Skinner's Learning Theory
Skinner's Learning Theory
Skinner's Learning Theory
Skinner, (1904-1990) was the great psychologist. He was the first ranked
psychologist among his contemporaries. Skinner attempted to describe human
behavior through science. He taught Psychology at the University of Minnesota.
He wrote his highly influential text (Behavior of organisms). His main concern was
to relate his laboratory findings to the solution of human problem. Skinner’s
operant conditioning is a development along the lines of Thorndike’s learning by
selecting and connecting under the law of effect. Skinner acknowledges two kind
of learning. He places more emphasis upon that kind of learning which is under the
control of its consequences.
Skinner adopted his own particular scientific philosophy that is known as radical
behaviorism. Skinner’s this new approach rejects the mentalistic orientation of
science. The old behaviouristic learning theorist was using terms like drives,
purpose and motivation to explain certain aspect of human and animals’ behavior.
Skinner and consequence of this behavior are the crucial matter for scientific
scrutiny. He Rejected these terms because they indicate to private and mental
experience. I n his opinion these were none scientific psychological terms. To him,
observable and measurable aspect of environment, behavior of organism were
Spontaneous Recovery
After extinction, if animal back to cage after a period of time and put into
experimental situation, it begins to press the Lever for short period of time without
any additional training, this is referred to as spontaneous recovery.
SECONDARY Reinforcement
When a neutral stimulus, associated with a primary reinforcer, like food and
water, takes on reinforcing property of its own, same as food and water is called
secondary reinforcement. This is principle of secondary reinforcement. In simple
words, the principle of secondary reinforcement is the pairing of the light with
food should cause the light to take on reinforcing of its own.
Some suggestion about punishment which skinner had earlier made were
extensively studied by Estes. There were two assumption about
punishment’effect,one that it weaken the habit or that it merely suppress response.
If habit is weakened, punishment acts as a negative reinforcement. If response is
merely suppressed, the response has not been eliminated from the organism’s
Punishment happens when a response remove positive things from the situation or
adds negative things. In practical words, we can say that punishment is taking
away something that organism wants, or giving it something that it does not want.
In both cases, probability of occurring of response decrease. Punishment does not
decrease the probability of response, it only suppress a response. Punishment does
not weaken the Habit. Punished behaviour is likely to reappear after the punitive
contingencies are withdrawn .Skinner believe d that the use of punishment was in
effective in long run, because punishment simply suppress behavior. When threat
of punishment is removed behavior return to its original level .punishment more
importantly associated with stimuli. Intermittent punishment more effective than
punishment at every occurrence.
2- It indicate what the organism should not do, not what it should do.
Schedules of Reinforcement
When FI is applied, the organism is reinforced for a response made only after a
certain interval of time. For instance, only a response following a 5 minute interval
is reinforced.
VR, it produces the highest response rate of the five schedules. In FR schedule,
organism is reinforced after a specific number of responses. But in VR, The VR-5
schedule, the organism is reinforced on average of every five response. .it may
receive two reinforce in a row or may make eight or16 response without being
reinforced. To conclude, continuous reinforcement produces the least resistance to
extinction and lowest response rate during condition. All partial reinforcement
schedule yield greater resistance to extinction during training than continuous
reinforcement. VR, schedules produce the highest response rate.
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