Entrepreunership Project
Entrepreunership Project
Entrepreunership Project
Air conditioning (AC), is mostly defined as the process of removing heat and controlling
the humidity of air in an enclosed space to achieve a more comfortable interior environment.
Since it is member of HVAC, heating ventilation and air conditioning, mostly saying AC
includes cooling, heating, controlling humidity, and maybe ventilation.
An air conditioning system is an electrical device that is purposely installed for the removal of
heat and moisture from the interior of an occupied space. It is a process that is commonly used to
achieve a more comfortable environment, basically for human and other animals. Air
conditioning system is also used to cool and dehumidify rooms that contain heat-producing
electronic devices, such as computer server, power amplifiers. It also used in space that contains
delicate products like artwork.
Previously, air conditioning was confined to winter comfort; that is, to heating the home to a
comfortable temperature in the winter by means of open fireplaces or stoves. Later, decided
improvements were made in the heating equipment by the introduction of steam and hot water
heating, but air conditioning was still confined to winter comfort. Less than fifty years ago
human beings were content to be comfortable in winter and terribly uncomfortable during the
sweltering humid heat of summer.
Until recently, modifying the summer heat as well as warming the house in the winter was an
unknown factor in our daily lives.
As air conditioning has developed, the many improvements and advantages, such as removing
dust from the air to create a thoroughly sanitary condition, have widened its scope and use, not
only for human comfort, but also in many manufacturing processes where the use of air
conditioning has become so extensive that it is a “must”.
By cleaning the air, controlling the amount of moisture in the air, and maintaining the air at a
proper temperature, great improvement is shown in the quality of the products and savings are
made possible by the reduction of material spoilage attributed to dust, bacteria or fluctuating
temperatures The scope of air conditioning in industry is enormous. It is well worth it to
specialize in commercial air conditioning, because industrial plants of all kinds require properly
engineered and adjusted air conditioning systems.
Installation of air conditioner
Installation process for a new air conditioner is complicated. When customers ask me what’s
involved in the process, they’re often shocked to learn how much goes into it. The more
worrying fact is that there are many HVAC companies and air conditioner installers who don’t
know all the steps that should be part of a good installation. It’s easy to cut corners so that an a/c
system runs “good enough.” But “good enough” often means losing thousands of dollars in
energy costs over the life of your system, and decreased comfort for you and your family. This is
Refrigeration system
Refrigeration may be defined as a process of removing heat from a substance and pumping it to
the surroundings. It also includes the process of maintaining and reducing the temperature of a
body below the general temperature of its surroundings. Thus, in a refrigerator heat is prepared
from low temperature to high temperature. Theoretically, the refrigerator is a heat pump which
pumps heat from a cold body and delivers it to a hot body.
Maintenance of fridge or freezer
When maintaining and testing systems, it is important to remember that product losses are just as
likely to be caused by exposure to too low a temperature as by exposure to a high temperature. It
is therefore necessary to check that the secondary system cuts in when the temperature exceeds
the allowable maximum. The operating methodology and/or the control system should be
designed so that the two refrigeration systems run alternately; this ensures that a problem with
either system is quickly identified. The maintenance program should also include checking the
response of the system to temperatures below the allowable minimum. In particular there should
be an independent cut-off mechanism to prevent low temperature excursions. For example, if the
temperature is controlled by a solenoid valve system, the low-temperature safety system should
cut off the power to the compressor.
2 Market Feasibility
2.1 Enterprise description
As a new enterprise, the size of the industry is assumed to be of small scale to have a better
understanding and market demand of the business idea. In fact, the size will mostly be
determined by the capability of the investors, in our case the institute. The more the institute
accepted the idea, the greater the chance that the industry is bigger and the same is true
The nature of the industry is somehow very attractive, yet it is not very well developed. From the
researches made during this feasibility study, unless it is for a few numbers of experts, the
business is not well developed and it is also not known. To name but a few, those who are
participating in this field are Mr. Wondessen, who have reduced our burden of making extra
researches to study the market of Air Conditioning installation and maintenance, he had been the
only AC maintenance operator in Bahir Dar city for some time now.
As starter, the business will not be stable for some time until its establishment is completed in the
near future. Thus, the business would have to go through some changes. The changes will be,
assuming the business is on the market, it will take time until it is known and the benefits of the
firm to the trainees as well as the community is understood. Even also introducing the business
to the customers would be challenging for a time being. The market would have to be introduced
with the community in an attractive way everywhere that it can be advertised. Some discounts
would have to be made to attract customers and create market competition with an existing
business sector with closer similarities with the business at hand. Due such limiting factors, the
business will be going through gradual changes.
In any cases, workloads and other things that comes with it as a result are simplified by easing
the management process. For the ease of the management process, the firm is divided in two
separate sections (i.e.; the maintenance section and the training section) both to be managed by
the business owners.
This business industry will be supported with almost every inputs it needs as a starter, but as it
grows larger, it will not need such supplies. it is even the business owners plan to make the
business franchise free and only of their own. The business, in addition to the training and the
maintaining operations, will grow into becoming an air conditioning and house hold equipment
supplier in the city. This way the industry will grow even bigger and matures to a level of major
and known market in the country.
2.2 Enterprise competitiveness
The industry is not very much known in Bahir Dar city from the studies made earlier, yet it has a
significance effect on a society and targeted students. It is observed that the same techniques
represented as backward is still in use in our country. However, this business is unique in that it
involves technological applications to be implemented on equipment to be maintained creating
greater chances for engineers to have an opportunity in which they can participate on and also
creating greater chances for market competition and becoming first choice in the community.
It is known that businesses do well where there is a competition, in that way business owners
grow faster. It is not common and yet practical in our country, but in foreign countries business
competition is the main ladder for investors to climb higher. The major competitor that are
somehow closer to our business are those whom does the business in separate such as
refrigerator maintenance centers, household equipment maintenance centers, and the likes but
there are not very much of those with business such as training centers as there are in different
regional states of the country, air conditioning planting and maintaining centers which by the
way is not very much known in Ethiopia.
After the erection of this industry, some factors will be a barrier for others to enter the business
as competitors. The factors could be the fact that this industry will already have the name which
is a major factor for a business so much depends on it, engineers will be operating the
maintenance and the training purpose with the lowest cost possible limiting others on economic
basis, the location is where the subject matters located drawing huge line for competitors to enter
the market.
As has already been mentioned earlier, the business is not well established in Bahir Dar city
which creates a greater chance for investors to accept the business and become part of it and also
it provides greater opportunity to have the input suppliers. The other factor that needs
concentration is the competitiveness of the market based on product or service users. The fact
that the maintenance is to be performed cheaper that other same sectors and the location of the
centers is as much as possible at the center of the city, the service will have more users than any
major competitors. The other thing considered is that there is no such thing as training center in
Bahir Dar city and the location here too plays a crucial role since technology students will have a
technical training center where they belong all of these factors making the business the only
market for those who are interested in the field.
2.3 Researches Conducted
The entrepreneurs have been conducting research on how much hotels are using air conditioning.
The results were convincing that most hotels as well as malls are using air conditioning.
However, that is the case, the maintenance and installation were centered to a single expert.
Sky Resort
Sky Resort is one of the biggest and standard hotels in Bahir Dar city. The hotel is well-versed
that it has installed an air conditioning equipment in every room. The entrance has a restaurant
serving not only it’s guests but also for the localities and tourists whom does not reserve the
hotel room. The personnel of the hotel are kind enough they talked politely to the researchers.
The photographs show the set ups of the AC in Sky Resort Hotel. These photographs used to
show how an AC is mounted and most importantly it is used to where the research has been
conducted and how many competitors does the business involve. According to our research,
there are only two technicians experienced with installation of air conditioners and their
maintenance. In addition to that, from our source there is no air conditioning installation and
maintenance training centers and the use of air conditioners is exponentially increasing. In
conclusion, this result gives our business a greater opportunity to become unique in its features.
The price competitiveness can be summarized in such a way that other competitors, since they
would not have the percentage share with the institute because it is already been taken by the
subject business, will not handle the price competition because the lowest cost training will be
reflected on the percentage share.
Time horizon
A time/planning horizon is a fixed point of time in the future at which point certain processes
will be evaluated or assumed to end. It is necessary in an accounting, finance or risk
management regime to assign such a fixed horizon time so that alternatives can be evaluated for
performance over the same period of time. A time horizon is a physical impossibility in the real
world. In economics, a planning horizon is the length of time an individual plans ahead. It's
important in the quest for total value, as opposed to short term pleasure consumption. Time
horizon often referred to as investment time horizon, is the timeframe over which an investor
would stay invested in a scheme. Time horizon is the period after which an investor would pull
out their investment. Generally, investment objectives and strategies decide the investment time
horizon. For instance, saving for an exotic vacation is a short-term horizon, while saving for big-
ticket expenses such as purchasing a house or children's education and marriage is considered a
long-term horizon.
To ease the plan projections of the time horizon, a table is used presenting the time that will take
to reach the intended plans in an approach year form.
Table 1: Time horizon of the business (The future plan of the business)
3 Technical feasibility
3.1 Determine facility needs
A detailed technical study was conducted before finalizing the project. There are several lands
that are not used for infrastructure inside Bahir Dar institute of technology, we were seen and
selected acceptable area inside it. For maintaining fridge and freezer the working area is needed,
but not for air conditioning installation this is because it works from house to house when the
customer tells us for installation to make comfortable artificial weather condition. Location of
business area has the best role for construction of business, Location of the plant is determined
on the proximity of raw materials, availability of infrastructure, availability of skilled man power
and distance to potential market outlet.
In view of this, there are a lot of students that are needed to train out of regular education and
there is some expert lecturer that is worked together with us and gives some experiences, this
business can be produce supply shop job opportunities so it must be need sufficient area in order
to prepare this business idea.
Maintenance equipment are also needed to make this business, which is used to maintain
refrigerator and install AC system and also used to train students, spare parts are also required
when defective objects are needed to change.
If one is entering the HVAC and refrigerator maintenance business industry, he/she/they will
want to make sure you are equipped with the proper tools for success, which range from the
basic essentials to those that are nice to have, but not necessarily mandatory. Whether you’re on
a service call or doing routine maintenance, you need to make sure you have reliable and durable
tools available to you at a moment’s notice in order to help get the job done quickly and
efficiently. This will give you the confidence that your refrigerator and AC will run smoothly
and efficiently once again. Thus, use of proper tools means there will no cause of damage during
the repair process.
3.2 Suitability of production technology
Technology is systematic collection of knowledge, skills, methods processes and end products or
services. It has important has important effects on business operation, no matter on the size of
your enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that help you make money
and produce the results your customer’s demand. Technological infrastructure affects the culture,
efficiency and relationship of business, in this business the technologies are used to simplify our
tasks, provided technologies that involved in this business are software used for installation AC
system and refrigeration cycle
Adequate internet service is required for this business to be technologically advanced we can
also get this offer from the campus, also when we look at the relationship of this business to
technology, the machines we provide maintenance are modern and artificial(man-made) air
conditioning to produce comfortable condition for human being and refrigeration to provide cold
space, it has a strong connection with technology.
3.3 Availability and suitability of site
This business will work in BIT campus or near to the campus so accessibility of raw material is
sufficient. We can find any spare parts as we need because BIT is at the center of the city. And
also, accessibility of transport is not a problem for students and nearby peoples. Also, in this city
there are many chief machinists they working on different electronics maintenance shops so it’s
easy to find help from these peoples and work with them together.
After permit BIT, production inputs like electricity, and water are easily accesses from the
These Spare parts &accessories are needed for every section of machinery in order to avoid
malfunction and breakdown. Because of this business idea is apply on the urban area, materials
are easily available in any electronics stores. And also, we access one input supplier store from
the city that can supply any spare parts used for the maintenance.
3.5 Other inputs
In this business the training program and maintenance works are achieved by the business
owners. in addition to that well performing experts will have to be included to train students
according to the agreement. Therefore, wage rate of these machinist should consider based on
their skill level. We need air conditioning and refrigerator chief machinists as required with wage
of Birr 12,000 per month for each.
4 Financial feasibility
4.1 Estimate the total capital requirements
The establishment of the firm requires a number of inputs such as human resources, facilities
involving land allocation, maintenance materials, spares and inventories, furniture, rent houses
fulfilling the required land size, and other inputs based on the increasing requirements of the
Human Resources – the human resource involves personnel that need to be enrolled to keep
the business running. Whether or not the business is agreed to be established within the
institute, that is where ever the firm is established, it requires experts both on air conditioners
as well as refrigerator, security, clearer.
Table 2: Human resource description
Suited Location – this includes the required spaces needed for the maintenance room
(separate rooms for both the air conditioning and refrigeration maintenance), spare parts
store, two office rooms and security room.
Table 3: Location requirements
In general, a facility that can fulfill the above requirements is to be rented by an amount Birr
Maintenance Accessories - the most commonly used maintenance materials by professional
and licensed technicians when repairing refrigerators and AC are listed in the following table.
Table 4: Maintenance accessory requirements
Spare Parts - the quality of material that used in the maintenance process is the primary
criteria that taken in to consideration, because the use of less quality materials results in the
machines failure earlier than its required work time causing extra costs. Therefore, more
qualified materials should be used from the selected electronics store.
Table 5: Spare parts
Furniture – the seats, tables, office furniture, spares inventory and so on are included in this
section. A small set of these furniture with the lowest possible cost are required in the firm
since standards are to be fulfilled however small firm it is.
Table 6: Office and firm set up furniture
Furniture Type Quantity Unit Price (in Total price (in Birr)
Seats Office seat 2 800 1600
Customer seat 15 470 7050
Tables Office table 2 2500 5000
Maintenance room table 9 1500 13500
Computer 1 10000 10000
Shelf 3 sides 10000 30000
White board 2 500 1000
Total cost 68150
Utility Needs
this section involves the requirements related to electricity, water, telephone, Wi-Fi networks and
the like that the firm needs to include in order to run the business and somehow attract
Table 7: Utilities
𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕 = 𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒔 − 𝑻𝑪
𝑇𝐶 = 𝐹𝐶 + 𝑉𝐶
𝐹𝐶 = 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑟 76,800
Variable cost can be calculated the same way as the fixed cost as follows:
𝑉𝐶 = 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑟 258,090
The total cost is the summation of both the variable cost and the fixed cost.in addition to that
there must be a 15% considerations. This can be summarized as follows:
𝑇𝑂𝑇𝐴𝐿 𝐶𝑂𝑆𝑇 = 334,890 + 50,233.50 where 50,233.5 𝑖𝑠 15% 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡
𝑇𝑂𝑇𝐴𝐿 𝐶𝑂𝑆𝑇 = 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑟 385,124 ≈ 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑟 385,200
To complete the economic calculation analysis, we would have to go through the overall revenue
that will be generated from the business within a month. It must be noted that the following data
are assumptions taken as much small as possible.
From The Training Center
Table 9: Total income from the training center
𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕 = 𝑹𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒔 − 𝑻𝑪
Herein, the service in the above equation indicates the expected average number of services
reached to both the trainees and the localities which is assumed to be 57 services per month is to
be provided.
The cost noted as USP is ETB 6000, which is the average unit service price collected from each
service units and also the unit variable cost is 𝑈𝑉𝐶 = 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑟 4527.89 ≈ 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑟 4550.
𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑒 = 𝑆𝑃 ∗ 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠
𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑒 = 6000 ∗ 57
𝐺𝑃 = 342,000 – 51,300
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 𝐺𝑃 – 𝑇𝐶
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 𝐺𝑃 – 𝑇𝐶
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 290,700 – 385,200
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑟 94,500 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠
The net profit of the first month is calculated to be loss as there will be loss in the first month of
the starting of the business. This loss can be surmounted or overcome when a break-even point
has been attained. The break-even point is computed below, but the net profit can be calculated
per year so that one can understand that the business will start to make profit in a year.
Break Even Point
The point at which a business operation no longer loses money and can begin to make a profit. It
may be in terms of units needed to be sold to cover costs or time- how long will it take (in years)
to payback the accrued costs. In this case, the break-even point is to be calculated in terms of
service that needs to be done to cover up the overall expenses of the fixed cost calculated above.
The break-even point can be calculated in terms of:
▪ Volume of production at break-even point
▪ Sales revenue at break-even point
▪ Factory Capacity; and
▪ Sales Price
The Break-Even Point
6000 − 4550
𝐵𝐸𝑃 = 52.97 ≈ 53 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠
The break-even point can be expressed graphically as shown in figure below. It is the point at
which the revenue and the total costs make an intersection, and above which indicates a profit
whereas below represents loss.
An alternative to calculate the break-even point is shown below;
𝑄 = 53 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠
The above equation is applicable since it indicates that a profit is null which makes sense
because at a break-even point, it is assumed that an establishment would not make any profit nor
does it involve any loss.
From the above computational result, it can be concluded that the business has to offer at least 53
services per month (especially maintaining and installation service) to break-even. the
maintenance and the installation services are considered special because greater amount of
income is generated from those sectors.
Production Cost (Birr) BEP = 124 services
Services Provided
Identify project an expected income statement, balance sheet, etc. When reaching full
5 Managerial feasibility
5.1 Business structure
To but, generalize the idea, it is repeatedly mentioned in the previous chapters that as a starter
there are three alternatives, we have put to start the establishment of the industry. One of the
alternatives is to have it completely owned by the entrepreneurs in which case the effect of all
expenses handled by the owners of the business idea results in a small-scale firm. The second
and third alternatives are to share the business either with Bahir Dar institute of technology or
with investors interested in the business idea, respectively. Which both saves the entrepreneurs
from extra expenses and a bigger scale firm will be established. Therefore, the legal structure of
the firm is determined by one of the three alternatives. However, depending on the agreement to
be made between the sharing organizations (if there is any), majority of the rights including
changes in the business to a limited extent are given to the business original owners. The primary
choice that the entrepreneurs put forward is to have an alliance or potential joint partners who
can share the required initial capital and take the shares as agreed.
Although, skilled managers play a crucial role regarding business management, the business
would not involve managers and it is planned that the entrepreneurs are the managers since they
will be committing all their time in their business. The need for managers will be fulfilled once
the establishment has grown to a supply center in which case more jobs will be created in the
community. In addition to that, as a starter, business consultants and service providers such as
legal, industry experts will not be involved in the firm for, the business is of a small-scale.
Nevertheless, an accountant is required to analyze and reduce the load on financing.
Board of Directors
Finance Manager
Registration And
Spare Parts And
Ordering Office
Material Keeping Office
6 Study conclusion
The study conclusions contain the information you will use for deciding whether to proceed
with creating the business.
Although there are a lot of expertise in the technology sector, almost none are attempting to
make changes and see different perspectives. Ethiopia has a lot of untouched resources both in
human resources and material resources. This study was conducted in Bahir Dar city where the
business has not grown well and is controlled by monopoly business owners in the city. The
business mostly aimed at producing skilled personnel by training them very well in the sector
and form a greater competition in the business so that the sector will not be hold and controlled
by monopolies. It also aimed at generating money by maintaining the damaged refrigerator as
well as air conditioner of the local communities and also installing air conditioners for hotels.
Based on the above analysis, there are not that much works (in this case services) to do to break-
even with the costs made establish the business. The subject business assumed to have been