Colregs Lights - 1

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& CbLRf,GS72

hshts & SbrD€s
-t:0 ;L t

l A !6sl disdayiig a blnckconi@lshapePointdoMvardr indicatf a srili'B vessl

Fi a Sai!!4n1Y.

.. Srlk ad Mlchiaery-
2- Wlite on qrch @Mching io Pori ofcristobat.vou obscdca vhite liqlt Tlis could
$ b. ,^n@[o; IiPit ofa vscl lcs tbm 50 netes h ldglh-
c.'rh.d6tLartlist!of 6rd.ibetonddeargeoiEasid€liglis'

H] 3. A v6cl.goDil reqli@ two all roDd rcdlightsY€rricsl'vin line andprcscribed

,il a.rhr lighs fo. ler sizedd cl*s

fl in line is the
4. an€ Dldsc Mindi vo*ing i! Mdei drye Two blek balls rcrli€llv
'5 displayon d€ 3ide,,hict slblld he ptrsod'
daydgnal shc shourd

$ 5. A sideliglrt shondlavc e {c ofv's'ltlity of:

fi t I U.5dcerd

n '*{6 a Fusnins ;6sol and t*ei b.i'g Puhed ae

!.i1, thoy sLll €thftit t[e sane tgbts md shap€ s;
;8id,1t .onntrr!'d tn a $nposite

m a.
V@ts no! undd omdd
Aiy4rber tug iqd lo!
A p.r€r dri@ v6F!
Ei d. A v6s€l Gtricrd in ha abilitv to ll1mu!6-

7'rhe m of visibili(y.fa dm liCbtis;

[] 8- WhichB$l my shibit iddti&ing lichtswher tol actuailvdEagedin ha

c :1t!&
9, while on stadm ad al wodt tlF tuiu boir TLot should display tn@ shap6 veftielly
i tu line drmmds uppd dd ldwq ed a ball in the @tE

It 10. Wbr .lay shaps doesa re$el rcsrdckd i! Ld tbiliiy io ,@dvq dls to ile nat@ of

Lrl ! n &!c!rdie.n.! a"{ ? h!ac&brl ayer. dae!.!4.!d

b A 6lek dimoDd ov* a black invcited orc.
q AbreckbalaE! a blacLdlahoEil otr ! bb.L D,lL
fi d A hldk invcdcd 6re ow alh.k bdt.

I 1. Th@ bl&l bnlls in a vqlial lite indi@te a v6sel agmund.

it 12. Atnigl ! !!*Iing vBFl displrys a,obcr lieb. over a vhite lidr
iil ll. A d.y si$al of two black bals in a vedical lin€ ildi@tes a vsel no. uder mlm<L

44 - [
'l_4]Abldt{ diomoiddisJ'lt}cdon
i p.w.Fdivcn vs"ct mdkab(hc lsgdol theL$
V EDmtt+s Mol U 'cLov 'ngt. ! e lo f ir c a t u e' o ld ' e b { o ( s t l) 0 d c b

15-.{ vscl b6irg towst dlcm shoddcarrya slcm iignt onlv

t6.A v€sse!!t rlfno.r @di6 a blackbsll ovd a {]ite dianoRdiq tic lorFpdloilhelatsal
vh€re it @ bebdt sEtr?

u. A pilot vasel disPlaF a wliic ,tbt ovs a C)ts lishr

18.Vseb on pilot g€dlry q}ibn lwo all-rcmd lidls in a veniol line:

19.As oFlioal lichs, a $iliqg v6sa!ay djsp!2yBd o!{ gled ill F@!! lighrsi4.

20,Thc laltb equiEd for a vsel l* i}@ 50 netqs in le'Cir!bwing alo4tide m a

wlite 225.Lges naqth€d ligh! red4r@nI l2.siegree sideliCihls,ed a white 135

2l Na?isa.ioal iiEbrssbouldbcdisplard frc6 smet t) su&i* or in rdtictel visibility.

IJ 22- A?iioi !l*l iots riitnir€ lisiiit dtn if ii*bs nn iai thfou$'&e t!'Er-


2 !. qgD.B Eqtied d ttrctalmt cdal ior \ sscis urving ddgercr

d n"e,lurinelh" ttlJ md tu t'l-rcuodledligh(rbith No
*..Oi i*-."tt+,
fi 24 Adido shapcilr$lal€d b, a v6si indi@tBa v*sl dgagsl in ioving d a lolcdl
vsel wbd lh6 l6eth of tt tow excdls ?00ne!6'
H 6r E3dd iniera'6 5l a fi_dina-at c rbc i-hcs 16
25. A fl4ting lgnr a6!6
g rniste

$l 26. Al a!'rcud Aashins)tnow [Etl jndi€tes M tir{shion v6st *do opdling h dt

jr !'do

27. 'Iie pupoe of rhenail,ead liel*s od powerilrivd vsseb 1o:
L lnlicxtBdilc.tio! arsoldtur-
b. Aqt $ e i&ititysigntt-
28. A laningiscl uds eay at 4stu is .€quiEd10cxhbit sidelilditsand' stetnlielL


itf- -- --T
.?9, '.tE daysnale, sti.e vscl sboutddisplaywhitemder way md beingtropelledby
lpth eils aodnachineryis a black6ic.l sl$tc vi{1 &e ap€xoflbe 6re poiltilg
r3omay shapes
i:i 46 ittrse is ha!-wRi. dd visibniryis l* Iban%
frusl he disFlzy€d

t$ i3 y'Drcdsd whiqhhnvcce,rd s oisaucfd shdl !now. on {re sideih,t i14 9!sr'adio!
cris, N, bla.l d:arnoods.

iJ er^ eilins v*el undqwly at niglrtceis l'!e sne lishtt d 3 pov€'iriaen yesl

q d- A nnic m&&ed lighl.

(31 J ttr d6vlr*rel ror a v6.e, Dr udo rond ,nd nrt My LhFugbLbcwd*
E v $ Nobhc rbr s i nJ v ertetI ' n e

u 44)Tie useof [is$ intersity intemi$d1 Fvolting tighk is !@Im6ded s a nm
'- alinctine au€ntionhdq tl€ Rls.

35fhe lienlscuied by a poq6iliiv6 v6sel I50 o€tes i! laglb .l nightmda ey
E ' sbouldi.clude.nEslran!listhl,[email protected] dre
foryB.dor., sidcliehb &d s,i.mIsnt

:l: l.ol,l ti+t *.ia apo{diri'@ v*el50 ocnrsoroYerin t@gdsnaine
: /visible
-*.-uroq "n
' 'L 24114.
b I Fit*
i!:J c 4 miler
d. 6 mile.

'!);a a.a* in uddate' opera'joaiDdiotd uohbnctiodbv
L-l disphrtncsll
-"*i qccpt

$ t." t, .*u,* lislis in a Etical li.e to in li€tc &esiit€oashich rheobsbldio!

Ii b. Two bt&! b.ils in a vqtic2l litr ro inddte the lide on which rhe obsEuction
rl c. rwo dr,ooa gld hebl(orh'o dido0ds stapa !o ildi@Lrthesideodwhicb
smtte r6sel maYsafclt Pas
d. tigbL
El ^
.rg,i"" mrb*a rrghtsIn a vaiml be sidelisbubd a r|em ngbl m Rquircdlor r
t! vsd Dusninsahat or rorus alongside

/39)L odd loru v6scl to he 4g's€d in fi!nin8:" shcnul bei
q' '
' a. Undd wx
Usinggdrnat e erds florc tno 50meb oubdn
H €- Usinst sim of s@e tYPe
A a- Uginc gs, wbich hd nltoewrsbllitv

ffi ,4 if trie4 sha!

t,*o psdib€n bvAcPcnllisionlEsrion Resulatio's,
I 7 ""t""*"
.lso be €xlibit€d froF $dte !o ss$' h Bhict\9d visibiliq4

r-i False
s a r ) l" u io. th,n 20 netm in rdeir, rhe siderieiLrroy b. [email protected] in oe lanrern
/ "o.a
' mierr o rheforc dd aft @F€Iireof tle vNcl?
a l3lqe
42./, a vdcl of 30 nords or n6 n laglh, ih€ sidctiglts@v be @bbcd in mc
';- le,Gm .mi.d or. l,li {ore andai 6n tine of ',!erdpl?

,li/A l*i'lng iieh. n""it* ut in@js, a! a n€qu@v of i20 ndh6 or norc Pcr
ffi 44.,ihd.r fte ACPReguht@s,a tshing light flah6 i! a seauac€ofoD€il6h p€.
: smnd fo lbe 3@!&, follo{dd bv. tbEesond ofi pdiod?

I 45, h a v*set oi50 metd or oolc itr l@gihha sidcl'gbrsmd sta@light sbtUbeYisrbl€
for a ninirl@ rsee of
E a 2 lgtel ails
b .3 r auti .rtbi l s

I 46. ltr a loMng wl of 50 neiea of mF in l6e1! na t€Uowlowing ligbtsnallbc

visiblefor a ni nud tuee oq

u : 2 tr*4.4 sile
c. a mudtd silB
H rL 5 Mlniel nils

47.rn v6sctsof 50mcaB or moRr lmgG all-roudsAiE,F. Ptft o' vellowl,Phs

N sball b. vb'blc lot r mdinm dse ot

[l .
L 2 Bllicd:da
b. I noltiet mil6

frl- _
i.l 48. tu v€s*ls of 12mete6or aoE in lagtl, hrt l6s irrra 50 met6 h l6gib, 6e
' masihqd iighi shaii bc ts'bie lar amitimufl r&ge ot

49. tn y6{els 16s drm 20 nct6 in l6€th, frc @$sd light slall !e }isill€ for a

e, 4ndrielsila

50. ln a vesl oi 12Detc6 ol BoF itr ieCti! but lN lnm 50 @et!* in l$giu iEr
I sidc'iehlsed s1tu ligbtlhtllt vii:ble fd anitilrlM tug€ ot

i]. 5I . b a towdg vsscl aa12mete$or ftc in leteq\ 6utlN tte 50 n€ts. hs y€Iow
rowinc lisht shallbe vGillc for ! nidnu tugF ofi


t] 52. In a vsei of I2 n€td or noe in laet!, i,Dt ls ih.n 50 nct6 jn lcnsth,rll{oud

wiilc, Ed, std or y€,lo* fignti sbail 6e visible fd a ni sm rangcoi
53. ln v*sls of l* &d 12mcnrs io IagCq. the nslbsdd light stall be visitle fo. a

-:1.. s4.ln a vdcl 16 th@ 12mei6 i! lesr\ hr sidcliehbsballberisiblc for a nhinm
" !. lE!!e
b 2 mil6
aj 3 FlrG
'd 4 mils

SS-r. t*st ts ftd 12metd i! leDeq hcr sted lisht sh'll be visible io! a ndmtrm
ruse oq
e.l . 2dr!Ecdb$.!
b , @uti@lnil€s
n c. 4 naulicalnil6
il! d. 5 ruuliel nil6

L:l to l n r o$i n8v N ddfi 6i i ,r,l !u ( L r G in lq ' t s r r ' i' J ) ( Uo " t c ' s u g iis jr r s h " ill-'
[1! visiblefd i nininm ruse ofi

fi a lBuri@lmle
lid h- : nalC{rl EIs
c.3 n dti el ni l €s

&1.. 57. In a v6selall6r theR12neid in ldgl6. rll ioud qhit€' reil' tF@n o. vcllow riqha
q 3i,11b€ visibL for a nininM msp ot

2 !se€.* Eqs
El h 3 Eft;ldl*
s . 4 !au$@inls
d 5 ndtiel nil6
Fn St,ln i""o"s?l"uous. partly subneg€d Y*ls or objsts beingto*ed h€r all-iobd {hile
F lisbr sbtlt beYisibletur a ninir@ ftrse of 3 nils l

59- In i.€usqiodrs, tsrtly subne€cd 6eb or objecrsbeingtowst he. alliomd vnit6
n lighr slall bc rsibte lor . minime tug' of 2 hil€s?


-:-.. ,60. Vhkh of.he fottwing righh is lsed to ildiete tre p6qco ora iD@spi@ob pafly
\u!mq8cd r*torobjer bf,ns bwed:
.{! r!! .ona! .e1 ligtr!
' b, r,\n atl-Mnd rnlre liglIt
An .tlta\E-C ligbl
d. None ofdD alove
ol 6l_ /.pcwer &i,q ysd ts tta 508.!m i,I.iEe *d.n.€y sblt jr.lDCe: ec.C
msrLeadligt'r abaftof ed tok d@ rte toMrd o,e ndthmd light?
N r-"
sH 62.Wh.t k d'e nininm y6sel togdj tlDr st I fltriht rso wnilemalrh€d riglrtswhen
urlcnvat ainigh!?
S a zo
n b. 50 -*.*
f1 c rnon.rca
"- d 7 md*

:l-' bJ th. Inlem,dm I sinclenacl sco h {beaft.uonargnat,elujdl In rbeptuba

( mt rora hditirg vNt ca,ryusroric or md,oactv.Nmctrfie?
jll r-"
b4.The lnlemarimatsinsteflaATdso i( 6e add,ionals,snrl4quircd,n
ll lbc trms
I M ror,6os 6sel ndDbableoreptosjvcomrnodrhcl

l{ '-.
$] ur. o a Frow light qd a wbjro liehr ai njshl b ! ysel:
i.i a In disf€3s
iJ b. Ersaseit i! {stins
c Towingst {l
E4as€d in iitoting


' 6d. n io-fteia tug is iowing did sa ihe idgin ol tic iot ;s iOnn'eL* rn sl,tition k,
sidclielE, stc may exnftiq
"f,l a A nsthqd lkhi fods4 tqFMft.rd lighl an, a sftrt ligbE aud a towing
lig}a eb.]8 t*. t!.* :jCni
b. Ilp nasllsd lislt iofl.rd, oe nDs:lleadlight aft, md tvo towing lights il a
ler&rl lEi 3! ,!4 st E.
c. Two l@&sd lighls fos€r4 a stem ligbt, d'd tDwin8 lish tbwc thc slem lidt
d All oftle
e. Nde oftto above

ey odtit tn'omdErd lighlsi! avenicailire?

6?.Wli.i ofibefolo*ingvesseh
a. 4 v6s4e4sJqaditr
b. A v6sel Gtrictad in td abi'itv lo l@oerlw
c. A snling twl daeMy
il. r| tug rs tlrn 50 @t€B in 1096 vith r 100meteB rat ste&

68. Wlich sr?tFel is !4!c an€Eiis t toqing ligtt qh:r 1 io-i4g Esel i! t4@g

r. Ihe towing liebt is tto{! ,bore the tteh Leht

b. ahe towitg lielrt is shom belos 6e st6r lieh!
c. Wh€o! sLrd lislr is snotrl, no lo*ing lighl it rc.6sary
d. 1fh6 to*ing ligtt i. showtr,no stdr ljghl 6 neKary

69. A hlg, which is towing od shoping d@ fo;{d ndlhad iiehts

itrdi@1ingrhat lnc lmeln ofthe rov is;

r. G**!+r lla! 20r,meren

h I-.s the 2OOdet6'
c. The lug ir sater dE! 50 n€rds in l€ngIh
d- .I1Erugisl6srhar 50metqsi4l@eo

?q. lvlae ar8hils !*,.1 :!4 a v6*l batg !s!..! e!e!l e ngj.I: $Ds'€d r e
onEjsiie 6L tney shal elnibit the me lighls ed rby slqE a;

4 Vs*l n6t @d€r.lrmed.

b. Aly otb.r lua md tov.
c A poEer drtE! raer
d- A ie$l Blicled E hqrbility lo M@E
? L A rescl ls fim 50 neic6 tu leng{htowing bv lushing ahad sntt exhibit two wbie
il @slhdtl lielts in a vcdic.l tine, sidelightr dd sten fi8nr2

72-A v€sel t&ing to*en .bngsidc sb3ll c*ib'q
fi a. A nalt:4d lisli, llds!!i! ls 4ndsten lici!.
€l b. on96e$er' light
H c- olD allrcdd wlite lidt.
d. Sideiignl5dn s(.m lkhL
H 73-A lowingyesel l0 ootd it l6elh is plshing abmgcaheadHov na whnelighb is
Eqd.ed to slow ee ioYits vssei at ntghl?

s ?4. A !-$el o. lbje.t'Dinig n)ved ai nigb siFii iihibiq

a FoR:rJ sd ali F*:lud ljEits.

El b. Sid.lignb and ttem lighls.
c. L ilshi.s t!!!cs lsnr
d A wnite altjound liqlt
g 75. \4trch statomsf is Ee vh@ you @ tovitg noF dlm dc targe atem at Dight?

ffi a. Orly md.ed bars6 nut bc lighbd

H r]. Otrly lhc flsl &d lasl loJge i! ln€ tov nL{ be ligbril
c. Drcrr brge in oe tor m$t ri€ fight€d.
H d ODly de lsr bdC&oftne rov est hc lthted

bcins iowed sba,ldntuit , mslbdd

76. Wlq a v6set is lowinBalotrggidetlc v*l
H tiEiq sideli8lrs at its toNdd dd dl a ehite $eh lighrl

H stellqhibi
77 wien a var*l is bwing alongsideth. ves!n ing onlv sintfiEnts
E a r r B l o Md q d ? '.vdi


?8-A vcsii begg pLqh.d.had lot hcingA{, a{lam!6irc nniqsh,lr exlihtt oal}
ii sidclisbls3,1tlc fofrad end?

7t. ftich of Ae ioilowineis sei ro siio{ tn€pffi€ of a partlysnse.ged objd berne

a A sorcUieir Cw t\c lowiDgv*di in dirclion of 0E tow.
!l Fbi rl ;eri ":* ! b ! ' d o - in iu - L Jo i, ju r .
b . lr !11.",,.1
c. A dimdd shapeon drctow€dobj€t

u 80, Vns bwirs st n a pddy sublndgqt obj@l if is !6s 6d 25 nel6 jn b@ih, it shall
nu})il .p rlr+rrd wl.i. riora d s a? lle to upJ e._rddn \rH- ts+ ' r .J

8l. whedtowingastm apadrysuhasgedobj*t oi 25Felcrsor n@ in br.rr$, i! s!al]

exntbit one all rolnd wh'c light at or n{ th€ IoNard end sd ;01t€r lihire liciri at or
nd thc afts dd md two additidal .lLtound ybil! lighrs at d lra the errrmi{ic cf

82. A sailins v€ssc!ud@ay shall cxnjli!

a- olr {!e p.rr sidc r rsi sideligl'r

6. On rle sra$ord sidea gH sideljgk.
c- On lhc s!.m a wltit stcd lighr.
il. ?\I ofrbed{ve

lol lltowcd to 3hos th. su{let red oyr gr€D !i€!B € lhe E:sl
il itl

u e rls tid:lisle aL4 slm !+L! sa r€=-S*

b. Shck sbovinsa ih I'et

oE br!&- a.d 5hrf, * ti:

c. tld siticliglb m c@bined and sho$ on drc fore &d ,i @ntrelin€of$e vsl.
fi .l Shcis showins sideli8bls.

il- *'ri.e Mybc Dqtrned
,r rs *r.
1@ "**l
b. Sepaotcsidelightsard stm lishts-
a sid€l,Sh.slero Lgi! aid a red licld on . sd ljsh nn flr ru:l
dd stm liShgbtrtttet ri{y beii i mnbincd |tnto tr on .h. m'L
d. Sideligbt3

fi 8t A q{aa vascl uo4e \lrv oav bl,o displnvaUro!.JgGn Ncr El lighl in a veniul
line in @nlt.don Mtn l|$

$l 86. Ror boaurnrst showi

F! ;
A T,+*eh}tr ir {s+ pr:,etslilJ.*,
8? Two all rchd rcd lisl J disPhycdin a Yedi..l line aE shoen b).

b. Tue c l4Bboarruslthgt b,

. v* rl bns bv ed
d. VNd trot uiter MDMd.

88-A v*el lot Dds comd udcMt naking waytt .igtt, slall exnihn;

awo allrcud rdiiE lislts in a vedmt lin€,sidelighlsdd stem[gbl.

T{o allmDd r€dtgbB in i vqi@l line
Two .rl.brnd r€d liehts i! a Yertic.r tuq sidct:shrs,Dd slem llght.
nrdtror ligiis tud ladeltion ligbis-

c. s.ils md [email protected].


90 Al .iglq a vsel slall indiete tl'at shei! rslri.t€d in her dtriiib/to mm@ure by
sblEi4Eia a v€.ti.zli !4e;

2 ed lients:nd nlo vlitc liglts

r red !+G F$ 4 F!iIP El'l io hrJrcer-

fi 2 wh k hgbrsvirb a rudlbhrin b.rwar

H hrT!. rl;mnna .!ry i hl*L bqrr.;!{, hlrl ninlv-l!

H btackdianond oft! a biack@trc

bhk brlt over r hl,.L dirsoL4 o!.r s hl2.!! !*l!.
512ckinneddr .Me or;e;i hbcrr hall
g 02 A rsel cFcred i!he.bility b mmrrft \U. h is artud'to..ha! edxb( d niehl
$,b'chof rbefollc ine lishts?
ti a l\nchor iignb ai side iign6.
b. Thru rrl-mmd whit€ lighls in a vcrlical lim ondecho. lishts.
c. Anchori'ehis otrly.
d. Ahtce aJ-mdd Ed thiter€d lights h a verdst line.

93. If a towins vssel md hr tor e wrcly resticr.d in their ability ro ddiare 600
d(i, off. d..j' tuar st-r:iJin-*l l:;hi in;.iJrin b *rir L;:rs idefri6caio,,
lights.Tb* a(Hiriml ligha a€y be.(h'b,roj rfrhetofr is,

!. $sn!d a!a!

e. Noneoflhe above.

94. \ttile od sldiio, rL *od! tie Dill Bo.t Tlor shall €xhih .hEe lisLs ib a vdtiel line,
whert they cd b6r be ss. fte Liehcst tud 10*6r ofdrde Iienrs shnl, be r€d ed rbc
middlel:cblsnrlI be trbb?

it F;;;

95. W'ile on sla{on ar vork, th€ Dritt Boat Thor shtU shibit ti@ dav s6aFesin a v€rtic'l
ij j 1ile, Nhdc lhcy €n lst be s€er The highst 4d lowest ofth* slEps slau be
didolds tnd *E middle sbaDcsiEll be a bal,?

Il no ** *,,0*$e ndouo h,stb ror' oo*erdnvmr't*l iFordr6erhibirso

dchor lishls?

L.i a. lolars
q sosklm
t:'| d 20 mc16

6! q / Ar 0 Ahra vsel igrchd Is' l!:. 50 6ac6 m lengrhsnallPxlibit No all_rcud Ed

S l,g!E r 5 verlicallineod & rll bsd frhik |ghrwhr ir m bdbesem?

8t rlE

6il 98. Al iiclt a \6d aglld sh.[ ex]ibit t{o 3U_oundrcd iighrsvcrtisllv in linc dd the
'!if reqniredaclq ligbt or lidrs tor herbtal tizoT

Fl rFl.

!l e9. Who sc,rrui s vdel oirN rm z0 mffi idg,j1 shair b'" ftquiEd @.xiultr
fl lishts d shrp6 for s vBiel tstuod l

F.i True
19 nnr'"



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