Img - 0024 Esas Past Board Exam MRC 4
Img - 0024 Esas Past Board Exam MRC 4
Img - 0024 Esas Past Board Exam MRC 4
,'THE €S'rAEilSltEB LSA$fiR tH H.H. ffiffiVXHSt"
SungHy..*rnugry 39.2014 ' ?:00 E,m._:g:gtp.rn.
3I. trlCtr*tisPE[,tCinEFlRAs{*n*for? I
A" Phl$ppin* Elecktc'ity Marlet Cornmimion
B. Fhlllpptna Elonfitcity Msrkst tomBany
Q. Phllipplne Elestricity Markrt Commlttes
@rninli*ne Electridt! Market Corporatlon
32. A rclnforced canercte column ?50 mm in dlamuter b deeigned ta e*ny an *xisl compnasehrs losd of
400 d{. Uelng dlorvable $tr6$$ss far mncrets of fi MPa *nd fur slsel of f}0 MPa, find ltre requlrud
sr€a of s$es$e$ of rcinforcftu steel. Assuma Ec = 14 GFa and Es * ISS GPa.
A. 1??S
Stee3 sq.ffim
C. 183€ sq. mm.
D. 1448 se. Brrr;
37" A square sts#l fi'er fs E in on e side and 10 in tong. lt Is laad*d by an m*El ten$le fsrce of {0.000 Ib. lf
,E !. ctunge of volums por unlt volumE.
AO x 10aS psl and p =0.3, daterminr the
@0.000133 E. 0.80ras c. 0.w12e I). o.mraa
0$. A mr rnoving at 3t) m/s slows unlformly ts spssd of t0 m/e ln a time of 5.0 e. Detsnilhe ths dist*nss it
movss ln the third secsnd.
A10m B. 15m D.3O rn
3S. ln RA 7920, under tfte Pen*lty Glau*e, ThE line shail be:
A. natltgsthan PS0,O0O G. not la*s lhan P90,000
B. not lEee than P$0,000 P10,000
40. A sslld eube sf alumlnum is 8.00 cm oa eacfi edge. The <lerclfy of aluminum ls f,7$0 kglcu.m. Fhtd the
m*sc.ufths c*,rh+.
A 26.{ g @ar.e o C. S.4 s
41. Ca&xrlete ttre fofe du* to tho preaaura a$ing on the {-m dtsnfister harieoffal hatclt sf a suhnarlfiB
submersed 800 m belunr the surfece.
@deaxr0 BN E"4.6axI0^5t*t c..*.aBxi0&$&l D. 4,AS x 10*S N
4$. Determine the force nemssary to acceleratp 6 ms$s of *0 tbm, at a rats of S0 ft/q. sec trarticclly
A. g7.g c. 70.3lsf D.75.$ thf
hr Srz.a ur
4,4. ln thermdynamiw our attgJhn is fac*eed on wilich farm of erwrgry?
A Kin*ticenergy Stnternat eneruY C. Potsn$sl snergy D. Tstalanefsy
45. Energy ts add6d to a pleton-cyllnder arrangemenf o1d t|s Piston le withdrawrn ln such a wsy tha! thq
qGnIilV pV romains cinstant.'The lnisal prEsoura and volyme ar* 300 kPa and 2 eu' rn, retpoctlve$. lf
dre nneif pro*tiurs is lffi ltPe, calcrrlate ttre worh rtol*-by_thu g*s on the p!g[on, . .
A.,ti0 kJ g,4sa u c.18? k'l (g}a;? k,