Img - 0023 Esas Past Board Exam MRC 3
Img - 0023 Esas Past Board Exam MRC 3
Img - 0023 Esas Past Board Exam MRC 3
18. Find lhs ma:cimum *nd minlmum eun sf the wc{ors A amd B with magnitldes 1? and I, rtsp*cilvely.
.A. 20 and 10 anu
StO + C. 1? end I
O. 12 and 4
20. Catqrlate the molartty- of a fl$t-ml solutlon oontalnlng S0.O mmnl of *olule'
nn B. 0"ts0 M c. 0.830 M D. 0.380 M
?t. The dume of alumlnum atom in tha sluminum fdl is:
@o- ts,+l c.+2 D. +s
?4. A deFoeit of P{0,00S I* rneds in a bank aomlnt that payr &06 lnterust mntpounded *nnually. Hcrrr
much moneywill bs ln the acmunt afier ona year?
A. P10,ti00 B. F10,700 0. Pt0'$00 @rto.*m
45. I is the sum of lha lntsmal snersy and PV.
A. entropy @enthalPY C. ensrgy o. alodrtc ffeld
g$. A 3q,y and hlr slsdgs wqighs m, en En lncllned rurface wtth angla of lrpnnatlon of phl, and coeffi#ont of
fridlon of u. \ShS i* tne frislionnl forne?
A. mgotnphl B. rngcorphi C- *rmgSnphi @$tfrffim*phi
t?. Two sky divsrs lump €t the eame ttme srd $rant ts ptay etdr. Where ahould one alm if hu wanh lhe
otfrerto calcfi itt
A. belovrl G. abov*beffiuee ballfslls sl6$Br
B. above hecause balt falls faster Ssfatght becauEs thrros no alr ro*i*t*nce
gS. lefhi{ft of tho faltnarhg k n$t p*ri of the reqr.lirtrnentu to tak* R*#E?
A- Tphen l-year ege*Aan cour$* and $-yaae apprentlwshlp.
B. Tstten e-ie*rs eledrlelsne fiotlmo and ?-yearc oppren$cenl$p
C. Taken 3-yaarof BSEEvrdth apprentireship
SQrauuateof B$EE
0S. Ulfithfi af ttu fdlowing le non-renewablE efiergy?
B. ufrnd O. *olrr CI. gaoffiennal
SO" Vlnpt ls JCPC lil EP|RAstan$Sor?
A" Jolnt Gongre*sional Pawcr Cammiftss dUoint ConsresslonEl Fo$er Cornrnls*bn
E. Joint Gongr"es$ PouerOommlttse El mlnt Congrese Pottrar Commisslon