500 Definition of Terms
500 Definition of Terms
500 Definition of Terms
166. GENERAL THEORY one which attempts to explain all (or at least most)
forms of criminal conduct
through a single, overarching approach.
170. HYPOTHESIS 1. [a]n explanation that accounts for a set of facts and
that can be tested by
further investigation... , 2. [s]omething that is taken to be
true for the purpose
of argument or investigation.
180. INTERNAL VALIDITY the certainty that experimental interventions did indeed
cause the changes
observed in the study group; also the control over
confounding factors which
tend to invalidate the results of an experiment.
182. JUST DESERTS the notion that criminal offenders deserve the
punishment they receive at the
hands of the law, and that punishments should be
appropriate to the type
and severity of crime committed.
186. LEGALIZATION (of drugs) eliminates the laws and associated criminal
penalties that prohibit
the production, sale, distribution, and possession of a
controlled substance.
189. MALA PROHIBITA acts which are wrong only because society says they
332. Sociological States that crime is a result of multiple factors which can
Criminology be divided into biological, psychological and social
336. Situational Criminal Those who are actually not criminals but constantly in
trouble with legal authorities
340. Socialized Those who are normal in their behavior, but merely
Delinquent Criminals defective in their socialization processes.
343. Soft determinism The belief that human behavior is the result of choices
and decisions made within a context of situational
constraints and opportunities
344. Social Learning Is the view that people learn by observing others
345. Symbolic In which modeling occurs by means of the media
including movies, television, internet, literature and
346. Somatotype Theory Theory that was developed by William Sheldon who
associated body type (physique) to human
347. Structural Strain This theory traces the origins of deviance to the tension
Theory that are caused by the gap between cultural goals and
the means people have available to achieve those
349. State crime Is activity or failures to act that break the state's own
criminal law or public international law
350. Statutory laws Are enacted by legislatures and reflect current cultural
351.Sociology of Law Division of criminology which attempt to offer scientific
analysis of the conditions under which penal or criminal
laws developed as a process of formal social control.
352.Span of Control The ability of one person to supervised the affairs of
subordinates is limited by such factors.
353.State corporate Refers to the crimes that result fr4om the relationship
crime between the policies of the state and the policies and
practice of commercial corporation
354.State Crime Is activity or failures to act that break the states on
criminal law or public international Law
355.Statutory Laws Enacted by legislatures and reflects current cultural
356.Stigmata Refers to the physical marks and characteristics that
suggest an individual is abnormal
357.Strain Theory Views crime as a direct result of lower-class frustration
and anger
358. Territoriality (characteristic of law)
In that criminal law undertakes to punish crimes
committee within Philippine territory.
366. Tertiary Crime Victims who experience the harm vicariously, such as
Victim through media accounts, the scared public or
community due to watching news regarding crime
370.The Stocks It was used for petty offenders (drunkards) who could
not pay their fines.
371.The Pillory Was much like the stocks but the public was able to
throw things at the person being held.
372.The law enforcement The law enforcers are at the forefront of the criminal
justice system of the country