasi
memberi dan meminta
informasi dalam teks
informasi teks naratif, sedrhana,
sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. 3.8.3.
generic sturcture dari
teks naratif.

3.8.4. menganalisis
penggunaan tenses
dalam teks naratif.

4.8. Menangkap makna secara 4.8.1. mengidentifikasi

kontekstual terkait fungsi makna dari sebuah
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur vocabulary/ sentence
kebahasaan teks naratif lisan dalam teks naratif.
dan tulis sederhana
4.8.2. mengungkapkan
ending dan moral value
yang terkandung dalam
teks naratif.

C. Tujuan pembelajaran
melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan media short story siswa
dapat menentukan main idea, detail informasi, fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks naratif dan mampu menyusun teks naratif sesuai
konteks dan dapat bekerja sama selama proses pembelajaran.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Definition of Narrative text
Narrative text is one of type of english text that aims to tell a stoey
that has a series of cronological events that are conected.

b. purpose of Narrative Text

The purpose of narrative text is to entertain the reader with a story.
c. Generic structure of Narrative Text
• Orientation, sets the scene : where and when the story happened and
introduces the participants of the story : who and what is involved in the
• Complication, tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the
crisis (climax) of the main participants.
• Resolution, the problem (the crisis) is resolved, either in happy ending or
in a sad (tragic) ending.
• Re-orientation/coda, this a closing remark to the story and it is optional.
It consists of a moral lesson, advice or teaching from the writer.
d.language feature of Narrative text.
• Using simple past tense

Materi pertemuan ke 1.
The Ant and Dove

One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking
around for some time, he came to a spring. To reach the spring, he had to climb up
a blade of grass. While making his way up, he slipped and fell into the water. He
could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen him. Seeing that the
ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the wa-
ter near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there.
Soon it carried him safely to dry ground.Just at that time, a hunter nearby was
throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it. Guessing what he was
about to do, the ant quickly bit himon the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter
dropped his net. The dove was quick tofly away to safety.

Materi pertemuan ke 2.
The Lion and The mouse
Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began up and down upon him;
this soon awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon the mouse, and opened
his big jaws to swallow him.
“Pardon, O King “cried the little mouse “forgive me this time. I shall never
forget it: who knows I may be able to do you a good turn some of these days? ”.
The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then he
lifted up his paw and let him go.
On day the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters who to carry him alive to
the king, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in.
Just then the little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the
lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that
bound the king of the beats. Soon the little mouse had finished growing away the
ropes, he asked the lion to run away.

Materi pertemuan ke 3.
Once upon a time there was a wife of a rich man fell sick, and soon she
closed her eyes and departed. Everyday, Cinderella went out to her mother’s
grave, and wept, and she remained pious and good .When winter came, the snow
spread a white sheet over the grave, and by the time the spring sun had drawn it
off again, the man had taken another wife. The woman had brought with her into
the house two daughters, who were beautiful and fairy of face but vile and black
of heart. Since then a bad time for the poor step-child began.
One day the King gave orders for a festival and all the beautiful young
girls in the country were invited, in order that his son might choose himself a
bride.when the two step-sisters heard that they were to appear among the number,
they were delighted, called Cinderella and made to help them grooming, Cinderel-
la obeyed, but wept, because she too would have liked to go with them to dance,
and begged her step-mother said” you cannot go with us, you have no clothes and

cannot dance.
When the step-mother and her daughters had gone away, Cinderella went
to her mother’s grave and cried, Shiver and Quiver, My little tree, silver and gold
throw down over me.” Suddenly a bird threw down a magnificent gold and silver
dress to her,and were golden too. At the party her step-sister and the step-mother
however did not recognize her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, for she
looked so beautiful in the golden dress.

Materi pertemuan ke – 4
Tanngkuban Perahu
Once upon a time in west java, lived a writer king who had a beautiful
daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She liked weaving very much. Once
she was weaving a cloth when one of her tools fell to the ground. She was very
tired, at the same time she was too lazy to take it. Then she just shouted out loud-
Anybody there! Bring me my tool. I will give you special present. If you
are female. I will consider you as my sister if you are male, I will marry you
sunddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang came. He brought her the falling
tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted her words but she could
not deny it. So she had marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a
small village. Several months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang.
He was a handsome and healthy boy.
Sangkuriang liked hunting very much, especially deer. He often hunted to
the wood usying his arrow. When he went hunting , Tumang was always with
One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangku-
riang to hunt for a deer. Then Sangkuriang when to the wood with his arrow and
his faithful dog. Tumang, but afher several days in the wood Sangkuriang could
not find any deer. Then where all disappeared. Sangkuriang was exhausted and
desperate. He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did
not know that Tumang was his father. Tumang’s heart to her mother. But Da-

yang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s heart. She was so angry that she could
not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head Sangkuriang was
wounded. There was a scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang
left her mother in sadness.
Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He
wandered everywhere. One day he arrived. at his own village but he did not real-
ize it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang Sumbi was given an
eternal beauty by God so she stayed young forever. Both of them did know each
other. So they fall in love and then they decided to marry. But then Dayang
Sumbi recognized a scar on Sangkuriang’s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was
his son. It was impossible for them to marry. She told him but he did not beliave
her. He wished that they marry soon. So Dayang Sumbi gave very difficult con-
dition. She asked Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! She said
she needed that for honeymoon.
Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spiritis, Sangkuriang tired
to build them. By midnight he had completed the lake by building a dam in Cita-
rum river. Then he started making the boat. It was almost dawn when he almost
finished it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on him. She was very wor-
ried when she knew this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spiritis thought
that was already dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang
alone. Without their help he could not finish the boat.
Sangkuriang was angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat turned upside
down. It, leter, became Mounth Tangkuban Perahu. Which means an upside-
down boat. From a distant the mount really looks like an upside down boat.

E. metode pembelajaran
• Pendekatan : Scientific approach
• Media : Short Story
• Metode : Penugasan, Diskusi, Presentasi, dan Tanya Jawab

F. Media/ alat, dan sumber belajar

• Lembar kerja siswa, lembar penilaian, pena, spidol, dan papan tulis
• Buku penunjangan kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas IX,
lembar short story, dan kamus Bahasa Inggris.
G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
a. Pertemuan ke-1
Aktivitas Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan • Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam 5 menit
Pendahuluan pembuka, dan berdoa untuk memulai
(orientasi) pembelajaran.
• Menyapa dan menanyakan kabar dan
keadaan siswa
• Memeriksa kehadiran siswa
Motivasi • Guru memotivasi siswa untuk semangat 5 menit
Kegiatan • Mendengar 15 menit
inti Guru menjelaskan tentang narrative text
(literasi) dan memberi contoh teks naratif.
• Menyimak
Siswa mengamati teks narrative yang
diberikan oleh guru, kemudian
mengidentifikasi unsur bahasa, dan
kalimat yang ada didalam teks.
Critical • Siswa diberi latihanuntuk berfikir secara 25 menit
Thinking kritis bagaimana memahami teks dan
menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan isi teks.
Kegiatan • Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran yang 10 menit
Penutup telah disampaikan.
(creativly) • Guru memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk
• Siswa membuat resume materi yang sudah
• Mengakhiri pembelajaran, berdoa dan
salam penutup

b. pertemuan ke-2
Aktivitas Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan • Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam 5 menit
Pendahuluan pembuka, dan berdoa untuk memulai
(orientasi) pembelajaran.
• Menyapa dan menanyakan kabar dan
keadaan siswa
• Memeriksa kehadiran siswa
aperpepsi • Mereview pembelajaran yang lalu dan 5 menit
mengaitkan materi dengan pengalaman
siswa sebelumnya
• Mengingat kembali materi dengan
mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada
keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang
akan dilakukan.

motivasi • Guru memberi motivasi dan 5 menit

menjelaskan terlebih dahulu tentang
narrative teks dan tujuan pembelajaran.
Kegiatan inti • Mendengar dan menyimak 5 menit
Literasi) Guru menjelaskan pelaksanaan langkah-
langkah pembelajaran, bagaimana cara
memahami bacaan teks narrative, poin-
poin penting dalam membaca untuk
memahami teks dan mendapatkan ide
pokok didalam teks serta dapat
menjawab pertanyaan yang ada.
Critical • Siswa diberi teks bacaan (short story) 15 menit
thinking and untuk diskusi dan berfikir secara kritis
collaboration bagaimana memahami teks dan
menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan isi
• Siswa berdiskusi dengan teman lainnya
untuk memahami teks dan menjawab
pertanyaan yang ada
communication • Siswa mengemukakan pendapatnya 15 menit
masing-masing yang ditanggapi oleh

Kegiatan • Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran 10 menit

Penutup yang telah disampaikan.
(creativly) • Guru memberikan kesempatan siswa
untuk bertanya.
• Siswa membuat resume materi yang
sudah disampaikan
• Mengakhiri pembelajaran, berdoa dan
salam penutup

Pertemuan ke-3
Aktivitas Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu
Kegiatan • Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam 5 menit
Pendahuluan pembuka, dan berdoa untuk memulai
(orientasi) pembelajaran.
• Menyapa dan menanyakan kabar dan
keadaan siswa
• Memeriksa kehadiran siswa
aperpepsi • Mereview pembelajaran yang lalu dan 5 menit
mengaitkan materi dengan pengalaman
siswa sebelumnya
• Mengingat kembali materi dengan
mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada
keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang
akan dilakukan.
motivasi • Guru memberi motivasi untuk siswa 5 menit
sebelum membaca dan menjelaskan
terlebih dahulu tentang narrative teks
dan tujuan pembelajaran.
Kegiatan inti • Mendengar dan menyimak 5 menit
Literasi) Guru menjelaskan pelaksanaan langkah-
langkah pembelajaran, bagaimana cara
memahami bacaan teks narrative, poin-
poin penting dalam membaca untuk
memahami teks dan mendapatkan ide
pokok didalam teks serta dapat
menjawab pertanyaan yang ada.
• Guru membagikan siswa dalam
beberapa kelompok yang terdiri atas 4-5

Critical • Siswa diberi teks bacaan (short story) 5 menit

thinking untuk diskusi dan berfikir secara kritis
bagaimana memahami teks dan
menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan isi
collaboration • Siswa berdiskusi dengan teman lainnya 10 menit
untuk memahami teks dan menjawab
pertanyaan yang ada
communication • Siswa mempresentasikan dan 15 menit
mengemukakan pendapat hasil kerja
masing-masing yang ditanggapi oleh
kelompok lain dan guru.
Kegiatan • Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran 10 menit
Penutup yang telah disampaikan.
(creativly) • Guru memberikan kesempatan siswa
untuk bertanya.
• Siswa membuat resume materi yang
sudah disampaikan
• Mengakhiri pembelajaran, berdoa dan
salam penutup

Pertemuan ke – 4
Aaaktvitas Kegiatan Waktu
Kegiatan • Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam
Pendahuluan pembuka, dan berdoa untuk memulai
(orientasi) pembelajaran.
• Menyapa dan menanyakan kabar dan
keadaan siswa
• Memeriksa kehadiran siswa

aperpepsi • Mereview pembelajaran yang lalu dan

mengaitkan materi dengan pengalaman
siswa sebelumnya
• Mengingat kembali materi dengan
mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada
keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang
akan dilakukan.

motivasi • Guru memberi motivasi untuk siswa

sebelum membaca dan menjelaskan
terlebih dahulu tentang narrative teks dan
tujuan pembelajaran.
Kegiatan inti • Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur
Literasi) teks, dan unsunr kebahasaan narrative
text terkait short story
• Mencari short story yang familiar
didengar untuk direview
Critical • Guru menjelaskan dan memberikan
thinking contoh narrative text dengan short story
• Guru menyimpulkan makna kontekstual
terkait short story
• Guru memberikan waktu kepada siswa
untuk memahami conttoh teks berbentuk
narrative teks menggunakan short story.
• Guru meminta siswa mengerjakan tugas
akhir narrative text dengan short story.
Collaboration • Mendiskusikan
Peserta didik dan guru mereview
narrative text terkait short story yang
sudah diberikan dengan memperhatikan
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
secara benar.
communication • Peserta didik mencoba membaca
narrative text berbentuk short storydan
memahami isi dari short story yang
mereka baca.
Kegiatan • Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran yang
Penutup telah disampaikan.
(creativly) • Guru memberikan kesempatan siswa
untuk bertanya.
• Guru menjelaskan pertanyaan siswa yang
• Guru menyampaikan kesimpulan
pembelajaran dan berdoa.

H. Penilaian
No Uraian Score
1 True Answer 4
2 Wrong Answer 0

Tebo, juni 2023


Kepala Raudlatul Asror Peneliti

Wahyu Ramadani, S.Pd.I Dina Fitria


Appendix 9 Instrumens Before Validity



Read following the text to answer question 1-7

The Ant and Dove

One hot day, an ant was searching for some

water. After walking around for some time, he came
to a spring. To reach the spring, he had to climb up
a blade of grass. While making his way up, he
slipped and fell into the water. He could have
drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen
him. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and
dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf
and climbed up there. Soon it carried him safely to dry ground.Just at that time, a
hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it. Guess-
ing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit himon the heel. Feeling the pain,
the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick tofly away to safety.

1. What does the story tell about?

a. Ant trapped dove in a spring
b. Dove killed Ant when she fell into the water
c. Ant and dove helped each other
d. Ant helped a hunter to trap dove

2. According to the text, which the statement is NOT discussed in the story?
a. The Ant came to a spring to drink there
b. The Dove is the Ant’s old friend
c. The Hunter could not trap the Dove successfully
d. The Dove could release himself from the hunter because he was helped by
the Ant

3. What is the orientation part of the story above?

a. A Hunter tried to trap the Dove by using his net
b. The Ant was thirty, and then he decided to come to a spring

c. The Ant slipped and fell into the water

d. The Dove carried the ant safely to dry ground

4. What was the ant’s purpose of bitting the hunter’s heel?

a. To get water c. To kill him
b. To release the dove from the hunter’s trap d. To hurt him

5. What did the ant do when he knew that the hunter would trap the dove?
a. The ant threw out a net towards the dove
b. The ant helped the hunter to catch the dove
c. The ant quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water
d. The ant quickly bit the hunter’s the heel

6. Why did the ant help the dove when he was trapped by the hunter?
a. Because the dove already had helped the ant in the spring
b. Because the dove wanted to kill the ant
c. Because the ant was asked the hunter to help him
d. Because the dove was the ant’s friend

7. “.....he slipped and fell into the water”. The underlined word is a past tense verb
a. Fall b. Feel c. Fill d. Full

The Lion and The mouse
Once when a lion was asleep, a little
mouse began up and down upon him; this soon
awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon
the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow
“Pardon, O King “cried the little mouse
“forgive me this time. I shall never forget it: who knows I may be able to do you a
good turn some of these days? ”. The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse
being able to help him. Then he lifted up his paw and let him go.
On day the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters who to carry him alive to
the king, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in.
Just then the little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the
lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that
bound the king of the beats. Soon the little mouse had finished growing away the
ropes, he asked the lion to run away.

8.What is the moral lesson from the text?

a.Don’t look at someone because of his clothes
b,It is best to prepare for the days of necessity

c.Common people may prove great ones

d.United we stand, divided we fall

9. Paragraph three mainly tells that….

a.the little mouse asked forgiveness
b.the hunters carried the lion alive to the king
c.the lion was tied to a tree by the hunters
d.the little mouse could prove that he could help the lion

10. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?

a.He would never forget the lion.
b.He tried hard to help the lion free.
c.He ran up and down upon the lion
d.He asked for apology to the king of the beast

11. The word “huge” (p.1) means very…..

a. old b. large c. tall d.Tiny

Once upon a time there was a wife of a rich
man fell sick, and soon she closed her eyes and de-
parted. Everyday, Cinderella went out to her mother’s
grave, and wept, and she remained pious and good
.When winter came, the snow spread a white sheet
over the grave, and by the time the spring sun had
drawn it off again, the man had taken another wife.
The woman had brought with her into the house two
daughters, who were beautiful and fairy of face but
vile and black of heart. Since then a bad time for the poor step-child began.
One day the King gave orders for a festival and all the beautiful young
girls in the country were invited, in order that his son might choose himself a
bride.When the two step-sisters heard that they were to appear among the number,
they were delighted, called Cinderella and made to help them grooming, Cinderel-
la obeyed, but wept, because she too would have liked to go with them to dance,
and begged her step-mother said” you cannot go with us, you have no clothes and
cannot dance.
When the step-mother and her daughters had gone away, Cinderella went
to her mother’s grave and cried, Shiver and Quiver, My little tree, silver and gold
throw down over me.” Suddenly a bird threw down a magnificent gold and silver
dress to her,and were golden too. At the party her step-sister and the step-mother
however did not recognize her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, for she
looked so beautiful in the golden dress.

12. The story above tells about

a. Snow White
b. Sleeping Beauty
c. Dwarfs
d. Cinderella

13. The first paragraph is the………… of the story

a. complication
b. reorientation
c. orientation
d. resolution

14. Why does Cinderella’s mother dead ? Because she………

a. fell sick
b. fell injured
c. fell disappointed
d. fell ill

15. The story of Cinderella talks about.......

a. rich girl
b. clever girl
c. lazy girl
d. beautiful girl

16. The genre of the text is…….

a. recount
b. procedure
c. narrative
d. legend

17. When the winter came, the snow……

a. spread a white sheet
b. spread a white shout
c. spread a shout
b. spread a white sheets

18. Cinderella lived with her

a. two step-mother
b. her mother
c. two step-sister and step-mother
d. her sisters

19. How did her step-mother treat Cinderella ?

a. she allowed go any where
b. she doesn’t her to allow
c. she allows goes every where

d. she didn’t allow her go

20. Why couldn’t Cinderella go to the festival?

a. she doesn’t dance
b. she has dance
c. she didn’t dance
d. she didn’t have clothes and couldn’t dance

21. Finally Cinderella must be a foreign

a. princess
b. daughter
c. cousin
d. queen

The Wolf and The Goat
A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high
cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the thought of a fine
goat dinner.
“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice,
“aren’t you afraid you will fall down from that cliff?
Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level ground.”
“No, thank you,” said the goat.
“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold up there in the wind? You would be
warmer grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area.”
“No, Thank you,” said the goat.
“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated wolf,”Why dine
“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is My dinner you
are worrying about and not your own?”

22.What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?
a. To be his friend
b. To graze on the level ground
c. To climb up higher
d. To be his dinner

23. “Aren’t you cold up there in the wind?”

The word ‘there’ refers to ….
a. Sheltered area
b. A high cliff
c. Grass
d. Ground

24. What can we learn from the story above?


a. Don’t look down to other creatures

b. Don’t easily believe in well behaved creatures
c. Don’t judge others by their appearance
d. Don’t easily beat other creatures

Once upon a time in west java,
lived a writer king who had a beautiful
daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi.
She liked weaving very much. Once she
was weaving a cloth when one of her
tools fell to the ground. She was very
tired, at the same time she was too lazy
to take it. Then she just shouted out
Anybody there! Bring me my tool. I will give you special present. If you
are female. I will consider you as my sister if you are male, I will marry you
sunddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang came. He brought her the falling
tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted her words but she could
not deny it. So she had marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a
small village. Several months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang.
He was a handsome and healthy boy.
Sangkuriang liked hunting very much, especially deer. He often hunted to
the wood usying his arrow. When he went hunting , Tumang was always with
One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangku-
riang to hunt for a deer. Then Sangkuriang when to the wood with his arrow and
his faithful dog. Tumang, but afher several days in the wood Sangkuriang could
not find any deer. Then where all disappeared. Sangkuriang was exhausted and
desperate. He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did
not know that Tumang was his father. Tumang’s heart to her mother. But Da-
yang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s heart. She was so angry that she could
not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head Sangkuriang was
wounded. There was a scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang
left her mother in sadness.
Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He wandered
everywhere. One day he arrived. at his own village but he did not realize it.
There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal
beauty by God so she stayed young forever. Both of them did know each other.
So they fall in love and then they decided to marry. But then Dayang Sumbi rec-
ognized a scar on Sangkuriang’s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was his son. It
was impossible for them to marry. She told him but he did not beliave her. He
wished that they marry soon. So Dayang Sumbi gave very difficult condition.
She asked Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! She said she need-
ed that for honeymoon.
Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spiritis, Sangkuriang tired to

build them. By midnight he had completed the lake by building a dam in Citarum
river. Then he started making the boat. It was almost dawn when he almost fin-
ished it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on him. She was very worried
when she knew this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spiritis thought that
was already dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone.
Without their help he could not finish the boat.
Sangkuriang was angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat turned upside
down. It, leter, became Mounth Tangkuban Perahu. Which means an upside-
down boat. From a distant the mount really looks like an upside down boat.

25. What is the story about?

a. A wrath son
b. West java’s tales
c. Tumang a Dog husband
d. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu

26. According to he story, Tumang was….

a. actually a handsome prince
b. married to Dayang Sumbii
c. Sangkuriang pet dog
d. good at hunting deer

27. What did Dayang Sumbi look like?

a. She liked weaving clothers
b. She looked for the heart of a deer
c. She was beautiful
d. She was looking at her fallen tool

28. What made Dayang Sumbi stay young?

a. She set up conditions in doing things
b. A young man fall in love with her
c. She married a dog
d. God gave her an eternal beauty

29. Who are the main caracthers in the story?

a. Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang
b. The king Dayang Sumbi, the dog and Sangkuriang
c. The king, Dayang Sumbi, the dog, Sangkuriang, the ganie, and the spiritis
d. The king, Dayang Sumbi, the dog, Sangkuriang, the mount, the boat, the
genie, and the spiritis

30. What moral value can we learn from the story?

a. People must keep their words all the time

b. Do not make a promise to easily

c. Never be reluctant to do good things
d. We should not hate our decendants

31. “He brought her the falling tool”. The underline word “He” refers to……
a. Samgkuriang
b. Tumang
c. Dayang Sumbi
d. The king

32. “ if you are male, I will marry you’ (paragraph 2). the sentence mean that the
one who helped Dayang Sumbi became her….
a. Husband
b. Maid
c. Boss
d. Son

Once upon a time there lived a little girl
named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and un-
cle because her parents were dead.
One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking
about leaving Snow White in the Castle because they
both wanted to go to town and they didn’t have
enough money to take Snow White. Snow white did not want her uncle and aunt
to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she
ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast. She ran
away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw this little Cottage . She
knocked out but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep. Meanwhile,
the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they
found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The
dwarfs said, “what is your name ?” Snow white said, “My name is Snow White.”
Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and the seven dwarfs lived hap-
pily ever after.

33. The main character of the story is…

a. Princess
b. Snow White
c. Aunt
d. Dwarfs

34. The genre of the text is….


a. recount
b. narrative
c. news item
d. legend

35. How many paragraph in the text, there are……

a. 6
b. 3
c. 7
d. 2

Appendix 10 Key Answers Before Validity

1) C 21) A
2) B 22) B
3) B 23) B
4) B 24) B
5) D 25) D
6) A 26) B
7) A 27) C
8) A 28) D
9) D 29) A
10) B 30) A
11) B 31) B
12) D 32) A
13) C 33) B
14) A 34) B
15) D 35) B
16) C
17) A
18) C
19) D
20) D

Appendix 11 Instrumen After Validity



Read following the text to answer question 1-7
The Ant and Dove

One hot day, an ant was searching for some

water. After walking around for some time, he came
to a spring. To reach the spring, he had to climb up
a blade of grass. While making his way up, he
slipped and fell into the water. He could have
drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen
him. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and
dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf
and climbed up there. Soon it carried him safely to dry ground.Just at that time, a
hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it. Guess-
ing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit himon the heel. Feeling the pain,
the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick tofly away to safety.

1. What is the orientation part of the story above?

a. A Hunter tried to trap the Dove by using his net
b. The Ant was thirty, and then he decided to come to a spring
c. The Ant slipped and fell into the water
d. The Dove carried the ant safely to dry ground

2. What was the ant’s purpose of bitting the hunter’s heel?

a. To get water c. To kill him
b. To release the dove from the hunter’s trap d. To hurt him

3. What did the ant do when he knew that the hunter would trap the dove?
a. The ant threw out a net towards the dove
b. The ant helped the hunter to catch the dove
c. The ant quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water
d. The ant quickly bit the hunter’s the heel

4. Why did the ant help the dove when he was trapped by the hunter?

a. Because the dove already had helped the ant in the spring
b. Because the dove wanted to kill the ant
c. Because the ant was asked the hunter to help him
d. Because the dove was the ant’s friend

5. “.....he slipped and fell into the water”. The underlined word is a past tense verb
a. Fall b. Feel c. Fill d. Full

The Lion and The mouse
Once when a lion was asleep, a little
mouse began up and down upon him; this soon
awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon
the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow
“Pardon, O King “cried the little mouse
“forgive me this time. I shall never forget it: who knows I may be able to do you a
good turn some of these days? ”. The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse
being able to help him. Then he lifted up his paw and let him go.
On day the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters who to carry him alive to
the king, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in.
Just then the little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the
lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that
bound the king of the beats. Soon the little mouse had finished growing away the
ropes, he asked the lion to run away.

6.What is the moral lesson from the text?

a.Don’t look at someone because of his clothes
b,It is best to prepare for the days of necessity
c.Common people may prove great ones
d.United we stand, divided we fall

7. Paragraph three mainly tells that….

a.the little mouse asked forgiveness
b.the hunters carried the lion alive to the king
c.the lion was tied to a tree by the hunters
d.the little mouse could prove that he could help the lion

8. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?

a.He would never forget the lion.
b.He tried hard to help the lion free.
c.He ran up and down upon the lion
d.He asked for apology to the king of the beast

9. The word “huge” (p.1) means very…..

a. old b. large c. tall d.Tiny

Once upon a time there was a wife of a rich
man fell sick, and soon she closed her eyes and de-
parted. Everyday, Cinderella went out to her mother’s
grave, and wept, and she remained pious and good
.When winter came, the snow spread a white sheet
over the grave, and by the time the spring sun had
drawn it off again, the man had taken another wife.
The woman had brought with her into the house two
daughters, who were beautiful and fairy of face but
vile and black of heart. Since then a bad time for the poor step-child began.
One day the King gave orders for a festival and all the beautiful young
girls in the country were invited, in order that his son might choose himself a
bride.When the two step-sisters heard that they were to appear among the number,
they were delighted, called Cinderella and made to help them grooming, Cinderel-
la obeyed, but wept, because she too would have liked to go with them to dance,
and begged her step-mother said” you cannot go with us, you have no clothes and
cannot dance.
When the step-mother and her daughters had gone away, Cinderella went
to her mother’s grave and cried, Shiver and Quiver, My little tree, silver and gold
throw down over me.” Suddenly a bird threw down a magnificent gold and silver
dress to her,and were golden too. At the party her step-sister and the step-mother
however did not recognize her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, for she
looked so beautiful in the golden dress.

10. The story above tells about

a. Snow White
b. Sleeping Beauty
c. Dwarfs
d. Cinderella

11. The first paragraph is the………… of the story

a. complication
b. reorientation
c. orientation
d. resolution

12. Why does Cinderella’s mother dead ? Because she………

a. fell sick

b. fell injured
c. fell disappointed
d. fell ill

13. The story of Cinderella talks about.......

a. rich girl
b. clever girl
c. lazy girl
d. beautiful girl

14. The genre of the text is…….

a. recount
b. procedure
c. narrative
d. legend

15. When the winter came, the snow……

a. spread a white sheet
b. spread a white shout
c. spread a shout
b. spread a white sheets

16. Cinderella lived with her

a. two step-mother
b. her mother
c. two step-sister and step-mother
d. her sisters

17. How did her step-mother treat Cinderella ?

a. she allowed go any where
b. she doesn’t her to allow
c. she allows goes every where
d. she didn’t allow her go

18. Why couldn’t Cinderella go to the festival?

a. she doesn’t dance
b. she has dance
c. she didn’t dance
d. she didn’t have clothes and couldn’t dance

19. Finally Cinderella must be a foreign

a. princess
b. daughter
c. cousin
d. queen

The Wolf and The Goat
A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high
cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the thought of a fine
goat dinner.
“My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest voice,
“aren’t you afraid you will fall down from that cliff?
Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level ground.”
“No, thank you,” said the goat.
“Well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold up there in the wind? You would be
warmer grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area.”
“No, Thank you,” said the goat.
“But the grass tastes better down here!” said the exasperated wolf,”Why dine
“My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you quite sure that it is My dinner you
are worrying about and not your own?”

20.What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff?
a. To be his friend
b. To graze on the level ground
c. To climb up higher
d. To be his dinner

21. “Aren’t you cold up there in the wind?”

The word ‘there’ refers to ….
a. Sheltered area
b. A high cliff
c. Grass
d. Ground

22. What can we learn from the story above?

a. Don’t look down to other creatures
b. Don’t easily believe in well behaved creatures
c. Don’t judge others by their appearance
d. Don’t easily beat other creatures

Once upon a time in west java,
lived a writer king who had a beautiful
daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi.
She liked weaving very much. Once she
was weaving a cloth when one of her
tools fell to the ground. She was very
tired, at the same time she was too lazy
to take it. Then she just shouted out

Anybody there! Bring me my tool. I will give you special present. If you
are female. I will consider you as my sister if you are male, I will marry you
sunddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang came. He brought her the falling
tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted her words but she could
not deny it. So she had marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a
small village. Several months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang.
He was a handsome and healthy boy.
Sangkuriang liked hunting very much, especially deer. He often hunted to
the wood usying his arrow. When he went hunting , Tumang was always with
One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangku-
riang to hunt for a deer. Then Sangkuriang when to the wood with his arrow and
his faithful dog. Tumang, but afher several days in the wood Sangkuriang could
not find any deer. Then where all disappeared. Sangkuriang was exhausted and
desperate. He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did
not know that Tumang was his father. Tumang’s heart to her mother. But Da-
yang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s heart. She was so angry that she could
not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head Sangkuriang was
wounded. There was a scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang
left her mother in sadness.
Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He wandered
everywhere. One day he arrived. at his own village but he did not realize it.
There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal
beauty by God so she stayed young forever. Both of them did know each other.
So they fall in love and then they decided to marry. But then Dayang Sumbi rec-
ognized a scar on Sangkuriang’s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was his son. It
was impossible for them to marry. She told him but he did not beliave her. He
wished that they marry soon. So Dayang Sumbi gave very difficult condition.
She asked Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! She said she need-
ed that for honeymoon.
Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spiritis, Sangkuriang tired to
build them. By midnight he had completed the lake by building a dam in Citarum
river. Then he started making the boat. It was almost dawn when he almost fin-
ished it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on him. She was very worried
when she knew this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spiritis thought that
was already dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone.
Without their help he could not finish the boat.
Sangkuriang was angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat turned upside
down. It, leter, became Mounth Tangkuban Perahu. Which means an upside-
down boat. From a distant the mount really looks like an upside down boat.

23. What is the story about?

a. A wrath son
b. West java’s tales
c. Tumang a Dog husband
d. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu

24. According to he story, Tumang was….

a. actually a handsome prince
b. married to Dayang Sumbii
c. Sangkuriang pet dog
d. good at hunting deer

25. What did Dayang Sumbi look like?

a. She liked weaving clothers
b. She looked for the heart of a deer
c. She was beautiful
d. She was looking at her fallen tool

Appendix 12 Key Answer After Validity

1) B
2) B
3) D
4) A
5) A
6) A
7) D
8) B
9) B
10) D
11) C
12) A
13) D
14) C
15) A
16) C
17) D
18) D
19) A
20) B
21) B
22) B
23) D
24) B
25) C

Appedix 13 Students’ worksheet

Pre test

Pre test

Post test

Post test

Appendix 14. Documentation

InstrumenTry Out

Instrument try out


Pre Test

Pre Test

Treatment Day 1

Treatment day 2

Treatment Day 3

Quis Time

Post Test

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